THE DAILY CAPITAL JOUPwNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 21, 1919. PAGE FIVE. ; THE JOURNAL'S NEW TODAY f JOURNAL WANT AD DMTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING MEDIUM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THEM FOR RESETS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATES: Bate per word Sew Today: Cacb. insertioa . U - Se 17e One week (6 insertions) One month (2t insertions)- The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion, foi errors in Classified Advertisements Bead your 4vertieaent the first cay it appears and notify us immediately if error occurs. Minimum charge, 13c FIRST tla room and board close in. 495 N. Com! Phone 114tS. tf THE Miller, rooms and apartments. 633 Kerry St. " 1 20 WE make the best power prime dippers. Salem Mfg Co., 1396 N. Front St. tf BOOKS cleaned, painted, patched and tarred. Phone 0. C. Kays at 1048. 7 27 JAS. LYONS practical painter. Phone 704. tf FOR RHNT 16 room hous onable. Phono 173TW. W. BRAVER well driller. Thone 827J, 1165 N. 19tU St. Salem, Or. 8 8 FOB SALE iBuff bantam chickens; 1 heating stove; 1 extension table. 200 N. 15th. tf 40 ACRES of heavy timber land for sale or trade; will take good 5 pas senger auto. 2iK) N. 15th. tf FOR SALE Cheap, nearly new Kim ball organ and Edison phonograph. 451 6. 16th St. 7-22 WANTED 1000 suits to clean. C. Ezra Sparks, tailoring and cleaning, 1855 State St. Phone 508. 8-14 DEICORATO sanitary wall tint, best made; beautiful new colors. Barons Cora'l St. tf WALL PAPER 15 cents rer double roll upward. Burcn's Furniture Store. 179 Commercial. tf EOS SALE By owner, modern 5 room bungalow, built in china closet, book eases, desks; cement walks, full base moat. Phono 159SM. tf .WANTED To buy a small improved 'place, will pay 4 ,'1) '4 in city property. Address 124 N. Winter, Kalcm, Or. Phone 1085J. 7 21 LOST Sat. on streets, diamond ring. Phone 0P2. C. W. Pugh, reward. 7-21 WANTED To buy trained English set ter bird dog. Jim Pnttcrson, 221 Su perior St. Phone u77J. 719 FOR SALE A good Deering binder, seven foot cut with tongue trucks, 125. F. M. Cook. Turner, Rt. 2. 7-24 FOR BALK Nome fine shoats, It so sow and 8 pins. Call 87F24 Baxter 719 A NEW mandolin harp for sale, latest improvement will sell cheap if Ink soon. 128(1 State St. 7-24 FOR RENT Nice, clean furnished rooms close in. Phone 824W, 292 N. Church St. 7 24 MEN wanted fur lumber yard and plan ing mill. Pav 45 to 50 cents per hour. Apply Ed'sI'laco, 463 State St. 7-22 FOR SALE Thoroughbred New Zea land and Angora rabbits, cheap, 50c up. R. DuKette, Gervais, Or. 7-21 WILL pay up to $25 rent for modern 5 or 6 room house, walking distance, reliable tenant. Phone 913M. tf FURNISHED house wanted, 6 or, 7 room modern furnished house. Will lease for year. Call 2219. tf FOR SALE Ford worm drive truck, 1917 model, good condition; also al most new 1 ton Maxwell. Call at new Fohle bide:, Ferry St. tf INCREASE your worth, fine little 6 acre tract for sale few miles from Balem, house, barn, well, garden, straw berries, raspberries, and flower., 444 ear Journal. tf s)t We buy sad sell notes, mort- 0 gag and all kinds of bonds. t) HAWKTKB ft ROBERTS s) 114 Monie Building Balm, Oregon BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS K V' ' I I till r . ss WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL , il LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE Or ! THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DAT! f 4 m, t ' WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. HAWKINS 314 Mason Bldg. m FOUND Auto license. Get at Journal office by paving for this ad. 7-22 W. F. WRRiHT, Turner, auctioneer, Why not get'b,imt tf BARGAIN 120 acres, 85 cultivated, buildings, spring water, in prune belt, tot) acre; zOO acrea timber, 12, 000 cords, $40 acre, Boy Ohmart, iSa lem, Or. 7 22 HERE'S a snap. 1917 Maxwell perfect shape inside and out, owner leaving town, foTa. eve Watta Wood, new Pohle bid;;, Perry St. 7-23 FOR SALE Or trade a bli? draft horse ( all 1106 Ferry St. after 6 p. m, 7-22 FOR SALE Baled clover hay. Phone 70F32. tf FOUND Purso at band concert. Call 2C93M. 7-22 LOST iClnsa pin '19 numerals, initials R B ou back. Return to Journal. 7-2: BARGA1N-100 acre farm close to town fair improvements, $4200. F. L. Wood Iiavne bid.'. 7-22 FOR SALIC 7 room bungalow east Sa lem, block from car line, $2500, easy terms. F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 7 22 BAHG-AIN" Four room house, bearing fruit trees, on paved street, close in. iiM). F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 7 22 WANTED 50 loganberry pickers, 10 days good picking; 10 minutes walk from carlino at Salem Heights. B. Cunningham, Phone 21F2. 7 24 FOR RENT One large furnished housekeeping room and nice sleep ing rooms. Phone 1525. Call 255 Cen ter. 722 LOGANBERRY pickers on Orabenhorst tract 2 miles out on Jefferson Way. AVill pay 3c, 10 days picking. O. t. Moisan, 1480 Broadway. 7 23 TWO thousand dollars to loan on ap proved farm land eocurity, six per cent. Enquire Grant Corby, 14 Broy man bldg., Sulcm, Or. Phone 484. 721 FOR SALE Or will trade for good house and close in acreage. Twenty thousand capacity saw mill with timber and donkeys. Price twelve thousand dollars. Address Timber care Journal. . 7-22 WANTED By an up to date roof man your leaky tin, rubberoid, shinglo . midgTavel roofs to paint and repair. Now is the time to prepare for the rainy season. All work guaranteed. Examination and estimates free. For quick results address Frank Mavo, Oen. Del., Salem, Or. 7-23 FIVE room cottago for ealo, modern in every particular, also full cement basement. Inquire 1016' Shipping St. 7-22 LOGANBERRY pickers wanted; will take to and from yards; per II). good picking. Phono 373 after 7 p. m. tf WANTED To rent grain ranch of 150 to 2tH) ax'res with pasture and good buildings; will pay cash or shures. Write F E caro Journal. tf FOR SALE One bay horse 9 years old weight about 1MH lbs, pound and true. Inquire P. Arata, Rt. 9, box DOB. 723 WANTED Wood chopper, J2.50 up per eord, good camp gropnd. Enquire Blessing's cigar store, A. J. Ander son, tf FOR SALE 'Nine room house, large lot modern conveniences, double garage close in, on street car line and paveii street. O L care Journal. tf POLK county farms all size from fi to 6(0 acrest improved and unimprov ed, reasonable in prices, finest of prune land, berry land, river bottom hop land, dairy and stock farms. J. W. Mason, Monmouth, and Inde pendence. 7 21 CENSUS clerks; (men, women). 4000 needed. $92 month. Age. 18 upward. Experience unnecessary. For free par ticulars of examinations, write J. Ijeonard (former government examin er) 13S2 Equitable Bldg, Washing ton. 7-22 FARMERS ATTENTION We handle the old reliable Page fence direct from factory in ear load lots; Per fection Automatic Oates Milwaukee air pressure waU-r systems, fresh wa ter direct from spring or well. L. J. l)avenport, T. D. Allen, Silverton Paae fenee men for Marion snr Clackamas counties. 8 1-' Hi mm & ROBERTS Salem, Ore 9 i r u . ' FOR RENT Sleeping rooms and furn ished apartments. Inquire 15a rv. Church. . 725 FOR SALE 16 oa. duck armv tent in good condition. Phone r.WJ. 7 23 I WANTED Logan pickers, 3 cents per box. W. L. Pray, Phone 112F3. 724 EXPERIENCE male and female sales people wanted at Shrunk ' old place. Call at once. 7-23 LOST A white crochet hand bag, eon- taming about f9 in silver. Please leave at Journal off'ee, reward. 7 21 WANTED Logan pickers, little and big, Monday, good pay; come on and get it. East 1) St., il. E. Otter. 7-22 WANTED At 435 X. Liberty St., a housekeeper, care for invalid lady. Easy situation for right party. 7-22 DRIVE wheel to binder put in wrong car at Purvine's Monday by mistake Will party please leave at Purvine Implement shop. "' 7 23 FOR SALE Three young 0. I. C brood sows, have pigs Aug. 13. $75 each. C. ihiller, 1 mile south MeXary Station. 7 26 LOST Sat. lady 's brown leather purse containing $5 in silver, near depot or 12th St. ear station. Return to Jour nal office. Reward. 7-22 3 CENTS and transportation furnished to about 10 pickers, no sloppy or dry , berries. Meet at Hush s bank tomor row ut 7 sharp. Call for Graham phone 51F22 after seven. 7-21 TO EXCHANGE 320 acres partly im proved land over in tho stock coun try of eastern Oregon, on daily mail route near railroad, for small tract improved or partly improved land in Willamette valley. For interview ad dress C. T. Jones, Salem, Or., Gen. Del. 7-24 A GOOD ONE Get busy or you lose. CO acres all good land, with farm buildings, fami ly orchard, 45 acres in cultivation, 15 acres good timber. One third crop goes for $0000, JloOO cash, remainder $JU0 per annum, at A percent interest. This is good loguu berry land and a splendid buy. BOJUO BUT UAVE MOBE We sold those two splendid bargains on 23d street. You let a good bargain get away from you. Wo have a new 5 room modern resi dence and two lots in iNortn Salem for $2500, $800 cash. That is a good buy. We have other houses for sale from $800 tup on very easy terms. JOHN H. SCOTT REALTY CO. 404 Hubbard bldg. OLESON'S AUTO EXCHANGE 349 N. COM. Y. M. C. A. BLOCK. USED CARS BOUGHT FOB CASH OR SOLD ON COMMISSION. 1918 Stndelmker $050 5 passenger, light Btudeboker four electric starter and lights $500 191-7 Saxon six $700 1914 Overland, ezy tcrmsj $150 1916 Ford, first class condition, $375 1915 Ovcrlund $500 We wreck autos for their pnits, this enables you to get old car parts at a bargain. Cash price psid for junk ears. 5 passenger Studebaker, $180. Wo sell oils, grease, old auto parts tires and accessories. PHONE 666 SEALED BEOS INVITED Concrete bids will be received by school district No. 24, Marion county, Oregon, ulr the ltiy i V I of concret sidewalks at the Lincoln, Grant c- t Highland schools. Plans and sp cations are now on file with th' i i for cxaminntion. Bids will be ' at the regular meeting, Au' . 1919. Tho right to reject o bills is reserved. A eertif i. 5 per ceut of the amor - .' must aieompany same " in pin-in envelope, T ' .a concrete walks," r ;t-. . , Jr., 371 State st ' i r ,-30 til; -.1. i ,w.dl Prai i .t i.ouse, t,am; .. -a ruad. Price . . all cultivated, .. .ted 5 miles from ' : cr acre. . ' cultivated, 5 acre of j. ood crop, small house. vi to car line, modern 7 ., I :e iil00. i - . to car line, good Iuium, . t. Price $.'5(M). sr... ' 1 acre prunes, 1 acre ! and barn. Price $2,- - modern bungwlow, cor I .- $181.0. s ft beanng Italian prnne er . i 'i t years old. Price $5."i0O. i of land, 120 acres culti- s timber, house and barn r acre. ' act located on the main acres of orcbsrd, mostly and barn, well, 4 miles . $5100. farm, 100 acres under culti te and barn, 9 miles from ! $1"0 per acre. nod. rn bunyalow located en et. Pfice 1RACENH0RST &' CO. 25i State sret 7 21 L It" M 1. IT it II -K!V AT Soldier Soa Cf Supreme Court Justice Turns termer Portland, Or., July 21. Lieutenant Alfred Bennett, son of Judge Alfred f. Bennett cf the" Oregon supreme court who arrived today from o versus, plans to engage in farming in eastern Oregon. Lieutenant Bennett enluted in the air service as a private. lie hue seen 20 months service in flying in La France. Two days before the uiuiistiec was signed he was sent to Foucaueoure, at the edge of the Argonne loresu has been flying a fast Spad fighting machine. Whole Family Killed In Auto Accident Near Boise Boise, Idaho, July 21. Five persons wero killed und a sixth so seriously in jured that recovery is doubtful when an interurban electric car crashed Into aa automobile at Waideman crossing light, four miles east of Nampa. The accident is suid to have wiped out the J. F. 1'tterly family. The dead are: Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Utterly, Nampa; Lila Utterly, 16; May Utterly, 12, and Mrs. Charles Shellabcrger, Napma, Ida ho. Charles D. Phelluberger, husband of Mrs. Shellr.berger, who was killed, was fatally injured. FRENCH LABOR LEADERS CALL OFF PENDING STRIKE Paris, July 19. French labor lenders udav officially called off the strike scheduled for July 21. Their action was taken after the chamber of deputies voted lack of confidence in M. Boret, food minister, which the lubor lies considered recognition of their protest against the high cost of living. Government ef forts of general amnesty and demobilisation also influenced their decision. William Harris has purchased from A. J. Ross his 300 acm wheat farm, four miles cast of Pilot Rock, for $13,- 000. REPRESOffATION OF (Continued from page one) a substitute for the miliums, naming and Hitchcock resolutions tho follow ing: "It is the judgment of the committoe that until the treaty is ratified, no pow er exists, either in the president or eon- gress ,to execute any provisions of tho proposed treaty, either provisionally or otherwise " Senator Fall, republican, gave notice that he will move tomorrow that all further discussion of tho president's ri quest be in open session. 1SC0 11 (Continued from page O'.c, Seattle Phone Wor Report For r.W Seattle, Wash., their internatiop promise settle with the coit. their mcst i "hello" ' i ers who by ! : com- fectod jey win .1 .mis, 90(1 .rical work ie ;i Si at tie 'i phono k Tele- ncn .lunn i, re o 'cluck Liits u'.orn- ng;;in? g"ip' tur ic -E OF OOVEIlVM BNT .1 i land office, Waihing- n. i Juno 27, I my, iotace is n that subject to tho conJi , . limitnti'ns of the act of . 101)1 (.'t!l Htat., 21K), and the .lions of the secretary of the in . of September 1.1, 1U17, tho tim on tho following lands will bo sold JK'ist 20, 1019, at 10 o'clock a. m at (Mililie auction nt the 1'nited States land office at Portland, Ur.igon, to the highest bidder at not less than the ap praised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subjit to the approval of of the secretary of the interior. The purchase priee, with an additionnl sum of one fifth of one per cent thereof, btiing commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, mfnpy to be returnod if sale is not approved, other-wi-to patent wiTl isoue for the timber whith miwt be removed within ten years. Bills will be received from citi zens of the United Mtes, associations of such eitiiens and Corporations or ganized under the laws of the Uuited States or any state, territory or dis trict thereof only. Up"B application of a qualified purchase, tho timber on any leal subdivimon will be offered sepa rately before being included in any of fer of a larger unit. T. 2 N-, R. 3 W., S.-C. 11, NW!4 8W4, rel fir 510 cedar 55 M., hW'i SW(4, red fir 740 M., none of the red fir or cedar to be sold for less than $1.50 p-r M. T. 9 8., R, I E., S.. S, NE14 NEVi, fir KitW M., hemlock 270 M., NW fiEVt fir SHO M., hemlock 130 M, 8E4 K K'A, fir 1770 M., hemlock 2.-,0 M., HVIVt SKV,, fir 2:190 M.. hemlock 'M M., NEVi XWW, fir 630 M hemlock 130 V. NW'i NW'5. fir 1700 M., NE', ME'-i, fir 1170 MV hemlock 120 M., NWVJ HKVt, fir 11-10 M., hnl..ek 5u M. HVt hE. fir 1100 M., hemlock SO M., 8WV4 8E', fir 790 M., NE'4 HW)4, fir Bf.'iO M., SVlYt- fir 2100 M. HE4 SW'4, fir 1050 M., 3Wi,4 8W'4, fir 12."0 M., none of the f ir to be sold fir le than 1..V) per M., and nine of the hemlock to be sold for lcs thsa 75 cent, per M. T. 9 9., B. 3 E.. fVc. Sr.. SW'i NWi,. red fir ) M., 8E NEW, r-'d Cr 350 M., 8WV, Tfi f t o"0 M t.or, of the rd rir to Tic soul rr less inn pr m. CI.AY TALLVAV. Coiii.rer. C- ... 1 . - . . g Dempsey Will i Retain Crown Long, Belief By H- C. Hamilton (United Press Staff Correspondent.) New York, July 21. Many an argu ment over the ability of Jack i)cn.psey has taken place since ho was first matched to meet Jess Willard for the world's title. Lots of experts could see that Dempsey was in for aa early ikh ing at the hands of the giant Jcs, and they failed to admit conversion to the side of the new champion after t he bat tle. Such men as Jack Skcllv, Jack Me- Auliffe and others of the old past in fight-affairs have declared there never was a fighter like IVmpwy nd that is the belief of the writer. I never saw John L. Sullivan, Jim Corbett or Bob I itasimrmuis Lght, hut the very iuvireiblity of Dempsey makes it quite improliablo that he mil have to surrender his title within ten years al ways providing, of course, that he takes proper care of himself. Many a championship has gone with the flowing bowl and (lie things that go with it. Rarely has thcro been a: champion strong enough to resist the! luxuries that are available to a man' with plenty of money. They ruined; John 1 Sullivan, Ad Wolgimt and manyj others, lhcy will ruin Dempsey unless lie pays attention to his condition at all times. I And thut is tho reason for confidence in Dempsey. Ho has always proven strong enough for any emergency. Doubtless ho will find himself able to carry himself through this huid fight gainst temptation, Jack McAuliffo declared after see ing the young tornado drop Willard tmio after time, while winning the championship, that he never had seen a puncher tho equal of Dempsey. He com pared him with Fitssiimnuns, and ad the old champions he loved so well, and (I'd not find the new chitmpion wanting. "lit hits like Sullivan and McGov- orn," said MeAuliffe. "Ho never will be beaten so long as he pays attention to his condition. Ho should bo cham pion ton. or twelve years and then re tire undefeated." Thcro ian 't a challenger worthy of the name for Dempsey right now. There is Willie Median in a found-round go, but Dempsey would mr.ka minro-mcat of that chnp. Joe Beckett is little known on this side, but It is doubtful of ho would have a chance. Billy Miske prac tically admits ho doesn't care to battle for a championship held by Dempsey. It is quito probable Beckett will have a chance with tho champion, for be is picked to defeat Carpenticr,-and thus arouse interest in a title combat. Chamberlain A F '. s-f'' .- - t '-wJ ..J .i-'vl; ! .,-hn.,;!oU. .. ilv. -.. a ;,, t.t , nr.- t., (t. .i'-.". .,! -s aMntr, """' .-. Ooen eourt mar- . .. ; restoring all forfeited pay I'd anees, was introduced today i. tor (Jhamberluin, Oregon. Court I r A involvingt'harges recognized ss jious in elvil law am emiected. ENGLISH TEACHERS WANTED .. Prague, Czechn Slovak in. (By Mnlt.) Touchers of English sro wanted in i'raguo and wanted badly, ion can't get an EiglUh lesiion ut nny price in Prague, unless you wero 0110 of tlc first to decide you wnntid to learn Kngl'mli und nigned up ahead of time. A wave of learning English lias Hwcpt irver Bohemia. Everybody wants to do it, or clso learn "American," a the laiigungo is often culled, thanks to l'rehidi'iit Wilson. Formerly tho Czocho-Klovuks had to learn (icrmnn as tho official laiiguugo. Now everyone wants to know English. HOGS REACH $22o0 Portland, Or., July 21. Hogs estab lished todays) new high record here of $22.50 despite the fact that the beat wave would naturally decrease the de mand for pork products. The next fig uro is one fourth above any previous mark. BELA KUN FLEES Beido, July 21. The Eurftpa Press announced tod ly that Bele Kun, depos ed Hungarian soviet dictator, had fled from BuilupeHl to Vienna. Inviwtigution of expenditures of tho war de.wrtment has bivn resumed by tho special committee conducting tho inquiry. Pr. Morris E. Dailey, for IS years president of the state normal stb.Kd at Han Jose, Cat., wni found dead in bed Hat onlay at his summer home in Pa rifie Grove. He'iry Hopkins has been appr:nteii postmaster at Cunyonville, liouglas cou"tv. to succeed Brady F. Birrott, resigned. 9 S n f. rV OA far Dm BUTTER, Cream, Cjjs, Lire POULTRY. trfll far Prof lit liil y 1 rn MR7l3. ORL Eiiim Bathing Accessories This warm weather calls for cooling recreation, abundance. Get the full enjoyment of your swim from one of Meyers qual ity bathing suits. and V '' -y (7 ' i I "KAMP-IT UUXBACK" SERVICEABLE CLOTHING FOR LIFE IN THE OPEN. The two leading lines of OUTING APPAREL FOR 'KM1P KUMFORT" You miss the real pleasure of AUTO TOURING Unless you dress in these serviceable and comfortable garments. (See I:!v U'.;Vk,- i,ui S nM " 'r t ln M ' ' JLi JlOOCDlGOODS She was a little jeal ous of his young and pretty stepmother One night he telephon ed that he had to re main at his studio all night The same night his step - mother's motor broke down in a storm and she was unable to get home The next morning they found the young husband and his step mother in his studio and she was in negligee. SEE BESSIE BARRISCALE in JOSSEYN'S WIFE By Kathleen Norris A screen adaptation of One of the year's best Sellers BLIGH THEATRE Starting Tomorrow t Have You a House to Wire ? ? Our estimated on housewiring and electric supplies J are based ni the cost of the best material ana ex ncrt craftFtnanshiD. Estimates on house wiring promptly furnished. Latest in fixtures and designs. I ELECTRIC FIXTURE & SUPPLY CO. 222 N. Liberty Street il w i . YAM N Men, women and chil- t dren will find the style, color and fit t priced reasonably in t this department. i; ; L'tiifcr At .1 ' imi - Military Restores Order la English Tcvu; Riels Of Luton, Eng., July 21. Military forces , have restored order here, after rioting Halunliiy night, which culminated in burning the town hall. ; Trouble begin when demobilized sol j.liers protested during tho local peace parade, aguiimt the mayor's refusal to , erant the ue of the p.iblie. park tur n j meeting In which oimions grievimcen I were to be discussed. The dcmQctra- tors binned the town hall and wrecked Ueveuil sliojis. ilnny permins woie in l.jureiL Thn military Mm culled out and 10 Mured order. I j Luton, the seat of the straw plaiting i industry in England, is about 30 miles mrthwest of Loudon. It lias a popula tion of 411,000. BOCHE FORTUfXS (Continued from pag . sinned within a few dnys. ing nf other rcs'irts ou ac . ,. war. It is now necessary to cotton .ipecinl permits to enter the country or plo&suro or busi ess nnrxises. (SORENESS Joints or mus .'. m m N cles, give a brisk maasags with VICKS VAPGMIB YOUR e00Y6UAROM-50'.v0Vl.2O ? ? Salem, Oregon. I - eral Land Office. 8 10