Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 19, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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(FOR RUNT 4 room house f jily fu?
uhed 7 per Booth. Pious It'
7i9 nun in ltnuuiuu ; r 1 if
FOR EEXT Sleeping rooms and
ished apartmeurv Inquire
b T ;
3.11 U iu 1
Bate per word New Today:
sch insertion ,
. U
- Se
On week ( insertions)
One month (26 insertions).
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion,
foi errors in Classified Advertisements
Bead your ndvertif-ea'cnt the tirst day
it appears and notify us immediately if
rror occurs.
Minimum charge, 15c
riRST class room ami knard close in.
495 N. Ooml Phone 1146. tf
liOST Sat. on streets, downtown, ring
Phone 5T2, C. W. Pugh, reward. 7-19
THE Miller, rooms and apartments. 633
ferry St. 7 20
TVE make tho best power prone dippers.
Salem Mfg Co., 1390 N. Front St. If
BOOFS cleaned, painted, patched and
tarred. Phone C. C. Kays at 164S. 7 27
JAS. LIONS practical painter. Phone
704. - tf
WANTED Late model Ford body
tourina or roadster. Phone 510. 7-19
FOB RENT 1G room house, very reas
onable. Phone 1737W. tf
FOB SALE Good team, call 5SF4.
"W. BEAVER well driller. Phone 827J,
1105 N. 19tU St. Salem, Or. 8-8
JTOrSBKEFiPcr wanted, cook for four.
Call 3F4. 7-19
GIRLS wanted at the Glova factory,
1455 Oak street, for steady work.
WANTED Man to help haul in hay
$4 per day and board. A. L. Mullen,
Monmouth, Or. 7-19
FOB SiAIiE Peaches 75c ciato, two
miles from town. Phono from 11 to
2 o'clock 61F13. 7 23
FOB SALE dluff bantam chickens; 1
heating stove; 1 extension table. 200
ii. 15th. tf
40 ACRES of heavy timber land for
sale or trade; will take good 5 pas
senger auto. 200 N. 15th. tf
FOB SALE Cheap, nearly new Kim
ball organ and Edison phonograph
451 S. 10th Bt. 722
WANTED 1000 suit to clean. C.
Kara Sparks, tailoring and cleaning,
1855 mate St. Phone 5U8. 8-14
FOB SALE Young team, 8 and 8
years old, weight 1200. Phone Jits1,
LARGE 9 room house and 5 lots for
sale, or will rent, at 553 S. 19tn
Bee owner, 211 N. High. 7 19
MEN wanted at Tile works near fair
grounds. Salem Tile & Mercantile
Co. tf
DEICORATO sanitary wall tint, best
made; beautiful new colors. Burens
Ccra'l St. tf
WALL PAPER 13 cents per double nil
upward. Buren's Furniture Store.
179 Commercial. tf
FOB SALE T!y owner, modern 5 room
bungalow, built in china closet, book
eases, desks; cement walks, full base
mont. Phono li'JsM. tf
WANTED To buy a small improved
place, will pay Vj cash, 'ij in city
property. Address 12iil N.
V inter,
7 21
Salem, Or. Phone 10S5J.
DESIRABLE position open for intelli
gent woman, salary guarartee "i00
for first six months. Address J 10
care Journal. . 710
FOR SALE Ford worm drive truck,
1917 model, good condition; also al
most new 1 ton Maxwell. Call at now
Pohle bids:, Ferry St. ' tf
INCREASE your worth, fine little 8
acre tract for sale few miles froth
6alem, house, burn, well, garden, straw
V ' T"'
berries, raspberries and flowc, 444,
"re Journul- tf
We buy ard sell notes, mort
gages and aM kinds of bond.i.
314 Mfvriie Building
, Salem, Oregon
wv T n a v MiUT.Y FDH
Fl'ifNESHED 5 room bungalow for
rent. Phone 750K mornings. 7-21
LOST Sat. on streets, diamond ring.
lhone 5F2. C. V. Pugh, reward. 7 21
SMALL car live passenger o trade for
motorcycle. Call 264 State. 7 19
FOB SALE One $75 office desk at a
bargain. 1855 State 8t. C. E. Sparks
7 19
WANTED A Benicia Hancock double
disc plow. Davis Bees, Salem, Kt.
4. 7-19
WANTF.D To buy trained English set
tor bird doff. Jim Patterson, 221 Su
perior St. Phone G77J. 7-19
FOB SALE A good Doering binder,
seven foot cut with tongue trucks,
125. F. M. Cook. Turner, Kt. 2. 7 21
r)K SALb ixime fine shoats, also
sow and 8 pigs. Call 87F24 Baxter.
7 19
A NEW mandolin harp for sale, latest
improvement will sell cheap if taken
soon. 12S0 State St. 7 24
FOK RENT Xioe, clean furnished
rooms closo in. Phono 824W, 292 N
Church St. 7 24
MEX wanted for lumber yard and plan
nig null. Pay 4j to 50 cents per hour.
Apply fcd a Place, 463 Stat St. 7 2
FOB SALE Thoroughbred New Zea
land and Angora rabbits, cheap, GOc
up. R. Duliette, Gervais, Or, 7-21
WILL piiy up to $25 rent for modern
a or 6 room house, walking distance,
reliable tenant. Phone 943M. tf
FOB SA'LE 500 cords of body fir
wood. Baker, 615 Ferry St. Phone
lSlXiVV. 7-19
FURNISHED house wanted, 6 or 7
room modern furnished house. Will
lease for year. Call 2219. tf
LOG A'NIBER R Y pickers wantod, 3 14c
per mox, closo in, cialem Heights. M.
F. .Woodward, Kt. 3, box 111. Phone
112F4. 7 24
LOGANBERRY pickers wanted; will
, take to and from yards; 2c per lb.
good picking. Phono 373 after 7 p.
m. tf
WAXTED To rent grain ranch of 150
bo 200 acres with pasture and good
buildings; will pay cash or shares.
Write F E care Journal. tf
FOR SALE One bay horse years old
weight about 1G00 lbs, sound and
true. Inquire P. Arata, Bt. 9, box
90B. 7-23
FI'XE Chickering piano in good con
dition at a genuine bargain price.
Tho Wiley B. Allen Co, 519 Court
St. 7-19
GIRL wanted for general housework,
good wages. Phone 1496M or call 444
north 14th St, 7-19
WANTED Wood chopper, 2.50 up
per cord, good camp gropnd. Enquire
Blessing's cigar store, A. J. Ander
son. . tf
WANTED To rent, fi room modern
house with garage. Give particulars.
Theodore Muynnrd, 2019 Wetmore
ave., Everett, Wash. 7-19
PRUNE orchard for sale, 18 acres bear
ing prunes, full crop; 12 acres in
Roynl Annes, apples, pears and lo
ganberries. Price (16,000. fuil crop
with place. $10,000 cash, balance
terms. P O cure Journal. 7-19
TOR SALT-: All or part of 120 acres
one milo from Marion, good build-
lugs; would take geod house in Sa
lem as part pav. A fine duiry farm.
Wm. Hall, Marion, Or. 7-19
WANTED Loganberry pickers, 2c per
box; free transportation from end
of carline. Phono B2F3 evenings or
mornings. tf
FOR SALE 'Xine room house, large lot
modern conveniences, double garnge.
close in, on street car line and paved
street. G L care Journal. tf
POLK county farm all size, from fi
(() m . H Rnd min RV.
j ,d. reasonaUo in pries, finct of
ytronA ifind, hf-rrjr la"d, river rottrt-n
hop land, dairv and stock farms.
J. W. Mason, Monmouth and Inde
pendence. 7 21
CENSUS clerk, fmen. women). 4r00
needed. )92 month. Age, 13 upward.
Experience unnecewry. For free par
ticulars of examinations, writo J.
Leonard (former government examin
er) 132 Equitable Bldg, Wash'ne-
FOR SALE 8 laving ferns, large
fowls. 1237 Ccart. Phone 6:0. 7 19
FOR SALE Or trade a big draft hore
lau lioo .Ferry St. alter e p. m. i z.
FOR SALE Baled clover hay.
FOl'XD Purse at band concert.
LOST dsn pin '19 numerals, initials
K B on back. Return to Journal.
BAROtAlN-100 acre farm close to town
fair improvements, $-4200. F. L. Wood
Bayne iildg. 7-22
SEE Miss L. E. Goodhue at 231 S. 17th
St. for subscription to all magazines
rhone 741M.
FOR SAM; 7 room bungalow east Sa
lem, block from car line, 2500, easv
terms. F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 7 22
BARGAIN Four room house, bearing
fruit trees, on paved street, close in.
ol0. F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 7 22
FOR SALE Guernsey cow 4Vj years
old, 40 pounds of milk, test 6.02,
fresh. Thone 80F11. 7-22
WANTED 50 loganberry pickers, 10
days good picking: 10 minutes walk
from Varliiic at Salem Heights. B.
l.nniiinghnm, Phono 21F2. ' 7 21
IF you are looking for a car don't
miss this, 5 passenjor Xo. 1 condi
tion, lato 1917 model, going at "0.
L-17 earn. Journal. 7 19
5 PASSENGER ear, liuht four, fine
rnmiition, to trade for city proper
ty or acreage. Write 34 care Journ
al 719
FOR R EXT One large. furnished
housckoeiping room and nice sleep
ing room's. Thone 1521 Call 255 Cen
ter. 722
WAXTED Loganberry pickers, will
pay 2H cents a box for balance of
pickings to 2 picker. Shack, stove
and one bed furnished. Phone Marion
hotel. ' . 719
RAXCH WAXTED Wanted to hear
from owner of good ranch for sale.
State cash price, full particulars. D.
F. Bush, Minneapolis Minn.
FOR 8ALE Small houw, bam, two or
five bs lots, different kinds bearing
fruit; block to car good location; a
bargain if tnken soon. Owner 1726
N. Hummer St. T-19
LOGANBERRY pickers on Grabenhorst
tract Z miles out on Jefferson Way.
Will pay 3c, 10 days picking. O. T.
Moisnn, 14S0 Broadway. 7-23
TWO thousand dollars to loan on ap
proved farm land security, six per
cent. Enquire Grant Cotby, 14 Brey
man bldg., Salem, Or. Phone 484.
day mnrnin? nt the corner of Front
and Ferry St. concrete form work,
we will pay the Salem scale. Erixon
ft Jones. 719
WAXTED Lady assistant bookkeep
er. Address in own handwriting stat
ing age, expcriciieo and references.
Valley Motor company, 200 High St.
FOB SALE Or will trndo for good
house and close in acreage. Twenty
thousand enpacitv saw mill with
timber and donkevs. Trice twelve i'"'rr h-ycr ""1 prunes, Z acres oilier
thousand dolhirs. "Address Timber ifr'iit. large hoiiw and hum, at school;
euro Jouninl. 7-l!'.'i01a miles from Salem. Price 7o(j(l. See
7 rooms, plastered, extra large lot,
cement walk, liar. I surfaced street, on
a Hood comer; the lot i worth more
Inua piu-.c Uhkid; JH'ilKI-, close in on S,
Commercial .St. John II
Scott Realty
Co., 4'4 Hubbard bld.
gjjAp g ACRES tions and liinitatn-ns of the act of
5 .ere. close in, 2 acre. S-venr o!dJl"' . 19l(i "';' m) n1'1 t?ie
prunes; a good family orchard, aii instruetions of the sccrrtnry of the in
kinds of berries; good water. It, a real i,tor,,r of September 5, 1917, the tinv
snap; fair improvements; 2:ilMl. John !1'" 0,1 xhn fl ;r.v,ng lands will be. sold
H. Scott Realty Co., 405 Hubbard bldg A",2,'.',t S0 0t ? f ''k f' ", at
public nii'tion nt the United htntcs
FARM Kits ATTKXTIOX We handle i'1""1 I'"r"'""l. Oi.-gon, Jo the
the old reliable Page fence direct nin'! 1'"'ll'r at "ot 1' ,h-;n
from factory in car 1-ad lots; Per- value as shown ny this no
fection Automatic, dates Milwaukee I1"1'0 subject to tho npproval of
air pns sure water svstem,, fresh wa !of 1,0 "'?trr " the ".rior' , Ue
i,.. h:,,. f.,., ... .,.ii r i purchase once, with an additional sum
lo,.n. -r i i"n., n:i.'...''
r. - ' ' . v.
i a.'c icnce men lor .Marion rinn
Clackamas counties. 8 )s
TV I'Ynnvcp ton .. , :,
'." I- 'V
t,r..'.(4 Inn, I rtl-i, In 4l.n a4...l
..,.. ,t.,. a i ,.i,
rout,, msr railroad, for small tract of the United Htntcs, associations
improved or pnrtlv improved land intof l,,l7'"1 evT'. 'T-.
Wiilamefte rWr. For interview ad- ! rn"-"d "'I,'r of ,he ''""
dres, C. T. Jones, Salem, Or., Cen. r any state territory or d,s
,. ' j .itrirt thereof only, l.pen application of
' ja qualified purchase, the 4iirthe,r on ary
349 N. COM.
T. M. C. A. BLOCK ;
.-or. .na r.s.r.r..,.. , ....... 11. X V U W4. red fir 510 M..
"iri-l Il-iril VAIM
19! q ri'udebaker !)."0
5 passenger Warren-Detroit, Conti
nental motor 225
1911 Chevrolet sedan, fine condi
tion SO'l
5 passenger, I'ht Ptud'-bnker four
eli-ciric s'S'tfr nnd light. J.V.'O
1017 .'"axon t'x 7'K5
5 Pa-"S'nger Maxwell, will make
c.d luij ci,,-ap.
19)4 Overland, ery t'-rms. tinO
1916 Ford, first elasa condition, 375
1913 Ove.land ."9
We wreck au'o. fit their parts, tb
enable, yon to get old car p.':rt. nt
a lirgain. Ca-h price p-id for jifk
fl vnoM-rger Rt'id aker, flM.
Wo ."'1 oils, greese, oil auto part
f irs sr.d hp:,r U-n
"l, cn-ao, grerauir to warns
houke.Hwng. BUxa0,,Muiew St i
Oregon 4. ay, Or. ,19
WAA'TKD Logaa pickers, lUtie and
big, Mondav, good pay; come on ami
pit it. East D St, M.'E Otter. 7 23
WANTED At 435 N. Liberty St.,
housekeeper, care fof invalid lady.
Easy situation for right party. 7-22
FIVE room cottage for sale, modern in
every particular, aim full cement
basement. Inquire lOlo Shipping t.
WIDOW and maiden worth over $50,
009 anxious to marry honorable gentle-mem.
Write Mrs. Warn, 2216 Ml
Temple, Loa Angeles, Cal.
LOST Sat. lady's brown leather purse
containing 5 in silver, near depot fit
12th St. car station. Return to Jour
nal office. Reward. 7-22
MARRY IF LOXELY For results, try
me; best and most successful "Home
Maker;" hundreds, rich wish mar
riage soon; strictly confidential and
TeLitblo; years oif experience; de
scriptions free. "The Successful
Oub," Mrs. Ball, Box 556, Oakland,
Calif. .
. D. H. M081IEB
Conerete kids will be received by
school district No. 21, Mai ion county,
ui,i.,.a. thu 1 i'm,,.!,! ir,,t unit
Highland nehools. I'laus and specifi
cations are now on file wlih the clerk
for examination. (Bids will be opened,
at the regular niec'tiiig, August 12th,
1919. The right to reject any or all
bids is reserved. A certified check for
5 per eent of the amount of each bid
must accompany same. Address all bins
in plnm envelope, marked "Bids en
concrete wnlks," to W. H. Bnrghnrdt,
Jr., 371 State street, Salem, Oregon,
50 acres, all cleared, bet valley loam
35 acres in fall grain, 5 room house,
good barn, well, 4 Mi miles Salem, Only
7.31 acres, Wack gravol soil, creek
and well, 3' miles Salem. $1100.
30 acres dark sandy loam. cleared,
3 slashed; house with sleeping porch,
largo barn, garage, 1 mile Jefferson;
cash price f20O pet acre, or trade for
good acreage near Balem.
600 acre ranch, Vfa miles from mil
road town in Douglas county, on Pa
cific highway, electric line, milk route,
mail route, 150 acres cleared, 450 acres
tmsturo. well fenced: 6 room house, I
barns and granary, spring t hoiife,
family orchard. Stock and equipment
and some grain goes, owner to settle
with tenant. This is a bargain at $18,
000. The acil on, this place is good, no
40 acres cleared, 'best valley loam, 2
acres prunes, 2 ncrc other fruit; 8
room house, 2 ibarns, silo, well; 4 miles
(from I.n1d and Bush bank. Price $11,-
87 aeres, 12 miles from Lebanon, 3"i
a 'res cleared, 5 acres cut over ami
young timber, old house nnd burn, rail
fence, sprimr nnd well, $j'J(lfl.
40 acres cleared, red 'soil, Tolling; IS
for l'.i:T BUYS, 311 Stale
,llnlj,'r genetal land office, Wiishmg-
ton. I). !., June 27, lm. jNo'ice is
hereby given that subject to the cotuli-
of one fifth of one per cent, there
hnlntf eom in i Ms-dim nilowcd. must be
,.' ' : . . ' . .
deposited t time of sale, money to be
j returiie.l ir nie is not Bjrovcii, rjinrr-
isiw patent win iswub lor inc iimncr
iwiw patent will imu for th
.,l,:..l, !, ,cw,l-,1 within
years. Bids will bo received from citi
1 ,rIr ,",for,' el" "I"""1?. ,n'.
f,r of a larger unit. T. 2 N., H. 3 W.,
.- L,W U. - J M!. ..i
cciiar oo m., o ok',4, rcn iir
M.. none of the red fir or eedar to be
sold for le'S than 1.50 p,-r M. T. 9 H.,
B 9 K . S. WM WM. fir Ifl'i'i
M., hemlock 270 M- S" 'E'i fir' Tberri., h-iiwc ami l...t.i. Pr:-;0
S'O M., hemlock 150 M., rK'4 NKV,, 650. t'-'
fir 1770 M., hemlock 50 M., 8Wt j onl "' room modern in; 'g-.kr., .,r-'
NE'4, flf 2:i;l M.. hemlock '-'i'l M., ' ner lot. Price tlS-9. j
XE'i XWi;, ft : M., hem'ock 110! 10 sens of hearing Itr.'.n.. );:" r- I
M.XW14 X'vV'4. fir 17',0 M. XE"4 jcliard. fl aid 9 y.nrs old IV r
S I : ' ; . fir 1170 M.. hemlork 120 M, lS-l'.i 'rn of lend. I.I v - ' :ti
NWW HE',!, fir Ifi-.O M hemlock 50 vated, balance timb.r, h i .v.d la.-.t,'. -
l. K4 sE'i, fir llift Si., hemlock
n. liit-i'. Sl'ti t'r T'lfl I WM
sw'i,'.' fir 19-0 M., -NWi,i fs.V',, fir
2iWi M.. SK'.'i S'A'H, fir l(l -M.,
S'.VU 8WI1. fir 12."0 M.. noire of the
r:r , 1. for less than fl.,"0 n.-r M..
ard none of 'lie h-n leck to be so'.! for ' vs'ion, house and ba'o, 9 m:l.-
!cs thn 7o -nt. per M. T 9 S, B. 3 .H:,W Pr.cc l-i0 per
(; s-e. 2.".. K .V., Ml'!',, red .'ir V'U . mom mod- r.i bu- : alow locu
f iKU N'H'i. red fir 350 M., K'.V ..' i e ved i-trie'. price- J J' ,'i.
M'u r, ;,.ifi M rr.r of the re,
n i
Cincinnati Was Declared
.Violation Of Rules.
By H. C H&niUton
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
"New York, July 19. Controversy re
garding the actio! of the National
league board of directors in expunging
from the records game between Cin
cinnati and Pitt!tburgh has sprung with
all the old flame that use to burn in
National league raw rag chewing
Gary Hermann, who won the curtail
ed contest, doesn 't mind so much that
T lie game was ceuea a violation or inej,
National league rules, put ne does tnina
the Reds should have a chance to start
the thing where they left off when the)
quit to catch a train. Ho poiuts to au
ancient pastime between the Giants i.nd
Phillies which was forfeited oy lealous
umpire and later allowed to be ployed
out. ,
President Heydler probably will havq
nothing to do with such a claim, lie
relieved himself of a statement todnv
that doubtless is his latct woid. He
points out that the game in questio 1
clearly was a violation of league rules
by the club and not a questionable de
cision by au umpire.
The rare is so closo and tlio strength
of the Giants so uncertain (hat John
McGrr.w, vice president and manager of
the club, took up on his own siioulders
tho protest which ended with ordering
tho game declared no contfst.
PM1 Neer Wlnrer.
Or., July 19, Phil Neer
will represent the Pacific northwest Ik
tho national junior tennis cliiimpiouUiif
in Now York next mouth. Ho won thu
right by' defeating Juck Wright, Spo
kane, in five sots Into yesterduy. The
score was 7-5, 5-7, 2 6, 8 0, 6 4.
Neer was lator eliminated from tho
Oregon state tournament when Cutlin
Wolfurd beat him iu Rtruight beta.
Isadore Westerman, 13, took the boys
northwest chumpionship from Joe I.iv
engood, Seattle, 6 1, 5 7, 0 1, 6 3.
Mrs. J. C. dishing, Berkeley, Oil.,
will nice the hard hitting Miss iMuymo
McDonald of Seattle today for another
leg on the Wavercly County Club bowl,
She eliminated Miss Gertrudo iichrioner
ycBterduy, 6 1, 61. Miss Schreiner had
been going good u itil she met the wom
an from the bear stato.
Wolfard, who was champion of Stan
ford's tennis team a few yeurs back,
will battle Marshall Allen of beattlo for
the Oregon state championship late to
day. The dope is even,
Chinese Kid Wias. '
Sacramento, Cal., July 19. (Jeorgic
Lee, the fighting Chinese boy, retained
tho bantamweight title of this city last
night when he was given a decision
over Frnnklo Vicrra, another local lad.
Fa, is think they have a find in Gene
Cline of Mnrysville, who defeated Mike
Holuri Inst night. Cline showed fast
foot work and was quick with tho uiitts.
Kid Loo knocked out Johnny Dun in
thu fourth. Phil Jensen won over Willie
llu it. Young Frenchio nnd Bugs Full
er drew. Red Bresiiun drew with C.tsh
Travers. Joo Cavanulll defeated Joe
For TeuiiU Ciiikiipiou.
Uticc, N. Y., July 19,-Cliuiles 8
(iarland, Pittsburg, und Icliiya Ivuina-
ae, New York, wero to buttle oil too
courts of tho V uliuundMsis club here to
day J'or the New York slate leu. .is
cliaiupioiiHhip. flarland, former nation
al junior cliiiiiipion, eliminali'd i'rauk T.
Anders ii and t iai liidilie, a ,1 tiio Jap
anese star won from Kiid iieid ami
i.'iareiico J. (iriffin, tho Califoruiu star.
Johhiiy McCarthy Lost.
Era .cisco, Ju.y 111.---(Unit
Han Era .cisco, Ju.y lll.--(L nitml
PresH.),- Johnny MeCnrlliy lo.-t tne do
lesion r,l nrcaminn.i kimk iiim ingni
1'ia ii kio
iiuynie. ftic,i,anuy iouk iih1
tirst round and took evcrytning Uay..i" Apparently lives nre not in danger,
had fur the next tlireiw xi fires tire far buck in the lorci-tx,
Tommy Richards und Eddie Mnhene 'nttny frin ranches and C'ties nil hoiiijh
went to a draw. . jenc'fiie is burning liliout two miles
1 from Newport.
Wragtlor Ereaka Lcj. ' Every fire v. it limit eruption has
Battle Creek, Mich., Juiy 13. Ha mi Wn tinced to enreli-Hn-ss," Fl lit do,
Cramer of New Voik broke his ri-lit ligtfliired. "Every one could hi,ve been
just iil.ove the nokle. vilulo w re.-tii ' preven ! ,d. "
'l-',r,kv" (;r,lnr of Hclin-ctaov hole The fires nil the Priest river are still
i... itfi,i
last night.
J '
OH aero farm lo Rtcl , Iloiv, 11 Prai-
fin b,t,.. ru.i.witi .1. hoise. i,arn;i
iicalcd on main H.lverton road. Price
,!. .,01).
l,.t ac.r., f.iriii neiiilv nil fill I i vateil.
house an I bam, locimd S miles I'roin
Sulcm. Price ..',0 per acre. .
10 acre all cultivated, acres of
v .i it u urns, good crori, smul! house.
Prico i.'ijOO
a r , close to ear line, modern
...m t...n. I'ri.-n
-" t--
i 5 acres close to car line, d h;t
bam, weil. irui;. Pr.cc ..'...
fi acre trail, 1 acre '(.run's, 1 sere
'Price 9.' per acre.
17 a-re t. u-t 1 . at
hi . hwav, 10 s if r.c' a
priii'-s, ho'i" and barn,
II, 4 n
south. Price .!Wi.
I cere f.'i'Ui. l'"'l are. niid-r en
I on
r'f ii rnin n;;if'' tT P
Ladies' and
To clean up the remainder
of our stock of WOMEN'S
DRESSES, we shall place
them all on sale, without
i serve, at a
Think of It. Prices Going Up
But our prices are going down. It's time to buy,
even for next season.
Extra Special for Men
Dress Sailor Straw Hats 35c I
While thev last. We are going out of the Men's
Hat business -So here's your chance.
i Genuine Panamas $5.00
You Can Always Do Better At
11 " XICOO
(Continued from page one)
Seattle are the chief defender, of the
present rates.
Portland's contention i. that freight
rates into Columbia river port, should
be lower than rate, into Pugot Hound
porta because into the former freight
trains run down a water grade where
as into tho latter they must ran over
tho mountains.
If the t'olunvbia river ports are able
to gain a lower rale than that alolwcd
Puget 4'oiind, tho vast resource, of tho
Inland Empire (the Columbia River
Imsin) will be turned from the '.pres
ent millet chiefly float tie to tin Co
lumbia river ports.
To win. Portland must force a new
precedent iu lute making lliat would
ri'voiul loni.o rales inroiiKiioiii, too coimarc
trv. Rule, arc now made on a compete -
tWe liais as between cities, whereas
Vi rtlnud seeks to have them based on
the i'X'iiso of the haul.
Scuttle will 'be aided ill the fight
by the Northern l'ncit'ic, (ireitt Nor I ti
ern and ('. M. nnd XI. P. railroads,
which have their terminals nt Seattle.
(CtMitinmil from pa(? fin)
TI.Ij uu (rm wan! ImfnV frnlh Knri'vt
' WIM,r,
W's fi,mf, W),r1 .,mN, ,,y iri.
i!,.)li(.frt fri)11, n ,Hf ,loZ,. other poiuts
in irovi'iiiioeot mm stato lorcsis.
, . . ..n i i...,i M i..,,
iiuitiing, pra-i.iauj "ii "
thoii.iiml acres of cut over lurid mid
have I, con burned and the fir" ' ent
lil'ir into lilc'-n 1 1 lit to l lieloii.j :.
fedornl poVernmeiil.
H'g bln.e nroiind Blue,
Big und
''nribon creek
Priest river
list of l'riet lake, and
ttre still eat1!!;; sl"dilv
timber. There is a g:;?il.ti-
i ' hiou'Jl th
iffe, covering t lioiisaiuis er ac.ren, in
"the upper Priest river country near the
,'" terneiional bouiiiliiry.
I lrg blacs nre sweey.iig ll.r'.iii:h
l""'ir the lioomliiry or tne isunmsu ior
7l' - t. Another is iu the forest
l-i the K.-llnug dirii-t er- 4 have
been thrown on the lii-; Crock and
Nort'i Koik fires and have a good
elitime to hi Id them. For"1or liowc
i.,,nv. Tin se f ir s co r about five
d lie res.
rire Ate Sc-'e.t':.
. J ilv
:,l .
hi !
1 .-
').-- Kor'-t fires
r-s r the suite
.'"oroini; :T' rnoK'
led drv we'i'ber.
iv.- l t' -luf fro-,,
ti r at lo p'n
ping !l.-o,i,;!i the
t , r
(as sent iiri:er,t rn-
! rf
.f t rii'u r o1
ro to prev-M
s ai d to I'l,
rrntors ur;:
t fire S'C r 1
to I'." Ml'".
,!,S. M t I)
, V , ..- I,-.'.-I
,i.n k' V I' "
I i 1
I"."t .1-
I l.v ,
flr,-s ti.
.. friii
. 1 i
1 1 fit1
ii.- 1
.i 4
re -
Herman Creek Fire.
Portland, Ore. July 1 9. With u
northwest wind blowing, the Herman
Creek forest fire east of here is sweep
ing towards Wall turn lake.
This fire has now devastated 1406
acres of Oregon national fui-1. If nn
east, wind would return the town of
Cascade Locks would bo three tencd.
Live eiuder. were carried into the tow n
on such a vind several days ago.
An encampment cf boy scouts at
Wahtum lake may be forced to move.
Western And Southern
Pacific May Be Unmcrgcd
San Fiancisco, July 19. Intimation .
that the Western Pacific and Southern
'lit, coii.soliiluii.il us a war measure,
to bu uniiiiiued williiu till das
'created eonsiilerai le comment in rail-
roa I and shi-ppui;! rin-les today, 'llio
intimation wo mudo by Hale lloldcii,
il di lector of the railway admii.-
is! rat ion, hero from Chicago.
lb Idea (In lan d the merger wiw
merely a war muiMirc, arid as such
was siiecis-l'iil. Ho stated, however,
a!l!,o,i,!i II, e , on-.. lidalion will In
li'iiinnted, the Wi-tcra Pacific ami
S;min Pe will continue to use th'i
i-outherii Pacific's tlaklnnd pier.
Cleveland, Ohio. "duly l!l. l.ee Kohl,
resigned today lis malinger of the Cleve
In ml hiischull cluli and Tris Hiei.kei,
center iii lder, tins taken bis place, ni -in
dim;t'i an announcement iiy Presi-
hut Jim Dunn late today.
Fthl will remain wilh tin- club nt
liis oresent snlnry, Dunn snid.
lliimi si. id that a co'itrovers-y with
Terry Turner recently snd criticism i,t
'Uohl bv certain newspapers wai largely
responsible for the action.
"f did not rsport him to quit tlm
niunagerxhip a-id eerlSliily didn't want
till) til d'l Ml." lloi.O Sill' I.
Hun FraiicinMi. July 19. Keje.'Sii.i;
the recoiiiirieiidation tin t s"ttiemcnt of
I he 1'uiil'ie tel. ph. i. e sliike be lift t.i
iiiter'iationnl officers, the general striko
mmitte" lute today .ml the matter of
i It'emeiit el the s.riite up to t'.ie strik-
'Forget If-Esy At Home
4ri ri mPT !
r rrrp''
1838 L
( ,u I Itksn.
" I v. - r.t.-s,,rton 1 a"
I v - I l- 1 W
I I , VVwrjoa j
314 Mason Bldg.
Salem, Oregon
fr-t? V TI If CP Ur ",r. " '
m fir to be sold for b tl.sn 2 p r M.
. II. '
"in.-, t.' ! I "
7 21 c.'il a-e (rri!
tra ns, ft1?i'iut:'i
to brry ;-i -ltrs.
oner, C"
271 Kt.i'e. s'rci t
8 10'