Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 19, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Mr. Fane
Are you going to feed your horses and wait until winter before you can do your fall plowing or a re you going to sell your horses, sell practically your entire crops of hay and grain and buy a
Fordson, disc your ground as soon as possible, pi ow and have your seed bed ready for planting before the fall rains come. CONSIDER, with the present prices of hay and grain, can you afford
to farm with horses? You know they are limited in their capacity for work. They require extra help. With help scarce and wages high can ycu afford to be without a FORDSON? Our many
owners say it "CANT BE DONE". Ask any Fordson owner what it costs him to farm with a FORDSON and his figures will surprise you. One FORDSON will do the work of six horses. You
can work long days and when not working it costs you nothing! .
i s Up to You,
r. What Are You Going to
Last season many farmers delayed placing their orders, with the result
mat r vmuovjixo cuuiu
more severe than last season. It simply is up to you
early! ; .
I Don't Procrastinate Do It NOW
Power Farming
Has Come To Stay
Farm Implements
All built special for the FORDSON plows, Harrows,
Pulverizers, Discs, Power Pulleys, etc
(Continued from page one).
yards, wilt join in timo for tho canal
w.u.i.fr.fl Kit ttKtflrt a tattt lf bl
sped witu wnicn a nugo iicci can pass
With Admiral Rodman on the New
Mexico fire his staff officers:
Read Admiral Nathan A. Twining,
ehicf of staff; Captain George R. Vcn
shlo, fleet supply officer; Commander
John II. Idon, fleet surgeon; Command
er Bamuel H. Robinson, fleet engineer
officer; Lieutenant Commander James
II. Ingram, flag lieutenant; Command
er Roland Bruinnrd. fleet gunnery of
ficer; Lieutenant Commander Stewart
A. Marshan, fleet radio officer; Lien
fenant Commander Chauncey A. Lucas,
flag secretary; Commander Julius A.
Furor, fleet construction officer; Cap
tion Evans W. Scott, fleet chaplain, and
Major Harold Wirgman, fleet marine
Tho New Mexico is enmma'ded by
Captain Arthur L. Willard. Other cap
ital ships in the fleet with their torn
minders are:
Battleship Squadron One, Division On.
Commander: Vice Admiral Clarence
Williams, flagship .Virginia, Captain
William H. Stanley.
New Jorsev: Captain Waller Cher
's rdi.
Rhode Isla id: Captain Walter S.
Division Two.
Commander: Rear Admiral William
R. Shoemaker; flagship Georgia, Cap
tain Leigh C. Palmer.
Nebraska: Captain Percy M. Olm
stetd. Vermont: Captain Edward 8. Kel
logg. Battleship Squadron Four, DiriUon Six.
Commnndcr, Rear Admiral Robert E.
'Coonts, flagship, Wyoming; Captain
Harley H. Christy.
Arkansas: Captain Louis De fcitci
New York: Captain William V. Pratt.
Texas: Captain Frank Keofu'ld.
Division Sight.
(Commander unnamed,)- Flagship
New Mexico.
Arizona: Captain John H. Dayton.
Idaho: Captain Carl T. Vogclgcsang.
Mississippi: Captain William A. Mof
fet, ,
Cruiser Squadron Two.
(Commander unnamed.) Flagship Seattle.
All Day Sunday
e liver ws
nut ue nau at any price, ritseui vuuiuuviis aic
Flagship Seattle, Captain J. B. T.
Division Two.
Commander: Rear Admiral Spencer
8. Wood; flagship Chicago, Captain
Ernest Frederick.
Cleveland: Cuptain Frank L. Finney.
Denver: Captain Edward B. Fenncr.
'Tacoma: Captain Edward S. Jackson.
Marblehead: Captain William T. Tar
rant. Machias: Commander Frederick R.
Vicksbiirg: Lieutenant Commander
Charles D. Reordon.
Division Four.
(Commander unnamed.) Flagship Se
attle. Montana: Captain Ivan C. Wetton
Rail. North Carolina: Captain William D.
Pueblo: ' Captain Frank R. Uphum.
(Continued from Page Two.)
An automobile party consisting of
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Zi miner mini and
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hamilton left this
morning for Portland. They will be
joined by a group of Portland folk
and the entire party will motor to
(lovcrnment camp thin afternoon. To
morrow they will climb Mt. Hood, re
turning home Monday.
Halemitos wero grcerting Franklin
Miller Thursday, when he came from
Albanr to visit with friends, Mr. Mil
ler, who left with the lfi2d U. S. in
fantry has just returned from France.
The members of the nurse training
clas of the 8. '. cirdo of the First
M. E. church were entertained by Mrs.
John Todd on Wednesday evening, in
honor of Miss Mina Cook who so will
ingly gave the class instructions, com
prising fifteen leseons in home nurs
ing snd earo of the sic. After a writ'
tea examination 1ho class received
their certificates from the Red Cross.
As a token of remembrance from the
members of the clsss, Margaret and
Mary Todd presented Miss Cook- with
a beautiful fbral bouquet and a box
of dainty kerchiefs. The hostess serv
ed light refreshments.
"Love Watches"
to place your order
Truck and Tractor Department
Mrs. E. A. MeElvwin went to Port
land Thursday to meet her mother,
Mrs. Margaret Cottew or tiutcninson,
Kansas, who has come nest to spend
the summer at the McElvain residence
on South Liberty street.
Russell Brooks, who, through tho in
fluence of Senator MeNary, Has been
appointed vice consul, will leavo for
Kottordnm on the steamer Rotterdam
August first.
Recent visitors in Salem were Mr.
and Mrs. O. h. Price of Portland and
their two small daughters, who stop
ped for a brief visit with relatives
while en route to Crater Lake. They
I wero motoring to their destination and
plan on spending ineir entire summer
vacation there
Mrs. W. E. Thompson and daughter
Eddy have gone to Voitland for a few
days. It is poxsiblo thnt they will go on
to Man Francisco beforo returning to
Mrs. James Degge is entertaining as
her guest, Mrs. John Bast of Everett,
One of the merry picnic groups who
spent an enjoyable evening at Wpong's
landing last week, was composed of
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lerehen, Dr. and
Mrs. W. 11. Lytic, James Young and
Carl Gabrielson.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schmidt are enter
taining Miss Grace Ellsworth of Olym
' pia, Washington, at their home on
C'lu-mekqta street.
Mr. and Mrs. William Bell are spend-
iiiff a few davs at Seaside.
Mrs. Inez Denison Huttle,' who has
been visiting her mother, Mrs. E. E.
lenison in Snkm for the past few
days, motored to Portland with her hus
band today, where they will take pos
session of the beautiful ney home they
have recently purchased in Laiirelhurst
Judge and Mrs. A. S. Bennett are
guests at the Imperial hotel in Port
land. Miss Lena Belle Tartar sang with
dramatic fervor and splendiil interpre
tation the aria "One Fine Day" from
"Madame Butterfly" last Wednesday
evening at the Christian church. Miss
Tartar's voice is intense in color and
volume and rang out clearly above the
full power of the orirnn.
(0) j2 CO)
Farm Tractors
Mfs. William Hutcheson and daugh-,
ter, Ina, left for their home iu"S'ew
Hampshire Monday after a visit with
their son and brother, David Hutcheson :
Ml Ills flls
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Prunk and
their guest, Mrs. Jane Coodor of Witch
ita, Kansas, have returned from a two
weeks' outing at Newport.
Miss Edna Roberts and Harold Mob
...... ..i i. .w. . .... .. . 4 . .. ur
rus "iiu uo ui-eii Rural, ui 1110 " ()r,,u(m WK,
W. Moore home for the past several'. " '
ic. i ... qa.,im i narveHi.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glover
daughter, Maxine, and Mr. and
Ronald Clover will motor to Portland
this evening to spend the week end at
the C. P. (Tlover residence.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Armstrong and
Chltlrcn will leavo lor isortn Uena some
time next week to take up their per
mnncnt residence. They have just re
nnv wnub ... .!, . tl.11,. ...a.
turned from attending the Gladstono
(Oontinued from page cne)
"They mnv say we worked overtime
to get that money, well what was wo'
.doing, bu:ik futiguef
"A good many days we have put in
from 12 to 11 hours a day tramping In
mud with hip hots on, say nothing of j
sleeping on the wet ground and wire.
hn-iks with three blankets and cntingi
! corn willie, and slum three times a day. I
We didn't get paid overtime for this,
I it was all included in tho 1.10.
"Of course some exemption ought to
be made to this tax where families are
having a hard time to make ends meet. '
The soldier should not be counted in on'
the pxemntio'ns too. r.t least those that
served oversea. A bill to ruiso money
as a bonus for the soldiers would hit
the man that did not do his bit.
I "There hns been better than seventy
five thousand boys who gave all in the
war for democracy. They aro tho few
I who did the most and nothing now can
I be done to come up to their high plane.
Considerable can be done for t!in boys
, that have lost money by being in the
army for the past two years by taxing
tho ones who became rich thromih the
war. When we po home wo will get
the jobs the rest didn't want in many
cases. Now we are not a bunch of
knockers or a bunch thnt is kicking nt
everything, nil we WRnt is what is due
us and we arc willing to face whatever
"For the reasons that have been giv
en as well as others the bonus for the
js'ildier should be increased,"
Securing Right Of Way
; For Raiload Through Stayton
j (Capital Journal Special Service.
I .Stayton, Or., Julv 19. J. W. Foster,
of the Mylcr Construction eompany, and
M. Lynott, representative manager of
,the Portland k Southeastern railroad,
are busy with others in securing right
: of way for their road. This has been
! secured from Mt. Angel to this piece,
snd some has been secured between
Stayton and Mill City. The rond it is
stated will !e built through to Bend,
thence southeast into Nevada, where it
will connect with the Western Pacific,
I'.'iving an outlrt from Portia'. J to San
' francis'o. A lurge force of surveyors
i j t work on the er.st side of the mniin
; Inins .and also neor the summit of the
Cascade range. r
I Several fruin here attended the fu-
n ral of Captain Lewis Blcakney, who
di.d at his home in Aumsville Monday.
I H. was a veteran of the Civil War and
, served through the entire length of the
i conflict He was aged 11 jcari.
We Want Your Order
There is not one unsold FORDSON in Oregon. We are all sold out with
many orders for Fall Delivery. The factory is 19,000 orders behind, with
orders coming in at the rate of 1,000 per day. FORDSON output is but
500 per day. In less than 30 days we will be compelled to send in signed
orders and our allotment placed accordingly.
Street, Corner Front Street
Ralph Tato is at Condon for a short
Ur, Bni Mrg Korinek and M. and
Mrg, LewiSi of ivtlund, have closed a
two weeks' enmuine vacation at luvlor'""""? lnJ""'" P' "R
grove. Mrs. Korinek will remain with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander,
for a several davs visit
Tho T. W. Creech family have moved.
to Salem, where Mr. Creech is employ
ejl in a drug store.
Milford Allen has gonet o eastern
re ho will remain during
Ralph Urban and family aro home
from a trip to the Alsea country.
C. E. Brown has gone to Newport,
VJerc ho will be cniployed for some
i time. .
I Word from (lus Ekamnn slates thnt
(lie is working on t big eastern Oregon
ranch and enjoying himself.
A. F. Hchindler is suffering from a
'.,.. - , ir I t . .
dislocated ankle. He injured himself
while loading ties for the Murphy-Gardner
sawmill at West Htnyton.
Miss Nora Cavin Is visiting with Cor
vallis relatives.
Miss Juno Ker.rns left recently for
McMinnville, where she will bo em
ployed. Charles Smith, of Fotrlund, will have
; .f . -ti
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We Ask You to Call Us and Give Us
Your Order As Soon As Possible
Join the Army
Progressive Farmers
Money Maker
charge, of the Mack barbershop while
Forest and family take a vacation.'
Joseph Lilly, near Scio, hud b thumb
I''1"0 " ,h I-t'lny Olesler sawmill,
Leo Kleeker leaves soon for a visit
w,ln w'ai'vea at Seaside. He is con-
1()""nS takiuB P'tion as traveling
1 salesman.
Chicago. It looked like a bomb, it
was marked ','bomb" but Tony Nero
thought he'd make sure. It folt like
one, ho admitted. Three fiiiRurs gone.
ritt-biirgh. "Babe," a big negreas,
ilid' i 't mind the heat, but her umbrella
excited suspicion. The sleuth found
"snow" concealed in the rnlnstick.
New York. Finnish I. W. W. have
all figured Out how to overthrow the
government. Thev planned, according
to the I.usk committee to all get ar
rested, 11111? making taxes so heavy ev
reybody would get mad and quit paying.
New York. Dignity go alack here
today, win. n physiciuiia ruled ila gicat-
Complete Showing of
We have just received several
new shipments of phonographs,
making our display the most
complete it has been in many
See the latest styles in Beautiful
Walnut, Oak and Mahogany
est aid horn rimmed glasses of the big
round variety off the course. They
turn and incri'i.se eve strain, said thir-doctors.
Nevada City, Cul. A man stumbling
hendlong down stairs . struck "William
Bluett, who was passing rm ths side
walk. The fulling man suffeied n f w
bruises, but Bluett died of a broken,
buck after the collision.
San Francisco. Frank Carey told po
lice "stolen sweets" are driving him 10
the bad. "I have plenty of money, but
I cannot resist stealing candy," he said
when trrnigned for stealing a box t
randy. ' ' '
Xernahj Wis. E. Lloyd Kalcham ban
applied for tho position of motorcycle
Lawrence, Mass. J. W. Oouvin, aft
er stealing a quantity of tires here, add
ed insult to injury when he attempted
to sell them to two policemen. He will
re tire to the Lawrence jail for ti bhoit
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