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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1919)
PAGE FOURTEEN. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. SATURDAY. JULY 19. 1919. Mm4 ttll m4mt4tKHttHU44titt4m.H.l Mllttll liiiliill7i-lj-L.LxL-i .l". M eli' Activities II A A A A . . ..... aaa....... ......... ....... First M. E. Church. Corner Mate and I'htirrh streets, K. X. Avium, uiiuiter. l'la-s aiei-tiug tt (:! a. in. Similar hwl at a. in., SuNriutpnilrnt, Juha W. Tutiil will wi'l'oiup strangers sutt visituts. 11 a. in., a brief luessaxe to the beys and Kilt oill precede the. uiormti 511111011; .1 i. in., rtgular s-riee at the Oid i'eo Jcs Himif. At 7 p. ni., 1'aul ioiiry wi4 li-nj the Kiiwortu league, Vuitug iH-ople generally tin! rrtuftiinj soldier yr-' itie Sill flexibility of volume. iKtilsiiy will lie wi'h'ome. At 8 p. ill., tLe iiur. Dr. H. N. Avisua will siieuk on Spiritual Ijiw iu the Natural Wurlil." "TVii.i-s" (Mandril; offertoiy, ' Ber-1 urda.r eveuing at 7:3M' reuse in A" ( IH'llirui k); cumin. luiuii,1 iu !1( hall at M o'clix k. "Abidii With Mi-"; uostlude iNuurt).! iU open air. 10::iU o iI(m k. Meeting f-iuu dur mora-1 clm-i.; huuiiess only little Indiaa girls to !ar w.Tii. and Mr. Parr of Delia Tan Delta. KvmiiiK srri.e: ' Bcn-ema-' tllcCul-j meeting iu tlie hail at 11 o'clock. 8un- hunliaud was the firit shoemaker Portland Orcgnnian. July 1. liu); offertnry, "From tlieJjiuJ o. the day school at S p. in. Tinted mission vu French Prairie and at firt put soles Mr. Parr is a sua of Xlr. and Mrs. Sky-blue Water" (('adman .;Euuy);j meeting at 3 p. ui. V. P. U at i p., moccasin before be got tool. He'c. A. Parr of Woodburn and has many i Hnuur in vi "'sihvi i. m- ui uw!n air iiiiM'ini at t p. ui. naiVa- ,,. I ,1. . ' ...... .. ... un it;. .;.. ... ,n congratulations. Woodburn Inda ne mie unruu wi 1 be beard for the inst.tirti miin,. in tl hull mt riA time in ehuri-h iiiiuir. Critira hu urard 1 ..r.;, IV i.. J"1"'" C'a-y ever aure DEATH Or MUS. N. S. SCCLLARO The death of Mrs. X. !. S-e'.lard at 12:3(1 Friday afternoon raused a wave of sinrerr rrow to asi over the riu munity. where he was le!d in auck hili e-tss'iu by ali. Cuiharine I. Fitietald was oorn oa the Fitx;erald lanJ einim, jt murth at of Woodburn. on OrtutHW 12, lM. She wai th daughter of Thomas and Mary Fitzgerald. tShe rivcivel hor edti- ration in Portland publir senools ana at St. Mary"s aeadeniy. In 1S she married X. S. ."v-ulVurd and to this ideal j union were born five eniklren. ail or whom with her husband are living at firat pair of boots the friends here who join the Independent 1 1 two brothers Dr. Ilenrr FiWserald of j Good Digestion and natural bowel movement result from the use of . tup ory-in last Vteilnesiuty wne ui.:nu m.biiM in ttiei. if iTm tnli:ii Iklltll.i Piuiea-; si.r Kobeits won the hearts ul Iht i;uUi- ence lu the siileudid arrtintiini'i.t ofi uf these uwtini;. ('apt. and ills officers in cliarne. pendent. DEATH OF JOSEPH LA VINE. Nuini'i Cliurcu. The aervi.-ea at the Xaaareue church, Iluut- ""' ll!i built at Ht. Louis but he af 'terward traveled around and did work! Ut tli.i .lirfrn ... ...V,... fH t, . . .... ........ (l. t tl II. UV O. .l IJUK ujja the slough road through Woodburn; Joseph Uine. after a protracted ill was railed Deer creek and thtie werr nesa died at his hmue eant ut Wmirl.i tassiea. Frank Cliurehill, tue Xhieteeiith and Marion" atreets. will be: i1"' of dei'r couar ai "m '"lk ur(uuist, has had years of Irainin at the orxi n, aside from his work as pro fessor of piano with the exieniun dp iiartmeit and he and (.'liorintet l.iier have prejiured the day's projimin with r . it ... Sunday school. :4j a. m.. W. P.. Uardv.! "0"""' tuuepemient. 8 p. m.; YounK Peoples meeting, 7 p. iu.; LYCrylhlO III ReldlIlSS ........... i' n"s, y. Wednesduy. The Morning servicts will : services will occur at a liter lime, out ill the ineiiiitiine Ut) urgent Kilst end 'invitutiou is extended to all nuu will to .'share in the services uf the church 11 ' augmented by the new instrument. iJoes the .Nazarene ( uurch Maud rorT . hverything is opining up fine We will be plensed to have every one, the annual chautauqua to beain who mar be interested in this sunject, be present. A. Wells, pastor; F. .Wells, deaeouess. Jason Lee Memorial M. E. Ciiuroh. Corner of Winter and Jei'fersu'i atreets. Tliomas Arhesuu. nastur. Huu- thy arhuol, :4j a. ni., Charles iltigemun tr''aX ui forethought. Dedinitory j ,,,, i. The subject will be "What ujieriiiteudent, clnssea fur nil agis un der I In" care or efficient teaclu is. Pub lie. worship, II a. m., subject, 'The C'en tennry Celebration at Columbi. , Uluo. " Fpwurth League devotional nieeliug, 7 o'llm k, yiiiing iienple espciiuliv are cor-. . J , du.lly invited. Kventug worship at 81 Court ChrHUan ChurtU. oVIixk, subject, "The Challenge of the Corner of Court nud North icu First Vear of the Centeuarv Piugruiu." I teenth alreets, K. L. Putnam, pastor. This service will be evangelistic with liible school at 10 H. in. sliaip. Our(jay afternoon. plenty of good music. Hpeciul music ! contest against " Huiiiiner eluiiip ts ou. buih niiirniiig anil evening under tho Let every member of the school in the lesilersltip of Prof. Clark. Wi c ordially ! city be present. Which classis going to iuviieit tlie public to come and worship ; tho lurgest nvcragc atteiulauce fur 'with us. Don't forget piiiyiiiueeting' the summer f Hear " Convention Kchos" on Tliursdnv tiveniug at o'clock. I by the pastor. This will be i, Blirriiig i Portland and Judge Thomas Fitzgerald I of Pendleton, also two half sistera, iMrs. Honors Murphy and Miss Mary I Hershberger of Portland, beside other : relatives. I Tn.. i.,.,k nn4 4.A Bnlit in evtult- burn, at 9 o'clock Friday evening, July !: ,i, ,i,..wi . .ifj ,h f. ... . - ...v u.. ........ ... ........ --- I ' ' . , , ,. literal sermon, she M a woman in ten r. was nora ai nurniigtoii, tbouMnrt. She j n w., ou vrrrwurr i-. i vi, anil was ; vntiil wife -was a faithful ana ue loving mocher who was tl JUiU ill lUaUiiltM -the son of Fraud and Olive Uviue. I of a'a tJlollsh m(lfh of her rOt fnanfaiinna lmPPnTiW-1 . fan"'V fa"u' ,0 Uren, was a woman with a beautiful rUI VBAiUdUqiia UpeCmg;Woodburn several year, ags. He leaves Lhariicter, a devout Chr.stian and very Irvine, two itauchtcrs. k-,.;hi.. Woodburn and Delia ofi Tl. funeml n Kutulav morninir last. sons, Willis andlreouiem hiirh mass beine held at the also grand-, st. Luke's Catholic church nt 10: 13. the church being filled with sorrowing Leslla Methodist Episcopal Church. address on the great thought! gknned from the excellent addresses at the Tur- Curiier South Coinniercial and Meyers er convention which hns just cluseu. streets. Home. N. Aldrich, pastor. t:4S' Juuion Christian Kildeavor, 3 p. m. a. m., Sunday chuol, K. A. KnotenJ Voung People'! meeting at 7 p. ni. riong MiM iinteiMl.nt. II a. ni. and 8 p. m.,'emce and sermon, 8 p. m., tubject, public worship, with seriuuti by thnj''rown Him King." The monthly ..iisti.r: 7 n. in., ilcvntiuiiul i;i of .Bible' school conference Tuesday even- l.ciigue, Leslie Hprii.gir,; 'K. P- '' evrT n""e ,nuul winker be preseut ns very iinpuriiiui lini.tter Is to be eonsidered. Prayer meet .inif Thuisduv. 8 p. iu. The public is (lie Kpworth president. St. Paul'i Chutvh. Filth Huuduy alter Trinity: in., Duly roiniuuiiioii; II a. prayer anil senium; n p. ui. and seriiimi; H p. ni pisyer ami aililress. fcverybouy come. ( hailes H. Powell, rector'. 7::i0 . morning evening wel- uriliiillv invited to nttend nil services. Von will always be glud you cuinc. Centrsl Congregational Church, Comer Houth Nineteenth and Ferry wt reels, 11. C. Htover, minister. iSiiikImV ticliniil ut IDa. m., Mis. Burton r.ilwanls, siiieriiite!iili'iit. Muruiiig adilrcss i.t II iiVliiek. ('Iiilstnn Knilwiviir at 7:1" p. in. Cuiiiiiiuiiiiiii nud teceptiou of lui'iu Iters nt 8 p. ni. Highland Friends Church, s.ih. Kill Kchuul nt 10 a. m., Knrl Pniilt, superintendent, rlusses fur all. Morni g vrorslilp Ht 11 o'clock. Chris tin it Knili'iiMir al (i:4u p. in., and pn arli- i it it at a.ii. ni. At the evening service tlie pnstur will continue his h smii.s on tlie " Itniik of Itevelutiiin." Player meet i n j on Tliuisiltiy at 8 p. m. If you am not ntlieiwise nf f ilmteu you iwl find n wchniiie with us. 1. 0. Lei1 and wife, pi.htors. First Congregational Chui'cli. Corner Liberty and Center streets, V, C, Kantuer, niiuister. 10 a. m Hun duy school with classes for nil, W, I. Hinley, hiiperinteiiilent; 11 U. in., ship with sermon; 8 p. m., "The He ligiuii of a Perplexed Hunl." Following this address there will be a mo tiun picture issue by the treiisuiy de partment of the I'nited Stntes bearing the title, "llnliling On." Cliristlnn and Missionary Alllanc. Services bu next Thtirstlny uftemoon, July H, nt 032 Houth Ciiii.nie rclal street, nt 2:1.1 o'clock, llev. J, K. fe of Piirtli.ud will eiintiiiue study (if the "Hook of Hevcliition." All most ror iluillv welcome, First Christian Church. u i Cuinrr High and Center street, I.e land W. Porter, ptistor. Hibii st at !l:(.'i a. in., lesson, "The Lord's Sup per," Dr. H. ('. Kpley, supeiiiilenileiil. Mm .'nig HOi'idiip ii 1 1 il i' ii i u. it I. iu il at 11 fi 'cluck, sermon, "Th, Inside of the Organ." Kmlilivur meeting at 7 p. m. Kteuiii'x serbon nt 8 o'clock, "Ti.e Men (ml Needs." Moniiiig music; 1'iaees i. mill, "(Hiiiv tu (iitd,'1 (Burciny); an tlicin, "TUoiKAvt My Hiding Plane," ( II .'i bert ; pieliide, "I.nrgu" from Evangelical Church. Seventeenth nud Cheinekelu slieeti. Huiiiliiv sclioul at 10 a. tu., C. T. Doty, superintendent; F. W. Liuiriier, pastor, will preach at U a. m., subjut, "The Moruiug Star," Hev. 22:10; Mrs, V. W. I.iiuiter will be the lender the devutiunr,! service! of the Y. P. A. All hire Invited to attend these seivnis. Mission. There will be a meeting at the Mis sion, 240 Mtutti street, at a t elwr Sun- Vou are inviwd to ct . tend. This is the different uieetiug Wells, superintendent. I " 'a widow for Pearl of this Ileaverton. and. two .M-ur next umiay, July su, with a Ice- Hector, of Woodburn ture by Dr. Joseph Clare, speaking on 'children. me n nut ie oi me mission revomuon u i.v M. ., k...i .. .. i n. -.i .t.... ..... v- . ... i " io, ii.. relatives ana menus, ino ceieuinm As this a subject ef espial nt.T- (working, of a kindly disposition to all was Fr. Bernard Murphy of Mt. Angel, est to soldiers and sailors aud marines, ',d his last thoughts were for the . nephew of deceased! ' There were flow he chautauqua management announe-lc0,fort of his wife and children. He ers and beautiful floral emblems in pro es iree amnissJun to the Dovs who arc wn letlher in uniform or who present the.of America and joined the caniD here I fmn, . ,tiatne Ih-. d Mrs. s.huv-u iiiu Man iu tub. Dr Associated Bible Studeuts. The Associated Biblu Students hold their usual study iu Tabemucle nl of the old time songs such as Shadow!, hours 10-1S a. ni., Moose hall, of Ages.' At 3 p. in., lecture by Kvangeliat (iulis pie. --I .. . v .u u i . . i' " - j"...... .... bump in'..- iroiii a uisiaiici- ttere i-t. aitu Mim. Card ISSUed hr the Nalem i iilllntiir.'inl l- tona ill- ...l: a.i n.... ... . , A leliib poucy oi j uuu was mr tue tlenry l"itzgoraia of I'emtleton, Junge r.i , . . A. , "cui-iit ui uis who. land .Mr. Thomas rH7.geraia oi renuie II. C. F.pley, president of the lo- Th f.mor.1 -.. hu . o ..i....i, .... r. u m.r.t, xi;.. cat chiiutauqua announj'es a special tn,i.- .(., .4 .1.. ... Ur!. ,.'i r.:..i 1 in... evening, count of the number of friends nresent . Curs Mnxie of iPortlnnil. Milton Fitz- serviees were held outside under a I gerald of Pendleton, J. B. Kennedy and tree, Key. Arthur A. Ilarnmun of Ku- family of Portland, Vinton Murphy will community sinir for Sunday This will include the singing of sever-'Hock Dallas Says Chautauqua - This Year Best Yet Held iuy (I. Kincry, director and platform manager of the thaiitauqua, is already in the city. He will have charge of the program next week. He say the pro gram fur this year has been giving the greatest satisfaction, according to re ports received from the south. gene officiating. Belle Passi. r Interment was a! HIS NARROW ESCAPE. PARR-WOODRUrr WEDDINO. Miss Mildred Woodruff (Capital Journal Special Heivkv.) Ih. Hi. a llr .Inlv II) Tint l- White (.'!.,. utu.Hua system's progrim1-.,,"" 'lrJ nf nd Lvnn . , .i1 ,. , . were married last evening at 8 this year fur the Dalliis is .... , , . . . . ' llm I. nvnr In I in i itv tint ..... ... ' -"" . ", . cuts, air. anil Mrs: 1, T. program su far exceeding th..t ot for- joo, Mullory street. Rev. j' "'Rh- -" , nuicniusiai perioriued the ceremony, Bergeant George Adams arrived home yesterday from Sun Autonio, Texas, on a 30 day furlough. Sgt. Adams has had some very remarkable experiences and narrow escapes. He is a member of the 4th balloon company and was in the same convoy to France as Company- I. Ho landed in France about the first of Woodruff, January, 1918, and was in neaily all the Arthur L. drives after that. His ilauueiuus duty was to go up in observation balloons, tukit rthntoirriLiiha nud mukn 111:111s nf (be ('.V nnninv1! nnultiiint Ilia 1.allii.,u iva. 1iii constant target of the Germans and at one time machine gun fire hit it and parachute, slightly hurting himself but not permanently be and son of Portland, Mrs. Beatrice Hoi den of Portland, II. O. Hodupp and family of Portland and Benj. Smith and family of New-bcnf. The pall bear ers were Jos. Aieher, Theo .NVhl, J. B. Hunt, Georgo Miller, llenrv Hall and M. J. McOurmiiek. Interment was in St. Luke's ceme tery. Woodburn Independent. CLANCY-BOSCOE WEDDINO MRS. 4SLO SYRUP WINSLOW'S '1 1 U' mi CUWi This superior purely vegetable preparation for correcting baby's troubles contains no alco hol, opiates, or narcotics. Brings gratifying results for mother and child. Formula cn every bottle. I At att Jrmtrittm. J. C. Perry and best numbers are yet to appear, I h lecture Klvira Thurlow was maid of honor and by Dr. Josejili Liu re on the "Kiddle of Fred Packwood was best man. the Kussinn Jtevoltiun" Tuesday even- relatives and a few close friends of iug was interesting and instructive, to the bridal eooi jiere present. The l...ll. ..I.l uti.l .r..i.i i.l.k.l mill U-llM hlnnl. I.riilit u-ll nnU'i.A.I in .-kU. ......... ""Ill IIIU nuu J'M. i..n, n,.u .. .n . i . ....... .,un, , , . Ill.r H " 1 ' 11 ' I , . Iu l.,v...l l,v nil W J Hi,.,!!, v nf with luce overdraw. I.enh I'urklny Wi-.i"0 tn,m' d0W11 u,,..k.... u,...k.. IVa.Ii,.,. att snuff "At Dawnimr " lr 1111.I Vry I 1 "niimn.""! I ...v...., n ......... ,Ki.J u. 1 .!,. V, ...,...!. i-nrr win silil tneir honeymoon at "" 'S" Mount Hood aud will go to Kima, Wash n,B,y aouveiiirs and is enjoying his visit the first of September where Mr. Parr 'home. His term of enlistment in the re will bo principal of the high school, 'gulars, in the above company, dors not Both are V'niversilr of Oregon grnd 'expire until next March, when he will the bride in tho class of 1918 probably re-enlist. He holds a tillot's 191 7. i license for balloon work, Woodburn Mrs. Parr is a member of Phi Beta Phi ! Independent. ' Tl .. Tl. .. ... I..- .. tiniirB, tur urtiiu ill First United Brethren Church. Yew Park, C. W. Corby, pastor. Bible school nt 10 a. in.; preaching ut II . in. by Hev. (). K. Master; V. I'. H. C, K. in the evening ut 8 o 'clock. Salvation Army. Open air meeting on Stnte street flnt- SAVE MAIL ORDER POSTAGE BUYING AT HOME Mary Adel Hays at Chautauqua Famous Colortura Soprano of New York Will Make Fourth Night a Notable On V - . - . : ' I i ' .4 1 Mary Adel Hajn, rolurahua soprsuo of New Turk, will bring to all niusle lover ona of the great wusUul treats of tb season on the fourth night of Chniilsiiqiii. Few new singers In recent years have attracted wider oniment or greater praise ftoiu press ard public than MN llity. 8it!pNliig MUi I!m iu the evening ctMn-ert will be three splendid assist fug srtlws, Hubert MUliml. flutist; Lowell Paiton, pianist and acvuiiipanhit, fil Jinn.' Chapman, violinist. day evening ui "America at the 1'i.rt lug of the Ways," a lecture particular ly interesting. Mr. ilindley is well known to a number of people und received a warm welcome, while in the city. Lewis (Quintet was exceptionally gooft, the ex-sdldieis making n "hit" with the Dalln people. In the evening the ilrtiuiiitie reading "Turn to the Bight" by F.dmiu M. Whitney was one of the must clever performances ever on a stage in this city and Mr. Whitney held the uiidienco which packed the big tent ill un attentive mood for i.ioio thnu two hours. Toils v Ida M. Ttuibell, not ed journalist will speak and tomorrow will be one of the biggest days with rnc Cr.echo-Hlovak Imnd and William Jen nings Bryau as the drawing curds. Pri vate Pent will appear Biiiuluv evening and (ho cliuutuuqiiii will close Monday with n illiist rnted lecture en "The Closing Dnvs of the War" by Henry Warren Poor. The chautauqua asso ciation were inure tliun successful in pusiug of season tickets this year, more than ifH'0 worth of tickets above the guarantee being sold. A committee uf business men nre now lit work among the citizens signing up guiuai.tuis for the ilmutuiiipia for next ycur and lute Thursday ul'ternooit after but n few hours wuik hud prncticiilly as iiuny signers as went on Hie guarantee lust year. DEATH OF ONE OF 8TATE'S OLDEST PIONEERS SUNDAY One of our oldest pioneers Mrs. Mon ica Pacqiiettu, relict of Pascal l'n,uette died nt the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fnvnk Hull, at Hrotts Mills, at nine 0-clock Sundny evening, in her 8S:id year. The funeral was Tuesday mora ine:, services being held al the Mt. Au- gel Catholic church and largely attend ed, Rev. Fr. Berthol bong the leicbraiit. Interment was in the Mt. Angel Catho lic cemetery beside her late husband. All of the children were present but two, Juhn Paiptette who is somewhere iu Alasku, and Mrs. Cecelia liuwerd of Centralis, who Is ill. The life of Mrs. Pauuetle is closely, . .. . .. .i . ..t . ... i .1... itlentitieu wiiu iiiis secuou nuu nv ! remembered with esteem and for her many acts or kindness oy an oi me old timers. She was bom iu 188 In Canada and crossed the plains with her parent, Francis and Susan Pluard, In 1M1. They arrived first at towlitx Prairie, then later came to miromor, .Washington, then to Champocg, Oregon. Here tho Hudson Bay company of which Mr. Pluard was a member, dissolved and !Mr. Pluard took up a homestead, pre- emptio'i and donation land claim. At one time he owned the old Lemeiy. Dodge and Chase places. Susan Ptuaro died at the age of 88 years and Fiancis Pluard passed avray at the age ot lus years. They are buried at Highland. Monica Pstuette niarrieih Pascal Pa uuetle at St. Louis in, when she was 1.1 years of age. They had twelve children, eight of whom survive her, the husband and father havi'.g passed nway 0 years ago. The survit lug child ren are: Pascal Paquette, Mission But turn; John Paquette, Alaska; Mrs. ( . celin Howard, Centralis, Wash; Albert Paquette, with the Bohemia Lumber conianv, Dorctia, Ore., near Cottage j Virove; Jsmes I squette vumi .Mills; Mrs. Riie Holt, Scut Is Mills; Mrs. Ade laide Ksston, Buvd, Ore, a. so a l.nge number of gi an J children and great jraad cbiljrea. The wedding of Miss Mabel Isabcile Boscop, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ed ward Boscoe of East Woodburn, r William John Clancy of Portland, was solemnized nt 11 o'clock Thursday morning at St. Mary.'s Episcopal church in this city. The liev. Archdca snn H. D. Chambers of Portland offi ciated. Preceding the entrance of the bridal couple, Mrs. Beulah Barlow oBs rue of Portland sang "1 Love Vou Truly," Mrs. T. '. Poormnn accom panying on the organ. The bride was attired in a simple frock of white erepe de chine beaded in pearls, her tulle veil bcig held in place iby an orange blossom wreath previously worn by her mother. She was attended by Mrs. Frank Wolfe as matron of honor. The best man was Frank Boseoe, brother of the bride. The church had been prettily deco rated in white and yellow by friend, of the bride. Following the ceremony at the church a sumptuous wedding brcakiait was served at the farm Huiue ot the brides parents, to which a number ot relatives and friends were invited 'Woodbnrn Independent. Portland Woman Dies Of Injuries Received When Knocked Down By Motor Portland, Or., July 10. Miss Fianeia Settler died here from inji.rics re ceived one month, ago when she waa knocked down by an automobile driv en by T. W. Sullivan of Oregea Bity-. Coroner Smith has taken charge of the body and will investigate. No other remedy, win so surely and quickly correct stomach ailments, regulate the liver and improve the general health as a dose of Beecbam's Pills LstsmI Sal f Any Msdicias is th. WMl Sold mnrwbw. la Buss, IOc 21m. I ag Joyou sDays A solid week of the best music, entertainment and lectures that the country affords Ellison-White quality. A Bigger and Better Program than ever this year and the whole week is yours for the price of a Season ticket Program Booklets and Chautauqua Talk to be Distributed Socn Watch for Them. 26 Big Attractions 26 HERE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THEM PRIVATE PEAT Famous Writer and Humorist. Worth the price of a Season Ticket to hear his "Two Years in Hell And Back With a Smile." MARY ADEL HAYS - Noted Coloratura Sorano of New York appears on the fourth evening assisted by her Company of Recital Artists. APOLLO CONCERT COMPANY Five Musicians known throughout the Chautauqua world. One of the Big Musical Attractions of the Platform for the last Decade. CZECHOSLOVAK BAND Jaroslav Cimera brings his Famous Czecho-Slovak Band for two full concerts on the fifth day. Madame Helen Cafarelli, soloist. TURN TO THE RIGHT' . Edwin M. Whitney, America's foremost intrpreter of Plays, presents in monologue form the Metro . politan Success, "Turn to the Right." - EDWARD F. TREFZ Member of American Food Mission to Europe, for , mer assistant to Hoover in Food Administra tion work. Grea Lecture on Reconstruction. Season Ticket Prices: Adults $250; Students, $1.50; Chidren, $1.00; War Tax Not Included SALEM, JULY 20 to 26, Inclusive In her girlhood , days deceased had