Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 18, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Elsio Mae Gordon Stands at .Top of
Her Profession.
Elsie Mae Gordon, the celebrated
young lady who cmies to Chautauqua
with readings and child Impersona
tions, Is one of the leader of Iter pro
fession. No other artist la In greater
demand for Chautauqua audienees.
Special Prices for Saturday
5, " 5
3 it
X. . H If
' -
,.-r- - v,y
frv Maru Pickford ?
y Paddij Long Legs"
You See What You Buy Before PayingBuying At Home
Former Salem Man
Wins Medals In War
(Kugcue Guard.)
A Kngnim soldier with a unuiio rec
ord gut off the train homo from Europe
Nntiirdny afternoon, ilu was James I'.
Alenaudor, formerly a wiliim.i! fur
Vick Brothers and for t ho iunt two
years ii member of tho A. K. 1'. Il got
bis fourth Kdd service chevron few
days before sailing fur Aiiici.cn. Mr.
Alexander enlisted in tho aviation corps
a tho declaration of war and weut
across a few weeks later. In building
an airplane hi'iidiiiurtir, tho rnjiliiin of
fcis company one da; remarked that au
engineer would he needed to run a lillle
"dinkey" lo anil from tho field,
'('mild you handle o:io of the.-o French
engine f "
"Don't1 know, tut I ran try," re
plied ho Eugene lud. He tried and was
Inter transferred t0 the regular engi
neering fnrr-o on the French raiilondit
operated by Anici leans. He holds the
distinction of being the engim er of the
first American railway crew in France.
Many first sergeants fired under him,
and the then private hud a good laugh
on kii superior us he watched them
ahovel big brick of French hard and
dirty coal into tho inconvenient little
fire boxes. He, himself, later beenmo n
Alexander with his big smile and the
rest of hia equipage, sniled for Frunce
head of re rili i ntf, and ho says that he 'I
pleased with the fact that he beat the
gciioral back.
From now on lie will be shoveling out
selling farts of Standard and Mack
trucks at Vick llrnthers gnrugc. Tic
firm lias just taken the ugemy for the
two Hues.
(Mr. Alexander wns 1111 nutoiiioblle
ar.lesiunn In Salem before tht war.)
Try one of Our
Wonderful Little
Want AaV-and
watch the Reulti
The Greatest Bargains Arc
We are handling a good assortment in each of
the following Standard lines.
Levi Strauss & Co. guaranteed overalls.
Levi Strauss & Co. fast color Sunset Shirts.
Levi Strauss & Co. Khaki Pants.
Lee's Unionalls for boys and men.
Bear Brand Socks for men.
Richmond Union Suits for men that fit.
II. & L. Block, high grade work gloves. .
Lawrence Balbriggan Underwear.
United Slates Rubber Boots, etc.
Black Bear Work Pants.
Gantner & Mattern Sweaters, etc.
"Black Cat Hosiery" that wear for Women
and Children.
2 10 Commercial St.
at the
When you buy your meat at
get the best obtainable. We
do not try to fool you by
selling some poor "junk" at
a low price and then ask you
a fancy price when you want
something good.
For Saturday we have an ex
tra fancy lot of MILK FED
VEAL at no advance in price
in spite of the scarcity. If
you enjoy eating beef, a ten
der juicy steak or a delicious
roast will be a treat for your
Sunday diner.
Iegs of milk fed veal
(half or whole) per lb 2oc
Veal Steak, per lb, 25c
Fresh sausage and Lib
erty steak, per lb 18c
Extra Special For Saturday
Pure Lard, every pail
guaranteed, per pail ?1.6a
Originators of Low Prices
:J31 State St.
Deals In Real Estate
K - -
... .
Sllaa Cordon' clear rich voice runs the
gamut In the expreir-don of strong emo
tion, Niiat'klHiK roiuedy mid delicate
pathos. There la more than artistry
In her work there Is real Individual
ity. As a child Impersonator lie has
few equals and certainly no superiors
n the American platform.
Labor Shortage Serious
Problem In Connection
With State Flax Farms
A desperate situation has developed
in the state's flax project, as brought
out this mnrniiiK in a merlin of tho
board of control. The state has some
thing over 4H() acres of flnx under eon
tract, and it nils expected that the
prison Kanjr would be able to care for
it, but it was shown by the flnx inana-
Kir tins niornihK thnt the hot weatner
not onlr buriiina the flnx but is
lisnli'iiiiij; the crouiid so Hint it liuikc")
pullini; ilitticult. lhere are nil men
from tho penitcntinrv now at work but
of this number there are some who can
not. stand the heat, and others who
will not work any harder than lis nec
essary to keep from -being disciplined.
The miinnuer states that a hundred
more hands cwild be used at onee. The
superintendent of the state hospital has
lieoii called Unnn for recruits, ihut i ud and has uccn driven about
not sure whether a K''011P f inmates 'miles.
enn be apareil from the inslrtution
without iiiterfennir with tno work on
their own K'"unds. Superintendent Gil
bert of tho boys' training school was
also Appealed to but nt this hour it is
not known whether a group of boys can
be obtained there. In some of the fields
the crop is nuikiujr a fine showing this
year and will bo very valuable if it
na bo saved.
Grapelade, per jar 40c
Premium Rolled Oats, pkg 33c
White Crystal Syrup, 5 lb pail....65c
White Crystal Syrup, 2 1-2 lb
pail 35c
White Crystal Syrup 10 lb pail $1.20
Economy Jars, pints $1.20
Economy Jars, quarts $1.40
Economy Jars, 2 quarts $1.70
Marshmallow Whip, pints 32c
Old Faithful Tomato Catsup....24c
Marshmallow Whip, quarts........50c
Folgers Golden Gate Coffee,
2 1-2 lbs. . $1.33
Libby's Vienna Sausage --13c
Libby's Pot Meat, can....5c and 10c
Aunt Jemima Pan Cake Flour,
2 for 33c
Libby's Veal Loaf, per can 30c
Snider's Chili Sauce, bottle 40c
Mason Jars, pints SOc
Mason Jars, quarts $1.00
Mason Jars, 1-2 gals $1.25
No-Vary Grocers
383 Court Street
Phone 409
Auto Exchange Offering
Reward For Rtcovery Of
Car Stolenjroiri Garage
There is a reward of -'.) offered by
tho &tlcui Auto KxchauKe for the re
covery of a ear, alleged to have been
stolen by (leorge Jackson on the night
of July 15.
Juekson is described us follows: 21
years old, ISO to 100 pounds, 5 feet 11
inches, dark complexion, heavy set
with a peculiar accent in talking.
According to the eirculnr issued by
Sheriff .Needliam, Jackson was work-
5;x-Year-0id Boy, Nearly
Dead From Exposure, Home
After Being Lost 11 Days
Spring Grove, III., July 18. Six year
old Harry Nutter, bluckencd by expos
ure and wueued by starvation, awoke
Ruling. On Retroactive ,
Pay Demands Of Phone ,
Strikers Coming Scon
Saa Kramiiseo, July 18. A ruling
on the retroactive pay demands of l'a
cific const telephone employes will be
todnv in a soft bed instead of twumn : made by tho wire control board at
hummock which was his couth (luring Washington within three days, accord-;
the eleven days he spent alone in the ingto a telegram received today from
woods. j Julia O'Connor, national president of
The boy -wandered from home July 0. the operators' union. Until this ruling
i II is mother, Mrs. F. C. I.ewiston, after is made, the central strike committee
jlen days, was reconciled puriially to his'fuvors delaying its referendum on tho
nig for the fnlcm Auto r.xrtintvge as i dentil, me woous nun oeen seurcneo
a mechanic, and had the key to the I from end to end. Yesterday a party of
garage. Tho circular states that Jack-j berry pickers halted their work when
sun took the ear between inidnig-ht aiulitt faint bird like chirp wus heard. Trae
niorning on the night of July 15 and j ing the strange chirp they canto upon a
proonl.Je he : Btram,(, object-a naked, skeleton Utto
I mite whose scarred head looked huge
upon the wasted body. Hurry's voice
was spent with that last chirp and he
sunk into ft coma which last until today
! when he awoke with his mother's arms
that it was more than probable he
would attempt lo dispose of the ear
at a second hand garage as he is fa
miliar with cars ami is a good mechan
ic. Tho enr stolen is a l!)l model Max
noil. 4rttrnfi licctwi JS.UII'J. with the
right rear fender bent nnd straighten-1 "bout him.
in) j Doctors say me ioy win recover, lie
was too weak today to tell what hap
j pencil in his eleven-day torture.
Keep Them Home-$$ "Forget It" Buy At Home
compromise terms offered.
I.. C. Grosser, vice-president of the
International Brothorwood of Kleclrical
Workers, snys he limvy call a refcren-;
diiui vote today. Central strike com-;
mittee members siiy if he does they will
visit local unions und urge defeat of
the question, which in its preo:it stute,'
they say, it merely the first offer of
the roinpany, and does not meet the do
mauds of the workers.
Oakland, Cal. More patriotism was
instilled into the nnmes of two negroes
held in the city jail, both booked as
"George Washington." To distinguiM
them they are culled O. Lincoln Wash
ington aud G. Pershing AVashington. ;
Secretary Of Agriculture
Visits Southern Oregon
drants I'ass, Or., July H. Puvid 1
Houston, sivrctnry of agriculture, with
Mrs. Houston and a party of friends,
Hro motoring soutn to wncrainento io-
day. With them is Austin H. Fletcher,
t'nlifoinia state highway engineer.
The party motored hero from Kureka
Houston expressed great interest in
tho 1'acific. highway now under construction.
S. Maker to i. H. Grabenhorst,
part of bh'ck 71, -X. Salem.
.1. A. Siddall to 41. K. .Fi.h'ison, XW
tputiter of section 1;' n 1 K.
f. O. I'uucriiil to T. G. Urokle,
I! ani's in A. S. levies elaiw :ltf 8 1
tt. ..isi.
J. II. I.'intci-man to I. 11. Hurt, 10
inres in .liihn avage clniin I . .
j W. ('. WiiiHlow to Henry Giayer, J.0
acres in secluois -I and $:!m'0.
j H, K, Kmiunns to A. Huston, lot
il4. lil.ick 4, Hiehinoml addnion. :.',.
j Ilnjh K. Smith to tl. K. Cioian,
'a. us in IVter ri.ivmrnid clniin I ' .-",
I". F, II. ck. to K. 1". .rm-tr.mg. 1ii.
jit acres in 11. Smith clniin ,Vi T 1 W.
1'. W. Iteyeth to Geo. Tlioman. T.Vi
ncri H in .Ins. lhivitUon ilaini Is T 3 W.
Mrs. Robert C. MeCrcdi on Chautau
qua Staff of Lecturers,
Mrs. Hubert C. MoCiedto, member of
the Clmutniiiiia lecture staff this year,
la one of Hie notable women of the
,W'est. For several years she was I're
Ideut of the Stale Federation of Worn
en'a Clubs of the Slate of Wnshlnglmi,
member of the Washington Hoard of
Wew Show Today
Appointmcnt Of Oregon
Postmasters Confirmed
I Washington, July H -(I'luteil l'res!
; The vnute has rcufiuiud the fo'.lii
: iua (Histtinstter:
! '. II. twart, Albany, Or
, t'aiiilell. Kiiene, Or; II. 1'.
Murslifield; t". W. Stewart,
i 4- P
tt' it
i ; !
I-v if
r.. i
Mi l.uin.' Ili ullli
' Angeles rr.-hibition r ideally
iSppitf to laiirabs as cll as beer
IJevd K.s, chsntfeur. tcstifiwl
that tali f r s have dropped t.i a miu
imiim since .lu'v 1 and gut his wife's
Hbroonv rcdtKJ.
a:ol tillieial Icturer for Hint
1 emito lion. For the jm-t tfnfv yesrs
j 'a . ti.-en a in "tuber of Ibe govern
i .. S; iik.-rs" I'.iirisin and in e"n
; ' "t ' : tlid irIifiit the country
. .1 :,'..T HI i:il r probb-ms.
i .'r ,i .! nui'tp i't be Is cininotit
! v !' ;.sl ' i''-,'ii ttw ,m - lit fl.igr rif
; i.eill UrllMli pj-iddenis.
Salem Sample Store
141 North Commercial Street
Boys' Brown Outing ' Women's White Canvas
Shoes. Chippewa make. Sizes Shoes. Medium heels, some with rub-
2 1-2 to 5 1-2 ber sole and heel. While they last
$2.45, $159
Men's Black Outing White Canvas Mary Janes
Shoes. Rubber Sole Rubber Soles, a pair
$198 ; $100
Men's Brown Canvas Misses and Children's Wash Dresses
Work Shoes with rubber soles & heel ggc M )g
$2.48 '
, r M . llf . Children's Aprons, 48c
Men s Cottonade Work ' :
Pants, Greys and Stripes Lad.es Silk HoSC 95c
Ladies' Black Hose. 15c
Men's Khaki Overalls z
Suits Roomy and Well Made KOYS Hose, ZC
$2.69 and $2.98 Children's Wash Suits, 2 to 8, $1.25
Men's Athletic Unions mi, ri
No sleeves, knee length MdS Work Gloves
jCf, Gauntlet or Wrist Styles in
, L various leathers
Men's Baihrigean Unions 85c to $2.45
Long sleeves and ankle length ',
98c and $125 Mens Band Dress Shirts
; Soft or Laundered Cuffs, neat
Hardkerchiefs 5c 10c, 15c Stripe Patterns
Men's Khaki Pants 98c $125 -7
This store is full of Bargains Come
Mens Whipcord Parts $225 Lcok Around and get Acquainted
1 MMMHmmmHwmwHm