THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1919. PAGE FIVE, Capital Journal Design Accepted By Community Federation As Insignia HOUSING PROELO 1 IN IM. ' f k ' ' i t People Of Berlin Seeking Re- T- iniii a IIJ..LI J Y wY iVfaxttwiJ (,f . A OA I AC I , VJ&fjeraorL I I o ,Vf1aclcY JJ . grooks) Jnarion. "Keep Your Money m tne Circle" is to be the watch word of the Marion County Community Federation, which met in the Commercial Club rooms last night, with John Steel'hammer, of Woodburn, presiding. The design reproduced above, whch was designed in the mechanical department of The Capital Journal and -which has been repeatedly used by The Capital Journal in supports county development, was unanimously voted as the official insignia of this federation of Marion county commercial clubs. Def From Excessive Rests Now Asked. By Cut D. Droit tl'nited Press Stuff Correspondent.) Berlin, (By Mail) Berlin is facing a serious housing prohlem. There ire in sufficient house and rents a.e vastly high. Out of this situation it develop j ing a demand thut the municipality do something to alleviate conditions, par ticularly the eouditiois of the poor, lie eon try the question became so grave that there were threats among the pOp lace t go a rent strike that is, to re fuse to jay rent. While this proposed refusal ae iu part frum the communistic spirit of tho times, it was iu part the expression of a long continued dissatisfaction with quarter and with prices. Iu somo of the outlying distiivts, people live in barracks, and they have loii,g since tired of this mode of existence. As for even the well-to-do, the hous ing situation is difficult. Juat as in the American national capital during the war, peoplo advertised frantically j for apartments or houses and offered j fancy premiums so are Hermans heie ad vertising constantly, with the bait of a large reward for desirable places. I . While up to this writing tuo rent' strike proposal has been merely siKri.liel threats, the question of housing has come up quite strongly of lute for gov- eminent consideration. And, ouo of the answers given in the course of testi-j liiouy on the subject was that the illicit: trade in lumber and building matt rial I jut as with the "Sehleichhaudel" in' food hud mudo prices of building I stuffs soar out of rcueh of ordinary con tractors. In line with development of socialis tic proposals here, many persons would like the government to go into tho hous ing business on a large scale but this hug not so fur come to any material plan. Berlin's housing deficiency arises D0B0THVG18HO0MIX0 TO THr RKHOX SfX. MOX. Tt'ES IX HER LATEST 1'ICTIT.E "I'LL GET HIM YET" Any Rags, Any Bottles, Any Scrap Iron Today? WE BUY JUNK IN THE SAME OLD WAY. Wreck autos for their parts and deal in hides, wool, etc. We want anything and everything of any value. Steinbock Auto Wreck ing and Junk Co. 326 N. Com! Street Phone 305 WOMAN CURED OF STOMACH TROUBLt "Portland, Or., June 14, 1919. Dr. 8. C. Stonet Enclosed please find 57 cents in stamps for which ipleasc send me an other box of your Stomach Powders & Blues Reliefc i'lease send at early date as convenient. Also find my recom mend which I am only too gtnd to give, truly hoping it is satisfactory uiid not to long. I could write a small news paper of the wonderful relief it has given me. I would be only too glad to talk to the suffering ones in persoi about your wonderful Stomach Powders & Bluos Belief. Thanking you iu ad vance for a quick response, Truly, JdRW. ELLA WAGIXAAR, 491 Williams Ave., Portland, Or. A solid week of the best music, entertainment and lectures that the country affords Ellison-White quality. A Bigger and Better Program than ever this year and the whole week is yours for the price of a Season ticket 23 Program Booklets and Chautauqua Talk to be Distributed Soon-Watch for Thca. Ig Attractions HERE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THEM E PRIVATE PEAT Famous Writer and Humorist. Worth the price of a Season Ticket to hear his "Two Years in Hell And Back With a Smile." MARY ADE HAYS Noted Coloratura Sorano of New York appears on ; the fourth evening assisted by her Company of Recital Artists. - APOLLO CONCERT COMPANY Five Musicians known throughout the Chautauqua ; world. One of the Big Musical Attractions of the Platform for the last Decade. CZECHOSLOVAK BIND Jaroslav Cimera brings his Famous Czecho-Slovak Band for two full concerts on the fifth day. Madame Helen Cafarelli, soloist. TURN TO THE RIGHT" Edwin M. Whitney, America's foremost intrpreter of Plays, presents in monologue form the Metro politan Success, "Turn to the Right." . EDWARD F.TREFZ Member of American Food Mission to Europe, for mer assistant to Hoover in Food Administra . tion work. Grea Lecture on Reconstruction. Season Ticket Prices: Adults $2.50; Students, $1.50; Chidren, $1.00; War Tax Not Included SALEM, JULY 20 to 26, Inclusive both from the fact that there has been considerable influx of war workers, and from the fact that, during the wa, it was impossible to attend to normal building requirements. The tendency toward socialization has developed re cently into a movement for municipal purchase of the street runway svbtein will bo taken over within a lew weeks According to tho franchise granted the street railway company, the city has the right to regulate fures; and while it permitted a wartime raise to 17H pfennigs, it now hits told the company tlii.t this cannot be cnntinued. A drop back to the old rnte would mean Hint the company would lose humircux of Owinr; to the increased attendance upon the second and third duys of the ud dresses, the board saw that ho was a popular orator, and ho win picvailed up on to accept 1'30 for tho three address es, to in part reimburse him lor his ! knockout bv fittinif out the ruiiiiirossed ' bm expenses. It wns at tha state fair that1 air hose with nickel slot machines. j Jir. myaii met the "siigo of Lebanon" Alton TFI FrRAPHIf TARI ftlH l",a' "fl 1" tho Umo honored bell oa IADLUjUJ Icamby churches. Itov. A. Nordoi thinks habit is the strongest point in liunmu Waukecan, III. (Jhit,k men hen- nature if they Ko to work bv the whis handed the "free as air" udniio I tie thev will irn to church bv the mmn At this time, it appears control land agreed to visit Lebanon. I recall ft, !,.... We're Rood sports, The Slogan of Today and of the Future Ship by Tick Willamette Valley Transfer Co. PHONE 1400 Portland, Or.. .Tune 14, 1913. To Whom it May t'oneern- 1 have been a constant sufferer of stomach troubles for the past six years. Have suffered untold ajfony rnd mis ery and spent money doctoring with first class doctors. Have been told bv them that I had ukvrs, ewe? aru a growth in the itomaea. TT.ive trie I s many kinds of pa'ent niej.i ir.cs ant ' remedies which helped cthjnt. Wit "n .D.' r!-i A---.--d...t.., lost my appetite broke !own iJ&rjM$ tttSl VXtgQtt Hit nerves, couldn t eit (irinu or .'iec ;n minute of pet'r was a wn-cK ii fa t all over. I fi in;l; lust in weight f .'il 100 ;ounds to r.;nnt 111 p MU'ds 1 line and existed on col., trcjh. street " ilk to which the dor. or ordered 'ne to add one teasp-imiful of nmltei i!k in glass of milk I drixik. I suffced. t.o one knows but myself the nvVunwii in 'ird misery with t.iat fonstant nng Uing, burning, -!HHUi i'u in my stomach. At tiii.'s 1 n iu'd get per f'"t!y (!spomlent t'i enrrcMly jiray to die. Hi) over a vear ago I hcird of lr. S. ('. Stone's Stomach HowdiT? and IBlues Relief and thought I ,1 tnk-! aii 1 other chance, and thank "Jod, mv heav enly Father, it did art has proved my relief and help and I KMieie inre. I eat and drink anythi -;; I tee I and crave at any time. As I say it is i over one year ago but 1 oonstiirt! keep ithe powders in my h.'iilt and when 1 feel the least distressed 'T avy one of iniy family or friends coinpluin I am only too k'1"! 't mix then n dost and i See how quickly they are relived. I I can't recommend it too MixMy, neither i can I sav by writina asJ nuike one iknow and understanr1 lii' rdi'f it has; 'given me from suf'erini; nnl'ild a'orr and I say to each and eery 'ne who is suffering with in!' si i j. lini p'on- ach troubles this powd'r is rurth its weight in gold. Am onlv tori p'r-rl to tell other sufferers what r.dievjd ine nd truthfully believe will re'.ieve them. MRS. E,LA WAOIMAR. 4W1 Williams Ave., Portland. Or. jlr. None's Stomach Powder land Hlncs Relief A woman waited at tho wo union ittation here two hours for tho oiiig Uovcrnor Lord, Jlilton Miller,: llr.,i ,.i,i .. i,,,!,!,,., , ,n Ilia; Knur fiver. When hi Inonired nnd Mr. Uryau and family and iiel'lerso:! I ','urlnon ns thev stripped him of l.10l '' urned she had missed it. The flyer Myers Koiiijj to dinner with l'iesmen 1M,i Wati-h," hut left him tc I cents n""ll! i,s tw" .v'll", "K8- ' liii!lownv nnd w ife on, the stntc fair; pl;r fl4rc. I grounds. This wns prior to IWrt, the! ' ' I Willows, !. "Horry to leave you, year he received his first noininiiUoii for , . ,r , ,. , ... , ! hut the miiwiuilos have liecnme too the presidency. Albert Toiler, in To Chicax. Mrs. JV. 0. Conk will liny I 'tlaud Jounial. tliousnnds of murks aiinnimllv, n'ld this''l71.1,rAl II" D.. At IT- . fact is being used as a club bv llie city I TOrgei IE Dliy At 110016 in its program of Hiking the eoucern over. . 1,, i ....;,. ' ...... i i..f. iall the coffee mills her stoic wl!l sell .,,, i., ; i... '. .. . n i , , v.i i . . ,. 'ur 1110 J'cr uy lu minor of under her. Yesterday she tried out n mill she;j10 t,mul,Kil ,, ,). ,., l,,,, jfcud just brought homo and ground out a shiny gold piece, Keep Them Heme- Ciimbv, Minn. Till) NtcHiii wh'mtle Kour transport from l'.icst, arrived at New York Monday with Jj.MO I troopp. 50c For indigestion, liver complaint, stomseh tfouble, Idues, de.M)ndency and "Down in the mouth." S. C STONE. 11 D. (Scenes DmgStore) 2U North CommBTclal Btrwt, Salem, Oregon FttOM S& OoruolUUoa an4 Adrle Fre "Speech Is Recalled Dee, July 6. (To the Editor of Hie Jouiiiul.) The writer, always having an interest in Oregon and Oregon state fair history, wishes to make a correction of fact recently appearing in The Jour nn 1 relative to W. J. Bryan's first speech in Oregon. Tho item stated that it wt at Lebanon in 1897. Tho fact that Mr. Bryan has become a national character makes this matter of the mere imiiortunce to- Orcgonians. Iu 1414 or I am uncertain of the year, but think it was ISHj the board of direc tors of the Oregon state fuir voted to have as one of the features of the state fuir addresses on the money question. President Cleveland and John hhermnn hud forced it to the ftunt. Xo national party had at that time tnkeli u petition against Silver. remember that Jef ferson Myers wni one turniucr of the board, and -William Galloway was its president, and United Htate Hinutor Hour was chosen to talking uguiust sil ver tui W. J. Itrvan the latter then known as the editor of the Weekly World Herald Omaha, Xebv wn the one agreed upon to seak iu luvor of free coinage, free coimige of ailvcr was popular in Oregon nnd was not a party question. Such leading republicans l.s John H. Mitchell, Binger Hermann, . R. Kllis, Thomas H. Tongue, C'l.arles W. Fulton, Charles H. Carey, Julius C. Moreland, Jonathan Bourne, Jr., Glenn O. Holmaa and a few thoimand others were earnestly in fn,vor of free coinage. At th last moment 8nator Hour de clined to eome. No reason was given. It may hcvp been that he later expretcd to meet H. W. Bcott and Jeff Myers in the elevator in the eapitol at Washing ton, D. C. Mr. Hryai came and deliv ered three speeches at the grandstand on the state fair grouads. He, his wife and two children, wore the g:ieU of the state fair. The str.te fair had uo state and at that time and was strng gliug as (test it could.' Mr. Bryan nude no charge whatever for his tcivieea. Starts Sunday, July 20 Ye LIBERTY Her New Salem Home Her Own New Company Her Newest Productions i ft f i n I Ll nil MiTa. r Jh-m - 'tMmi SB x elf t v T 1E 7Tr. TCI" t . ,i.7i v.n . Z r i m w ' vr rf-'l '1 1- " r ft r '!.,(., AX.. rr. JJ SIS ln; eral Lnd Office.