e Capital J ourncii IT CHAKLE3 H. FISHES Editor ead Fobliiher iron age or 1 1 THIKSIXVY LTKXIXO Julv 17, 1919 t I . l T J .in. i ! m k i W f-f V Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon. Addreaa All Communication! To IAIJCH 138 S. Commercial St. OEEOON, AN AIRPLANE GARAGE SUBSCRIPTION BATE8 Di1!t. bT Carriar. ner Tear 3.00 Per Month. Dally b Mail, per year- -M.00 Per Month.. FULL LEASED W1KJ5 TELEUKAl'H KEl'OKT FOREIGN EEPEESEXTATrVES W D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building. W. H. Btoekwell, Chicago, People! (las Building A public aviation field and airplane station is about! to be opened in Detroit. It is Morrow field, used by the i government during the war for testing army planes. J When the public is admitted there will be exhibition ; flights. Persons who want to ride in an airplane will i have a chance to do so, as regular passenger-carrying j i5t i uigms are piannea. rrivaie owners may arrange to keep ! 35 tneir Dianes in tne Morrow field hanrnrs and pvprvhndv - 0 t J SS ViJ , who flies that way will appreciate the service station, j Visiting aviators are provided for, too. Altogether this looks like business. Here is a place ! wnere civilian aviation is taken seriously, when flyers n. MT cPitai Journal e.rrier boy. .r. i.Mru.ted to put th. pa,. th. y "V" their planes and have repairs attended to. It fttk. it the carrier dues tot do this, misses you, or ncgieeti getting the pap' j is easy to believe that Morrow I ield will be used exten-; U you on time, kindly phona the circulation manager, ai thil il the only way sjvpv Tf wnn't hp Inner pithpr Vufnre mnmr cnrri fiolrlc w. ean determine whether or not the carrier, are following in.tructiona. Phone PIVtI- 11 " 0I.1 1 WnS lae DdOre many SUCn IielQi ; Clark Jewel Oil stoves are best. The Clarke Jewel is different than most stoves it has a high burner thus giving you more heat wit hless oil. It also has heavy cast legs with shelf between and end shelf over oil tank thus giving you more cooking space. 7 U we ean determine II before 7:30 o'clock and i aarrier hsi missed you. paper will be aent you by ipecial messenger if the THE DAILY CATITAX JCCRKAL It the only newepapor in Salem whoee circulation U guaranteed by the Audit Bureau Of Circulation THE TAIL OF THE DOG. are necessary in other parts of the country. Wm. j. Bryan is the faithful old stand-by of ' the Chautauqua manager. Whenever the outlook'is a little gloomy and cash receipts are the great need of the hour if the famous Nebraskan can be booked the manager's financial troubles "fold their tents like the Arabs, and as silently steal away." Bryan's address in Salem, or any if place else for that matter, will draw more people than all! .There seems to be going on an odd reversal of opinion 'the other Chautauqua attractions put together, no mat with regard to the peace treaty proper and the League of ,ter how good they may be. Nations covenant incorporated in it. m There is little more talk heard about separating the ! . Two huge cooking ovens, each to accommodate four mvrnnnt from thp treat v and considering each on its own Uamiiics at once are to be constructed for the use of auto -Vvr' rtLL I'll c arae Jevel loves Are made in one, two, three and four burn ers. We also have the ovens in one'and two burner. merits without regard to the other. Even the enemeis of the League of Nations are admitting now that this can not be done. The two stand or fall together. And standing together, they assume a new relation to each other. Instead of being an appendage to the main treaty it almost begins to appear that. the treaty is an ap vendaee to the covenant. The situation is put with striking clearness by one of the New York newspapers. Pointing out the abvious im perfections of the settlement, it says: "What saves it, what guarantees a safe and reason able interpretation in accordance with the needs of jus tice, is the League of Nations, which is the instrument through which the treaty is to be executed and the tribunal through which it is to be construed and applied." President Wilson himself seemed to take this position in his address to congress. His faith in the German treaty as it stands is obviously based not on any confidence in the explicit provisions made by the Paris conference so much as in the handling of them by a permanent inter national executive body succeeding the peace conference. It would be absurd, of course, to expect a treaty of sach complexity and of such severity with regard to the Central Powers to administer itself. But the emphasis now placed on the League of Nations as the administra tive power provided to execute the treaty, and also as the judicial tribunal to determine its application in any ouestionable case, is something new. Formerly the League of Nations was thought of by many of us merely as the tail of the peace dog. Now it looks as if the tail may wag the dog. tourists on the public camping grounds near Eugene, ac cording to the Register of that city. Motorists can look for a warm reception at least. Why don't the coal operators, who are prophesying a tragic scarcity of fuel next winter, accumulate something of a surplus stock themselves, instead of expecting the consumer to do it all. Their coal won't spoil. Dressmakers in session in New York say that women's j skirts this fall must be shorter or tighter, because there j isn t going to be enough cloth to go around. What do they mean, "go around?" In Canada they call alien disturbers "upsetters." And as "off-setters" a Ife wfirm down-setters are the best thing. The senator from Idaho seems determined to Borah hole in the treaty. Of course, the treaty will be ratified after the sen atorial gas barrage is lifted. Hunting a Husbana By MARY DONGLAS RIPPLING RHYMES By Walt Mason THE SALESMAN. THE TKUTH PAYS .Mother met me ut tin1 door, "Some urn' telephoned wink' yuu More gum-Mum." "Any incnMiv?" I uski-il caieicssly. For 1 kni'W bettor now thnn to hope. 1 hud lint seen the wiiilt' in mother's eyes. "Mr. .Verio, he Hit i it In' uuulit cull lllU'l!'' Mllllll'l's tuilf Bill) i u i In but I kurw ly the t'uint lilusli on hit I'lu'oks tllllt xllt' HIIH IIS I'Vi'itl'U 111 J, To niuat K"''" th' wuuM l'v untiling. IVr iiu'si prU hn' uaut In l.u.iu u ml i iiIIi ib. But I lmo never liud u beau in my life. And now Jumes Merie is com in;; tj ee me. .Iniiies Merie, the luvhi teit. Jiimes Merle, the 111:111 wumu I h:ii! ('lumen to ho my IiiihIuiiuI! Wluit xhull 1 wear? Tint t was my ''iv.it lhoii;;ht. 1 ment Inline. w I ;; n 1 1 111 v wr.riltolie in my lit i 11 it. l.y Hue ton ilaik fin evenine,. My pink lav. 11 lie him Been that. My e,nii iren ile t Mm1-yon. I will liuiinler i.iy sheer rnlliiiK ami 1'iiffi. I shn!l l'e leiniy. Then in the miilst nf my Imj py ex eiteiiuiit. 1 unilili'.ilv reine mliereit. He I!;) a noble spiel. This enthusiastic gink, this inspiml and,"""1'1 "nllt lo ",lk ot rran.e. rur i 1 r::.l. .1 1. - iu:i. t- ! Ii.nl s.sil I Ktinlieil thei,; f'r four years. JrV-tlK'y ja,V, fit" m- WIlIMU'll, IIUIM-S IIIL- UUI1K Uiai Illillw S!,.,i,l,l I net out of it f IVrhap.- If a salesman is lukewarm when he boosts the goods he sells, you will never see his form wearing handsome h!lver Ik'IIs. Now and then a languid guy comes to sell me books, or trees, or a strip of azure sky, or a swarm of bumble bees. Hut his coming is in vain, for his manners don't convince: and 1 tell him, speaking plain, he's a lemon tf a quince. Then there comes a sprightly skate who is brimming oer with zeal; he will burble and orate and put goods are all 0. K. He is talking through his fez, dealing; co-.iki 8;eer him i.ay fium u.o tub lmnk, I later guess, but liHieves in w hat he savs thru s the,-1' .' , v t o r i i make huu till f'.-cret cf Eucct'ss. bo I buy his duplex chairs, or a large, n,,. teiepi, revolving churn, or a span of polar boars, or a lamp that will not burn. 1 woulit do tliat. I woulci talk iilit'iit himself. plione: " ery eli. tlmiik iiiu. tlow are you; Oh ye tuat tili If a salesman cannot talk in a fine SmXlTL I. Z'S-- ' ' Kloned vein of his tall self winding clock, or hU patent! r1""" '" ,h,, '"rlv -veniu!f. i logging chain, if he cannot make us drink of formalde-!hk'i '"";!"' Wc , I i i ti i .i . t ,1' '"tr while, uioui' on tin vine- hydt and die. Earnestness a man must have if as sales-1,,,,,-.! por.i.. vc Nh,wo i.uui air man he would win, whether he is peddling salvu or anif,',"1, ,t "" ,u,"" i,a"-v- ''T1'al 'l ltu bllilt nf tin ' ' jfiie ul of youi-i, Tom AnKus u moo .1 1U) IJlUll pi lin. . fellow," he aiil. "He1!! jolly nn.l lie ' imliit, too." I was rniher Mirpristul at thee iiril. Tom never i:ie ;t mueh to me, cxiept just Tom. 1 liail forit ten he hail It ieroiiii!ity. I Hskeil JhIMi'S Merle lll'Ollt lii ik. lie upoke well on thai. 1 (e.t the ron verw.tiuii wan safely I'linu hi il i'nt the eveniMr. 1 renieni!ert'vl my convert lion with Captain 'oiioxtin. 1 ii iiife. lie wnuM not k nlmiil me. He to!. I me nt' int his rare f ee Col lee ily. Hie Hiaux Arts in 1 aria; an. I LADD 8z BUSH BANKERS Established 1SGS General Banking Business I Commencing Jane ICth Banking Houre will be I from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m. now Ms work, its' Interest uiiil drnwr lai ks. It ma. le it r. II neem ri al, viviil. Anil the man, too. I felt t;i:.t power rliii'h I'uiiieii from iiitereiliu a allont man. I'Vom ln-tiri nj a man, 11. ..Hilly nl lent tnlk well on liia own Milijert. 1 hail ipiite forotien mv feai wnea lie tiinn'.l tonanl me in the ilarkaC'is. "What iiliout ymif" lie nukeil. "You l'i:o not tolil in t- of your eoniei.t life in 1 in in. Anil nil you must have en .(iveil Iheief A lilark clinsai openetl liefoie me. I I rn rl a voiee, siunll, nie. ha.iii iil. It ilid not ?i'em to eoine from me: "I liuve never been to Turin! " "I unileriilooil " ho Haul. I tolil him everything, hverj thing exeept the bitf faet. That I was u See retaiy tireil of my dull routn.e. I wits tnkinR this one year off. Ami I rmleil with the utory "of tho lie. The little lie that hail turned o big. I nm not a convent ifirl you nee, I have never been to Fiani'e." There was silenee for a moment. Only the full sound of crickets coirpiug in the darkness. I felt two strong hands ever mine. His word, "You n;v brave to tell nie the truth. I admire yon for it." 1 know, now we are friend. Tru'mln on the nmtur.l prennd of trntli- ftml e.j lllteutloll. (Tomorrow - I'nimrations. WUY MOONEY PBOTEST3 TAIL (Turner Tribune) We are henrtilv in Record with the editor of Ihe lirownsville Time who stnto (list the protests against the con viction of Mooney have, in the ma jonty of eases, been engineered by men who, ojienly or behind eh od doors .iilvoeate jus R ic h crimes as Mooney has heen found jtuiliT of. Iitto the strikes afninst the. operation of the 1. A down disinieiested utiJtu, af ter listeniiijr to all the evidence, de TRADE IN YOUR OLD GOODS 4 Stores . .j.' ' - 4 Stores NEW BOOKS AT THE CiTY LIBRARY. id :(: "Cuthedial I'ities (if France,'' n book useful to intending travelers covering most of the important cathedral cities of France in the eourso of the Lint five yi.TT.s with foroty -eight illustialiunn, by Herb, it -Marshall. OREGON'S FLYIN GGOVESNOB INVITED TO DO PARACHUTE JUMP AT LANE COUNTY FATS Kiijrenr, Or., July 18. That Lane county is taking Governor Olcott'a aeronautic ai'tivities seriously is evinc ed hy tho faet that the county fair board ha extended the (fo' ernor an invitation to make a parachute .lump for the amusement nt the crowd here next fall. The fair board believes the event would lie a nut d drawing card and all that delavs the announcement "Lilies, white a .d red," liy Fruncealnf the feature is the consent if the Wilson llnuvd, author of '.Mj !ioa;c i n J ' ,,r' 11 Inducer himself. the field honour." ete. I. " Wo "re ",!,".H,! , "" .vm,r w''" .. , . iknowu nerve and audaeitv to promiit ,.,kniK my way tr,,.,,., t,,cj U( ,., , this invtatill , world, ,l Kniei,t one r,l 1 1.0 mosi I ,,,.,, ,,,, ;,, i(s . M won, famous travel hooks of the ln.,i quarter p1MS !,,,. received ns vet from the gov century "A vapilioiin.l ,.mrne ernor. around the world." The cM,,pi,er has! lifted from the originnl the most sig-' SEVEN YANKEE SOLDIERS nil if a it passages, retaining tin slyle of; AND TWO CIVILIANS ARE the iinthor. rewriting only enonoV, (,f ECOMMENDED FOR BRAVERY the other malerir.l to liiuiutain the eon- . . tinuity of the tiarrntie, by Lena M. ,!'r'in, duly lli. Seven American Kranck. ' soldiers and two civilians, ort an Aui- "A short hislorv nf Aiisli.uin l,.!'"'11" "lie a "..ermaii. were recom were a part of the number attached to the American mission which went ta Berlin after the armistico was signed. The funeral, services of the Rey. Ham U Pratt will be h;'ld Saturday after noon at 1:30 o'clock at the Evangelical church and will be conducted by the Rev. (i. L. Lnvell, pastor of the United Evangelical churili. Burial will lie ia the Odd iFi-Uons cemetery. . Krnest Kcott. "tins and flump in modern warfare," a book on gases, nsphvxintiug and pois on on in war use, bv Major S. J. M. Auld. illustrated by V. (i. Th.iyer. ' "The crimson njil'i," a ploi which is unique, a detective whieh in iiiinian mid a story of absorbing, ciimuiiiuve iater et, by Oi-tuvud Hoy Colun. "Fire fli "gers," based on a mistaken identity situation that is a liUlc i.ovel b it new in the handling, by W iiiiam J. Neblig, For tho Children. " Work a ilav doings," I Serl. 41 Wio k day ilotiig on tit.' luiin,' by Koinm Kerl. ''The L'irl from the Rig tioru i uiin trv," bv Marv Kllen Chase. mended by American authoritiea today for gallantry and bravery dining the riols in licrlin at winter. Tiiey were: Sergeant Kdward Alattiir-ore, St. I'aul Minn. Private Hobart Barton, Fork Kidge, Tcnn. b ' Sergeant 11. A. Oilham, Charleston, Iowa. Private I', W. r.la.kstone Athens, Ala. ' . ' Private Frank Kent. 'hicagn Private II. .. Babbitt, St. Louis. i'rivnte Dave heeler. U-tlih hern. Pa. Alfred Bicncnwald, Hamilton, 0. Kiiima' 01,0 Walter, a German employed by .the American minsiun. Tlie American old:ers Ti'esnmtibtv DIAMOND INGS Very often the rcn beauty of a ttono is not shown to the best advantage be cause of the jetting. Artistic taite and a close regard for the best display of the stones enter iato all the settings we sell. We design and execute patterns and at all times iiavo on hand a varied assortment of diiiuo id mountings for men and women. All diamond setting is done in onr ow n shop. HARTB1AN BROS. CO. Jeweler and Opticians X.W Corner State and Liberty birects Be!a Kun Overthrown Say Dispatches From Vienna Paris, July IS. Ib-piitehes received i from Vien ia by the naie coiifeicnce j rep rt that Hi la Kun, war ininistir and virtual ili. trtor of the Hungarian nil iel . government has been overihiowa. j tienei'iil H Inn, former command, r of I the Kt'd army, and Perr lender a.c said' culed thst he had been i.rovea guilty ' bave assuui.r control of t.:e govern be. end a reasonable doubt. There was ""'1''- 1 ool-lieMki. it was .-..mi, arc no ib aith of money or legal talent in j '" ' Uer of attaek by a While irmy his d fense, and he had the full bene-, f -' : !"' d laigely of is asaats. fit of our law, whieh faxur the a. cm -j 1 1 ed mere than do tio.se of, any l her HminCPn ftff oror! 1 fiA AAA country on earth. vwmpovj vn i(liwi;,vutf To StaT St?d Ii Si"r Job Printing mn 139 Ths Quickener Press 193 R Com'l -over Gate & Co. Q. E. B.-ockinj, Proprietor T. A-eeVs. Cal.. Jnlv IV-Pnowr HVer. Aoslrnlinn fi:ht r-romoter, linsi off-fed .Ins TV:i:ts.'T E Cnarj' tee nf.4 innn..i if f (lU!,i jt-.p h;s ftr,f it Me ilefei lin the w.irM's rtan piei.l ip j -v.i',.',- n,.i;,. l P,k, r eeWefl th. offer t" Mr. Tinker, j I n i visitinj in T.os Angeles. Mr. Fruit Grower Save money now Haul your fruit with a truck We have them both used and new ones. First cost more but upkeep less than team. 1 used 1 1-2 ton worm drive Maxwell just overhaul ed at $695 1 Overland car would make fine light delivery at only $293 1 Ford chassis rebuilt in A-l condition. 'Get our price on this car. Repair shop in connection. SALEM VEIE COMPANY 1G2 N. Commercial Phone 1604