Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 18, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Hie Bargain Saturday
Groceries MensMui$s
Dry Goods 77ie PteHJl'mStorQ Hatw5ho
Clothingf 2
. PHONE 453 -
186-194 N. Commercial Street
Where Your
Twice as Far
The Salem Bargain Day is a thing of the past with the Salem stores, but not with us. You will find real sur
prising Bargains each Saturday in every week at this store. Please compare our prices for this coming Sat
urday with others. You will find that we are not only the lowest priced store in Salem, but in the entire
valley. Everything in all our departments of Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Men's Furnishings, Hats and
Shoes will be sold at Bargain prices. Read these prices carefully, then come in Saturday and supply your
needs. .
10 1-2 pounds Cane Sugar $1.00
Best Hard Wheat Flour $2.80
The Very Best $2.90
Valley Flour $165
10 pounds Corn Meal 65c
5 pounds Head Rice 55c
5 pounds Jap Rice 55c
5 pounds Broken Rice - 40c
5 pounds. White Beans .-. ...30c
2 pounds Lima Beans 25c
25c Cream of Barley 15c
Corn Flakes 9c
Soda and Oyster Crackers 17c
Graham Crackers 18c
Peanut Sandwiches . 13c
Peanut Butter 14c
59c Peaberry Coffee 40c
M. J. B. Coffee, 5 pounds $2.50
Gunpowder Tea 50c
English Breakfast Tea ..32c
Raising 2 packages 25c
Canned Goods
Carnation, Bordens, Armours and Libbys milk....l5c
2 1-2 Standard Tomatoes 14c
Corn and Peas 15c
No. 2 Pork and Beans 12c
Compound in Bulk 29c
Cooking Oil per Gallon $2.25
Soap 5 bars '. 25c
Matches 5 boxes .'. .'. 25c
Brooms v 65c, 85c, $1.00
Vegetables and Fruits
Large Oranges, best quality, per dozen 55c
New Potatoes, 5 pounds .......... 20c
The best old potatoes, 10 pounds for 25c
Onions, per pound 7c
Cabbage, per pound 5c
Men's and Boy's Cloth
ing and Furnishings
Do your Fall Trading now and save ,100 per cent on
each dollar.
$35.00 Men's Suits .. $15.48
$7.50 Wool Serge Pants ,. $5.28
Men's Cotton Pants : ...$1.19 up
Men's Work Shirts 78c up
Men's Dress Shirts 98c up
B. V. D. Union Suits 98c
Two-Piece Suits,- per Garment 45c
Men's Fibre Silk Hose i 45c up
Cotton Hose : 15c
Men's Sport Shirts 69c up
Boys' Suits $3.49 up
Boys' Stockings .....i. 25c
Boys' Work Shirts 49c
Boys' Sport Shirts : : 49c up
$1.00 Hats, 50 cents
We have just received a big assortment of all kinds
of hats and will sell them.Saturday at bargain prices
that will surprise you.
$1.00 Shoes, 65 cents
If you wish to walk in the right way, walk to the
PEOPLE'S CASH STORE and buy all the Shoes you
need. Yo uwill save health and money. We carry a
complete line of men's, ladies', boys' and girl's shoes.
Hurry up and get your Tennis Slippers. There is a
real shortage in that line. Our prices are the lowest
on the coast.
Ladies' and Men's Vim Oxfords, black and white89c
Boys' and Girls' Vim Oxfords, 68c
If you are Economical, Visit our Economy Easement. You will find Economy on every Step. When you spend
a Dime here you get Ten Cents' Worth. A Sample of a few items are as follows:
Market Baskets 10c
1 dozen Sanitary Self Sealer Tops 20c
2 dozen Zinc Mason Tops 55c
10 quart Galvanized Pails 35c
1 dozen Paper Plates .. 5c
100 Paper Napkins 15c
1 dozen Jar Rubbers 5c
30,000 ACRES
(Continued from page one)
end the towns are threatened from three
sides. Strong winds are rapidly in-j
: . i j i .
creasing mc uaugcr, mnu a numoer ox
tenches thought safe yesterday are bow
almost certain of destruction. A heavy
livestock kna ii reported.
Scarcity of available men to fight the
flames ia a serious handicap. The ad
visability of asking soldiers to assist in
the work is being considered.
Boise Bends Aid.
Boise, Idaho, Ju'y 18. In answer to
the eppes4 from federal and state of-l
ficials crews of n.ea were loaded Into
big army automobile trucks and started
for the scene of the rugiig foieat fires
in the yellow pine district in rt cen
tral Idaho. It in hoped 100 additional
firefighters will reach the burning lone
dnrirg today. The campaign will be to
keep the fires out of valuable timber in
the forest reserves. At present it is con
fined to publie lands not with reserves.
R. E. Huffman, field agent with the
general land office, left Cascade for
the zone of the fire. Other parties are
heading into the Thunder mountaia
country from several directions. This
fire is burning on a 13 miles front, 10
miles wide. An area 30 miles long and
14 miles wide has been burned over dur
ing the mat two weeks. A new fire
has stsrted in the Yellow Jacket sec
tion and looks dangerous.
Government to Aid.
The state is furnishing the equipment
to the army fire fighters.
tear is expressed that Idaho may sea
another duplication of the disastrous
fires in 1910 which startea ironi tninver-
ons small fires and caused 122,000,000
loss to timber and cost the government
a million dollars in control work ex
Governor Davis was ab'e to get
prompt relief from Secretary Lnuc to
let aside in,0('O to be used to equif
fire fighters snd send them to t!ie burn
inf area. He leaves for Washington to
day to urge the government tr ,ut forth
every effort to meet the forest fiie kit
nation ia this state.
(Continued from page one)
"Yon and an attorney are frying to
get me to say what you want," Ford
"But you said you were you said
yon didn't know much about military
"I said I knew something about it."
"But you did not know what a mo
mile army was."
Attorneys bere sought to protect the
manufacturer by declaring the "knowl
jedge" waa not his but that of an
j "Jt was not pot in the agent's
name," eitid Judge Tucker.
i "Did not you try to Oppose the pre-
pc.redness program of congress?"
"Sot wilfully," Ford answered.
"The government has right to take
j t lif; Ford resources," Attorney Steven
son read from the Tribune editorial.
"Anything in that about bomb
throwing cr overthrowing the govern
ment!" aked Mcvecson. "What's
The following casualties me r pirtcd f
:y the coniniaiKiing general of the
Yiucricau Expeditionary Fonts:
; ttuli'd in Actum 3
Died in Aeroplane Accident 1
Died of Accident and Other (.auws 9
! Died of Disesse 5
I Wounded JSevcrely 100
! Wounded degree undetermined; 2
i Wounded S'ightly 51
I Missing in Actiou 2
I.. Killed ia Action.
I Charles W Bock, Butlerville Ind.
Joseph K l.ail, (.lieu Rose Ttx.
I Znr;.a West, Kinguiotith W Vs.
OiA from Accident aid Other Causes.
i John 1'. Jones, Calax Va.
! Joseph Bershaw, Oconto Wis.
Krnest Bugleo, Montville Conn.
Sla.iley CieUsz, Detroit ilich.
Cleave Enrp, Kuw Okla.
Adolph I.undgreeu. Centuria Wis.
Albert I Marken, Bigfork, Mont.
Died of Disease.
Herman F Zierk, Dundee ill.
Died from Aeroplane Accideut,
l.ieut Raymond A Fiper, llopeda'e
Mass. I
Died from Accident and Other Causes.
Robert L Taylor, Deluware City Del..
Fraueis W Quigg. Sun Francisco Cul.
Died of Disease. j
John Cusii k, New York N Y. j
William E Emmerson, Nnmpa lu-dlio.
John Lewis, Breaux Bridge La,
Charles A Turner Riversluo III.
Tho following casualties are reported
by the commanding officer of the Auicr'
ican Expeditionary Forces: j
Killed in Action 6
Died of Wounds - H
Died of Disease - 2
Dentil by Accident - I
Missing in Action ...... 4
Killed in Action.
Carl Salmer Knutaon, Bclview Minn.
Henry Franklin Marcum. Koso UiH
Andrew Jucksou Higglns, En moo N C
John Randolph, Pittsburg Kan.
Died of Wounds.
John Deuhuin Ashworth, Springfield
Patrick Harelsou Davis, Bristol Tonn.
Martin Eigelbaeh, I.ousvillu Ky,
Chuiles Edward Enderle, Dull-Mown
James Wilbcrt Grndy, Cleveland O.
John Patrick Williams, Oirardsville
Died of Disease.
Clarence H Rice, Atlanta tia.
George W Hummers, Guiinison, Colo.
Death, Result of Accident
Blair Killeaii, Fairbury Neb
Killed In Action, Previously Reported
Henry Hampton. Douglas, bt. Louis
Mo. -
Raymond Newlin Olvon, VMIudoiphta
Died of Wout'flii, Previotisly Reported
Francis George Higgins, Lansing Mich
i fh Secrtf-
Ciaptjr of
One Woman
.i Mr r
, Ay Izqla Forrester
Directed fa JohnA.Barr
GoUwyn Picture
J Ice Cold Lemonade Served All Day Saturday FREE ! j
bad about that."
"That part which says the govern
ment can take resources is not common
sense," Ford answered.
"Have you not said the only way to
raise an armv was by conscription!"
"That's a fair way when we at
Htevenson resumed reading:
"He takes the man that stands be
tween him and universal service Snd
penalizes him."
"Whst about thatt" asked (he at
torney. "That's against me."
"Did yon discourage men going la
to servicel"
"I did not."
"But you started an eduealional etm
paign to keep your men from going into
"No. The only way I enn do any
thing is by hiring a good exert. I
thought I had a good one ia DeLa
vigne." .
Htevenson read a statement of Presi
dent Wilson that the army wss too
small for routine peace duties and that
Stepping Into A
Good Thing
That's what you do when yoa cose into
Bishop's these days.
We are selling Bishop's Ready Tailored
Suits here six days in the week and whe i
you have one your clothes troubles are over
-and most of your other troubles also.
WE have the waisliine
models ia the ligiit weight
Flannels and in the skele
ton lined with the most
beautiful silk lining and
most durable. Full lined
suits that are cool and com
fortable for this hot weath
YOU may still obtain real
comfort in a Talin Beach
Suit here but they arc go
ing fust and you f'aould net
at once. They're so dur
able with care they lust
several seasons. .
$15 and $20
S35 to $50
Fancy line of Soft Collars iust arrived
35c and 50c
Every Family in Marion and Polk Counties
A Patron
l'au! Alfred Brosseau, Kverett Mass.
Henry Arthur Heningar, New Brigh
ton N Y.
AI011.0 Gilbert I'ack, Winston -Bulom
N C.
Franklin Alvos Hauuders, Cleveland
Tho following casualties arc reported
hy the .commanding general of the
American Kxpeditiouary Forces!
Killed In Action - 1
Died of Wounds - 1
Died of Accident and Other t Buses 1H
Died of Disease
Wounded Severely 1J
Wounded (degree umk'teriuincd.. . 37
Wounded Hlightly 6J
Misning in Action - 1
Killed in Action.
A lt,.nnitt. Harpoon Ohio.
Died from Accident and Other Causes.
Krnest It Crouch, Chicago III.
John Decheeko, Coal City 111.
Clayton Keefo, Bhawuno Wis.
Kri.ma Krasnohira, Btanhope N J.
John Lien, Elbow Lake Minn.
Avery E llarkham, Okmulgee Okia.
Matthew l'ettigrew, Wills . Creek
Thomas C Zehner, Indiana I a.
Died of Disease.
(leorge D Frye, West Finley l'a.
the l'nited Htntes did not hne cnongh
men to prevent border raid'.
Ford said he was taking the opposite
"Again the president getting troops
to defend the border f Htevenson ask
ed. Ford said he did not know President
Wilson had been on prepareiines tours
hen the pence advertisements appear
ed, hut he hnd heard of "slnnhteiS on
the Mexican border' 'although he claim
ed there wn no war there st the time.
"Couldn't th're be a war unless war
nas declnredt"
"There could be a riot."
"But this was not a wr.r, but an in
vasion! "
"And American troops hnd invaded
Ford could not remember, but tiinunlit
the l'nited States had enough soldiers
to protect its borders.
"I put out ads Bgainut preparedness
without regard to Mexico," Ford said.
"Didn't you say 'a man n.i steal
from me and I will keep him, but if he
soes to a training camp I will discharge
him!' "
"I knosr I never said tliat because
we never discharged anybody."
Died from Wounds.
ii... M,. Knlirl.t llmikiusville Kv.
Died from Accident and Other Causes,
Harold W (iallison, Holliston Mass.
l.ee Bread, Tauipa Fla.
James Catsavos, Greece.
Zuck Mays, Hinarr Oa.
Henry Overfi ld, I.eroy .Minn.
John K IVd'er, Klkhsrt Ind.
David T Kheriilaii, Fur ltockaway X
Willie K Kwaner, Dunlr.p 'i'onn.
Joseph Thompson, Dranesville Va.
Kuiuuel C Thornton Wulson f .
Died of Disease.
Vernon Wright Boiler, Los Angeles
Koy Durham, Springfield Mo.
Albert Adair, 1'hilailelphia l'a.
Kuben linker, Tnmpa Fla.
Hubert I. Bush, Titwulton Vs..
John A Furphy, Salt Lake City Utah.
William Porter, Fayetteville tia.
Charles A Kherwood, Cleveland Ohio.
Ike riM'arman, Orantville I.a,
Ernest K Htrnng, Halt Lake t'ily Utah
Two officer" and four enlisted men
were killed and 12 enlisted men in jur
ed when an army truck plunged over
tho side of a bfidue at Alexandria, Va.
Three of tb squadron of six De
Ilavilanil airplanes which are to make
a flight up the Pacific coast and then
across the continent to the Atlantic,
left Houston, Texas Hunday.
As a result of race troubles and
riots between whites and negroes,
(iregg county, Texas, has been placed
under martial law.
"Forget It" Buy At Home
vWiW Safe
C'jf -Forlnfanls
He Ceokias
A Nutritious Dkt for All Aset
Quick Lunch at Home or Offico
Avoid Imitalioui u.d Sultiitutct
Miss Julia Donovan, who for elj;h
year has been chief clerk In tho prat-
office at Paseo, has resigned to a 1 1
a position with the Northern I acific at
A logger at Hoqulam, Warn., mails
complaint to the police tbat while a
gypsy fortune teller held bis hand to
rend his palm she took his watch and
Figures published by the Carranva
government show that Mexico's del
ia 1R6,000,OC.
Tea must be good on
the bush before you cm
make it good in the cup.
Common tea is made from
the rank coarse leaves of
the tea-plant and is full
of tannin. SchillingTea is
made from the young
tender leaves and is full
of tea -flavor.
Schilling Tea costs
more per pound, but less
per cup.
If you want to pay less
at a time, get a small
package of Schilling Tea.
There art four flavors of Schilling
Tea Japan, Ceylon India, Ooiong,
English Breakfast. All one quality In
parchmyn-lined moisture-proof pack ages.
At grocers everywhere.
A Schilling & Co San Franc isa