Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 17, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Court House Notes
-TTf-T-rT -r- T- Tjijip miukiiir boa rl to Kraut the eliar-
, ,. ,. , ...
In the divorce proceedings of "U''
Tttrnidge against Henry Tunridge, both
parties filed complaints for divorec.
Hp got it. They were married March
10. Wl. nnd 'aecnrding to the testi-j
inonv she left home April 30, 1918. She
was given
her maiden iiamn
- . , , ,,
lm ,. OI , "".w (-''!""
Powner Halferty, in a suit f.jr lnaiii.
ininiirr, tiirir wb uisinisiai ui ine
vuit on plea of the plaintiff. But she
has iiott filed a suit for rtivorvp alloy
i- these things; that he eursed her,
neglected and assaulted her asd was
abusive, besides being rough, eenrse
and vulgar. She asks for a one third in
terest in his property nenr Chemawa
and $1.i00 as alimony and -"iH! suit
Tn the ense of E. N. Erickson against
lary Erickson, the defendant has filed
application for leave to change her at
torney. She alleges the one she had
d;dn't give the pro)er attention to the
On Friday aftrnoon July ft the
ease will be called of H. A. Holmes
against the State Board of Fish and
(lame Commission. The plaintiff is
bringing n suit to prevent the payment
f the first Installment on a tract of
laud recently bought in Lane county
by the commission.
Mary Clark Crothers has brought
unit R'jain.st Kichard Robinson Crothers
for divorce. She alleged ther were mar
ried May 21). 13. They "have a son
3Vi years old. She alleges abuse and
general cruelty and nnhuinaue treat
ment. Certain stockholders of the Butte
Fulls Prune (irowers Association are
asking the court for a restraining or
ler against the directors of the asso.
fiation. They claim that a meeting was
railed some time ago and the directors
ordered the reducing of the stocK from
400(i to 2,000. If record is officially
made of this action, the plaintiffs claim
they will be defrauded of their interest.
Hence they are asking for an injunc
Samuel GoUyn
-sT- i-.:" t . . - 1
i 1 &lJ?Lel.XJ&
by Izola For re s ter
Direciedby John A.Barry
o4a Emotional Drama
of the Woman Who. Dared
Ye Liberty
IPJ ....
ill 5biven5 ?vsMv Ctevrolefi's n ioMib
handle - tfbelher in the coajesrd district-or on
ft Jish'miJ trip" I'll tell the' world yoyc!eVarunfor vjoui
money, since she's onW S7 F0f
In 1h case of the grunting of char-j
h R
ter for another bank at St. Ji hns, '
lwhereiu Judge Bingham
ter asked for bv S. A. Mulkev and
others, an appeal to the supreme' court
1ms beeu taken by the State Banking
Board and notice of, this a;iieat was of
j,k'iu,ly M tbisjimruiug.
j,,, Si,n,..us idow of drover .,
, ,,., ;1 , ,..:. .
, ,i,, : i
will of (irover SiniiiioiH which has
been probated, she has elected to take
the shades and provisions made for her
ia th(, wiU nnd ot to tske hfr dl)WPr
Tight as provided by law.
The estato of Leah Bover has been
appraised at $8")0. Ineluded iu this
appraisement was lot 4 block 4.3 iu the
city of Sulein, valued at 4,000. This
lot is on the corner of Bellevue and
Oak streets.
The Federated Commercial dubg of
Marion county will meet this evening
at the Commercial oluu. Out of the 111
clubs in tho county, representatives
of thirteen have already signified their
intentions of attending. John Steel
hammer cf Woodburn is president, J.
V. Mayo of Slav ton, vice president
and Joo J. Keber of Mt. Angel, secre
tary and treasurer.
The name of John Jauzen appears In
tho current list of those who were kill
ed in action. Sivlein, Oregon; is given
as his hnnic. t
Although New York dispatches say
that innil sacks nre ready to be for
warded to liermany, no instructions
have as yet been received at. the post
office in Salem as to the receiving of
mail for points in (ierinauv. No mail
has been accepted for Germany since
the declaration of war April 0, lu17,
although the lied Cross has served as
a medium to some extent for the re
ceiving and sending of letters smce
the signing of the armistice.
Governor Olcott Is til receipt of a re-
v .. - n
On sum. n wan V 1 A F a
Chevrolet Distributors
cent letter from Colonel Henry I.. Wat
son, in command of Mather f'vinir field
, c . ... .'. , ...
at Sacramento, stating that he expects
, i, i,.,i ; ehric n. March
he will superintend the training and i""1""'- who spent mucn time on
equipment of a patrol Kqtmdron for the witness stand, was requested to
i,.,.. i...i r I'.hr,,,.;. .,..! furnish a list of the stockholders of
trol will be fitted out with' DoHvi-
land bombing Planes and trained in all
the maneuvers cf warfare, lie gives
the governor a cordial Invitation to
visit him when in California. A close
comradeship develtrpod between the
two during their trips across, the state
of Oregon.
Ber. W. E. In galls of Amity was in
the city this morniiiR greetinjr old
frirnds and acquaintances. He returned
a few d:iys ago from fonthern J ranee
where he was sfationed at base section
No. 6 in tho supply service of the Y.
M. O. A. He arrived in New York about
the middle of June, spending some time
visiting in Washington and oilier east
ern cities. He also attended Iho great
'cntenary meeting of the Methodist
church at Columbus, Ohio. Mt. lnjrallf
was formerly pastor of the Jason Lee
church of this city. ; I
The second of a series of picnic
prnyer services arranged by the con-
gnl.atiiin of the r irst Presbyterian
church is held this evening at the1 fair
grounds, with a hnsket supper t half
past six. Knch memher is invited to
bring a well filled basket, A very
pleasant evening is anticipated.
Prof. 0. L Lewis of the Oregon Agri
cultural eolhge will devote his time
this summer to the organisation work
of the Oregon Growers Copeintive as
sociation, which was recently organized
to combine all growers in the state. He
will make his headquarters in Salem.
It haa been prartlcaJly decided that
the Women's club of bulcm shall en
tertaiu Miss -Ida Tarbell it luncheon
when she comes to Salem next week
to lecture for the rhnutiinqua course.
Mrs. 7a. 3. Riggs is president-of the dub
and is expected to return to Salem
next Monday when definite plans will
be announced.
Lieutenant Cook, a Salem boy who
has been doing real airplane stuff over
in France "before nnd afti-r tho signing
of the armistice has volunteered to do
SnillA f'lvini in Snlnm n .I -l.l- .ft..
noon was out at the aviation field
looking over the airplano of Lienten -
ant Browne. If everything is o. k, lie
will take up those who have ambitions
for airplane riding.
Attention O. A. B. Member of Sedg
wick Post and Civil war veterans will
turn out on Friday July 18, Rt 2 o'clock
in the afternoon, to attend the funeral
of our lato comrade, John .W. Welles,
at the undertaking parlors of Webb 6i
Clough interment in 1. A. H. circle,
City .View cemetery. F. A. Thompson,
commander. 1). Webster, adjutant.
A marriage license wss Issued y ester
dny to Harold J. Jewett, 21, who is in
the brick (business in Canon City, Colo.,
and Kthel E. Reynolds, 1, of Salem.
Tor the benefit of those whose con
sciences may be troubling them, Asses
sor Ben F. VV'cst is sending out uoticcs
asking all car owners who might have
liecn overlooked, to report as to the
kind of a car they own, how old and
its gcnpial condition. March 1 is the
date when ownership counts ns to taxes
this year. If bought before March J,
it should ibe -given in to the ansc-sur to
be taxed. If bought after March I, the
car is not to bo amcsst'd this spring
but will be liable for taxes when the
license is secured Jan. 1, 1020. Next
year automobile owners will psv twice
on cars oivncd March 1 of this year.
I he first will be the new rtTnsis f ee
ii Li-unuinci; nuu uie law passeii oy;ienoers.
tlie last legislature and the second will
ie the payment of taxes assessed this
Those wto sell ice cream and soda
safer and other luxuries on which
there is a war tux have b.-en informed
tiy internal revenue cidlcitor Unit now
'is the time to pay up. The pennies that
have been aecumulating fiom ice
crenm cones and such must now be re
mitted to the revenue c IIe-to. at Port
land, or there will be a penalty enforc
ed. j Here la a chance to buy a lot of evap
(orated milk. The government is adver
tising that it has 1 '.!'' cases for sale
at Seattle and it will soon be sdd at
auction. The tiuycr buys "sk is and
where stored."
I The First Methodist church is the on
ly church in the city carrying an ad
vertisement and the snine ad may be
!sid to be the h'ghet advertiaemeat
in the city. It is that of Krixon
Jones who are dung the nork on the
st-tilc of the church. The s I read
"This work is being dne by Krixon
Keep Them Home$$i
Refrigerator Cars Filled At
Excessive Price la East
Probe Shows.
Tort land. Or., July 17. At least one
northwestern railroad pays 17.30 lor
ice in Minnesota and Michigan and
sends it to Pacific eoast points for the
refrigeration of perishable freight,
bon he of quality and quantity can
be purchased near at hand for about
3.50 a ton.
Te'tinmr to this o;f f f artled
fruit growers and shippers at the per
ishable freight hearing before Examin
er K. C. Marshall ef the interstate com
merce commission here today.
The comparison ir. coat a was submit
ted as one rwisoii why the sweeping in
ttmsi' in freight charges for the north
western fruit and vegetables were or
dered by the railroad administration.
Au effort to show that the Northern
I'acific 'company a officers wre fi
nancially . interest'! iu the. Fsrgo-Do-troit
Ice eonipanv of letroit Minn.,
was unproductive when U. K. Meiritt.
manager of refrigeration for the ortti
J'nrific declared that ho did not
'he ice company to the commission. 11
was ""e i TI".v "Ties
of the
(transportation company
with the ice company.
Mrs. Lillie T. Burch of Silverton wa
among tho recent cullers in Salem, stop
ping at the Capital hotel.
Franklin Miller of Albuny, who has
recently returned from France and re
ceived his discharge at Camp Lewis,!
stopped off in the city this morning to
meet old friends. Ho has been in the1
service since April, 1017, enlisting with
the lH2d Infantry. !
Fred Williams of the public, service
commission, is attending a conference
of the Interstate eoinmeice commission
in Portland today. " : r
Mrs. C. C. Clnrh nd Miss K. E. Hen-
edict left this -morning for an outing of
noveral day In the vicinity of Mill
l.'ity. One of the Indies is sm. nosed to
act as chnperomv tor the other, but
which is which we lire not prepared to
lr. E. T. Hedluad and Attorney
Fonton of Portland were in the city to
day anil were on business in the corpo
ration department tit the state house.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hendrickson of
Blooming Prairie, Minn., nre visitors
this week at the home of Governor Ol
cott. They were formerly close friends
m Illinois.
Lloyd Fry and Eugcno Thomas came
in recently from Silverton registering
at the .lfligh hotel. '
Secretary Ooodin of the board of con
trol is in Portland todny on business
connected with hin department.
Secretary I'pioha, Chauncev', Butler
nnd Homer Foster of the state house
, left todayor a fishing nrnl
caiikping trip on- the upper Klkhorn
creek. They will he goue for several
days. ' ; , ,.
Mrs. Ralph Harris, who- has been vis
iting at the home of her father,. W. A
j1'il,,"" Im, days, left this
1 """'" her home at Oswego.
Program For Band Concert
Frilay Evening Announced
The Cherrian band will give a con
cert at Willson iwrk Friday evening al
8 o'clock with flic following piogrmn:
March, Hail to Old Glory Jewell
Selection, The Miid and the Mummy
' - Vcscoy
Waltz, tyue Nous Amino Bowers
Idyle. The Glnd Girl Lampke
Overture, Orpheus Offenbach
Iritermer.zo, Kisses HuUiell
Carry Me Back to Ole Virginia, Bland
March, Flags of Freedom Souso
Selection, A Sure Thing ...... Tobanl
March, Janjaub Payne
Star Spangled Banner ..
East And West Battle For
Clay Court Championships
Chicago, July 17. The east and west
today held the edge on the middle Host
in the national clay court tennis cham
pionship tournament.
Eight players were left to battle for
the cliaiiipionsliip of the cUy courts.
The const still lu:s former ( Lampion
liillv Johnston, Au-x Gmvtu and Rob-
j ert Kinsey, all of Han Franii o, con
The east has the present champion,
William Tildi'ti, Philadelphia, and Yin
cent Richards of New York. These two
pluycis arc holding the nulioital doubles
The middle ef hss three pinyers to
sialic ineir claim, our rue nope v.in ue
upset if they come through with iTie
honors. Walter WestbrOok, Detroit,
ami Waller and Harry Waiduer of Chi
cngo represent the midwest.
New Ymk, July 17. Steamxhip piers
r.long both river fronts were guarded
by nilditional police today to prevent
possible repetition of ileiuonstrati'ins by
striking w-ainen.
About 2'H seamen visited the Tiard
line pier ia Brooklyn at midnight and
fcrcildv removed forty numbers of the
crew from vess X. They weie iij-t by
a acore of rwdici inen and dispersed after
night sticks had been freely used.
HHorllCk'S the Original
Malted Milk. Avoid
Imitations and Substitute!
R. It. E.
Boston - 0 5 0
Cleveland 4 9 v
Kuth and Walters; Mortou and O'
Neill. Washington . 8
Chicago 4
Shaw ud Gharrity; Fncr and
"vhalk. I.vnn. (seven innings)
Philadelphia 1
lH'troit 5
Kinney and MeAroy; Love and Ain
siitita. (seven iiiniugs)
New York ,
St. Louis 1
tjuinn and Hannah; Sothoron and
Sfveroid. (five iniiiugs.)
Chicago 14 2
.New York t 9 4
Hendrix and Killifer; liar in-a and
Cincinnati 5 9 " 0
Brooklyn 1 13 3
Sallco and Raridon; Smith and Mid
ler. St. Louis 0 4 1
Philadelphia 1 7 0
Jacobs and Dilhocfer; Meadows ana
Trngrcssor (12 innings)
Pittsburg Boston postponed unset
tled weather.
Portland And Seattle
Racquet Wielders Lead
For State Championship
Portland, Or.,' July 17. (tinted
Press.) Oregon's ISIS tennis cham
pionship appeared today to rest among
Catliu Wolt'ord of Portland and Bill
Taylor and Marshall Allen of Seattle.
Phil Neer and Taylor will battle late
Considerable interest centeieu in the
match todny of Elmer Griffin, San
Francisco, and Allen ngainst Wolfard
nnd Henry Stevens, which will be play
ed at 7 p. in.
Miss Lilly Fox meets Mrs. J. C. dish
ing, Berkeley, Cal., Into today.
Considerable jaxz resulted w hen Wol
fard defeated Walter A. (fuss yester
day. Wolfard, Who was IWi 7 Oregon
champion, defeated Gogs, 11M4 champion
0 7; -(!, 8 4. Neer easily beat A. D.
Allen defeated Griffin 4 , 6-4, 9 2.
Allen could not drive Griffin's beauti
ful chop shots, and bent the San Fran
ciscan at his own game.
Mis Gertrude Hchreinor, Scuttle,
sprung a surprise when she beat Miss
Stella Fording in straight aula.
Taylor and Rogers McVeagh in men's
doubles bent (toss and Neer. They also
won from Jack Wright and Robert liar
nor, Spokane. T. Greon, Seattle, and
nnrry Gray beat Guy Five and Charles
Urlutcs, Tucoinn, in three sets.
Aurora, Or., July 17. The "mid three
days saw 'the best progress on the
Huber contract of paving on the Pacific
highwav made so far this month. Over
1000 -feet a flay of base wts laid and
over 600 feet of the top Inyer. Two
shifts have been working the past ten
days. Two shifts of inspectors nro also
employed by the highway commission.
One set of engineers, however, is frv
.;;, i. ...t ,.r n,u ,t,mli.. .hlfts of
The highwnv from Hubbard to the
White school, near the mixing plunt,
hux been paved und operations were
transferred to the Gcrvais end of the
job. The paving material is hauled by
trucks from hero to tho Gcrvais district.
Material is being used rapidly, but
gravel continues to be taken out of the
river nt a rupid rate. The Aurora part
of the contract will probably be paved
Mske your own gas with our new grin
niaki-r, 'installed un Jour mngo or
henter $n two minutes. Safe, cheap,
quick, clean. Money back guarantee,
no experiment. Daily demonstration
at Frank Kirhter's store, 373 Court
St. Salem, Or. Robinson und Johnson
exclusive sidling representatives for
Marion county. 7 21
Expert machine shop servi.-e bv Mr.
Bergman at high school machine
hop. 12 years experience. Gear cut
ting a ipecinlty. High class mnchine
tools, yuick service. Phone 44(1. ft-1.1
ciaHst in the Modern H'-ienlific
Application of Glasses for the aid of
vision and the relief of Eyestrain and
Headache. Office closed Saturdays.
Office 210 211 V. S. Bank building.
Phones, nf'iee 14; re.. 1'4-t.
Radiators, Fenders and Gat Tanks
' Tractor Radiators a Specialty
All work guaranteed, 198 H. 12th St.
' Slcru, Oregon.
8 1
V A tj A A .iifcii a 1AA AAA A AAAAi
ear of
Yick So Tung
Chinese Medlelne and Tea Oe,
bss medicine which will cure any
known disease.
Open Sundays from 10 A. 3d-
until 8 P. M.
153 South Uigh St. T
Salem, Oregon Phono 2.52 2
232 North Uigh Street
Quick Reference To Firms That Giro Service On Short
Where Buyer And Seller MeetWe
Recommend Our Advertisers.
Salem Electric Co., Maosi Temple,
rl! SALE Qood 5 room house with
modern conveniences on largo -lot,
buudauee of fruit, on paved street.
6 room house, small barn and 2 fine 1
lots with abundant of fruit, only
blocks from paved street and school.
1200. Square Deal Realty Co. tf
20 acres all in grain, dark loam, east
slope, 1 mile to two towns. Pr'ee 4500.
Trade for Salem residence.
40 acres, all clear, rolling, red toil;
IS acres 6year old prunes, family or
chard, fenced and cross fenced 2 wells.
large house and liarn, at school b'a I
miles Salem. Price T3l0.
40 acres; 13 cleared, 5 acres 5 year
old prunes, balance in timber, consider
able open; shack buildings, all the best
of soil; located so tt would make two
prune orchards, only 2730.
23 acre, 114 miles from Hopewell,
14 acres cleared, some fruit, prunes,
berrios, acre logans; 4 room house,
barn, chicken house, creek and springs.
Mortgage 1700 to run 2 years at o
percent. Will trude for Salem acreage.
Owner wants to work in Salem.
3(5 acres good river bottom; 28 acres
in cultivation, 6 room house, barn, hog
house, chicken house, family fruit.
Worth 250 per acre, only 0500.
Concrete store building, 24 ft. by 100
ft, rented. Basement, electric lights,
fixtures, in good town. 1000 down or
trade for house in Sulein.
20 acret all cultivated, 9 acret fruit,
mostly prunes and in bearing, 314 acres
lognns, 7 acres more good loganberry
land. S room house, barn, 3q miles
town. 3800.
300 first morlgage for tale, running
at 7 per cent with good real estate se
curity. Socolofsky, Uayne fcldg.
The former German crown prince it
quoted ts aayiug that ho will commit
suicide if the allies .demand hit extra
dition. - --
Call 398. Highest pricet paid for
Junk, second band foodi and machin
ery. Be iur and call 398, get the right
prices. The tquara deal house.
271 Chemekota St.
Balem, Or.
J TU-Capital Journal t
J Da3y Market Report t
Wheat, toft white -10
Wheat, lower giadst a tampU
Oatt, new "e
Hay, cheat, new 15(0118
Hay, oats, new .-- I5(ii)17
Barley ton - 4iS0
Mill run
Buttorfat We
Creamery butter Soli ode
Pork, Veal and Mutton
Pork on foot 20c
Veal, fancv -
Steert -U'
Cowt hw71sje
Spring lambs lOuille
Hbeep, yearlings - 7fl
ggt and Pomiry
Eggs, cash - 40c
Hen., live WW
Old rooitert . 15
Broilers 23x
Hadishet, aor.. ,
1'ot aloes
New potatoes
Green onions do
Ihiiniis sftek
... 3e
. 40e
.. Tic
Cbbago V4
Head lettuce
Bunch beet - -
Cantaloup l34.30
I nut ,
Watermelon! 3'ic
Oranget 3.73(a'0.50
Lemons, box 7fe8
California cmpe fruit ' -80
Umev, extraeted , 20
. Retail nice
Eggs, dozen - 4.",(o 30c
Creamery butter - ti2(3c
Country butter Me
Flour, "hard wriest 3.1'J$t;3.25
Portland Market
Portland, Or., July 17,-Buttcr, city
crenm cry 50Cx:
Eggs selected local CX 40(alsc
Hens 27?(28c
Broilers 22fn 30c
Cheese, triplet 37(7i39c
Receipts 77
Tone of market s'eady
(iood to choice steers 10(a. il.SS
Fsir to good steers 8.307 il,.' 0
Common to fair stoeri 7(3)7.30
Good to choice cows and heifer
7.3(iri 8.30
Medium to fair eows and heifert
Ch liners 3f'i 8
Bulls t(o7
Calves Wa 13
Receipts 133
Tone of market steady
Prime mixed -.'2" 2I.S3
.Medium mixed 21.23fo SI JK)
, Hough heavies 10.73 20
Pigs i9.23(u.20.23
' ii ilL
-Maim lfat
127 North High-
AUTOS without drivers to uire, 1 dol
lar per hour. 197 S. Com. t. Fbom
3t9. tt
We will pay you More cash for year
household goods. Get our bid befer
yon sell. Peoples Furniture and Hard
ware Store, 271 N. Com. St. Fhoaa
NO CASH REgUIRKDGood overcoat
ihoet and suits, ail kinds of mosle-
al Instruments, shotgsai, rifles, Beat
ing stoves, gat ttovea, tuit case aa
luOO other useful articles to tell ear
trade. What have yout Tht Capital
Exchange 337 Court St. Fhoae 4wl.
YOTTt used furniture, stoves, earpett
and tools, at we pay fair price for
everything. Call 847
183 N. Com! St.
Hats Blocked
HAT BLOCKING I clean and bloe
ladies' and Men' hats. Just re
ceived a hut renovating machine. It
tet tht dirt, Try it once. O. B.
illsworth, 403 Court St. Salem, Or.
CO years experience, Depot Notioaal
and American fence.
. Bizet 28 to 58 in. high
Paints, oil tnd varnish, ete.
Lejanserry and hop hoole.
Salem Fence and Stovr Works,
250 Conrt street, phone iU.
I. A. Rowland Furniture St era
Buys, tells and exchanges new aal
2d hand furniture. All kind at
repair work, light grinding, filial,
and brazing a peoialty. Bight
pricet. 247 North Commercial tot.
Phone 19.
refuse of all kinds removed oa mentt
ly contracti at reasonable rate.
Cess pool cleaned. Deed intmal re
moved. Offic phon Main 187.
0a Qood Real Est at Bocurity '
Over Ladd A Bush bank; Sahtm Ortfea
eent Interest, frompt eervie. m-
year time. Federal farm loan boni
for tale. A. C. Bohrnstodt, 401 Mas
sonie Tempi. Salem, Oregon.
INSintANCH CODXCiu-Jor Jm be
formation about Lif Inturanaa mm
J. F. Hutchison, dast. manager fa
the Mutual Life of N. X., tt at
871 State St., Salem, Or. OaT
phone 99, tesidenee 1398 4
Our Prices are Right
M. ZANDLKK, Preprtetor
1255 N. Bummer Street. Palem, Qreum
mower fifund by macliineryj an
kinds of grinding, loch smithing, !
brella.- recovered, light rop"m
all kinds. i!7 Court St.
Motornnck Bail on every lutwwv
at 8. Walter Lenon, C. C, P. 3m
Kuntx, K. B. A 8.
ROYAL Nolghbor of Amerif. Ore
gon Grape camp No. lW meet ?
Thursday evening in McCornaek hail
Elevator sc-vice. Oracle, Mrt. Car
rie E. Bunn, B48 Union St; r
dcr Mrs. Melissa Person!, 1418 8.
4th' St. Phone I43fiM.
I'.NJTEI) ARTISANS -fcpitul Asstsn
bly No. 84 mertt first Thursihyr of
each month at 8 p. m. in MawiflM
Temple. Glenn Niles, M. A.; O. A.
VklilM-rt, secretnrv, 340 Owens sttset.
corner Commercit! and Trale ttreeU
Billt payable monthly la tdvass.
Ti.ie fOfl.
Out of 80 students in the paarmaey
department of the L'rsiventity of Wash
ington thii year 30 are women. -
To replace the old building reeently
bnrncd, the school district of Emptr,
in Coot county, hat foted funde
Bulk 22
RcceiptI 93
Tone of market ttead
Prime lambt 12f,il3
Tair to medium lambs $312
Yearlings fS
Wethers ttei 70 .
Ee 5(a7J - T