Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 17, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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mi mm m
- Si
ia New York C'y t!ar: from kid
ney trouble last y.v.r. Don't allow
your: elf to Nvorvjj a victim by
j5!eciti! pain? and Brh-s. Guard
aj-ainst ihis trouL'.i by tstirj
You pipe smokers; mix a
little "BULL" DURHAM
with your favorite tobacco.
It's like sugar in your coffee.
Dempsey Says He Will Meet
All Corners; Two Scraps
Bcin? Pronctei
4'fi o r
Tha world's attndar J rsmsdy for kijnrv,
livat, bladder ani uric acid troub'. .
Holland's natiorsl remedy sine 16St"
Ail drurfisla, thru sua. GuarantaaJ.
M ! lk rum Cold Mdal aa nary kax
ua cct u uu4AOo
1919 Edition Of Oregon
School Laws Off Press
And Being Distributed
The l!H! edition of Oiogin school
laws has just been is;ird by J. A.
"h urp It ill, aiijKTi n 1 1" ii'icn t of public in
n ruction, i'opies arc now being sent
to nil lht county superintendents in
sufficient iinniliors to provoie each
chairman of the s lia;jl lioiird, the clerk
ami the school libraries with a copy.
Of stso wiili' and oven nntion wide
inipoiiitnco arc s number of lows which
wen- enacted by Hip liUrt si-ssioti of
tim Oregon Icvisulture. Tim most im
jcirtant among these ads are the ones
ti. r-i(tiiij the Jn'oirisiiiiis of the Smith
Hughe voraliouul act, the law estab
lishing part (tine schools, the minimum
salary for teachers, J lit' liili school net
m n il the law increasing the amount of
tax tliat each countv ahull levy fur
plomentniy school puipnses f rum )S to
I0 per ruitn for rut h child of school
'. The Yocutioniil set make an up
Jiroj.riat ion of $1.S1.1 for this biouni
not to meet Iho appropriation of the
federal government. Thin low is ad mi -Istcred
Jiy a Male vut ntioiml hoard up
minted by thf governor ami the money
la ii n'i to establish vocational depart
in. 'iilti iu I In- various high schools of
the alute. Tlio part time not provides
that where there are 1.1 children or
luoie between the ages of H and H
years who are legally employed and
who imvo not yet finished Iho eighth
tirade, part time school shnll be estab
lished by the S"h"ol district tinder the
ilireiMion of the si to vocational bourd
and nil of such legally employed chil-
tli en must nlleiid mu ll part time schools
mil less thiin five Innr8 per week on
the employers' time unlil they have
rninpleleil the first eight elementary
giades. The Hi I rii in 11 in salary law pro
viles that no teacher shall be employ
ed iu Ihe stale of Oregon at a sulury
of li't-s than 7i per month, and the
minimum term lu provides that no dis
trim thall have less than eight monlhs
of strhool eutli year. While this salary
in not jiiflioient when complied with
the. salaries paid in other lines of work
it will Kuiiianlce lo many of the rural
districts a betler .pajtl and ponsequeirt
ly better 'tiaiiietl teiiiher than they
have hail in the run. The various ap
propriations show oIko thut the le);is
latiira has reenjitiixeil the fuel 1 but Iho
aafety of the state depends upon the
education of its t'iti.en.
l.oa Ait.'les, a., July 17. J;.ek
l)fnipev, world's ht-avweilit rliuu.pion
and Jack Kear:is, his inanat'i, ar.ied
ia I .us Anyflis early today. Several
hundred fans staved up mo.t of the
niyht to see the new kiu; of iislicufl's
lien he iepped from the train.
"I'm going to be un attiw tin. in
Ipinn," Ut'iiipsey told lien s, i.ptiu.en.
"I w ll uieet all toours."
I'enipaey and Kt'Mriu will Kave to
nijjlit f )r Han From isco. The;, plan to
flay several days iu the buy city und
return bore later to fill a conliHct with
a moving picture compauy.
"It's news to me," was ine com
meat of Kenrns, when phoivn a l'itts
bui'i; dispiitch saying ItiiiMV hud
allied to meet Krunk Muiaii.
"Moran isn't a caid in my opinion,"
Ke.irns addnl. "1 feel lliut way after
the showing Moruu has mailt' with Carl
Munis mid some of the others."'
Kearas freely declared he looked kind
ly on the propositiou to meet the win
ner of the l urpenliei liet kt ii match,
"I feel that (.'urpeutier or lieckett
are the only men who ure really In
position to moot Drmpscy now.
Not Evading Fights.
"Thero'a one point 1 want to tiiuke
clear, however. Wo do not refuso toi
no ft n 1 1 y man whom the public tie
maud Itt'iupucy to niiet. if tiny pro
motor cun put up the -money and show
us there is a demt'.nd for such a unlit,
we'll meet Altitun or uuy one tlse,
" Dempsey Is a f ijjlitor, mid we would
rather t'llit than o on the ulue or
into the movies or do utiytiitiiji elite.
We don't want to wait a year to fij;ht
ujjain, eilher."
Kearns said he would It.'.ve with
Ihinpsi'y this cfteriiooM for tmu rrnu
cisco, make u brief stay tliele mid then
i(o to Suit l.uke, where Dempseey will
visit his mother for u few tlas. Then
they will no east to fill tliealric.il hi
Kiii'Utonta. Kenrns and Dempsey ate heie to coin
ph te details of u motion picture eou
tract for seveinl bijj feature films iu
which Dempsey is to be star.
Keams said close to f l,UO0,i.u0 is in
volved in this ileal.
The Joy of I J ring
To enjoy life we must have good
health. No one can reasonably hope to
lid much real pleasure nut of life
wlic u his tiowels nre closed a good
share of the time and the poisons that
hoiiltl be expelled are tibsnibod into
the system, producing; henilneh and In
digestion. A few doses of Chamberlains
Tablets will move the bowels strength
an the digestion nnd g've yon n chance
to renli.e the real joy of living. Try it.
Vew York, .lulv 17--Swilxerlnni) will
float a loan in thi ronntr of between
a.m.iNW.iiuo ami h.iiiki,iu'iO, it was
learned iu finnaciul oiajilt's today. The
loan will be obtained through the isle
of bonds, to Hie taken bv the (iuariint v
Tiii-d complin v and other prominent
bunks and companies, Proceeds will go
for neressiliiM in AwitterlanA.
Morai i Match Rumored,
l'itl-iluirgh, l'a., July 17 Jack lie nip
sey, new heavyweight champion, hus
cnusi'iiti'd to a bout with Frank Motan,
according to local fight promoters who
have been angling for the mutch. .Moran
expressed willingness to meet YYillurd'a
ruiiiiitcrer but is said to hold thut the
bout should be str.jferT In the east, ns
Morn a figures a large poll ion of bis
New York following would liltend.
EngUnh Bid Higb.
London, July 17. Ueuige Mucllon
uld. representing Promoter C. II. C'och
run, will leave rtext week for America
to make an offer to Heavyweight Cham
pion Jack Dempsey to meet the winner
of the ("arpentler Heckett go, Heptem
her a.
MucDonuld, it is said, hr.s been em
powered to offer n lW.OOO imre. The
fighl would bo held III London.
woman acqttitte:
Spoliaiie, Wusli., July 17. I.cla Lun
ger, who shot K. TI. Huley, 01 llutte,
Moul., to death here during a (pinriel in
It hotel, was neipiltted by u jury lute
Inst night. Kvitlenee tended lo show
thai the woman shot llalev lit seif de
The tu tv sawmill of the Vuihy l.uni-
her ctimpanv near J.ewisvllle, in Folk
cuunty, is Hearing completion nod will
be renilv to begin operations within a
short time.
"yOU'LL like Firestone
Gray Sidewall Tires
and Firestone Methods
The organization that
makes good tires obtains
good dealers. Naturally
car owners find satisfac
tion In both.
Most Miles per Dollar
4 '
-l - 1
h VI ,
1 "A c-iiV"
:w' t.
f' .N- ".v
a J- 4 - -
y 1 1
y "C. - , At
J?"? A I 4 :o V t . , -?-M-. r t v,,i-c V,l
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4 if
i i - - 'KV "vvM i
-ji -a yf KiX
f km ' r
"i i r e.' i
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r fA V V ' .
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'4sr f
t.; kaHMu ... '' -i "v
til i '"Vlf'i. .
, ;"''-ft
- ill -'.Tun-Tr,-
f -x v -v -
f f
Good old reliable " Bull "-without a rival.
Genuine "Bull" Durham-for rolling your own.
C' you most- VSri7U IeaS.t.ci2are" that please
you most, machines can't even duplicate them.
C5uaranteed by
With JUZU or Wht Straw p,perl
yoU can roU the Best " BuU Durham"