Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 17, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of The CapitalJouma
Editor and Pmbliahej-
a ninsstuY EVExixa md)
S lay 17, 1919 fR
Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon,
- -"- w w w w w w ww WWWWWWWWWW
A (J (Ires All Commoaicatioaa To
139 S. C'ommereial St.
Government authorities have prepared exhibits to
different types of road construction in the United States.
I In connection with the display there are photographs il
lustrating the results of the various methods used. Ar-
oBEoo.NllanfiemeRts already have been made to present these ex
hibits at fifty-seven fairs. If bad roads continue to hold
. r.; , nr r mc . way. wU not be for lack of public instruction on good
Daily by Vail, pr jear-
Per Monti..
35 ! road-building and its advantages.
Rural districts especially are apt to submit to bad:
roads as a sort of necessary evil; but if this display can'
be given wide enough prominence, almost any rural dis-j
trict may be aroused to rise and claim its own. !
n. rnT c.pi..i Jo-ai e.rrie, bo,., .r. instated to rt th. - th. ! 1 he exhibit should be of interest .and value in any;
aorao. If' the carrier doe not do this, missea you, or neglteta getting the paper Community and might Well be Secured by fail associations j
ta yon on time, kindly phona the circulation manager, aa thil la the only ' way i nrpnerallv A letter of inauirv to the DetVli'tmPnt nf ApTi-i
ean determine whether or not the earrieri are following in.tructiona. I'hone j fcL 1 lU1J' A tcutl Ul lliquiiy IU me Utpdlimeni 01 Af,n
ii before 7:30 o'clock and a Mi.er wiu b tt-nt you by aiciai mensenger if the culture should secure all necessaiy information regarding!
aarrier haa miaicd you.
W- D. Ward. Kew York, Tribune Building.
W. H. Btoekweil, Chicago, People'i Oat Budding
Clarke Jewel.
Oil stoves are best. The Clarke Jewel is different than most stovesit has
a high burner thus giving you more heat wit hless oil. It also has heavy
cast legs with shelf between and end shelf over oil tank thus giving you more
cooking space. ')
la the only neweimpor in Salem whoae eirculation ii guaranteed by the
Audit Bureau Of Circulation!
One of the strangest traditions in the world is that
sunshine is harmful. This belief crops out strongest in
jMimmov timn Tr. n common thinir. especially in the
citv to hear parents cautioning their children against I this country. Millions of Americans would give a dime I
Ludendorf f is about to publish a history of the lat ;
war, giving inside information from German official
sources. An American newspaper syndicate will pay him
a big price for the work, thus enabling the former chief
of the army staff to "clean up" in a financial wuy. It is
quite possible that some more of these favorites of the
kaiser may be able to keep out of the poor house by writ
ing books, while Wilhelm himself and the crown prince
might do exceptionally well on the vaudeville circuits in !
going out of doors without their hats, and to "stay out of j just to see the man who boasted that he would make this
the sun luuiuiy yuy an ma uins anu men some,
The fact is that, in the vast majority of cases, and in
most climates of the temperate zone, it is the very best
Actual work on Salem's big paper mill is under way.
thing in the world for those children to play around in;This marks the beginning of an important industry that
the sunshine with bare heads, likewise bare arms andiwill grow larger with the passing of the years. The
lure legs. The same principle holds true for their elders,! Pacific coast is sure to produce the larger part of the
though the latter by years of false philosophy, have ren-;paper used in this country a few years from now.
dered it harder to derive the full benefits from such free
utilization of nature's forces. w
The human nervous system is a battery. Sunlight is
a force that will charge that battery. Fresh air helps,
but the main thing is sunlight. Nerve specialists know
this: tuburculosis specialists know it; but a perverse pub
lic gives too little heed to their teachings.
It is the simple, unvarnished truth that men, women
and children can .derive physical and mental energy direc1,
frrmj summer sunshine, if thev will eliminate the ob-
f tacles, take off impervious clothing and let the sun pour.mer climate,
into their systems. With many people the result is pre-
wisely like that obtained from charging the batteries ot
an electric automobile.
Some people cannot stand this sort of treatment quite
bo well as others, because they are sensative to sunlight,
and more easily over-stimulated. But it seems to lie only
a question of degree. Everybody can stand some direct
Ohio is a quiet state. It permits the Dempsey- Wil
lard fight to take place, but won't permit any moving pic
tures of it. Which is very much as if it allowed the
saloons to sell whiskey but refused to allow anybody to
show photographs of saloons selling whiskey.
Bryan is in Oregon now and President Wilson and
Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., are coming soon. An
other indication of the growing popularity of our sum-
John D. on his eightieth birthday said he felt as well
as he did forty years ago. He ought to feel better. Then
he was working the hair off his head, and now he has
nothing to do but play golf.
Just so nobody gets out a court injunction against
sunlight, and most people can stand a great deal more j the growing of loganberries, the public in general is not
than they think. They can do it enjoyably and derive jvery mucn concerned over tnis mass or litigation.
pteat knefit from it, especially in hot weather if they . . ' .
acusttmi themselves to it gradually. Ihere have been bitter fights in the United States
Fcnaie, oui no peace treaty ever ianeu o i ratuication.
Are made in one, two, three and four burn
ers. We also have the ovens in one and two
4 Stores
4 Stores
Cy Walt Mason
No matter what goes wrong, no odds what wires are
crossed, you'd better heave a song, than see your temper
lost. If cussing things would help, I'd say, "By all means
rass; put up a howl and yelp, and raise a beastly fuss."
But this course doesn't chase the shades of gloom away;
just wear a cheerful face, and things will be 0. K. I drove
dght hundred miles, this spring, in my tin car; the rain
in fifty styles, came down, from clouds ajar. The road
way was a flood, and my old faithful boat just foundered
in the mud, and there gave up its goat
I d have reared and pawed around and wept, and torn
, my sorrel beard, while watch and ward I kept. But years
have made me wise; I know that patience wins; and forty
thousand sighs aivnt worth a brace of grins. And so I
, waited there and whistled half a day; then saw a granger
fare with horses down that way. lie hauled me from the
n iiu and only asked a buck, and I tuned up my lyre and
h'etsed my goodly luck. The mudhoks dot life's way, and
there we ofl are mired; and some stand up and bray, and
n ake the welkin tired; the wise man sits and hums a tune
that should be canned, until some fellow comes and hauls
l.im to dry land.
Hunting a Husbana
Two Vivks (vt pns'i'il. Aj 1 look
'ark mi tlic Moilf Iiiium' pai'ty, il moiiis
liki u pli'iiHiiiit tlrrtiiu or so;, i't'.i.n I
liaii Ivail aliout. A j;ow.uut wrli that
' Me is tin
I looked at myself in the tiny glass I went for a loii walk. I Ml fresh,
ubovo my bureau. I reasoned thue: . buoyant. My dear, wine littie, old lady,
Sara l.Hne you have no back bone. You' win mr destination. ller firt woids,
try onec. You fail. But is that the! "Why Sara, elSld, how .pretty and
wiiy to win? If sueh n iittic tiling iu'voiing you look,'' enve mp new pounce,
to dim-mirage you, how enn you ever;' I don't know how, but I shall gnin
nupe to go on nut tup other mile of mv end!
uie mud, "Why doesn't he eome!''
I linve soino stamina. Some courage.
If it ia not to be he; it shall be some
one else. Already I feel better.
I pulled the litiirpins out of uiy knir.
I took up my new hard bristle brush.
I brushed mv hair, till it a:;d in v Benin
flowed! I bathed myself. I put on '
fresh clothes from top to toe. My new;
siines, nic-e, dark slender tan ones, Unit
illlike me feel Well set up. I nin-iied niv !
'(Tomorrow The Truth r'nys.)
(Continued from pajjo one)
taffeta that 1 have not t
i dairymen have pnivd through dining
j the war period and a succession of dry
-siasotis has had the effect of rompell
ing producers tn a'lopt bettor feeding
methods, especially the adaption of the
I Unit that wr.s all I knew.
j in. l! it.-, t." I ciiil 'd lamely.
I Mother went on knitting. The gentle
motion of her li.:.ds, the roiki.ig of li.'i
elmir was soothing, r-he said nothing!
i-.ioie. j
lasted oiilv in the sim. When t first returned from the house I
I have not henid from .lames Mirie. jm'ity, 1 lni.l hunted feverisnly in the'
I remember thinking, " He i.l not for-. lilnniy for books on French urchitec !
net me. He is not that kind " And tine. I found one. ,lnnic Miile eould
now jtalk to me now on mv "tiaveis."
I have told mother ail about it. Or I I began eagerly. Then I admitted itj
:il least the out ward things. the knows wi;s hard. At last I found myself fiotin-1
that I eeeted .lames .Merle. dering in a sea of unknown Word and
"What is tli in Mr, Merle like. Nan; f " meanings. In despair I have given it
-Ii.- nsked as stie sat knitting crav bands up. But what tuattert He does not;
Timo w-ic vlnn ""' l"'f,h- i eome. He will never know that 1 am an
" . '"-' -' ..OIl i ,!-, k,l0. Tall and dark.
V small dark mustache. "
Mother looked up at me from he
"Hut he himself," she said.
"He doesn't talk much,'' 1 found
closet. Tli
V, (! II
'"V''9- lis. A feature of the meeting
I looked lit the face glowing back at ( fine lunchenn served in . the
me from the mirror. It hr.s paid. room'' of the Jt ultiioiunh.
i .iiHintj inoMn in nonn nnrn worn o
ice the house party. Tie.sli white p. renter and W. K. Tavlnr of i'orval-
w."j n
Federal Agents Continue
Probe Of Dowsey Murder
Seattle, Wash., July 17. Go eminent
agents today continued their invP8tign
tion of the death of Fred A. Dowacy,
special agent of the department of in
vestigation of the 1'nited States ship
ping board, regardless of the. verdiet
returned by a coroner's jury li.tc Tues
day, declaring that he died a natural
death. Dowscv, who hail been sent
jhere to conduct a secret probe into
! leged graft, in connection with war tlrmi
ship construction was found dead in a
wash room Adjoining shipping bo,;rd of
fices in the Securities building, ilay 2.
Coi't'licting testimony was i-resi nle-l
to the six jurors. Three juror, held out
for an hour against the verdict that was
t'inallv returned.
"linen it up," those words aic the
nil.ol of my feeling. How can 1 go
on.' 1 put in v best effort into that
t'iist ve lture ihe house party,
there have been no results none.
Established 1SG8
General Banking Business
Commencing June lGth Banking Hours will be
from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m.
Mr. Fruit Grower
Save money now Haul your fruit with a truck
We have them both used and new ones. First cost
more but upkeep less than team.
1 used 1 1-2 ton worm drive Maxwell just overhaul
ed at $693
1 Overland car would make fine light deliver)' at
only X S29.
I Ford chassis rebuilt in A-l condition. Get our
price on this car.
Repair shop in connection.
'An Economical, Delightful,
Tlace to Trade1
athing Suits
We want to say a word about our line of bath
ing suits. Our assortment this season embraces
a wide variety of colors and styles. Their qual
ity is the best obtainable and the prices are
within reason. We can't describe them here
you must see them to appreciate their style
and beauty.
Children's Bathing suits 33c to $1.23
j Bathing Caps 23c, 35c, 50c
Ladies' Bathing Suits $1.45 to $7.50
Bathing Shoes ..50c and $1.00
1G2 N. Commercial
rhone 100-t
Call for special outing clothes. We are prepared to furnish the things youll
need to properly clothe yourself for your vacation trip. Outing clothes of all
kinds. Shoes and slippers for outdoor wear.
416 State
II- : ' A