: 5250 CIRCULATION ; (83,000 BEAD ESS DAILY) Only Circulation in Salem Guar- an teed by the Audit Bute a of Circulations. nni icAQrn wwv fl wi il,. wit Tonight and Friday air west portion, fair and cooler rut por- tton, gentle northwttlrr' winds. ivui luuu; iiiiui I! ii 111! I DISPATCHES. SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VALLEY NEWS SERVICE - m FORTY- SECOND YEAR NO. 167.-EIGHT PAGES. SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS OS TRAINS AND Kf Al 6TAXD6 mi CiNT A rti II A 11 f ? Mii 1 fl I 4 f .tori 'I ffMr -M. UU'V!t 'J. i rftttttrt. vv . y r U r . n j 1 it WILSON 10 EVERY REPUBLICAN IN flTEiifJT LEAGU 1 ' t Conferences Are ?j Continue Until All Opponents Of Covenant Are Seen. Washington, July 17. President Wilson will continue his conference with republican senators until he has gone through the entire list, it was said at the White House to day. He plans to schedule appointments with four or five each day, allowing an hour to each conference. Ordinar ily presidential conferences are only for 15 minutes. The senators invited to call today - - - TleCumber,- North Dakota; Jones, SakOfl Packer Urgd To SSl'ttSi UM' und Rese Small Size fish All conferences are to bo lield in the White House, instead of tho executive Astoria. Or., July 17. Packers were offices, where the president receives; moot of his callers. Senator UcCuniber, first to rail at the White House, remained an hour with' the president. He said that he regard-! d the maters discussed as confidential. Mi-Cumber is a member of the foreign relations committee and a piolcngue republican. To Explain Provisions. Friends of the president said he would discuss freely reasons for adopt ing treaty provisions which the repub licans are uiueriy uuacKingc in lue senate and would attempt t0 answer questions they ask. He was said to desire an opportunity to tell why ter ritory in Hlmntuug, which had been sa mpled by Germany was ceded to J:.pan. He planned to point out, it was lenrued, that (the Amerifui peace dcle&ntionwas held out todav that the senate found a previous treaty in existence, would modify the strict provisions of and they were faced with compliance or. the houe prohibition hill. withdrawal of Japan from iicgotii.tious. "We do not expect to make any im Allied leaders are said to have held that' l)ortaut chnnK's in the house bill," mil. lie n,,;,ii,,n ;n iu,ur ,,;.,. ..,i,i 'Senator Stirling, chairman of the sen- not have countenance any move that!0.0 judiciary sub-comiuittee, declared niijjht lead to a 'dangerous situation with Japan. -Move Strategic One. In ninny quarters Wilson's latest move in the treaty buttle wus rcmled n a distini t effortt o carry the war into the camp of the enemy. The pres ident, having invited republicans conld not be accused of making the question a party issue, it was said. On the other hand if the republicans decline to listen to the president they lay themselves open to that very accusation. Repub lican leuders regard the move as an ef- (Continned on page three) IfflllL FLAG CLAIMEDTO BE MYTH Ford Does Not Remember Say ing He Would Pull Down OMGlory; Mt. Clemens, Mich., July 17. Henry Ford's international flag wt. a myth, the automobile manufacturer claimed today. Recalled to the stand ia his Million dollur libel suit against the Chi cago Tribune, Ford was quizzed sharp ly on alleged remarks concerning t- uni versal flag, patriotism and the Amer ican flag. "Did yon ever say vou were going to pull down the Ktnrs and Htripes after tho war and never raise it again tLat you were desiguing s new flag?" At tnrnev Ptevenson of tho Tribune c-vked Ford. "I don't remember making "such I remark. I never saw the fag until re cently." Stevenson checked up the testimony of Irving Haon. that he had worked on a fliid design about the time of Ford's interview with John Reed, a magazine writer. "I never saw b.it one design of the flag and thr.t was a sma'l oiu," Ford said. The Bred interview came in for much discission. It contained the following quoted ex pressiuns on whii h Sterenso i was ex fi eted to toneh in his examination: "I wouldn't gi.e a nickle fur all the liUtory in the world: I think flags are silly. If the country is rotten the flag is rotten. When this war is of er that fla will eorue dow.i a'jd be r. cured by (Continued on page three) Hi! urk''u ,0 tfta 10 """P1 a,V vniuooa salmon weighing under ten pounds, in 11 'tlltrmfnt ,s,ucJ t0llliy "i' warden 'ars0'1- H'" said 2a-0u0 ounK m,s uriug u lucncs are iu&cu iiom iue vo- lumbia rher cueh day, and that if this is kept up the salmon industry will be destroyed. Packers recently refused to accept salmon leas than 20 inches long. The weight of a 20 inch sulmon is about 3 pounds. ij r 11 D'll .HOUSC slOulDltlOn Dill Expected to Pass Senate Washington. July 17.-'-With aW cvi- ,1.... l,.l. IJKliC Vntia after announcing all hearing'! closed "The difinition of alcoholic liquors fixed at'a maximum of one half of one per cent will stand as far as we are concerned." Work Of Salvaging Sunken German Ships Is Commenced London, July -17 The British admi ralty has placed contracts for sivage of the (format warships by t'ueir crewg iu Scnpa Flow, it wus learned today. It was said that "satisfactory'' results were expected. DAIRY EXHIBIT FOR STATE FAIR PLANNED Display To Emphasize Possi bilities Of Industry In Oregon. F. E. Deckebach, as one of the di rectors of the Oregon Dairy Council, attended an important meeting of that body at the Multnumnn Hotel in Port land yesterday. At this meeting tenta tive plans were considered for compre hensive exhibits of dairy products, modern equipments and educational demonstrations at the state fair this fall. It is probable that the committee in charge will arrange for a permanent exhibit to be installed at the fair ev ery year as a means of impressing both the dairy . interests and the general public with the possibilities of the in dustry ia this state. Along with this exhibit" the committee will also consid er displays at the coming Land Product show at Oreham and at the Pacific Livestock exhibition in Portland. Mr. Jwkfliach already rwites the beneficial effects of the council's oper ations ia the state through stabilizing the market, bringing about some de gree of cooperation among piodueers and dealers, and especially in the line of eduestion, in which the value of the solid contents of separat.-d milk has hren emphasized. He states thut an extensive csinpaign of advertising will be launehed, to bf financed joint ly by the producers and distributor. He considers that the time is rpportune for suU a campaign for Oregon has mate an enviable reputation in the line of liih grade dairy cattle, aud the pres ent seam gives a more fivoraide pros pect for the industry than it ha hud for severs! rears. The adversities the (Continued on psge four) SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC - BUILDINGS TO FLY TRI COLOR OFJRISH TODAY Saa Francisco, CaJ, July IT (United Press.), The tri-ciilor f the Irish re public floats over public buildings ia San Fransico ia honor of Eamoa De Valera, president of the "Iriih repub lie" who arrives late today to tpend four "days here. A "De Valera spe cial" train will carry visiting Hiber nians aud local people to Sacramento to meet Dp Valera aud his party upon its arrival and escort the visitors to Saa Francisco. At the ferry, Mayor Rolph and city officials will formally welcome tho pw- ty, and an informal reception will be held tonight at the Kt. Francis hotel, Tomorrow forenoon De Valera will address the national convention of the Ancicut Order of Hiberians at the civic auditorium. Ia the evening at the same piece ho will address an IrUii mass meeting. Saturday, he will tour San Francisco, eoufer with Irish leaders, address wounded soldiers and attend a banquet. Sunday he will speak in Oak land and unveil a statuto of Hubert Em uiett here. De Valera 'a party leaves for I.os An gelcs Monday. BE ATTACKED AGAIN Republicans Determined To Pass New Agricultural Bill With Vetoed Rider. Washington, July 17 (United Press) A fight between President WilRon and congress over the question of re pealing the daylight saving act teemed assured today by the dnteriiiiuutiuu of republicans, despite the fuiluro of the house to override tho president's veto of the repealer ,to make another effort to kill the law. They have decided again to push through congress the agricultural ap propriation bill, with the rider repeal ing the daylight saving plan. The only difference iu the rider the house, agri culture committee was expected to re port out today and tho one the presi dent vetoed, is that the former exempts from repeal the part of the daylight suving act establishing standard time zones under the federal trade commis sion, The house rules committee was to be asked for a rule to mako the new bill in order as stiyn as the president 'k veto of the sundry civil bill was disposed of. The action ot house republicans was the result of a conference with senate lead ers who criticized the lower body foi sustaining the president s veto. Daylight saving oppuueutt have a large majoiity iu both houses, but no votes have yet indicated the iiccessurv two thirds to override the president's veto. There is little doubt that the president will veto the new measure, i ltlioiigh it will delay nil nppropriutions for the department of agriculture. Democrats, realizing the republicans i.re making a party issue of the presi dent's veto, were conferring today and many lenders were urging that since the representatives from the country were already a i record as voting against Jayliiht saving, tho party must now stand by the president. It is not con sidered probable that the republican cun keep their ranks solid, as 74 repub lieaus voted for the daylight piun, with the president. New Zealand To Develop Trade With Pacific Ports Vancouver, B. C, July 17. New Zea- land expects to develop tn.de with," American Pacific ports as soon as ship ping is available and its contracts with the British government have been ful filled, according to a statement made here by William F. Massey, premier of the dominion ia the South bens. The reversal of our seasons jours beins summer while ours is winter will allow profitable exchange of fruits. Wl will also need your lumber," he said. Massey is en route home iioru tha peace conference. GoYermned Premises Aid In Fighting Idaho Fires Wshingtoa, July 17. Aii govern ment aid pwsible in fighting Idaho for est fires was promised by Secielaty of the Interior Lane, according lu Kepre tentative A. T. Smith, tie conferred with him. 1-.-IDC sii i, however, thst the help will will be limited until the sui.dry civil bill, which csrries funds for tuts work is passed. BOSTON STRIKE BOUND Boston. Mass., July 17. The entire street rsilnav svstem of Boston, in cludes surface lines. mibv and elc vated, ws paralyzed tolay hen prac ticaliy 1 1 employe of the Boston Lie I vated railway company walked out on a strike. SHERMAN SAYS MPS GRANTED TOa MUCH LEEWAY UNDER PACT Declares Treaty Iteto T Make The ilzb ra "Asiatic Kaiser" Washington, July 17. The peace treaty makes Japan so strong that the mikado will in time beoome aa ''Asiat ic kaiser," challenging the whole , world, Senator Sherman declared today in attackiug the treaty in the senate. He denounced the action of the peace conference in .giving Shantung to Jap. an, as "the superlative treachery of modern times." Japan, he warned will gradually ab sorb China aud menace the world. In that day, he predicted, the United States may be forced to appeal for help to the Chinese people in the dismem berment of whose empire he charged this government has been made a part. ncr. "The United States has either been over-reached by more capable diplo mats or the indifference of thote re creant to their duty," said Sherman. ''China was the first to respond from the neutral nations to the call of our president against Uermany. "China trusting the United States, the allies and associated nations at the peace table, finds herself facing an other step in the dismemberment of her country. She finds too that the United States joins with those who plunder her territory and rb her of her people. This is done when ire are preaching to the world confidence iu each other and universal peace based upon justice to all, the strong and weak alike. 'Tho perfidy of China's mistreat ment so taints and poisons the pro fessed altruism with which the league of nations was heralded to the world as to crown it the superlutive treachery in the history of modern times. ''It is as plaiu as the noon day sun that the Japanese government is auto cratic and that it will add Chinese province upon province, concession up on concession, until an Asiatic- kaiser'uation here and at other Atlantic coaat armed with all the modern implements of scientific destruction in war will dominato the affairs of Asia and the Pacific ocean. Such a concentrated pow er is never at rest. In time it is as cer tain to raise up a potential world con queror as that Macdonia produced in Alexander or the French revolution in Napoleon." Pershing Recipient Of . FurtherBritish Honors London, July 17. (Jonoral Pershing continued to be the recipient of Brit ish honors today. At noon he was to bo tho guest of King Oeorge at a lunch eon ut Buckingham palace. With Win ston Churchill, war sccrotary, as his host, the American commander was to attend a reception in parliament this afternoon, Tomerrow morning General Perilling will review the American soldiers and attend the military investiture of Am erican and Uritish officers at Hyde Park. Speaking before the American Lunch eon club yesterday, Pershing enthusi nslicaMy praised the valor of the Am erican soldier and paid tribute to (treat Hritain. He sxike of 'he counter of fensive at Chateau-Thierry and Bois sons, when, with the cooperation of the allies, "wo took the initiative from the enemy, rendering further effective resistance impossible." PORTLANDER TRIES SUICIDE Portland, Or.," July 17 Norm an Karl son, 0(1, tried to end his liftf Wednesday by inhaling gas. Neighbors smelUd tho I fumes and rescued him. He had been ''V'K '!ic. He refused to say why attempted suicide-. ABB MAKTTK We'll M a feller has t' watch his step crossin' th' tveaue of escape these times. If you want t try sumithm (hard jest try t' pull your trouers on over a pair o rubber heel. it Strife Phone Workers WEI Be Given Old Ms Says Washington Report .Washington, July 17. All telephone employe who have been on strike ia west coast eitie will he taken back and placed on the payroll immedi ately, if they report for work within a week, Assistant Post aiaater General Koons has tel egraphed J. P. -N'oonan, pres ident of the electrical workers anion. The post office depart nent officials today refused detail on the situation. The. question of retroactive pay will be submitted to tht wire control board, it waa said. The department also was said to have retained the right to refuse to reemploy persons who had committed acta aimed to injure the telephone companies er the service. 111 STRIKE ALONG ATLANTIC COAST FIRM Cooks, Stewards And Sailors . Out And Engineers Ready ToQuit Jiew York, July 17. James Furusoth. president of the International Sraniens Union, was here today to investigate the strike situation preparatory to re porting on conditions to the teamen of the firea'. Lakes and the Pavilic coast. Although one or two steamship own ers were reported to have granted the demands of the seamen, the tietip ap parently was as complete at at any time since the strike was called lust week, With tho cooks, stewards and sailors now on striae, the engineers on tue verge of going out and the order of the shipping board to dismiss strikers effective, tho water transportation sit- ports had reached a critical stage, As no embargb had been placed on freight from inland points, tho conges tion on wharves and at tailroad termin als was increasing houily and perish able freight was spoiling in largo quan tities. To relieve the situation, n least tem porarily, the shipping board Inst night called for volunteers to man shins tin der it contro but it was admitted that it would bo difficult to get li censed men to take the places of the strikers. Tho board offered to pay the increased salary proffereijhe unions. la its appeal tho shipping board itrongly criticized the actior. of the men who quit ships provided to trans port cattle to France. "The honor of the government iu its engagements with the French govern ment is involved, su.d the b'ard. 'No private corporation or person, either in this country or in Fiance, has any con nection with either the sTiips or the cargoes. Meetings were to be held today by steamship owners, murine workers and shipping board Members separately, and later jointly. Portland Police Uncover Big Whiskey SiiU In Ra-d Portland, Or., July 17. Police exhib ited the most extensive whiskey still vet uuovered in this section. It consisted of a copper boiler nearly six feet tall and other equipment In proportion. The raid was made on a house outside the city limits. Sam B. Vlairh was ar rested charged with conducting the still. POSTMASTERS NOMINATED Portland Or., July 17. President Wilson In Washington, according to a spciul dispatch to the Oregon Journal, today sent the following regon post masters nominations to the senate: Charles R. Tyler, Yamhill; Charles E. llodge, IWvcrton; Margaret Clark, Canyon City; Henry A. Ball, Hillsboro; diaries A.' White," T,keview; Richard K. Kvans. Btaafield; Cora Macoon, Warrenton. ALB ANT WOMAN DEAD; HAD 22 BIRTHDAYS ONLY IN 96 TEARS Albany Or., July 17. Mrs. Mary M. H. Hutchinson is dead here. She had celebrated only 22 birthdays, although she was 66 year old. Mrs. Hutchinson was bom on Feb ruary 29, l2t so she could celebrate birthday only once in four years. There was one exception to this in 1900, which was not a leap year. TABLES OLD POSITION Bar! M. Shumway, formerly ut Huus er Bro. ' store at Salem has accepted a position with the Oriffin-Babb Hard aare company. Mr. Shumway is a for mer employe of this house. Eugene Register. Milwaukee, Wis. Three days K.'tcr Miranzo Roberts, 34, had been kept in the isolatiou hospital here, it was dis covered "she" was badly in neul of a shave. "She" kept his f-x a neertt 17, years. BOLSHEVIK READY TO F ORLD Champions of Communist Idea Numerically Weak But De termined, Says Bing. By Edward Biny : (United Press Staff Correspondent) (Copyright, 1919, by the United Press) Vienna, July 15.--rBolshevik Hungary, like a wound ed lion at bay, stands ready to battle the whole world ia defense of soviet government. Yet. a small allied army. especially if it includes American and British troops, could crush the red army at . , , , Jack Johnson lo Mage Exhibition Bout, Report San Franciseo, July 17. (united Press.) Tom fowler, Ueav, weight, leaves Philadelphia tomorrow for Mex ico City to appear in an exhibition bout with J ai Johnson, former heavyweight champion, according to s telegram re ceived today from Cowler's manager, Joe Woodman. Tho bout will take place late iu Au gust. Husband Gets Judgement For WjMudgee Gone St. Holcns, Of., July 17. HLvintj ob tnlued a verdiet for 30,KM) in return for a lost wife, J. K. Hobiuettc was considering means today whereby he may collect tho money. Jumes V. Rice, who won Wis, Robi neltu's affections while she nursed him back to health in the Robinrlte home, has disappeared. "Wo has Mrs. Robiuette. Bill Repealing Taxes On Soft Drinks To Be Rushed Washington, July 17 (United Press) Repeal of taxes on soda water and ice cream will be pushed through the uousc shortly after the prohibition enforce ment legislation disposed of, tiie re publican steering committee has liecid ed, it wus learned toduy. VITAL STATISTICS GATHERED UNDER PROVISIONS OF NEWLY ENACTED LAW ARE IMPORTANT 'Way down south in Arkansas, the folks think it rains 11 months in a Vl'Ul- ill Ornion. while 'wnv ut) in Ore- goti, the people don't even think about Arkansas, unless It is soineuuug aooin the Arkanscs traveler, all due to the lack of vital statistics as to what each stuto is good for. Oregon's finest Bartlett pears are old at five cents each In Aikunsos wrapped in California ltbcls, while a lot .... ,,..! t,n th!, wnv tnriv be wearing ... -k . .j , ftifi mil n il that, are known in Arkansas! us Hot Spring diamonds, worth about I each, and they sparkle jusl nc a reui diamond. This Ignorance of each other has been due to lack of advertising aud tuo to the lack of real statistics as to what each str.te i producing. But this is past history for Urcgon, as ine assessors thla sorinir secured a statement from ev ery farmer a to what he had punted in grains, fruits ami berries, w nen tue hiir fruit dealer in the east are shown official statistics aa to Oregon's acre sge, it will be i-asier to convince mem that the fi iest Bartlett pear anu ...r finest prunes in the world ate grown in Oregon. Sum Fennimore served as deputy as u-asuir fir the 18 seetious in the ilt. An gel district and bis records arc now on file with Ben F. West, rouuty as .sor. With Mt. Angel a the center, this district extends one mile cast of Pudding river and er.st to Msrnunm on Butte creek, the eastern boundary of the county. In this district around Mt. Angel there is 10r139 aeres. Winter wheat and oats are the big erops, .running about equal with 1348 acres in winter a heat and 13WJ in oats, about 13 per ce hi fur each. In atiriuK wheat there is fi.",3 acres, 167 in barley, J in rye BDRGHHB Id 101 10 SAVE SOIT ease. . I After nersonallv witnessing t'uo whole course of the revolution in Budapest, I am able to state this with authority. The food situation throughout Hun gary is critical. Budapest is virtually sturviug. Tho country is torn by in ternal disiessions. Belu Kim is cow fronted with the problem of raising aa army from a people whose morale is at its lowest ebb, und equipping it with, arms and munitions that are practically non-existent. Should the expected allied offensive fail to materialize, there is one other factor that could bring about the bol shevik! downfall, a concerted uttack by the diversified auti soviet government. Tho Red army ii prepurcd to fight th Rumanians nnd Czechsand probably could wage a successful wart'ai against them but it has no stomach fur bat tling its brothers in ttie'Hrhlte araiy. , At present the White forces are sett tered and without competent leaders or a definite objective. Lntir divisions of the Red forces, however, hav served, formal notice thut they will refuso t fight the White army. A number e workmen's battalions were disarmed and returned to the factories becaus of this defiance. ; An allied offensive undoubtedly would result in an immediate rrii in the soviet government. Nevertheless, I believe the order which has so far been maintained by the Reds in Budapest would continue. But if the White arwy were to attack it is certain the streets won'il run red with blood, since there are tens of thousands of bitter anti bol- (Continucd oa page three) and 407 ia corn, out of the 10,539 acrea. Clover runs along with rem with W aeres, alfalfa 20, potatoes 951, field peas 2 and beans 15. This district is not strong for fruit trees as there are but W acres in bear ing apples with 13 acres non-bearing, J acres iu cherries with one fourth of aa acre coming on, 7 acres in peaches aad only one fourth of aa act ia pear. Nor is this a prune section ss but 19 acres are bearing prunes with but m acres coming on. But little attenlioa i given to loganberries a there we ea!y six acres bearing with five acres ceas ing on. There are two hop tracts ia this section, one of 7 acres sad the otker 12 acres. St. Benedict Abbey Is the largest land owner in the Mt. Angel Ue, Continued on page two) Portland Woman Denies Intimacy With 03 Man Portland, Or., July 17." Least said soonest mended.'J was the -naik of Mrs. F.dna Poindester whe aked te day regarding love letters she is si-id to have received from Charles W. Ward, millionaire oil man, who sprang iato prominence in San Francisco as a x iionriit of contract marriages. When pressed fuither she rcmaikrd: "I cai onlv say there is absolutely nothing to it." . Mrs. PoindeXter, nidow l a Bea, Or , druggist, has been the object of the California millionaire's attcr.t.ons for ,me months, according to her friend both here and in Bend. "fr I'oindexter received his attea ; ' ' -piiw q ..'-V !" "".