THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10. 1919. PAGE FIVE. THE JOURNAL'S NEW TODAY I r w!f, sr'4. 3 JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING IIEDIUM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THEM FOR RESULTS1 VAXTKr AVivman for geneial house work. 464 X. Liberty St. US CLASSIFIED JLDVEETISINQ RATES: -New Today: Rate per word ach insertion One week (6 insertions) One month (26 insertions). It 5e 17e The Capital Journal will not La re sponsible for more than one iutcrtioa, foi errors ia Classified AdvertiseineiiU Bead your advertisement the first day it appears and notify us immediately if error occurs. Minimum charge, 13e. FOR RKXT-Jirnishea rooms, l'hone 209351. housekeeping tf WANTED Plain sewing at home. Cheuieketa. 1120 7-18 THE Miller, rooms and apartments. 633 Ferry 8t. I 20 WE make the best power prune dippers. Salem Xlfg Co., 1390 N Front St. tf BOOFS cleaned, painted, patehed and tarred. Thone C. C. Kays at 16 'S. 7-27 JA9. LTONS practical painter, i'hone 704. tf OATS and cheet hav for sale at $14, in fioJd. I'honc lw'r'31. 71'5 ONE nice, airv sleeping room for Tent at 712 State St. 7 16 GIRL or lady for housework. Catt at 6S6 Ceuter St. T-1I WANTED Man, woman or boy part time to care for grounds. E. Hofer. 703 & Conimercitl street. 7 16 GIRLS wanted at the Glova factory, 14"4 Oak street, for steady work. . 7-19 WANTED 1000 suits to elean. C. E'.ra Sparks, tailoring and cleaning, 1855 State St. I'hono 50S. 8-14 SALE A 3 year old driving mare; new rubber tireii. top Doggy and harness. Phoue 35 IK. ? IS R)K SALE Thoroughbred New Zea land ani Angora rabbits, cheap, 50c up. K. DuRctte, C.ervais, Or. T-21 BARGAIX (40 acres large bouse and barn, good location, close to town, 40 per sere, will take home-up to ;5U0. F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 7 16 FOB SALE All or part of 320 acres ' one mile from Marion, good build ings; would take good house in Bali-m as part fy. A (fine dairy farm. Win. Hall, Marion, Or. 7-19 MUSIC box for sale, cost about 1100 wheu new, sell for 20. 519 Court St. , 1-18 FOR SALE Young team, 6 and 8 years old. weight 1200. I'hoae &F4. 7-19 WILL ipay up to $25 reut for modern 5 or 6 room house, walking disia ice, reliable tenant. Phone 1000. tf FOR 8ALE 500 cord of body fir wood. Baker, 615 Ferry St. Phone 1806W. 7-19 HAY 'No. 1 elean clover, loose. Phoue 105F10. delivered, 7-10 FOR .SALE-Clood team, call 5SF4. 7-10 FINE organ for sale, .tftO, easy terms if wanted. 519 Court St. 7-1S 'FURNISHED house wanted, 6 or 7 room modern furnished house. Will lease for year. Call 2219. tf FINE Chiekering piano in good cin Htion at a genuine bargain price. Tho Wiley B. Allen Co., 519 Court St. " 7-19 FOR SALE No. 12 De Laval cream separator iu good condition; one Wi nona wagon, like new, complete with box; one bean spray outfit, one lSx 14 tent; one hundred bushels of field oats. Phone 107F13. 7 17 FOR BENT SI house at 1023 'N. 17th oa earline. 1 mile ea-t of SaHAY FOR SALE S.-vea tins oats a-.d 7 1 heat aav ia field, will stll all or! I pert. J. II. Arnold. 447 S. Cow l1 r-.iom famished Phone 2499M. 7 IS i 1C R)R SALE Used tKf Brothers tour j i DESIRABLE position o ?n for inte ing ear at Bonesteele's, Commercial j and Kerry tt. i IS WANTED Someone to take contract for hauling wood. Apply 162 'North Commercial street. 71f gent wotnaa, fafa'v guarantee $ 00 ! for first six months. Address J-16 care Journal. 7 16 LOGANBH"RY pickers wanted; will pay S't to 3 or 4 pickers for few davj forking. Phone Marion hotel, 716 FOR KENT Furnished room, sleeping north and carafe. Phone 910M rWANTra call 1311 Ceurt. TIT FOR SALE Buff bantam chickens; 1 heating stove; 1 exteaeioa table. 260 X. 15th. tf 40 ACRES of heavy timber land for sale or trade; will take good 5 pas senger auto. 260 N. loth. tf LOST Tuesday evening, man's blue coat on aylum road. Leave at Jour nal office." 7-17 FOR RENT Two good grain and dairy farnls, level, irrigated. Owner, box 5, Turner, Or. 7 16 FOUR loganberry tickers wanted. W. 11. Harris, Kt.4, box 33, Libertv. 7 18 CENSUS clerks, (men, women). 4000 needed. $92 month. Age, 13 upward. Experience unnecessary. For free par ticulars of examinations, write J. Leonard (former government examin er) 13S2 Equitable Bldg, Washing ton. 7-22 WANTED Salesman with light car for delivery? for tea and coffee route in Salem. Business already establish ed bond and reference required; ex cellent proposition. Apply tlraud Union Tea Co., C. D. Morrison, Mgr. 448 Washington St. Portland. tf W. BEAVER well driller. Thone 827J, 1165 X. 19th St. Salem, Or. 8 8 HOUSEKEEPING Church. room at 15: : 8, 7 18 WANTED Girl for general house work: Phono 1367. 7 10 HOUSEKEEl'er wanted, cook for four. Call 314. 7 19 GRAIN hay for sale, well cured in good cow. Phone 76F11. . 7-17 3 LOTS, with house, 5 rooms and up lairs. 995 S 22d St. Joe Tallock. 7-16 liARGE 9 room house and S lots for Rale, or will rent, nt 555 8. 19th B o owner, 241 N. High. 7-19 FOR SALE 20 acres Liberty district, 14 acres prunes, $4200. F. L. Wood, Bayno bldg. 7-16 JLAY will trade 4 tons of good hay for good cow. Phone 76F11. P. A. Hen ningaon, Sit, 3, box 252. 7 17 WANTED Family for loganberry picking, house furnished for family of 5 or 9. Box 13, lit. I, Baloni, IN. Beer. 7-16 I WANT to "jay one thousand heavy hens, will pay' top price, bring them at once. Phone 2199. Cherry City Voultry market. T-21 TARRY UP One black shoat, weight 60 lbs., right ear split and upper bit on left ear. L. F. Hill, Bt. 8, box 125. - tf WANTED Dining room help at Ore gon state tuberculosis hospital, pay $40 per month with board, room and laundry furnished. Phone 433. 7-16 FOR SALE Ford worm drive truck, 1917 model, good condition; also al most new 1-ton Maxwell. Call at new Fohle folds, "e"7 t. tf GIKL wanted for general housework, good wages. Phone 1496M or call 444 north 14th fit. . 7-19 MEN wanted at Tile works near fair grounds. Salem Tile A Mercantile I Co. tf DEKORATO sanitary wall tint, best made; beautiful new colors. Burent Com'l St. tf FOR SALH-4no pair of good hortes, 5 years old and new harness. Call t 1410 Saginaw street evenings. 71S WALL PAPER 15 cents per doublo roll upward. Bnren's Furniture Store. 170 Pnmn.o.ninl If ' WANTED Wood chopper, $2.50 nip per cord, good camp gropnd. Enquire Blessing ' cigar store, A. J. Ander son, tf 1 s ' WANTED To rent, 6 room modern house with garage. Give particulars. Theodore Mayuard, 2019 Wet more ave., Everett, Wash. 7-19 FOR SALE Modern six room hone, close in on paved street, terms if de sired. Will consider ear in good shape. Owner J-14 caro Journal. 7-14 : WANTED Loganberry pickers, 2c per PRUNE orchard for snlc, 18 acres bear ing pfnnes, full crop; 12 acres in Royal Amies, apples poars and lo ganberries. Price $16,000. full crop with place. $10.(100 cash, balance terms. P O caro Journal. 7-19 TO TRADE nisll grocery stock and fixtures for" neat, close in home. Write exact location. Renter care Journal. 7-16 FOR SALE By owner, modern 5 room , bungalow, built in china closet, book 1 caws, deiks; cement walks, full base! meat. Phono 151HM. ' tf i g.L!v box; free of earline, mornings. transportation from end Phone 92F3 evenings or tf TAKEN from Hunt Cannery Sat. Fly er bicycle, No. 62202. Reward $10 for return. Call 1193 S. Liberty St. after S p. m. 7-1" FORD car for alo, will put on cither touring or roadster body; this car has been rebuilt and is like new. Sa lem Velio company, 162 X. Commer cial street. 7 16 103 acres, 2 houses, 3 barns, silo, windmill,. stock and im plemonts $1(100 down; also 10S acres fruit and dairy land. D. i Eastliurn Autnsville, Or. 71S FOR SALE By owner, 100 acres of land, ninety acres under plow, all cam bo cultivatl-d. l'rice $."o per acre. No Btumps or stones and is on a good road, five miles from Eugene. Inquire at corner 1095 W. 7tu and Van Buren, Eugene, Or. 7-16 FOR SALE Or trade 16 room roomirg house partly furnished, in Albany, Or., f- steer' snd .men; wslks, all mot elose 'i s' 1 cfse to high s'hi-'i a fJ I ;. Mra. M. K. Bilyeu, 306 E. 4th St. Albany, Or. 7 J NO iLlXSK, NO BOND, NO COM MISSION c-rom the fact that we eliminate the middle man and deal with you direet we can offir a mod em 4 room bungalow, which has been newly painted and papered, with barn and chicken house for $800, terms $25 cash and then $10 tier mouth, with T per cent interest. Oregon Realty Exchange lnv. Oo., 407 Hubbard-bldg. 7-16 PERMANENT positions permanent and temporary positions open for young women with or without experi ence. Applications will bo received during tho present strike at our cen tral office in fnlem, Telephone build ing, 1,70 North Liberty street. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph com pany. tf To rent grain ranth ef 15P u 20 acre with pasture and good budding: will pay cash or shares. Write F E care Journal. tf 3e A POUND, berry pickers smile; 15 wanted tomorrow, early; free trans portation. Call 51F22 between 6 and midnight. 7 16 FOR SALE 5 room modern bungalow located at 1290 -V. Winter street, bath, toilot, electric lights, fireplace, basement, corner lot. Price $1H00. W. 11. Grabenhorst Co., ?75 State street. 7 18 FOR SALE 4 lieup, nearly new Kim ball orjan and Edison phonograph. 451 S. 16th St. i 22 MEN wanted for lumber yard and plan ing mill. Pav 4o to ;0 cents per hour. Apply Ed's Plaee, 463 State St. 7 22 LOGANBERRY pickers wanted; will take to and from yard; 2c per lb. good picking. Phone 373 after 7 p. in. tf WANTED Ladv assistant bookkeep er. Address iu own handwriting stat m age, experience and references. Vallcv Motor company, 200 lliyh St. 7-19 LOST Wrist watch, left on Salein Heights car with package of loganberry- tickets, with name Kempton on leather case. Telephone 281J after 8 p. in. 7-17 FOR SALE At Woodrv's auction on Saturday July 19, 10:30 a. m., 1 fine Holatein cow age 8 years, frosh 5 weeks gives 4 gallons per day, test 5.4; also good veal calf 5 weeks old and 1 grey mare weight 1130 lbs., age 12 years, good work marc. 7-17 FOR SALE 10 acres all under culti vation, 5 acres of bearing Italian prunes, six years old; small house, best of soil. l'rice $3."i00. 5 acres of good lognnberrv land all cultivated, l'rice $1000. W. H. Grabenhorst A Co.. 275 State street. 7-18 NOTKIB OF SAliE OF GOVERNMENT timber, general land office, Washing ton. V. C, June 27, lm. JNotace is hereby civen that subject to the condi tion! and limitations of the act of June 9, 1916 (39 Stat., 218), and the instructions of the secretary of tho in- tenor of September IS, 1917, the tim bor on tho following land will be sold August 20, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m., at public auction at the United States land office at Portland, Oi.'gon, to the highest bidder at not less than the ap praised value as shown by this notice, salo to be subject to tbe approval of of the secretary of the interior. Ihe purchase prite, with an additional sum of one fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must bo di posited at time of aule, money to be returned if gale is not approved, other wise patent will iwmo for the timber which, must bo removed within ton venra. ,Hnls will be received from citi- ITPTTF'V!iWJjr-!jg!.ri 0( the United state, associations 0f sl(,n citizens and corporations or PRUNES, TRUNKS, PRUNES Igani.ed under the lawn of tho United 75 acres 4 miles from Corvallis on! States or any state, territory or dis the river bottom in proven prune trict thereof only. Upon application of section. 28 acres 'bearing prunes, 4 a qualified purchase, tho timbcr on any-1 acres cherriis. Trees mostly six years i legal subdivision will be offered sepa- I old and getting better all the tiine. . rately before being included in any of- j Prune crop this year will bring own- I for of a lnr;;er unit. T. N., R. 3 W., er about $ i00U. acres in Bruin. 10 Sec. 11. NW M red fir 510 M., cedar 55 M., KW KW'J, red fir 71'); St., none of the red fir or cedar to be I sold for le-s than $l..r0 P"r M. T. 9 H K. 2 E., .H'c. .", NKVi NK'4, fir 1690 FOR SALB10 acres all cultivated, 5 acres of four year old Italian prunes, 2' acres of loganberries, family or chard, good 5 room plastered bunga low, barn, chicken houe, well, good drainage, sightly location and close to Pacific highway, 4 miles from Sa lem. Price $-toiK). W. II. Grabenhorst c Co., 275 State street. 7 18 Whew Its Hoi. FOR SALF. Modern R room house cor ner Kt, paved street. Price $2,100. Modern 7 room house, basement, furn ace, east front lot, bearii g fruit, garage. Price $3600. W. 11. Graben horst & Co., 275 State St. 7-18 GOOD FARMS 100 acres of good land, 75 acres in oats, cheat and wheat, 25 pasture and hsy, fair improvements, two hams, lo- ated between Turner and ,.!anuii. U Set 1-3 crops. Price $11,000, $3500 cash, balance 10 yearc at 6 uercent. A fine "buy. . 130 acres, six mib out, 60 acres in croos and hay. 9 grqde cows, 7 heifers, 1 bull, 2 brbod sows, 3 shoats, 1 boar, 1 heavy team of hois-si all farm machinery. V also get all the crop at $22,500! $7500 cash, balance to suit at 6 pereont. 60 acres on river bottom goes new nt $125 per acre. Your own terms. Only 2Vj miles out. 80 acres on Howell Prairie with 50 acres of wheat rnip, fair improvements. A good buy at $160 per acre un good terms. 37 acros, 20 in crops, first clafs im provements, and good fumily orchard. $7250 on good terms. We advise anyone deiroug of buy ing property to get busy. Prices will be higher next fall and place harder to eet. Now is the time to buy a home or farm. TWO GOOD HOUSES 7 rooms, modern, full basorrent, fur rnce, two baths and toilets eompleto, dote in, only $3500, $1500 cash, for quirk sale. , 5 rooms, modern, basement, furn ace, bath and toilet, good location, $,'!, 000. $1000 cash. These will be sold soon, so If U want a home right, get bnsy. JOHN. H. SCOTT RF M TYCO. 404 Hubbard building These are the days when one ap preciates light weight undt. gar ments. , This man is dressed cool. He is comfortable and smiles at the heat. We can make every other MAN arid BOY just as happy in cur un paralleled line of "SUMMER UNDERGARMENTS-IS. V. D. and MUNSING. The leading lines in America. m HV l 'MW V SILK UNDERGARMENTS The greatest value on the market today Vanity Fair undergarments. Its economy to wear SILK when "vitXi you can get VANITY FAIR I Extra Special for Men Dress. Sailor Straw Hats 35c While they last. We are going out of the Men's Hat businessSo here's your chance. Genuine Panamas $5.00 You Can Always Do Better At .goodIgooog f mBBMHmMBas Mays Quits Boston After Argument With Manager Cleveland, Ohio, July Carl Mays, the submarine hnrlor, has quil the Bos ton Box. This followed an argument with Mnn ager Barrows, it is said. Mays left the team in Chicago without saying good bye to Barrows and now is in Hoslon. However, he is quoted aa sajuig "Ed Harrows is a fine fellow and a gentle man, but I cannot preserve my slfre spect and remain with the Bed Sox." Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago and New York American league clubs are said to be seeking the services of Mays. Try Salem first In Buying Salem's a Good Place to Trade T ' w re" WANTED To buy a small improved place, will pay Vj cash, H in city property. Address 120-1 X. Winter, tSalem, Or. Phone 1005J, 7 21 INCREASE your worth, fine little 6 acre tract for sale few miles from Salem, house, barn, well, garden, straw berries, raspberries and flowrs, 414 care Journal. tf W buy and sell notes, mart- gages and all kinds of bonds. , HAWKIU8 at KOBEKTS - S14 Mfsnaie Building Balm, Oregoa FOK SALE 'Nine room house, large lot modern conveniences, doublo garage close in, on streot ear line and paved street. G L sure Journal. . tf TO TRADIv Furnishings of rooming hous and other holdings for improv ed elose in acreage of $2500 to $3300 valuation. Give location. Owner care Journal. 7 16 FOR 8A1K By owner, modern seven room house on paved street near car line. Full basement, furnace cement sidewalks, built in china elimet, book cass, garden, rose bushes, shrubs and walnut trees. Address M H W care Journal. 7 18 SPLBN'PID 5 acre home tract, 2 acres in apples, pears, peaches, cher ries, prunes and small fruits. Fsir bnildings, all fenced, near state high way, household goods, implements, separator, hor., buggy etc. $w0 down, balance terms. J. Warren Clark Rt. 1, Jefferson, Ore. 7 16 LOANS-6 S I WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL II LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON 1 THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. I WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. I HAWKINS & ROBERTS I 314 Mason Bldg. Salem, Oregon seres in pasture. Good build'ngs and fine laud. Priced right at $0,000. Terms. 47 acres nil cultivated. IS acres in o'd pruno orchard. 2 acres family or chard. Only 3 miles from Corvallis in good locality. New six room bun galow, new good prune dryer, barn, garage, store room, water system, and another t of fair buildings for hired help. 7 to 8 thousand dollars in buildings. Price $17,500. fcome terms. Kinney k Co., dealers in orch ards, Corvallis Or. Home of O. A. C ' 718 OLESCN'S AUTO EXCHANGE 319 N. CO.f. T. M. C. A. BLOCK 18 ED CAHS BOT'GHT FOB CASH OB SOLD OX COMMISSION. 1018 Studebaker $0.")0 5 passenger Warren Detroit, Conti nental motor $-23 1918 Chevrolet sedan, fine condi tion $00 5 p:isenger, light Studebnker four electric starter and lights $300 1917 8axon six $700 5 Pa-sengcr Maxwell, will make good bug cheap. 1914 Overland, ezy terms, $130 1916 Ford, first class condition, $375 1915 Overland $300 We wreck autos for their parts, this enables yon to get old car parts at bargain. Cash price pt-id for junk ears. 5-passenger 8tndebaker, $189. We sell oils, grease, old auto parts tires and aceesorie. PHOXE m St., hemlock 270 M., N W i4 "N K V, fir SM) M hemlock 1"i0 ,f., HKi NKW, fir 1770 M., hemlock 2i0 M., 8WVt M:'i, fir 2300 M. hemlock 200 !., XEVi NWy. fir CIO Jd., hemlock 130 St., NW'4 XWii, fir 1760 M., NK'4 SK'i, ir 1170 M., hemlwk 120 M., XWVi SK',, fir 1630 M., hemlock 50 M. HE't, fir 1100 M., hemlock 30'M., SW'4 SK',, fir 790 M., NK' SW14, fir l!t.0 M., N.W14 HWVi, fir 210O M.. 8EV4 SW'14. fir 1630 M., 8VVi SWy,, fir 1230 M., none of the fir to be sold for less than $1.30 per M., and none of the hemlock to be sold for less than 75 ecnN per M. T. 9 8., R. 3 j E., Kec. 23. 8WU N"W4, red fir 600! f., 8K'4 SK, Tfd fir 330 St., 8W ! NKV, red fir .100 Vf., none of the red j fir to be sold for less than' $2 per M. 1 CliAT TALIjMAX, Commirsioner, Oen-1 era! Laud Office. 8 16 PERMANENT POSITION o " -Mifprf-i. PlBrtibljir and Water Systems Install try GEAEEB BEOS, 111 Sooth Liberty Bt, Phone S. Alto agent for Fair backs-Mors Oa Englnea. STR AW $2.00 PER LOAD We have a few lcada of loose straw in our warehouse, that we will sell at above price as long as it lasts. Good, bright, clean straw. All that you can haul for $2.00. Come quick if you want it. D. A. WHITE & SONS Phone 160, 255 State St. FELEPHONE SEN Permanent positions open for telephone men with or with out previous experience. Young men desiring to learn this business may enter as ap prentices in switchboard, repair and installation departments or ' in other hranches of the service. Excellent opportunities for ad vancement. Wages $1 to $-1.50 per day to start. Experienced men, qualified to do switchboard, installation, line and repair work, will be employed either for city or out-cf town wcrk. Wages $G per day. Applications will 1 e recci'td during the j resent strike at Telephone building, 170 North Liberty Street, telephone 15. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company.