Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 16, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    SKtf ........
of The CapitalJournai
Editor and Publisher
wrnxissii.w EVKX1XG
July 1(5, 1919
l Page
- "A
Address Ail Commaniritiooi To
(LheDaUn 0pia Journal
Published Every ETening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon. J of the business will not contribute much of value to the
sheep and wool industry.
Hence he urges net an increased number of flocks as
the best solution of the wool shortage, but an increase in
the number of sheep kept by men who have studied sheep
raisimr. and where land and other conditions nre favor
Prohahlv hp is nVht Tho
j j -- - - - "cy v j- uuoniv tint HAijr
; other business, must be properly conducted if it is to pay,
wiut. lacaiu Riiunituge Ul 11, US Wit lUimHUWUldl prill-
fMnfo Tillf tViaro 1 C n r t-rtnostm n-V,.. m n vi . . 1
women should not learn the sheep business from the
ground up. The field is large, and so are the possible
138 S. Commercial St
CwTy. by Carrier, per year 15.00 Per Month.
DwllT by Vail, par year-
Per Month..
W D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building.
W. H. Btotkwell, Chicago, People's Qaa Building
The Daily Capital Joornal earner bori. are instructed to put the papers oa the j
foreh. If the earner does ot do this, misses you, or neglaeta getting the paper;
a yoe on time, kindly phune the circulation manager, a this ii the only way!
we ean determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phone:
1 before 7:30 a 'clock and paper will be tent yon by apecial messenger if the !
Barrier hat Hissed yon.
(Continued from yae one)
I would do anything for mr country
It IHTOIM, snui rum.
Kurd exhibited much nervousness
duriui? readiuir of a irHtfirilne-. itei.rh
delivered by President Wilson iu Kan
sas itv in 191 ti.
When Judw Tucker nverrnlfit a mo-
tion to strike out the speech from the
record, Attorney Stevenson begun read
ing other speeches delivered at Chica
go and Ii" Moines.
Since Ford took tlu. antl it.t has
evaded reading many artcles and ad-
rrnisciiienis, tHrougn the plea that he
had no spectacles in Mount Clemens.
He was instructed vesror.iHv t,. havH
them iu court today. He failed to do
Ii the only oowapuper In Bulrm wboee circulation is guaranteed by the
Audit Bureau Of Circulations
All Germany is still whining about the "shame" of
the peace, as if it was a disgrace inflicted on Germany by
outside powers.
t It is an abuse of words. The German dramatist
Grillparzer, as Max Harden reminds his fellow-countrymen,
wrote truly: "I know only one shame on earth, and
that is to do wrong." .
The shame lies in the crimes committed by the Ger-
..... . 1 pe i. i-l 6uihuhh.i, mm cue VJV.1UK.U1 mm mill lllK t'llWlUft-
The other day the Americans earned off most of the,iastic suport of the Geman nation 'What Germany is
honors at the Pershing Stadium in Prance. Perhaps they. pnfinp;npr nnw i nwPlv tho inalr.nl ,n,onnmn r
were mspireu uy uwyvx-n ui unieiai rMiinB u-jenmea. And if the Germans showed any moral apprecia
self , accompanied by General I och . , Tl . . 4 I tion of the horrors and injustice they committed, if they
At any rate they won ever He lgium and Italy in two were really and heartily a?hamed of their deeds that in
tug-of-war contests. And they took several fusts in hop,jitself woud do much to wi out the ghame and win them
step and jump events. A, some respect.
American ainieies, nowever, uiu nut wm an
events that were run off at the great international field
meet. France won an 800-meter relay race on this par
ticular dnv. In another event the Belgians won first place
t and the United States beat the Serbians for fourth place.
" Various records are being broken over there these
days. It's all mighty interesting, and makes the lovers of
good sport and competitive games wish he knew more
?bout it. Perhaps now that the biggest victory of all has
been concluded by the German ratification of the peace
' treaty, there will be more chance to hear about these lesser
victories. In their own way they are nearly as important
as the big one.
An association for promoting an increased interest in
sheep-raising has been' organized. It name and slogan are
"More Sheep-More Wool."
Cut the chief of the bureau of animal industry does
not approve wholly of a movement to induce farmers to
rush into sheep-raising unless they will make some study
of the business first.
The quality of the wool depends upon the condition
of the sheep largely, and the condition of the sheep de
pends upon the care they have. Good care, good sheep;
and good care meatis proper methods of feeding and
The chief maintains also that in dairy-herding the
liet methods are seldom found where few animals are
kept, and that similarly the general farmer who merelv
adds a few sheep to his livestock without special study
Plainly speaking, there is no candidate for president
mentioned by either party who is regarded by the public
is ot presidential size. Ihe organization leaders know
this and are feverishly hunting around for the Moses to
lead them out of the wilderness of uncertainty. Presi-
ueni, wnson nas naa iwo terms ana probably is very anx
ious to quit. Ex-President Taft seems to have given up
any ambition he may have cherished to fill the executive
chair again, and Theodore Roosevelt has passed on and
there you are. Ihere seems to be no statesmen of mental
calibre large enough to succeed these men to party lead-
William Jennings Bryan is coming to Salem next
week and he will be greeted by a great audience. From
the time he first came into the oublic eve as the "hnv nra.
tor of the Platte " Brvan has alwavs had a wonderful
popular following, and when you come to think of it he
has been right more frequently than wrong, although
getting wrong on free silver coming at the outset of his
lit , t . . - .
career prooaoiy was the cause that doomed him to irre
trievable defeat as a presidential aspirant. And besides
Bryan has always been a good many years in advance of
his time in most of his views.
"Rioting for fond," as the Italians are doing in many
of their cities, may serve to appease hunger temporarily,
hut it doesn't increase the food supply. "What is needed in
Italy and every other country whose resources are de
pleted by war is for the people to settle down to productive
work and for the public authorities to give them intelli
gent help and direction. .
By Walt Mason
Still the flios around me linger, on my dome they leave
their tracks, though I swat some with my whinger, butch
er others with my axe. Not an instant do I falter in the
fewatfest I pursue, but I say, "So help me, Walter, I will
slay a ton or two. Though surviving flies distress me,
drilling deeply in my brow, unborn peoples yet may bless
i.ie for the good I'm doing now. If we all keep on ker
swatting, there will come a time, mcthinks, when no cheap
flies will be trotting on the maps of human ginks." Oft
the goal is in the distance, too far off for us to gain; not
withstanding which, persistence is th course that's nfe
and sane. There is nothing like endeavor; he as busy as
the ant, though we are assured we'll never eat fruit of
trees we plant. Shall we cease our earnest toiling just
U-cause the pay's in doubt? Such a plan I charge with
Fpoiling many a good though weary scout. It is vain to
fit down weeping, vain to sing despairing tunes; though
tome others do the reaping, let us keep on sowing prunes.
Established 1SGS
General Banking Business
Commencing June lGth Banking Hours will be
frcm 10 a.m. till 3 p.m.
The walk-out of telephone operators was probably
ordered because those professional strike orators wanted
an oppoitunitv to do all the talking.
mxr-.- '-
Hunting a Husband
Tlie motor took um down to t lie train.
Take Notice!
There's No Increase
In The Price of
But there's opt to
be an increase in
vur comfort and
bealth if you
change from
Coffee to Postum
77rerc$ a Jioqso.i"
I nine a Inst look at Moilo Hnunf
tlmt lovilv white nml gipi'n linuw
Kprcnilin nut cvi'r jjrotMi Uiwim.
.lame Mi'rlp ilrnvo me tlnwn. We
v iti rntlu'r mloitt on the wity. Om is
tlmt way with him. Yi't it is nut an mi
roinfkiriHltli1 sili'iici. I f ol almi'st moro
iuiiiunti. w
"I want to wo yon in town," ho
ni'l, ''1 i-hoiilil ikt to. talk with you
about till1 Tii , oh vliui' lira thttt ou
"JW'ko of."
''I'ho rV'ioh ihoriho" fist I pioko
of! " lloiv ;:lailly 1 would (orjjot thoni
nod h!I thnt hm to do with thnt quick
Iv spokon lie. Will it in'vor Vonso to
hainit UiO .'
And yot lie wanted to ii'el
"1 hope I shall 'i ymi " 1 id. 1
mount it too.
In air Merle in not the kind of ni!Wi
to IkIm' mi iiiteroit ill vou and then for
e,tt you. 1 knt'-' that 1 would '? him.
1 felt ienntit!y i j-ited, and happy. I
w i n the liijh road to my desire.
The train drew up. A hui;e iron mon
st. i In that iiiiet little country ntntion.
Our pood liven were said. I found
myself wfled Inside Tom. with my
luu.'s t ;::y fe.-t and ryerythiiig nicely
airat'-d. ii md old Tom, be is not one
to room tier nl out -hut ho in so com
fort:i!!e -so eoui.ini' nnldr. i settled
into iov of. I self w-th him.
'Sam". hiI Tom, when Ihe scen
ery had l.t its f.i.t ihhii.-m u.ui s or:,
ed iuitli:iii l.ut rapid race of tele
prnph pile, "'. n:n. Nit's this n'eit
this Kieneh 1!h!u,. this con'ent
'(h Tom " 1 sa d d t he tireso:ne'
I rouldnt have thoe people know I ivas
enlv a secretary, il.-p'tidet! nn niv
seif for m v livioe."
"Well, I d like to know what's the
matter with !x'iiit( a weretnryf I'd
j;er 4in:e ef th. girls winid le
j;lad to know enoui'h "
'Know enough," I saM Beoffiugly.
I "I'es, know enough," Tom went on.
''Do you know little Anne Jones was
j talking to me yesterday about doing
something. She said she was tired of
lilhng around." Uiok at the other girls.
They are all eager to do s fining.
Aren't they taking 'First Aid," ntid
Ked Cross workf
''Oh, yes Tom but thut's just be
cause it's smart to do that now."
'You're wrong, ,-ara. 1 don't like
your attitude. But we are gettin;; away
from what 1 wanted to talk about.
Why iliil you lief"
"It was the easiest way out," I
said. .
Turn looked at me n moment. Di uin
ointment was in his eves. 'Thnt 's nut
like the old ."uiu," he said, '"do you
know that you were ahvuys the spirit
of truth to nief"
''It'll my lust lie, Tein," I said.
lie grasped my hand. "Oood for
you!" k j
There's something comfort iug about ,
1 1 1 1 1 .
(Tomorrow ' 'Oiscoiiragement ")
Doctor Tells How to Detect .
Harmful Effects of Tobacco
f - i in l u jjiu'Mimm. mmm
I ;-. I
1 ...... sktef . . vi
New York: Doetof Connor, formerly ,at , regular pace, then stop. If y0
of Johns Hopkins hospital, says: Manyjf;m' that vou are out of breath, ,ur
men who smoke, fliew or snuff inces-1 heart beat' i forced, tremhlino . ;..
santly and who are seemingly healthy i n-gular, you mav be a victim of fune
are suffering from progressive orgaine tional or organic heart trouble. If you
uinenis. i.nousanus oi mem wouiu ; teel that you must smoke, chew or
never have been afflicted had it not j muff to o,uict your nerves, you are
been for the use of tobacco, and tbiu-. slave to the tobacco huliit ,.)
sand would soon get well if they i positfc ely pcisouing yourself with tba
would only stop the use of tobacco, j dcadl drug nicotine. In eilher eat
The chief habit forming principle ofjyou have just two alternatives keen
tobacco is nicotine, a deadly poison :0ii with the self poisoniug process irra
which, when absorbed by the system , suective of the ilanuer. n,l .,ff ..
slow ly affects the nerves, membranes, ! consequenees, or give up the habit and
tissues and vital organs of the body. escape the dangers. You can overconia
The harmful effect of tobacco varieitho craving and stop the habit in
and depends on circumstances. One VillJ very short time bv using tho following
be afflicted with general debility, oik- j inexiiensive formula. Co in n.v
ers with c.itarrh of the throat, indigos- j store and ask for Xicotol tablets, take
tion, constipation, extreme nervousness one tablet after each meal, and' iu a
jleeidossness, loss of memory, lack of j comparatively short time you will hive
iil power, mental confitsion, etc. Oth-ino desire for tobacco, the' craving will
ers may suffer from heart disease, 1 have left you. With the nicotine poisoa
bronchial trouble, hardening of the or- iout of your system your general health
teries, tuberculosis, blindness or even! will quicklv improve,
cancer or the common affliction known I Xote When asked about Xicotol tab
as tobaco heart. If you uso tobacco lets, one of our lending druggists said
m any form you ean easily detect the "It is truly a wonderful remedy for
harmful effects by making the follow-1 the tobacco habit; away ahead of" nnv
ing simple tests. Rea l aloud one full 'thing we have ever sold before. VV
page from a book. If, in the course of I are authorized bv the' manufacturers
reading your voice beeoeies muffled, j to refund .the money to every dis-nt'u-hoarse
and indistinct, and you mugt'fied customer, and we would not per
frequently dear your throat, the ehauc I mil the use of our name unless the
es are that your throat is affected bvjremedv possessed nnusunl merit " Nie
catarrh ami it may be the beginning : i tablets are sold in this city under
of more serious trouble. Next, in thojnu iron clad uionev back guarantee by
morning before taking your usual jail up to date druggists, including 1.
urnokc, walk up three flights of stair i J. Fry.
i.usse, if they re no, bruh. in .0. ".:. ,)? T
niurrow. - " "" .'"
Henry Ford, once candidate for the 1 T," "aU '"'"
nomination of United Stutes senntor' . "'u "-""""T
from Michigan, nnd millionaire autoiuo-
biltf mnniifucturer suid ho did not know
the strength of the American army at
Don worry about-your shin
cleared mine completely
H you are embarrassed by a pimply,
blotchy, unsightly complexion, try Resi
nolOimmentand Resinol Hntreg!tlily
for a week and see if they do not begin to
make a blessed difference in your skin.
Retlnol Soap mt Retinot
Ointment are told brail dntf
Siata. Try4liem and ace tiow
beneficial thoy are not only tor
the akiu but lor the hair, too.
the time hepublishetl his anti prepnred
ness literature.
He wi-.s testifyinir in his million dollar
libel suit ngainst the Chicago Tribune.
Ford said at tho time ho carried on
his anti-preparedness .campaign lie
thought the I'nited Stntea hud an army
of "0,0(10 or 8tT,0(M).
"Did you know where tho men were
stationed!" Attorney Btcveuwm asked.
"Were there any in Alaski;-,"
The witness did not know, nor was re
sure there were any in the Philippines,
"What were tho relations of Porto
Rico with the "i'nited ."States." asked
The judge stopped the attorney be
fore Ford could answer. .
"But I submit, your ho:ior, that we
have the right to test this man's know
Lucking, for the plaintiff.
"Did you not start your tnmpaiga
o fnnt i preparedness after the president
had snid he did not know tut day or
hour this country would be plunged into
wuif" Attorney Stevenson asKtd.
"Iu what way was the president in
consistent!" "He didn't tell us how to preiare."
"Did yon not make n stulement ti
newspapermen that you had no oipve
tion to nn army of 2."0,000 but you did
not know that he (President Wilson)
was going to do with thorn?"
Ford admitted he did.
"Were you opposed to President Wil
so i's submarine policy?"
"Xo." 1
In sympathy with striking painters
and plumbers who have demanded a
flat rnisc of $1 per day in their pay, all
l,;i.li. .... na tl'..ll. i'tr..ri.
. . , , . ". iR ,iit,i,.B llllluiM 111 Vlllilll nuna
edge of the standnrds of mtonmit.on, Wllkt.,, , Mo ,
possessijd by the average nn;a. He ns-l '
pired to be Vnited States senator. Holrj if Pin' T 1
wan mi educator of the people." CVAUX S a tjCCIl YiKZ 10 tints
CAMELS are as delightful to your
taste as they are new. And, so
satisfying that they meet every cigarette
desire you ever have had.
Camels are unusual; in fact they're un
like any cigarette you ever smoked.
That's because they're an expert blend
of choice Turkish and choice Domestic
tobacco, producing a quality that meets
your taste as no other cigarette ever did.
Came Is' export blend gives that mellow-mild-body
and frees the cigarettes from
any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or
any unpleasant cigaretty odor. You
can smoke Camels as liberally as you
like without tiring your taste.
You have only to get personally
acquainted with the expert Camel blend
to know that you prefer it to either kind
of tobacco smoked straight !
For your own satisfaction compare
Camels with any cigarette in the world
at any price !
Cam7e arm aorf mrerywherw in cmntiflrmtly
d paiiaOe rf 30 t-ifirttk or r-n pa'
eas 2 0 eiiiererreel in m .'aaaine-pa;ier.rov-rrd
cdrrort. Wm stio-elr r--or-ir.eriof thi
cmrton for thm home cr o?f. supply or whn
you trmvwt.
18 cents a package
j-;, c . r.szf ' f