THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1919. PAGE THREE. RUPERT BACK IN POi AFTER LONG ABSDtCE YSl OY! Convicted Defaulter Tells Of Escape And Life Of Past Four Months. BOYS! if 33 M i vn - - fresh X' " I f., v.j- collars and ciiffs in half an hour ! How to larmier tk THERB 13 NOTHING EL8B LIKB LUX Dissolve atablespoonfulof Lux In half a bowlful of boiling or very hot water and whisk into a thick lather. Add cold water to make audi lukewarm. Wash quickly, squeezing the auda through the fabric. Do not rub. Rinse three timet la dew lukewaxm water. em GLEAMING satin collars and cuffs! Deli- cate kceguimpes! Your very daintiest accessories you can wash in delicate Lux suds and they will come out just like new. There is nothing else like Lux. Lux comes in delicate white flakes pure and transparent. They dissolve instantly in hot water. You whisk them into the richest, sudsiest lather that loosens all the dirt leaves the finest fabric clean and new not a color dimmed, not a fibre broken or weakened in any way. Lux won' thurt anything pure water alone won't injure. Your grocer, druggist or department store, has Lux. Lever Bros. Co., Cambridge, Mass. How to wash silks, 6atins, Georgettes . Squeeze the water out. Do not twist. Roll in a towel. When nearly dry, presa with warm iron, never a hot one. White organdies, lace, etc. Wash as above, but in hot suds. Rinse in hot water. Dry in the sua. iV. I ti h LtrBim. Cm. PRESIDENT TO (Continued from page one) go to the White Houscto receive infor mation in refuting arguments of league opponents. Interest continued to renter la the inserted in pronammv or a can ny the foreign re-!tion. lations ommittee at the Wbito House. Indications today wcro that no definite action will he taken on this until the Constipation causes headaches, sal low color, dull sickly eyes you feel out of sorts aU over. Hollistor s Iiocky Mountain Tea will banish constipation, whether it will be necessary to qucs-jons affront, the pressure which will be tion President Wilson. j brought to bear on the senato will in- The situation today remained about sure acceptance even of Shantung, ns it has been for ten dn vs. Rome ad-1 Senator vocatcs of reservations to the treaty received from an American officer with I r,8l,la' TaaT bowels, purify your stotn- ... . , .- . lanhVm.' iKii ( all n .. n It 1 were aiscouraired. pxwnt witn reram 1 1 h .,.rn,. ..,i i . r..... . .1 " "." ;. . to some "interpretative" phrases to be smniiiurv of the renorteil tier ancse secret treaty regarding iiussiu and China. Th offii'er wrnto Johnson Shantung weaR Unit, that ho had clipped the summary from Tho Shantung settlement appeared a Russian newspaper. The sumnir-rv today to be a weak spot in tho treaty. ! closely followed the outline in a United the resolution of ratifica- reading of the peace treaty in commit-, But even thought tho hostility to this Press dispatch from Budapest June 20, tee has been finished. By that time it clause is very great, administration sen-! will be apparent what clauses need leg Sslation, it was pointed out, aud the ton declared that when the country TV Cl. V:rcl I D.,,, understands that a reservation on this J dUUII HIM 1U DUVISz commit tee will be better able to deride 1 point might be taken in Jnpnn as a seri- 3 Good Pl3C6 t6 Tratj6 Vii-mLifh-J Mm -- r.v- ' T m :t. : Fry. FRUIT SKIPPERS (Continued from pngo one) 7io aff-ijoar -'round soft drink Servo your uei willi Uevo -$oe5 especially well vii!i lihi repasts, buffet utJer$, chafing dih dainties, fish and lobster dishes , Wild ime, cold cirts of meai,sauae$,$ardiiie$f cbeese or spaIiefii'. mmm Bevo is the friend oi iood ind leuowship ANHEUSER-BUSCH Blumauer & Hocli, WtwlMsle DMhhnlors PORTLAND. ORE. Dan. J. Fry, Warehoius Mauser KAl.tM. OKK. mm mm pi mm m fm ST. LOUIS to 40 per cent. The icing cost is si to ho covered in the rail cdministra tion's new tariffs. Among those who are I1010 as wit nesses or spectators are L. F. tiansbury anil I. L. l'lette of North Yakima, who will uliow that the growers of Yakima operated a hearter service In ornlnarj boxcars between Yi.kuna and eiisteru points for consideralily less than the rail administration in charging. Hurry Crowl and G. Nelson of Wenuteheo and Charles Mount, northwest traffic man ager for the Earl Fruit company of Cal ifornia are here. Oregon Epworth League Institute To Meet In Jefferson July 21-27 The Oregon Kpworth League insti tute will hold it's annual stsniuu all Cwmp Kpworth, Jefferson, July 21st to I 27th inclusive. A tfo"d program has' been arranged hy K. M. Kmith, presi-j dent, and Ir. fico. H. I'arkinson, dean j of the faculty, laily elassea, beginning i at 6:30 and continuing until 12 :.''.'), will be held. Strong, competent, lead-1 ers hsvs been chosen to teach the; clashes bearing upon church and Vp- j worth league work. ! 1n toe afternoons, recreation of dif- i ferent kinds will he featured, with Rev. A. 8. Hisy in charge. Htirring' addresses will be given each evening. Among the evening speakers are Or. Carl iregg Doney, president of Wil lamette university; Dr. ieo. H. Park-, inson, I)r. A. I Howarth, hv, A. A. Calendar and several men who attend ed the gyat centenary eelnbratTbn in I'oluinhus, Ohio. Bishop llatt H. Ilnlu will be present on Kunday for the main j addresses of the dav. This will he the. biggest day of the entire session, and ths closing addresses will be given. A large attendance at the institute is as sured, and it is ho;cd that the seventh annual Oregon Kpworth League insti. tute will be greater than any before held in the stste. , After four mouths of the precarious, fear-haunted life of fugitive, partly spent ia a condition of vagabondage in California, Red" Rupert is one wore behind the bara of the Oregon penltea tiary. He was brought in last night by Special Agent William Each, after long delay and irritatiug difficulty in secur ing bis release from the federal agents who held himat Brawley, California. He had been through such a grilling experience ia trying to avoid ti'toction that he admitted he was actually glad to be back in tSalem. Aside Trom the loss of some flesh, however, he las not suffered physically and has made good wages in various lines of employment. ' His arrest by federal agents ia Cali fornia was brought about through the intercepting of a letter which he ven tured to write to his wife, who prc.ious to his escape from th prison gang had writtea him she might go to Imperial bench. However, he stated emphatical ly that bis wife should be hold blamn less in the matter. Bupert tells what sounds like a straight story, and in it he goves ths laugh to the various rumors as to his movements. According to this i.c broke away from the quarry gang at Gold Hill about six o'clock on the night of March 16, and without any aid from anyone pointed toward Culifornia with Mexico as his ultimate objective. He ran nearly all the way to Med fold in the attemptto get all possible lead over his trailers. At Med ford, along about midnight he fell in with a cattle men who was shipping a rsr south, proffered his services as a "cow-puncher" on the trip, and thus secured for himself thei safest sort of transportation as far as Gazelle. From there ho psid his way to the vicinity of Sacramento, tramping into the ctiy after nightfall in the guise of an ordinary 'vag." The rolo was so well played, in fact, that he with in an ace of being run in by an officer, but put up a good bluff with the state ment that he was looking for fa lodging, which he hnd the money to pay for. From Hacramento he made lu way by easy stnges to the citrus belt near I.osj Angeles, and within four days (ft'ter bin breaknway at Gold Hill he wts picking i oranges a vocation which he. followed! for several weeks. Then ho secured I work in the canteloupe fields at Braw- j ley, always cherishing the plan of slip ; ping across tho border into Mexico, it, wus at Brawley that ho wrote a letter I to his wife, whose whereahouts he did! not know, but took a chance, of reaching her at Imperial Beach. This Utter ell into the hands of a federal officer who! hud established himself in rooms ad joining the cottage where Mrs. Kupert was staying, and who held to tho tlieorv that ltupert would sooner or later either send a letter or try to meet iier there, This letter led to his arrest, llo admit ted that ho tried to bluff tho officers with the mistaken identity dodge; ana that he rerused to recogm.e the 1 ort lund man, Kolicrt Kiugcr, but denied the report that he attempted to break jail at Brawley. Now that ho is back in thu shadoMSs of tho prison walls, Rupert assures the officers that he will make no further attempts to gain his liberty, but will hike what is coining to him. In the ordinary course of events ho .V'll have a prolonged term in confinement, for in addtiion to serving time under federal prosecution for the theft of $li,000 worth of liberty bonds ho has the of fenso of an attempted escape. OLCOTT NAMES (Continued from page one) un investigation made. "The reason for calling this Investi gation is to aliily a iy fenrs whii h might exist that the affairs of the commission are not being conducted on a pioper bnsis," said the governor in announcing the personnel of the investigating com mittee today. "It became apparet to me that in some sources confidence In the commission hnd been s! ink in by re ports, either true or erroneoii.i, Us a re sult of the probe will determine. It is my belief t tit: t for the best interests of the woikinen's compentsiitio'i net nnd r - For your comfort ,and the saving of . woik for your moth ers bring this to her attention. Boys' Sport Blouses -Short and long sleeves plain and fcyort stripes at 75c to Sl.50 Dress BlouseIn all fancy stripes, just the thing for summer dress wear at $1.25 and $1.50 Dress Shirts in the detachable collars and soft cuffs just like father's, 12 to 14 years at $1.75 Outing Shirts of khaki, made up in neat styles, in -the serviceable materials and workmanship, durable and neat, 13, 14 1-2 years only, priced at $1.50 Boy's Palm Beach Suits at a large Cut in Price! Boys' Palm Beach Suit-Just like fath er's, you have often wished for one "just" like his, or one like big brother's, they are genuine Palm Beach Suits guaranteed by Bishop's. They formerly were priced at $9.00 but now you may purchase them for only $6.00 at this price you should get your suit while the stocks are complete. . Price J6.C0 Every Family in Marion and Polk Counties a Patron. SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE every one connected with its adminis tration whatsoever that tho commission which admlnistrers the law should have the most complete confidenco of the people. To see that that confidence tv iimintui'ied I have asked for this in vestigation and 1 have made thu com mittee large and have asked men of to find out just exactly what has been done and what Is being done n the ad ministration of the act, nnd if any faults are discovered to take steps to rectify them." THURS.-HU.-SAT. that when tho comniitto makes its final finds 1 believe the people of tho titnte will have entire confidence In what they say as to the situation which has existed in the administration oi the act. There will he no whitewash of any of the commission 'a affnirs. The, pl." is A r I- I TCDAY tsd TOMORROW- 8 Red 8 Feature Special Boyd Lewis, an 19 year old inmate of the Vauronver jail, made a bolo in the wall with a clthes hook and escsped. He wns found in the railroad yards two hours afterward. All-Star Cast FATTY AR3UCKLE Comedy To Make U Laugh !RI IfiH "Qh What a Tummyaclie! Wish't we'd et them prunes 7. aT.?:''1.'-'? ---J-- Judy and Tommy and Towser too had gone on a strike against prunes! prunes! prunes! It's one of the Funniest Strikes ever seen MARY PICKFORD in Jean Webster's fam ous Play "Dadly Long Legs" 7 reels of Fun and Pathos Directed By Marshall Neil an YE LIBERTY ... . - J -: w i if Vsi J , -s ' V n ' 4 F u. 1 x PAULIME ' FREDERICK .- Stortn ik.iijs-,, GoUwyn Pictures PAULINE FREDERICK in "THE FEAR WOMAN" By Izola Forester Directed by John A. Barry Love Triumphs In Spite of AH "BILL PARSONS" Comedy YE LIBERTY