PAGE TWO rr, irn v,p) News for the Housewife at Preserving Time Here is a recipe for preserving syrup that will give you finer jams, jellies and preserves and save you about one half your trouble. Instead of all sugar use only one-half sugar and one-half Karo (Red Label). You will find this means clear, firm jelly; rich preserves u ith heavy syrup ; and delicious jams, mellow and "fruity". Karo is a fine, clear syrup, with a natural affinity for the juices of the fruit. It blends the sugar with the fruit juice brings out all the "fruity" flavor. Furthermore, it prevents even the richest jam or jelly from "candying". ' 1 It does away with all the uncertainty of preserving, and just about cuts the work in half. For cooking, Baking and Candy Making Karo (Red Labef) is used in millions of homes. In all cooking and baking recipes use Karo instead of sugar. It is sweet, of delicate flavor, and brings out the natural flavor of the food. pp C C A copy of the Corn Products Cook rlCE; Boofc j, an ready to send to you as soon as we receive your name and address. It contains any number of helps to the woman who expects to make preserves, jams or jellies. CORN PRODUCTS REFINING COMPANY J. ITS VI liaro nmmmg hi II 1111 "tirniMM""""-"- 'l H" ."MS imf I Ml ;r s ftp J --v a i ni' ,. - i . I . v j Use v 1 cracivi sugar Uakzs perfect jainsjeUies and preserved, w IF YOU TAKE BUT ONE PLUNGE It will be worth the price of any cue cf these suits A FAT MAN CANT SINK-HERE ARE SIZES TO ACCOMMODATE ALL Extraordinary qualities in Wool Worsted, Jersey Knit, Bathing SuiU for Men, in solid and cojnbin ation colors of black, purple, red blues and preens sizes 08 to 52 Mixed Cotton and Wool In p!i a d.. qusnUct, ihm1 combination of , t ft to 4il . . . K .00, ti. Vi 85, $3.00 $3.25 to $1.23 l-arge Assortment of Meit'i Cot ton Untiling Hulls. Sue to $1.60 Hnv's Bathing 8tut at .'. ,...7r to 11.15 Women's Bathing Suits Sizes V& to 4t, Short Skirt, V neck, Sleeveless, extra jood. Wool Jersey Bathing Suitsthe kind that would cost double our price on the markets today in black, purple, preen, blue and cardinal, trimmed with white, yellow, orange, green and maroon, at, from $3.65 to $6.43 Children" S-i u t Itr.' " . Bid 3UC to U.65 liw ami I ij.'h tnr-s 2. and 50c Rubber ami EulitwtiJ Head ear i f msny style .130, 8.', 50 Kubheritcd Huit B X FRUITS VIE ' (Continued from page oae) i ' are also a omp bore a there art 127 art in lnaring iih five aeraa bod iH'arinx. There are several lrg farmera In this distrtH, which Incluila th M. L. .Innea trnct of 1U arrea, oa which thrr are SI nlers, the H. W. Jones tract of 1400 ucrii and the Moisaa el tnte of mare ttuin 1000 acre. Homer Ooulet liaa planted hia 2"0 acrca a follow: Winter wheat 40 acre lrln)f wheat 20, clover IS, hay rop 11, other fron, SO, and one acre in boaring at'le. The A. M. Atpinwull entate ha 3." aewa In bearing loptn lerrii. The renter of M. 1 Jonea in t-luito II'J aertMi f potxtoet in their rroM. liiii Ijirlimund haa 4 area 'a bearing peaches SO acrea of bearing pear, 10 acrei of bearing prune tree, and 27 acrea of liearinjr walnnta. In tlii scutum i the big Keiser bot tom tract with l:'.' acrea. V. H. Vtfan of Oervaia owna S 1 0 acres, and this year he lui it aa followi: Winter wheat II ai'ren, apring wheat 20 oat clover 2.1, potatoea 22, field beana M, other crop .11), ailea in bearing K1, one half acre of rheme, Ifl acrea peach ea, .1 acre in ueara beaning, 7 acrea in ! priiiun, 10 acrea in loganberrira, 30 ia i blackiif rricn ami t acre in itrawber i no. , I.afo Townaencl alw misea hit ero ou ku .Vi;l acr farm. He haa aa fvl l(i; Winter wheat .V, l"t wheat 125, oat 40. barlcv 21, rve S. com So, , clover 4.', other hay rifw 4.1, ap(Je 3 iKroi ihi-rr.cs 3, ai:d prai'nc S acre j Other eitennivo owner of land in 'tlna ditri.t are h. Jl. McM.ihon tMI7 ! arm, S. A. Mel 'all 6.1.I aciea, T. A. j l.ivtaler :! acre. W. W. itarpole 3.H la.'na, K. W. Manilla 2:t0 serc, liar- riiwn Jones :. acrea, N. J. Wade 212 aciet anl K, V. Jonea 32 a.'rea. In tlnst d strict i located the famonn Weaver ilam land, with which the bcav erj had nothing to do. Thin i ai call ed the Ike lrnh district and the beaver dam land ia worth !00O an I acre, now that water rihta have all 1 h,-e satisfactorily wttlett A lighted I mutch will ct this hcavrr lanl ; !uriiiN'. It is great for onions Bad P tatoes and men. WOMEN IN BUSINESS Woman 'a power in A merit is well illustrated bv the thousands of women i who entered almost every line of boa lines to replace mea who were diaft led during the war. Health proved ther , atrongeat asvt. Mnr women, however, j developed weak, Bcroi.a end:t .on and eonld not stand the strain of a Ituaineas life, Hoca wi'nrn sh.mid r imoithr there is one tried and trnc I rrntedy in l.ydta V rishm 's Vege !tsMe "nmj'oud, which for frty five I years has b"c r.-s'iiriKg h"'!1! ?-t j strength to the womej of A ia n. : society : ik By Gertrude Bobiaoa THE exodus of Salem folk to the various beach resorts and Califor nia and Washington points con tinues steadilT. The exceedingly hot weather leads" added impetus to the emniigratioD. The drawn shades or clos ed abutters ia the dirfereut reaidcutial districta of the city speak eloquently of the quiet interiors, and amninon vij iose of level beaches and shining sand and the cool wet wind blowing in from the Pacific. Or they bring picture of smooth 4'alijfornia loads running on and OB between rows of branching palms and bnuutiful acacia; of lakes and little rivers where the sapphire sky is reneetod in the snpphire water; of high mountains in blue gauy gown and lacy white boudoir caps, standing on' tiptoe at the edge of the world. They sqieek. those closed shutters and druwu shades, of empty little nurs eries where the painted bunniea and puss in boot look down from their panel in real disgust at the unnatur al order of the room. They tell, too. of darkened libraries where the friends who never fail wait silently in .their Klaus casta for the prodigals' return. Autumn and the early frosts will be quite welcome to the deserted home in the eity, 1 "m sure. Mr. 'and 3h. William McC.ilchrist urO spending a month's visit in S;m Francisco as guests of their daughter and son in-law, Jlr. and Mrs. William Douglas. The spacious grounds of tlio Dnn. J. 'ry home on High street foimisl th; setting for tTie aniiiial pw'tiic of the Vriscilla club last evening. This is one 'of tho most attractive women's clubs in the eaty and numbers a great ninny prominent women in its personnel. The evening was pleasantly jmsseil with music nnd aocial converse and the serv ing of the elaborate picnic supper. About twelve members were presenr. t Uuests at the Miller Jle.Oilchrist res ideiice arc Mrs. McUilehrist 's father, J. L. Jtuell, and her sister Miss Kdith Hiioll of iStm Francisco, 'lhcy win spend the aunimer in the cnpitol city. - Mr. and Mrs. William Bell and two da mi ht era motored to Portland Mon day. They were jtiined by friends and the entire party motored to Seaside for a few days outing at the beach. Mrs. W. C. Kantner and Miss Con stance Kantner arc planning to leave either the latter part of tliis week or the first part of next, for ike Wash ington where thev will spenu tne re mainder of the iiumucr. w Mrs. O. A. Nye and two daughters, Uiis and Doris, accompanied by her sisters, Mrs. t 0. Oray and M:ss Alda Scoville, left yesterday for two weeks at Newport. lira. H. . Marvin ha as hot house guest her tglet arid bnlicr in law, Mr. and Mra. V. U. van Piyne oi ne lan, Washington, who motored to n- tern for a week a visit. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Dyer and Mra. Ourtiss B. Cross have returned from brief visit in Portland. Mra. C. W. Orilberf of TWaverton i giiest at the Lee Gilbert residence on state at reel. Miss Oladys Steavenson of Kafoury Brothers, ie spending u abort vacation at the home of her parents. Those who attended the 'recital giv en by Misa Magera recently in the Orand opera house, and had the pleas ure of hearing Misa Lucie Adele Both- er, will be interested io icarn iubv sue will leave for France, Sunday, where she will marry a fttnioiie inuaician. Miss Becker has been in Portland for the past three months, visiting her brother Kene Becker, and during that time has distinguished herself aa a violinist of exceptional merit. Her departure will be imiurned by the numerous club wo men whose acquaintance she made dur ing her short residence in the rose city " Mr. wnd Mrs, George W. Jonea who have been visiting in Halora recently, returned to their home in Tulare, Cat iforma, yesterday. They were accom panied by Mrs. Blaarhe Jones and daughter Misa Florence, whose guest they have beea, who will visit numer ous citie of interest in the southern state and remain in Tulare about two weeks. FucuJj of Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Kijigs will be pleased to hear that they are expected home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Higs have been making d'tuiled rour of wh forma for the (xi few week mi. I fioiu the word received by friends in tslem from time to time. the trip has been one f profitable en jovment. Arthur W. Smither. 1tant eah ier in the Halcm Bank of t'ommerce. and Miss Ksther A. Mais of Milverton were ninrricd vesterdsv afternoon. Mrs. . K. Turfman and son Oliver motored from Seattle for a short visit with her parents, Mr. and Mis. J. Oli ver on South Winter street. Cools the stomach, wahe out the bowels, drives ont impurities, helps the liver it's Hullister'a Kocky Moun tain Tea. Take it once a week daring hot weather and see how happy b4 contentcl von 'II be. 3.1c Tea or Tab leta. D. J.Frv. ' U- - f the 204 You think you can't afford good tea it costs so much per pound. You can't afford poor tea it costs so much per cup. . - Schilling Tea is the fine practical economical tea of this country. There are four flavors of Schilling Tea Japan, Ceylon India, Oolong, English Breakfast. ' All one quality. In parchmyn-lined moisture-proof packages. At grocers everywhere. A Schilling & Co San Francisa READY TO WEAR GARMENTS READY TO USE ARTICLES . FOR Women, Misses and Children This store specializes on Feminine Wear and Feminine Articles Exclusively. . -t . You will find here a complete as sortment of wanted merchandise ready for immediate wear or use always at a price that you will be pleased to pay. Ml! Ill Standard Makes Reasonably Priced "Where Shopping Is a rieasure" 11 (k fljipH GIo. Liberty Street Salem, Oregon. . MHvmHWH4 HHHtW IS YOUR BUS1NESSS PROTECTED You have slocked your money in a safe, placed your automobile in a garage, but what have you done with your business. It represents MONEY and is MONEY and therefore should be locked up with an adequate and ' comprehensive ACCOUNT ING SYSTEM. Let us serve you in this capacity. , I Oil CKRjSTIANS ENDS Young People Of Church Re solve Opposition To Sun day Skews. Turner, July lei. The twenty mnth annual convention of Oregon -Christian churches closed with services held Hun dav. Rev. C. M. Yoeum, representative of the Foreign iliristian Missionary to ddy, preached and the -Bible school sewion waa held under the direction of Airs. Clara O. JCson of Forest (irovc, state auperintendciit. A communion service was held at 3:30, following the communion sermon by Rev. S. Karl Childers of Albany. The closing ser mon was delivered at 8 o'clock by Rev. ( tftrlea R. Drake of Grunts Pass. Saturday afternoon the Christian nK deavorers unanimously adopted a res chit ion opposing Hiffiday picture shows. Tho It stale board, headed by Rev. Elijah V. Htivere of Kugene as presi dent, is planning a vigorous enmpnign to furthe.r advance the Bible school, missionary and other departments of Christian work during the year. A sya tenmtie advertising and publicity cam paign is beinjr worked out by the board Mrs. Ralph Harris cf Portland has been nppoiuted publicity manager. The con vention pnrk improved by the addition of nmusement features for the old and yonnfc. Swimming pools will be built in the stream which crosses the grounds a few hundred yards to the rear of the tAliernacle, and many conveniences for the occupant of cot tage) and other camper will be pro vided. Jt In aVTT WUtUlUvIO liVIl all lHnn .kino fnr thn slli ff. d .vret MiiMffn Plow Pnnrt Plow i treaty between Japan and (lermany. vuivua vmj VVuil I ij i Government officials 8ny they have no i 'knowledge of it. Chicago, July M. (United Tress.) There was much discussion today ov- Eliniinctiona at the national clay court er whether the president, on his tour, tennis tournament had sifted down the; would invade ldahn, home state of Hen lung list of eu Irani a, leaving few ktiirtator Korah, chief opponent of the lea when the iilnv was resumed here todav. !ge. U was considered likely the pres- The coast still has three net;f nt wouin mane a speeen, proDuniy ar ; three months, miners atruca is in the running. One of these ia Bill l'i" w Koran a own towns Johnston, former ehampiou. Ale! Teoplo and conshtucnt, hi. rcnon for , Graves and Robert Kinscy brinjj np the uri"u lae Lmlca 10 Joln "", , ., " Messnie. inc. itn nesc tnrec c-an x,.nc .-cans, - pre!ri,knt .,, ,d,T ,0 keop Thirteen hundred miner, have struck a atelier K. me the coast hou80 for mcmbfr, 0V rongrf5, i Kent, expected to be repreented nt tne ririlsn. I ' 11 Public Accountants Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Portland, Oregon. i PRESIDENT AT WORK (Continued from page one) tal tour, the president is expected to have a long1 conference with Secretary Lansing en route home from J'aris to learn from him the jirewnt feelinj in Europe and bring Up to dafe the in formation he will use ia his speeches appealing for support for the covenant and treaty. An early reply is anticipated from the white house to Senator Lodse 's res- TOISON OAK & Wash with wwk aotv Jt 1 tioa erf Woe atone or tJ I bme water, dry thor. iCTjL Wighry. follow with Bjht appB- If J Rv csooo of- lHi yicKS VAPoiiinSl Salem's a Good Place to Trade from 10 a. m. until noon. He will ite voto those hours to meeting senatoi and representatives whether they have appointments or not. 6 Bellans Hot water Sure Relief RELL-ANS Car FOR INDIGESTION London, July 10. While union lend ers were discussing today the jjovejn meat's demand for guarantees tnat no strikrs be called in the coal mine fir auscil bv a rlisnute over the iMicrntioii i 1 1 of the tSnnkcy award. riaVfJ. 't'to r.wl: '5irtIil'1S5 ,5itiVi:t 1 outfit cvttvftuA& jurjiuJtcvv tjvatt -cvVl. DUiilctU e UAVU ...v. Tht jurulhtatt ft. & j;ti ".vf rl rr ' t - .'--,1 1 f as W 4 09 mm M, I I " tin aw ii fc. "S. i tfVVT Every grocer everywhere 'sells. Kellogg s everyday. t