Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 15, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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aljc Dmlnr;lal Ifournal
TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1919.
Every Day Is A
s7 w
I All Around Town
July 16, Wednesday Danee
at armory jfiven by the Elks'
July 18, Friday Cherries
band concert at Willsoa park,
beginning at 8 o'clock.
July 20 28 EUiaou-WhiU
Chautauqua in Salem.
Phone 305.
Try Northern nour, It' a Beat,
every aack guaranteed. At youi gro
cers. It
Artificial teeth, hare expert plate
MB, with over 33 yean esperlenee.
at bit office. Dr. D. X. Beoehler, don
tut, 308 U. 8. Nat. bank bhlg. tf
According to report in ad a to tha
eity council last evening) there were 28
births in the eity during the month, 11
male, and If! female. The deaths for
the month numbered 1.1, of which 8
were nnili nnd 7 female. Influence
louses quarantined numbered .15, small
pox rasoa .1, scarlet fever 9, munin 2
nd chicken pox 2.
B!nf and Lambert cherries. Wi
are in the market bring them to our
hig plant opposite R P. Co. passenger
lalivB, or phone 2u4, Plies iJo. tf
Onr vacation aale continue all tlili t
week. Circular nt store nivinji lint of
jjood and price. Perry's lrug etore. tf the county will meet next Thiirsdny nt
0 Hie ciimtnerctnl club auditorium. Thii
T. E. McOrockey, manager of the 8a- iorirnniration includes 1 1 of the countv
lem iVmmcrcint elih unci K. (). Hnell- rmnniereial clubs and hns been organ
lng, director of the civic department, led In order Unit general county in
attended the meeting last evening 4a 1 teres! may tie titken up before one
Portland of the Aero club, of Oregon, body. John Hloelhaiunier of .Silverton
Mr. Mct'roskey inndo an address on is president.
method of organisation. The club ex
pects to formulate ruK-j for flyera who
eome. to Oregon. The Portland airplane
fain conceded that Hnlem had the bulge
on the airplane business when it come
to a landing field and general interest
in airplane flight.
Newport fishing Mason opens; ling
eod sliced, 13c, and whole fish 12o per
pound; red eod lOe pound. Fitti Mar
ket tf
0 i
Dr. L. B. Springer, dentist, Moor
bldg. eorner Court and Liberty.
Phone 114. tf
I It will now cost you 75 cants to have
new heels put on your shoes. Half
sole are going up, a the now price ia
$1.7.1 to Full mil", f,ir men's ahoes
are now I.1..1U. Kvcry ahue simp in the
city has adopted those prices. It i
just one indication that Icathor is still
going up.
I Salem Cigar Factory if now making
i"La Corona" and "Little Salem" ei
! gars exactly aa they were made before
i he war. Smoking thorn reminds you of
old times. tf
Dr. Mott, Bank of Commerce, 407-8.
I buy' Junk of all kinds, ragt and
bottles, metal, iron, broken down autoi
and parts of autoa. dive ui a trial.
Steinbeck Junk Co. 328 N. Cora. St.
Buy old papers at the Journal office.
Five and ten cent bundles. 7-19
I'll get him yet. 717
Pipe organ recital and dramatic
reading of Madame Butterfly, Wednes
day evening, First Christian church.
Tickets on sale at Fattou 'a and Will 'a,
50 cents.
Cheater Homer, who ha seen 18
mouths service in France, returned to
his home recently. He was for a time
with the lo'2d infantry, and later with
the 6th cavalry.
Those who have subscribed for tick
ets please call at once at Hart man
I'll get him yet.
7 17
Buy old papers at the Journal office.
Five aud ten cent bundles. 7-19
Edwin R. Payne who wu with the
102d infantry in France for more than
n year, has accepted a position fin civil
inn clerk at Cump Lewis, where ho will
be engaged for several months.
Don't fail to get your tickets that
you have subscribed for by Wednesday
evening June 10th, at llnrtman Bros.
Genuine leather suit cases at reduc
ed prices, right now. Itureu's. Com'l ht
Kahkt clothe at Bishop's will keep
you cool rend today's ad.
. -
8 Reel 8
All-Star Cast
To Make U Laugh
Stevens of Salem. Six sisters also sur
vive, four of whom live in Oregon and
two in Washington. A brother, is:iac
Stevens lives at Oervais. The funeral
services were held at the Bethany cein
eterv in Silverton and were conducted
by the Ref. Bennett, pastor of the Sil
verton hrastian church.
For first olaaa work call Society
Cleaners and Dyers, 1272 State St.
rhone 1084. tf
We bay liberty bonds. 314 Masonic
bldg. tt
Bishop recommends the cool, com
fortable khuki for hot duys.
Dr. B. L. Steeves and wife, In a re
cent letter to Dr. Findley, tell of their
arrival at Portsmouth, Ohio, having
just recently visited Buffalo, Clevelaud
0 and Columbus. They found the heat in
Among the recent arrirals at the 'some sections almost intoleinblo and
tHMiltentlinrr ' r-'i Wulnovick, sent limrtly on this account have 'lecided to
up from Douglas county by Judge jnhip their car at tfouth Bend and fin
Dr. Henry E. Morris, optician, who
recently opened an office at .'10.1 State
strict, in the room formerly occupied
by the Haines crnthing store, has re
ceived a complete new ecpiipinent. This
includes grinding apparatus, eye test
ers nnd other paraphernalia that are
included In the equipment of opticians
Dr. L. B. Bprtuger, osntlst, Moor
bldg. eorner Court and LibertT.
Phone 111. tf
Notice: I will not be responsible for
any debts unless contracted tor by my.
self, personally. Ward N. Hnrrett. 7 11
The federated commercial clubs of
llnmiltnn on an indeterminate sentence
for 'awuiult aud robbery. Wtilnovick
was one of a trio of roughnecks who
robbed an Austrian rond worker of
.'1)00 near Scuttsburg. In the course
mf the pursuit by officers he was shot.
Attention. Buy your Chautauqua tick
ets now.
So wall tint display In our show
window, llenutifu'. coiiiliiuations. Bur
en's 'om'l St.
' 0
Dr. J. H. Qarajobot, recently return
ed from France, has resumed hig pren
tice, "II I'. S. National bank bldg. 7 17
ish the journey by trnin. They expect
to stop at KiH'hester, Minu. to visit the
celebrated Mayo institute.
F. A. Legg, architect, Is drawing the
plans and sperifieutious for the new
building to be erected by Vick Bros,
in I'ortlund a state headquarters for
the Fordson tractor. It is to be 100 by
100 feet, mostry of concrete, with a
pressed brick front and will bo locnt-
ed at Second and Madison streets.
Walt Low, city street commissioner,
waa instructed by the councilmen at
the session last evening, to work the
team of firo horses that the city now
owns. That is, the eitv owns the horses
Friends aud relatives of Colonel becnuse it hus not as vet found a buy-
'nrlo Aliranm have just received word er. 'Mr. Low will now work the horses
tlint he has arrived in Huston on his at lonst three dMa in the week, per iu-
& CO.'S
Special Prices on Quality Merchandise
Fancy summer voiles in assorted patterns, per yd 15c, 25c, and 33c
Silk Meteor, 36 inches wide, per yard 39c
Ladies' white and fancy voile waists, each 98c
Ladies' bungalow aprons, each 98c, $1.25 and $1.49
Ladies' summer sport skirts, special, each -...... 98c
$3.49 cotton blankets, per pair. $2.98
Ladies' hose, per pair 19c, 23c and 39c
Extra quality slip on sweaters, each $2.98
Men's tennis oxfords, black or white, per pair .79c
Men's tennis shoes, per pair. $1.00
Boys' tennis oxfords, black or white, per pair 69c
GALE & CO. .
Commercial and Court Streets.
Formerly Chicago Store
Permanent and temporary positions cpea for young
W cmcn with cr without experience.
Applications will be receive! during the present
strike at our Central Office ia Salem, Telephone Build
ing, 170 North Liberty Street
The Pacific Telephone &
Telegraph Company
return from J.iitflund. Ho went to
France with the :id Ore-iron, end Inter
was pluccd in charge of the American
camp in Knlaud. Previous to entering
the army service he was rnunected
with the industrinl acciidiut commission.
I'll get him yet.
st ructions.
Alderman H. H. Vanderrort thinks
hay will be cheaper in a few weeks
thau it is today. The city viants to buy
about M tons and he snirirestod that
the market had not as yet been estab
lished, and anvhow. there was a prettv
7 17 .heavy hay crop this year and he thot
Orasa cloth wall paper, truly is the
real thinjf. Huron's, Com'l St,
Fords with ona eye uui those who do
not olist-rvo the luw in regard to dim
ming their automobile lights after
dark, had better look nut. At the ses
sion of the city council Inst evening,
Alderman Moore called attention to the
fact that very little attention was imid
by drivers to the law in regard to dim
ming liht. The council instructed
Chief Varney to enforce the oidinance.
"Yea, and I think we had better in-
4 Iclude those one eyed Kurds running
around, declared Alderman Vand'r
Sea Bishop for coolness. See our ad
Call Patton Plumbing Co. for jour
4 i repair work, phone t'0 N. Com.
Pr. Carl B. Miller has opened his
lestal office at 610 511 U. 8. bank
Mdg. Thone 141. tf
4. im iiinenu services lor Millard
s Stevens, who til fmin.1 d.d in & burn
near hig home in North Salem last Sat-
it imght be cheaper after a general
market price was made by dealers.
Howard Zincer, who recently return
ed from service with I'ncle Main's army
has accepted an appointment by the lo
cal council. Hoy JVouts of America as
scout master of troop No. 3. This troop
is affiliated with the Hungalow Chris
tian troop and lias for its territory the
whole of east Malein. Mr. Zincer SiociHT
ised in signaling while in the service
and Ins had a great deal of experience
in that line of work which will prove
of considerable value jn furthering the
work f his troop. Mr. Zincer was for
merly assistant scout master to troop
No. 4 of this eity and has considerable
experience in scouting. During his
travels hack and forth across this
country, Mr. Zincer lias had nn oppor
tunity to get first hand intoruiation
of the activities of scouts lu.iuslioiit
the conrtry and after n rnrefnl study
f different situations rxislinK at the
present time renders the opinion that
the training scout in offers to the Am
erican boy will be of untold value to
the nation.
The contract for the erection of a
t.'!l)0O born iff the state institution for
the feeble minded has been awarded to
unlay were held yesterday in Silverton. Jos Knapp and ronstruotion will beirin
He wu an Oregon pioneer, coming to 'st once. It ia to be Si by 59 feet, with
the state in JS.M. Vntil his health fail-1. tit feet from floor to the peak. The
ed recently, he enraged in farminir. ' floor is to be of concrete with the rest
He is survived by his wife Mrs. Jane
Stevens and two daughters. Airs. Midge
Manger of Mt. Angel and Miss Lora
of the building of lumber. P. A. Iegg,
architect drew the plans and specifications.
Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Williams of
Xcwjiort stopped in the eity today for
a brief visit on their way to Portland
by auto. '
'Dr. and Mrs. 8. C. Stewart of Leba
non were among the recent arrivals in
tnlom, coming in on n business errand.
Superintendent 1). Bnker, of the Pa
cific Building and Loan association,
with headquarters nt Taeoma, wasi in
tho city today on business connected
with his organization.
I. 1). Bartel of Dntlna wns a guest at
the Capital hotel today.
Among recent arrivals nt the Marion
hotel are .T. P. Wendling of .Portland,
Mrs. 1'. fl. Heffley and Josephine Heff
lev of Monmouth, Mrs. K. liessmer,
Superintendent Ackerman of the Mon
mouth normal school, is in the city for
the dav.
H. I,. Eddy, A. M. Orcutt and Carl
Wimliorly nre Kn'burg attorneys in
the city today, having cases at the su
preme court.
Keeent arrivals at the Hlinh hotel
are Mr. and Mrs. (ieo. K. Ware of Pal
las, C. O. Thomas, lioscburg; U. 17.
Simpson, 'orvallis; L. L. Jewell, wife
and son from Portland.
Lee 1'nruh and A. I'nruh went to
Portland this morning to attend to
some business matters. 4
Benjamin Sheldon of Medford, who
took such an active rt in the ses
sions of the lust legislature, ia in the
"I nm sorry I did not hear of
Mayr's Wonderful Keniedv a few years
ago, as it would have saved me sev
eral hundred dollars. Five years 1 suf
fered from indigestion and severe bloat
ing. 1 grew worse nil the time. My doc
tor said an operation would be all that
could save me. 1 took a course of
Mnyr's Wonderful Remedy instead and
for the past year have been entirely
well.'' It is simple, harmless remedy
thnt removes the catarrhal mucus from 1
the i litest inn I tract and allays the in-!
flammation 1mIi causes practically all 1
stomach, ttver anil intestinal ailments,!
including appendicitis. One dose will ,
convince or money refunded. J. C. Per- ,
ry, Capital lmg JStore, and druggists
evervwhere. 1
Marriage licenses have been Issued as
follows: Crrrhardt O. Medmk, 21, a
1 null worker of Jit. Angel to Helen
Kohlsmeier, 18, of Mt. Angel. They will
marry July 20. Lawrence K. Kosterman
22, J.i boilermaker of Vancouver to
Mary Margaret Hchultnbers of McKce.
They will marry July 29. Also to Ar
thur W. Smithers of 235 South 2M
I street, Snlom, 25, assistant cashier of
the halem Bank of Commerce, to Muss
Esther A. Mois of Silverton. The date
of their marriage is set as of July 15.
The funeral services for Mrs. Mar
garet Minzenmicr who died yesterday
at her home, 2157 Fairgrounds road at
the age of 81 will be held nt 3 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon from the chapel
of Webb & Clough. She is survived by
tour daughters, Mrs. (Jeorge V. Will,
Miss Lizzie and Miss Sarah Minzen
mier, all of Salem, Mrs. Frank Ferrin
of .North Bond, and three sons, Fred
Minirenmier of Salem and Oenrgo and
Charles Minzenmier of Montana.
When the government goes into the
selling business, it goes big. Having
accumulated a lot ot stores, due to tbo
sudden termination of the war, the Kov'
eminent ia selling out, and those who
would like to buy canned pens now
have a' chance. Ihie lot is of 229,:t38
cans, stored at Camp Taylor, Kentucky.
Another is of 1,302,4:12 cans, stored nt
St. Louis. Another lot, a small one, is
0,000 cans at Camp Pike, Little Hock,
Ark., another small lot of 50,000 cans
nt Cnnip Know, Ky., aud another of 50
000 cans at Peru, Indiana. And yet the
grocers sny canned peas are going to
bo higher. The government only sills
in car lots of 28,000 cans. There is aluo
nn a-'sortment of 18,000 cases of toma
toes, all 1918 pack.
The thirteen year old daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Smith died today;
noon. The body is at tho undertaking
parlors of tho Rigdon company.
Salem's a GoodTlace to Trade
j Why Pay More?
Peoples Furniture and Hardware Store
271 N. Commercial St. Salem. j
"Give your Jitney a chance." This;
is the slogan for the Kits' dance to he
given Wednesday evening at the ar-!
mory. Besides being directly in charge 1
of the Klks, eiui of the big attractions!
is the 13 piece orchestra.
Try Salem First In Bavin? I
The Slogan of Today and of the Future
Ship by Ttfttck
Willamette Valley
Transfer Co.
PHONE 1100
pay? T79(C5
THE ARMORY Tomorrow Night
15 Pieces 15
Good Music
I'll Say So