Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 15, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Are You Progressive?
.or '
Do you prefer to go along in the same old rut for years and years?
Many people do not realize what a rut they had drifted into until they
get an electric washing machine and find what a labor-saver and blessing it is.
Ask any one who has an ebctric washer if they think it is worth its cost.
iFores. Fires h Hato ,
vause Dig aaeep Losses
; Itoise, Idaho -JuV 15. The forest! Portland, Ore., July 1 The suit
fires which have been rnjinpr for the 'of Oenrgc liiriiij of Portland against
I'.ist three weeks in central Tdulio in 'Jamoa K. Baylisn of San Franc ico -in
.timber outid of forest reierVea (wl,wki'1' HorinS rUmai (lOt al-
1 . , . , , , leini; Itavlisa Ud ulieuatod .Mrs. lior.
. (..no.uly duniaged the rane and '" i,,",,', ,ff-tiM has U-eu aettlea out
d the low of thousands oi s'hwp. Re.lnf (,1nrt it loarm(, lis a(H.nloo
ports today indteat it is eatinK intofrom ,n,p iluWias.
.. erchantal.le tunber in forest reserve, . h ri.rosenta-
.id timber privately owned. Kvery et-)tivo -or the ;aIilla.- Motor Car com
fire has been confined to scrub
timber in Idaho count v. Sin
miles of timber have been burned over;
the flames have jumped serosa the Sal
mon river and are making headway in
.ne i .ano uauoua. ,orc . ine nnpr.-
L - Ti. t. i . in, - I
of dollars worth of timber in jeopard v. I
I'or V) dnya aoutherit Julio has not had'
a rata.
When tending an ordinary letter to
Australia, do not forget to attach a
five cent stump. One may ead to Eng
land or Ireland oe-tjcotliind or to most
of the English possessions, but when
tmiilinjj ro Australia, it is" five rents
for one ounce or fraction nd' llirce
rents if or every five ounces there af
'er This i ajflortUnj to informal ion
forwarded to-Mh !nlem post office.
nia' now mail letters to the new
eoimtry of Jugoslavia which was carv
ed out of the southwest corner of Aus
tria nnd borders along the Adriatic sea
John Robert Beechler, the two year
old sun of Dr. and Mrs. 1). X. Hcrchlrr
died yesterday of meningitis in Port
land. The funeral service will be held
Wednesday afternoo'n at S o'clock
from the chael of Webb ft Mough.
i in r';.l will be in "the .'ity View ceme
tfy. y. '
August Huckestein is in receipt of
letter from the Ktaaiath falls lode af
l.ll.s staling tluit Jieutenaot Hrowne
will.be givcu the concession of flying
Ihcre during the KHs state convention
Aug. l l(i and that the Kll.s will do
till thev can to asxist him ia finding a
fAtoruide lauding field. Klamath Palls
ju-eseiits a flying proposition a little
different from cities in (feaeral, due
to the fact that it is 42iU feet above
the sea level, and at that height, the
oir isn't quite as heavy as in Uie low
er levels, .lust before the war, several
iiirplane men attempted flights af Kla
math Palls but their machines were
not adapted to the. rare atmosphere and
'0U!-qiiently they couliln 't get off the
ifound. The wane of
Kiowne is tuned up to fly at a height
or iiHiu reet.
MfVZEXMIRR Mr. Margaret Mill
steamier died at the family home.
157 Fairground, road, July 14, 1HIH,
at the age of SI years, 3 mouths and
III. days.
he as born in Baaria, Germany.
The deeeased was the wife of the la'te
Paul F. Min.enmier and the mother of
Mrs. Frank Ferrin of North Bend, Mrs.
(iporne Wilt MijilH-th, Sarah. Charles
OnH Fred Miliwnniier of Salem. The
dum-ntl will be held from the Webb
ami t'lough chapel Vediiediy after !
niKin at II o'clock and will be conduct !
el by the Reverend le of the Friends! , r ' . .
ehur.-h and burial will take place ia ' Ore., July l.V-The folmn
the Hayesville remeterr. ,W river will not be overlooked when
'the Pacific fleet visits the coast this
'MHK At his home Jtroadwar.
John Flook at the aie of 4i rears" !
A yet no funeral arrang.'ments have
lieen :itiiu)uneed.
Used for 70 Years
Thru its use Grandmother's
youthful appearance has
remained until youth hat ,A
bccom but a memory,
1 tie son, rennea, pcarry j
while appearance It I'M 1
reTijcrj leaves ih joy l
of Beauty with yrvi -rr-
for mnr jr'
years. s
jDivorce SuitOf Portland -
toupie is vnmcrawn iiway
J,; ' i....i, n 4i.
....... llr.K.i K...i.An-nf i.V II... 1'i.f,.
lUllll uillllill Ul nil: I" iiriu i... .in
Borinir also announced lie would drop
his auit for divorce from hia wife.
h,,..,,,,. .! ,nl friend Of the
"It waa all biff mistake," said
"fri'f t", ,
The Ilorinj's were married ia Seattli
in 1910.
Medford Hottest Gty In
United States Yesterday
Portland, Or., July 1.). Medford, Or.,
was the hottest place in the United
States yesterday, according to the gov
ernment weather map issued today.
Medford was honored with 100 degrees.
Roseburg, Or., was second with 104;
Pres-io and Red Bluff, f.'al., were tied
for third with 102. Portland and Walla
Walla shared 100.
Court House Notes
The circuit court has granted the in
junction asked for by Henry Zorti
against Johnson, Inmfta and Brown, or
derinir them to desist from cutting tim
ber from the farm of Mr. Zorn until
further orders of the court. In his
coinnlnint. he alleged that the firm was
cutting timber from his farm without
his permission.
In the suit of Clyde Harris against
the Salem King's Products company,
in its answer the romps-ay acknowl
edges the contract and the attached
clause wherein it agred to pay not more
than its market price for loganberries
nnd admits the utice offered in the 19I7
contract. It denies other allegations ofiJvyno 1 volunteered to take her home
Mr. Harris.
Mary F. (iregoiere has brought auit
aeainst H. L. Akerill and wife. A. Ver-
beck. Rov Verbeck and Clnn.le Veil.eck."' ,', . . . . , ,
Wie alleges that she bought a firm from' K' 1 '.T '" ,hC h;8,,,
,, .,, ... -i ,AiA 1. . ' P of one of the cars and lived
Akerill nnd later paid 1000 cash fori . , ' . ,., . .
inm-. . w ..pi-j, ...
leased the fr.rm and that contrary to
tract, he has sold the crops and con
verted the inonev to his own uses in
stead of paving his bils and filling oth
er agreement. She asks that Akerill
be enjoined from disposing of the crop
or his personal property nnd that the
original contract be cancelled.
Knthcrine Pypeski will soo-i have the
privilege of going by the name of Ka
therine Brown and of ulso being en
. titled legally to the name. Tripcis have
been filed in the circuit court showing
- that the tirofKtsed change in name has
.been legally advertised by publication
five week in succession.
Colombia River Assured
Of Pacific Fleet Visit
simmer according to
telegram re-
reived here today from Representative
'' x- MArthur in Washington,
McArthur states he has intervieweil
Secretary Daniels and various admiral
of the btiresn of operations sjnd ha
reived assurances tliat a portion Of the
fleet will lie sent tu the riv?r.
The congressman was unable to
learn, however, the character of the
ships that will visit Portland. He pro
mised to preps vigorously for the big.
gest possible representation from the
JsenntoT .Vi Nary also has wired that
he is urging Oaniels tu favor Portland.
Forest service headquarters a'muiin
res that a w in-less telephone will e
installed in the lookout stt.tion on the
t..p rf Mount Hood wifhia the next 10
Salens a Gccd Place to Trade
Important Poky Problems
Scheduled For Official
Washington, duly l." fVesiuint Wil
son met his cabinet at the white house
this afternoon.
Attorney Ceneral Palmer arrived
ahead of the others and conferred pri
vately with the president for fifteen
The policy to follow with regard to
government owned homes, built during
the war in eeveral cities, was to be de
cided. It was thought pos-dble their
sale to individuals would bo authorized
by the president.
The situation in Mexico Is causing
concern and this may be discussed,
t'arriin.a's attitude toward foreign oil
companies has brought manv com-
plaint to the state department andjiiMit). Later Franklin, through his at
uiilliona of dollars of 'French. British , .rm,v bromht suit for ,tnmies. i.1W-
and American claims arc licinu r reused
for collection.
Another policy which will soon .be de
livered is to what extant the federal
governent will participate in recon-
Imnlinn nf VnrAnn Ttin n,tA..fi..M !m
whether the government should finance'111 wcaK V'-i nnd menta. condition
0ertM.us, Of .whether private baukingj l." lia(l bn inducud on misrepvesenU-
nouses should no so. Wecrctarv tilafsj
ins riecu'ii 10 urnig una up ror con
sideration. Secretary Wilson of the labor depart
ment was exacted to disenw the enll
ing of an industrial conference of rep
resentatives of capital and labor to
frame policies regarding strikes and
lockouts. This conference ia urged by
the war labor board.
Mollala, Or., July 14. Mrs. Ole Kyllo
wife of a well-known farmer living
near here, tonight was killed and Ilaak
en Kyllo a friend and neighbor, but
not a relative, was badly bruised when
a Willamette Valley k Southern train
struck the Haukea Kvllo auto com-
pletely wrecking it. Mr,
KtIIo was
thrown more than SI feet.
Mrs. Kyllo had been visiting the
Hanken Kyllos for the dny, and Mr.
111 nis auto. As they approached Hitch
man crossing, .'! miles from here, a
barn near the railroad obstructed the
? Tor lr8,n WI'"'n was '
Pits-burg iXew York postponed, rain.
St. Iiouis-Brooklyn postKincd. rain.
Cincinnati -Philadelphia
R. H. K.
O Farrell;
Bo-ton '.
Alesaiiiler and Killife
Mi-(iiillnn and fowdy.
.lehnwui 1
... 3 7 0
... 0 8 4
Bagby and
nd Picinich;
First game
New Vork
2 7 1
IMroit IS 5 0
Shore und Rnel; lianas and Ainsmith.
Second game
New York 2
I Detroit
... (I
and Hannah;
Stallage (live innings)
James and
1 5 0
it H 1
Cirotte and
St. Louia
Perry and
Severe! il.
. 5 12 3
. 4 14 5
Perkins; iMvenport and
j KIie Valerie Ward. 7 ycar-oiu (2anga
Iter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Want, was
j killed at -M.vrJ'e Point when the fell out
,, t wagon aid was crushed by the
hi els.
fry Salsa First Ia Baying
Decision la Accident Damage
Suit By Mt Phelps
Vilt(.w hit !u thu hriif list rtt i-.ims
, . ,, . . I
uc.cil .limn uur.MK . ... ,..i r jgrailul(t(l of 0 A c anJ W4, ,ong stl(.
the supreme court: . , .; (turned it I'amp l.ewis . . .
Dulles Citv vs. The Aetna Accident! Mr. and Mrs. James R. Shcpard, who
i Liability coiupa-y. apax-llaat, cl -'rlr M.Sspriug VaUey .re the
, . ' . r ' r ' parents but thev now reside at 8inuinlr
tippeal fnm Wasco founty; artint; upon I aluiigt-w. The war department ha
no undertaking executed ty tin: Dolor-Imbled for further information.
way Paving company and tiie Aeti.a Ac-1 ' :. m j
cidrnt i; Liability company to inaare ;JJ I DO I T 1 ITOlrTriC TTOT
the faithful performance of a contract DiADMi f RlilLl& 1 Lil I
for paving a street. Opinion by Justice
Benson. Judge Fred Wilson reversed
and case remanded..
William .lla-Ucv om(aiiv, uiH-llHnt.
vs. Harney Valley 'Irrigation lUstriet
No. 1, appeal from Harney county ; pe
tition for rehearing denied.- Opinion by
Justice Bean.
John W. Sweeney vs. J;;ckso i county,
appelant, anil I nited States Nationa?
iiouK ui i nn ami, ueiemuinc and re
spondent; appeal from Multnomah conn-!
ty; petition for rehearing deuied in opin
ion bv JustiecHeun.
Emma U. Robiuaon. opiiellnnt, vs. Jli"'K0 OI ' ancouver. asni.igu.ii,
(ir..nt PI.egley; aiqa-al from Multnomah i V' ';-luct the election
county; suit t mover money on ...ort-,0' f," t""- ;
gage on aiining pro-rty. Opinion bvlv.'pi?JeV U? "L
t .. . : . , , ,,. ' - ice 1 resident, Mrs. tieo. II. Alden; Jr.
imimhc uonna. I'ecree or Jiuiue tuorueu
D .1:-. , i
Justice Blllhett
" ;
case the plaintiff Franklin was employ
ed upon n motor-driven seeder, on which
there was a rapidly driven slmfi not
properly guarded. In operating the ma
... ..iviiiiini. uusuce Chaplain, Mrs. V. ii. Uidt; Treasurer
disMinting UIr9; j,, A Kl.lM,r. Cmill,Ui Mr,.
! Howard l raitklin vs. Bruno Webber,' Wm K Kirk xjril Klwian Von Ss
i appellant; appeal from Vmatilla coun- (lieB Mrs xjary k, nhain; Patriotic
ty; suit for damages for peivinai in-! Instructor, Mm. V. I Waters.
;jury. Opion by Justice Harris. Judge. These officers will be installed and
O. W, Phelps affirmed. the tent formally instituted, at the li.
I The ease of Howard Franklin vs.' A. H. rooms in the Armory, Wednes
nruno Webber is of interest through tholday exening of this week at 8 o'clock,
unusual procedure of repudiating a rc- Others who have signed the application
I lease given to an insurance company for charter are: Sarah M. Alderman,
I by an injured mai and the subsequent ('race N. llubcock Mrs. Mildred R.
1 institution of a damage suit calling for Brooks, Ola I.a Moino t'lark, Marie
la 111111- ll lliriri.P llllllUIIMllt In thin 'Bennett. Tholma Cook Marie Cock,
chiie the cUithing of the plaintiff W&Vo, f.f
caught in the gearing and he .uffcrrdi mKUm. Mabel A. I.ockw..od,
serious injuries. Two weeks after he!Mary T; yi Mrs. Jennie K. Mil
was tuken to the hospital an agent of jp.-u ii-,, (ireen Helen M. Kl
ny culled upon him and induced him to
sign a release to the company iu the
sum of $1A0, though it was shown that
tne company subsequently paid doctor
and nttendaiice bills to the ainnitut of
ing that the defendant Webber had been
negligent in not properly gnanling the
machinery, and that his duties as opera
tor had compelled him to piaie himself
I in danger. He further alleged that while
tious to sign the mleaso to the insur
ance agent. The defendant in his leply
sought to show that the plan, tiff had
suffered because of his own negligence.
In the circuit court the jury found for
plaintiff in the saw of (MiVi.Uti, from
which the defendant appealed.
The case of Kinma (i. Kobinsoa v.
(runt Phcgloy would be of especiul in-
tercstto those who have followed the
course of high (or ruther low) finance
among the mines of southern Oregon.
This case is pnrt of the mass of litiga
tioa associated with the (lulicc Consoli
date d Mines company, of Josephine
county, which has piubably witnessed
more jugglery of exploitation than any
other property in. Oregon. This com ;
puny, which was organized in the gold
en days or moi-mus, ioi.owcu tne
course 1 the majority of southern Ore
gon mines into bnnkruptcy and a re
ceivership, and this rase ccateri about
the stile of certain claims Bjfgrcgallng
!WiKI, in which there is alleged to be
fraud and misrepresentation.
This morning the board of control
opened bids from a list of seven bond
houses on the block of S(M),IHr0 worth
of highway bonds. The representatives
and their bids were as follows;: lino
mis oOss, T.'H,lrt0; Wm. R. Compton
Co., fr7flO.nr.!; Lumbermen's Trust com
psnv, 7.")H,24); ..National City emnny
..V; Henrv Teal 7fl2,:t; ( lark
Kendall company, 7I,2WI. The bid of
Henry Teal was accepted.
Two important eases are before the
supreme court this afternoon that ot
Wright vs Wimberly, from Douglas
county O. P. Coshow and B. I. Kddy
of Hoseburg. attorneys for appellant,
land A. M. Orcutt and Carl Wiinberlv
of H(Hi burg, attorneys for respondent!-
The other case is that of irrrard vs
Hoch from .Multnomah county, in which.
Roseoe '. Nelson is attorney for plain
tiff and 3. N. Haddock attorney for
The federal goi eminent has notified
the state highwav rnmmiwioii that a
ouantitv of T N T will be furnished to
the state for use on the post roads now
under construction. This explosive is
not onlv four times mirre powerful than
dynamite but is much awfer to handle.
so that it will be very convenient to
use in grading 4iraliou where there
are boulders and licdrock to deal with.
Lieutenant Shcpard, Well
Knows la Salem, Wounded
First Untenant Fred C. Hhepard, bro
ther of Mrs. John H. Lewis, wife of the
former state engineer, has been serious,
ly wounded in Siberia. Th following
telegram was received. "Washington.
V. C. Julv 12. Deeply regret tu inform
yo officially reported that lient. Fred '
C. hhejsrd Inf. was severely wounded
in action in Siberia July 2. Further in
formation when received. Harris Oen.'
'Famous French Cisccvravl
replaces rwre wat3? I"
increase strcn-'K.enorevJ f
i endurance ar J visor.. J
Dr i hing known For
r 1 I I I I I ilh I"!""! m ii'I'im ii 4
LiouifiuK-.tmi- v. - wieiwrd is a
niJirKTrDC (ft VrHTiv
'Ju;l ILiiJ Ui tlLfL'i:1J
; The preliminary orgaitiatinn of lhr
bara Frietcnie tent'' of' the rau"ghtcrs
cf Veterans tools 41ls.ee Pnturday even
ing at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs.
('Drster CV ('irk
thft'lcn-al orguninmj
Mrs. (lark introduced, the national
i institiitinir and instulliiig officer, Mrs.
i . ,-, --i
- . i . ,.
, ti'H r ri'KiiM'iii. . rn. ..in,, vivi
ice 1 rvsim-ui, .,,1.-1. t.n.j
S-!.... 11 :.i.... XI -u XI....
Mrs. Blanche A. Davis, Mrs. Myra M.
Dotson. Mrs. Sarah A. Davies, Father
F. Iavies Mrs. Allison Oummings, Mrs.
Marv M.. Futiess '(OrgsjiwinB Hecre
tary), Mrs. M. C. Findloy, Mary Kliza.
mer. alra. Jennie w. 1'oiie, aits, mm
Dennisoa Suttle, Mrs. N rma N. Trr
williger Miss Julia K. Webster,. Mr
Minnie U Winchell, Mrs. llorenee K
fshipis Mrs. Ben F. West.-
The principles and object of the
Daughters of Veterans are as follows:
We frankly believe in Almighty (tod
and fullv realize that it was under his
beneficent providence that the free In
stitutions of our land, consecrated to
us by the service and blood of our
others and Brothers, have been pre
served and the integrity and life of the
Nation maintained.
Trne loyalty to the go.vemnent of
the United States of America, based
npon' a respect for, and devotion and
fidelity to, its constitution and laws
made evident by our disapprobation of
anything that is disloyal, treasonable cr
robe lions, or anvtning mat win im
pair the efficiency and permanency of
our National t num.
This cornoratiin is aot formed for
nrofit. but to Twrnetrrate the memories
of our Fathers their loyalty to the
I'nion and their unselfish sacrifices for
tho nrewrvation of the same and to
keep alive the history of those who
participated in that heroic struggle for
the maintenance or our Tree govern,
To aid the veterans and their wi!
nws when helpless and in distress, and
t aid and assist those in onr order
who are worthy and needy.
To inculcate a love of rountry and
patriotism, to promote equal rights and
nniversal liberty, and to acquire by
donation or otlmrwise all necessary
property and funds to carry out the
aforesaid objects.
To assist the ttranrt Army to com
meuiornte the deeds of their fallen
comrades on the 30th of May until
such time when this duty shall devolve
upon their descendants.
All Daughters of honrably diwharg
ed soldiers, sailors and marines who
served in the I'nion Army or Navy dur
ing the Rebellion of ISIil Tw, whether
a member of the tl. A. R. or not who
have attained the age of 15 years, are
eligible to membership. The daughters
of daughters of veterans, and daughters
of sons of veterans and so on in gen
ealogii-al order are also eligible to
llarrisburg, Pa., July 1". (lovernor
Hproul today refused to grant the ex
tradition asked Ly New York state for
the return of Harry K. Thaw.
Radiators, Fenders and Oas Tanks
. Tractor Eadlators a Specialty
All work guaranteed, 19.H S. 12th St.
Salem, Oregon. 8 1
car of
Yick So Tcng
Chinese Medicine and Tea On.
Bat medicine which will euro any
knowa disease.
Open Sundays from 10 A. VL
1 until 8 P. U.
I 153 South High fct.
Balcrn, Oregon ' Phone 2!
252 North High Street
ouvnal W ant Ads
Quick Reference To Firms That Gi?2 Service On Shorl
Where Buyer And Seller Meet We
Recommend Our Advertisers.
Salem Eleetri Co, lissome Temple,
ili SAL1 Oood oyroom houso with
modern conveniences .on large lot,
abundance of fruit, on paved afreet,
6 room honor, small barn and t Tina
lota with abundance of fruit, only 2
blocks front paved street od-chool.
$1200. Square Deal Realty Co. tf
20 acres all in grain, dark loam, east
lop. I mile to two towns. IVee $1500.
Trade for Sa'ctn residence.
40 acres, all cleiir, rolling, red artil;
IS acres 6 rear old prunes, family or
chard, fenced and cross fenced 2 wells,
large house and barn, at school toVs
mills Saiem. Price 7o00.
40 acres; ." cleared, 5 acres 5 year
old pruuent, biiliii.ee ia timber, consider
able open; shack buildings, all the best
of soil; located so It would make two
prune orchards, only $-750.
2j acres, 1 tj miles from Jlopeweii,
14 acres cleared, some fruit, prunes,
berries. 2 acres logaus; 4 room house.
ham, chicken house, creek and springs.
Mortgage $1700 to run 2 years at ti
percent. Will trnde fer Salem acreage.
Owner wants to work in Salem.
3ti acres good river bottom; 2S acres
ia cultivation, 6 room house, barn, hog
house, ehi.ken house, family fruit.
Worth $-)0 per acre, only 0500.
Concrete store building, 21 ft. by 100
ft, rented. Basement, electric lights,
fixtures, in good town. $1000 down or
tnuki for house In Salem.
20 ax-rea all rultivated, 9 aetes fruit,
mostly prunes and In bearing, Slt acres
logana, 7 acres more good loganberry
land. 5 room house, barn. 3u miles
town. itSWI.
500 firtrt mortgage for sale, running
at 7 tier cent with good road estate se
curity. Bocolofsky, Bayno bldg.
Because tho carcass of a drcr was
found in his possession, J, M. Mephens,
a prominent farmer of I.ano county,
was fined oO at Eugene.
Call 39S. Highest prices paid for
junk, second hand goods and machin
ery. Be sure and call 398, get tha right
prices. The squara deal house.
271 Chemeketa Bt. Salem, Or.
Capital Journal
Daily Market Report
Wheat, toft white s.l0
WhuL lower srradea oa satnole
Oats, new SOc
Hay, cheat, new 151
Hay, oata, new lofnil7
Barley ton 450
MiU run $43
ButUrfat !3c
Creamery butter - 05(a5dc
Pork, TMl ana Kutua
Pork on foot
Vcnl, fancy -
, 20c
KKn lie
Sheep, yearlings . -
tfgs and Toultry
Eggs, cash ...
Hens, live -..
Old roosters
Radishes, int.
. 45c
.- 2
.... 3c
Potatoes .
New potatoes
Green onions dot ,
Onions sack
Cabbage '4e
Head lettuce
Bunch beets ....
4 fa 4. 50
- 7ti
Watermelons ...
Oranges .............
Lemons, box ....
I tail
California grape fruit
rJst,ey, extracted
Betau fTtces
Kggn, dozen , 5(fi .",0r
Creamery butter ..&2(q 5r
Country butter 57c
Floor, hard wheat 3.10(&3.i!6
Portland Market
Portland, Or., July 15. Bolter, city
creamery 52f
Eggs selected locsl ex 40fn'e
Hens 27(Ti2He
Broilers 22 .Wc
Cheese, triplets 37i33c
Receipts 35
Tone of market higher
(mod to choice steers !f"(i i 1.23
Kair to good steers IH.uHfn 0
Common to fair steers 7fa 7Ji0
(iood to choice cows and hsifers
47 .,nrs .r.i
Medium to fair eows and heifers
Caaners 5(Ti f)
Dulls to7
Calves !"! 15
Receipts none
Tune of market strong
Prime mixed 22er2J.25
Medium mixed 21-5f .21.50
Rough heavies I .7.Vo 20
Pigs !9.25fe 20.25
127 North U gh-
AUTOS without drivers to uire, 1 dsV
lar per hour. 197 8. Coiu. St. Faoa
. 3a.
We will fay you more eash for yon
household goods. Get our bid befara
you sell. Peoples Furniture aod Hard
ware Store, 271 X. Com. St. Phoa
shore and suits, all kinds or mosio
al instrumrnts, shotguns, rifles, heat
ing stoves, gas stoves, suit cases aef
1000 other useful articles ta aell oa
trade. What have youf The Capitol
Exchange, 337 Court Bt, Phone 4t.
YOVR used furniture, etoves, carpets)
and tools, as we pay Jair prices lot
everything. Call 947
2S5 N. Com 1 St.
Hats Blocked
HAT BIX)CK1N'(1 I clean and Moe
ladiee' and Men's hats. Jast ra
coived a hat rcsjivatlng maeaina. It
gets the dirt, Try it euce. O. B.
Ellsworth. 495 Court St. Salem, Of.
60 years etperieaea, Depot NatieaaJ
and American fenee.
ires 26 te 88 in. high
Palnt3. oil tni var&lsh, ate.
Logaaierry and hop hooka.
Salem Fence and Stovt Werka,
250 Court stre, Phone i24.
I. A. Rowland Furniture Slcra
Buys, sells and exchanges new svai
2d hand furniture. All kinds sf
repair work, sight grinding, fi'Jusj,
and bratiag a Speeialty. Blul
prices. 247 North Cemmereial tea.
Phone 16.
refsse ot all kinds removed oa ot
ly eontracts at reasonable rata.
' Cess peoU cleaned. Dead anlmalg r
moved. Office phone Mai 167.
Oa Good Seal Estate Sncarity
TI108. K. FORD
Over Ladd k Bash bank; Saram Orsgoti
sent iatereet. Prompt eerTies. HH
years time. Federal farm toaa kowsM
for sale. A. C. Buhritatodt, 401 IcVar
sonie Temple, Salem, Oregon.,
INSUR ANCB COtjytiLi For s in
formation about Life Iatoraaea
J. F. HutchSson, dost, manager fs
the Mutual Life of N. T., afrH a.1
371 State St., Salem, Or. tJCfl)
phone 89, resiienc 139t. M
Our Prices are Right
M.'ZANDLER, Pmpneior
, Summer Street. Salem, Peg
1255 N
mowers ground by machinery; sa
kinds of griudlng, lock smitsipif.
brella.- 'ccovered, light repairing !
all kinds. S47 Court Kt.
McX'ornark hall en every luesoa
t I. Walter Leaon, C. C, P. .
Kunts, K. B. 4 S.
ROYAL Neighbors of America, Or
gnn Orape eamp No. HHiO meet ef
ThursJay ecaiiig in McCornaek Bt3
Elevator sr-vic. Oracle, Mrs. C
rie E. Bunn, 618 Union Bt; rco
drr Mrs. Melissa Persona, 1415 W.
4th' St. Phone 143BM.
IIN'ITI'D ARTISANS s"apital Asso
bly No. ti4 mei-U first Thurs.Uiy f
each month at 8 p. m. in Masons)
Teunde, (llenn C Niles, M. A.j C. A.
Vilrbert. Siiuntary, 340 Owens street.
eorner Commercial and Trale street
Bills payable monthly la advane.
Kaime 0A
0t of 60 students in the paarmaey
de.artment of the University of Wa
inaton this year 30 are women.
To replace the old building riwently
burned, the school district of Empiray
in Coos county, has voted fund
Bulk 22
Receipts 512.
Tone of market s'ead
Prime lamb I2dl3 ,
Fair to medium lambs S'Sls
Yearling' t'H
Wethers 1 61 u 7.30
Ewes iw7,51 I