THE JOURNAL'S NEW TODAY I Iflijpwm wamt An mrDiDTTfrKT n tut? duct criiivr tuiuuu-Li llUU ULd AUliiii-ill 1J lliuliLU. .n.i.i.i.v. mm IN EIARION C0UN17 CLASSIFIED ADVEKT15INO SATES: Bate per word New Today: aeh, insertion - U 5 17s Om week (6 insertions) One month (26 insertious)- The Capital Journal will lot be re sponsible for more than one insertion, fed error in Classified Advertisements Bead your advertiseu'tnt the first oay it appears and notify ui ininiedik-ltly if nor occurs. Minimum charge, 15c FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, l'hone 2093M. tf WANTED Plain sewing at home. 1120 Cherueketa. . J-la THE Miller, rooms and apartment. 633 Ferry St. 7 20 WE make the beet power prune dippers. Salem Mfg Co, 139G N.-Front St. tf Bool's cleaned, painted, patched and tarred. Fhone C. C. Kays at 1648. 7 27 JAS. LTOXS practical painter. Fhone 704. tf WANT To trade for good car. Laflar & Laflar, 4(16 Hubbard bldg. 7-15 MEN wanted at Tile worki near fair grounds. Salem Tile & Mercantile Co. tf MODERN furnished five or six room house wanted. Write 121G7 care Jour nal. 7-15 DEKORATO sanitary wall tint, best made; beautiful new colors. Burens Cum'l St. tf FOR SALE Ford 1917, cheap. Salem Auto Radiator shop, IDS S. 12th St. 715 FOR SALE Full sized solid oak Na poleon bed nt 1H25 Saginaw. Fhone 1185, call mornings. 7-1") 2 GOOD houses, ono 5 room, one 4 room, $Mf0 each; payment like rent. Laflur & Laflar, 4Uti" Hubbard bldg. 7-15 FOR SALE -One pair of good horses, 5 years old and new harness. Call at 1446 Saginaw street evenings. 718 WALL PAPER IS cents per double rrll upward. Buren'g Furniture Store. 179 Commercial. tf FOR SALE Modern six room house, close In on paved street, terms if de sired. Will consider car in good ' shape. Ownor J-14 caro Journal. 714 FOB 8ALE iTty owner, modern 5 room bungalow, built in china closet, book eases, desks; content walks, fall base tnent. l'hone 1598M. tf FOR SALE Automobile in Al con dition, good tires, $600 ensh if taken before Friday. Cull 1135 IS. 10th St. evenings. 715 TAKBV from Hunt Cannery Hat. Fly er bicycle. Xo.J2202. Rewind $10 for return. 4 "all 1193 S. Liberty St. after 5 p. m. 7-1" WELL matched team of dark bay mores for sale, four and five years old, perfectly sound, weight 2700 lbs. Harness and wagon also if wanted. I. H. Small, Turner, Or. 7-15 FORD car for sale, will put on eilher : touring or-rnadster bo'dyi this rias heen rebuilt and is like new. Pa lem Volie company, 162 X. Couinior ciul street. 7 16 WANTED To buy a email improved place, will pay t.j cash, 'fc in city property. Address 12(4 X. Winter, JSalem, Or. Phone 10S5J. 7-21 SEE IT! SEE IT! SEE IT! 1 JMake your own gits with our new gas niaker installed n your ranye or heater in two minutes. Safe, cheap, quick, clean. Money back guarantee, no experiment. Daily demonstration at Frank Kichtcr's store, 373 Court tit. Salem, Or. Robinson and Johnson exclusive selling representatives for Marion county. 7-21 INCREASE your worth, fine little 5 acre tract for sala few miles from Salem, house, barn, well, garden, straw berries, raspberries and flower., 414 care Journal. tf We buy and sell notes, mort gages and ail kinds of bonds. HAWKUtS ft ROBERTS 814 Mfsonie Building SalrTn, Oregon 5-FABH WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. HAWKINS & ROBERTS t 314 Mason Bldg. - TRY THE1 FOR RESULTS GIRL, or ladv for housework. Call at 6o" Center St. 7-1 FOR RENT SJoepiug room a. Inquire lii b. Church. . 7-15 W. BEAVER well driller. Phone S27J, 11C5 X. 19th St. Salem, Or. 8 -S HOUSEKEEPING roomi at Churea. 132 6. 7-18 WANTED Girl for general home worki l'hone 1367. 7-16 FOR SALE "0 aeres prunes, full bear ing, good crop. J h. Wood, 81 State St. '7-15 FOR SALE 12000 bank stock paving dividend, not a Salem bank. Write 3 care Journal. 7-13 FOR SALE One young Jersey cow one giving milk. Comer of Hyde and 22d. 7-15 FINE Chickering piano in good con dition at a genuine bargain price. Tho Wilev B. Allen Co., 519 Court St. 7-19 WANTED Family for loganberry picking, honso furnished for family of 5 or 9. Box 13, Rt. 3, Salein, .N. Beer. 716 I WANT to buy one thousand heavy hens, will pay top price, bring them at once. l'hone 2199. Cherry City Poultry market. 7 21 TAKEN UP One black shoat, weight 60 lbs., right ear split and upper bit on left ear. L. F. Hill, lit. 8, box 125. tf RED raspberries 5c per box, piek them yourself. 3 miles out. Phone 53,r'15. 7-15 WANTED Dining room help at Ore gon statft tuberculosis hosital, pay $40 per .month with board, room and laundry furnished. Phone 433. 7-16 FOR SALE Ford worm drive truck, 1917 model, good condition; also al most new 1-ton Maxwell. Call at new Pohle .bldg, Ferry St. tf (31RIL wanted for general housework, good wages, il'hone 1496M or call 444 north 14th St. 7 19 WANTED Wood chopper, $2.50 up per cord, good eamp gropnd. Enquire Blessing's cigar store, A. J. Ander son, tf WANTED To rent, 8 room modern Souse with garage. Give particulars. Theodore Maynard, 2019 Wetmore ave., Everett, Wash. 7-19 FOR SALE Only cleaning and press ing parlor In hilverton; lino business mors work than one man can do. Rea son for selling, owner is retiring. Address K. Hulverson, tailor, Silver ton, Or. 7 15 PRUNE orchard for sale, 18 acres bear ing prunes, full crop; 12 acres in Roynl Amies, apples pears and lo ganberries, Price $16,000. full crop with place. $10,000 cash, balance terms. P O euro Journal. 7 19 TO TRADE Small grocery stock and fixtures for neat, close in home. Write exaet location. Renter care Journal. 716 ... , v-n-r. j ', TT ftTSJ.? ers. 2c per box; free transportation from end of carline. Phono 92F3 evenings or mornings, tf FOR SALE 103 acres, 2 houses, 3 barns, silo, windmill, stock and im plements $."i!O0 down; also 108 seres fruit and dairy land. D. F. Eastburn Aunisvllle, Or. 7 IS FOR 8-U'E- i? ". iii.Mw-iii cmivi.uitMiccn, uoume garnge c.osc is, on street car una end paved street. G L care Journal. tf TO TRADE Furnishings of rooming house and other holdings for improv ed flow in screnjie of $2500 to $3300 valuation. Give location. Owner care Journal. . 7 16 FOR SALE By owner, modern seven room house on paved street near car line. Full basement, furnace, cement sidewalks, built in ehina closet, book as!, garden, rose hushes, shruhs ami walnut trcrs. Address M H W eare Journal. 718 SPLENDID 5 acre home tract, 2'4 acres in apples, pears, peaches, cher ries, prunes and small fruits. Fair buildings, all fenced, near state high way, household goods, implements, separator, horse, boggy et. $S00 down, balance terms. 5. A'arren Clark Rt. 1, Jefferson, Ore. 716 U5i'5w'w LOANS-6 Salem, Oregon THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, 20 ACRES, 4 miles from Salem," fine road; $200o. Laf!ar Laflar, 406 Hubbard bldg. 7 15 3 ACRES, extra good buildings, in citr limits, $2500 for quick sale. Laf lar 4 Laf lar. 406 Hnbbard bldg. 7-15 FURN1SHFJ house wanted, or 7 room modern furnished hon.e. Will lease for rear. Call 2219. tf FOR SALE Roller top desk and chair. Room 506, U. S. National bank build ing. 7-15 BARGAIN 440 acres large house aad barn, good location, closs to town, 40 per aire, will take home up to $2500. F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 7-16 HOME for sale or exchange for small country place. H room modern house, beautiful grounds, fruit, berries and garden. On paved street, l'hone own er 2440, or address J G care Journ al. 715 FOR SAUv-tXo. 12 He Laval cream separator in, good condition; one Wi noua wagon, like new, complete with box; one bean spray outfit, one 12x 14 tent; one hundred bushels of field oats. l'hone 107F13. 7-17 CENSUS clerks, (men, women). 4000 needed. $02 month. Age, IS upward. Experience unnecessary. For free par ticulars of examinations, write J. Leonard (former government examin er) 13d2 Equitable Bldg, Washing ton. 7-22 WANTED Salesman with light car for delivery, for tea and coffee route in Salem. Business already establish ed bond and reference required; ex cellent proposition. Apply Grand Union Tea Co., C. P. Morrison, Mgr. 448 Washington St. Portland. tf NO iLICEXSR, XO BOND, NO COM MISSION From the fact that we eliminate the middle man and deal with you direct we can offer a mod ern 4 room bungalow, which has been newly painted and papered, with barn and chicken house for $800, terms $25 cash and then $10 per month, with 7 per cent interest. Oregon Realtv Exchange1 Inv. Oo., 407 Hubbard bldg. 7-16 It Expert machine shop service by Mr. rsergman at high school machine shop. 12 years experience. Gear cut ting a specialty. High elass machine tools. Quick service. Phone 446, 8-15 PERMANENT positions permanent ana temporary positions open for young women with or without experi ence. Applications will be received during the present strike at our cen tral office in Salem, Telephnno build ing, 170 North Liberty street. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph com pany. tf PRUNES. PRUNES. PRUNES 75 acres 4 miles from Corvullis on tho river bottom in proven prune section. 28 acres bearing prunes, 4 acres eherrirs. Trees mostly six yours old and getting better all the time. Prune crop this year will tiring own er about $5000. 32 acres in grain. 10 acres in pasture. Good buildings and fine land. Priced right at $20,000. Terms. 47 aeres all cultivated. 18 acres in o'd prune orchard. 2 acres family or chard. Only 3 miles from t'orvallis in good locality. New six room bun galow, new good prune dryer, barn, garage, store room, water system, and another t of fair buildings for hired help. 7 to 8 thousand dollars in buildings. Pries $17,500. Some terms. Kinney ft Cp., dealers in orch ards, C'orvullis Or. Homo of O. A. ' 718 CLESCN'S AUTO EXCHANGE 349 N. COM. T. M. C. A. BLOCK USF.D CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH OR SOLD ON COMMISSION. 1918 Studebakcr $M0 5 passenger Warren-Detroit, Conti nental motor $225 1918 Chevrolet sedan, fine condi tion $"00 5 passenger, j?ht Studcbnher four electric starter and lights $500 1917 Saxon six $700 5 Passenger Maxwell, will make rood bug cheap. 1914 Overland, ery terms, $450 ! 1916 Ford, first elass condition, 375 1915 Overland $300 We wreck autos for their parti, this enables you to get oM car parts at a bargain. Cash price p.ld for Junk cars. 6-passenger Studehaker, $180. We sell oils, grease, old auto parts tires and aecfssories. PHONE 6 tL,.r' y a? BRICGS AUTOWOCWAf Altadimeat Geei Anyw-cre Aoy Aa!$. lim I BL'RftE CO, ht, flmbamtn Tl Hswtlumw At. TorlSmad. Whkfi s 1 . mt a a-. j ssr - OATS and eheet hay for sale at H. in fietd. l'hone 1ikiF31. 7 16 HAY Xa. I clean e'over delivered, ioos. Phone 105F16. ' 7 16 FOR SALE Crood team, call 5SF4. 719 FINE organ ftr sale, $.10, easy terms if wanted. 519 Court St. 7 IS KALE plants for sals $1.50 per 1000. Rt. 3, Xo. 274. Fhone 76F6. 7 15 HOUSEKEEPer wanted, cook for four. Call 3F4. 7 19 FOR SALE 20 acres Liberty district, 14 aeres prunes, $4200. F.'L. Wood. Bayne bldg. 7-16 HAT will trade 4 tons of good hay for good eow. I'BOne It 11. cingson, Rt. 3, box 252. P. A. H 717 GRAIN hay for sale, well cured in good eow. l'hone 76F11. 7 17 3 LOTS, with house. 5 rooms and np s airs. 995 S 22d St. Joe Talloca. 7 16 LARGE 9 room house, and 5 lots for sale, or will rent, at 555 S. 19th See owner, 241 X. High. 7 10 WANTED Maid, experienced prefer red. Apply to Housekeeper, Hotel Marion. 713 WANTED Man. woman or boy part time to care, for grounds. E. Hofer, 765 S. Commercitl street. 7 16 GIRLS wanted at the Glovj factory, 1455 Oak street, for steady work. 7-19 WANTED 1000 suits to clean. C. K.ra Sparks, tailoring and cleaning, 1853 State St. Phone 008. 8 14 MUSIC box for sale, cost about $100 when new, ell for $20. 519 Court St. 7-18 To trade for car, two fine lots rnluo $1100. Buiek six preferred. Laflar ft Laflar, 406 Hubbard bldg. 7-14 FOR SALE Young team, 0 and 8 years old, weight 1200. Phone 8SF4 7-19 LOST Sat. downtown, child s tun shoes. Leave at Peoples Cash store. 7-15 WILL ipay up to $25 rent for modern 5 or 6 room, house, walking distance, reliable tenant. Phone 1000, tf FOR BALE 500 fords' of bodv fir wood. Baker, 645 Ferry St. Phone 1806W. 7-19 BARGAIN worth while, 5 room house and 8 big lots in south Salom, $1600 for quick sale. Laflar ft Laflar, 406 Hubbard bldg. . 7 14 5 ROOM bungalow strictly modern, on south 19th St. i'Bt quick sale $K150. Laflar ft Laflar, 406 Hubbard bldg.' 7-14 5 ACRES, fine buildings, about 10 blocks to carline. Must sell soon. Laflar ft Laflar, 406 Hubbard bldg. 714 FOR SALE All or part of 120 acres one mulo from Marion, good build ings; would take good house in Sa lem as part ipay. A ifitio dairy farm. Wm. Hall, Marion, Or. 7 19 CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW 5 rooms, bath, toiler, electric lights and fireplace, 14th and Ferry Ht, only $HtX, V cash. 5 BOOM BUNGALOW Bath, toilet, electric lights, 2 lots, liiHj X. Liberty, $25imi, $mhj cash bal ance terms. JOHN H. SCOTT REALTY CO. 404 Hubbard bldg. NOTICE OF SA LK OF GO V Kit N M E.NT timber, general land office, Washing ton. D. C, June 27, Imiu, jNouco is hereby given that subject to the condi tions and limitations of the act of Ju-ie 9, 1910 (39 Stat., 218), and the instructions of the secretary of tho in terior of September 15, 1917, tho tim ber on the following lauds will be sold August 20, 1019, at 10 o'clock a. m., at public auction at the United State land office at Portland, Oi.'gon, to the highest bidder at not less than the ap praised value, as shown by this notice, sale to be subject te the approval of of tho seerrtary of the interior. The purchase priee, with an additional sum of one fifth of one per cent thereof, being eommiss'ous allowed, must tie deposited at lime of sale, money to be returaod if sale is not approved, other wise patent will iss-uc for the timber which ainst be removed within ten years. Bids will be received from citi zens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corpora ions or ganiwi under the laws of the United j Stales or any state, territory or dis trict thereof onlv. Uonn atnliiMf inn of inoliifiiu4 tttinohflBft ilia 4 i rnilmi- nsi .nV subdivision will be offered sepa rately before being included in any nf- j fer of larger unit. T. 2 X., R. 3 W., Sec. 11, JiW'4 SW!',, red fir 510 M cedar 53 M., W14 KW',4, red fir 740 M., none of the red fir or cedar to be sold for bs than $U10 per M. T. 9 H., R. 2 E., Kee. fi, XE4 XEVi, fir 101KI -M., liend.ick 270 M, NW" -'E', fir 0 M., hemlock l-'O M., HK't-SK, fir 1770 M., hemlock 2.V) M., (tW NE',, fir 2.190 M.. hemlock i.00 M., NE'i NWV. fir 6'!0 M., hemlock 130 M XWV, XW!4, fir 1700 M., NE'4 fK. fir 1170 M.. hi-nloek 120 M., NWV, KE'4. fir 16K M., h-mlock 50 M., KE'i. fir ltM Hi., hemlock 30 M, HWi.4 HE'4, fir 7M M., XE'i HWVi, fir 195i M., XWV4 HW, fir 21) M.. REV, SWV,, fi, e,rKt M., HW 8WV4, fir 1250 M., none of the fir to be sold for less than $I..Vl per M., and son of the hemlock to be sold for less than 75 cents per M. T. V 8., R. 3 ft., He. 2-'.. mV", X"W',, red fir eVK) M., HE 'E'4, red fir 350 M., NE'4. red fir 500 M., none of the red fir to be sold for Icm than $2 p-r M. I oral Land Office. 8 16 TUESDAY. JULY I.k 1019. mm cause is (Continued from page one) tare of poor, weak, don, I, a Cains' ulradiug before the Croat wor.,1 tribunal fer justice yes tat merry pleading to' he saved the kitifiatien sf tiMniai jOVer. thirty six mi'.Iio s of her people,; nr-r imiusmcs, ner noty Jand, the sirred dust of her ancestors, to the control aud gm eminent nf tho -one nation of all the earth she feared the most. "And this we are a.skcd approve by a ratification sf th treaty. We arel mw expeetisd to add 'to this, interns, i tkmal crime by givir.jr senatorial sp-' proval to this in just judgmeat." i Becxst Agieaawnt CoAXged. i Xorris then told the story of an al-' leged secret ;rrwe stent bet wee Japan ; nsd the allies for the panio-iiLg off of (."hiiia, qnetuig rorrepsdencc between British, French and Italian niplomnts! aad the Japanese government on the' sabject "Thus," he said, "while the allies wo trvin ,mt r'v :n. :.. . .u.. - - - ft v . . uiua iimu in, nni so that they could get German ships in Chinese harbors, thev were accictlv plotting her destruction as soc.ii as the war was over. It was Kgreed that after! they haV g"t ont of China all theyi wanted, England would axsiot Japan atj the council table in her claims nsainst1 China. "I do not believe there is recorded 1 : instance of a more disgrace;l aid! dishonorable agreement to carve up the! territory, not of an enemy, but of an! allied friend. Correspondence Cited. "If this is a sample of the justice' that will come of the league of nations, then what can weak and unarmed na tions expect. This secret r.grccmcnt en-; tered into by the leading nations of the 'i world ad the unjust judgment that fol lowed it shocks the sensibilities of those1 who honestly want to bring about a' leaguo of nations and causes then on the very threshold to oucsiion and doubt." Following is the correspondence which, according to Xorris, preceded the secret agreement: "From the British minister nl Tokie to the Japanese government: "British smbussv. Tokio. February lfl, 1917. "My Dear Exeelleney: "With reforenco to the subject of our conversation of the 27th ultimo when vnuj excellency informed me of the de sire of ths imperial government to re ceive an assurance that on the occasion of peace conference his Britannic maj esty's government will support the claims of Japan in regard to the dis posal of Oermany's right on tho Shr.n tung and possessions in, tho islands north of equator, 1 have the honor tin. der instructions recoived from his Bri tannia majesty's principal secretary of stnto for foreign affairs, to communi cate tho following message) from his Britannic majesty's government; British Accede. "His Britannic majesty's govern ment accedes with pleasure Uis rsquest of tho Japanese government for an hs stiraaea that they will support Japan's claims in regard to the disposal of Ger many 's tights in Shantung and posses sions in the isles north of the equator on the occkaion of tho peace conference; it being understood that the Japanese government will in the eventual peace settlement, treat in the sums spirit Great Britain's claims to the German islands south of the equator. "I avail myself of this opportunity, M. LB Ministre, to renew to your ex celleney the of my highest, cnnsiderr.tion. "(Signed) Oonyngham Green. "His Hritannic, majesty's ambassa dor. "To his excellency, Viscount Ichiro ONE nice, airy sleeping room for rent at 712 Stnto St. 7 1 Ft Ht SALE Thoroughbred New Zen land aud Asgora rabbits, cheap, 5t)c up. It. Duliette, (iervais, Or. 7 21 FOR KENT Furnished cottage St! Newport, Or., three rooms, Addrs W II care Journal. 7 15 " - FOR SALE Three room furnished cot tage three Mucks from post office, i :ut Newport., our prico siifiO. Addre's KM ear. Journal. 7 15 I I FOR BALK By owner, 160 acres ol land, ninety acres under plow, nil ciin be eiiltivutl'd. 1'rien $50 per acre. No stumps or stones and is on n good road, five miles from Eugene, Inquire at corner IH95 W. 7th and Van Buren, Eugene, Or. 7 16 H)R HALE Or trade lfl room roomirg hofise partly furnished, in Albany, 'r sfrii 4 sn I 'rur nrdl.s, all mn't'', eb!S m - civn ti high scl.i.'ii u ('.i i Mis M. V. Bilyeu, .KW K. 4h ft. Albany, f)r. 7 HI STRAW $2.00 PER LOAD We have a few loads of loose traw in our warehouse, that we will sell at above price as long as it lasts. Good, bright, clean straw. All that you can haul for $2.00. Come quick if you want it D. A. WHITES SONS ryw q, . )') otate OU Phone 160, BIG SALE Our 963d Wednesday Surprise It has been 18 1-2 years since we inaugurated our Wednesday Surprise Sales. 9G3 times we have given our patrons a weekly opportunity to SAVE MONEY on some real needed articles. Needless to say these sales are absolute succes ses We have patrons attend them from a twenty five mile radius but why not? THEY ARE MONEY SAVERS. Tomorrow's Sale TOMORROW ONLY Aprons SALE OPENS 9 A. M. You Can Always Do Better At j 1 m GOOD. Motono, his imperial Jnpancs mnjes ty's minister for foreign affairs." Japanese Reply. Reply of the JnpnneBO government, dated February 21, 1917: "Tho Japanese government is deeply appreciative of the friendly spirit in which your government has given as surance and happy to note it as fresh proof of the close ties that, mute the two allied powers. I take pleasure in stating that the Jspaneap government on its pint is fully prepared to support in the same spirit the chums which may be put forward at the pence enn ferencc in regard to tho German pos sessions in the Mauds south of the equator." Jnpiiiieso foreign minister to French amlinHsailor at Tokio; "Tho imperial Japanese government him not yet formally entered i:ti con vernations with the entente powrrs ron- coming tho conditions of pence I pro - pose t preso-U to Germany, hecai.M, ;t is guided by the thought that siiehi quest inns ought to be decided in couc.e.rt between Japnn and the sr. id powers al lA ...., .,.. !... .A ... (i, . ... v .... , . . . ,,"",n- 'Nevl r1.i'1'". " f rece t developments in the guierai sit """"" xiPW l"t" alar ar- " liln t'Mll ,-I 111 11 JH .11 I-.IM1II Ul,,f K such as arrangements reln itive to the disposition of the Bospliorus, Con(.tan tinople and the Dardanelles being al remlv tinder disciission by tlie powers in teresled, the imperial Japa iese, govern nieiit belii-vcs that the moment has cornel ... s...... i.- .i....: ...i., l "r ii in ricnufl us ursirt-w reinuv" iff, . . . . . . , . i i i ii coniiirioits or peaeo rs;-enimi in. Japan and to submit tkcin for tire son- ciileration of the (jcnerniiieiit of the Kre'ieh republic, Jap Demands Told. " The imperisl Jaiianefe gov eminent proposesto demand from Gssr- summer school session of Oregon Agri niuny ut the time of peace negotiaUons cultural rollego is becoming most c.pu the surrender of the territorial rights an. special interests Germany possessed before the war in Hhantung and ths Isl- ands situnted north of the equator in the Pacific ocean. Tim imierinl Jnpanese government! c'Mifiil - 11 1 1 y hopes that the gn,cniinent of the French republic, realising llin le gitiinnry of these demands, will fcive assurance that her esse ru ing proved Japan may rou-t up.m its full support on this question, ' ' Trench ambassador's r-ply: "The governni tit of the Freni h re public is disjMised to 1 ;ve the Jnanese ;ov ernment its acconi in rii.Hting tt the time of the peae eotiations .,'iis lions vital to Jup.i i cont'erni:ig ,iiari tang and the Gi n m island in tiio !'. ific north of tl equa-tor. it aN i i;res to siippor the demanils of th. imperial Jar s " governmpiit for the snrrendrr of t':t rights Germany pr sess. d before the war in this Ch,m v province and thess islanls. Cht ess Acts Outlined. " M. Rrinnd demands, on toe oibc kiiad, that Jnnan give its supiswt to i '- tnin from China the breaking of diplomatic relations with Girma.iy iri PAGE FIVE. LGOODSK 1 1 that it gives this act desirable signifi flawe. Tho consequences of this in China should b the following: "First, linn. ling passports to the Ger man diplomatic agents and consuls. "Second, the obligation of all under Germuii jurisdiction, to K-avo Chinese torritory. , "Third, the interment of Ge.inwi ships in Chinese ports and the ultlmafo requisition of those ships in order to place them at the disposition of the al ius following thu eiiiiiiiplo at itaiy aud I'ortiigal. A ce rdi ig to the information of the Flench gmerniiienl, lucre are 3. German ships in Chinese porU toia.liiig llljIMI t tllMIO toil. "Fourth, requisitioB of German com mercial houses established in China, for liili.g the rijjht of Geriii.ny in tiio concession she posMses in certai't pints of Chioii." 1 ' 1 pctr?fp flf F ACC lli'tt Tn :U".4tti VI LU5i UUC 1U KmiVnCVlJA VV Ifl'lffl HoVW mm v fi l. , l. V I U V Ulib S1VM I J I'.rownsville, Or., July 15. Estimate of the damages resulting from ho firo Saturday which wiped out the building on the greater pnrt of three bocks i' the business section, run as high as se eral hundred thousand dollars, with lit tle insurance. With the exception o one brick building, Howe's sl,,ie, a Hint of buildings on the south side of rpau!d iug avenue was razed. After a hard fight by volunteer fire- M .,, i 1 men of ilrewnsville and t.ilaiinn thu 'old planing mill hnildintr, though afiro h t many places, was saved. The Albany, i fire department also aided in fitttrg the flames. The home economics seetion of tho Jar. Tailoring; under Edmund Gurney, a Portland tailor, leads in eiirollmens1 with 25 students, and millinery, under Miss Helen McFaul, cornea second witU 20. WATCH f HE BIG 4 Stomach - KiJrwty a-lie art-Liver IIcip tho ital orp,ar.9 heaithy 67 t -gularly takinc 'he world's stand rrd remody for kidney, liver, I Udder end uric aciJ trouMes GCLDMIML r: Nstionol Rwinff rf Hlbtnt for c;-rurltsnd ndofsed by Gown VVtthsl r ;rta. At stl druggms, this vie ' - lS Max CeWt Mdl o b na i.fc9t o itau-r