Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 15, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of The Capital J hurna
Editor nd Fubliriw
Jr July 15. ll'iy SVt?
Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon.
Address All Communication To
136 3. Commercial fit
that the Oregonian can be mailed to Corvallis from BISCGYEY OF LAUNDRY
land? If not, why shouldn't it pay the difference itself j54 WB a mou,i. the tr .ut. HEARK MAY SOLVE PUZZLE
instead of charging it up to the government? H" w. i the fwu 0f a bonus. The; imnrn AT my' CM
"If all the papers and magazines had to pay theirii21tat2r..tS CF EOT OLYMFlA
exact DroDortion of hauling cost, the countv rate for the'mii that with tins understanding new. n. . ... , ...
little weeklies would be so much lower than a cent a pound V. ?h"TrfT. '" ' '".Vl
Mb, by Cam.r, P T' 3 00 er J,0"-
IWIW hi VaiL year 3.00 Per Month..
W D. Ward. New York, Tribune Building.
W. IL Stockwell, Chirago, Teople'i Oa Budding
.... . . eikil lairr mc i ur cuwoaus iriua i .... .
that they could have no objection to paying it. we nave put iu writing . u n.d wU"r .Ci
seen it stated somewhere in the Record that papers al-1 t vcrbaiiy. Im-rk ..0ne I14
ready pay the government a profit for hauling within a L JJS ZlZ Jrt&S' - J .7?
radius of .TOO miles of publication ...or pan r .he. u? iV
We wish to make the correction, however, that not :f"XXl k u.nJw pi'"r "'t-'"1 Ju"1-
on , kf nlt CA nf rrm r-miral Tnn rnnl'fi I 1,1 the ase of 'l . "'" ' !i 9. She wu. shut and her head was the..
. A uci Iviiu uut ti u i, yti viii, vi wit vp ts wvmim "tutis company againsi . . auiuu, diucbi , j - i i
i- - L 4....: it it I crushed in by heavy b
papers are aenverea Dy carrier.
blows, according
rk DailT Capital Journal earrier boya are instnicted to rt the pl'r oa the j
Srtt lMhe carrier doe, not do thK you, or neglect, g.tt ng the paper
U Tea on time, kindly phone the emulation n.aDKer, a. thi. the only way
.Vein d,t..r,nlno whether or not the earrier. are foUow.ng in.truct.on. 'hone ,
11 before 7;30 o'clock and a iper will be ent you by ipee.al mewenger If tie
k n v., mmoA Unit
la the only newspaper la Salem whoee eirculHti.m U guaranteed by the
Audit Bureau Of Circulation!
The Corvallis Gazette-Times expresses our sentiments
in replying to the Oregonian's attack upon Postmaster
Burleson's zone postage rate law. This saves us the
work of writing an editorial on the subject in these swel
tering July days, hence we reprint the Gazette-Times
editorial in full: , . ' ,
" 'It would tie interesting to have from the Capital
Journal or any ether paper a reason why postal charges
should begin at the county line and not at the office of
publication,' says the Oregonian in defense of the maga.
rines which are kicking about the system of paying post
age under the zone law. ,
"This seems to be an invitation by the Oregonian that
it is ready to take on all comers and that ringside weight
is not a handicap. The Journal is absolutely able to take
care of itself, but as one of the country papers supposed to
lie benefitted by the zone law we hasten to butt in and say
that there is no reason whatever why the place of publica
tion should not be designated as the spot from which port
al charges should be made. Such a charge would make
very little difference to the Salem Daily Journal or the
Daily Gazette-Times over DO per cent of whose papers are
delivered by carrier. The postage on the weeklies would
lie insignificant.1 t ' A
"It would also be interesting to know if the Oregon
ion approves the old system whereby the government
practically subsidized the magazines of the country to the
extent of many millions of dollars annually. Careful es
timates by the postal authorities and congressional com
mittees, for instance, show that the Curtis Publishing
Co' has been receiving a gratuity from the government
amounting to $5,000,000 a year. Hundreds of other mnga-r-inw
and iarge daily newspapers benefit accordingly. Does
the Oreronian believe this is either fair or good business
Docs tho Orojrw.un believe the New York Times can be
mailed from New York City to Corvallis for the same cost
Dr. Von Jagow, former German foreign minister, in
serts a liner ad in the Berlin Kreuz-Zeitung, saying, "I
seek employment."
- "How the mighty have fallen!" comments the Vor
wacrts, the Socialist organ.
Yea, verily. There are hordes of Prussian militar
ists and junkers hunting for new jobs now, thank
IVneer O L Pem-er, y.l ; Ha.T. Aug. ' - E,,srtll of Ta,()!lia,
am J. uiuiirnr, un- i.,u. i , . . . mtnris. have! " .
reedy eleeid-.l that these growers must .v ....... .....:,; , ,..iA rhflltl IS no Stronger than
A Little Money
... A Pair of Good Glasses .
Ui'livtT ai i rt'ins mm ui iur rami- - . . i, ... ,,iin i1Jt
(Continued from page one)
lime ine ouiem s rvuiu o iiimutm . , ... . - .-.i..
. , i .1 . found the murder will lie uufo.ileU
panv must ii hue on i r iit wuli the , M
cciuiity elerk 3 Va cents for evtiv n)undj
delivered. Then when the Kdsou is j
over the cese will lie tried o:i ilj :ner-
its. The growers Here chum mm niei ,
Salem Kinjr'a Products eomjiany attach-'.H.t must j,0 ni0nded," Ksch said,
ed a after the contracts hi.dl.eenj ch,irniMl Clurk, of the iutcrstat
with tlt.i vorlint nn-rtfniPiit.
J. K. Linn, Uuis l.aihmu ul and S.,the Hearings, in general aiiroxea inr (
its weakest link
If your eyes are poor, you
are inefficient
Often lurks in a pair of
commerce committee, first witK- R. fc
f ,.M..,ni:.Hr tint innre.nn i-nnrt lltl'8 Bttl't Iht'ir ITHim 10 liwiil-Ts.
il.MI ri (nil, .u ""I , . . , I
of the state, or of brin-i g an actum tu He ur-ea the exiens.on vi cum.oi jR f fL 11. n sn(V
water transportation lines, pan ucuiuriy " "" "
coastwise Ht earners. CCSS. ACl nOW. UOOy IIUIV
impulse" and call at
eipiit.v ni;;.iiist the officers and uiunage
of the J-'jilein Kruit Union.
For a bankrupt, broken-down transportation system,
the American railroads certainly do manage to carry
quite a lot of freight and passengers with a fair degree
of satisfaction to the public. '
A fortune awaits the man who can invent a device
confining fuel shortages to summer and ice shortages to
winter and money shortages to those who can afford
By Walt Mason
I have a home that's pretty slick, a mansion made of
wood and brick; the window panes are mostly glass, the
doorknob is of costly brass. And there are screens to
keen out flies, and in the pantry there are pies; electric
laps kick up a breeze wnen lorriu sunmu-r u.;, ui.i'u-.
Oh, there a man in pence might rest, and feel that he was
tloulilv blest, if he had sense enough to stay in th.it large
dwelling reshershav. But summer makes a man insane;
Mne double-bug infers his brain; he loaves his mansion
for a shack in sylvan ghde or mountain track; ho scraps
villi 1"fs through weary nights, and ruffers from mos
quito bites; he packs hi? wood from distant piles, and
carries water nineteen miles, and lives on beans Mid has
in) pies and spoils the larynx cussing flies. I have a
home that's slick as grease, and there, if sane, I'd live in
ieace, all modern comforts at command, and Ih1s of ice
cold fizz at hand. But here I sit in a cheap coop, where
mountain lions round me whoop, and drink warm water
when I'm dry, and never see a white man's pie; I'm burn
ed and blistered by the sun, and try to think I'm having
Italy wouldn't be so near starvation if the Italians
hadn't done so much shouting and parading about foreign
At an election held yesterday in
Scotts Mills, the voters were naked to
expresa their opinion on the question,
".shall the city of Scotts Milia Mincnd
er its charter and be dis-incorpornted! "
When the votes were counted tins morn
ing it was found that 10 were in favor
of giving up the charter, 55 were op
posed and 2 voted in such a way tnnt
the votes were thrown out, making &
totnl of H7 votes cast.
Two or three years ago SeotU Mills
decided to do some cxpnnding and a lot
of the surrounding eountiy was taken
with! 1 the city limits, it seems thnt
while the taking was good, there was in
corporated several tracts of from ten to
2;i acres until the city hul enough ter
ritory within its limits to almost rival
Hut a few weeks ago some of the far
mers who were incorporated thought it
wasn't right they should be taken in to
keep up a real citv and secured et.ough
votes to enll the election. Accoiding to
the vote, they are still funning nnd at
tending to their prune trncts within the
city limits of Scotts Mills with very
little prospects of getting out.
Cooper Family Held
Annual Reunion Saturday
Lumber Production
Is Falling Lower
Snmorinrlv mfiv Tiiro Vim .TnrrfUV Rlirplv hp IS POndiM. Kmliccitt. who lost nut in tue decree' plan of Ksch to give
m 7 m 1 A m"L - t .J- r I hMtul.tl ,luti this nuirtumr. have tue on- tnomU-r control ot the
I ill OlJIUt OUU Ul illtHW. A lit niCOkl lit iiic4v- nv- .
German exchange of notes with the United btates before
we entered the war is sufficient guarantee that he will
never get another job as a diplomat, even in Germany;
but maybe he can find work as a head-waiter in a restaur
ant, or a floor-walker in a dry goods store, or even as
somebody's private secretary, when German business
picks up.
Every man finds his proper place if he looks for it
long enough.
There may.be an awful mortality from snake-bites in
some of the newly dry states, now that the approved treat
ment is rendered impractical. On the other-hand, it will
be easier to deal with the snakes. They will be visible
and tangible.
If robbing the public through combination in res
traint of trade was a capital crime, the only shoe manu
facturers there would be left in this country would be
dead ones.
the commission
Eye Sight Specialists
Portland, Or., July IS. Keuaiia ro
Opposite Ladd & Bush Bank
mills and operations suspended for holi-1 Salem
days hi'.ve reduced lumber production In!
Ormmn Hi it Washington to Her cent -
below normal, according to tin; wtek.lv t ),,. (,rnia an,
liullctin, of the West Coast Lumber-j
mi.. ' nHuiMMiitinn. l.nw niiHl,ietion isi
expected to prevail for seven.! weeks, 1 production.
i..l it in nrol.able that production wvli At 1DH mil s for which comparative
not again approach nnrmul until lato in! production nnd shipment statistics wern
t liolow normal and shipments for
the same period were 9 per cent above
August or enrlv in September.
Inquiries continue heavy, but the
mills nre accepting new busi.iess spar
ingly and contingent upon their mami
facturig ind stock conditions. New
business lust week exceeded pioduetion
about 6 per cent. Shipments also fell
off during the holiday period, with de
liveries, however, ranging much higher
than either production or orders. Trans
continental deliveries were fully 0 per
cent higher tlian orders from eastern
Figures of Production.
Production at 121 association wills
whs 47,280,33 feet, against a normal
production of these mills of813n,S(tn
feet. New bnsiness totaled 49,OH.fi4
feet and shipments totaled (in,tiJ,no
feet. During the month of June, the
assocu'.tion mills cut 3Wl.lMi(l,t0i) feet of
lumber and shipped 320,0U0,ln)0 feet.
Production for the mouth was 8 per
compiled for June, 1918, and Jime, 1919,
it was found thnt production for Julia
this year slightly exceeded protuivtioa
for the same month Inst yei.r, while
shipments for June, 1919, weie Slightly '
less than in June, 1918.
Good Market In Est.
Great possibilities for markctig west
coast lumber products lire openiuj iu
th eastern atntes, according to I hesler
J. Hague, manager of the New York
office of the West Coast Lumbermen's
association. Mr. Hogue ws formerly
secretary of the association at Portland
and returned to the const this week. Ha
will spend several weeks inspecting con
ditions in the northwest.
George Ruder, a linker pioneer anil
one of the wealthiest cattlemen of east
ern Oregon, was kicked to dcith a few
dnvs ngo by a wild cow he was attempt
ing fo milk.
The Co"kt clan congregated at the
J. S. Cooper home in Independence last
Saturdny, July 3, for their numml re
union festivities. Guests began arriv-:
It vvnes nlmnst. .is bnt. vpstrd;iv ns it is pvprv av h;iek h
East in the summer time-except that we have cool nights j", "ZZ:'
Hunting a Husband
bile until ."3 descendants of the family
were present for the sixteenth reunion.
.imeimis home
ciiAiTi:i: xvi.
I was wandering alone In the gar,
len of Merle Horse, It its my lnst
jdiiy. I wanted to make ns niueh as lj
could of my few renmiliinj: boms.
110 me mis mis im n ,..-,, "- " ,,,, , ,,,,, m(, Tht, or( Rfl,,i,l
,llie drenni I had had of traveling In, , ,
. .. 1 . ... ii; ....., ,,"
lllli... Il'l II nil" R ,tmnn
jThe pool with itn ni:irlile l.ssin. The
1"",v''n' .-.g".....r ... , And ( nptiiin Donovan-whv 1 do not
the late atternoon ,1.,.. I ho even w.lk., I him
and hi'-' 1 hedge, made me feel se.p.es- rrowA jUn'. Opinion)
teied. , m .
i I snt donn en a nmride .eat. Perhaps
, .I,,.. ,,11 tU u .uil.l b mine Mtunoj
i Mi' lie but I pushed i.le thia thought. j
! Ther.. ero voieps behind me; on the
'other tide of the heilre. Girlish voico 1
nn.l cirliHh Inllihler. Il.lt 1 s toOi
and lawn were full
of nctivitv and the hosi.itnlity of the
i dost anil nosiess iur liieir i.n '"
hounded and every one entered into the,
spirit of the occasion with great zest.
At noon a picnic lunch as served nil
four long tallies on the lawn under the
shade of a magnificent maple tree.
. . . .1 l.Pn,.V,,a ,,f
.rones' words. She was the most worth- 1 "r ",l ' ' " " l ' " '
the nmple trees nianv interesting events,
nhile one of them anyway. w I pertaining to the family tree were dis
Then in a flush it came to me. nv I ,-osseil by the older members while the
these girls had spoken cruelly. I as a j In mil ten lis repast was also heartily en-;
success: ree was Jealous or 1 npiiuii iJ
Oonovan 's attentions. The men liked 1
nie. That is whv the girl, were small
A leaping, bounding joy came over
me. Mv heart felt light again
uiriish laughter. Hot I ns too.
winpod in liji' day dream to listen. I
Itul what was that f It was a highl
voiee and th word vere: I
"I think she's innkin;; a dead
for him! "
It was l'ee's iiiie. 1 grasped
e l're of my tu rn h. Some iiiMition told
me that it was I they were speaking
of. 1 siareelv dared breathe. If I could
stenl away! Hut the next words fasten
ed nie t my place.
She's only little adveiiture,aiiT
I knew that voice, too. It was Jhe
l.reltv auburn haired irirl.
ami 1 mum sue
Th. ! livini' Conner brothers, O. .1.,
,1. ('. K. VV., .1. E.. R. D. and J. !r
win nre all pioneers, and one sister,
Mrs. W. 11. Craft, were present. Of the
six brothers, 1). J.. of The Dalies who
is Kl. enjoy, the distinction of being
the oldest, but .1. . of Independence,
I holds the recoul for t cinji the chain
Iplon fisherman among all th se interest-;
iinif, capable, prosivrous pleasant and)
lhappv H'ople. The combined agen of)
'the living brother, is 4.W years. One;
brother, W. II., ef Htsyton, died in!
! Uil I nt the a';e of ltd. Of the four gen.j
'ernti. n reptesented John Francis
iKriiiis, eighteen months was the ycung-j
lest iiumhIht of the family present. I'ur ;
ing the day greetings were riyeivedj
., .... .... , , ,i 1 , v,., ' trwn several larmn-n i ' i
the Kdilor: What J..nM Lf . . . Majr .nd Mrk M from!
,itn tne wicm-u i.cch --;,. z rB.,Url j, si. Cooper. i
I he ,'"!-"
In Used Cars
1 Ford, rebuilt, either touring or roadster body,
better than new, at your own price.
1 Overland, good tires and in good running or
der, to move this at once $295
1 Buick four 1915 model good shape and looks
like new, going at ?575
1 Saxon six fine shape, 1917 model, worth more
money, but selling at
1 Maxwell worm drive truck, A-l condition,
engine overhauled '. $695
Repair shop in connection with salesroom.
162 North Commercial Phone ICO 1
Onon Furrm
fvU I VI ui Ik
witn the
,...1 ..f...,. n.. n-, Km I. !r.
We are Hnaltetablv opposed to th. ."Greetings
enactment of license law, because such
liws are wong ia principle and inef
tVrtnttl a. nuatu of rest raint.
l!os nnd l!IS We condemn the li
cense policy. It is vicimn in principle.
lolii. The whole license svstern is a
coll. sal blunder, wrong all
Inne in b.'ic. failure in practice.
who is still "ever tl.ne", cabled,
Established 1868
General Banking Business
Commencing June lGth Banking Hours will be
from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m.
t,w." Hii time it was
m,... Sincere little Anne Juc
heart warmed to her.
Yen ran see Captain Ibi'i' vsn i'n't
k..n alNint her. l'.nt the v av sh
the voir-, trailed off. The 'iils walked
further on, en the other sole of the
i I didn't hesitate. 1 ran a fa-t a. I
ever had, out of the Italian garden.
Thev would not .we me when they made
he turn in the path. Then .lowly i
slowly. I walLed toward the bouse.
w ! ( an'jry that mv eves were
full of tears. Ard hurt, too. I felt for
'moment if l'f" Were hatdly worth
I N thai i. .Ill the,- tleii.-ht et me original eoalrnct of th..-e rents
to Cooper. WnV. .Mad
t . I i ...... r ...
nee.teo. I'urnig in- i.i uuu,..
fourteen of the relatives .esponded to
ilhe call to the colors, nviral if whom
vere in fo.eii. servi, c.
I Kelative from far ar.d rear were
remembered with clever invitation
principle, written in rhyme, feme were ousy
Itn .trenuous coinnieirioi (juii- n".
leclined. tther. includiig Mr. nnd Mrs.
'tn the teachings and the sterling lrice of Inll.is. Teia. eould
Chiiti,.a reluion and at n't leave their "oil g.ishers" but hop-
! ,Re rr an.i i inuia sm- 4!iain. a mW f sols for gold.
I, , i M..ilt it contrary
i. r anee with all the rurvoms of en ed to be prewnt next time. Independ
.. jbghtene I government erne To.n
I Therefore with its supporters t!r:
.whole .ciiis-d imehristian and "un
g..dlv licet se policy" should be pee-j
Iv asd Ihoroiiiihlr iuirge4 from every
. -
an church.
x. Trr.
(Continued from pae one)
ngaU.I the Sle Viuit Vnion
' an ndscntiirj,'.! I reuiembered Antic
for the 117 crop
of lotao. aid S'
Tittsb ir-;h. Fa., July 15. O.-tiei for !
.el to- teconstructinn work to r.uro;
are about to be placed in thi. district.
Augii't Norhon, representing Frenea in-ierei:-,
5nd Helge Mancunse n. Swiuer
land here for the pur(ose. they .aid
of contracting for steel and steel prod
Vt. .
Salem's a Good Place to Trade
i VfNr". V
o VoodburnJ '(., . . CM
! . VJefferson I
Nrook JnnTion. I J
f Salem. JJ-
cents thereafter.
The l'hcs company