Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 15, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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autauqua .music
n n
Seven days filled with inspiring music' Chautauqua week brings splendid
music of every kind in abundance from the stirring airs of the Czecho
slovak band to the rare soprano solos of Mary Adel Hays.
Jaroslav Cimera famous band director, brings to Chautauqua on the fifth day
his great organization of Bohemian musicians. Madame Helen Caf arelli, soloist
On the opening night comes1 the McDonough-Eagleston Company in one of thev
best musical-fun programs of the platform. Don't miss it.
Three exceptional artists headed by Ferdinand Fillion, the well-known French
violinist Fern Goltra, lyric soprano, fomerly of the Chicago Grand Opera
Association. " '
One of the best male quartets in the country. . Four young ; men from Camp
Lewis, who have all been prominent in opera and concert fields.
coloratura soprano of New York who will make the fourth night a
memorable one for 'music-lovers. Assisted by the Recital Artists.
"The biggest little company on the platform." Two programs on the sixth
days of infinite variety and charm. Talented entertainers as well as musicians
Five splndid musicians whose programs feature the Apollophone, saxophone
quartets, viola numbers and stirring ensembles. One of the big musical com
panies of the concert platform.
Season Hcket Prices Adults $2.50, Students $1.50, $1.00
War Tax Not Included
SALEM, JULY 21' 22, 23, 24, 25, 26.
(Continuod from page one)
toes and 15 acres in onions, the only
onion acreage in the district.
Q. H. Benjamin owns 366 acres and
ents 125. In thane two tract he hns 140
acres of winter wheat, 45 of spring
wheat, 78 ii oats, 4 in ryo, 14 in corn,
25 in clover, 8 in hny and 10 acres of
bearing apples.
Among other large land owneis are
Jl. C. Vourhcs f Gervais, 302 acres;
Seott Jones of Gervais, 3UO acres; Luke
Icmery of Gervais, 300 acres, Mary F.
tiregoiro of Gerviiis, 397 acres; Helen
L.Stralton of Portland, 500 ucio.-, and J.
W. Ebner of Mt. Angel, 305 acres.
The district in going intif hops, as it
has 122 r.i tn. In buckwheat there is
42 acres, 12 in squash, 4 in artichokes,
S in pumpkins, 2 in beets and 3 acres in
II. W. Hall assessed the Woodburn
district. This includes only 5217 ucres
and extends two miles west of Wood
turn, two miles south, three nuics north
and three miles east.
. Of the acreage in this district 1213 is
planted in winter wheat or more tn
23 per ecnt. In or.ts there is lio2 acres :
or not quite 22 per cent. There is 277 j
acres in spring wheat, 71 in barley, 405 j
in corn (a big percentage for torn),j
and 601 acres in hay crops.
There is some potato growing as out
of the total of 5217 acres, there is plant
ed 158 to potatoes, 2 in peas, and 102 in
Veans. Logr.nberries are coming into
their own here as, thero is 1ZH acres
beufing and 52 non-bearing, otrawber
ries arc in favor as there are 1(1 acres.
Iu tlio total of 5217 acres in the Woou1
burn district, only seven farmer own
farms with more than 100 acics. The
average farmer has from 40 to 50 acres.
Or. II. and 1). D. Miller of Woodburu
havo the largest farm, 234 acres.
8. A. Peterson was tho imaesaor for
the district which is bounded oil the
east by Butte creek, with the Pudding
river on the west. It is a district of
small farms, us of the total acieago of
4440, there are 113 farms and only
nine include more than 100 acres.
The district goes strongest into win
ter wheat with 1087 seres, about one
fourth of the total acreage. There is
127 acres in spring wheat, 48 in barley,
0 in rye, end 710 in oats. Coin is com
ing into favor here as the acreage Is
226, or five per cent. This section is
also giving attention to pototo raising.
as it has planted this spring IDS acres.
Fruit trees are not in favor as out of
the 4440 acres, there is only 13 acres
in bearing apples, nov.e in cherries, 7
acres in bearing penches, four acres In
loganberries, no pears, no prunes or any
wal'iuts. This is what is known ah the
Monitor district.
George Andres is the most extensive
farmer, owning 230 acres with 101 in
crops. Other big farmers arc Frank
Ewert of Woodburn, 1W) acres; . J.
Fessler of Woodburn with 113 acres;
Anne. Brock of Woodburn, 175 seres;
H. F. and D. K. Or, 174 acres, and
Bosehler Bros., 175 acres.
The following casualties arc reported
by the commanding general of the
American Kxpenditionnry Forces:
Killed in Action 2
Died of Wounds 1
Died of Accident and Other Causes 8
Died of Disease 4
Wounded Severely .... 44
Wounded (degree undetermined).... 9
Wounded 8lightly .. 18
Missing in Action 6
Killed in Action.
Albert E Anderson, cattle Wash.
Peter George, Jackson Mich.
Henry O Lcngcf ield, Gctesviilc Tex.
Died or wounds.
I RRndri Lonardi, Verona Italv.
Died from Accident and Other Causes.
I Oscar Haug, Stead N Mex. -
! Nicholas Funtneone, West Mannyunk
Add Floyd Delmar Ky.
Christian T Kirk, Hopewell Va.
John J Muhnney, New York N Y.
Joseph P Mcnten, Flinthili Mo.
Isaac Wiliams, Kansas City Kan.
Ho "holes" in it
Red Crown'1 uniform
chain of boiling points
gives easy starting,
quick and smooth ac
celeration, high power,
. long mileage. Mix.
tures have "holes" in
the power chain. Look
for the Red Crown
sign before you filL
f Qualify
Died from Accident and Other Causes.
Harry E Press, Bridgeton X J.
Died of Disease.
Robert H Brinker, Atwater Ohio.
William Francis Conner, Biooklyn N
Fred Druhenstott, Creston Ohio,
Clarence. Fisher, Woostcr Ohio.
(Continued from pae one)
R. IL CAMPBELL, Special AgL, Standard Oil Co, Salem.
class, Brooklyn, N. T.
Antimo Perfido,' cook, Brooklyn.
Homer Purdue, seaman, second class,
Washington Courthouse, Ohio.
George E. Paul Resab, fireman, Wct-
crman, Minn.
George Mallie, Knoblich, Ky.
Lieutenant Fred G. Reyes, executive
officer and Lieutenant Walter I. rthar-
on were slightlv injured.
The trawler was sweeping up its mine
net when a mine was discovered en
tangled in it. The crew started to let
out the net afpiin but the mine exploded
a few feet clear of the stem. The
trawler sank seven minutes later.
Commander King and the six men
who died with him are believed to have
been carried down with the ship. One
body, that of Perfido, the cook, has been
recovered and is being taken ashore. It
will be sent later to the 1'nited States,
King, the report stated, remained on
the bridge to see "that ill the erew were
saved and went down with bis ship.
His home address is 488 Burwel avenue,
Bremerton, Wash.
Try Salem First la Baying
President Asks Senate
To Warn Hia When His
Information Is Wanted
Washington July 14. President
j Wilson today asked Senator Hitchcock
1 that lie be gives ample notice if the
senate foreign remtiois committee
wishes to eall him while discussing the
peace treaty.
j At tho same tims the president reit
erated his willingness to meet the com
: mtttee, either at the eapitol or the
Whit House and give it the fullest at
. tent ion.
Senator Hitchcock said he would in
! form the committee which met today,
'formally to take up the treaty, on the
.president's message to him. He raid
the committee, would, whenever the ec-'
leaurioo arose, go to the White House to
'get his information rather than ask the
president to journey to the eapitol.
, HiUhaock said he tad aot arranged
: for a personal conference with the pre
! aident and did aot expect to. The com.
Imittee met thia morning with Senator
Shields, Tennessee the only absentee.
Brctherfcood Of Railroad
Workers Elect Officers
Denver, Colo., July 14. All of Mon
days' session of the triennial conven
tion o fthe International Brotherhood
of Locomotive Firemen andn Engine
men was devoted to the election of offi
cers to serve for three years. At noon
the following had been ehosen.
W. 8. Carter, Cleveland, now director
of labor for the national government
railway administration, Washington,
president. Carter is now president of
the Brotherhood, but has been on leave
of absence for government service since
the United (States entered the war. This
leave was definitely extended by the
Denver convention and the office of
assistant president was created. Timo
thy Rhea, now acting president, was
elected to this new office.
Nine vice-presidents were ehosen.
They are: Albert Fhillips, San Francis
co; C W. McLaughlin, Omaha; P. J.
McNamara, Buffalo, N. Y.; George K.
Ward, Toronto, Canada; D. V. Robert
son, Yougustown, Ohio; A. J. Lovcll,
Logansport, Ind.; 8. A. Boone, Boone,
Iowa; CO. Ooff, Birmingham, Ala.,
and O. D. Hopkins, Syracuse, N Y.
Longshoremen Refuse To
Load Ship; Ask More Pay
Portland, Ore., July 14. When the
litmrxhnrenien ' union refused todav to
loud tho West Celiua with flour, it ap
peared the boat, which was chnrteded
to take a cargo of wheat to the east
const, would be itcd up here indefin
itely. The longshoremen acted !n sympathy
with the sl.iking grain handlers who
had refused to load the ship with grain.
They want 80 cents an holr, whereas
the employers are willing to grant a
75 eents wage which is raid at Seattle.
The West Celina is under shipping
board charter.
Middle West Republicans
Launch Boom For Lowden
nhington,(Jii)y 14r (United Press)
RepublicansMif the middle, west have1
agreed on Oovornor Frank O. Lowden
of Illinois as their candidate for presi
dent, Representative Frank L. Smith,
chairman of the Illinois state icpublican
committee, declared here today.
"We offer him, not as a favorite son
but as a man big enough for the job,"
Smith said, in a statement which claim
ed that the people of the country feel
certain the republicans will be success
ful in the next general election.
Christian Churches Name
Officers For Coming Year
Turner, Or., July 14. The Rev. O.
F. Swander has been re elected state
superintendent of mission of the Oregon
Christian churches. Mrs. D. C. Keilems
of Kugene has been re-elected president
of the Christinn Women's Board of
New To Face Mother Of
Girl He Murdered When
Trial Opens Tuniorrcw
Los Angeles, Cal., July 14. lnwv.
Press.) Hairy 8. Xew tomorrow ssay
be called upon for the first time since he
brought the body of Frieda Lester to
the police station here saying ho had
killed his sweeheart, to face Miss
I-eeser's mother, Mrs. Alice Lesser.
It became known today tuvt Mrs.
Lessor may appear in the superior court
tomorrow morning when New is brought
up for arraignment on the grand jury
indictment charging first degree mur
der. Mrs. Lesser, since the death of her
daughter, had been in a state of col
lapse nu til last Friday when her condi
tion became better end her friel said
today they believed she would be able
to appear in court.
Chicago, When Mrs. Mary Liter
mann, governess, Wight a ticket to
California, her employer, J. IL Day,
immediately bought return passage for
her. " Anything to keep help,'' he said.
Detroit. William Roseka, was all
"lit up" police found when they stop
ped his car because the tail light '"as
nut. Fifty-six quarts of "fuel" were
Newark, N. J. Women bathers here
will wear one-piece suits by order of
the city. Stnnd back the pool ' pri
vate and men are barred.
New York. Magistrate Frederick B.
House, not content with speeders
brought to him, is going out after more
business. He is doing a motorcycle po
licemen's beat in Washington Heights.
Police Protection To Be
Gven Anti-League Speaker
Birmingham, Ala., July 14. A annad
of policemen has ben order to sue that
Senator James A. Rued of Missouri is
not iutrferred with when he speaks
against the league of nations here to
night. Opposition to ullowing Reed to
speak has been aroused by his refusal
to debate the league with William L.
White, a local real estate man.
While lteed is speaking a counter
mass meeting will "0 held at Woodrow
Wilson Park,
Lote i hatched codling moths now
working in many orchards make neces
sary an extra poison spray, suya A. L.
Lovctt, college station entomologist.'
This is needed whether the early June
spray was applied or not. If fruit is1
susceptible to scab lime-sulphur, 160, j
should be added to the poisou Spray, I
" T i
(ialveston, Texas July IS. Shipping !
at Texas tlulf ports virtually wag at a j
standstill today from the strike of ma- j
rino firemen, oilers and water tenders 1
union. Fireboats alone wcro exompt i
irom I no strike,
( N
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Salem's a Good Place to Trade
(Capitnl Journal Rpcciul Bu'viee.)
Monmouth, Or., July 15. Piesidcnt.
Ackerman hns announced th..t school
will open for tho full term at tho nor
mul on September 15. The correspond
ence nnd reservations indicate u grati
fying increase over Inxt year's tritoll
Miss Hehuette, music supemsor, gave
at Tucsduy's chapel, & lesson in imiidc
appreciation. The Victoria was used in
order to demonstrate how tne teueher
who is not musical can develop an ap
preciation for it in her pupiis. Tho piu
gram was carefully selected and crtist
iially arranged. It included a number
from Helfetz, the eminent viulinist, a
solo from the iniich-iliseussed Rushinn
opera, "The Gulden Cockerel," uy Ma
bel Ourrlson and several of the popular
".Negro Spirituals."
Professor Ostein, head of the depnrt
mcnt of mathematics, who has recently
retifrned from a year's service with the
Y. M. O. A. overseas, will tell of his
experiences in Frnnce in the normal au
ditorium on Wednesday evening, Jury
lilth. Mr. Ostein is a keen observe;- and
will have something interesting to ssy.
The public is urgedjo attend.
According to a recent communication
from Corporal Stanley Kvans, who re
cently arrived in Hnbokcn, N. J., lie ex
eed to receive Ins discharge on the
Pth and would Immediately start on his
journey across the continent, lie ex
pected to stop off to si a Inert at
Howard college so would be about a
week reaching home.
T. J. Kdwarda and fiiniliv motored
to Turner Sundnv to r.ttend the ( hris-
lis i convention now in session there.
The Misses Una Winegnr. Beth Part
ridge and Neta Hawed, who are Drift
ing in the loganberry harvest in the Sa
lem vicinity, came home to spend the
week end with their respective families.
Miss viola La fever of Dayton i
visiting with her sister, Mrs. K. M. An-
dru, r.nd having her eyes treaud by Dr.
F. G. Hewett of Ind' I'endenre.
Monmouth grange met Saturday with
a fair attendance, considering the very
busy nsori. The usual gor.d d.nner
was enjoyed at noon, after which a very
itcresting program was rendered. Lhdics
responded to roll call with a fevorite
recipe for canning or otherwise preserv
ing fruits and vegetables for winter
mv The. men folks respnndi i! by Ac
tailing their pet notion relative to the
cause of the high cost of living. Conn
ty School Superintendent Josiah Wills
wt present and made a talk u.gina the
grange to ngain tnke un tiie woik of
preparing an exhibit for the eonn
fair. The qurstinn wns not acted upon'
but was held over until the August
Beat the Iceman to It!
For Cool Kakahi
For Hard Wear and Ccsfort. Also for Ap
pearance Khaki Stands hy Itself!
Why Suffer Longer?
Be comfortable while you work is the
only way to be cheerful and happy.
You cannot begin to realize the cool de
lightful feeling when you wear khaki. It's .
so strong yet so cool and light weight, you
couldn't imagine the difference unless you
have actually worn them yourself.
Bishop's have them in all sizes also in
extra sizes. Coats or pants separately. All
the latest shades.
The coats are made in several stybs,
and are serviceably made, they are in snap
py styles and come in the more conservative
Every Family (in Marion and
Polk Counties a Patron.
Mrs. R. B. Swcnson, who hns been
visiting at her old home in Wisconsin
for the pust several weeks, returned
home Saturday.
Kverett Evans writes his parents
from eastern Oregon that ho is at pres
ent working on a duiry ranch, lie
milks twenty odd cows, night uid lunrn
iiig anil cares for a bunch of hogs, be
ginning his work at 3 a. m. lie receives
70 per month with board and washing
and says wages in eastern Oirgon are
not what they are cracked up to be.
Mrs. It. M. Andms is spending a few
ibiys this week visiting a- brother at Mc
M innville.
Miss Hn.el Lorence and Mr. Paul
llosmer were united in inarringa on
Wednesday, July 2 at tho home of the
brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Lorence.
Key. II. C. Ijiinsmore of Independence
performed the ceremony and Miss Irene
Wiiinms plnyed the wedding march.
Miss Lorence was a xealoua woiker for
the Ked Cross r.t the beginning of the
wnr and Inter entered the civil service
and did clerical work in Washington.
Mr, llosmer is a citizen of Bend, where
the happy couple will make their future
Engineer Smith nnd his gang of sur
veyors have just completed a re-survey
of the West Side Pacific highway which
is generally understood as finij. Tlio
route decided upon is the siuuu a., that
of the first survey. Filtering the town
on tho north at Monmouth avenue a V
following sumc to the city limits, then
angling southeastward across pmatv
property, crossing the S, P. link jun
south of the Co oneratlve Crenmerv into
!th main road straight south, ffuteud
I of skirting the cemetery hill as per n
'second survey, it will go straight on
'over the hill to the Ilelmirk bridge. An
I interview with the grading contractor
(reveals the probability that the portion
list south of Monmouth will be gimbd
.this fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Farrington and
daughter, Laura, aecnnipr.nieil by 'Mist
jldn Overby, al of Columbia Fulls, Mon
tana, arrived Saturday afternoon for
no extended visit with the Van Loan's.
,The pr.rty made the trip by a.'.toiiiolnlo
land were on the road about eight (lays.
jMr. Farrington is a brother of Mrs.Van
Loan and the two bad not seen 'each
other for twenty-two years.
On all of our shoes will continue for the balance of
this month. This will save you from $1.00 to $2.00
per pair.