Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 15, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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iVbfirng goes finer
u;f. a sandwich !
: 3 " 1
i iff 'V ,-' Vx-V)
r I'll s. ! ji.i'f ii i i 1
To make a sandwich
temp tin j kara bottl of RAI
NIER SPECIAL whit it. The fl
Tor of this btrvenuj sets food off
just right Thousands of homes
now keep a cas m the house con
atanlly -for nse with meals and
to serrc guest. It s economic
and good. A bottle contains two
glasses; and, being a practically
predicted beverage, even those
with weak stomachs and elderly
folk can drink it with pleasure and
without distress. You will find
this soft drink that really satisfies
wherever soft drinks are sold.
Call for it order a case.
Rato-lar rroduct Company, Saatlla, U. S. A.
MuulKtanr ml Rainier Special, Rafaiar
Back. SUM RaiaUr, Rain air Caraal, Syr mm4
l)ut-r-S AkabaL
. The Rainier Products Company relieves retails and consumers of the necessity
paying Revenue Taxes on Rainier Beverages to paying all taxes thereon direct
the Government.
LANG & CO., Distributors. Portland, Oregon
("Continued front pajje one)
Just to Stop paying Intercut, Aide,
man Wicst moved Hint th city pay one
of Ida c"lM) wnrtuiiU hold against tin
fpu'.h Twelfth tre.t psvlnji. In this
i uml th i in now . Tho 1000 nr
' twi.t tint Mfuiiuiln'. ! ;I60 iiiti'ront. I:
mv vntcii to pay !ie wsrmnl anil Ink"
thf uilili.ionHl nio,.-y uoodi'd from thd
crrfrrl ,und. Tt ttrmi that tlic ctly
, cnriioi heavy tjianfo In its sove-r.
fundi. Mid U slao ".ij ini a hi'svy Ilit.'I
rut oh iU oiiUUn.l r.tf ariaiit sn1
In 'ill..
Tlii'ie Is ponni.li'inliki puing to hi
or heavinesa after meals are
most annoying manifestations
of acid-dyspepsia.
pleasant to take, neutralize
acidity and help restore
normal digestion.
made dy scott a nowmt
dcno In the city, hut thira is also s cltv tcti it in fact hns s'ircudy xot tho
of lubor. An ffort wua mado.f'ft month's payment,
ly Alilrman Wient Ho bavo soma of
thta riuvinii ilnno, n,it Alilcrmnn Mo'dj
ini'Vod that no puvi'i ba donn, at Iratt
not until after tlie mooting of the cnun
ell Anfut S. . . f
The e.i,,ln liviiii( on Fnint street tw
Idiiek north and iwo block amith of
Market ttiiet, in tUv lmlnhhorhood 01
There is really a need of soma alarm
BVBtcm at Capital and Union atreeta and
although tho public service eoi.imisslon
sided with the Southern Pacific when
the city attempted to seeure a uxnitl
svstem, tho city nldermen Were inclined
to tftke the matter up in the circuit
ro'iit. City Attorney Macy eemtd to
Hi ; nk the Houtheii Tacifie was too
tho K'ni a Products :nmpany petitioned 'strong fur the city in a law suit and
for ti oilini of I'imit str,et on ih suid there was no use in going urn
four bl ms. Thert la s rather heavy 'court. But the aldcrinca expressed their
traffic mid a lot -if dust flontin(, It opinion that Capital street where the
win nif (i suggested that Court strecs 8. p. ( roases is sj dangerous place,
between Front. Slid Commercial should' Tho eity park board asked for some
be ii'lia. Alderman andovort said In. money ss some time ago the council
hiiil ilriM'n sheep ovtr 1'ront street and! voted that instead of using its spprs
d'lla't f'irk it so awfully dusty. Tho prlatton when wanted, it muat torn to
petition Wkf lniii oi. the tuble. the eonucil. There wna inclination to
i.'itv Attiirney Mtcj wanted to know ask what the board did with its money
t-. in the council what to do with tke'and InUi M inclination to accept its
ileei! t.vcn hy Sjti.liimif ror the strip
')f In ml i the ri.cf I'roit iii'Kiniiin j at
the point where th irt sn.e of Court
street v odd lnte'ec he river, extend
iii' no rui to tho bi b.'ose. This river
f runt w.i. aiven tim city whoa the pa
ler mill interests t'ie voteii the vaca
tin of ii nie aire I'ue council cam .
to the diiKliisioit t.K" t,;u best tiling i
do wimlil be to limn le deed recorded
'Ii.' now S.f n m.Ij .ncohu f
tin a nioi.th. Ti.U i'i- the amount Mi.
lieni.riii wus payl' Rinuliling for the
rent .if some ri' ." froutmro anil if
A Well-Built
Food Mokes
Well-Built Bodies
Grape-Nuts is a scien
tific blend of wheat and
s malted barley. It contains
all the nutriment of the
grains, including the
priceless mineral salts so
necessary for health. No
wonder it builds sturdy
bodies and keen brains.
'Tjere's a Geasorf
uiimul report, as in tiie past.
Alderman Vsndevnrt Introduced an
ordinance providing for the appoint
ment of a purchasing agent for the city,
to mi at tho rate of $50 a moth,
t' ty Adorncy Macy said the -d.nan'c
was legal. It was referred to the ordi
nance committee.
Scientific I
I Skin Remedy I
a fsaaaeaM tt Wis Maw Bfe lllas.
M lotion tor Shin Dtesmai
J. 0. Terry's.
(Capital Journal Special Rorviee.)
Cloverdule, Or., July 13. A heavy
crop of loganberries is being gathered
here this season and Mr. Wringer's i'J
er is busy taking care of them.
Mrs, Kertha C'unmtovk of hdlem, who
bus bwn pii-king btiiiiei iu Juki. Thuui
as' yard, little daughter baa the mis
fortune to full while playing and break
her ami. Hhe wr.s taken to Ntlcm iirt
niediiitoly for medical treatment and
last report were that she waa gttting
along nicely.
J. Thonuis and family attended the
funeral in Wlverton of drover rtminons
last week.
W. 11. Vi!in fell 'while doing some
repair work on hi barn i'lidny and
broke bis arm.
Mr. and Mr. June of Salem are stay
ing at the Wood home for a few weeks,
helping in the fruit and hay.
Mr. Kogera and family of Portland
arc visiting for a few weeks with Mr.
a id Mrs. Zimmerman.
Mrs. W. J. Iliulley ha Irr nieces
from Tacomn spending their vacatioa
with her.
Mr. Zimmerman ha given his bouse
a new coat of paint.
linying svawn iot and every one is
Iiukv, yes and happy for a big yield is
In iiii; recliseiV.
Mr. and Mrs. I.. Pui'm-lt and Mr.
Brewester of Salens nntirej down Sun
ilnv afternnoi to visit with their un,
Mr W. J. HadlcT.
lln j Wilwm of Portland i swudlntt
his vnmtion here Kitli lua f. t.:- r. II.
: society -
By Gertrtide Kobiaoa
A important meeting wa held Sat
urday evening when the mem
bers of the local tent of Daugh
ters of the duos veterans of the Civil
war, known as the Barbar iitehie tent
No. 2 gathered at the home f Mrt C.
Clark for the purpose of organiza
tion. Tomorrow evening the formal or
ganization will e held in the armory
and the charter members, 3 in num
ber, will be carolled. Mr. lane?s
M&ekey of Vancouver Wasbingtan,
jiost deartment secretary of the Wah-
nigton and Alaeka departnu nts, will
be present and art as installing offi
cer. -
The e'.eetioa of officer for the camp
was held Saturday evening and th fol
lowing ladiea were honored: Mrs. i A.
Elliort, president; Mrs. George Alyen,
senior vice president; Mr. Mary ok,
junior vice president; Mrs. I". 0. Holt,
chaplain; Mrs. Louise Keezar, treasur
er. The memlvers of the council are
Mrs. William Kirk, Mrs. Ftorian Von
Eschen and Mrs. Mary Shairi. Mrs. F.
L. Waters, patriotic instructor.
Training in American nursing, to be
acquired in Amterica by Italian girls,
who in turn ire enjH'cted to bring
home the benefits of tlinir training and
teach other Italian (jirls, is the pur
P'se of nursing scholarships recently
established bv the tuberculosis . com-
(mission of the American Ked Cross in
Home. Jiichard iBcatty Mellon, a Pitts
burg banker, has financed three sx-hor-
arships and the girls will soon leave to
undertake their training.
The annual picnic of the G. A. R. of
Oregon will be held in the near future.
Plans are being carried forward at the
meetings of tho various branches of the
organization and a joint meeting ig be
ing held today in Portland at which
delegates from other posts are pres
Miss Florence Ewh is the guest of
her mister, Misa Althea Ewh, in (Spo
kane, Washington,
A party composed of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Burton, Miss Alpha Roscmiuest
and Miss Vera Bosenquost motored to
i achat yesterday to enjoy a weea T
w . .
Mr. Theodore Roth is entertaining
as her guest, her' sister Mrs. E. Y. Eb
ler and children, Arleta end .Lloyd.
They will-remain in Salem during the
greater part of the season.
Guests from the east at the home of
Mr. .Rachel Aeeder sre her aunt, Mrs.
Susan Harpool and cousin. Miss Mary
E. Cos of Elwood, Indiana.
The lilt of Salem folk who are spend
ing the summer in travel, i rapidly in
creasing in Dumber. The latest) addi
tion are Mr. and Mrs. Perl Uibler who
have loft for a tour of the middle west
and will probaV'f be gone for ths re
mainder of tho summer. They will
spend some time in Nebraska, Mr. llib
Ict's former home, snd will be the
gueata for a while of Mr. and Mrs. E.
H. Riniro in Bliss, Idaho. Mr. and Mra
Rinro were formerly Malem residents
and the two famines sre close menus.
Mj. and Mr. Jesse J. James are re
eeivinff eonrrBtulatione upon the) sr
rival of a baby daughter, July-10, at
their home on Riverside drive. She ha
been named1 Violet Evangeline.
Dr. and Mra B. J. Green ara Port
land visitors this week.
"Y'rrer been to Silver On falls'1
says the " tnoso woo come ana
Ailumn of the Portland Oregoman
'about 15 mile from awverton, wncre
rh ancient craters of the laacades
bridged the canyon with lavs, and left
a new orn creea to muiuie uii.i
aa pretty a torrent as . ever delighted
the eyet Phil Metschan Jr., aoeni nun-
daT there. 'You couid walk back un
der the f aJ s. in tnat lava envr, ir
several hundred feel," enthused Phil,
'and there were dosen of id excur
sion in the form of smaller cave. Oo
there by way ef Silverton and take the
north iido of the creea to ti.e tonn
fall, it's one of -tho n.t besutirul
sights of Oregon. And there are tr)ut
there, too biff fellow I could Je
them swimming around'."
t.'r allies ii, announcement of the
affair, Salein ponple have been looking
frra.ril rl th nr 1110 nna aini r
rradini n-citnl which will be held nt
the First t'hriatiun church tomorrow
nw-ninir. lrofessor T. 8. Roberts, a
lem' favorite ergawist, and Mra. I
Imul W. Porter, noted dramatic reader,
assisted by ome of tho best local tnl
,nl mil nre.ent Madame wtuteriiv
and other selection. Patroneswn for
itm affuir sre Mesdamei A. N. Pii'h.
Lleorge H. Mornctt, William M. Hrnwn
H. 11. Kldrulne, John itobcrt uu,l r.. i
i'ros. The progrm:
Prof. T. S. Hubert, concert organ
Lta... 5 . - - i v. - n -.j- -t.
. 1
!'ii' fnxv, l-.i
l i'-f .1 . . ,
iihinM it" in
ai rarK.
' . t
"alwayt fresh"
by Physician
Sold Everywhere ' rf
a iwa Hwmhww a r , um.
"Roughing it de-luxe" expresses
what a summer outing may be in
the National Parks of the West.
All the joys of the wilderness,
within easy reach of modern hotels
and railroad trains.
Here you can camp out climb
mountainsgo fishing and hit the
trail in a region of peaks and can
yons, glaciers and geysers, Indians
and bears, deep woods and ice-fed
lakes. Around the corner arc modern
resort hotels and miles of auto boule
vards. Summer excursion fares.
Ask for the booklets you wnt. They deserilia
Yellowstone, Glacier, Rocky Mountain, Mt. Rai
nier, Crater Lake, Yoif mite. Sequoia, Hawaii, Grand
Canyon, Petrified Forest, Zion, Mesa Verde and Hot
Springs of Arkansai,
Ask the local ticket sgent to help plan your
trip, or pply to nearest Conmlidated Ticket Office,
or address Travel Bureau, U. S. R.R. Adminittration,
Hi Tranipoitallon Bldg., Chicago) 143 Liberty St.,
New York) 602 Healcy Bldg., Atlanta, Ga.
United -States Railrod -Admimstrajion
ist, Lena Belle Tartar, contralto; Le
onia Osborne Peterson, soprano; Elsie
Bates Bimeral, soprano; Mrs, Leland
W. Porter, dramatic reader.
Grand March1 from "Aid'; .... Verdi
i?aki frem "Persian Suit', cjtoughfofl
Mr. Roberta
Prom the ('terry frardon Bennett
1. The Iri garden; 2, Mtna Mine;
3, On th Chiang; 4, The Green pa
vilio. Mrs. Simeral
Selection from Madame Butterfly ....
Mr. Roberts
Aria, On Pine Day - Puceini
Mis Tartar
Durt, Every Flower Puccini
Mra Peterson, Mis Tartar
Tioadinur, "Madame Butterfly"
John Luther Long
Mrs. Porter
Memories St. Clair
Miserere from "II Trovatore "....Verdi
Impromptu - . Taylor
Evensong .-. Johnston
Grand Processional from "fjuosn of
Shoba" Uounod
Mr. Roberts
(Continued from page one)
S "1
': ri
i X
I' ' ''
if - - S
' . aV-
(fit W ' atigh$&f'm
made despite the fact that it hah been
'one1 of "lne"3ryost years this section has
known. A great acreage was dovotcd
to graina.
"Washington has one of its biggest
cropa of wheat this eesson," says the
Journal. "It has the best sverage qual
ity known. The state has an estimated
production of 39,565,000 bushels, or ono
of its greatest outputs. As uiml Whit
man county is the big producer of not
only the state of Washington, but the
biggest county west of the Koeky moun
tain. The production for the year is
estimated at 11,000,000 bushels.'"
The Journal predicts that nre.on will
rnise 21,325,000 bushels of wheat.
"Of chief importance," says Cohen,
"is the fact that tho Willamette valley
ha come back. It is again a real pro
ducer of wheat aome 3,230,000 bushels
oeing trie estimate for this season."
The Journal dcclarea that Idaho he
only a fair crop of wheat. "Southern
Idaho hag been famished for rain,"
says the Journal, "and the production
there is exceedingly small considering
iuo immense increase in the area plcnt
ed, fp around Lewiston, throngli the
Camas and Xes Perce sections, and on
Avoid IraiUtias at tttWlitwl
to Orangeville, the outlook is the poor
est for a number of years, due to the
lack, of moiaturo and hot wind."
Ottawa, Out., July 15. Local street
railway employes on strike have bcea
reprimanded by International President
W. D. Mahon, Detroit, who has ordered
them back to work,
A federal labor council, it is believed
will be the outcome of aa iudunUiul con
ference arranged by the' labor sub-corn
mittee of the cabinet to be held in Au
US? Wash with weak sola
I I lion of blue ston or
lim water, dry thor
oughly, follow with light appli
cation of
YOUR BOCYGUARO"-30f.60'.l.aO
Salem s a Good Place to Trade
First Summer
S far In
J Gokluyn Pictures
Unquestionably the crin' most fa
mon cniotifnal artist, Pauline Fred
erick betters her previous chievement
in "The Pear Woman." A drma of
mo.lt rn socn-ty with a soul stirring
message for vou and me. Pull of tense
itllatr.n thrills, romance, soul shriv
elling fear and finally complete hap
pinrs that is ri-h. (Vming to Ye Lib
erty Thuradav. Friday. Saturday.
IHEN the days and the nights be-
gan to be hot and sultry, my baby ,
began to droop. He lost a little weight
and he was fretful at night he who
had always slept so well.
I thought a baby properly rared for should he a well and
happy in summer as m winter, so I a.kcd my doctor.
vvhy,ofcmirse h jd whi(.hhft
Portland, Or., July 1". Luther-
of three ststcs, Oregon, Washington and
td.iho will end their annnal conven
tion here tonight. They have started a
movement for a Lutheran ednc ational
society which wiM aim to s::ppi cnl-
with young men desiring, to cuter
the ministry.
vVe'll gjve him N'cst'e's
Milk Food."
So now I know
have to be afraid
weather. With nle ntv nf
cool baths and light enough
clothing, and with Ncstie's
digfsting easily in that little
tomach,mybibygoef harri'y
on to health and strength.
Nestles is just pure milk in
of hot
been idded ccrc.il and sugar.
You only add water to it and
I know the Nestle Ccmpsny
will he glid to itnd you, free,
enough Ncitle s Food for twelve
feedings, and a very good M crow's
Book on how to take care of
babies, if you will fill out and send
th coupon to them. They want
t" take away your far of hot
wejiner, ai they did mine.
Nestle' S IS Pur R,llr in r.Amm t .1 . t ,
' - - "in mat n already
modihrt ml do(, nc, rw)ui. ht fi(r)W ,ddi(ion cf
milk. Always pure ard ufc, tl,r, onilorm, ird free
Horn the djnseri of horn modification. Nestli's ha
tood the tr t of three Krncrationi and ta, ua, lit
FRtE! Enough NesilC's for
12 feedings. Send the coupon!
I'.'S Call Bldg.. 8n Francisco. C,l.
Please send me free your tock and
trial package.
Address ,
City S!3,,"