Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 15, 1919, Image 1

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1 I ! 1 11 . I j If 11 I II I II II I (I J Orc-os: Tonight end Wed
1 I I II JS U II I H i if If 11 H H J ncsdar fair: eBtHucd war.
Only Cireulutiaa in Salem Guar
anteed by the Audit Bureaa of
1111 FOR
American C pmander Given
Tremendous Cation Upon
Arrival In L Jdon.
London, July 15. General Pershing and his staff ar
rived here from Dover at 12:38 p. m.
, Lassiter and Captain Frank rer.ihing.
Dover, Eng., July 13. General Per- Dense crowd blocked the Victoria
shing arrived here oa a destroyer at station when tho special train carrying
19:30 o'clock this morning. He will
visit several days In London und par-!
ticipate in the peace celebration Satur
iWith British warships in the harbor
saluting and naval and military bnnds
plnying "The Stur Spangled Iinuner,"
tienerul Pershing was received with a
vociferous greeting when his vessel en
tered port.
Generul Hir Henry 8. Horn was at the
head of the military contingent which
welcomed him. As he alighted from the
destroyer a guard of honor of Koyr.l at&
riues wan drawn up at the quay.
The staff admiral coinmumiing the
dockyard and the mayor were nr.iong
those who welcomed the general. The
mayor, garbed in his official robes, rcai
.a civic uddrcss. .
After inspecting the guni'd, General
Pershing boarded a Secial train for
London, where he was expeetul to tr
riie at 12-.:i".
General Pershing wus accompanied
by Generals Brewster, J. L. Hu.zoard,
Phez Company Injunction
Made Permanent; Growers
May Sell On
The agony is over, at least for a time,
in the iimtler of the three i ginihorry
suits, two brought bv the Plies company
iiguiust the Salem Fruit Union and its
growers and the other by J. R. I.lnn,
Louis Lni'hmuiid and S. II. Endieott
against the directors and manager of
the Salem Fruit Union.
With Judge George G. Biugluini unci
Judge Percy Kelly sitting in confer
ence, the rases were called this morning
and the following opinions hnnileil down
nnd decrees entered:
la the injunction proceedings of the
Plies company against the Smrm Prnit
Union, asking for a permanent injuiic-n
tion against the Union wherein the Un
jou should deliver its logans to the Phez
emnptny, the lliju ftion was mane per
ninnont. This means, that if tiic Salem
Union should receive snv logans from
its growers, It must deliver to the Phez
Inasmuch as the Union lias aliendy
released its growers from loganberry
contracts, the rhnnces are than tho Pn
inn will have no berries to deliver nnd
the Phei compnny will Ijc obliged to
go into the open market.
The injunction asked against the 8S
growers of the Sulem Fruit I niou who
bad signed to the Union, was refused.
This means that as matters now stand,
1 1 ri ia f ia nv
- Six Men Ar.d Officer Of Mine
Sweeper Drown la North
Washington, Julr 13 (Uniied Tressl
One officer snd six men of the United
States trawler Richard Bulkier were
killed when their ship was sunk by a
mine thev were frying to sweep np in
the North sea off the coast of Enjlasd
Saturday, Admiral Knapp at London re
ported to the navy depcrtment todav.
Two officers were slightly injured
but were saved with the lb other men
comprising the crew.
The dead were:
Commander Frank R. King.
Eogineman PlovJ E. Usmtfa, Rann,
John Vincent Mellon, seaman, second
(Continued on page three) j
General Pershing arrived. A guard of
honor composed of Welsh Guards, Gen
eral Fielding, in command of the Lon
don district; War Minister Lord Church
ill; representatives of Field Marshal
Huig, and the officer of the general
staff, formed part of the British wel
coming contingent. Practically all of
the American colony in Loudon joined
in the greeting. - n
American Anthem Played.
As Pershing's train pulled iu at the
royal platform silken colors were dipped
and the band plr.yed "The Star Span
gled Banner." General Pershing stood
at salute nt the door of the railway car-
After Churchill hud shaken hands
w ith the American leader numerous pre
sentations followed and Persuing in
spected the cuurd of honor. Three royal
carriages conveved Pershing and his
staff from the station through Gioesvc
(Continued on Page Six.)
Open Market
the 81 growers who had contracted lust
year with the Union for 3',-j cents, may
sell where thev please without any inter
ference from the couit.
The case of J, K. L'nn, Louis Lneh
mund and H. 3d. Endicott against the
directors of the Salem Pruit Union and
Robert C. Pnulus as manager, to com-
1 pel them to force Hie Union growers
i to deliver berries to the Union, wus do
cided in favor of the Union, to tiie ex
tent that the injunction asked (or was
I "efused. The three plaintiffs cluimcd
j 'hat some stock they owned in the Un
I on would depreciate in vulue if the I'n
iion did not force its growers to deliver
j berries this season.
The third suit in which the Thei com
pany asked the court to deciure the of
ficers of the Salem Fruit Union in eon
I tempt of euurt btcuuso they refused to
.pay a certain load check piisented by
lone Dokken of Silverton, was dismissed
on motion of John H. McNnry, attorney
for the Phez. company,
j The whole mix-up in the loguiiberry
j situation, has now resolved itself into
thit following:
Sometime iu August, probably after
the l.th, there will be tried before
JuillO Killlhlllll. th ...it .f !!,,..
(Continued on page foui)
... .
Oregon Alone Expected To
Raise 21,325,000 Bashek
Of Wheat
Portland, Or., July 1.1. (t uited
Pns. Oregon, Idaho and Wellington
nave a roiui grain production this sea-
artn that ). InU IIKl uut i
jwith j,631.IMMt bushels last year for
I wheat, oats and barley. Corn and rre
, production are both better than last
jyear, so that the total production Is
gi enter than these figures indicate, ac
cording to a crop report pub.isheJ. to
day by the Oregon Daily Jiiurnal.
Kyoiaa II. Cohen, market editor of
the Journal, who has just returned frem
as estensive trip through tiie grain
lelts, reported that the remarkable
showing of the Pscifie northwest was
(CvjntiBiied on ps?e two)
Mccdaj Warmest Day This
Year; filercsry Readies 95 t
The coolest spot in town yes-
terdsy was en the river bask
under shade trees, where the
weather bureau's official ther-
uiometer registered 93 as Uie
maximum. In the business sec-
tion thermometers wandered up
and down the high spots, some
touching a limit of more tlua
ltW. There has been duriug the
past 19 years only six duys in
Salem that beat this warm
weather record, even in the cool
spot assigned to the weather
Niureau s thermometer. ihese
are ss follows: July 20, 1901,
when it was 06; July 6, 1UU5,
with 100; July J3, 1100, with a id
record of 100; July 30, 1907,
the hottest day of the present
generation with 102; July lb, i
1912, with W, aud July 18, 1904,
with 96. Last summer the wsj-in-
est day was August 20, when tiie
mercury eliuibed to 85.
Budmer And Halvorscn Are
Named To Fill Vacancies;
Police And firemen Voted
$109 Per Month.
With the election last evening by the
city council of Walter Buch::ei as alder
man for the third ward succeeding May
or Otts J. Wilson, and George K. Hill
vol sen us eldermaii from the soveuth
ward, succeeding Ralph Thompson, the
city council is now l:i better s.n.po to
secure a quorum during these summer
mouths. Several meetings have recent
ly been adjouined due to tho fuet that
see v nil vacancies existed and a number
of alde,men were out of town. .
Mr. Hue h nor is an eld hand ai the
h'unie as he served iu a former council.
George K. lii.lvoisen has never, taken
any active part in the city's politics un
til rece .tly. He Is now not only alder
man, but school director having been
elected last month.
There is yet an alderman to elect to
succeed C. M. Roberts, resigned. Gerald
Volk, recommended by Edward Kchuiihe
vill pro'oubly be elected at the rcgulur
session next Mouiluy evening.
Policemen as well as fiu.iicu I,d
weii at last night's sesfion. Tho police
men presented a petition asking a raise
of from a month, present pav to
$100 a month and the request was ap
proved by Chief of Police V arney. Tneie
seemed to be no opposition to the raise
ts 'ill thought thnt $!0 was insufficit iit.
It was also voted that heienfter, the
; ay of the polii eiiisu for the first six
nieii hs on the force shall be lit
I lien the. regulation $100 a month.
.Wer-inu hiiueral thought if the po
licemen were paid $'00 a month, the
firemen nould be placed on the annic
sr.'ury. This was agreeable to the alder
in n and the advaie.e in salary voted.
(Continued from page two)
Disposition Of Lines To Get
Little Action In Present
Washington, July 15 (L'uited Pi ess)
Government ownership of railroads,
or the extension of federal control be
yond the end of the calendar year, will
be given iittle consideration at this ses
sion of congress Chsirmsn l.sc ii of the
house interstate commerce committee,
said today.
Esch, in opening the hearings on the
bill to regulate the rr.ilresds after their
return to owners on December .',1, l!H,
by the pre.uient, said the plan of re
publicans are to get the roads back ss
soon ss possible with better reguutory
legislation tha t existed before the war.
"In view of widespread sentiment
against government ownership or a five
rear extension of fedenU cotiliol,"
Esch said, "we will not give curb, time
to these qoestios in our hearings, be
lieving thst tho general desire of tho
country is to perfect regulation before
government ownership is undertaken. "
hch said the committee wouid give
serious conaiilerstion to amenouients to
the Clavton and Sherman anti trut sen
"We plan to continue u:.d-r strict
regulation the tdvsntsges of federal
control, such as joint use of ecuipmeft.,
consolidation of bee sad Ik. Her nse of
j equipment, but to do thii the anti trust
(Continued on page lour)
Norris DccbrcsEe Wi Net
Vote For RafficaHcaUn3
Dispositica Of Pesissda
Senator Says Rehire Of
"Downtrodden China Plead
ing Beofre Tribunal" Is De
plorable Spectacle.
Washington, July 15 (United Tress
Seuutor Norris, Nebraska,' In s speech
before tho senate today, declined lie
will vote against rr.tificatioa of the
pence treaty unless tho Shsntung pro
vision is amended.
"By this net," said Norris, "we are
planting the seeds of future wars.
"This action of the peace conference
violutes every principle of honesty nndilupping board, the Masters, Mates and
justice. It is a betrayal by the ullied Pilets union and the Murine Benefit
nations of a friendly nation. It turr.s association was to be held today in an
over innocent millions of people to the "'tempt to reach somo agreement,
rule and control of their worst encnir. Unless a settlement is renched at
"Anvone believing in the principle;"1' meeting it is believed a general
of self ilctermlnnri.nl f m.m.ln mn.t strike may be culled increasing tho
blush with shame at this outrageous
.... . . "
procedure. China is helpless, it is true 7" j " ..
She cannot defend herself. t,,n.: ai ,ler,f "", t. .. .
Says Chlna-wetrayel . , lo.wi" AHf?' th hli;P",K
-... , . . . - board to craut in full the demands of
"hie was betrayed by her own ,h(, ltrik ft mimb(,r ()f
friends and her peoplo have bei a denied 'Bt(,(1 ty. ihi) rilitcd 8,aU,s shintiinK
the right to govern themselves and the board were tied tip. '
uatiou left i i control was the last na- Officials of the seamen's union re
turn un earth that China would have sc- fused to eslimato the number of men
lected to control her had she been given nut, but Osear Carlson, secretary of the
a voice iu the decision of her own desti- firemen's union, sniii more than 15,000
"One of the most pitable spectacles
in the history of the world is thy pic-
(Continued on page five)
Portland, Or., July Vi.Mtn. Ethel
Hughes, 2H, wns killed early today when
n,,oreyele on which she wts riding
wiin inree companions crasuea lino a
milk curt.
Ralph Heden, IP, who wns driving the
motorcycle, is being detained for a cor
oner's investigation. He is under ar
rest charged with reckless driving.
I.eltov Massey, 28, one of tue lartr,
hastily left after the accident and the
police have been unable to find him.
v i) ii no ,l e .
Mrs .Nora Hnllmai. 28vthe fou.th,
hi u iiii.iiii.i nut, h vimnu nuu
Mrs. Hughes, riding on handlebars;
Redi'ii, riding on gas tank, astride of
motorcycle frnme; Massey on u.otoi
cycle seat; Mrs. Boolmai on tendem
Mrs. Hughes is survived by t child
and by her husband, who is nn inmate
of the Oregon state hospital, su insti
tution for the insane.
Sett t' a second hand fliver thcr
haint notliin' that's grabbed up ai
quick as a rich widdr. Polks that
look good in anything arc certainly t'
be envied these
da vs.
Unrestricted Trade With
Germany Is Rescued Today
Washington, July 13, Practically un
restricted trade with. Germany Aas be
gua today by American exporters for
the first time in two years.
Ia an order effective today, the war
trade section of the state department
issued a blanket license permuting com
municatioa and trade with Germany un
der the trading with-thecneiny act in
all lines but dyestuff, chemicals and
Exporters have been waiting months
for the lifting of the ban on trade with
lUsrmany. Under the order they do not
need individual licenses but may export
under the sbme conditions as they did
before the war by filing declarations
with the custom collector at the port
of exit from the United States.
TO lira FEflGHT
(lEnhargoOa Rail Shipments
Likely If Strike Of Sea
1 men Continues.
New York, July IS. Possibility of
sn embargo on railway freight from in
terior points because the situation cre
ated by the seamen's strike, was fore
seen in shipping circles here todny.
Spread of the strike to tho Great
Lakes a well as along the Atlantic
coast was also considered ipo&sible, be
cause of the refusal of the Uuited
States shipping board and private
steamship owners to grant the demands
of the firemen, water touders and oil
ers. A ioint meetinir of the American
.Steamship association, members of tho
' """I0" ?f ,s,lil" nPw U?d br ,u0.
alsiLn a tl.a nilrlnn f iphiiuiii u a I il e .
were on strike and more wero quitting
as ships arrived.
Pickets were patrolling the water
front and a number of coastwise ves
sels scheduled to sail Saturday and
yesterday, were still at their docks, it
was said by union officials that more
than 400 vessels arc now held in port.
ter Of R-J4 W.!!
Attempt Flight To India
London, July 1.". The British diri
gible K-n.'l, sister ship of tho h-31,
which completed a round Dip trans
Atlantic vnyngo Sunday was to beiiin
its final tuning up todny for a flight to
India. It was expected to lenve some
time this week.
The trip- will be made by wov of
r" c,w""'r'Bno' ' 'PI;
A lann b JS"'1'" ,,.",m"' mn
prcJbablr in Cairo. The flight is expect-
l-H,, , .. ,
qusrters speed.
Former Hun Heet Command
er Says Navy's Honor
Saved By Sinking.
London, July In. (United Prcrm.)
The allied blockade was the cause of".p a su.itn or rang :e s wesi, ex, -epu g ,. jus, ,.,e , .r ,m... :' ; ""--"-"-Germsny's
defeat, Admiral V on Kheer. tw0 just west of Woodburn and a so M M honey he n ost txlcnsiv.
former German fleet commander, s
clarcd in an interview given the Daily!
Chronicle's Weimar correspomient.
"As everybody warned," V011 Scheer
-ih. l,l.w.k.de trinmnhed over the
C boat campaign.
Von Echeer claimed a German victory
in the battle of Jutland, pointing nut
his losses in material and men were a
third of those suffered by the British.
The German ships were smaller and
slower, and outpointed In gun fire, he
said, bnt enjoyed better proteition from
shells. Von Schecr admitted the Brit
ish shoot was most accurate, but char
acterized Admiral Jellicoe's book as a
"mere apology," saying .Tebiioe use
"strategy when he should nsid "tsc
tics.' "
The German fleet would have offered
battle last October According to Von
Schecr, but the crews were nnrciiable.
"Thank God, Von Heutcr ri stored
the honor of the nsvy by the sinking of
the fleet at Heaps. Flow," Von Sheer
FORESEE ira ran
Withdrawal of United States
From League May Be Made
1920 Campaign Issue
By L.C. Martin
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
Washington, July 15. Foreseeing complete victory
for President Wilson in the senate, some league of na
tions opponents today were discussing a plan to make
withdrawal from the league by the United States an issue
in the 1920 campaign. '
The proposal was nebulous. No one.ment with President Wilson, but p!a
wae openly sponsoring it, Tiose who'ned if circumstances would permit t
favored it will be ready to annouuee
it, however, the moment they think it
will receive party support.
Senators who have talked this idea
over point out that two years is re
quired for actual withdrawal and the
issue in the election would be the giv
ing of mtice !o the league ut this
country's intention to withduw which
would g-t up out in I'.'.:.
By that time these, senators
say, tho United States will have done
its share towards stabilising Knrope
and will have a right to roiiuio its in
dividual nalionulistiu policy.
Developments Mots Fast
Developments expected today iu on
nction with the senate's discission of
the league and the treaty were:
Meeting of the f ircign, relations com
mittee nt 10 o'clock at which Senator
,lhnson, California, planned to urge
adoption of his resolution calling on
the president to give Ihn cuiuiuittce tes
timony and rtnt from the pcuee con
ference and drafts of nil tho league of
nut in na plans offered.
Discnstion in the senute of tho L'olgc
resolution requesting that the senate
be given a copy of a reported treaty
between Germany and Jnpun, and all
information the state department has
concerning German-Japanese negotia
tions during the war.
"rrtction" 1 Fiction.
A speech .by Senator Norris. repub
lican, Nebrsska, denouncing the Shan
tung settlement as "robbery."
A speeeh tiy Senntor I nilerwood,
d"mocrat Alabama, announcing his
complete' support of tho treaty as it
A call by Senator Hitchcock at the
white house, - '
Hitchcock has no definite engage-) (Continued on Tnge Six)
Grains and Hay Are Leading
Products In Northern Part
Of County Reports Indicate
Since the last legislature passed a f cent of the section to onts and about li
law requiring all Ux nssessois to earryi Per cent to winter wher.t.
., ' , Very little attention is paid to barley
with them a form for securing ttutistics ou(y , D(,r(,s witt
on ucreago, both agricultural and hiirti- 2;1 B).r,,, n rye 512 jn corn, no alfalfa,
cultural, it Is possible to know exactly 'Jill acres in wild marsh hay bnt 195
what euch section of the county ia rais ! acres in other hay.
ing. ' j This district pnys some attention to
In the office of Ben P. West, tn as-l potntoes with 3:i."i acres, no acreage of
sessor for Mnrion county, mcy be found peas and 1"0 acres in beans. There Is
the origlnnl records, as compiled by the 'only 67 seres in bearing apples, 21 la
assessors this spring, showing the exact cherries, Stl in peaches, 4 in bearing
ucresge planted in fruits, grains and pears and 12 acres of piuiies, with 3d
berries in each of the assessment dis ucres of prunes non bearing,
tricts. i Loganberries are receiving more at-
B. J. Miller, deputy assessor, covered tention thun in the St. Paul iianipoeg
wl.nt Is known as the Fail field. Ft. district as here we have 1S9 acies .-
Louis and Oervnis district, all of town -
iitwnsnip nuw ui isnso , ... ...
- - ',"" ""', , , , ,.. ,
This district is planted 3,4oU scrrs In
winter wneui, oiu in sir.i.K "
eres In osts. tins gives 19 per,
Salem Bank Deposits Total
Over $6,500,000 On July 1
The four banks in Salem ha 1
csuie from the treasury department for a statemeut, th- -m. el '?
5'Jii,fl1.62. .
When tho t' nt.i? J.m: Sf . 191S. the total amount on lc;t
among tho four ba.ms amounted to ,4;i4,t5.".25.
The deposits in the f..ur eity banks, ss shown by their reports fol
lowing tho June 30, 1919. cs!l
Lad I Bush
United States Nstionr.l
Capital National
Salem Bank of Commerce
send some time discussinf the league
situation with him. Completely disprov
ing reported friction lietwees JliUh
cocli and the president, it wss stated
todny at Hitchcock's office that he hn
been informed "tho white bouso latch
string will be out to him at any time"
The foreign relations committee today
ununimously passed the Johnson reso
lution requesting President Wilson, if
not compatible with public interest, to
send the committee drafts of all lea
gue of nations plans submitted to the
peace conference, particularly the 1
erienn plan and all the debate concern
ing the league.
Treaty Being Studied (
There was no objection to the reso
lution. The committee then began for
mal reading of the peace treaty,
ator Ixi'e doing the reading. Tha
committee skijqied for tho time beinir
the league of nations covenant and th
outline of Oermanr V boiindiii'ies and
begun reading, the poHtlcsl clsnsrs for
Mnny sections were ''reserved" by
committee members, who wish to call
them up later for discussion and pos
sible amendment. Reading- Is to be con
tinued tomorrow.
Senator Hitchcock "indicated today
thnt it is practically certain that it
the committee wishes to consult Ircn
ident Wilson it will have to go to the
white house.
Senator Poinh todny tried to get
senate action on his resolution asking;
information concerning a protest by
Amoricau peace dclo'a!cl again tho
Shantung settlement. .Senator Hitch
cock asked Hornh to let the resolution
go over until tomorrow
threatening to
j ing with 105 planted reeenll). Thera
...i.i ... .... ... -
,un-" " ,a" V' , " ' , W ,f-
wheat, 21 spring wheat, 2. m pota-
(Continued on psge three)
ondeposit June 30, 1919, when a call
are as loliows: