Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 14, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Journal Want Ad
U 9
8 I S I
Piedmont Peanut Oil
is tlie finest of all American tatle
and cooking oils.
Before being pressed the nuts
are carefully graded and sorted, and
all defective ones removed insur
ing the consumer the purest and best
edible peanut oil .it is possible to
The food
the nut
Twelve Prominent Seattle
Men Indicted As Result Of
Disappearance Of Liquor n?(
i in . i v II II in I til u
9 Wilt. li'uihM a Co., lac. J
l T.-- ' a , Kjseaaai mi ' -u-
couiitance to fill the vacancy caused
Seattle, Wash., July 14. Pronators by the rcsignntiun of W,. R. MeKenrie,
hero were preparing toila-v to push to also of Portland. -the
limit case against twelve proml-Vula enilwyp ahrdlii nurtrpy t
nent men indicted Saturday afternoon! jn aaition to the telegrams tlit
liv the (land jury investigating the dis- have gone to the Oregon delegation at
appearance of 864 quarts of whiskey Washington from Mayor lSaker, Port
from the eouiitv-eity building ou the land, as well as other prominent busi
ui"ht of June 4. " I"118 nt P'tblie m(ln Governor Olcott
Superior Judge Clay Allen, former has sent tho following night letter ti
oeaker of the house of representatives - member with regard to the tela
W. W. Conner, Chnrios Heifacr, former ?" tnlte "tuatioa. .
chairman of the state democratic com- t u,,nibr ?f l,0,"t" "
rnittee; Dr. 11. C. Lyons, Dr. Frederick T'TJ'L "U' T. !
Nichols and the seven otners nnmcd
. j
ny tlie grnim jury were snout tuuay as
tliey prepared for defense. jURt thp difficulties, but lacks authority
With the return of the indictments tu Rttin concrete results. Any effort on
the grand jury filed a "partial report," v(Ur part to nid in on amicable adjust
in which Sheriff John Stringer is criti- niet1t of the difficulty would be sin
fined sharply for alleged carelessness In eerely appreciated."
the handling of the whisky which pre- 1 1
cipitated the calling of the grand jury, n J fnr,rr Vnr Tuacilav
"I'd rather be indicted a Uor.cn times
over than have such a report made on
me peilisoiuilly," Sheriff Stringer com
moiiiotl 'Mt iimctienllv nccusrs Hie of
stealing a lot of whiskv. The report
doesn't even ask me what bem-me of
the Heusirea whiskv but leaves the flivs-
tfrvhigh ii4 drt." '' ' ' ' '
Cools the stomach, washes out the
Imwels.- drives out iiwpurttie a, helps
tkt liver it's Hollister'a Rocky Moun-
tain Tea. Take it once a week during
tot weather, and see how happy and
eontented you'll be. 3.".c. Tea or Tab-
Jo". D- J. Fry.
' ' ,
.l!nilCPr! I flffC Iff SnnirP
Division Are Sold Today
Portland, Or,., July 14. Ail of the
logs cut by the spruce production cor
nnntion and left flouting in the Co
lumbia river were sold today to the
Multnomah Lumber Hot company by
the government corporation. There
were M.OOO.OOO feet, of which 33,000,000
were spruce. The rignre was in excess
of firtO,nno and was an arlvnne ofl the
market price. F. A. Pouty is president
of the Multnomah company. The logs
re located between Astoria and Port-
I ,
Constipation cause, headaches, sal-
low color, dull .icklv eyca-yon feel
out of torts all over. Hollister'a Koeky
Mountain Tea will banish constipation,
regulate your bowels, purify your atom-1
You'll feel abettor all over. D. J.
Attorner General Ilrown is in receipt
of a communication from S. O. Cor-
roll, of Baker, secretarv of the Oregon
"', , ,. u . . , ,
smneBuu iiorsr nuwn n..n....,
charging that many i:
,t;.tri,. Homers
of the state are neglecting to enforce
i.:i.ui k .1.! .
nv mw it.'iiiihiiiik ii" -.itii.iin-ni v.
cattle acroM the state befure thy ha e
rass,-d i.,s,.ct.on In reply the attor-
ry general point out that the dis '
trict attornev, are handicapped by the
fact that the law does nut apply to :
onsignments of wttle that may be,
driven from one part of the state to.H
Try 'em for
breakfast and
get converted
lb corn flakes life cm
i ative,
la this respect it is inoper-
Governor OUott has recently appoiut.
Arthur Porridge of Portland, as a
member of the rotate Board ot Ac-
UUIIVIUIM - S Winn II rm jiuiiTB fim i
employing companies. The state board
f -,olu.mtlfim has endeavored to ad-
uuu wuwvi nvi iuvxuuj
Evening Announced
wnr Steellminmer, director of the
Cheriian band, announces an especially
P..d program for Tuesduy evening at 8
,'oi'k iB Villson park. It 1 as fol-
March "Cxvalcade"
Overture "Niagara"
.. Chambers
... BoUtger
Waltz "Marguerite"
"Hearts and Flowers".
Overture "Hungarian Comedy"
Keler Bela
Interiiie.i "Flower Girl" Wenrlch
Reverie ""Wayside Chapel" ....Wilson
Overture "Silver Bell" ....Schlepegrell
March "Co I'd"
"Star Splnnged Banner'
miiBT uniiQc Kvm
III the injunction proceeding-, brought
iiy the Naiom Kings i'ruuuct company
against .1. W. Lar'ollottc, the court
granted the injunction asked for. This
requires Mr. Lafollette to deliver to
the company at rVi e.en1s,,but the com
.panv is ordered to plnce on deposit
with the. county clerk, as Mr. Lafol-
Jfttc delivers, the difference between
r,K- -ons and the market pr.e of
"! Then at the close of the season
he case will be tried on its merits. If
'' ' "' "r ""
ey. Jf not,
the Salem Kings Products
gels it.
In the case of Herschbnch t Son vs
I. L. Van Poren for work done and
'materials furnished on a Ford truck,
jthe court decided in favor of the plain
tiffs. Mr. au poren enn now pay the
amount asked, .".!u'.i0, with an extra
attorney's bill, or the truck will
" ,B , ' '
be sold on the lien for the amount al-
" h
... , . ,
In the ease of Ivde Harris against
i,..iM., u...A...... .- .i.
iVT "." ,v"u' " 1 1
defendant AitsMers, ad'uitiin'2 tlie lli
contract, ndniittwig the dans? was at-
... ii ... .... .i.: l-
; h
j,,,, ,,,,,, ,oi.t,g that the pres -
,K ... , " , ,
jn , ,.,,,,,;,. '
6 "
Th, wlit of V. Itromlev against I.,
ikKndd,n ,,M bffH di,miswd fnr
want of prosecution.
The final account of Charles Hart
nan, as executor of the estate of John j
llartuian, deceased, ha been appiov-;
ed liv the cuiintv court. I
The circuit court in Judje OeorifC
K Bingham's department is in srssina
Ithis week. This aftemoon, there waa
heard the arguments in tsie crtie of
rcrn versus the .Mate ac.'irlent com
mission. July I.i is elated f,r the di-'
oi) with
vrce ca-e of Tornidge anainst Tiirn-,l'e thrust Bioa tuin. j -n(, -; appointed a committee to
idic. July 10 there will , heard is I It is eonsid. red a fact lier,. tiiat the renmn negotiations with the indopend
the morsing the eaa f 4apte- vs Al-' property William O. M' Ad.io purrhaw-d ant hiD owners,
i , ... - t. !. , . .. . .... . . .. "
ien, an'i in ine Birernixin tnat or
Hoesheimer vs Hoedighelmer. n di
vorcc caw. For Julv 17, rtnre is S"t
Longview, Texas. July 11. Fourteen
white citizens of Oregg couufi were nr
rested bv state rai;gers this afton.ooii.
i harg.-l with assau t with iiif 'it to kill
in roiineetifin with list week's a-.d Sun-
day's race riols. Xu r.r.me were made
Success Of Mcrdianfisiag.GovOTor'UicsCcBgr'essEen
Event Evident la Big Sales
Bargain Tay in Salem, last Saturday
was one .of the busiest days ever ex
pcrieneed bv the merchants in Salcin
Itk; amd tt tin mtiv..r4A.l Alnio-.l !
of all who displayed the Harbin Day
ariK The 4llicitr given the day
brought hundreds of people from dis
tant points, all attracted byjhe spe
cial ottering.
Almost without exception,, merchants
did a regular (and oftice business. In
most of the stores, it bean early and
continued steady throughout the day.
"The biggest business we ever had in i
one day'' as the -general expression
when akedas to how thins were in a
business line Saturday.
This expression cuuie not only from
the stores that have been in business
just a few years, tiut from those that
have been going through slt-einl sale
fur tin" past 10 or 1" years.
Another special feature noted was
the fact that fully one half of the
trade came from people who do not
make it a business to come to Salem
to do their trading. But the story from
day to day of what-the merchants real
ly intended to offer, even with an ad
vancing market, brought them to the
There is a generally expressed opin
ion that cooperative advertising for a
sale in July and possildy in January
or February pays, not enly from a bus
iness standpoint for special offering,
but to bring to the city distant trade
that has not as yet become acquainted
with tho ealem merchants. Anyhow, a
number of stores broke- the record Sat
nrdav. Charges Of Profiteering And
VVaste AreMadeByho-
1 W I
videzce Paper.
Washington, July 14. Charges 01
waste and profiteering in tho produc
tion of spruce from Pacific forest i for
army airplanes were ready for presenta
tion to the house committee investiga
ting war department expenditure, by
tho Providence (R. I.) Journal toiiny.
Affidavits were prepared purporting
to show that under the dep.iitmin.n
cost-plus plan, the government paid
$0.j0 a thousand feet for spruce which
private concern secured for iiG to ITS
a thousand. , '
Oilier charges prepared by the Journal
Hundreds of miles of two-inch plank
road were built into isolated forests and
never used.
Supplies were carelessly thrown into
s. mud hole and stoves were left in the
0en and ruined.
Lumber intercuts influenced army of
ficers bv "wild parties. "
Out of 21,000 feet of spruce delivercfi
to a Massachusetts factory, inspectors
passed only 400 feet.
Several eamiis were started with
large numbers of men and then midden
ly abandoned.
Portland Man Killed In
Gruesome Accident; Head
Is Crushed By Elevator
Portland, Or, .Tulv 14. William G.
Schutte, 34, was killed today when his
neck was broken in a gruesome eleva
tor accident.
Hehntte, who formerly lived at Cor
vallis, made dive for the elevator of
the Aiusworth building as it was leav
ing the basement. He slipped, and the
floor of the elevator smashed his head
against the. ceiling of the first floor
of the building.
Mrs. .Nora MeGinnis, who was run
ning the elevator, tried to reverse it
and release Schutte. Hhe succeeded,
onlv to see Schutte ' foody swing un
der the elevator. Then she fainted. The
elevator crashed down on Schutte 'a life
less bodv.
Mrs. McGitinin was taken to the emer
gency hiwpital where she became hys
.Schutte was unmarried. He was s
meter reader for the Curt land Railway
i.i,.i. ,rn-.
and had!
been readmz the meter of the Ains
north building.
y... , - Q9ft r.
WlSGn S lU UmpaJp
t i . m srl
Launched; This Tbe It's
For Head Of School Board
Santa Rnrbarn, Cal., July 11, Wood
row Wilson's lf-0 camjiaigit has been
Understanding that the president, if,
he does not ajjain run for the presidency
will make his home at Monteeito, resi -
,l,.nt nf thst exclusive tnwn i.av .1..-
cided to hake Jiiin head of the school
The president, himself, has not yet
been advised of the honors, but the
P""'" w:iui":us inai cutuuu
last ial at .innieciro is lo lit l.ie site
n( two new honies one for Woodron
I Wils- and the other McAdoo,
j Portland, Or., July 14. X. X. P.liim
Cr-fiadt of Kninirr proved himself the
'.best ra;ishoofer of 4f men gathered herei
j lestenl.-.y for a handicap shoct. He'
aid five others tied with perfect scores'
of .",n. bnt I'.l inmensaadt Won is tha
,hvt off.
To Oppose Levy On
Lojaa Jsce.
Supplementing the efforts of the
j-Portlaad chamber of commerce to se
cure the repeal of the 10 per cent tax
on loganberry juice. Governor ulectt
Mi today forwir.ieu to each member
of the Oregon delegation the following
"After the expenditure of many
hundreds of thousands of dollars pro
gressive cifitchs ef the tate of lre
yon have developed aa industry of in-
tcmutional importune out ef the uses
of products of the loganberry. Oregon
is receiving not only hundreds of thou-
sandy of dt'llnrs annually for her eiti
xns through the developwisat ef these
product, but has secured advantages
of, almost inestimable value through
the wonderful avstent of national and
internal iovJil ptibhcitv which has-l
grown out of the loganberry business.
"Congress has assessed a ten per
cent tax agaiest the gross selling price
of toganberrv juice. Kail rntis on glass
bottles, aa well as on the finished pro
duet have increased niateriallv during
the iwst few -ers and the life of the
industry is threatened. What promised
to be one or the mightiest industries
ever originated on the Pacific coast
may be throttled practically in its in
fancy unless some relief is afforded.
"As governor of the slate may 1
ask von to use your most earnest ef
forts to assist in removing the tax
which may force this industry to the
wallt The tax in atself means but lit
tle to the federal government, but the
industry, to Oregon, is one of such
magnitude as to deserve the most de
cided effort to save it from destruc
tion." in
School Superintendent Enthus
i,chV Ov.r MilwaW
sranjc W i W 1I1HII SaftW
Superintendent J. A. Churchill re
turned yesferdav from , Milwaukee
where he has been in attendance upon
the sessions of the Nnttonal Educational
association, which he characterizes as
one of the most Important as well aa
largOHt meetings 1:1 tho histoiy of the
organization. Oregon had thiitecn rep
resentatives present, mining them Coun
ty Huperinteiideiit.Alderson of Multuo
mah, Mrs. Jennie jiiehnrdson, president
of the Portland Urndo Teachers asso
ciutiun; George B. Thomas of tho Port
land school board and K. H. Whitney,
assistant auperintendent of MulUiomuh.
Mr. Chnrch ill states that somo of
tho most important problems now be
fore the educators of the country were
brought up and exhaustively discusser)
in the meeting. Anion,1; them was tho
matter of vocational education, which
is occupying the center of the stage in
publie interest throughout the nation.
Much discussion . was also given tho
matter of Americanization, tho county
school unit of administration and the
elimination of illiteracy. On this lat
ter phase some astounding figuica were
presented as tu the number of illeintes
and their influence upon aoeiul and la
bor conditions.
The association went on record unani
mously in fnvor of the federal education
department as provided in the (smith
Towner bill, and also endorsed the mill-
imuin salary of lOOO for grade teach
Superintendent Alderson was made
the Oregon representative on the board
of directors, while the state of Wash
ington was honored with the piesidency
i I the person of Mrs. Josephine Preston,
superintendent of that tute.
R-34 Lanls On Farm Of
Portland Man Near London
Portland Ore., July I4.-The It 31,
when it completed its round trip to the
TtrTTish Isles, hinded on the farm of a
Portland man. II. T. Witham today de
scribed how the farm of his boyhood
davs in Knglnnd has been converted
into a huge landing place of 500 acres
jof dirigibles. Acrodomes 700 feet long,
built of steel, have been set up there.
Shipping Board Offer Of
Increased Wages Refused
New York, July 14. The United
Hate shipping board a offer of a 10
monthly increase in wages and an eight
hour dav while in lort, wa rejected by
the strikin amen this afternoon.
Tim Marine Firemen,
Marine Firemen, Water Tenders
and Oilers Union announced it would
j"ot consider the offer unleM it in!nd
d the demand for a day of three shifts
instead of two.
Shipping board officials declared it
was imKiLlile to ojiemte with three
ishifts, because the ncareity of sem"n
did not permit an increase in the size
"'if the crews.
Tha Original
raised milk
For Infanta ncl Invtvo
AJ aW Vvilst4
anrf heals
sicic skins
Rinol is what yon w.int f it yur s'. iiv
trouble Resim.l tojft'i!ie in iiin-'iiHl
burning Resrwl to t!c t mpikm.
Tliis gentle ointment is so effective ilut
k has been a stndird skin treatment
arming physicians, lor many years. It
contain notiiing which coiiid irritate
the tenderest skin even a tiny Iwby.
A'.l ln.fci bw. Trial Wm
DtlL J-k, Knlnt.l, baltimun, Md.
Secret Service Men Revea!
New Development In
Seattle Slaying.
Seattle', Wash., July 14. Secret wty-
ice agents in Seattli are seeking "tho
woman in the case" of Fred W, Dow
sey, government agent, who was slain
here May 2. Investigator are proceed
ing on the theory that Dowse v was
slain to hush up a probe of K.n alleged
theft of millions in war time shipbuild
ing activities in the northwest.
This woman, whose name has not been
revealed, is aaid to have been in the
employ of the men whom Dowsey was
investigating at the time of hia death
She is believed to hnve been put On
Dowsey 'a trail, hired by her employers
in an effort to pump hiin, but it is be
lieved by government agents that Dow.
sey turned the tables on her, and se
cured information from her of the ut
most value to the government 'i ra.if.
A visit to a certain bungalow in
Olyinpin made yesterday by to nccrot
service agents, and one which wus sup
nosed to lend to the acquisition of vnlu
able evidence, was said by ono of the
agents to have been unproductive. But
new records in the hands of the federal
men are being examined, and are be
lieved to hnve substantial .bearing on
the case. These records may be the
means of securing new witnesses,
That tho men who arc suspected of
being implicated in the gignntie ahip
building swindle are under almost fon
stnnt surveillance by the most expert
"shadow men" in the service Of the
government was one of the wo&t start
ling disclosures todny. The movements
of these men arc being followed and
noted, and it is believed that they will
shortly fall into tho meshes of the net
spread for them by the aeciti avrvlce
men now in Seattle.
K. IT. K
iPittsbniir 4 10 1
New York - 5 T 1
Miller and Schmidt ; Causey, Win
ters, Diibue and MeCarty.
St. I,on is 1 4
Brooklyn 3 10
Ainca and Iilhoeferj Mamiuaux and
-iiu'liinnti 1
Philadelphia 1 10 1
Mioue, Mitchell and ltnrulen; raca-
nrd anil Clarke.
Chiuairo 5 9 2
Boston 5
Vaughn and Killifer; Drmarcc, Che
ney and Oowdy.
Washington - 0
Cleveland 5
Harper and lharritj'( Jasper and O
Neill tsexen inning)
New York 0 4 3
Detroit 3 H 0
Uninn and liuel; Leonard and Am
ain i III,
bust on 3 8 1
Chicago 11 1
Jones ami Scliang; Williams and
Philadelphia "
St. uia 0
Naylor and McAvuy; Wciliuun and
Mevereid (seven inning".)
Radiators, Fenders and Gns Tanks
Tractor Radiators a Specialty
All work guaranteed, 19S S. 12th St.
Salem, Oregon. 8 1
cars of
Yick So Tung
Chinese Medicine and Tea Oa.
Gat medicine which will eurs any
known disease.
Open Sundavs from 10 A. li.
until g P. H.
f 1.j3 South High St.
I Salem, Oregon Phone 233
s t'ndcrtskera
252 North nigh Street
Quick Reference To Firms That Give Service On Sborl
Where Buyer And Seller Meet We
Recommend Our Advertisers.
Salem Eleetri Co., Uasonia Temple,
FOB SAIJi Good 5 room houaa with
modern conveniences on large lot,
abundance of fruit, on paved street.
6 room house, small barn and 3 fine
lots with abundance of fruit, only t
blocks froa paved street and school.
tl0. Squar Peal Sealty Co. tf
Opponents Of Daylight
Saving Bl la Attempt
To Override Yeto Today
Washington, July 14. (Lui-
ted Press.) The attempt to
$ override the president' veto on
the davlight saving repeal failed
in the house today.
Opponents of daylight saving
lucked 23 votes of the two-
thirds necessary to pass Ike a
measure over tho president 'k
The finul vote on the ugricul-
4c tural bill to which the repealer
was a rider, was 57 for to 1.U a)
against with on member voting
present. 1
-After the vote the bill was re-
4c ferred to the agricultural com-
mittee. It will probably be re-
ported to tho house lata toduy
$ in in its the rider.
4c Democratic Leaders Clark and 4c
Kitchii, as well aa many other
4c democrats, voted against the 4
4 - president. .
Portland, Or., July 14: Eighty aol-
iliers from Newport News, Va., arrived
here this afternoon aud stopped off for
few hours before continuing their
trip to Camp Lewis, whera they will be
Call 398. Highest pricea paid for
Junk, aacoBd hand good aud machin
ery. Be sure and call 398, get th right
prices. Tba Ktiiara deal housa.
271 Chemeketa St Salem, Or.
4c 4c 4
Capital Journal
Daily Market Report
aTXtnatsa '
Wheat. soft white s.lO
Wheat, lower grades oa sample
Oata, new
Hay, cheat, new
Uay, oata, now .
Harlcy toa
Mill rua
, 15r18
... 13ti17
.. $4S(i.uO
Batterfat ;
Creaaery butter -
Pork. Vaal an Mutton
Pork on foot laSiCilSc
Veal, fancy - I'X'MOv
Htoera -:Hyec
Cowa m'to
Sm-ing lambs 10(Olle
Sheer, vearlings . 7
ggi aai Pouttxy
Eggs, cash - Wv
H?ms, live -- 2224e
Old rooatcra I8
Rrnilnrs 83c
Hnilishna. enz 43c
PoUtoea - 2
New potatoes c
Qrcen onions dot -
Onions sack fo.60
Cabbage W
Head lettuco wt
Bunch beeta ...... 43
Cantaloup t(i4..".0
Watermeloni - SV-jC
Oranges 15. 3(oW.iw
Lemons, box - alias
California grnne fruit 90
Hs-ev, extracted
Eggs, dozen
Creamery butter
Country' butter
Flour, hard wheat S3.HiS3.25
Portland Market
Portland, Or., July I4.-Hn;ler, city
creamery Siftroao
Eggs, selected local cx 4"ilu.'j0c
' liens 27fo28c
Broilers --to iUle
Cheese, triplets 37o'i ,3He
Receipts 1579
Tone of market higher
linnd to choice steers H. '' IO..iU
Fair to good steers Sfii9.."0
Common to fair steers I7(a7j)0
Oood to choice cows and heifers
7..-07i 8.."0
Medium to fair cows and heifers
fanners "iCoB
Bulls l'o7
Calves '.Ka 14
Receipts 1333
Tone of market hither
Prime mixed 'irl'n --"'
Medium mixed :'l. '.'.".? .l.."n
Rough heavies SI!i.7.Vo20
Pigs t)l9.J5'i720.25
127 North High-
.Uaia 1
AUTOS without drivers ta aire, 1 dol
lar per hour. 197 3. Coiu. t. Pas
We will way you mor cash for yos
household goods. Get (rat bid befora
you sell. Peoples Furniture and Hard
ware Store, i71 N. Com. St. Phoaa
NO CASH REQUIRED Good evareoil
shoes and suits, all kinds of anuia
al instruments, shotguns, rifles, ke
ing stoves, gal stoves, suit case aai
1000 other useful articles to tell a
trade. What have youl Th Capital
Exchange. 337 Court 8t. Paoaa 43 ,
YOUR used furniture, atovej, earpetf
and tools, as we pay fair pricea lot
everything. Call 847
Tl'RE UO. ;
2S3 N. Coral St.
Hats Blacked
HAT BLOCKING I elean and We
ladioa' and Men's hats. Just re
ceived a hat renovating machine. II
getg the dirt, Try rt once. O. B.
Ellsworth. 45 Court St, Salem, Or.
50 years experience. Depot Natioaa
and American fonea.
Sires 20 to 68 in. high
Paints, oil and varnish, ats.
Lojisajterry and hop hooks.
Salem Fence and Stove Wor.a,
250 Court street, Phons i24.
I A. Rowland Furniture Sbra
Buys, sella and sxchangea new tact
2d hand furniture. All hinds at
repair work, light grinding, ffflaf,
and brazing a specialty. E'-i'-l
prieea. 247 North Commercial tit.
Phone 16.
refuse of all kinds removea oa moats
ly contracts at reasonable ratas
Cess pools cleaned. Dead s-lmabj ra
moved. Offica phona Main 10T.
Oa Goed Real Eat ats Security
Over Ladd Bush bank; Satam Orago
eent interest. Prompt eerTise. 84 i
years time. Federal farm loaa he4t
for sale. A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401 Ma
aonie Temple, Salem, Oregoa.
LNSCTBAKCB COTjyC4tr-For Iras 1"'
formation about Life Iasuiaaas aaa
J. T. Hutchison, dist. maaagsa fas'
tha Mutual Life of N. Y., affiaa al
871 Stats St., Salem, Or. OtHea
phone 99, residence 1398. M
Our Pricea are Eight
M. ZANDLLK, Preptiatar
, Summer Street, Salom, Orefoa
1255 N
mowers grouad by machinery; all
kinda of grinding, lock imithipg, ra
brellas recovered, light repairing or
all kinds. 347 Court Ut.
McCornsck hsll on every Tussd-y
t 8. Walter Lenon, C. C, P. J
Kuntz, K. K. m S.
ROYAL Neighhora of America, Ors
gon Grape camp No. 13C0 meet
Thursday evening in UcCornack haH
Elevator r-vic. Oracle, Mrs. Car
rie E. Bunn, 648 Union St; recor
der Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1413 N.
4th" St. Phn 143fiM
bly No. hi meets first Thursdujr of
each month at 8 p. m. in MasoufiS
Temple, tile a a - Mies, M. A.; C A.
Vibbert, secntnry. 340 trwens street.
eorner Commercial and Trals street
Bills payable monthly la advaaea.
Phone K) .
Out of GO students in the pnaraaey
department of the University of Wash
ington this year 30 are wnmea.
To replace the old building recently
burned, the school district of Eiapira,
in Coos county, has voted funds aX
Bulk 422
Receipt i!7l
Tone of market I'eady
Primo lambs !2.tl3
Fair to medium lambs 012 r
Yearling' S'Vol
Wethers 7.58