Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 12, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Editorial Page of The Capita
Editor tad Fablishe
July li, 1919
Published Every Evening: Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon.
- - w AiArAAJAxuwAfvvAAAAvvvv
Addreta All Communication To . .
(Fle Bailn fnmtnl Ifounml
139 S. Commercial St.
Dally. It Carrir, per year 5.00 Per Month-
Daily by Mail, per year , , 3.00
Per Month
W. D. Ward. New York, Tribune Building.
W. E. Stoeawell, Chicago, People's Oaa Budding
The war rates on first-class mail matter have now
been lowered, and letters may be mailed for two cents an
ounce as formerly. Post cards are likewise reduced from
two cents to the old one-cent rate.
It may seem a trivial thing. Many people say they
tare little what the letter rate is thev spend so small a
45e'part of their income on postage. But it is no trifle to
.as. the government. That extra cent on letters and post
cards increased the postoffice revenues $120,000,000 in
less than two years. -
You paid it. Everybody paid it, though some natur
ally paid more than others. It bore with special weight
(Continued from pa,;e cne)
rha DailT Capi-al Journal earrier boyt are instrtieted to put tha papert on the i v" lu ;i uoc l"c lluula 1,txl 'UI CUI"
wth. If' the earner does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the paper respondence and advertising.
U you ea time, kindly phone the eirculation manager, an thii it the only way) j resulted in ROIT1P lispflll imnrnvprnonts inrl rp.
e d.tormine whether or not the curriers aro foUowing in.tructioae. Phone 11 1 "UUCU lit bume UbllUl improvements ana Te
ll beore 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be sent you by special messenger if Uw'lOrmS, SUCh aS Stopping the Wasteful old practice of al
ssrrier kai missed you. iW3VS gfcnrlilT reef ints for small n.lvrnpnt s PVPn whpn thpv
, , ii O 1 " I' J x,v Vvj
la the only newspaper la Salem waive eirculation la guaranteed by the
Audit Bufeau Of Circulations v
If stumping tours arc resorted to in the case of the
peace treaty, it will be the first time in the history of this
country that such a thing has been done. In all previous
cases the senate has been left to the work of accepting or
rejecting the proposed terms without direct appeal to
popular opinion.
It is perhaps a good thing that this most important
are made by checks, which, when endorsed, are good
enough receipts for anybody. It also stopped cluttering
the mails with some useless correspondence. But in the
main, it was a tax on useful communication and thus a
tax on intelligence and constructive business. So it is
well abolished.
The government still needs money, but it can raise it
better in some other way for example, in the form of
taxes accruing from the profits on increased business due
to lower postage.
According to E. F. Dunne, former governor of Il
linois, the statement of Sir James MaePherson regarding
the British government's stand on the matter of Irish in-
treaty in the world's history should be presented directly dependence was a failure if it was designed to serve a
. . . sr.i .. l 1 . T M 1 i i
to the people. The people are vitany concerned m ail us .propaganda purpose in America. Lanewise, we mignt cite
Robert O. Paulus told t'ae growers
most emphatically that any statement
that the Orvuoa Urowers' Co-operative
association wan associated with Cali
fornia interest was a moat uchixrate !
lie. Iu referrinto the prune situation,
he attitl thst had the prune men been
u.yiinucd one your ago and had re
ceived market prices this yeai, it would
have placed more than tkiu,t00 ia tiieir
The new associution has been rcooiv
iiu;; the most enthusiastic siij Hrt from
all parts of the state. It develop, i! in
the meeting this after .oon that thei
Hoschiirg growers had signed up, that :
all of the Neotts Mills district favored
the association, that all Mterii'nn jjrow-j
ers had signed, that at the meeting in;
Eugene last evening 20u) acres hud1
been signed Inst night and tiuit from!
I districts, most encouraging reports
were being received ditilv.
YaYj I
ly In
Ccoyrlfht sctbtcrel. 191
provisions, and they are the real judges.
There is-one great danger however, in this public ap
peal, and that is that crafty political purposes may be
hidden under the eloquent and stirring language, and
people may be led by fiery and catching speeches to make
false deductions. This ha3 been done in many a cam
paign on less important issues.
other propaganda failures in connection with the Irish
situation, such as the attempt to interest the United States
senate in taking up the Sinn Fein issue.
Mayhap there is something in the assertion that the
women who should be allowed the ballot do not want it.
Down in California the anti-suffradsts are calling upon
To guard against this it is most durable that men of Governor Stephens to resist the appeals being directed at
clean views and purposes should be chosen to present ar- him to call a special session of the legislature 4o ratify
guments for and against the treaty, including the League; the federal suffrage amendment because of the expense
- - o - r . i
of Nations, and that audiences should be on their guard
against specious, misleading oratory. The man who
cannot back his statements with clear, concise reasons
understandable to the plain people should be driven from
the platform by popular disapproval.
Great issues are at sta"ke, and it is a pity th;it party
politics can enter. But if every voter will make an earnest
effort to inform himself on the League of Nations, which
is of course the stumbling point, and will subscribe to no;
argument wnicn is not maniiesuy iree irum puny ur yt-i-sonal
prejudice, a minimum of harm will be done by the
mere speech tricksters.
What the country now wants is information, rot pol
itics, nor oral fireworks.
Prohibitionist warriors in congress may find handi
cap in a summer session.
incident upon an extra session, a matter of $12000.
By Walt Mason
The nation can get out of the League of Nations in
two years if it disapproves of the League. The nation
can get one-third of the United States senators out cf their
jobs in less than two years if it disapproves of them.
A man may be insane without being a murderer and
yet, to all appearances, the reverse is seldom true.
Hunting a Husbana
1 mw a new look eomo over Captain
H'tnnvau 's face. lie respected me.
I'erliiiiis I Hi not so much fun. Hut he
li.i.l learned thnt I was not the kind I
j carefree gnyety of attractive girls, and
en, who count for something.
(Witndhiirn Independent, fie,.
Why not be broad minded enough, re
gr.rdlen of party affiliation, to ac
knowledge that President Wooiirow
Wilson by his work has do le more thun
any other man to bring the war to an
end, nml that he has saved the sacrifice
of millions of livesf This woa'd be nil
initted by nil if it were not fof the
partisanship that is easing .t.way on
the finer sense and libernlit of mind
of those who lire guided by the thought
of partv welfare. All should be Amer
ican enough to recognize and frankly
admit the eminent ability and wonder
ful accomplishment of their president
in behalf of humanity and democracy.
Were he a Republican in politics ho
would be in some eyes the-en ntest man
living. In our opinion he tetiirns to
America more of an American than
cither a Pemocrat or Republican. Ho
may first have to retire from party pol
itics or puss awny, but ho will go down
in history as ono of the great American
The weekly report of the industrial
uci'li'iit Commission shows that dur
ing thn past week there have been re
ported from all parts of the state ft to
tal of 32l) accidents the smallest num
ber reported duiing the. yen r. Of this
number there were four: fatalities as
follows: .John Dovle, logger, Waldport;
Win. Morsev. instruction worker, Oak
land; ). R. I'rather, night watch, Seotts
Mills; Ted Howard, Salem, trespasser
run over liy street ear. Of the total
number 2IMi were subject to the pro
visions of the cihmpcnsa:itm act.
sseth L, Roberts of Portland was ap
pointed by (iovernor )lcott yesterday
to succeed .1. W. Kergusnn on the state
hoard of accountancy, ths latter hav
ing resinned to nccopt a place on the
indus; rial accident commission.
Deputy Mivri'tarv Koaer is in receipt
of a nujnber of letter -from men in the
service inquiring lis to the possibilities
thnt could be idly kissed iiimI forgot
lint in, that pause I felt 1 had been of svuiing farm lauds in the VV ilium-
weighed; und found wanting. 1 wai "f ynllcy or eUeivhere an Ore'jon, and
,,v .Mr i , . c -i he will undertake to cover all these in-
" No sport. I was ulniost out of it. L , i , , ,
'P published Inter. (Ii.e of the late Comma-
Not "Next Week"
-but "Today"
One of the very first things to do, when
you get your new car 13 to come around to
battery headquarters. '
Drive right in. Have your battery registered and
get the benefit of Willard 90-day Battery Insurance.
It only takes a few minutes and may mean months
of added life to your battery.
At the same time ask us to post you on the few
simple rules of battery care that must be followed to
get most service and longest life out of your battery.
Be sure to ask for a copy of the booklet "Willard
Service and You."
Degge k Burred
Auto Electric Shop
Phone 203 418 Court St.
We test, repair and re
charge storage batteries,
and always carry a full
supply of battery parts,
new batteries and rental
two sisters, all of whom have the deep-
est sympathy of the iiitire commuuity.
Aurora Observer.
$50 Bond For Ex-Service
I Men Suggested In Measure
I Washington, July 11. Provisions for
The cocktails came. The gtils :
u.l.:t.. f :.n.. ..l i .. .1 iilimi n. ..rt' ...11.. .
n"K, nuiii- 1 111 it I'm cu tt't 41 ininfi 1 'i""i's in'iii nn iiiniti nun in a
int m v place. I plan to or i;u in . a cooperative its"oeia-
The death of Willard C. Carot'uers,
son of Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Carolliers
of Needy, eame as a shock to the ninny
friends of this fine younjj man. Ho
died at the home of his father Twxlav
eveniiii!. July 1. 1919. of heart trouble.
lie was aired ltf years, 11 months and ; ",rv """," sa""r 'la murinsj
22 days. The funeral took place Thurs- n I,nv 'l"""r 1 "lt,rt '"'e" """I f,,r
lay ufteinooa at the family home, (,nd or,'rv "in,lt" "" mflJnr portion of a
interment at the Rock creek cemetery. ""'"V I'' Mtaea'
He was acutely ill but four day, "'rl1'1' "r'"it i'u- war, is coniameo n
thoutrh troubled a great deal for the " itrnnucetl jn the no use today by
last two vears, nnd was not strong, Kenreseiilutives Jones, Texas,
thoujrh of fine physical flppewauce. . To mn-o such a measure, Jones pro-'
Tlo. vniinir mn wns fnci.rite mnntio Pflslfl l'"1 i'1" tee ret a ry of the tieaM-
a biK circle of friends, lie is survived "r.T ,,n authnrired to issue bonds not to
by his father nnd mother, a brother and pee''1 3.1"JO,000,K)0 bearing iulcrest
i.f fii'i- per cent.
The t-si 1 t m i 11 covered up the nnkirt: Turn sat next to me.
I ne" ef the mUii'iu'. We had diawu " How do you like it, Sara J' he ck
luii iu 1 1 .int el the Kuinl Tree Inn. lie ed, with a sneeo of Ins arm over tin
Sl'MMKR culled 111 a bantering t"ne lo the nthi'is 1 prettv scene.
hi i ue iiiuii.!- imn, 1 -1 iiy ime 11, x said, jjui inert nns
" l.oiWiinir aloui! the way wi,h a choke ill mv voice.
The summer time is here once more, with scented ; i"' U.v i.i," wutied Hate caiu-d 0..1 in i (M..n,inv- .i
tion amonir the army officers fur the
purpose of aciiiirin;' and working ngri
ciiltui.il Ian. Is in (.lugun.
re' urn.
1IUIU 1UI Ull miuii, ukk-M'K favin i', I t A id vet wasn't that what 1 as do
i.ir's voluptuous and sweet; the summer time would bejin-.' i , i,.it,-nnK lum; the way.
u treat, hut for the beastly bugs. The earth is carpeted ,s"(,fi"' 1 " ;'",IUh-,'!
... ' ., . . . I , .11 not hint;. I'eihnps 1 was sl.htiy iore
with green, the smoothest color ever seen, a brilliant blue;nrtt..1iV,. i i,n,i tin., m.w
the skies; sometimes there is a golden haze, and one might j1" r ''" ' k'' taint pink
As n "concrete" bit of evidence on
the controversy over the unit of hi)h
WOV l-liil l,v 1 1,,. 1(1.1,., r, ,,,,(,.
Lie Hetunis lo l.oot.) j ,,,,y ,,,,, hiul)Wllv eomm-iim ha!, in
vmm.'.n 'ihi-ir office several sections of the pav-
DflNAI D NFWS ITFMS ww ;,",,h!v
UVMLU iVMO ULSIJ. ronMitwnryt To nll a!,(Srail(.0, thl.y
, , I form part of a very eood piece of pnv
( apitnl .lournal Speciul Sei ice.) ig.
Donald, Dr., .1 ul v 12-The Fourth was! -
Ihinald, many BOiug to; ben in Donald a
few days visiting his
: dnv.
a ijiiict day
I .. .. i,i ., .,,. r:.. A .t.-.ir, """is. in put ou my simple " I ' "." " ""j- uaugnier, jirs. i.anuer, ana Innuiy.
IDVf UlU Mlllllllfl way, Ulll ii'l uic Jia.-il 11 rtiau- i ,-,,.,,, i(l t...r,. T 11V huw, .Mrs. A. 1.. Kcler mid .lankier, ii, r Jlr, aui Mrs. K. Sehurer of llutte
IT bl'l'd haS Ceased tO SOar. and paUSeS Singing by niV, Thee uirls are fanher nlonij the toad "''' 8I"'' t'vutXh nnd wcetcud ville were Woodbiirn visitor on Thurs
U, ,,,,1.1,, nUH... 1 l,l licfn 4 iJ ennrr ltl'n I. Yet the oldest union.. Inch, is S'''ln- relumniR hun.lay exeiiii.ii, a,
Ml'V-'i , II. 7 (ll 1"U I VIIV....I.W.-, ..in. ..'v..v. v
. .. iL i. . i .1.. i i .i r ... jt. : i . i""1'
in ecstacy, me wnoie uay lor.g, uui ior uie homous ama. ;,.,!. .,.,. ,i. ,.l,i,ii.-nt,.d by the rest.
And I could take mv picnic pail, and have an outing in ; 1 " twetv five.
.1 , .1 i i t..t : r i Hot thev have been iTeiiniiiiir lo.- tlie
me vaie, ana roam sequestered wws, inui hu.ih tor a ,,,, . ,, ;,,, ,,.r tttrt w,!dav i w,ii,ur.
ihvme. and have the blameuest kintl of time, but tor the;.m nh their i,rs,s. t
Slie is considered ex I coinpiiuied home by l.iiella You ,; o,' Sa AI i sa. K. Johnson and three bovs of!
" '" 1 1 in t lanu are Msitimr t the home ot
Mr. and Mrs. T. Yeriten. Mis. Hynn .r parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. 6wan,
and K. Snev of rurtland Sj-ent 1'ii fur the week.
idiiv in the! 'r- '""I 'r"- A. Johnson pe'
.frs. It ich nm Mis. Miller of j
umthsT and sister of A. J. Kteii, v..itrli
fir i '- - ' ' ' ' V
imv snakes. Now on her way proud summer struts.
iiiid but for sundry ifs and buts all man-kind sh" would;.
please; 'twould be a blessing to repose where yonder elm
Its shadow throws, but fur the wasps and Ws. Oh, I
would take my lyre in amis, and sing of summer's gor
geous charms, in most exalted terms, and celebrate her
cue enly ways, her starlit nights and sunny days, but for
the slugs and worms.
And ir I !no been woikn.a Oie r'mirtn in Cortland where they join j j i1)mc, juesday.
Mi oeclini:. i'ii.'t to I'd a posit i
I a pait.v ft em auiuiiver tor ta' oi.y.. iiw Viva liawes r.-tiirned from Sa-
.,r. and .Vis. K lereii ni:,l fsnit'y ! ,,, si n,tv ,.Veniiii; after snendinir sev
eral days with her friend Echo leart
Mrs. M. Dt-Si rt and son. Hal, fame
up from Salem on Wednesday and
and Mrs. J. I., lieisbecu of 1'ort ,oent the ilnv ciuinini' berries pathered
lent the weekend with the 1 front tii!slia-it on tht'ir hom fiucc.
Wesley I'rince of inliformti proa.: hod
at the Iiimald rluirill oil la..t S-.-ndav
i ter 's pi, i cuts. Mr
! Donald.
and Mrs. l.a-ee of
Dun:!1,! rominiinitv. The Knrikte
lie, Is iibont K' nr 1,1 l ickers. Tin-
Established 1868
General Banking Business
Commencing June ICth Banking Hours will be
from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m.
lowly listen until I was iinljneniieut. I
lutil lit Inst I could heln out nt home . veli-ln ateil the fourth iu oo,l
with smnll comforts. And row. I hare Keller served a oil of tin
. .. . I t .... L'..
thrmiu it all up In ro into this new;1""- "'"' " '..
n unc. It is not yet, "I rome, I see, I
, on, (in r. " as I lent ued iii hih school,
litit just, "I some, 1 see"
1 ,an,e bio'k sluiipU fioiu in y reflect
io'is. for Captain Donovan and I were
t:oi ijf up the steps lo the lluad Tree
It is a fnseinatinir f-laee. lly f irvt
eneri,-ii,-e of the kin-1. A ? irn !..wn.
oer whi. h are scattered tabl.s and, d'1-V!' rjH llilli 'he berrb s so fast ' pTartory to placing a minister m the
chairs of itreen. A larj;e amiilli; niv-l""" -ers
it nll. While rr,eiiiu vl .c. fiam- ! e'eaned n.
lu r up "the tiel'U .that shi,t.t out the
s'.i'ut of the mad.
" CiM-ktiils f " Bked James M, i!e,
lie liHik, I aioiii-d at the pu ltv faces of
the Biils.
" l'r me, thmik you, ""or nu.-eiy a
in mI was his answer.
As be eame to n-e 1 shook lav head.
"No?" he asked.
"No. thank Km," I said, I heard
my v,,i.-e. It iMiullded thill.
frank uylor of .Newljerjj was a von-. mor!1i,1)t aid evening to good sised ron
old vi-it-r on Wednesday. .relations. Mr. I'rince is stavinff In
.omu Lerry pi, kers are need, ,1 i-i'thc i,nllid, hviii been sent here'by the
.TT" Presbyterian hurrh beard to iidftview
hot ti n n,-mi(i nii.l liinlr nviir the wituntio-i
If you hava wood to cut or wish to operate light machinery aicmid
the farm you need ono of these m whines.
Ask your dealer for Information, or write the
473 East Main St., Portland, Oregon.
The Story of the Growth of the
Salem Bank of Commerce
As shown by a comparative statement of our resources:
June 30, 1910 $67,020.57
June 30, 1911 : $114,819.91
June 30, 1912 ...?222,12L32
cannot keep them, , flirr. fr tnp Pons!,! church
'and vicinity whl, h is badlv in want of I
Miss K. 1.. Kst.-s came out f.om Port , r,.,j,l,., mien-tor. Mr. Prince it well'
In ltd mi Wed-esdiiv to remaiH awhile on ..,,t i..,;.. I
lor I ,le C,.,r s place wi.ue he is mi Mr,, y Svx-mitlj was K rorfm-d June 30, 1913 s $241,302.07
Portland under a doctor's trommeid-,:,; a Tlmrsdav. . OA
f.om injuries received from a f-.il. Mr. ,,,, x,rt i ha June 30. 1914 S2S7.273.7G
supplies for Mrs. Hoskirw and Oaarles , " uuc uv - ?-13,U-U5l
Jun to camp on the Frank V 'ergen I Jjjrjg 3Q 1916
.k r . 1.. -I ... , II .
iretr sou on ir ciiirianu. iijnpioj
I has sl,i')s-d on a vessel bmded with :.
sir. iicw.iura of fortlainl is (-eri nr.r.1.1 .K,t s,...!, oi.J
ii'S the wck St the t J. Kskj home.
Mr. and Mrs. K. KeiW aid fam
ii v weiitto lVtinml on Thurwlay to
Ids exprcion did not rhu -c. But j K'". "" "' ""r y mr g.,.,-,a ,pres bor;ht in IXinald.
I caught tie I: ft of an ft, biow her.!"""''- . lieltini: a eood vield.
Mr. aid Mrs. Huffsfntter of TouMuin I June oq Jfj OIQ C
e stul busy pu king -eherrier. on thciri $ Ji 1 ,0 IV. 1J
Ther are!
.i .. ,- ... i. .v t - . ! t J. -oev. fsMer nf Tonild bank
in- i, i oi n nii,ti.r nn mr i&iisfi i -
waa almost iinm , eltlde. The la iL-h A- HK'l..r were dinner gncsts
June 30, 1913
ir- fonveratin went on as before. The!"' "nnu'slo'
I -vr. iHijiH'in
nner guests Official fibres of Spok3ne banks on TI1r. "ft 10,1 Q
Wedi,evlsy.l.l, sn show an inereas ia ileposlt JUne uU' iJiJ
r hotel on Wednesday,' June 30 show an increase is. depositi
s 1 -1 - V . . a a i .ia.i a. . . . .
pi inut'if nurnce n ni n.n'.'i' over jnnf sH, 1SI3,