Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 10, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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pa;e :
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PAN 11
... :
Fats per word New Today:
Each, insertion
. le
One week (6 insertions)
One montk (26 insertions)
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion,
foi errors in Classified Advertisements
Seed your advertikemcnt the first day
it appears and notify us inunedi-lely if
rror occurs.
Minimum charge, 13c
CIIKRRY pickers wanted; pay 3o.
Phone 3tf J2. 7-10
HOUSE and lot to exchange for acre
age. Call 1-10 S. 10th. 7-10
.WANTKD Competent stenographer
for office. Phone S30. 7-11
SUtiS cleaned, 40c each. Phone lfi.
ttuckuer. 712
KEF.D baby carriage, good as new,
cheap. Phone WJi. 7-12
1917 TWIN' Indian motorcycle for
sale. Thouo 2503W1. 712
WANTED Large furnished house,
close in. Phone 157S. 7;10
"WANTED Woman for general house
work. 404 N. Liberty St. 7-10
THE Miller, rooms and apartments. 633
Perry Bt. 7 20
CALVES I want S or 4 day-old calves
C. C. Russell, phono 3F3. tf
"WE make tho best power prune dippers.
Salem Mfg Co., 1330 N. Front St. tf
BOOFS cleaned, painted, patched and
tarred. Phone C. C. Kays at IBIS. 7-27
JAS. LYONS practical painter. Phone
704. - tf
FOR 6 ALE Fresh Holslein Durham
coir, 6 gallons per day. Phone 8P11.
DINING table and chairs, china closet,
couch and rocker for sale. 1410 .
Cottage. 710
FOR SALE Ice box for home or toT
cheap. Telephone 1928 or call 892 N.
Winter street. 7-11
U03T Girl's wrist watch. Finder
leave at Hartmann Bros, jewelry
tore and receive reward, 7-8
FOR RENT Large house partly Ifurn
' shed: Chance for renting apartment
292 N. Bummer. tf
TEAM, harness and wagon for sale.
Call after 5 p. m. or Sundays. 443
, 8. 16th. 7-10
FOR SALE 20 acres prunes full bear
ing crop this year, will half ray for
the plaeo. Room 5 Bayne bldg. 7-11
WA'NTED 5 to 7 room furnished
house. Cell White House restaur
ant. 7-10
LOST JJVvte book and saving deposit
book. Pleas return to Journal of
fice. Reward. 7-10
FOR SALE Horse, buggy, harness,
tools, chicken, household goods, etc.
Salorn Rt. fl, box 51. tf
WALL PAPER 15 cents per double rrfl
upward. Buren's Furniture Store.
lit Commercial. tf
FOR SALE T!y owner, modern 5 room
bungalow, built in china closet, book
cases, desks; cement walks, full base
mont. Phone 15!H.1.. tf
FOR SALE My home, Commercial
and Union His. furnished or unfurn
ished, unincumbered; terms. B. B.
" Colbarlh. 7-11
INCREASE your worth, fino little 5
acre tract for sale few miles from
Salem, house, barn, well, garden, straw
berries, raspberries and flower., 44
care Journal. tf
FOB SALE 22 acres of choicest land
in Willamette valley, I S mile to
atreet car line on rock roed. All in
crop, also cherries, apples, prunes and
berries. Good modern 9-rooTi house
with bath, hot and cold water. Any
one interested In a good buy phone
8505W2. tf
We buy and sell notes, mort-
gages and all kinds of bonds.
4c 814 Masnnie Building
Ealem, Oregoa
rnv vfiTT Tn pay $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON
314 Mason Bldg.
FOR RENT Sleeping rooms. Inquire
152 85. Churvh. Mo
WAATED Family for loganberry
picking, house furnished for family
of 5 or . Box 13, Kt. S, Salem,-A.
Beer. 716
MEN' wanted at Tile works near fair
grounds. Salem .Tile ft Mercantile
Co. tf
W.I.VTH) A few more loganberry
pickers. Convenient to ear line. Phone
5.F5. 7-10
WANTED Intelligent girl or womai
for general house work. Call 890 Oak
45t. forenoons or phone 129ti. 7 11
MUST sell at a sacrifice, man's dia
mond ring, a good investment. Ad
dress J-10 caro Journal. 7-11
AGATE beach lot, near hotel, facing
ocean, $250, terms $10 down, $3 a
Month. D. A. Dinsmoor, care O'.ds,
Wormian i King, Portland, Or. 7-10
DF.KORATO sanitary wall tint, best
made; beautiful new colors. Burens
Com'l St. tf
WOOD choppers wanted, $2.50 and up
per cord, place to board or camp. In
quire Blessings cigar store. A. J.
Anderson. tf
WANTED Good prune orchard, for
cash. No agents. Write details to N
W C, P. O. box 250, Salem. , tf
FOR SALE Good hep stove, baler, 40
hop baskets. W. II. Downing, Shaw.
Oregon. 7-10
FOR SALE Ford 1917, cheap. Salem
Auto Radiator shop, 198 S. 12th St.
YOUNG couple with two-year old child
want a furnished house ifrom Aug.
15th; guarantee the best of care.
Writo 12117 caro Journal 7-11
TAKEN UP One black shoat, weight
00 lbs., right ear split and upper bit
on left ear. L. F. HiU, fit. 8, box
125. tf
HORSE, nearly new buggy harness and
buggy for sale clioap; want to buy
2 mouths old pigs at right price. Kt.
7, box 45. 7-10
WA'NTED 10 to 20 acre prune or
chard within 10 miles of Salem. Not
particular about buildings. Address
Box 215. tf
LOST A piano etool on the road to
Dallas, in paper carton; will finder
please notary or leave it at Quo. C,
Will's musie store, Salem, Or. 7-10
GOOD used trucks and care that will
run and give service, at your, own
price. Salem Velie company, 162 N.
Commercial. 711
If your house or farm is for sale let
us sell it for U. We have a large list
of prospective buyers waiting. If your
price is right we can make quick sales.
404 Hubbard bldg.
MENT T1MBEH, General Land Office
Washington, D. C. May lfl, 1919. Notice
is hereby given that subject to the con
ditions end limitations of the Act of
June 9, 1916, (39 Stat., 218), and the
instructions of the Secretary of the
Interior of September 15, 1917, the tim
ber on the following land will be sold
July 16, 191U, at 10:30 o'clock a. m.,
at public, auction at the United 8tate
land office at Portland, Oregon, to the
highest bidder at not less than the ep
praised vaJue as shown by this notice,
sale to bo subject to the approval of
the Secretary of the Interior. The pur
chase price, with an additional sum of
one-fifth of one per cent thereof, be
ing commissions allowed, must be de
posited at time of sale money to bf
returned if sule is not approved, other
wise patent will issue for the timber
which must be removed within ten
years. Bids will be received from cit
izens of tho United States, associations
of such citizens and corporations or
panized under the kwf of the niled
states or any state, territory or dis
trict thereof only. Upon application of
s qualified purchaser, the timber on
any legal subdivision will be offered
separately before being Included in
anv offer of a larger nnit. T. 1 8., R.
5 E., See. 20, SvVft SWVi, red fir,
Iftoo M., not to be sold for less than
SYC'i red fir, 650 M. not to be
sold for lest than 1.25 per M
Commissioner, Goners! Land Office
Salem, Oregon
IKwusi EfcST S2
NOTICE Prune orchard for ale, '
about 35 acres, 8 Tears old, heavy ;
crop, all for $S00 per r?. Address 1
Orchard care Journal. 7-14
' IXST One Dayton wire wheel, with
' new RcpabUe tire and bracket. Find
er will be awarded by leaving same
with Allen Bros, garage, Silverton.
FOR SALE Nine room house, large lot
modern conveniences, double garage,
close in, on street car line and paved
street. & L care Journal. tf
BUSINESS opportunity,' $000 buys
hotel in country town, good busi-
nesa. neius uui, cx-onia uns,
Or. 7-11
WE need a good man in Salem to write
old line insurance. Experience in writ
ing not essential if von are ambitious
W. E. IHbbard, 554 High iSt., Port
land, Oregon. 7-11
FOR SALE Mare, weight 1000 lbs.,
gentle for woman or children to drive
or rid a. Also 1 will bind your gTain.
Phone, orders t-arlv. Phone 1572J or
call 1305 N. 16th. 7-12
TO LEASE iFor 2 years 29 acres close
in, 9 acres tillable land, also 5 cows,
1 brood sowj 1 team, 1 wagon, 1
plow, buggy, et., included in lease.
Address A D care Journal. 714
FOR SALE Modern bungalow on Nor
. way St, near Capitol St. priced for
quick sale. Small cash payii.ent, bal
ance monthly. Why pay rent Frank
E. Palmer, 1060 S. Com'l St. Phone
818. 7:9
No. 1 For sale, 57 acres of choice
land all in cultivation, on corner with
good farm house, close in, suitable for
sub-dfvisiou in suburban aero home
tracts, near car line and paved street.
No 2. 8 acres all in. cultivation, no
buildings, first claxs loganberry land,
only 1 Va niilee from street car and
paved street; if you have $1500 to
spare for something good, call and see
No. 3 10 acres with good farm build
ings, nearly all in bearing fruit and
berries, on good graveled road, a snap
at $7000.
No. 4 10 acres with, a beautiful
home, modern, on main- road 3-4 mile
from city limits; if you arc looking for
somdtking good, it will pay you to in
vestigate. No. 5 10 acres with 8 room modern
home; all in bearing fruit and berries,
sightly location near carline and paved
streets; must be seen to be appreciated.
No. 6 5 acres with good 7 room
house and good barn ; 4 acros in bear
ing fnrit nd berries, high and sightly.
Price 4500, part cash balance ternisv
No. . 7 12 acres with good 6 room
modern cottage, good born and 6 acros
in fhoice fruit, 6 acres choiee logan
berry land, two miles out. Price $6000,
part cash.
No. 8 10 acres with good farm build
ings, abundance of choice fruit; on
good road, one mile from paved streets
and car lino. Price $8000.
No. 9 5 acres with 8 room house,
good barn and gnragc, abundance of
fruit, situate on car line and paved
street. Might take a nice little bunga
low in n part, pay at $1500.
No. 10 352 acre stock ranch for cx
change for small ranch in the Willam
ette vnllev or for citv income proper
ty. Price J2,000.
I buy and ndl liberty bonds, and
lond money on approved socurity, at
six per cent.
W. A. Liston, Agent
4K4 Court street 7-12
CEN'Sl'rt clerk (men, women). 4i'00
needed. $!)2 month. Ape, 18 upward.
Experience unncccswory. For free par
ticulars of examinations, write J.
Lecnard (former government examin
er) 13S2 Equitable Bldg, Washing
ton. 7-22
WANTCT) Salesman with light enr
tor delivery, for tea and coffee route
in Sulem. Business already establish
ed bond and reference required; ex
cellent proposition. Apply Grand
Union Tea Co., C. D. Morrison, MgT.
448 Washington Bt. Portland. tf
3 ACRES all cultivated, ell in clover
ready to cut, 4 room bungalow, chick
en house, wood shed full of wood,
family fruit, owner wishes to leave
the city, must be sold; price $1300,
$700 ea'h and 600 at 6 percent with
paying privileges to suit. Socolofsl.y,
1'hnne 970 during the day, after 6
o'clock call 1212M. tf
FOR 8 ALB Well looted 10 and 20
aere tracts close to Saleui.
42 acres of river bottom, 1 mile from
54 acres fine land, rplendid buildings
3 miles east of Saiern just off of Wil
verton road.
43 acres close to Salem all in culti
vation. Thus. A. Roberts, 314 Mason
ic bldg. 7-12
349 N. COM. T. M. C. A. BLOCK
1918 Stodebaker !50
S passenger Warren-Detroit, Conti
nental motor 225
1918 Chevrolet sedan, fine condi
tion $"00
5 p.wenger, lirfit Studibaker four
electric s'arter and lights 500
1917 Saxon i t $700
5 Pa-sender Maxwell, will make
pood bng cheap.
1914 Overland, ezy terms, $450 I
1916 Ford, first class condition, 375
1913 Overland 500
We wreck antos for their parts, tl'.f
enables yon to get olc? car parte
a bargain. Casdi price ftii tut junk
cars. i
5 psssngT Stndebaker, $180.
We aell oils, erease, old auto parts
tires and """'"
WANTED Bath tub and porch shades.
Phone 2F3. 711
WANTEDTWO good men to pitch hay
C. C. Kusse.ll, phone ad's. 7-11
WANTED -15 or 20 loganberry pack
ers. B. Cunningham. Phone 21F2. 7 12
FOH 8 ALE Good two horso disc. Bt. 3
box 118. W. A. Dove. 7vl2
rm'VDChild'e hat July 3, call at
Journal office and pay for ad. 7-12
WANTKH 10 loiianlwrry pickers, will
pay 2V,e pound. Inquire .White lfoiie
restaurant. 7 11
WANTKI) (Jill to assist with house
work. 215 Lincoln Bt. Phone 13S8.
POK KENT Until school begins, n 7
room modern furnished house, clow
in. Phone 1703. 7 12
WAXKfV Pat hcriH nnd spring chick
ens; highest market priee jmid. Hlnus
loff Bros., inc., Phone 132M. 7-10
FOR fALK Forty acres of land all
clear and ready to plow, good loca
tion for $l."i(K and tenm of bay mares
for $125. See .lack Millar, Turner,
Ht. 2. 7 10
TO TKAUK Furnishings of rooming
house and other holdings for improv
ed cIom- in acreage of $25110 to $ii300
valuation, tiive location. Owner care
Journal. 7 10
SO acres of first class land all under
cultivation on Howell prairie; fair im
provements, a e'ed team and some ma
ehinery, with the 50 wre nt bumper
grain crop goes with the deal if closed
now. Its a real bargain at $160 per
acre, half cash.
We have a first class dairy proper
ty with all stock, machinery and crain
for tale. Its a real (Riiryman'i oppor
tunity. Deal rabid sn$ill tracts lankly im
proved on our sales list.
K U looking 4 A house! We have
some real bargains.
404 Hubbard building
Beliable efficient sales agents
Xotice is neretiy given lhat by vir
tue of order by the county court of
Marion county. Oregon, made on the
2d dt.jr of Jul)-, 1919, the under
signed as administrator of the estate
of Arthur II. Paole. defeased, will of
f t for ul and S"ll on th 10th day
of July, 1919, at 1') o'clock a. m. at
private sule, all the internt or the
"aid estate in the Central Pharmacy
located at 410 Hnt street, ftnlem, Ore
gon. Interested parties are reqnested
to file bids before the above rlato men
tioned. Th rii'ht reserved to reject
any and all bid".
Admin itratnr of the estate of Ar
thnr B. Poole, deceased. 7 12
FOB ALB--OTie now "adjustoform"
dress form, one Oak wood heator. Call
205 Union 8t. 71 1
IXR SAIJ3 5 passenger Overland,
good order, top, two new tires, or
trude for Ford. Bruce Uowoc, Tur
ner, Or., Rt. II, box 713. 7-10
HOME for salo. On paved street, near
school and car line.. 8 room house
with every convenience. Fruit, gar
den and berries. I'hoiio owner LHH.
r address L 1 care Jouinnl. 7 10
WAiNTBI) 'Aibout H more loganberry
picker end Koulh Halem carline.
Phone 1I2F4, M. F. Woodward. 7 II
Poll HAI.K--3 acnw in clover, 4 room
biiiin!ow. Priced low. Owner leaving
town. Act, iiiiineiliaf cly. phono "lil'ti,
or box 274, Kt. 3. 7 11
KOH KA.LK KiiHtmim folding pocket
kedak, nleo Inrye Wetin'li"Ue cb-e-trie
fan. Itoth hieli grade, lininain.
Address 12M4 Journal office, 710
MnXT Four kodak pictures and four
I films in envelope. I tinn to Journal
I office. " 7 10
rOR BALK New Ktudehnkcr autoino
bile, lias been driven 4UU miles, 'fl
ephono 1.IH4. 7 10
WANT His Ijugnnberry picker", 2 per
box; free transportation from end
of carline. Phone 9-F3 evenings or
mornings. tf
WA:NTr!!-ro rent by Aug. 1st, house
hold furniture, must bo in good con
dition. Will promise good care, no
children. Phono J597W, 7-10
T) TRAlJiK-finiall gro-cry stock and
fnxtiireji for neat, elotn in Home.
jWrile exaet location, lienter care
Journal. 7 1(1
OIIOK,K hay, either vetch and oats or
cheat, in field on Hural avenue be
tween sooth High street and Mouth
12th. Plmno 1MI.I. 7 10
IXR SALh An electric fan.
7 12
FOR HM.KU) S-re. first class lognn
land. WIH take auto rn s:imc; V'i
miles on Jefferson rod. Cail at 319
X. Com. 7 )1
WANTKI To buy either touring or
road-rU-r lndy for Ford, miixt be in
good condition. Knl'tii Velie Co., 102
N. Cm men: iid Kt. Phone 1001. 7 11
WOMA'V wanted to care for invalid.
2(HI0 Ferry Ht. ' 71 1
FOR KALrc- JCloap Mason quart fruit
jars with covers, first class condi
tion. 3'l iK. Commercial Bt. 7-10
WANTKI) To bny from miner, for
cah, small improve frnit aereaee;
reasonably close in. Must be bargain.
O F care 'VjxUil Journal. 7 10
This is positively year last opportunity to secure extra
pants free with a tailored-to-mcasure suit, the cost of
goods is constantly advancing.
With every suit sold on t;ie atave date we will give an
extra pair of pasts.
Take Advantage of This Opportunity.
It will Never Happen Again.
Remember, One Day Only
(Continued from page one)
miles an hour.
Shortly after the R 34's away
sho reported a speed of S5 nnloa an
hour. Her location at 11:10 a. m. Ureen
W'eh dime (7:ll) a. in. JSew York tiiino)
indicated her apoed had been increased
to u limit (10 miles an hour.
Btorm HnSteiiR Leave
The decision to start last r.ight in
stead of wailing miHt 4 o'clock th's
morning, as announced yesterday nff
ternuoii, was reached by Mojor !. H.
Sett, commander nt 10:15 p. m. It, w
occasioned by receipt of un official
weather bureau bulletin urging haste
because of I he apprnnrh of a storm.
By 11 o'clock the officer and crew
hfid denned tlnir flying elrtthen of
shepHkiu uud everything vms ill read
A 25 pound sack of mail wns placed
nbonrd. Lieuteiinnt J. J. (jiuitin, in
ih.'uge of the departure, gave the eg
mil to the men clinging to the guy
ropes to swing her around to bead iulo
the wind. The big tiir.-b:p as nlov.lv
turned until she pointed directly to
ward. .New ork city. At 11:10 nil cloar
was signalled and the hydrogen jus
which had been flowing into the but
loonettes through a ten inch hose, was
cut off. At 11:55 bells tinkled through
out the length of the craft.
Cruised Over New Yorfc
Tho I! 34' last tie to American soil
was severed and she slowly rose' to a
height of about 25 feet, hesitated, then
Lluse ugiiiu to fully hO0 feet. The en
Lines were started and (-he moved ma-
jistieally toward Marihattaii.
When he aiihip pumt'd over Itiook
lyn at a height of about 2ixHI feet she
wan I1 "d up out of the iliirkunss by
a nuTier of searchlijjlits from the
fperry building. An instnnt later the
iigliln fiuiii the l.riMiklvii navy yni
ad'i"l to the white glare on her under
At 1:30 the dirigible pa'si d over
Roosevelt field and Juit out to sea.
About an hour efter tho K-.I4 kail
disappeared from view she sent tho fol.
lowing mpmngf: "All O. K. on board.
Ilound for Kngland. "
At 2:20 a. i. she reported: "Onirse
true. eM'd 40 knots (about 55 miles
an hour) going well."
Tho K .'it will take, the so called
outhern route on her return to F.ast
Fortune, K.otlan.1. The total d sUincc.
is about 3200 mile. 'Jltot irf which wili
be over oien m. With 1 io wind ai'l
ing instead of re'ardiii'f the craft,
fHott hoped to riiinple'.e the voyage
in 70 hours.
la her westward fl hl Iho R 34 r
quired 109 hours ar 1 10 minutes to
make -the 32itO, 2,? of which wore
over open a.
(Continued from pae one) '
with America? representatives who ar i
negotiating ether peaee tritis. Thei
American pert of the Austrian treat) ,
were nbtnr!Silr agwd. on before j
thn prMident Inft Paris, it was learned.')
an . '
i 2
(nations now being carried on. It was
learned that ratification of the treaty
will not in all likelihood remove tho
necessity for certain Amoricnn mili
tary activilies. The treaty provides
from one to four months for tho yield
ing up of war niatorials by Germany,
which process is under direction of mil
itury forces. Cermuny has on hand
equipment sufficient for several mil
lion men. and has millions of veterane
within her boarders, A sufficient guarip
will bo maintained to keep tho world
from " nervousnesa. ' '
The Kninee-ltriiif-h-Ameri'an triinfy
is to be dependent upon the approval of
a council of live of tiio Iwiguo of na
tions. It will remain in elfect until
the majority of the council shall liavo
ileebired the safety arrangements pro
vided by the league complete.
(font iriiieit from pae one)
gue; MHIumher, chief republkan sup
porter of il ; Williams, an enthusiast in
supporter of Wilson, nnd Borah, his
mot outspoken and "bitter cud" op
ponent. Prenoutatlon Informal
Kseorted by the committee, the pres
ident entered tho senate by the door on
Iho ih'tiiocratie siile.
Presentation of tho treaty wns most
informal. In the form of a luilky book
of nearly 510 pnges, it was borne ti
the vice president s desk where it Iny
until presented by him "as a mcsxuo
from the president of the United Slatea
I t was tlo-n referred to tho foreign r -iations
i a icrs said today they favor a re
cess until Monday to give plenty o:i
time for sludy. The foreign relmiou-
coininittee piobatilv will meet Mundav
to forniiilute plans for work on the two
C'apilal Journal Special Service.)
Dallas, Or., July 10, The old John
Wayinirc property at the lower (.cd
Mill street is being torn down this week
to make room for a modern residence.
The property was purchased last week
by Henry Wright fiom H. Doniblife ai.il
the work of wrecking the hou.o ininii
nodiatnly begun. Hie Wayuiirn icsi-
!fo is probably the oldest hoii.e in
":il!ii9, hnvi'i) been built by John Way
i r, one of the early pioneers of Pols;
county and 8 pioneer miller in toe Hate,
the fore part of' the sixties, for
n-.nny yearn it was the most sulntaiiti'.i
I nine in the community and the excei-
at to dition which the bouse is r.tw tn
is a credit to the uiei haiiies of the er.r'y
' ".vs. Mr. Wayioire was one of the first
;sr:itors of the Palms Flouring Mills)
,rd was one of the county's influential
James A. Burns, his danehtcr Thyllis,
aifed 17, and Chest r L. Graves werfl
Irowned in Twin lakes, aotth of Spo
lane Hutiday, l t'iO overturning of ft
'a-nich. Six'oflt'r jers Tj in the boaB
we-e revved.
. ,. .... i .
tint U
. fl, V:.