Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 10, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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V T S 7 'I w - -
Zcrolene gives bet
ter compression,
therefore, more
power to your car.
It burns clean and
goes out with ex
haust. Deposits
least carbon. Get
a Correct Lubrica
tion Chart for your
It. II. CAMPBELL, Special Agt., Standard Oil Co., Salem.
: STATE house. :
The Oregon Insurance rating bureau
La recently filed with Commissioner
Harvey Wells a list of uew rale fur
oily of Astoria. This resulted from
an in vest igntioa parried out hi the re
quest of the Astoria. Chamber of Com
merce, which represented that (he city
lied made jnutorial improvement in Its
fire protection facilities The list shows
that 4-9 rates have been lowoied aiiout
la per ceut, while on 22 rink) the lutes
were slightly increased.
People who were looking for mine
thing sensational to evolve from tho in
vt'iSiation of tht alleged defective
iuving h.ii) by the HlnkeCompton com
pany on the Aurora Nnlom unit of high
wuy, were disappointed, for tiie elate
highway commission .after its hearing
of the case at ita meeting in Portland
yesterday, decided to make no state
ment whatever, tut merely submitted
the official report of the espirts who
likvo been making investigations. I'll i w
report is very exhaustive and goes into
aiinule details; and in the final auuiysls
it makes plain that there was no dclih
crate nttcinftto client either In the
quality of paving mixturo or .11 thick
ness of tho surface. A largo uumbcr
of cuts made through the paving show
ed that the average thickness uvti' the
in1 tire unit was in excess of tue speci
fied five inches, although tlieiu were
spots where it showed but four iiirhea.
On some of the edges ,owing to tho con
dition of the suh-gruite unil tiit press
ure of t lit roller, it was found to be
spread to three inches, Tho report as
siuns all defects to negligence either
oa the part of the contractor or tht
I inspector .md makei no charge of eol
ilusioa betiroon the contractor aud state
employes. It further shows that the
mixture is good and well conipremwd.
No awards of contracts on road work
wero made by the highway commission
(it the meeting in l'ortiand yesterday,
though a total of tiO bids Were opened.
The entire day wi.s occupied with the
hearing of delegations, aud there were
spots where controversy over routes
reached tho "flash'' point. One (
these spots was ns to the location of
the terminus of the John nay higriway,
which according to one faction should
go by way of Arlingtou, while another
contends that it should go by war of
Resolution Up Asking Presi
dent For Copy Of Jap
German Agreement
Washington, July 10. (United F.ess)
When the senate foreign relations
committee takes up discussion of the
peace treaty and tho league of nations,
it will also have before it a resolution
offered by Hcuator Lodge nsking Pres
ident Wilson to produce a- copy of a re
ported secret treaty between licrmniiy
uud Jnpait.
lliis resolution, was bused on a Uni
ted Press dispatch from Moscow, not
ing from what was given out by the
bolshevik authorities as .the text of
this agreement. A copy of the United
l'ress dispatch was attached by benu
tor l,odge to his resolution,
Tho treaty, snid to have been under
negotiation last October, was apparent
ly designed to give Uerinnny advan
tages in the Orient and Japan advan
tages in Russia. The Japanese govern
ment hiiR denied that such a treuty ex
ihts, it was learned 'today. ' The-state
department hero also denied any knowl
edge of it.
However, tho alleged text as given
out in Moscow did not say whether
the treaty hud over been. actually sign
ed ahd there would bo no offlciul rec
ord of it If it had wot been signed.
Mrs. Burns' Letter
Here is a letter that is certain to
prove of interest to people in this vi
cinity, as cases of this sort occur in
laimosx every ncignuornooii, ana people
should know what to do ia like cir
Savannah, Mo., Oct. 12.1916.
"I used a buttle of Cliumberlaiu's
Colic uud Diarrhoea Koaicdy about nine
years ago and it cured me of flux (dys
entery.) I had another attack of the
snuun complaint some three or four
years ago ami a few doses of this rem
edy cured me. 1 have recommended
Chamberlain ' Colic nnd Diarrhoea
Remedy to dozens of people sinco I
first used it."
fjtV 4t, 1
:v' -.rlL.H. ? 4 .
1 - i-, M f
i'1'V. :
' &' 1 I,
' Jt.'
IV 1
I. A
am haoov
though I cannot see,
How very.very happy
all of you should be.
tow rwic TCnU
ymr I r T 11 -r- i-n - - 1 - rT - mi 1 ' ' ' 1 It 1 1 I ill 11 nriim mi I n I i 11 I mmumm .II...I..LI.-S.I . 1. 1 1 n .imiiii i m ,. n. rn-mnr T Tl ' i'
... W
11 ' "' " " ' ' ' " " ,
FIRESTONE records show
that mileage adjustments
were so few and trouble
came so seldom that a new basis
of adjustments was arranged:
FabricTires.6000 Miles
Cord Tires, 8000 Miles
Your dealer knows that the
Firestone Gray Sidewall Tires
have delivered such mileage as to
make this new standard adjust
ment more conservative than the
old standard was for ordinary tires.
K. C. Simmon and his brother Ij. K.
Minimens, left last night for Milverton,
having been called hf the death of
their lather, Grover Himinons, aged tiO
yearsiMr. Himmons died Monday af
ternoon at 3 o'clock from heart dis
eases He is survived by his wiife and
three- sons, the other ibeing Dr. A. W.
!suimons of Hilverton and one daugh
ter, Mrs. A. Johnson, also of Silverton.
Th funeral will 1o held at 3 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon in Silvertou.
Kugene Guard.
7 1
Most Miles per Dollar
ltiggs. The coniinission declined to make
any decision in the matter until an in
vestigation could be made of all routes.
The location of the coat higlinay in
Tillamook county was als, left for fur
ther investigation. The cmnmiMion de
rided that no more pot roads projects
would be considered until thn.-,c nlrendy
pliintied were disposed of. Hence the
r'orest llrovo delcgiilion wan were
boosting for a post road from Mint city
to Astoria by ay of Veronia wero turn
ed doitn. - It was decided tii.it lit the
August meeting contracts would be let
for macadamizing the Mimicr-Hootl
River Mvtion of the Columbia highway,
and thi.t bids would be culled on nil un
or.trncted sections if the Cohinibia
highway between l'ortiand aud Astoria.
Notice W hereby given that the un
dersigned h been duly appointed ex
orutor of he estate of Klibeth M.
Tewrce, deceased, by tho county court
nf Marioa county, state of Oregon, snd
Was qualified as such esecutor. AU per
sons haviog ehim aint the said
rstato are hereby notified to present
swme, dsly erificd, tog.-tlier with ths
proper Toneher therefor, to the nader
signed at the office ef P. J. Kurds ia
the Jtask of Oowaieree building, Kalent,
Orognn, in said county of Marion, with
in sis months from the date of this
IHite of first pif1llration, Juno S6,
Ktecutor estate of Kl'uabcth M.
1. J. Runts,
Attornry f-r clccutor. " 1?
Port To Be Abandoned As Em
barkation Point Is Word
Men JBrjng.
New York, July ID. The last Amer
ican truops to come home by way of
Bordeaux arrived here today aboard the
transport Hanta Olivia., according to her
officers, who said that all troops here
after will pass through Brest. Tho San
ta Olivia will be turned back, it was
said, to tho shipping board, which will
in turn give her back to her original
owners, V. B. Grace & conipt.ny.
The Hnnttv Olivia brought 1757 men,
all of whom were casual, in command of
Major K. P. Lawlor of Columbus, Ohio.
Hhe arrived at Bordeaux June 28, load
ed in eight hours and started her re
turn voyage.
The transport Nansemond also
rived, bringing 5252 men, among them
the 80th piomeers, all negroes, with the
exception of officers. The refct of the
Nansemond s troops were casuals. One
officer of the Xansemond was Knsign
Frank Monroe I'ptoii, Denver, one of
the few naval men to receive the cen
gresioHul medal of honor. It was pre
sented to him for heroic work at Itrest
early in the war when a (piuiitity of ex
plosives (.hoard the b. S. S. Hoience
blew up. He leaped overbonrd and res
cued several men.
$ $
Perpetually wavy, curly hair is now
within the menus ot every woman to
possess. Unc need only get a leiv
ounces of plain liquid snunriue from
tier diuggistt and apply a little of it
occasionally with a clean tooth brush,
lius qmciuy itiiis m ,..e u..., O.aiui
rut and' natural looking waves and
creases imaginable. Wind aud weather
do nut attect the curliness as where a
heated iron has been used.
Liquid silmirine is so pure aud harm
less there Js not the Slightest danger
of spotting the scalp or streaking the
uair, and it leaves no sticky or greasy
trace. It will also bu appiecinteil as a
tjoncfieuil dressing, as it keeps the
hair so soft, silky and lustrous.
Dempsey Turns Down Offer
Leavenworth prison, where Iip j
lo Meet larpentier Abroad r interfering with the draft.
New York, .July It). Jack Dempsey
will not go to Burope to box Ucorges
Cnrpentier, according t mciMges re-i to i
ceived today from Jack kenrn;,, his. Mrs
luuiiager. A tinge otfer has neen re-;
ceived, it was snid, but will not no ac-
Keuins stilted DemM'y will leuve in ',
a few days for Halt Lake City, where
ho will visit his mother, lie now is in
Cincinnati. Returning cast, tho cham
pion will join a circus.
San (Francisco Mrs. Pearl Gary
stabbed May iNielsen, who was ta!'h
policeman. "Pardon me," fs
tlnrgona, "1 am
afraid I
stabbed the wrong woman. Very ca
Iim of mo.'' ' ' j
New York Two highwaymen forgot :
their own guns when C. ('avnoti raised j
up his hands at their commaii't. One
had a gun in it. They fled.
If you art troubled with pains or
aches; feel tired; have headache, j
indigent ion, insomnia; painful pass- j
f of urine, you will find relief in ;
Tb vorti's Mandard rwnwlj for kUtxy,
tivac, k4ddr aad uric acid trcxiblM Bd
tliiwml Rm!y of HoUand since 16H
Three , all dru((iais. Coannt4
Nebraska Man Elected As
Elks' (irand Exalted Rider
Atlantic City, X. J-, Julv 10. The
annual convention of Klks nut iu ex !
ecutive session here today that wai ex
pected virtually to wind up business
'runk L. Rain, of Fuirbury, Neb.,
was elected grand exalted ruur late
Oother officers elected wire:
Pat Uremia, Dnlh.s, grand ta.iirer;
l'red C. liobinsou, Dubmpie, gruud sec
retary; Ueorge A. Pelkeiistein, ilcKees
imrt, Pa., grand esteemed leading
night; C. C. Bradley, Purtiaiid, Or.,
grand esteemed lecturing knight; Irank
Huliy, Birmirghaui, Ala., guild tylir;
Kev. John l,ii:rt, grnml ehnplitin. and'
John C. Price, ultoruey ge.ieral oi Ohio
was apMiinted to the grand fomin.
Kansas Congressman Would
Keep Presidents At Home
Washington, July 10 A bill prohibit
ing presidents of the Cuited States
from leading the country duiing the
terms of office was introduced today
in the house- by Representative Ciimp-Im-11.
Kansas. The bill pmvii;-. Ie.it It
shall be unlawful fur the pieuti?it to
transact legislative business at any
place other Washington.
In connection with this nuvsiire,
Campbell's statement asserted. He also
that President Wilson, in his foieign
tri, bad been "beguiled by aitful
diplomats and International statesmen
by flattery," and that he had ''kM his
own prestige and that of his rouutry. "
The I'nited Str.tes is i.;ipnpnlar
abroad iHeauise of VTilsoa's visits
tY.mpbeH's sttaement aswrted. He alsc.
attacked thr b-agne nf nutioi:.
Lame Shoulder
This ailment is usually raused bv
rheumutism nf the muscles. All that is
'necd-sd is ab.dute rest and a few ap
pliiat'Anj of Chamberlain's Liniment.
Try it
Chicago, July 10. (United Press)
For the forty-second time in two
months William D. (Big Bill) Haywood,
I. Y . W. leader, was disappointed to- )
This time, like the other l, it was I
because I'nited States Attorney Charles j
F. Clvue refused to approve bonds of- '
fered for the leader's releuse from j
t? Til
I 11 m
i . v VII
y -
Appear At Your ,
Best Instantly,
If yon receive a wtUa
caller or an unexpected 1
vltation vou can feel co
fldent of always appearirf
t your best, in m a let
moments it renders toyo
skia a wonderfully
soft complexion that
t beyond comparison.
hat )
smsIi hi i i in mi ml
Easy to Ea
kt I J IV7I J
' ' I II 1 I T
--': I
"So dood thev
Vjust slip down
are the best and fastest
selling corn flakes on the
American market today.
They enjoy that prestige
because flavor and nounsh
ment are in every package
You cant vote No to their
popularity. A try why.
Asn AsnrnsiAseFA'sp'jnp A ssr A r ATssyAs. sw-w- v . ss-