Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 08, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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I . ' ''- ' ' ' ' ,4''t ',..!;. iiiiiiJi.H ;,, ;,,,.,
frviQ51E PERGUSONf - j
,,.' -W AtMVnf-r
- Hid
Coming to the Oregon
"Eyes of
I ,. IceivoTt bv his wile.
TM.IMJT-.At the homo of his sister, , ),., K. Prime and family aud Dr.
Mrs. Maggie 'Foster, K. liSih St.. I Hylnniler and family left thil morn
A'uith, Portland, Ore., July 4, 1919, 'iu.g fur Newport iu their Elxin Sixes
Stt-wnrt Tnlbot at the age of 2 ) j for a short visit,
years. J Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Stewart of Mon-
Ue leaves to mourn his death a fat It- mouth, wore visitors in the city today,
er, John S. Talbot of Jefferson. Hroth-1 The following Portlanders were reg
er of Jlns l. K. ftoddurd of Nnmpa, istoredat tho ilu hotel today: Mr.
Malm, Mrs. Ma'.'gio.' Foster and Mrs. and Mrs. Ross R. UeWell, N. C. Maris,
11. C. Couch 'both of Portland. Mis. W. U. T. MiiKenzit), K. E, Mrocknev, M.'J,
li. Axcl-on t M-atMO, Jl. tl. Talbot OT
Vitv I . . dTiny now in J1 ranee and C.
4. Tnllwt of Tai-oiua, Wash.
For the lMst several years he
made his home in Jefferson, where he,
leaves many friends. irortland left for their home yesterday
after a visit of several (la' at the honm
8,'MMONi-t At his home on Central of Percy M. Varney,
Howell prairie, July 7, 1919, drover! Miss Cornelia Mtirvin, of the (State
Simmons, at the ago of til) years. I Library, is spending the day in Port
Itcsido.. his wife, ilie is mirvived by I bind on business.
hreo sons. Kail Kiiumoni, formerly of I state Treasurer Hoff left for Port-
this city with Vick Bros, tout now of. land this morning ou business connect-
Kngejie, Lawrence Hi minims if Eugene, cd with hi office.
Arthur Simmons of Hilvertun, aud one i Mrs, L. G. Curtis loft yesterday for
daughter, Mrs. K. Johns of Central Portland for a briof visit.
Howell. Vr. and Mra. W. C. Knie-hton left
The ftmerul services will be held
vveiiiiesdav nttornoon at 1: o 'lock in
fvlverton and will be comliwted by the
Itcv. Nicholl. Burinl witt bo in the" Mil-
ler cemetery nesr Wilverton, ecordin
to the yittial of the Mason i loage.
1 1
BALL To Mr. and Mrs. Alien O. Halt
of Pxatum, July 4, 11)1 9, daughter.
MEIKU To Mr. and Mrs. Flaviu
Mt- ip5 Houth 14th street, July
lXi.VF.R- To Mr. and Mrs. H. Tgner of
1U1 .North lSth street, July 1, 191W,
a daughter.
PUPN"'K To Mr. and Mrs. Jcs-e F.
J'rine of 1 "! iXorth J.b.'rty street,
Julv 7. lll!t. a son.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McTutyre re
turned to their home at Vancouver yes
terday after a short visit at the home
Threats brought stub bora
Porce met forceful
A curley haired boy and on
escort of puppies could ait
be resisted
An AH Star Cast
1 -3
fVllftv.i' - ...i:' -S
KIL I U WkW 6. .ti
Friday and Saturday in
the Soul"
of Mr. and Mrs. Hen F. West. Mrs. Mc-
lutyre was formerly M1n Mabel West,
I 4'aiitnin Robert (.'. Wvirant of the
j -I'd engineer, arrived iu New York
Suudnv, accordim; to ti tclc-uiani re-
Tobin, N. W. Hurt Mrs. Ida Heuibl
Mrs. J.M. Warden left resterdav for
lier homo in Hie Dalles alter visiting
wyu rcuinves in rue city.
Mr. and Mrs. Koyal M. Vamev of
yesterday for their horns iu Portland
nin r h visit at me Dome ot Mrs. K.
J. l.aiiKuer, nprieultural specialist of
, tha Oregon Journal, stopped off in the
cjtT today in the course of a trip to
''the upper valley.
Among the Ruests at the Capitol Ho-
,tel todav are Tt. J. Croble, of Independ-
'encej W. B. Cline Silverton. H. Tripp
'and C. B. Tripp ot Jackson, Michigan
ltx. Miller, M. lVott and A. i.. Bates,
of Portland.
vlll ItLilw
Mayor Wilson and Alderman Scott
formally met in the eouucil chambers
last liTght and formally adjourned the
session until Wednesday evening of
this week. Besides routine business, the
main thing to come 1efore the council
men is to elect several otbera to fill
vacancies caused by resignations and
removals from the city and Hie ehnng
i if of residence in the city.
I wish to express my since apprecia
tion to all wh j assisted me in the Dixie
bread contest .Miss llsii-l Ijiison.
The Michigan folks living In this
part of the U. H. are going o organize
a Michigan society at the statu fair
grounds on the evening of Friday, July
II. There will be a linskct picnic about
7:'M o'clork and after that, a genuine
old fashioned dance with real fiddles
and the dancing of the Virginia reel
and Old Dan Tucker.
With a b'g peach crop coming on ana
conditions most favotable for a bump
er apple crop, and the already assured
fact Hint all canned goods will cost
aboiit two imei ss much next winter ' plaint referring to ill treatment, ie al
as thev did the lint srason. a Droini-! leires that Ir. Wliile refused to allow
nent grocer today said that about the(her to exercise tho right, of ownership
best thing a housekeeper -oiild do over any of her own fimperty or to
wuuld be to double up on the regular manage ' the same, ami that when she
amount of fruit canned each year. One refused to mnke certain investments,
year ago this sluing ccrtuia canned he wmilillieeoine sulky and sullen about
Hoods nere -liiicg at 2"i cents. Accord
me to present prices, the same goodsjtwo children and .that Dr. White be Te-
will w'll next winter at (lo rents a can. 1
Su ;ar will not advance to any great
extent this wnnmer if at all. Hence
the advice to housekeepers is to can
every kind of berry aad fruit possible
daring the summer aud fall season.
Ben F. West, county assessor, says
that all rbputy avewtors lisve maile
j their returns exempting -A. (.'. Iibby of
s,.tl. K.I. A. .. ,i .
. j tura.in ,IU If.t.n I' I ...Ik .
s..ors tret in their reliims. the ro.m.'to
ty tfvvtit'n office will -be able to com-
plete ir awiwmotit files for 1P1. Mr. by the members in convention here as
Wct thought that the total would run she addrcnned thm at the steel pier,
about the s-ime s ht yar. Miss Booth's address was in the na
o . lure o(i thanks to the lodge for asuint-
Lieutenant Floyd Browne li wort- aare in raising funds for the halvat;on
ing away on hi airplane, 4mt the p;X. Army's war efforts.
Veilor promiedin Puvtiand has not as' Prank U Rain of Xebraka and Al
yet arrived. A a rplsiie iwrvi.'e sta- Wrt T. Broi.hv of Brooklyn were the
tiens nave not a yet tee established,
" r it'um profw
aitinn. tf.e 1,,-u.ant ssys. One of the
objects of the hub-m Aeroplane club i
Recruiting Organization To
Be Heard la Concert
For an hour this morning the ma
chinery of state was at aiandstill
ami practically every person under the
capitol dome, from the governor to tho
window cleaner, gathered ftlxmt the
west entrance to jjreei or to be reet
id ly the I'. S. -Naval Banil, who prv
suited a morning serenade of music
su h as is seldom heard in iNilem.
Traveling in their owa private pull
man, the noted aggregation of 45 ni
sicians arrived in the city last evvn
iusj, and in the middle of the forenoon
asniblol on State Btreet for the
march through the city and up to the
capitot, where the leader held brief
conference with governor Oleot and
cxplaiued their mission in the Jiorth-
to awaken interest in naval en
The governor received tho visitors
cordially, e!cpreed his hearty aj'prwi
ation of the iart Oregon boy had play
ed in the American navy during the
war, and aured them that he would
lend every encournjenient possible to
the work of rifruiting for this branch
of service. (Following the conference
the governor addressed the band as a
bodv, expressing his appreciation of
their presence and their music; and to
this luef iiHinian Howard ftimth
of the party made a fitting reply.
The I . S. Navy band of 4, menibers,
made up of some of the best players
to be found in the navy and including
several members of the liund of t'he obk
battleship Oregon, is touring the north
west by authority of tho navy depart
ment, under the d'.rectiou of Lieut. Oeo.
h. iandv, who is in charge of recruit-
iug actiivties in Oregon. Tho musical
programs are directed by the veteran
bandmaster, Thos. J. Keunedv, who
has 2(1 years of honorable service to
his erediL Ha is a graduate of the Bos
ton Conservatory of Music and has con
ducted concerts in all the principal cit
ies of the world
Tonight at 8 o 'clonk 'in tho Oregon
theater, the band will open one of its
fine iirograras, winch will includa a ser
ies of voval numbers by two tenor sing
ers who are membora of tho bund.
Along with the program will be a film
presenting tho work of the navy over
seas, as well as the reutine work on the
vessels and all the educational features
included iu the naval (program, The
film will ibe accompanied by a lecture
on the advantages and needs ' of Hie
navy, to be delivered by Chief yeoman
Howard fS. Smith. In addition to ..is
lecture and musical program there is
a bit of fun in a series of vaudeville
stunts to ibe lint on by the boys In
blue. And to make up an unheard ot
bill of tntertainmcint for the ordinary
price of admission, Manager Ktippor
W'll run the, usual reels of Douglas
J'ainbanks in tho " Knickerbocker
Muckaroo. "
Judge George 0, Hinghan) has over
ruled tho demurrer of the State Acci
dent Commission in" the suit brought
against it to compel the commission to
(bring suit for the recovery of $4 OiM)
'paid to a woman in Portland whose
busband was accidentafty killed early
this year in the (Irnnt-Hmith Porter
works. Tliis means that the comuiis-
sion will be obliged to answer the com-
Tdaint. The judge sustained tho demur-
rur oi Attorney uenorai j;rowu, n. lin
ing that the attorney general need not
act in the case unless especially re
quested to by the commission. In the
complaint against the commission, it is
alleged that instead of paying the
widow a monthly allowance of :!0.l)0,
the commission illegally paid her for a
full discharge of all claims against the
state, the ump sum of 14,000.00. This
money is now held under attu hment in
a Portland bank.
piano service station whereby a flying
machine mav be fixed no as uuicklv as
:.tl:ii".r::k,y "
- - 1-
o ,
Th paving plant la now putting on
an Attrikalt tnvrnrf ntfir tint Hinth
I 'online n ial street liriilire. A. snnn
this work it completed, t will be taken
to the Liberty road to work as far as
half a mile fceynnd Liberty. Uoadmas
ter Culver says he hopes to have thrt
filierty road completed within four or
Five week.
la th divorce suit of Edith Eyre
White against Dr. B. H. White, the
plaintiff has filed an amended com
plaint. In addition to the orginal com-
home. JShe asks for the custody of their
strained from removing
them froia the ,
jurisdiction of the court
Salvation Army Leader
InamtS Hire franci I rAIf
iiidans EiKs urana Lcage
Attantic Citv, X. .1., July H.d,,,,.
mander Kvangeline Booth of the Hal-'
w.li,.. m . L : 1 . L J . . I
.;,:. r:.. .u.
ddrc the r,nrt l,.rf f ML. .f
'an executive session. Mic vns cheered
leading randilat-s for grand exalted j
ruler wit a predictions favoring the."he will just begin to live." Tliti was
former. ntl,t ,br,,inj? hi, (.th b.rrh.lcv.
bargain day- my i2ra
.Unwelcome Fern Of Govern -
ment Not To Be Forced
" " ; Upoa Uusleritcsl .
London, July S. Sir James Ian Mac
l'hersou, chief cf rptary for Ireland,
is answer to the question, "What is
the government soing to" do in Ire
larnlf" gc the I' u i tin! Tress the first
authoritative. annmiarement on the
minutra-tioa a Irish policy.
Mav.rhersrtn declared the government
had derided to shelve the present home
rule kill, b.cattse it unaeeeptalil
!( tho Irish people. He said he was pre
paring a substitute measure whiv,and ordering it to deliver to the Fhes
which would be submitted iMn
'We must act within sin mouths,"
he declajed. ' However, the llntith gov
eramcnt will never agree to dominion
rule in the souse it is possessedliy "sf -.
.. . rf-
a'du. Whatever form of goveriunent fin
ally is applied vn 1'ls'er, under no cir
ums!anc'S will she be icoervcd to en
ter any jurisdiction repungeut to her-'
(jueetioneU nith regard to the effect
M. iMissiiile recognition of Irish ind-
penuenee Jiy tue AinvrK-aii senate, Sir
James said:
"Siren action undouldedly would
can to aJ.reais in uipiomaric reJations
Personally 1 cannot conceive of this
happening. It would be an unthinkable
breach in inteniatio'nal comitv. I can-
..ilium ...I ,uv i iiinu .-lauo,
. M7 "f "f"t ' Vrlv on the morning of Julv 3.
lera should suiH-eed in imof ficmlly Thi. is the' suit hromrht 'nirni
f'oa'ing a loan in the 1'niteil States,
Perhaps it wonld eupply the Sinn Fein
ers with the means of another attempt
at violence, but it would not cuuse liny
worry." .
'MacPhiMswn declared the British gov
r yr ,H '"? ' I'
t ... I. . . , ,
iwn.oiion it -iii-iunu votuu neciut"
what form of gcvernuient nhe wished
Tho chief secretary denied the charg
es of atrocities and deportation of wo
men in Ireland. Speaking of the be
sieged towns, he wiidrt
"When the Sinn Feiners murdered
IKilieeiueu in cold blood we ordered the
aria occupied for the protection of so
ciety, aw abiding 'citizen gave full
sanction. Isolation wus aimed only at
outlaws. , . .
"The ehurges of atrocities are abso
lutely if n Ik. J am willing to vouchsafe
that tihei prisons in Belfast and Mount
Joy are equal to any in the world in
tho comfort of the prisoners. Jails are
not like 'palaces anywhere. ''
Look up for the airplunc Wednesday
afternoon. A telephone message was
received this afternoon at tho Lioni.nor
vial club from Oeorgo Love, of Port
land, president of -the Oregoi; Aircraf
The two wings of the plane have al
ready been repaired and now with law
propellor to arrive this evening, every
thing should be ready for commercial
flying by tomorrow nftornooa. Lieu
tenant Browne thinks ho ran put on the
propellor md tuno up the plane in the
morning, ,
In addition there are two projellora
and two lower wings coming from Ran
Francisco. With all this equipment, tho
assurance is given "by the aviator thnt
the flying is about to begin.
Those who wish to fly Wednesday
afternoon should telephone T. K. Mc
Croskcy, msnnger of the Commercial
club iu order that all arrangement may
be made. Lieutenant Browne wii! stay
here severnl days to fill nil his engage
ments. With tho aviation field rolled and
'.Traded again todny, everything is now
in readiness with no possibility of an
accident similar to the one that put the
pin no out of commission lust Thursday
evening. Although the aviator will fill
engagements in Oregon all summer, it is
j probable thnt he will make his IicmI
1'iwtcrs in Balein.
FBomBiTioNi8T8 hou8E
Washington, July N. Prohibitionists
s'in ,,ie today won the first test
UV' 011 """"" vn'orcemeni icgis
By a vote of "'.'9 to !VI immediate
consideration of the enforcement bill
was ordered, as demsnded by drys.
The action was taken by adopting the
resolution of the sub-committee.
Chicngo July ti. William 1). May
wood former sovereign of the I. W.
W., will be released from Ipesvenworth
penitentiary shortly, following approv
al of bonds here today. Peronsal pruper-
ty and liberty bonds totalling '-',00(i
were offered. Haywood hns been in
Irfavenworth almnst a year, being sen-
'tenced there vith ninety two other I
. W. after conviction on charges of
vimaiing ine espionage act. nay wooii
jwill be free pending the hearing on an
Chicago. P. Hitter didn't rtmove his
rlt,,l,i"8 ,(,r? ,0 nfW Juration today.
iilll((iar, ,Vlli it for i,im it night, but
(the fee was i0 worth of g'Ods.
Dr. Halph I.ibberton traded
'" 0,in limousine for
flivver. He
"'0'1 Kave the tranger tlh iu rash, a
check for 81. (He
was at the dangerous end of a .rS.)
Xew York. Louis I Ort's rtsc in
traffic court was dismissed wiii.o the
prosecuting patrolman reported I. on is
dead and buried.
New York. John I). Kockcftlier says
he rxpets to live to be 100 and then
bargain day- july 12th
jPajineEt Of Lead Check Re-
fused Before Restraining
Order Issjied.
I the proceeding brought the
l'hei eonipanr ayainst the Salem Fruit
1'nion officers and monger for nfu-
jug to pay a load check of K. H. Dok-
km of Silverton for lev's aberries de-
ad-jtivered to the l'hei eonniaiiy at Silver
lea, the I nion has niaile answer as fol
That the original temporarv restrain
ing order, preventing the I'nion from
giving advice or counsel to its growers
company any logans offered, was not
signed until late in the day of Wed
uesilav, Julv 2.
That the incident regarding K. 11
iPokken occurre.l-at 2 oVlck on the
1 . .
efterniwn of Julv and that the order
of Judge fieorge ti. Bipvhaia granting
the temporary n-straiiiing order was not
signed or entered in the journal of the
court or register until s.'veral hours
after Rokkcn had appeared at the of
lfi,.e of the Sulem Piuit I niou.
1 That as soon as the order was signed
;lho r,lion .mU,A n,,, in ils , f,,.,
n,ivising all its growers to abide bv th
,(,...,. nf .,, -t The lemi-mnrv ri'
temi oinrv
straining order was signed late on the
evening of July 2 and the order posted
In iha nffipA nf ihn Siul.tm Vrnil l'tiii.n
This is the suit brought ugniust the
officers of the Salem Fruit Pnion
charging them with contempt of court
in not accepting the load check of
Dokken. The I'nion claims that tho re
straining order was not signed and
r'I'kken incident, and that it hud no
11- nrirn iiiiii, pi m-ibi iiuuib n.i.i in.
I J.l.llr.lt:.. ....;l ... ....-I l vd c.. l.
Famous French DiscovfrvI
replaces nerve wasta$e.
iiwesscs sircnjm.encrEy.
L huilti firm healthy flesh.'
land Blamed On Revo
Dublin, July fi. Hiun Fein organize
tions end clubs of Irish volunteers in
the country of Tippcrery have been
proclaimed illcgnl on account of 'mur
ders and crimes" resultisg from Irish
activities, according to a government
statement. The proclamation said:
"Tt Is impossible to resist the -on
elusion that fltnn Fein ami kindred
associations have been formed, to over
throw the constitutional government of
Ireland by acts of terrorism and vio
lence against officers of the law."
Justification Claimed.
London July 8. Commenting os the
Tipperary proclamation the Daily
Graphic said today that Chief (Secre
tary Mael'heraon 's list of crimes jus
tifying tho statement, 1 'makes it dif
ficult to realize we are not reading
stories of bolshevik Russia. "
"A compromise with m irderers ii
impossible," said the Graphic. ''DeVa-
lera has nothing to learn about the
lynch law from the hero worshippers
of America."
B. H. E.
St. Louis 13 2
.New York H 10 .1
Doak and finyder; Benton and Mc
Cart v.
Ilrixiklyn ,
Miller ami Mi ti in i 1 1 1 ;
..... 1 H 1
2 7 0
Cndure and
Chicago . 5 10
1'hilad.lphia 4 8 5
lletid-i imd Killifer; Hmilh and Ad
ams. riiH-iiiiiati 2 7 2
Boston 9 11! 3
King and Wingo; Kndlph and (low-
Kecond game
lloston 0
Klle-r and Uarid nj Nchf and (Jowdy
(Pive innings)
Ht. louis 0
Bagby anil O'Neill; Kooli and 8ever
oid (H-vea inningf)
Apply VapoRub
liahtljr It soothes
the tortured akin.
tj jA
-j, ti
virus VAPnpiTirrt
sLr.rt,'" . X"v,..
53 North High Street
Quick Reference To Finns That GIts Service On SierS
Where Buyer And Seller Bleet We
Recommend Oar Advertisers.
Salem Electrie Co., Masonie Temple,
FOR SALE ()ood 3 room house with
modern .conveniences on largo lot,
abiindanro of fruit, on paved street.
6-ruoip house, small barn and S.fine
Jott with abundance of fruit, only 21
omens iroiu pavea street ana eeaooi.
Jfl2P0. Square Deal Realty to. tf
0 acres all cultivate 8 acres-fruit
mostly prunea in bearing; Si3 acres
logans, 1 acres more of good lo
ganberry land, fair 5 room house, old
4arn, aonie fencing; 2 miles' from
town, only l.iSot).
7.31 acres, 'fa acre timber, fine run-1
ning water with chance to irrigute
the tract 3 miles from ftlcin hunts, i
7 acres in cultivation, fine strawber -!
ry or loganberry lumf, just the place I
for you to own and hold your job in
the city, if taken sunn, only $UW0.
ft acres all in cultivation, finest of
loganberry land, close to tvilcm, Vj
cash and balance at tf percent. Price
8 room house on ipaved stretit priced
at less than cost; owner wants to
leavo the eity, will sell or exchange
for Seattle residence uf equal value;
price 3000.
ti room iiunjjslow, well finished, pav
ed street, large lot, close in; $:il'.")0.
7 room house, lot 110x103 feet, must
be sold to satisfy creditors, only
$1400. This beats renting and get
timg notice to move on.
25 acres all in. cultivation, well im
proved, T acres in fruit, mostly
prunes; all equipped with stock, tools
and poultry, 1 mile from town onfl'
3 acroa all cultivated and in clover
ready to cut; 4 room iningalow,
chicken house, wood shed full of
wood, family fruit; a snap for the
Tight party. Price 1300. $700 eash,
tiuO at 6 ipercent for 1 or 2 years
with .payment privileges.
For tho beat buys lu ranch or city
siroierty see tioculofsky, Jinyne
building. tf
Call 398. Highest prices, paid for
Junk, tecond hand goods and machin
ery. Be aura and call 398, get tha right
prices, Tha squire deal housa.
271 Chsoeketa St. Balem, Or.
t TU Capital Journal t
t Daily Market Report t
Wheat, soft white S.l
Wheat, lower grads ea tampls
f)ts, new e
Hay, cheat, new 15fn18
Hay, oata, now 13(ffl7
Barley ton HaS0
MiU run - M3l
Buttorfat 83c
Creamery .huttor 00(ft5Gc
fork, Veal aad Knttai
Pork en foot Ibrtfilfl
Veal, fancy l(;20e
Cowt . 6(5 7lraC
Bprlng lambs 10(olle
Kwes - 45
Sheep, yearling! 7e
gga and rom try
Fjrgs, rash 40c
liens, live -izwye
Old roostera , 15e
BroiUri 23e
Radishea, ooz ............... 45e
Potato ................... 82
New potatoes 4c
Green onions dot . .
Oniona sack . 5.80
f'bbage 'M
Head lettuce HOC
t'arrots 4V
Bunch beets 3e
Cantaloups 84(0-4.50
Watermelons 3Vj
Oranges 85.756.50
lemons, box 87(3,8
3 Bananas 8'c
(,'aluoruia grape fruit ... 8-u
Honey, eitrweted 10
BeUU rrlces
Bggs, dor.en
Creamery butter .
Country' butter
Flour, hard wheat
Portland Market
Portland, Or., July 8. Butler, city
creamery 52t.hle
Eggs, selected local ex 43(3 44
Hens iWo'llr
Broilers 23(Vi27e
Cheese, triplets 3739e
Receipts n noe
Tone of market steaxly
lood to x-hoice steers 87f 10
Pair to good tleer Hs.5U
Oimmon steers 88-50(ii7
' wood to c
, Medium to
Oood to choice cows arl keifert
good cowt and hoi furs
1 Pair to
medium eows and keifert
fanners 4
' Bulla 8k!7
Calves 8W'i-12.50
Keceipls fiJS
Tone of maiket strong.
Medium mixed 80.3!Hi Uii.j
f 1 H
-Mala ISO
127 North High-
i AUTOS without drivers te uire, 1 dol
lar per hour. W7 8. Con., tit. Fhoa
3lJ9. ti
We will pay you more cash for year
household goods. Get our bid before
you tell Peoplea Furniture and Hard
ware Store, 271 N. Com. St. Those
NO CASH R Oood overcoat
shoes and suits, all kinds of muaia
al instruments, shotguns, rifles, heat
ing stoves, gas stoves, auif cases aa
"1000 other useful articles to mil or
trade. What have youf Tha CapitaJ
Exchange 337 Court St. Phone Vii.
I'OVR used furniture, stoves, carpet
and tools, at we pay lair prices for
everything. Call B47
2S5 N. Com'l St.
Hats Blocked
HAT BLOCKING I clean and bloek
ladies' and Men 'a hatt. Just re
ceived a hat renovating machine. It
getj the dirt, Try it once.. O. M.
Ellsworth. 493 Court St. Salem, Or.
SO years experience, Depot Natioaal
and American fence.
Sires 28 to 58 in. high
Paints, oil and varnish, ate.
Loganberry and hop hooks. (
Salem Pence and Stove Works,
250 Court atreet. Those IU.
J. A. Rowland Fiuxiturc Store
Buys, sells and exchanges new aad
2d hand furniture. All kinds ol
repair work, light grinding, filing,
and brazing a specialty. Bight
nricea. 247 North Commercial ttk.
Phone 18.
refuse of all kinds removed ea moat
ly contract at reasonable rates.
Oess pools elranod. Dead animals ra
moved. Office phone Main 187.
On Oood Real Estate Boeurity
Over Ladd Is Busk hank; Balem Orefoa
eent Interest. Prompt aoTviee. SIM
years time. Federal farm loua boati
for sale. A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401 Mar
soaie Temple. Balem, Oregon.
INaUHANCH COUyCli For fraa !
formatioa about Life Iasnranea aa4
J. F. Ilutchuwn, dist. maatger for
the Mutual Life of N. Y., of.V a4
371 Htata Ht., Balem, Or. Qtflea
phone 99, residence UU. U
Our Prices are Right
M. ZANDLER, Ptopriator
, Bummer Btreet. Balem, Oragasi
1255 N
mower ground by machinery; all
kinds of grinding, loek smithing, mnt
brcllaa recovered, light repalriag of
all kinds. 347 Court tH.
MeCornaek kali oa evsry Tuaeday
at 8. Walter Lenon, C. C, P. i.
Hunts, K. B. 8.
KOVAL Neighbors of America, Oa
goa Orapt camp No. 13W meet every
Thursday evening in McCoraaak kaia
Elevator srviea. Oracle, Mra. (,:
rie E. Bunn, 848 Union tit; raeese
der Mrt. Melissa Persons, 1413 N.
4th' fH . Phone 143AM.
enrner Commercial and Trade street
Bills payable monthly ia advane.
Ph.me eon.
Out of 80 students in the pnannaey
department nt the University of Wah
ington thi year 30 are womea.
To replace the old building leeently
burned, the school district of Empire
in Coos eounty, has voted fuuda vt
12300. :
Pigs H..Wi19."0
Bulk f-JKaJlS ;
Rieipts 396
Tone of marknt (rtcadr
Prime lambs l'-Ya 13
Fair to medium lambt P'u 12.J0
i' curlings liloiS
Wot hers i(jiT
Ewes $i7
Koikgli and mixed 81u(al925