Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 08, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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SOME men spend months in
selecting a car and minutes
in deciding on its tire equipment
Search Of Fistic Circles Shows
I -1
Men Of Oenpsey Gass
Arc Few.
By H. C. BaoilUa
( United Press Staff Conmpomk-at )
nni- - m II r
ine w
estern electric
WASHES CLEAN AND SPOTLESS WHITE-There is never any need of
the washboard or hand-rubbing. The hot filmy soap suds are gently hut force
fully swirled through every garment and cloth, forcing out the dirt and grime
under the magic power of electricity while you go about your other duties or
sit quietly by reading a book. The clothes come out clean and white, from the
daintiest lingerie to the heaviest blanket. , y
An ordinary washing for a family of five can be done in an hour, or hour
and a half, leaving you the balance of the forenoon hours formerly spent in .
drudgery for your regular household duties or pleasure.
THE WESTERN ELECTRIC is compact and requires but little space. It
is not an incumbrance, never in the way, a beautiful and attractive machine
that commands admiration. Just a little out-of-the-way corner will be large
enough for it. "Put it behind the door" The tub rack may be telescoped and
"hung on a nail" or shoved under the machine.
Can be paid for on installments, monthly with your electric light bill.
New York, July S. 81 act tix-rs I to
much speculatioa ea a probable oppo
nent for Jack Dempsey, bow tht.t he kas
yauved tke heavyweight title. It prob
ably would be a good thing fot the psb
lie and the boxing game if a 'e aspir
ant! to the match were esuatrd cut be
fore they raa afoul the ekhapioa
I fiats.
Providing Georges Carpeatier aerer
i had been matched with Beckett for tke
European championship, it ia j-ol ii
i probable that the frenchman would
have been aeleoted aa the Deupe Tic
jtim. But aa he stands in rock great
danger of being eliminated in tna Beck
jett match, he ii hardly worth on.ider
I tion.
Carpectier U not in shape fot a niUch
with any one, to nay nothing of a battle
for the world ' title. It la declared
here by eomeptent critic who have aeen
the trench champion during tile war
j that he is fat and burned up inside;
I that he has not taken good care of him
self and that he never 'will be in fight
ing condition again,
i So much for Carpentief.
I Trunk Moran has bid for a n.atcL He
I U a mere third rate boiei, nothing
I more. And that ends him.
Fat Wiliie Meehcn holds a decision
over Dempsey, gained tn Califoinia in
four rounds. Meehan'a friends declare
Mehan is a sure winner over tnis d:s
twice. With Dempsey defending t)e
title meeting would probably nunu dis
aster for the fat boy. He is the nore
desirable of any of the heavy mights
now ready for u whirl at the tiiie. since
Billv Miske himself has dodged a new
match with Willard'a conquercr.
So much hokum is being smoked,
however, that there is every likelihood
IH'iiipKey will be sent into the ling in
Xcw Jersey about Labor Day.
(Continued from pans one)
were obliged to secure the service! of
Aaron bsplrn, a specialist in coupera-
will be handled by Oregon concerns.
, "Ail of the wenknesses of other co
operative associations In tlie way of
I contracts, ot'., have ibeen goue into by
with the association, however, will end
next week.
"To permit the statement that Cali
fornia will have any 'hand is a rank
writer with Mr. wtpiro, ana me j injustice to the twenty one directors
' association 's article of incoroo-1 of Hie il.ati.in .11 ..,...,
live association law work, who reside! ration, iby-laws and Initial contract men, and whose loyalty and enthusiasm
in San Francisco, to draw up our ar-jara the best that have been seen on j for Oragou lint Hover teen questioned.
4 U- laa lie insnr lUifn tins anil I.b.Ibw Ui lit. II...'!. . i - if . "... I . i . .
v-.v. ........ j.,..., ...u ,v wn.jHHT i-ioiiae cuam. mt. rupiro m auor- tub fact or the matter is wist Califor
Kftltirfk K-rti-L uitl twi Af.r in utv.tii a i ...... - ...,........ .... I.. , I ., .. ,1 : t . ....
j V i 7,,, -,""7 ,ur ,r" '"" wioun", ma auoauy controls utrougn various
-.-..i, nun iiiit mi:ii iiioh no win nave i uie .papers or tno new association rep- firms approximately fifty per cent of
no further connctioti with the associa- j resent the results of years of rxperi-1 the dried fruit output and seventy five
Th" reinain'W of Hie l.-jpl worklenee along this lino, ilia comics tion per cent f the canned fruit out nut
. v
A "Year-Roxind Tonic
That's what the right food always
is, but what's the riht food?
Grape BMiiis
was.devisedto supply body and
brain with necessary food val
ues summer and winter.
Not merely a delightful something
to eat."
Not merely something to fill up onV
But a tissue builder- a recon
structor of tired and wearing
parts with wonderful flavor
and wholesome nutrition.,
Each Horning a Dish, of
Grape -Nuts
of the state, and ithese .fruits nre going
out under labels which are synonymous
ith California, knd Oregon is being
robbed of tha prestige it is entitled to
for it superior products.
"Tho arguments presented are not
really arguments why growers should
not do their own business and market
their own fruits nationally under an
Oregon brand, as most of the article
is confined to a personal attack on one
of the writers of one of the Portlanfl
paper, it is inconceivable, however,
that the fruit growers, and especially
tite prune growers, should continue to
go ahead blindly In the same way In
marketing their products, as they have
been in the past twenty vears, in viewt
of the fact) that up until the law two
years fully sixty to seventy five per
cent of the prime growers ihad mort
gages on their places.
"To use the present abnormal con
dition to justify the growers in con
tinuing to work in the aomo unorgaa
ired manner they have in the past
twenty years in inconsistent, and any
one who attempts to convey the idea
that an increase in the production of
prunes, which will throw from four
hundred million to five hundred mil
lion pounds more prunes upon the mar
ket within the next few vears, enn bci
met by the same inactive methods as
in the past, is too inconsistent to be
conide.red a reliable autihoritr on thp
subject, when it can be clcarlv shown
that the increase in consumption dur
ing the last ten years haslioen practic
ally nothing as compared with tlie
enormous increase in planting.
I his (iHiifortiia ' bugaboo is a mete
camouflage which is not deceiving the
prune growers, especially in view of
tihe fact that ninety to ninetr five per
cent of the unorganized growers, on ac
count of the Inck of information which
their orgam.ivt neighbors are able to
secure, took a loss of from $20 to $S0
per ton on their lst season's crop, and
Rfter these conditions the statement
l.ot the prune growers profit by ex
isting conditions and get all he can,
for he certainly deserves it' appears
ludicrous. That is where the rub came.
'The unorganized crowcrs did not
get all they could have had they teen
organized and sold their prunea'to the
eastern traiie, and the old saying 'Be
ware of (ireeks 'bearing gifts' might
aptly apply, as the selfish interests be
hind this statement nre too apparent,"
And yet the best car in the
world is ultimately no better
than its tires.
With Firestone GraySidewall
Tires between you and the
road you can rest assured of
getting every dollar's worth of
satisfaction out of your car that
the makers put into it
Vr. .
Most Miles
er Dollar
Chicago Girl Happy Over
Murder Of Attorney Whom
She Declares Wronged Kcr
Achet, pain, nervousness, diffi
culty in urinating, often mean
serious disorders. The world's
standard remedy for kidney, liver,
bladder and uric acid troubles
biinf quick rt!lf and ofttn ward off
daadly diaM. Known th national
rtmsJy ol Holland for mora than 200
year. All druggists, ia thrss sira.
U far th Cold MJI m tM km
m4 ct M taaiuttoa
(Continued from page one)
with bows and smiles. The streets had
been specially decorated for the occa
sion and the scene was inspiriix.
Two hours before the president reach
ed the hall where he was to tpea t very
seat wus filled.
The crew of the British dirigible R 34
came uv nsortiv. ne r ore 4 o clock and
took seats. Thev were instantly ree-
ognixed and given an ovation. The
crowds In the hall was patient, despite
the extreme heat.
a. mmM '
Chi. ago, July 8. (1'iiitod I'lm)
Of four women in the life of Benja
min Hurr, a murdered attorne), only
un was happy todsy. That wa. Mar
garet Seithsmicr, 17, the girl who ad
mits shooting Burr Monday because
"he used her as a toy."
Margaret was in jail awaiting the
coroner's verdict on Burr's ileal 1..
Burr's mother, Mrs. Mary Burr, is
under a physician's rare a i- Mrs.
Mvrtle Burr his divorced wife. MNs
Tills Sautcr, Burr's fisnce for whom
Margaret Keithamicr aay she was
'thrown over" wa grief atrirken.
Margaret, a pretty girl, gig led :oday
over the death of the lawyer who, at
.14, was a sjx'viali.xt in divorce iaes.
fue rheerrullr re encctert the Mene in
which she took Burr's lif
iter, she said, she waited tn
Capital Plana Welcome.
Washington, July 8. (I'liitid l'less.
Wsshington, which ordinarily goes to
bed about 9 . in. will sit up touiuht to
welcome President Wilson. Ti.e police
have made preparations to handle a big
crowd when the chief executive arrives
here at 10 o'clock.
Between 10 and 11 p. ni. tne presi
dential pr.rty will pass through an ar
bor of flowers at I'nion station, be
greeted by two band playing pa!notic
airs and proceed along Pennsylvania
avenue to the White Hous past tab
leaux intended to demonstrate how glad
the capital is to see ita most prominent
citizen once more.
Police and secret service sgem have
taken extraordinarr precaunoi.s to
oafcgiiard the president. The railway
line from New York to Washington will
lie patrolled. Throwing of fiowers at
the president and taking of fUhhligbt
photogruphs is forbidden. Major Pull-
Vuth her''"'', chief of the Wssliingtoii police.
Burr's "nd secret sorvi.-e hands will inspect
son Thursday when he
peace treaty.
A resolution by Senator Lodge was
passed, authorizing appointment of a
couiinitee to notify the president that
tho senate is ready to receive any com
munication he may wish to ma
escort him to the sonata cha
(Senators Lodge, Hitchcock, McCum
ber, Williams and Borah were named.
Borah refused to uttend the White
House dinner when the president re
turned last time and is the president's
most implacable opponent on the l.i.ue
of nations. On Lodge's niolion, tho
senate decided- to adjourn today until
presents the ' Hunter of the Salvation army together
I with the remains of the Solvation ar
my a own effort was wisely distribut
ed by the captain among some poor
J OpeaFonna
kaud tojAmherst Professor To Make
Attempt lo lalk To Mars
Omaha, Neb., July 8. Professor Asia
Todd, Amherst university, who cluim
to have instrument with which he be
lieves he can communicate witii liars it
he reaches a great enough height, will
iiinke an attempt to rench two planet
Sunday, according to Ualloon Instruc
tor Leo Ctcvens, Fort Oiiiuha. Professor
Todd will accompany Stevens in his
height endurnnce tests r.t the loit.
Professor Todd hus made two other
attempts to communicate wita Mars,
one from the top of the Andek m-un-tains
in outh Aerica and the other
from a halooa piloted by K. evens ia
To the Editor: The Salvation army
hut erected on the corner of State and
High streets for free distribution of
hot coffee, doughnuts, soft drinks, etc.
to soldiers, sailors and marines, was
certainly a 'busy place from early on
the morning of 'the Fourth until late in
the evening of the fifth and the boys
fully appreciated the effort Capt. and
Mrs. Hunter, with their helpers, also
found much pleasure in the service ren
dered and at the close of the two full
days felt, proud to have met so many
boys who really have sacrificed. The
surplus from the banquet given to the
ooys in tne armory ty the war moth
ers and that from the Knirht of Co
lunvlnis whieh was handed to t'liptnin
U tie root el Bsarly all digestive
evils. If yevrdifestioa is weak e
out of kilter, better cot less ajad oa
the Bw aid to Better digestion.
Pleauat t take effective. Let
Ki-rnaidt help straighten Oat fma
digestive troubles. '
the 'ion station guards ana tlie .oro
of plain clothes men along the roiit this
evening to make sure every man is at
his proper place and that no possible
'Red Crown" ia straight-distilled,
all-refinery gasoline. Look for the
Red Crown ign before you fill.
office. As he opened the door t.h tired
fi shot from a tiny revolves. The
man died in a hospital. The gi:l wait
ed for officers and docilelr wer.t to jail.
Burr, she claimed, drugged her and took precaution has been overlooked,
her to his rooms, afterward ptomisinj; Senate Beady for Treaty.
marriage. ) Formal preparation were titsae ;oda I
The other women interested in Burr by the senate to receive President Wil l
rt..nf..l tltrt r!'a vtitrv ttll IKk-A
.ni8 he w, the Kre;iet mar. BARGAIN DAY JULY lZTHi1 1L CAMrBELL Special A?tn Standard OU Co, Salem.
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