Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 08, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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a! lii 1
I3! rll
9, wmsmwwm
' The Rainier Products Company relieves retails and consumers of the necessity
of paying Revenue Taxes on Rainier Beverages to paying all taxes thereon direct
to the Government.
Body Of Girl Believed
Kidnapped Found In Lake
Portia ml, Or., July 7. Tho body of j
leather, 4 niman, V, was found In Oa
wnso lake south of I'ortiiuul at noon
toduy iy a party of grapplcra. Tho
fcody was discovered near the spot
Aroid IniUtUas as SabstitaUs
ou; to conquer
If yam this i & aprdal on
cr, if it ! deep-rooted, RAINIER
SPECIAL will conquer it ThJ
tmimuJ, fino-CaTored, toft drink
doe the one thing other" toft
drink fail to do it really aali-
fie. A bottle bf it on a hot day
put thirst to Gght in a jiffy. A
bottle with Iiuch or dinner tops
either oC p-yfectly. Come to
know thik think. There' no other
Ie it notie 1 1 rival iL You can
purchate a lot bottle or a full
case. Stamp your memory with
RaJoW tWast Comoaar. Seattle U. S. A,
Mall fUniw, kasrkar Canal, Srr 14
oW-w- AJct
CO., Distributors, Portland,Oregon
where the ffirl waa lust seen wading In
the lake the afternoon of July 4,
finding of the body dissipated all
vanced to awount for the girl'i dia
apHarani'0. Search partira previous
ly hud seommjjly a'oured tho eountry
and lake bottom so thoroughly that It
was firmly tx-lievcd she had been kid
naped. I
Returned Soldier
To Kill Wife And Himself
Vancouver, W'Shli., July 7. Oeorgo
Pcnnsnent and temporary positions open for yous wom
with or without experience.
Applications will be received during tie present strike at our
Central Office in Salem. Telephone EuildLng, 170 North Liberty St
The Pacific Telephone &
Telegraph Company
Dlulct, returned aoldier, is in tho hos
pital todny recovoring from self-inflict
i'J woumIs caused by a razor.
It ia iillejjod Biuljft unsuccessfully
tried to kill his wife yesterday, attack
ing her with flatirpi) and then a raior.
Thinking he had fatally wounded her,
the former soldier attempted to commit
suicide, the polico any.
," My wife has been untrue lo me; she
has deserted me," ia the remark Biulet
1 said to have made before attacking
his wife. Hho was rescued by her moth
er with whom Bho lives. Her condition
ia not serious.
, o rlifW S
". winY
By GerteuJ Roaisoa
a eool, flesn spot ia a hot dusty
Arl.t Tli rna.k in milemiij
condition, sail by leevirg the city
early, motorists can reach ttioir desti
nation ibofore the sua has time to
work haroe with tempera or complex-
ions. Uate with o the quiet groves at
any of the three, alia, they eaa snapi
their fingara at ihe tyrant and bid him
da his worst. Tempera and complexions
art the very least of ones Mattered
worries at Silver Creek.
One of the merriest groups who com
posed parties and motored to the Fnl's
Sundav was made up of Mr. and Mrs.
r. E. FuUerton, Mr. ami Mis. Lee Can
field, ir. and Mrs. O. A. Olson, Mr.
and Mra. Letter Davis, Mr. and Mrs.
C. E. Know land, Mr. Ada Pe:rum, Mr.
and Mrs.-Joseph tljwald. Mr. and Mrs.
E. A. Kurtz, Mr. and Mrsc John ISnv
age and Mr. and Mrs. Emery David
son of Portland.
Vnlike most of the elnba of the city,
the North Salem Women 'a club is plan
ning to outinue its meetings through
out the summer. However, bnsine-s ses
sions will ibe practically diripeiised with
and the time taken up with visits to
tho various local industries and insti
tutions. Tomorrow afternoon the Indies
will meet with Mrs. Kdwnrd Sehunke,
!24 Xorth rSth s'reet. and election of
officers will be held. After a short pro
gram they will ropatr to the Capital
City Laundry where they will be
shown the different convenience and
advantages of a nioitern stentn laundry.
At tho last meeting the Cherry City
bakery was visited and a demonstra
tion witnessed, aad the ladies will try
to obtain permission to go through the
Witten'burg King plant next time. It
ia believed, that these visits stimulate
interest in tho club meetings and are
also a source of valuable information
to tho visitors.
A pretty home wedding was solemn
iicd Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Schrunk,
when Miss Ida Schrunk ibecame the
bride of fharles A. Johnson. Reverend
Lelaud W. I'ortcr of the First Chris
tian church officiated. The home was
artistically decorated with crimson
ramfclor roses. The bride was lovely in
a gown of white silk and her bouquet
was of white carnations. -Mis Alice
chruiik, sister of the 'bride, was brides
maid and Ray Hawthorne served as
beat man. Miss Eva Schruuk and-Boy
Miller, both of Urownsvjlle, were oiuid
The Beauty
i f The Lily
can be your. It
wonderfully pare.
toft, pearly white ap
pearance, free from all
blemishes, will be com
parable to the perfect
beauty oi your (kin
complexion If you will
it.- iuum
of honor and attendant. Miss Louise
Timm presnkdat the organ.
Immediately afier the ceremony Mr.
and Mrs. Jihusou left or a thort hoa
eymooa in thew car.
Eeveread and Mrs. Alfred Fates are
visitius Mrs.' Bates' parents in Fort
land, They eipwt to remain in Port
land for twe weeks and then go to
Willamina for the same lenctk of time
before- retuxming to Salem for the
school for rural pastors which is to be
held at Willamette university, August
Uth to 30th.
IT. and Mrs. Mara mum aave oeen
entertaining as th?Jr gnests, Mr. and
Mrs. George II. Sitnjwn of Portland.
Miss CbrneJia Marvin, state libra
rian, has been invited to meet Ir. An-
relia H. JVinhardt, president . ef Mills
college, who is visiting n rortland as
the guest of Mrs. Helen TTkin 4tarrtt.
Mrs. trtarrett was- hostess Jhis afte
noon in Ir. Reinlmrdt's honor and
Miss Marvin, Miss Mflry Fraiurea Isom
and Miss Harriett Wood, were invited
to attend. " '
Mrs. J. K. Ransom and children of
Walla Walla are visiting at the home
of Mrs. W. H. Bret on Highland ave
nue. - i-w
Mrs. Bessie I). Kimball of the Young
Women's Christian association, has lett
for a month's vacation, flie will visit
in Portland, Nettle and several Alns
kaa cities and spend some time at the
Kuinier national park before returning
Week end guests tit the Joseph Al
bert residence were Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Krause of Portlatuft -
Henry Leo and T. (5. Bligh motored
to Tillamook yesterday to enjoy a
week's outing at. the beach.
iVItss Jessie V. Cox who has been an
instructor in tho local high school, will
leavo this week to take a course in gov-'
rrniutmuu invesuuuon wora at tne
Chicago school of eivit- and philan
thropy. Her dfiparture is brimg mourn
ed hjt the host, of friends which she has
made during' he.r residence in "Salem.
Miss ?eJlie. Stowell who is connected
with the Botsford, Oonstantine and Tv-
ler advea-tisinjt agency in Portland, is
visiting her parents for a few davs.
Mr. and Mrs. John Woods were Port
land visitors yesterday.
Glad Sister Escaped Operation
"Physieians had given my sister up
to oie; tney wanted to operate for gall
stones, but she was too weak and eoiild
only tali, in whirtpera I got her a bot
tle of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy and
in 3 woetks aha was shin to on uhnnl
and walked a mile to church." It is a
simple, harmless preparation that re
moves tne eatarrtml mucus from the in
testinal tract and allays the inflamma
tion which causes tinictinulK. all ulnm.
ach. liver an intestinal ailments, in
oludiug appendicitis. One dose will con
vinee or money refunded. J. O. Perrr,
l 1 ... I .... . . ..
apuai lntg j)tore, ana Oruggists ov
erywhero. Chantauqua Mirth-Maker
Ranks With Chaplin And
Lander Declare Critics
Private Peat is declared to runk along
with Hnrrr Lander and Charley Chap
lin as a great mirtB-rfkker. But there
are no slapstick methods about him. His
lecture which is to be given at Chau
tauqua on the sixth night is just packed
wtih fine clean hnmor that bubble out
spontaneously. He was with the Ca
nadians who stood between the Ger
mans and the channel ports when the
war was new; he was gassed in the
first attack at Vpres and was finally
severely wounded, lying for two days
in the open before being rescued. Yet
his story is orm of yonthful optimism
and of dare deviltry and he will make
you laugh, but thrmigh it all is the
strong sprinkling of sober jutigmeut of
men and affairs that has placed kirn in
the front ranks of tho war lecturers.
As a one maa entertainment on the
platform, he is without a peer. In the
past year he has lectured in moie than
300 cities including London, Toronto,
! San Francisco, New York, Chicago and
Winnipeg. With a snappy subject,
plenty of pep and a wealth of humor,
I Private Peat bring to Chautauqua au-
dieneea a rare story and a splendid en
Lift off Corns!
Doesn't hurt a bit and Freeione
costs only few cents.
With vonr fingers Vou can lift off
any hard eorn, soft enrn, or eorn be
tweoa the tees, and 1h bard skin cal
luses from boetowi erf feet.
A tiny bnttU ef "Freesone" costs
little at any druj store; apply a few
drojs apea tk eora or callus. Instant
Iv it slops hura ne, them shortly yoa
i fc ft that fcothersome com or esdlus rijiht
off, roet and all, without one bit of
psuB or svenrsa, Truly! No humbug!
Funeral services were held at Wash
OBgal recently for Mrs. Mry J. V'ood.
aged 72, whe erossed the plains with
her parents and settled in Puii'and in
t r 1
I reed
1 n 1
ay ix-tDw ;
IlAjy t toiecu my oioy. ii ctms
somehow something more than
just fixing his bottles anj giving
them to him.
It seems like giving him actual
health watching his cheek grow pink, witching his little arms aiid
legs till out and dimple, watching him sleep-better and smile oftener
as he grows stronger and takes a firmer grip on life. - ...
It was our old doctor who said,
"Try Nestle's. You know he mwt
' have milk in snnw form ud Nestle s
hi a food made out of ptire milk, only
the curds ot the milk are broken up and
nude ca ier to digest.
"It ha aireidy added to it jmt the
ri,'ht amount of cereal just the tight
amount of sugar. It conies M you a
clean, rlutfy ponder in an air tight tin
all you h ive to d i add ater and
boil. There are none of the genu
dangers of raw milk it i the nearest
NfMle'l i pure milk iirsiwiier fuem that is already mojltiea irj dues act
require the i-irtlirr adti:tuiA of milk. Alwjys pure a. id ure, always jniorm,
and tre? trom ll.e Ajnpns et home innditiiatn, N-ni's has rtiod thetrst of
three gv-nei ariuoj :-.d lal ttJty lie "ri iel tj J baby fond in tit iv.r41.
FRJiIi! Enough NcstJc's
for 12 feedings. Send the
Call Bhlg., Knn Francisco, Cal.
Please send mc free your tock aud
trial package.
San Francisco Brewers To
Fght Drys From New Angle
San Frnncisro, 'al., July 7. (Vtafed
Press.) Tho fight on prohibition was
taken from a new angle today when
San Francisco brewers filed suit in fed
l nurt In comnel the railroad ad
ministration, to accoit for siiip:iicu't
consignments of 2.7' per cent beet. This
was the first intimation that near-beer
shipment had been refused by the rail
The brewers, through Theodore Bell,
hold that tho railroads aa common car
riers must accept all goods plated for
shipment. They stuto that a carload of
beer, containing one-half oi ui.o per
cent alcohol, was refused shipment by
the Southern Pacific, with the state
ment that this action was taken on gov
ernment orders.
This ruling has tho "wets" harder
than any action since the dry luw was
enforced, it is declared.
Volney Gates, who is working for th
Oooch Lumlie-r eorrrany, met with a
very sad aeeidont Wednesday after
noon. While at work ia the log pond
one of the lango logs rolled onto his
leg, smashing it very Ibadly.
It was at first thought that ampu
tation would be necessary, but l)r.
Morse of Salem, who attended the in
jured man, savi the leg will be saved.
Relatives here were notified of the
incident and they immediately proceed
ed to Gooch. As we go to press the pa
tient is resting as easy as can be ei
F ,t I
1 if in af:
1 - Pa H f X V.
Pearl Oa in bulk
costs less
Pearl Oil that you buy in bulk at
your dealer's is the same high-quality
kerosene as the Pearl Oil sold in five
gallon cans. There is a saving by buy
ing in bulk. Order by name Pearl Oil.
For year 'round kitchen comfort use a ,
good oil cookstove and Pearl Oil. Bakes,
broils, roasts, toasts economically. Lights
at the touch of a match. No waiting for fires
to come up, no unnecessary work, no waste.
Concentrates a steady heat on the cooking -leaving
the kitchen cool and comfortable.
Wis recommend New Perfection
and Puritan Oil Cookstoves
t r
. -'- .
thing I know to mother 'l milk itself."
And now I love to lecd nir bt
with those warm, fill bottles jf the
food that hare taken away fear from
my heart.
I know the Nestle Company will be
glad to send yon enough fur twehe
feedings and a Mother's Book by
suevialisrs on huwto take care of yoir
baby, if you will till out and send fbe
coupon below. They want you to
feed yourbiby with health and happi
hea, too.
pei-ted under the eircuinBlauces. Slay
ton Mail. L .
Secretary Lansing Will ';
" Return Home This Week
Washington, July 8. (United Press)
Secretary of State Lansing will anil
for the Cnited States this week, he ha.
informed the sliitc department. He ill
not sail today, ua reported from Paris,
it was said definitely at the state de
partment. " '
Lansing did not set a definite date
for sailing. Ho will return to tnho
charge of state department al'fuirs'as
they coino up in congress dining ,.tho
peace trcuty discission.
I nder-Secretary Polk is expected to
take Lansing's placo at Paris in eon-
sidering tho remaining treaties. Tblh,
however, has not yet outlined lii" llan.
Itched Till '?
Almost Crazy
"For resrs my hands were stmoat raw :
Tlier Itched so bad I Wu ilraost crair. .
, Rufferod daf sad airht Used all kinds '
. ot medicin. and (at no relief. Lost all
hopes of ver biu( cared until I (ot s
trial bctlU of D. D. 0. Result wcra to -treat
I (oi a larr. bottle. Oa sImb
now and will always prain D. D. I --HOBtiKT
K. HOLUtS, klanakln, Vs
Anyone snirerlnc from skla sroable sslld ot
KTere-slnuld lavestifata at euro th. saorit
f D. O. U. Try it today. Ws cuaiaatc th
Irtt bottle, (sc. ooe and 11.0 c
EH lotion for SKin DiseasO
J. C. Perry'.
A?t, Standard Ofl Co., Salem.