Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 08, 1919, Image 1

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(23,000 BF.ADEB3 DAILY)
Only Circulation in Salem Guar-
uted by the Audit Bare a at
5y i I i
i (AWti ill j, Vila
Oregon; Tonight fair, war-
lie er east portion; Wednesday fir
I Sl I ! i ' M H
Ayyy vvVv'lv - er'r wiu,is"
and warmer, gcuile ita.ist- '
ft-. -
A 7 t . i O I S
return from peace mm
Tremendous Ovation Is Givenl
Chief Executive Upon Ar
rival In New York.
New York, July 8. To the accompaniment of boom
ing guns, shrieking sirns, blaring bands and shouting peo
ple, President Wilson came home today.
The progress of the presidential trans
port Gtorge Washington from the outer
to the iiuier heritor was a continuous
demonstration. The ship arrmd off
Ambrose light before 11 o'cloik but
the speed was reduced so tnat she
m n ir rvi " o IV Hill BV IUM DUG w - II 1 t. I Y
.,. . . ,. ... .iv .vllss Helen Bones, thump Ci&ik, Mrs.
" . i m 11 iur ruunuvr iv mv in
river about 2:30 to permit her to reach
her dock at Hoboken with flood title.
about 3 n. in.
When the George Washington passed
.reaat of the Statue of Libert at 2:2o V
the entire inner harbor was a turmoil of
noise. The cheers of those aboard the
escorting fleet and harbor craft were
flung back a thousand fold from those I
on shore. The transport made her way:
directly toward the mouth of tho North,
river, maintaining her new schcdulo
without difficulty.
The George Washington began
shouldering her way into the slip at:
Hoboken at 3:05 p. m. The president,
attired in a silk hat and cutaway toat,j
stood on the bridge, doffing his hat,
bowing and smiling to the crowds!
ashore. j
Wilson Ashore at 3:5 5.
Just before the George Washington
wa made fast, the president stood on'bv the women of the party ns in the
the bridge of the steamer which kadi
brought him btek from the peace eon
ferenee in Paris, aeknowliug the cheers
of thousands of persons, afloat
ashore. - ,. ,
The president fume ashore at 3:jS p.
With Hear Admiral Grayson at his
side, the president had remained oa the
bridge much of tho time after tho trans
port was met off Ambrose iight by
elements of the Atlantic fleet until he
descended to come ashore.
As the steamer nosed her way into
the slip, Mrs. Wilson and Mis, Marga
ret Wilson stood on the deck just below
Charlesj Jr., Arrives At
Charlie Chaplin Domicile
I.os Angeles, Cal., July S. .h:.rlc
Npencer Chaplin, Jr.
He arrived last night and weighs
neven and three quarters poun ls.
His mother, known on the .icnen a
Mildred Harris, declared toiiav ihat lie
rniist be known as "Charles" and not
ns "Charlie."
His father was so tickled that l.e for
gut how to do the famous Chaplin wullc.
Departure of R
Until Tonight
Mineola, L. I., July 8. i''iited
Tress.) Major H. G. Scott, commander
of the R-34, announced shortly after
noon today that the dirigible probably
would start on its return voyage across
the Atlantic about 6 o'clock tomorrow
This delav in the original plans, Scott j
said, was necessitated by more work in
overhauling tde engines than iim been
anticipated. He said the KCi would
eruise over New York City foi i-lout
an hour before putti out to sea.
Mineola, L.-I.. July 8 The British
dirigible R-34, the first lighter than
air craft to eross the Atlantic, will
mart its return voyage -between 11
'clock tonight ant daybrrolt tomor
row, Htioiild weather conditions prove
favorable, it was definitely announced
early tnluy.
Major fi. H. rcott, commander, plan
ned on getting away before $ o'clock
this morning, ibut a thorough inspec
tion last night revealed that the air
ship needed further overhauling. The
delay will also enable temporary re
pairs to the enveloj. a large rent
wliinn wa tor yesterday when a large
gust of wind nearly pulled the R 34
troin Iit mooring at a time ulien the
best bad greatly e;aaded her gas. -Southern
Koute Back
The R ,14 will make a short eruise
over iNew York city before putting to
"a. Although weaiher conditions for
the neat 24 hiurs are expected, to be
unfavorable the officer of the R 34
were confilent of making much faster
time than on the trip oier here, as the
prevailing winds are sure to be from
the wet.
Tho R 34 wi!l tale the southcra
route, fivina dire.t from Mineola to
F'net, Ireknd, TVs distance is 2S4t
the bridge.
Amoug those who greeted the presi
deut on the pier were his duughtei-, Mrs.
Irs wis Sayre and Mrs. W. U. McAdoo,
General Shauks, Secretary Tumu.ty and
ull members of the cabinet with the ci
... m - t . , f ,
' P . "'"
ni MonZ l'mt'r-
iiacues vaeer wnojy.
The George Washington decked on
tho uorth side of pier four. No the
south side was the Leviathan and along
pier three was tho Von 8teul.cn. As
tho George Washington eame iu'o her
berth the suilors on the transports
maimed the rails.
The jackies stood rigidly at tttrntion
until the president started to leme the
flying bridge, then they broke into
cheers. The president smiled nr.it waved
'hi hand tu them.'
Women war workers, lining both
sides of the pier down which the pres!-
dent and his party passed, apparently
were us interested in the clothes worri
president Himself. Mrs. wntoii 'vue
dressed in an afternoon gown of grey
with a black silk shawl about her simul
tiers and a 1'nris picture hat. Miss Wil-
sun wore a wmte juris gown and a
lurge hat.
After the formalities at Hoboken the
president was driven to the Liufcuwnn
n h ferry, where he stepped aboard the
ferryboat Ithaca nt 4:08 p. m. lor the
trip across the river to New Voik.
At 4:10 p. m. the Ithaca moved from
her slip into the stream.
Crowds 8 warm Hall.
New Jersey's reception to the presi
dent was duplnated by New i'ork when
he landed at the 23rd street firry.
When the Ithaca drew into her slip the
cheers were deafeniug. The police kept
the crowds well hack from the rn.t:nnce
but they jammed the streets for blocks
The president and party were greeted
by Governor Kinith and Muvor Hvlan
(together with other members of the lat
ter s welconing committee. 'Iliey then
entered automobile r,u1 were diiven
across to rifth avenue
The president rode bareheaded mnt
of the time, acknowledging the cheers
(Continued on page sU)
- 34 Delayed
or Wednesday
sea miles, compared with H00 miles
from Ireland 1o Newfoundland The
ill ri irLtkla a n..f -i
"sii.Kru iv-ft miles coming
".-r, uut .tt and his associates be
lieve they can average 40 going back.
Thfa would make the time for the re
turn trip l,out 7u hours, as toinjwred
with tho lOS hours and 12 minutes con
suined on the westward vovage. The pe
k-.wuo.pi ion, in this ,.vent, would
guiloii, ns
agmnst 4S.",i) gaI
Taking Prints Mail
The dirigible, which biought some
mail over, will carry 23 pounds of mail
baek, mostly personal letters. No offi
cial duments were offered for the
return mail, so the public received thjJl,y'
send by R 34" being placed aboard Ja.
two eeai stamp.
As overhauling of the five motors
proceeded today, it developed that the
water jacket of the port engine on the
middle gondola had cracked flooding
the engine. The motor will have to be
taken apart and it was reported this
miuht reqnire 24 hours.
At fi o ciock this meriting a shift in
the wind again caus-d the R 34 to tmrlchance for recovery. "A little weaier"
at her mooring. Additional men were
called ont and ,she was brought under
conlro! after a short .truggle.
ARMY NOW 950,000
jto a saintarmm and today is nn.b.eto
Washington, July 8. (United lVcss.) ! move from his bed.
jln official war department fstinate; 1 1
today plaoed the strength of tne rrnyj Gerge Rader, prouiineit ci.ir-t.i of
of July 1 at b-ji.oil. or two p- r 1. i.t of Graut co.inly, is d -ad at his horn.) near
it atr'ngt'i at the time the at n i.-tii e
was s..ied.
Telephone Workers Ready To
.Arbitrate Ed Not With
Saa Fraueisco July 8. Striking tel
ephone work are in the Pacific, coast
district are willing to submit their
case to any 'board of arbitration ap
pointed by president Wilson or secre
tary of Iabar Wilson, Ibut not Postmas
ter General -Burleson's wire eoutrot
board. Strike lesuleirs announced this
today and declare meetings in the va
rious cities today aud tonight will ta'ke
the same stand.
The announcement followed a tele
gram from Bujleon to Mayor Rolph of
Sait Francisco, in which ha stated that
tho time a wage inereas is to become
effective is the only point at issue.
The telegram urged that settlement be
left entirely up to the wire control
board. , ,
Strike- leaders s!ate that the wire
contTol board lis composed of the tele
phone and telegraph company officials
They state that there are many other
questions at issue Ibeside the wge
scale, and Miss INellie Johnson, inter
national vice president of the opera
tors' unit, declares the girls will re
main out until !ln istmns -if neeesnnry
before they will agree to aiUilnition
by the wire control iboard, Ulectrieians
intend to stay out until the girls' de
mands are all met,
Crptain Charles T. Council of Loe
Angeles, who settled a number of
strikes as representative of tho federal
board of mod'.ation, and K. P. Marsh,
of the mediation Iboard, conferred with
telephone company and strike commit
tee officials yesterday, then telegraph
ed a lengthy rWrt to Washington.
Neither would make a statement.
An appeal to 'President Wilson to
lend his personal assistance to Bottling
the strike was telegraphed toduy by
the executive ronnnittee of the wouiens
citizen committee, an orgaui7.ation
which ait or an investigation, espoused
the cause of tho teluplione operators
and in aiaintaiiSiiiig canteens for their
est Over Remains Of
Freida Lesser Will B2 Held
I .as Angeles, Cal., July 8, (United
Press.) Revelations of the liniuist and
autopsy today over the body of Misa
Frieda Lesser, shot aud killed hy Harry
H. New, who cluiiiis to be the son of
Senator Harry S. New of I idiana, are
expected to form the first big determi
ning step in the disposition of Now 's
remarkable crime.
New, himself, has for the first time
showed interest in saving hiinseif trom
the gallows and a court fight is now
, , ,J , , , , , ,,
world mother, ' he declared in ins eell
i.r r l.: ..11
. . , . .19
"lor her I boie to defend m-
His defense, his friends said, will be
New sjient another almost sleepless ;
night last night but today reiteisted hislf
declnratio i that fears that he might at
ti-iupt miiciile are grou'idlcHS.
"I haven't the slightest intention of
harming myself," he declared.
At the same time it became known
that veiled threats against Niw had
been received and lie will lie leavlly
gusrded when ke goes to the i1.4d.tst to-
Minstrel Mas, Near Death
S:i ilii-gw, Cal., July i. Oi-orge
Primrose, fsiuous old time niihstrc, man
originator of tbe soft shoe daur.iiig, has
prolisl. y fared the footliglit for the last
time. Ke is lyint; at a local Mimarium
today, seriously ill and wita little
I was the report of Ilia physician today,
j Primriw came to haa liiego aliout 10
jdays ago, accompanied by his tirolher,
i hoping to be lie efitted by tlie elimste.
He became wore rspii'y honever, went
Lo'.g I re- air. Kflrr bad bers a
I resident of Grant county ware 1302.
ITen French ScHiers Kill
ed And A Score Are
Hurt h Frame Rkting
Rome, July T Test Prenea seMiers
were killed and SO injured ia aew oat
breaks between the TYenea and Ital
ians at Piume, aerardin; to dispatches
received from that tity toilsy.
In deacrrbing the figtt, tho Uilasv
eorrespontlent of the Come re Delia Sec-
ra reported that the trouble started
when a few drunken French soldiers
opcued fire on a . passor by. large
crowd gathered ana one -Frenchm
was killed.
A company of Italian n arises land
ed from cruisers and were attacked by
a number of Preach soldiers who wound
ed one of the marines. Merchant sail
ors attacked the Frenchmen, who fled
and barricaded themselre in a store,
re opening fire from iho windows. The
mob returned the fire and seven French
aicn were killed and 2 injured. Owe
morchaut sailor was killed, Several
Italian soldiers who rushed to restore
order were wounded.
Main BuilsEng To Rise -Be
tween Trade Street And
Electric Tracks.
rians are now about completed for
the buildings of the Oregon Pulp St Pa
per company, the paper mill in f-aleui
which has recently been iucorpoiated
for SOO.OOO.
Instead of placing the main u-ilcing
faciag on Commercial street, li has
been decided to place it adjoining the
spur of the Oregon Kleetric. It w.ll ex
tend 273 feet on Trade street und 80
feet deep, occupying much of the site
taken by the. flour mill that burned a
few years ago,
By this arrangement the muiu build
ing, which is to bo of concrete two stor
ies high, will set back about 0 leet
from Commercial street, extendiui back
ou Trade to the Oregon Electiit spnr
adjoining the Farmers' warlousc build
iug. - - -, i- . .- -
The old elevator baildlug wilt be re
moved to the foot of Trade vacated to
the company by tho city council and
used as a storage bin for sawdust and
other fuel for the power plain. The
Farmers' warehouse building will not
bo moved and will be used for tnc pulp
mill. It hns also been decided to piace
tlio power house on the space at the
fuot of Trade street.
The main building will be so con
structed that as the business gros, an
other 12"i.O00 paper winking machine
can be pluced in the north sido of the
building. When the business requires
another machine, then a stock room
building will be erected on. tin. present
site of the office of the water company,
corner of Trade and Houth Com.ueicial.
At a recent meeting of the directors
of the coiiijTuny, the following oificers
were elected: F. W. I.edbetter, jiesi
dent; Chas. K. ftpauMing, vice-president
j A. N. Kusli, treasurer, r.nd Koy II.
Mills, secretary.
London Paper Declares
Wilson's Defeat Would
Be Disaster For World
Loiidoi, July 8. (United Press.)
Cominentiiig lengthily on Presuieui Wil
son's task when he returns to Aineriea,
the Daily News declared the peLce trea
ty is disnppointing; a travesty 011 the
fourteen points and a perilous menace
to peace.
"Rut it i signed," the News said.
"""' l "'v hope is to tr.fcc it rs it
.., , , .j,.,, ' ... , ,. . .
I a.n.i.l .! .fl.l..... ll : LI .1 ..'.....
nmiMi. nun fi-niiniM; n unv niiui u IHiUin
. ..... , , ... .
be. w ilson a defeat would be an m-
Iternational disaster."
Pinky Kerr say he'd jest Vi leave
wear a sigar box s a sailar Th'
poorest eonoay we know of is i home
made sign.
Pes Denies CaHorcia In
terests Control New Or
Assertions Made In Orcgoa-
iaa Article Last Sunday
Robert J. Paulns, manager of the Sn
lent Fruit Union, president of the Sa
lem Commercial club, and director and
vitally interested in the New Oregon
Coonssrtitiva Growers' association,
wants it distinctly understood that the
association is oue of Oregon growers
and not under ithe influence of Califor
nia men, as stated in a recent article
that wwa published in tho Oregonian of
Julr 6.
The New Oregon Cooperative Grow
ers association, organised last week
is an association of prominent Oregon
men wrhoee interests are in fruit and
bcTrie and especially Oregon products
Also interested in getting the growerr
to cooperate in order that tho best or
Oregon's fruits may wot be sent out
into tho world as California products
and not under iCnliforma labels. The as
sociation intends to inaugurate a pub
licity campaign for Oregon grown
fruits and berries.
In referring to the attempt to dis
credit the association, Mr. l'aulus said:
"I was very much interested in an
article) oubliehed in tho Sunday Ore-
! goaian July Otih, giving the opinion of
v. L. Jhck or -Mason, bhrmaa com
pany, reln4ire to the 'New Oregon, Co
operative Growers association. The eon
elusions which mav be drawn from read
ing the article are so erroneous as to
justify mo in trying to offer an article
of explanation.
"The article attempts bv Insinuation
to infer that California Interests are
controlling and will predominate the
actions of tho new association, and in
justiceto the twenty one growers who
are on the board of directors of the
new as-Meiution, I wish to make the
statement that there are not at present
and will not bo, any California inter
esta in eoutrol of the Oregon Fruit
growers products.
"The only thing which could lend
thin idea to anyone is the fact that wo
(Continued on Page Six.)
Lcsdoa Says Author Of Sub
marine Warfare Must
Make Answer.
London, July S. (United Press.)
Great Britaia will demand that Admiral
Voi Tirpit., author of Germa;.y'j sub
marine warfare, be brought to trial, Be
carding to the Times.
After sitting ill London nnu nearing
the evidence against the former xaiscr
On his rcHjsjnsibility for the war, allied
statesmen may formally indict i.im iu
the mine way that a grand jury oper
ates in hearing a murder esse 111 Iiew
York or Chicago.
The posoibihty was admitted today
by a cubinet minister who is in close
touch with plans for Willieliii tiuhen
rollers 's trial.
"The entire case is nnprece ltwted,"
he said. "Every decision must be
reached by means of a new internation
al law."
The cabinet minister said it was high
ly possible that a grand jury would sit
in Loadn', and return an imlictaieut
ment against the cx-emperor which
would be given out to the worlo, fol
lowed by a reijueat to Holland for ex
tradition. Perhaps Wilheltn may be
given aa opportunity to prcsuit a sign
ed statement of bis case bcfoie the
If the aidirtmcnt branded Ui.u as
rriminully responsible for the war and
Uoland refused to give hi.n up, the
grand jury would let the indu tJiciit
stand as its verdict, then sit back ready
to pounce upon the ksiser the moment
be set foot outside of Holland.
It esse he moved to anothrr iwutral
country the allied grand jury might
agcia ! ia motion proceedings for ex
tradition. Suh a p'an certaii.iy wotilrt
mean the bunishment of the forim r em
peror from any bclligcrei t eountrv.
The cabinet niemtter said no suggestion
had been made to try the foraiei crown
Senator New Describes
Relationship With Boy
Who Claims To Be Son
Washington July 8, Senator Harry
3. New, Indiana, ha issued the follow
ing statement regarding his connection
with Harry 8. New, who kilied at wom
an in Los Angeles and who cIjiui. the
senator is his father:
'I have just this to say ab.ut this
whole deporable matter: Mute than 30
years ago when I was in my twenties
and unmarried, I knew Mrs. s.rpn.
There never was at any time a ques
tion of marriage between us.
"Conditions arose which 1 did not
care to dispute which resulted iu ir.y do
ing everything in my power to inake
amends then and later. Whatever I did
in that direction was of my own accord
and no one else hid anything whatever
to do with it. The affair ou,l, .i bout
.10 years ago. 8ince that time the peo
ple of my home eity are the best judges
of what my life has been. I never shirk
ed responsibility that has come to ins
and I never shall. "
in i-r-i- s Trt 111 ni at'p. 1 s c r. n 1
utrtAiti) in ruii&M
an n fi J
Ana ronress diockcq
1 r nt 1 1 1
By Troops.
By CamlUlo Clanfarra
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Home. Julv 7. Anarchists attempted
today to sei.e hand grenades deposited
in the Fiotrulata fort, planning after
wnnltn cntiturn the citadel, bentties
fired on the anarchists ansl a number of
them were arrested.
l'olien learned of the nlot when n sol
dier revealed that lfl ringleaders were
meeting in certain wine snops to pro-i
pare plans. The police surrounded th.e
wine shops and arrested tho nun, among
whom were three notorious anarchists.'
Simultaneously, officers at the l'letra
Inii. fort were awakened when motor
cars arrived carrying 30 men. The lat
ter endeavored to inouce nv soiuiors to
.lelivar thn crrenades. ' The officers
charged them, arresting nine. The oth
era escaped in two cars. A large num
ber of anarchists were arrested in u(
course of the morning.
Thousands of workers, goaded to aes
iierntlnn over the economic situation ov
erthrew official authority and took the
distribution of food in their own hands
.it Milan Sunday. At dawn parties ot
workers delegated for the purpose met
incoming supply wagons at the city
gates und ordered the sale of produce
at half price, confiscating goods of
those who refused.
In the afternoon lawless elements in
terved, scores of shops being looted. Po-Ii.-.
el.iiroed the mobs, causing liuiulnils
of clashes, in which fifty persons wero
injured and over a tliousaim atiesis
were made. Knrlier In the day crowds
hud thronged to all parts of t'nc city,
forcing merchants to reduce their prices
and place cards in their windows an
noiincing reductions of one liulf. The
whole city garrison was called out, but
it merely regualted the wuiting lines
who were purchasing foods.
Chicago, July 8. Hogs sold at f new 1
record of 22."l ner hundred poulds in
the stockyards hero today. lK-ulers pre
dicted -3 bugs hy tomorrow or the
next dnv.
Salem9 s Low Prices Will Be
Cut Still Lower on Saturday
A young ltdy who now livrs iu Port-!
land but who formerly made her home;
in Snlcm was in the city yesterday:
bnving ome goods. Asked why iie did-j
n't buy in Portland she said: "Oh,
things aro too awfully high in l'oitland.j
I ulways come to Saleai to do uij Had
ing where I enn buy at mutu lower
prices. Those Potrland stores sute do(
idle on the price."
This may or may not have ant thing'
to do with the great bstgam day of I
next Saturday, but it is a fact that in!
general buying, it isn't necessary to go
away from home. In 1'ortlanu the re 1
tail stores are selling cherries Jt 30
cents a pound. I
While prices are already kept to si
rnsuvaliln furore, vet there is iioiug toi
be a general reduction all along thej
line in Salem next Saturilay for tlie an
nual Bargain duy. For, having tiitd to
cooperative bargain giving twice be
fore, .the progressive nierchauls if the
city are aunt getting together to go one
Aud jmlging from ceminenla ai.d ef
forts being made for the day, '.lie wide
awake business men will go one better
next Saturday in offering bargains, andj
this right i the face of advancing
prices all along the line. j
So here you hsve it: Sstuiday ofj
this week, July 12, is the Thin! Annual;
Bargain day for the progressive mer-j
chant in Salem and those whu di, havet
'the foresight to come to the city that I
'day, will find genuiue speiiais oifercd
Easiness Piled Kish Ujca
Washington Desk; Kasy
Bffls To Be Signed And Ap
pointments Made.
nAmnrtiltTttein frJv Fs ff
lwuivvmuiukiil viuj IVII vi
Washington, July 8. (United Preaa-J
President Wilson, returning to tho
United States today, is confronted witfct
many important issues, 1
A great number of bills aro en Wis
desk at the White House awaiting sij
.isture, lu addition, he is expected to
name a charge d'affaires for the Assex
ienn embassy in Berlin, consult with
Secretary Rerfield with regaid to re
sumption of commercial relutiout with
Germany, after the trading with the
eneiny law expires upon proclamation
of peace; take action 01 the peuistca
ly reported desire of Secretary Ilukir to)
retire; to decide when demoMliitioa
will be ended and war prhibitui may
be lifted and take a band in plans for
returning tho railroads to their owners.
Mo,ny Bills Walking-. - -
Among the bills before him ate the sun
dry civil, army and navy, gener.-l sks
ficiency, the ad returning telegraph
systems to their owners and the agri
cultural appropriation bill. The luster
contuins the clause repealing daylight
saving. Petitions-hnve been received
ngninst this repeal. The president ' al
titude toward it is not known.
Immediately upon his return to Wash
ington he is expected to call aa Im
portant meeting at which for the firnt
time iu months he will dismiss domestic
uffiiirs with his official advisers.
F.urly decision is looked for on tka
question whether peace msy be pro
claimed at once or not until i-flcr the
senate has ratified the-peace treaty.
1920 Campaign ooms.
Demand fof removal of Postmaster
(leneitil Burleson, some of whieh have)
taken the form of petitions, aie not be
lieved likely to move the pnsidcnl tsi
Friends of Kugcne V. Debs and other
imprisoned radicals are expected to ooai
tnke their appeals to the White Kousw.
The 1920 presidential campaign ia al-
reifily beginning to loom and some ex
pression from the president as to t third
term may be forthcoming, some elv
(Continued on page three)
everywhere. They will be hard to asisa.
The list of go getters in the way er
business is growing and next Batordey,
bsr;;iin will be offered in ail of the)
following stores:
The Remnant Store, dry goods hosiery
C. J. Brier Co., dry goods, shoes,
men's furnishings.
Kom,.. llrn.. (2 stores. 15J Norta
Commercial street, dry good and ra
tions. Corner Union and lomwcreiai,
Frank F. RichteV, complete ho
The Price Shoe Co.
The Itontery.
People's Cash Store.
Burned Cash Store. (
J. C. Penney Co.
F. W. Woolworth Co. '
U. G. Shipley Co.
I(ay L. Farmer Hardware Ce.
Salem Hardware Co.
Portland Cloak I Suit Ce.
W. W. Moore. ,
Gale & Company. .
Busick Sor.
Kotch Woolen Mills Store.
Rustein Grecnbaum.
Hartman Bros.
Win. Xeimeyer, drugs,
llauser Bros.
No-Vary Grocers.
Both Grocery Company. '
The Wiley B. Allen Company.
Needle Craft Shop. . ' '
N. K. F.resicr, drug store. ''