Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 07, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Lewis Military Quartet Comes to Chautauqua
Four Splendid Voices in This Quartet From Camp Lewis
l f )
t ; r, , ." r . ; . ) '
The Lewis Military Quartet Is nothing less than the plek of the many splendid voices nt the great Western can
tonment, Cutnp Lewis. It is a quartet wMeh war tilone made possible. We doubt. Indeed, If under any other condi
tions four !ueh unusual singers could have beeu assembled. Two of the members have been prominent In the ranks of
opera, two iu the concert and oratorio world. Their programs are delightfully varied between liuht and heavy music,
the popular ballads end the classics. And through nil there Is a world of real harmony such as one only hears la the
perfect blanilliijj of four splendidly trained uieu's voices. N
Approval Of Peace Signing
Expected Sometime This
By Carl D. Groat .
(United Press staff rorresponJent)
Iterlin, July 6. loveriiment leaders-
in- session at Weimar expect the peace
treaty -to he ratified this week, it was
learned today.
The crisis ibotween the Pnissiaa and
national xoverniuents on the question
Of grant iiuf greater indeiienilence to
tiie itiilividoal states had not been solv
ed today, further consideratioa of the
qiiestioa was jiontponed until Wedne
The constitutional committee propos
ed that delegates to the national assem
bly 'be elected for five year terms.
The strik situation Frankfort
,a more menacing, worrying the gov---ernineiit
from the stnnckint of supply
slupments. Workers iu Hanover voted
to strike (Saturday evening. It W
feared that Elberfeld, Mnina and Es
sen also would ba tied up by strikes..
Ilerr Emoiit. leader of the iank em
ployes, was arrested Saturday for pro-'
bolshevik activities. He (Hsmppeareu al
ter he had fboert released, for assisting
'in clearing up the strike situation.
The government intended today to
releasp Trie, the English journalist
accused of spreading propaganda on
tb promise that he would , tie
ountry. .T""' kS!3
appetizing ' "
"alwayt fresh"
of Good .
Sold Everywhert
f 1U1U Muth.r k :. 1m.
Threats brought stub bora
resistance J
Force met forceful '"' '
determination ' '
A curley haired boy aad an
escort of puppies could not
be resisted
An AH Star Cast
vSi VvVav?4.ii Jkfc vtf i in nn li ItiiVMJiMimMIIMlA ' uudali. Ji J
Look out for tlic airplane Tuesday
at'ternoou or sometime Wednesday
morning. That is, if everything, goes
lovely in the iiuilding of the left wing
.nf the plane which was 'broken on the
evening of July 3 whilu landing at 01
cott Field,
There is promise of a propellor from
Portland and it is erpected to arrive
tomorrow. It may take day or so to
re-construct thetiroken wing, but when
said wing is repaired, the flying will
Those who have regstered to fly will
be given flights first with iLiejitenant
Browne. Then others will be given an
opportunity. The aviator will remain
iu Salem until all who wish, may fly.
From the southern part of' the state
he has hnd offers but having promised
the rf.'ommercial club here to do com
mercial flying, the lieutenant is keep
ing liis word. Those who are now in
flying mood should apply to the Com
mercial club.
.Sent week Lieutenant Brown expects
to fly at Klamath Falls for the Elks
at their state convention. The delay
in rcpniriiiig the plane was due to the
fact that no spruce adapted to air
plane wings could be found lit the city.
Crude Placing Of Dynamite .
Charge Saves Butte Blocks
Butte, Mont., July 7. That Lulte's
business district was not more st lions
ly urcrkod Runduy morning is itue to
the fact a large charge of dyaranite was
not- properly placed, the police believe.
At it was, the pav office of the Ana
conda Cupper ronipnuy and suriounding
buildings in tiie heurt of the ousiiiess
district were damaged to the extent of
heavy irou ' grating wns blown
against a building, across too street
from the ag office, narrowly missing a
street car crowded with miners.
The dvnainitc, believed to have been
a dozen sticks, was placed in the en
trance of the pay office, a three ?tory
structure which had been recent!) com
pleted. 'ROUND COA83
(Ttt- I'nttaJ Pri.
Yeslirdar's results: Sacramento. 2:
Us AngeU-s, 2; Sal: Lake; .Seattle.
Home runs:: llorton. Tigers; Craw-
ford, Angels, 2. . . I
The Oaks nnd Senators brol:e even
on last week's ciifh game series when
the Harramento cluH won both Mondays
Thc BceaYnvii-a'tbr ao.thlaiid for
five of seven games and tied one with
the Tigers. Sunday morning's game
went ten iiiia.i- and stood .1 to 3
when the noon whistle blew. The lleesl
won the afternoon contest five to 0
Besides Xam 4'mwfnrd gathering two
home runs in the first game, the An-!
gels took tne day s UuUoie program, ',.,,.... ..... intrrurt.sn sei vn e. nn .
to 3; 10 to 4 from the leavers. ip ullfuir Kleetrieians. machinists Th" Chsutauqtta this season k the Lig
A tw dve iiining hurlers duel be- 'am ,,(1(,k,mith, f ,he rompanv gest and is guaranteed to bo the best
tween .lim Wcott of the neals ana. . ., . , . i. i, i.,.. i... ,i. v;i:-.
Claude Thomas of the Kainiers was
won by the latter 3 to 2. However, the
; Seals took the series four to two.
Tobacco Habit
j Thousands of men suffering from
, fatal diseases would be in perfect
health today were it not for the dead
ly drug nicotine. Stop the habit sow
before it's too late. It's a simple pro-jt-ess
to rid yourself of the tobacco
habit in any form. Just go to any up
to date drug store and gt some Xieo-,.
tol tablets: take them as direc ed ndtif(h( .j,,, ;,ion- A,iwnfc,.
to! the ' pernicious habit quickly vaa-j th,f othpr ifW. . Portland
ishes. Druggists refund the money ,f f fhf M(Mmpr
hey fail. Be wire to read large and m- The full effect of the watknt i, not
tercsting announcement soji to appear t,, . , ,. . ,
in this paper. It tell, of the t" "'"m ".''f f't three steel
;,.;. t .;,! I v"r,U' V", h l
!lf T t, m..; .r v;,.i,J ..' t1.w',r r trr ,m'y'. r closed for
it. In the meantime trv Jmco ol ta...eN:J ri1,a:r, unti, Juh. j,
lyoa mill tie surprised at tiie reolts
The weekly report of the industrial
accident commission shows that there
were reported, throughout tho stute a
total of """ accidents, tw of them re
sulting fatally. These were Roy E.
istaik, shipbuilder, Portland and 0. F.
Friee, tresspasser, Mosier,. Of tho total
number 547 were subject to the pro
visions of the compensation act.
Business has 'been very slack iu the
corporation department during the past
week the only important companies
tiling article (being the Bond 4 Secur
ities company, Portland, 1.50,(100) Boll
man Investment company, Portland,
$10,000; clilet. Piruce company, Cor
vaiKs, $5000. Among the companies fil
ing articles of dissolution were the
Klkhead Quicksilver company, Salem;
Fischer, Boutlin Lumber company,
Springfield; Hotel Dalles, The Dalles;
W, J. Jjmith Printing Co., Klamath.
Falls. ,
the 'board of eontrol is this week
receiving bids on 1N00 gallons of paint
for the stato institutions, 1200 ibeing
for use on the stato hospital. Like all
other supplies, each sample of paint is
tried out before a contract is let.
Fred Williams, of the public service
i'i in in ism on, is spending several clays
iu the Coos Bay country hulding hear
ings with regard to telephone and elec
tric power rates.
Hot Congressional Fight
Over 2.75 Percent Beer
Forseen In Bills Framed
Washington, July 7. (United Press.)
Prohibition leaders in congiesi will
Ifiimeli vitrttrnu. nttnek nn 'l.ITt Tier
'..., , , ,: , .
m1,lv wllpn 41ie hmlM, rMUmos
k tomorrow.
T fh- i.idieiarv eommitte.. re-
fuses to separate tho bills for the en-
forceuient of war time and constitution
al prohibition, the dry lenders declared
today they would ask the rules commit
tee for a special rule niLking imme
diate in order the consideration of a
separate war time enfori-enu nt meas
ure. Thus the war time enforcement
Inw can be. rushed while the cun.itltii
tioiial enforcement, being -mon. dretdic,
i. i,. ,i.i ,, .,.,. i .n. .
Aosencc or neiiuoiican ijenner moii
dell may delay action on prohibition nil
till Thursday, according to Chairman
Volstead of the judiciary iom:mtte.
The war time enforcement lw will
make it illral to sell beer nint.iiuirig
a half of one per cent of alcohol.
SpokaHC Striken Seek To
Brand Company As "Unfair
Hnokane, Wash.. Jnlv 7. -The Cen-
Itrnl Ijjbor c.ounril will meet toniiiiit to
Lii., - , itint' the Hooknno L l,,lnn,l
v. Tr.ftion Vstcm. oi.erstinir
jImm-ii tin strise lor several tiuvs.
The company claims to have h.td no
trouble in replacing the strikers and
that the service i uninterrupted. Plat-
'form men may go out in svinpauiv, it
iis claimed bv the strikers.
PfvrTiOVxl FJofoI IVrtvlrore
rOniana lUeiai OlKCrS
Strike la Mooneys' Behalf
Portland, O., July 7. Tiie lO.OiK)
members of the Metal Trades' Council
here are striking in prot st against the
exeenrioa nf the life imprisonment
A.,hi. AMi ' i,.in ' .,,!
sentence of Thomas J, MoOne.v, accord-
iGrakn Declares Council Of
Of Defense Ccnmissica
- Dictated PcHdes.
Washington, July 7. (United Press.)
Tho Tinted States had "secret gov
ornmewt" durirrg the war, which fune-
i tiAnal in i4 i ruin, ril nt law llm -:nii n
I.. . .. ...
uranam ot me special Bouse eurom.ttee
. i:... . ,
i. . . " . . , '
. iu a statement todav.
vii nai ui mi i'i. vii. r ji. mi uii. luaiuvti.
, , , ... ,
Orahaiu el.aracter.ed tiie "m-ret
government ' th advjsory eomu.UioHU,,. u,tth(W, !o Lat.
ot tne eouneu or national Ueleiist, ein
'posed of liolIw.boiUrey, Howard h.trrepiK viliil l"rof. Von Enelien will
j Coffin, Beriwrd M. its null, Stmitel isit the Coos Bay fotintry. IVsiileut
, Goaipers, KrankKa H. Martin, Julius, Doner himself. e.iHts shortly to in
iBoseiiwaid and lMaiel Wiltaru. Made the wheat belt of eastern Oregon
Charges made by. Graham whip:
That the president (liaregaruej the
intent of 'foninrss'to muke tne rou:uii
Mon purely advisory and n.adv the
memlH'rs real executives.
The commission allowed interested
parties to fix price, of war supp.ies and,
violated trust laws.
A press censorship was pUuneu by
tut vuiuiiiiAnitiu t iHv oui-stitiu ui
:ritilip ratthin. state aeuartwni.
The commission designed a svaleni ot
food control and selected ile.berl lioo-jto
ver as director.
Such "unprecedented and illimitable
! pouters were assumed by the con.iuia-
I sion" that several cabinet mOB.l.e:s M0-
j tested.
The work of the commission a as sitchj
l.i f..il.ml liuri.Hiia wert, liiililillir i
against each other, thus nicronslnjr
price of supplies,
Tho commission had secret meetings
fonr. months before the United ;ntoe
entered the war to discus war plt.::s.
First game K. II:
New York 10 12
Philadelphia 3 8
Barnes and Gonzales; Packard, Mur
rav. and Cady.
Second game
Xew York 2
Philadelphia 2
Toney an! tocOarty," Hogg andAd
ains. (uino innings)
St. touia 1"
Fittsbung ' H U5 2
Ames, WherdcH and onyder; Mayer
and Schmidt.
No others scheduled
Washington : 9 9
Xew York 3 9
Erlckson nnd Pininich Hhore, Qmnn
and Hannah, Hiiel.
First jjame
Philadelphia ...
Xaylor and
McAvoyf Jones and
Second game
Philadetlna n S:
Boston ... .!;:.... 5 8 1
Perry, Kinney and Ferkiiis, Me-
Avoy; Pennock, Mays and Walters.
Cleveland 2
St, Louis 1 '
Morton and O'Neill p Shocker and
Severeid. (i jntnngs.) . ,
Ehmke and Ktauaige;
Schnlk. (Seven 'innintrs)
,.. S
Rupert Admits Identity:
Faces Federal Sentence
i ..i.... t..i.- f r . i i ..
Z V: ' , : ..T.U;
, , . , .,
HI nrwi xntiit'im-o imvn ruiiiiitt-tcii tut,.., . TI , , , . ... .,
., ... ,. .,.r ,,.T i .i . i ( amp on Mount Hoo.1, declare that Ml
...cntmciition or Ken Kuper. the es-,o(
Diotintai'i climbers who became
coped convict from Oregon and have,, duri 8110WHlorm u,ar
departed with him for Los Angeles. . ..,,.? u,...i. .-. . . ... ,,.
Rupert probably will bo prosecuted
on a federal rhnrgH growing out of his
robbery of a national bank and federal
Operator II. H. Dolly arrived Su.idny
morning with complete identification
marks of the fugitive, and when ton-'
fronted with them and his own picture
Rupert gave up and admitted ho WM
t no man wanieu.
(Capital Journal Special Heivire.)
Dallas, Or., July 7. Floyd D. Moore,
president of the Polk tounty Cltantau -
ipia association has called a meeting to
be held in the Commercial emb room
in this city next Tuesday evening r.t)
which time the matter of talking up the -
method of disposing of the seswn tick-
ets for the Dallas Chantauona which
begins in this eitv on July 13 will be
taken up.
,,,. i.ioiin, ,,r.v nj ...v ..n.u-unr
nauttiupia system auu nssvratires
have been received by the association
here that people from outside towns like
I " City, Monmouth and Independence
will take a much larger number of lick-
ets tnan heretofore, lac big attrition
I"' t'llen ,av "'"'"n here will be,Msal also seems certain of dt feat.
I the lecture by William Jenningt Bryan, 1
who comes oa the 19th of July,
8-attle, Wash., Julv 7. liebolutions
will be introduced in the Keutl? city
council late todar directing Ma-, or linn-
sea to ask Eamonn Do Valera.p rcsi-
dent of the Irish republic, to come here
"d explain conditio-,, in IrcUir.U. The
.resolution, express the city's jvn.pnthv
for Ireland and were introduced bv
,, , , .. ,. ,, ,
. MaJ, John L. Carrol , wIk, reesM.y re-
turned from aervic in trmnn, and waa
ii,.ineditt-ly named to fill a council va
i Imii w
Mr. and airs. T. W. Withaaj of Xr-
twett. Wash., left this morning for their
homo after a brief visit with, their
laughter. Mi. H. B. Compton. Mr.
Witluun has recently returned from
Prance where he has been engaged in
V. M. C. A. work.
LO!T Oank extension oa River road
return to falt-m Volie Co.. 162 X. Com
mercial, 7-7
The faculty of Willamette! university
- arc ntilizinv'
the summer vacation in
institution -in various
, : "
boosting the
parts or the Mare, rrot. Kictianis is
;.i-.. l.h. :. r . .1:, ...
. .. ... ... .
t a . x nin .in 4ii ttitn I'm i'wi-,
later will viiut other ntkrts of the
h.aty and other iart of southern
to remind the inhalutants of the needs
: s as the eduiatioual advantages
I at uiuversity,
Mr. and Mrs. W. U MtOtMirje arriv
ed .Wednesday frojn their heme in Snv
, , ... . , . ......
Mr or ,
few. days wkilo Mrs. McUeorge will re-
for Ra ejt'elld visit. JKoseburg
I Th Rev. and Mrs. U'aud W. Porter
nf Siileiii nit.1 Mrs lim- Wih.nv ,,,,,i,,m.t
Eugene on Tui sday. Mrs. 1'orter was
the guest if t'rofesor, Jfeddie at the
university, who was former classmate
the Emerson collie, of oratory at
Hostou. Eugene tiuard..
Court House Notes
The circuit court is now iu session in
Judge George G. Bingham's department.
iWednesdnr morning the case of
iHersehberger against Van Doren in
volving a truck will come up for ho.-tr-0
ing, In the afternoon tws rllforce
1 cases will be called, Amlsews vs. An
drews and Bowden vs. Bowdcn.
For uoxt Friday momii,.;' there s the
three suits Involving tho ctalem Fruit
Union and the Plies company. Judge
Kelly will sit with Jude Bingham iu
deciding these important cases.
Next Saturday there is the case of
Bromier- agninst MrMnhnn, 'No- ease
1 .has beeit set for next Mosdav. On Tups-
day, July 15 there is the divorce ease
.or innitige vs. lunulge, where the tie
fondant will appear by his father us
he is a minor.
The estate of Dr. John Reynolds who
died June 22, 1!)1, Is valued at 2l) -
t ,000. In tho petition for an administrn
2. tor, the snrvivors, are sained as the
widow, Hallie A lieynold
three (laugh-
iters - Mrurr A. and Kate E. Remolds,
living on route 9, Ralem end Mrs. Knte
M). (toltra of Halemj two sons, 1lovd
0 T. Reynolds of Hnlem route 9 and John
, W. Hevnolds of Portland. The court
nppointcd John W. Reysolds administra
tor or tho estate. ...
E. L. McCleery as guanlinn has U-en
ordered to pay to himself as adminia
.trator a i-ertnin sum of niouev from the
estate of Mnv Lillian MeCh-erv.
Ronald C. (Hover, Jessie C Jones, and
Gabrielle Clark have been appointed
appraisers of the estnte of John Fred-
trick Ahb'res.
M. C. Bliven, Thomas Tri o m i, a ii d L.
F. Hofer, have been appointed np
praiers of the estate of Mary E. Dnn
iels. They brought in a rcsirt placing
a value of $1,000 on the undivided one
half interest in lot 12 block ri Pleas
ant Home additios to Halem.
Isna, Or., July r.-Heporta which
were received today from (iovernincnt
the summit Saturday evening arc safe,
Mrs. W, R. Davis of Milawu.n, Or.,
who was hit by a rolling bouitl.tr dur
ing the storm and was seriously injured
is said to be out of danger. Kite wus
taken to Govcrnmtrtt Camp on a can
vas sled following the accident, Ptie
will bo brought down the mountains es
soon as suitable transportation can be
Senate To Start Framing
Railroad Policies Soon
Washington, July 7. Framing ot a
; railroad policy is expected to lieum n
the senate interstute comnurce com
' ,t tec within a few tlavs.
Henator Cummins, chairman, st.ited
ttWlu,y tho eommittoe would draft its
own bill. AU members of the commit-
te will contribute and the rtill is ex-
nected to be a compromise of the varl-
ens schemes already proposed.
Cummins said he will insist oa a guar
unted return on ruilroad seci.ritiis as
the fundamental method of flouncing
the railroads. A i'ghl will proimniy be
waved over the proposal for a secretary
of transportation who would i-it in the
president 's cabinet. Government own-
jcrship doc not have a majority in the
.committee and McAiloo s rive yea, pro-
Apply VspoRob
lightly 4t soothes
the tortured skin.
viacs vapohuch
''YOUR BODY6UARD"-30f.60'.1.2a
Undertakers '
25! North High Street
jcumai Want Ads
Quick Reference To Firms That Giro Serrice On Short
Where Bayer And Seller Meet We
Recommend Our AdTertiscrs.
Salem Electric Co., Hasoai Tern pie,
K1 SALE Good 3 room house with ;
modern conveniences on large lot,!
abundance of fruit, on pared afreet.
9 room house, small baru and 2 fine
lota with abundance of fruit, only 2
blocks from paved street and school.
12iK. Square IHal Bealty Co. tf
36 acres all the best of river bottom,
21 cultivated, welt fenced; 6 room
bungalow, barn, hog house, ehiekc-a
house family fruit, grownng' crop if
sold soon. This farm is worth $'.'50
per acre, but to move it quickly
will itake $0500 on easy terms.
100 acres, 90 cultivated, house, 2
bnrn, lots of outbuildings, well fenc
ed, close to acliool and station, 8
miles from Salem, only tS per acre.
115 acres, 23 cultivated, 8 room house
barn, garage, all necessary outbuild
ints balauco of the place in timber
and stump pasture, ftne family or
chard; ouly $70 per acre, Yi cash bal
ance 6 percent.
117 aores, 11 the best of river bot
tom land; (50 in cultivation and in
crop, which all goes; good 8 room
house, two old barns, all well fenced.
IVi miles from Betina Vista, owner
wants to return to Europo; only $73
per acre.
For best buys in ranches or city prop
erty see
SOOOLOFSKY, Bayne building.
Call 39S. Highest prices paid for
junk, second hand goods and machin
ery. Be sure and call 398, get the right
price. The square deal house.
271 Cheaiekete, St
Salem, Or.
St. I-ouis, Mo., July 7. Gasoline
prices will full two ccuts a gallon ou
bulk purchases, H. C. Grcnncr, presi
dent of the Automobile GasoHae com
pany, announced today. Grenner do
dare the action was taken in antM
pation of a similur cut in price by the
Standard M1 company.
J Capital Journal
t Daily Market Report I
Wheat, soft white aS.10
Wheat, lower grades oa sample .
Oats, new 80c
Hay, cheat, new , $l5Grlri
Hay, oats, new . IISIWIT
Barley ton 4(d;50
Mill run $4344
Buttorfat - 53c
Crcaiuery butter - Mfdjjfic
Fork, Veal and Muttoa
Pork, on foot - Ib')i(jl9c
Veal, fancy - 19fo20c
Spring lambs ...
Sheep, yearlings -
10(o lie
.. 4(g;jc
ggs and rout try
Eggs, cash We
Hens, live 2224e
Old roosters 15e
Broilers ..- 23c
Radishes, ooz
Potatoes ...
New potatoes
Green onions doz
Onions sack
- 4V4
Head lettuce ....
Bunch beets
Cantaloups ...
I nut
Watermelons - 3Vj
Oranges .... $3.73(o6.50
Lemons, box .. - S7fct8
Bananas 9Vs
California grape fruit . I6.S0
Ilstey, extraeted
Ketau rnces
Eggs, dozen
Creainerv butter ...
Country butter
Flour, hard wheat S3.103.23
rortiana maraei
Portland, Or., July 7. Butter, Mty
creamery S2(u.'i3e
Eggs, selected local ex 4344e
Ileus 2ti((27e
Broilers 2:ifn 27c
Chetae, triplets 3759e
Receipts 792
Tone of market weak
(lood to choice steers $9.3001 10.30
. Fsir to good steers $8.30(i 9
Common steers $fi..jb(i7
Good to cholee toss ard heifers
,7.50(7! H
Medium to good eows and heifers
Fsir to medium eows mad heifeit
$7.30(5 8
, Camiers 3..V(Vi 3
Bulls IMK7.:0 "
Calves Va 13
Receipts 87
Tone of market strong.
Premie mixed $2).10ft 21.31
Medium mixed l.6l.s.
127 Norta High..
AUTOS without drivers to uire, 1 dol
lar per hour. 19" S. Cbfe. fit. Phea -39?.
. We witl pay yea more- cash 4or y
housthold goods. Get oar bid before
you sell Peoples Furniture sad Hard-
ware Store, 271 N. Com. St. Those
IU. .........
NO CASH RKQUiREl Good overcoaS
hoes and suits, all kinds ot tnuus-
al instruments, shotguns, rifles, heaS
ing stoves, gas stoves, suit cases aat
1000 other useful articles to sell or
tratle. What have yont The Captt4
Exchange. 337 Court St. Phone 4)1.
YOUR used furniture, stoves, carpets
and tools, as we pay fair priees fof
everything. Call 947
2SS N. Com'l St.
Hats Blocked
HAT BLOCKINQ I clean and Woek
ladies' and Men's hats. Just re
ceived a hat renovating machine, it
gets the dirt, Try it ence. 6. H,
Ellsworth. 495 Court 8t. Saleai, Ot.
SO years experieaee, Depot National
and American fence.
8i7.es 28 to 58 in. high
Paints, oil and varnish, ete.
Loganberry and hop hos.
Salens Fence and Stow Werka,
2o0 Court street. Phone IS.
J. A. Rowland Furcitcre Store
Buys, sells and exchangee new mat
2d hand furniture, All kinds ot
repair work, light grinding, ftllsf,
and brazing a specialty. Bight
prices. 247 North Commercial i
Phone 10.
refuse of all kinds removed es meat
ly contracts at reasonable rata
Cess pools eleaned. Dead animals re
moved. Office phone Mti 167.
On Good Real Estate Beeority
T1I08. K, FORD
Over Ladd A Bush bank; Salem Orefoa
sent interest. Prompt smviae. ti4
years time. Federal farm lew a beads
for sale. A. 0. Bohrnstedt, sol ate
sonic Temple. 8alem, Oregon.
LNSUBANCB COTjyClt For free in
formation about Life Ininraaee set
J. F. Hutchoa, dist. wiassger for
the Mutual Life of N. T., effteeat
371 Btate St., Balem, Ore. Olfiee
phone 99, residence 1394, tt
rnosE 1000a
Onr Trices are Eight
W. M. ZANDLER, Proprletef
1235 N. Bummer Btreet. Balem, Oregesl
mower ground by machinery; as
kinds of grinding, losk smithing,
brellas recovered, light repairing of
all kinds. 347 Court Ht.
McCornack hall on every Tostdsf
at 8. Walter Lenon, C. O., P. i.
KunU, K. B. ft 8.
ROYAL Neighbors of America, Ore
gon Orape camp No. 13(10 meet every
Thursday evening in McComaoi haB
Elevator er-viee. Oraole, Mrs, Cmr
rie E. Buan, 648 Union Et; reeoe.
der Mrs. Molisaa Persons, HIS N
4th' Bt. Phone 14361.
4ALEM WATEB no MI A N Y Office
eorner Commercla". and Trade streets
Bills payable mcnthly la ad vanes.
Phe COS.
- Out of BO studenta in the puarmaey
department of the University of Wash
ington thii year 30 are women.
To replace the old building reeentlf
burned; the school district of Enptre,
in Coos county, has voted funds ot
Kotigh and mixed $13.104i 11.35
IHg $17.6018.00
Bulk $20.1 Otri. 20.33
Receipts 2B'
To e of initrket weak
Prime lambs I2.5ii(o13
Fair to medium la-ubs $9"? 12.30
Yearlings $il(o 8.50
Wethers $rt.5ti(rTS
Ewes $.j.50'oS