Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 07, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Bead your advertisement the first djr
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Uinimuni charge, 15s.
' 20 CHHttKY pickers wanted at once.
Phone 8SF5.
BU(jS cleaned, 40e each. Thone 1.
Buekaer. 7-12
, - j
BKKD baby carriage, good as new,
rl.esn. I'hone lliy-t. 7-12
1917 TWIN1 Indiun motorcycle for
sale. l'hono 2303 Wl.- 7-12
1KST Down town Friday, a baby's
shoe. I'hone 1821. 63ti '. Cottage. 7-7
FOR SALE ("heap, Duin hay press In
good shape. I'hone 10ST14. 7-9
FOR SALE Two wheel trailer for au
tomobile. 197 S. Com. St. 7-9
WAiNTllD Woman for general house
work, 464 Liberty St. 7-10
WOMAiM to wash and iron etch week
wanted. Cull 53UR evouimgs. 7-3
JVR SALE Jersey bull calf eligible
for register. 313 '. 20th St. 7-7
LARGE, -gentle 'brood sow for sale. Call
17F3. 77
ME Miller, rooms and apartment. 633
Ferry St. 7 20
CALVES I want 3 or 4 duy-.oid calve
C. C. Buuell, phono 3F3. tf
"WE make the best power prune dippers.
Salem Wg Co., 1398 N. Front St. tf
BOOF9 cleaned, painted, patched and
tarred. Phono C. C. Kays at 1048. 7-27
t WOOD saws for salo. Phone 1090 R.
CLOVER hay for sale, 2 mile east of
city. Phone 97. 7-8
WANTED All kind of chickens. Will
pay top price. Phone 1339J. tf.
JAS. LYONS practical painter. Phone
704. 4 , , .. tf
W. BEAVER, well driller, phone 827X
1165 N. l!th St., Salem, Or. 7-7
MIOSSENOER wanted. Western Un
ion, tf
FOB SALE 'By owner, three good lots
$300 each. No agent Phone 1184.T.
FOB ftALK Horse, buggy, harness,
tool, chickens, household goods, eto.
Salem, Rt. 6, box 51. tf
WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roil
upward. Burpn'i Furniture Store.
179 Commercial. tf
FOB SALE Tty owner, modern 5 room
bungalow, built in china closet, book
eases, desks; cement walks, full base
meat. Phono 159HM. tf
INCREASE your worth, fine little 5
aere tract for sale few mile from
Salem, house, barn, well, garden, straw
berries, raspberrie and flowers, 414
eare Journal. tf
FOB SALE 22 acres of choicest land
in Willamette valley, 13 mile to
street ear line on rock roed. All in
crop, also cherries, npples, prunes ai.d
berries. Good modern 9-roon house
with bath, hot and cold water. Any
ene interested in good buy phone
S505W2. tf
W boy all kind of .junk, hard
ware, furniture, tools, machin
ery. There is hardly en item
we do not buy.
Phone 706 402 N. Coma,
We buy and sell notes, mort
gage and all kinds of bonds.
314 Masonic Building
Salem, Oregon
314 Mason Bldg. Salem, Oregon
X)B RENT Large room in pleasant
modern home, i'hone 1234. 7-7
MEN wanted at Tile work near fair
grounds. Salem Tile ft Mercantile
Co. tf
FOB SALE 9 mouth old Togenberg
milk goat. First house north West
Salem school. 7-7
LOST Child' coat belt between X.
22d and Asylum ave. store. Return
to Journal office. 7-8
FOR QC1CK SALK New -0 Vktro
la and 38 records, for sale cheap. -'A
N. Liberty. 7.9
FOR SALE I or 500 cords of fir wood
H. if. linker, 643 Ferry. I'hone liHJ
W. 7-9
LOST Girl's wrist watch. Finder
leave at llartmann Bros, jewelry
:ore aud receive reward. 7-8
FOR RFXT Largo house partly furn
ished. Chance- for renting apartments
2!2 Pf. Summer. tf
WANTED Position in Salem by ex
perienced stenographer and book
keeper. 7-8
AGATE beach lot, near hotel, facing
ocean, ?-."), terms $10 down, $3 a
Mouth. D. A. Dinsmoor, caro Olds,
Wortman t King, Portland, Or. 7-10
LO.-.T An arrow shaped gold pin 11
pearls; inscription Dorothy Landoss
Oreg. Beta, 5-30-18. Finder call 2i7
W. Reward. 7-7
DEKORATO sanitary wall tint, best
made; beautiful new colors. Burens
Coin'1 St. tf
WOOD choppers wanted, $2.b0 nd np
per cord, place to 'board or camp. In
quire Blessings cigar store. A. J.
Anderson. tf
WANT ED Good prune orchard, for
cash. No agents. Write dertails to N
W C, P. O. box 250, Salem. tf
LOOAXBFiRRY picker wanted; ' 13
acres; transportation from , Sa
lem and wood free; tents can be sup
plied; close to store wSth free de
livery; will pay 2c. Picking will
tart July 1st. Phone 108F4. 7-8
LOTS en east 23d street, 2.r0 each;
lots 7 and 9 in block 1 Willamette
addition near State street, $10 down
2.50 month. D. A. Dinsmoor, Port
land, Or. 7-9
WE want to lease .a good. wheat or
alfalfa ranch for a number of years.
Can talk business. Want good im
provements and will pay cash or
shares. Tell the Salem Commercial
club what you have. 7-7
FARM home for sale, 33.6 acres mile
south of Monmouth on Pacific high
way, nine room house, two barns, silo
chicken houses, all kinds fruit. Crop1
included if sold soon; on mail route,
1-3 acre strawberries, yielded $J!70
this year. Land mostly tiled. Excep
tionally good schools. Good water.
$6700. "Terms. E. R. Ostrnm, owner,
Monmouth, Or., Phone 3813. 7-9
MENT TIMBER, General Lnd Office
Washington, D. C. May 16, 1919, Notice
is hereby given that subject to the con
ditions and limitations of the Act of
June 9, 1916, (39 Stat., 218), and the
instructions of tho Secretary of the
Interior of September 15, 1917, the tim
ber on the following land will be sold
July 16, 191C, at 10:30 o'clock a. m.,
at public auction at the United States
lnnd office at Portland, Oregon, to the
highest bidder at net let than the ap
praised vaJue as shown by this notice,
salo to be subject to the approval of
the Secretary of tho Interior. Tho pur
chase price, with an additional sum of
one-fifth of one per cent thereof, be
ing commissions allowed, must be de
posited at time of sale money to be
returned if sale is not approved, olher
wife patent will issue for the timber
which must be removed within ten
years. Bids will be received fronr cit
izens of the United States, associations
of such citizens and corporations or
ganized under the law of the nited
States or any state, territory or dis
trict thereof only, t'poa application of
a qualified purchaser, the timber on
any kga! subdivision will be offered
separately before being Included in
any offer of a larger unit. T. 1 S.) B.
5 .., Sec. 29, SW& 8W14, red fir,
l';n M., rot to be sold for les than
$1 3.1 per M. T. 3 S., B. 5 E., St. 31,
3Wi, 8WV4, red fir, fi50 M. no. to be
sold for Irs than 1.?5 per M
Commissioner, General Land Office
Trv Sfem First In Baying
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
rooms. 333 Bellevue. Fhone 53oW. 7-e
1T Lady's long black jurse last
night. Reward. Fhone 213o. 7-8
MEX or stron boy over. 18 wanted
at once. Apply Salem Kings Pro
ducts Co. Front and Market tits. 7 8
GIRL wanted to assist with housework
no cooking. 4U X. High. I'hone
lti27. tf
FOR SALE Oats and vetch hay. Port
laud road near fairgrounds J. C.
Mullen. T-8
OWNER of coat left on auto by Bush
bank July 4th may get same at
Journal by paying for this ad. 7 7
LC8T, strayed or stolen, black rat ter
rier, quite grav around head. Call 64
F4. Reward. " 7-7
FOR SALE A No. 1 Jersey-Guernsey
cow, milk test 6, price 100. 2359
State St. or phone ll.ltiJ. 7-7
WANTED 20 cherry pickers Monday
morning; 2'.c .per lb. Phone 13.90R.
Call U'ti7 Marion St. 7-5
TAKEN IT Sorrel driving mare, 2
miles east of Salem on Fruitland
road. W. F. Caplinger, Bt. T, 7-7
FOR SALE Pining table and 6 chairs
china closet, rocker, couch, almost
new. 1410 S. Cottage. 7-S
FOR SALE 10 acres of bouiing prune
orchard, fix and nine years old. Vt of
crop following sale. Price $.''5uO. Ad
- dress R B B Journal. 7 9
10 ACRES laud clear, in grain, small
house, cheap, terms. B. M. Woods,
first house north West Salem school.
FOR SALE (Nine room house, lurge lot
modern conveniences, dou'ble garage
close in, on street car lino and paved
street. G L eare Journal. tf
WANTED Logan pickers, the best
picking ever, children making two
dollar per day and up. Lsrgor peo
ple four to six dollars. Come on and
get it. East P street near Powers
dryer. M. E. Gotttr. 7-8
FOR SALE Cheap, Bniek four, 5 pas
senger, good condition; also Saxon
six and some good used trucks, at
price you ean afford to pay. 162 ri
Commercial street, Salem Velie com
pany. 7-9
FOR SALE 10 acres nearly all culti
vated, 5 acres of six year old prunes,
heavy crop of prunes, balance sowed
to oats, would be first class for lo
gnnbnrrios; small house. Price 48
500. Term on part. Address X B
Journal. 79
WANTED Salesman with light ear
. for delivery, for tea and coffee route
in Salom. Business already establish.
ed bona and reference required; ex
cellent proposition. Apply Grand
Union Tea Co., C. D. Morrison, Mgr.
448 Washington St. Portland. tf
WANTED 50 cherry pickers, pay l'ie
lb. c 'nouns for theso stnyinig out
tho season, e extra for those ruck
ing over 1 10 lTis per day. Picker
are averaging HO to 223 lbs. Our
truck will haul bnggage to orchard
at Amity. Truck call at iulcjn Fruit
Union each nfternoon. 7 9
FOR SALE 20 acre of improved land,
13 acres of Italian prunes, 4, H anil 7
years old; 4Vi acres of loganberries,
2 acres in bearing; good 5 room liiin
galow. barn, chicken house, family
orchard; located south of Salem,
close to Pacific highway. Price $1.1,
000. Address L L care Journal. 7 9
3 ACRES all cultivated, ell in clover
rendy to cut, 4 room bungalow, chick
en house, wood shed full of wood,
family frnit. owner wishes to leave
the city, must be Sold; price $1300,
700 cash and $iRK) at 6 percent with
paying privileges to suit. SocolofHky,
I'hone 970 during the day, after H
o'clock call 1212M. tf
349 N. COM. Y. M. C. A. BLOCK
5 passenger Warren-Detroit, Conti
nental motor 225
1918 Chevrolet sedan, fine condi
tion S00
5 passenger, lijiht Studebaker four
electric starter and light $500
10(7 Saon six 7K
5 Passenger Maxwell, will make
good btig cheap.
1914 Overland, t7.j terms, $450
1916 Ford, first class condition, 1375
1915 Overland (500
We wreck aotos for their parts, thi
enable you to get old ear part at
a bargain. Cash price psid for junk
6-pa.Menger Studebaker, 1180.
We sell oils, grease, old anto parts
tire and accessories.
f. rVC-ifc,
Cream, Lj;s, Lire
r terra M&0
iRcierts Denies Yiclaiica,
Of Contract; Disposal Of
Fann Canss Of Confusion
E. E. Roberts, who has been sued by i
the l hea company for the nou delivery
. I I.- 1..-. ..u.a thm, 1. w ...I
VI lf I. Ul I 111.-, .mil . - " .u
toruey that the suit is all a mistake.
Mr. Roberta claims that he Lad de
livered aad was delivering to ii.u Fhcx
compaay his berries, but that he sola
his place last week and that tho new
ewuer felt he should not be obliged to
deliver berries at 5Vs cent to tho l'hex
company while the market price was
9 cents.
While this matter of adjusiir.g prtces
was under discussion, and evea while
a truck load of Mr. Huberts' be.-ries was
on the way to the Pies ceu,pai:y, the
sheriff arrived with the suuiuiub in
the suit.
Mr. Roberts further sttaea through
his attorney that he did aot ii.forui the
Phe company that ke would refuse to
deliver to them according to his eon-
tract. That he was delivering rt'it
along n-jtil he sold out. It is also st-
d that the new owner of tho Fo-teiM.
tract made a compromise with tho Phci
people between the 5Vj cent contract
and the 9 cent market price by which
he is to recoice 7U cents for tho erop of
almost seven tons of loganberries.
WANTED To rent well furnished cot
age or flat of about five rooms,
close in, -or near car line; garnge
al if possible. Phone 157$. 7 9
FOB SALE 5 to 6 ton grain hay, Vt
nine homo, on rnrr ion. j uuc
3 or 4F5. 7 5
BUSINESS opportunity, 2000 buys
hotel in eountrv town, good ibusi
ness. Kelli Hotel, Scott Mills,
Or. 7-11
WANTED to hoar from party with
large car for sale. Give model, price
aud condition. Write 12059 Journal.
FOR SALE Holstcis cow," heavy milk
er, test 4J. F. Enner, Bt. t, box 171,
Salem. 78
CHRISTIAN woman or girl for light
houso work. Good wages. Apply 10!)(i
.'hemeketa4 7-7
FOR SALE 500 brick, old duors and
front part of house to be torn down
immediately. Phone 1577M or call
640 Marion St. T. X. ASbrieh. 7-7
CENSUS clerks, (men, women). 4000
needed. $92 month. Age, IS upward.
Experience unnecessary. For free par
ticular of exiirrrinations, write J.
Leonard (former government examin
er) 1382. Equitable Bldg, Washing
ton. 722
20 acre all cultivated, 9 acres fruit
mostly prunes in bearing; 3Vi acres
logans, 7 Mi acres more of good lo
ganberry land, fair 5 room house, old
karn, some fencing; 3(6 mile from
town, only $.1800.
7.31 acres, acre timber, fine run
ning watur with chance to irrigate
the tract, S miles from Salom limits,
7 acres in cultivatHon, fine strawber
ry or loganberry land, just the place
for you to own aud hold your jb in
tho city, if taken soon, only $1100.
It) acres all in cultivation, finest of
loganberry land, closj to ftilem, Vj
cash and balance at 6 percent. Price
8 room house on ipaved street price I
nt less than cost; owner waul to
leave the city, will sell or exchange
for Scuttle rem deuce of pqiml value;
price $3000.
H room liun'j-ilow, well finished. Pav'
ed street, large lot, closo in; $3250.
7 room house, lot 110x105 feet, must
be sold to satisfy creditors, only
$1400. This bouts renting and gt
tinrf notice to move on.
25 acres all in cultivation, well im
proved, 7 acres in fruit, mostly
prunes; all equipped with stock, tools
Bin! poultry, 1 mile from town only
3 acres nil cullivated and In clover
ready to cut: 4 room bungalow,
eVrlcken house, wofid shed full of
wood, family fruit; a snap for tho
right party. Price $1300. $,00 cash,
$'iOfl at 6 percent for 1 or 2 years
wiUi payment privileges.
For the best buys in ranch or city
ipmperty seo Hocolofsky, Jiayne
229 State Street
We have taken the agency for the
Case Six, Monitor Six and Mooro Four
all of which are case products. They
will be handled at our place of busi
ness. 15 second hand car will sell at
Bring your repair work in. Expert me
chanic In charge.
If your house or farm is for sale let
us sell it for U. We have a large list
of prospective buyer waiting. If your
price is right we can make quick sales.
404 ITubbard bldg.
80 rre-of first class land all under
cultivation on Howell prairie; fair im
prnvements, a eood team and some wa
chinery, with the 50 ares of bumper
grain crop goes with the deal if closed
now. Its a real bargain at $160 per
acre, half cash.
W have a first class dairy proper
tr with all stock, machinery and grain
I tot sale. Its a real dairyman oppor
DiwirahloT sniU tray bij;h!y 6m
Droved on our sales list.
B U looking 4 A house t We have
some reel bargains.
404 Bnbbard bnildinf
Sellable efficient seJs sgents
a m mm'
T J) i.ISTtlll. LCCC
m En
gineer Says Tashc Ended
Twerre Years Trouble.
Gained 16 Pounds.
"I wass't looking se much for gain
in weisrht as 1 was for relief from my
suffering, but I have gotten both and.
of course, I'm strong for Tanlae," said
C. D. Martin, of 454 Taylor St., North,
Portland, tr to a Tamac representa
tive recently. Mr. Martin wss a loco
motive engineer for twenty five years
and was at one time connected with
the Sauta Fe system, bis run being out
of El Paso, Tex. At present he is em
ployed by the Columbia Shipbuilding '
Co., being in charge of th yard en
gine work at night.
"Ip to the time I started taking
Tanlae I cej-tain'y wa in bad shape,"
continued Mr. Martin. "1 was so run
down that I fell off sixteen pounds in
weight and felt so misera'de and worn
out at times that I lost a let of time
from my work. I had suffered with
stomach trouble and indigestion for
twelve long years and 1 also used to
have attacks of bronchial asthma that
troubled me a giod deal. My appetite
wasn't the bert in tho world, either,
and what little I h I eat didn't seem
to do me any good, because it just
looked like it would sour and ferment
in my stomach and give me trouble.
My liver djd:i't seem to act like it
ought to and I suffered a lot with con
stipation and heauueheo und got to
where 1 didn't seem to have any ener
gy and it was just a drag for me to
do any work nt all. When 1 would havo
the asthma it just looked like I could
hardly breathe and the only wny 1
seemed to get any rest was to prop
myself up in bed. I had taken differ
ent kinds ef medicine but "othing ever
gave mo the relief I was looking for,
so I hardly know what to do next: I
had been living in California but had
to leave Sun Diego last year liecauso
the climate there didn't seem to ngree
with mo and I came to Portland.
"1 had read about Tanlac and how
it was helping others nnd when some
friends of mino advised me to take it,
t derided I would and 1 want to say
righb here that the way it helped me
certainly was grand surprise to mo.
1 began to improve in every way after
I had been Ukit.g it awhilo and my
stomach is in fine shape now, because
I ean eut anything I want and enjoy
every nwmtiiful and I never have a bit
of trouble with my stomach afterwards
I haven't had those bad attacks of
aslhirm in oight or ten months now,
feel full of energy to do my work, and
t am working right along. too, and, I
have actually gotten back'the sixteen
pounds in weight 1 had lost. 1 cer
tainly am feeling better every way and
my wife also has taken Tanlac for
rheumntism and nervousness nd got
ten good results, So you iran understand
why I am so strong for Tanlae."
Tanlac is sold in Salem by Dr. P. C.
Stone, in Hubbard by Hubbard Drug
Co., in Mt. Angel by Ben Gooch, lu
Gervais by John Kelly, In Turner by
(I. P. Cornelius, in Woodburn by Ly
man H. Shorey, in Pl'verton by Geo.
A. Steelhammer, in Gates by Mis. J.
P. .McCurdy, in Stayton by C. A.
Beauchamp, in Aurora by Aurora Drug
Htore, in St.. Pnnl by Groceteria Stoin
Co., in Donald by M. W. Johnson, ir.
Jefferson by Fosliay & Macon, and In
Mill City by Mnrketerin Oro. Co.
Tho following casualties nio ropoitod
by the commanding general of the
American Expeditionary Forces:
Killed in Action : 4
Died of Wounds 1
Died of Accident nnd Other Cnuses IS
Died of Discnso 5
Wounded Slightly 120
Toumlod Severely 28
Wounded (degree undetermined).... 79
Missing in Action 9
Total 2l
Killed In Action
Murrow Childress, Dycrsburg Ttnn.
Iluywood W Garlic, Bum pass Va.
Harry J Marshall, l.ou:beriy X Y.
Clifford Wilson, Elwood kwiis.
Died from Wounds.
Olien O Rhodes, Hloekton Calif.
Died from Accident and Other Causes.
Clark R Frost, Grenleuf Kuns.
Glen E Mendenall, Okmulgee Okln.
Willium J Bower, North Fairfield O.
Vince .t George, Wennetka III,
Stanley Russell Harris, Boyceville
Wis. -
Patrick MrKenna, Now York N Y.
James R Milford, Ilyronza Aik
Guy W Hlisw, VssdaKa Mo.
Homer Sullivan, Greenfield Vji:n.
Alex Swiney, Einmett Tonn.
Sam WooiIso l, Murbcll Ark.
Died from Accident and Other Cause.
William II Oxton, Shclbyvillo Ttnn.
James E Gallagher, Columbu UMo.
Kmil Haar, Freeman S Dak.
George E Pittman, Jersey City N J.
Died of Dissa.
Viriator Claudio Do Mdlo, ln..il.
Claude H Davis, Kansomvilii, X ('.
William A Gust, Pittsburgi Fa.
Stuart llaney, Lenta Miss.
Willie King, Thomnston Ga.
Dallas. Or.. Julv 7. Mr. and Mrs
.(umes Campbell, former residents of
Dallas, celebrated their Iifty nintli wen
ding anniversary Ju'y 4 with a family
reunion at'whieh all their children were
present. Mr. Campbell's twin brgther,
Thomas, was r.lso prcse-1. Ccmi.bcll
brothers are the oldest twins in Oiegoii,
being pest 73 vc of sye
Street railws employe en strika at
Viseonver, B. C, have voted to return
to work.
We are running "Special Prices" on seasonable
merchandise. Ail sections cf our large store are
busy working oer stocks and putting on "Special I
Spring and Summer Merchandise
At Prices that will Clean Up.
Our entire stock of incomparable Wash Dress Skirts
At "Special Prices."
The Two Greatest lines in America
This beautiful line of dainty, serviceable dresses for
the young Miss has been heavily discounted.
(Xfe will serve
but can serve
You Can Always Do Better At
For a Greater Maion Counly
"When A Women Strikes"
With an all-star Cast of Tlaycrs
Ben Wilson Neva Gerfccr Rosemary Tfceby and
. Murdock MaeQnarria
A story of the days of the California Gold Rush
Told in 'Rapid-Fire Acton from
Start to Finish
For a Greater Maion CoissJy
and all
kinds of
Warehouse H:gh and Ferry Sts.
TllONE 717
Office 542 State St. Salem, Oregon
Fcr a Greater Maics fe -
Clean-Up j
everyone well -
early sbcppcis beat
- PATRONIZE Local Merchants
- PATRONIZE Local Merchants
Royal Ann Cherries ....10c lb
Bings, Lamberts 10c lb.
Other Varieties 5c lb.
Strawberries 12c lb.
Red Raspberrips ..12c lb.
Dlack Cap Raspberries..lOc lb.
Blackberries (Lavtons)..8c lb.
Loganberries . 8c lb.
Evergreen Blackberries..6c lb.
Bartlett Pears.... $G0 per ton
We furnish boxea ai d crate.
Co ..e and ve us before yon sill.
- PATRONIZE Led Merchants