8833595339583 - , - -i V ' Page of The CapitalJouma CHABLES H. FESHEg Uitor and Poblish&r mna MONPAV EVK.NIXG July 7, J!'19 1 M i-i i; Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon Address AH Communications To (The flailp.jjjflbipl Uounml BA1XU 136 S. Commercial St. OBEGOK SUBSCRIPTION BATES B1!t. by Cirritr. cer mr 5.00 Per Month- DUy by Mail, per year $3.00 THE HUMBLE CORN-COB. Per Month.. 45 35 FILL LfcASKD VS1KE TKLEUKAPH KKPOUT W, FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVES W. D. Wa'd, Kew York, Tribuns Building. H. Btoekwell, Chicago, People's Oat Building Corncobs, it develops, are good for something besides pipes or fuel. Heretofore they have been on of the grat est waste stuffs in American agriculture. Of the billions of bushels of corn produced every year most of the cobs have been thrown away. Now the Department of Agriculture reports that al most the whole cob can be converted into valuable sub stances. More than one third of it can be made into crystalline glucose, which has many uses, one of which is the manufacture of alcohol. By a newly discovered process 45 per cent of the cob can be transformed into THE COVENANTER LETTERS discussion of the League of Katlous Covenant, article by article, written by William 11 Taft. ex president of the United SUlti, George W. Wickers hid, Xonacriy United States attorney general. A. Lawrence Lowell, president of Harvard University, and Henry W. Taft, of the New York bar. ARTICLES X.XII -XXV Until this Kint ttio provision? of :he various kinds. These were in ('listen r before 1914 and the war has brcugnt In The : forea. an "adhesive," suitable for use in making fiber board !xxll,a",1.",'e!lm'c ,hat fu: therewith. i i r i mi , i i ,P , eerneil with improving comutio'is . in usi'ful in ni'iuv and paper boxes, or for bill posting, labeling and many i,i,-i, people f ..i.,y Coui.t.iMjWiii survive. Other TJUmOSPS. take, or oiiL'bf to tr.ko. an intoies:. Hitherto the Daily Cspital Journal carrier boyi,re instructed to put the papers os thsj4"1 lFi uuac sa. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the pane' ! Other purposes. i you on time, kindly phone the eireulation rnansger a. this is the only way Tng ck;ef objection to this adhesive is its brown Color. re ean aeterrjiins wnetuer or not me curriers are juuuwiuh iniiiui. ., . , , , . . . , ... 1 before 7:30 o'clock and a paper wiU be sent you by special memiengsr if the 'if it COUlcl be made COlOrleSS it nUght replace the adhesives aarrier has misaed yon. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Jj the only newspaper in Salem whose circulation Is guaranteed by the Audit Burean Of Circulations TRY THEM FOR MURDER. " From London comes the assurance that Hohenzollern, former kaiser of Germany, and 71 of his accomplices are to be tried before an international tri- bunal but. that instead of being made to face outright the charge of murder, they will be accused of simpler and minor crimes for which the supreme, penalty will be exile, t,r sole confinement. All verv fine and regular, but what's the use? The world needs no formal trial to be convinced of the puilt of the kaiser and his aides, the Allies least of all When thev took up arms against Germany the Allies, France, England, Italy, United States and a score of les ser nowers thereby issued their judgment. They condemn ed the German government as guilty and not only of in descriminate violation of the rules of civilized warfare, but they returned the verdict of murder against Wilhelm and his underlings. To call unon an international coui't to fix the respon sibility for the war we are but casting doubt in the face F thp cw arations we made udoii entering tne war. ino court on earth could convince us of Wilhelm's innocence The violation of Belgium's neutrality is already an es tablished fact and no court sentence is necessary to send the guilty to St. Helena on that score. If Wilhelm and his gang of arch-criminals are to be ' tried they should be tried as individuals and lor murder. Let them justify if they can, the ravaging of Belgian and French women and girls, the execution of Edith Cavill, the ruthless slaughter of women and children and other ron-combatants such as lost their lives in the sinking of the Lusitania. Let them justify those atrocities, or pay in kind. To submerge these crinuos under accusations of technical violations is but to mock justice. The Fourth of July does not seem to have been as fatal this year as usual. The races hitherto ru'etl by Ueriuai.y unci now in use, thereby saving great quantities of foodstuffs i1'" "lli,,s a,'i'1 "nt, ,,i,",'ifi'" ,0 used in the fcrm of starch, dextrine, flour paste, etc. It First, to protect ami assist peks on is said that the relacement of all other adhesives would tl'tir ' to eompu-to indepemienje; to! require only 3 per cent of the corncobs produced in the;;1 United btateS. Lie of popular government. Duiiug that This IS lik'P finrlitirr n frrp.ir rtw trsct rvf foirilo lonrl 1 I.-i i.a they would be likely to im:ke ... a ..b.v, .. v.v Vi xvxv j miu. whidi mitrht expose t Item to Or an ineXnaUSUOie deposit 01 SOme preClOUS metal. And It external and internal perils. The second is one more proof of the resourcefulness of modern ol'i'''t tu ir,vl,t 8elfish l'xt'1'''tution Wilhelm science. The human race is using up its visible "sources now-!u ti. adays at ante which alarms many people. But there isl .t'T 8ft "llmanu RIPPLING RHYMES Ey Walt Mason REVENGE. Whoever said, "Revenge is sweet,'' had no experience with foes; his guess was wrong, yet men repeat his idle words in verse and prose. If sonic one docs you grievous wrong, you'd like to rend him limb from limb; perhaps for years you yearn and long to throw the harpoon into Lim The vengeful thoughts you entertain don't do you any good at all; kindness alone is safe and sane, old sores sre poor things to recall. Perhaps at last you have the chance to punit.li him who did you harm; you prod him with your poisoned lance, and find the trick has little charm. In fact, you feel as small and mean, when you have squared an ancient "hate," as though you'd run a submarine for Wilhelm. Prussia's castoff skate. Bill Johnsng swiped my pointer pup, and ran the blamed thing off its legs; I vowed he'd take the bitter cup, and drink the wormwood to the dregs. But when I'd thought for half an hour, I saw how vain were loud laments; I paid aloud, "Revenge is sour; the pup was worth but twenty cents!" My fies may hand me jolt and jar, I do not let my blue blood boil; forgetfulness is better fr.r th?.n nursing grudges till they spoil. probably little ground for fear. It has generally been true in the past that as on material gave out another appeared. It will doubtless be still more so in the future. Nature is incalculably rich and we have not found a tithe of her treasures. Whatever mankind needs, trust human ingen uity to find a way to get. WEST SALEM ITD1S. (4'apital Journal Special Service) Mrs. J. T. Hunt has returned from a several weeks visit in 1'ortlnnd. She was aceompanied by her itatighter-in-law Mrs. Wio. Quires, who will be in the neighborhood some little time visiting and putting up fruit. Miss Marian Fennell of Marion as a reeent guest nt the home of her uncle and aunt, the Jos. I'ennells. Mrs. Opal Aicholls of Idaho is the guest of Uer aunt. Mr IhirSam. SUe intends eniling File summer in the Willamette valley. O. Itenkle of Ikeview was a Sun day niiht enest at the home of his sis ter, His. Mary Billings. Troy Wood drove up from Portlani or oiijint to ti:ke. an uitcre:. Hitherto the different bureaus have K""lrul,.v ml-'" "r B ov" cunnay GerniaA Colonics. t )W independent of one another: but vis wi,h l,are,l,s a,ul s'Ht'1'- first of these articles dials with it is obviouslv better adiuiiiistraiioa to Misses Florence and Alida llecker pluce them under one supervising au- n.nv to "'Jtland and taken po- horitv, here information ulw.it them '" a eoniivtionery store. .an lie reaililv collected, so tuut the' ........ ......... ... ...... ... . council uud aenil-lv can discus Incm.i TmTUJ v"11I,or ?' ,he '"""C 0'Mr1' bring grievances to light, deuund ei-!''TP ! ' 'm -V"y i. , , . , Lawrence Kvans or MiMiuuri has "'"".""; ""' "u'se!h lms ".bee" the house p.est for a week of his the object of Article XXI. J cousins, the J. T. Hunts. The work done br the men.jus of, Xi K, Tvlor of Buena Vista was a t.e organization iu the wur hs.v, been so week end 'guest at the J. H. Bdford ;re:it that it seemed possible tu nmke home. i !ur.;er use of it for the relief of suf-. Mr. and Mrs. Ed keener, Veil nnfl ferinj; in time of peace. Moth as i. iee- Will and Mrs. .1. T. Hunt motored out ognition of its services and with a view , to Thomas Sunday, calling upon old On to further work, the menibi ;r. of the nedian friends. League agree by Article XXV to pro-' ! Mrs. Albert Fennel! of Ma- moto the establishment und co-opevatfnn ri"n ote at tl,v Fenncll home of national voluntary orpanitia:i of ?lneada.v to visit his auut, who has the Red Cross. ' e" vor-v' IU( 18 l,,w'.v voiivalescinf- , , , .Mrs. Thorpe an old friend and Nortk l'nkota nei(jhhor, but who now lives ia rove:uint have dealt almost eicius.vely among the ullies many more to unify with the organization of the league i the conduct of military action, end the and the prevention of war. Article ! vust auxiliary anmilr aervinM fnnn-t- Souie of these will be e as well as in aar and (nt luii kn aid peoples and natural re lsoui.es. These colonies were won by nations that lichied to viu the shall not lie maltreated ,and thi.t one of the victors shall not mo:.opolize to the exclusion of other countries any raw products essential to the indiutiiei of the world. These thinua arc properly placed un der the control of the I.eairue; and if so the plan of mnndataries actirg nnder contract with the League, and render ing nn annual report of tfieir itewnrd ship to the eouncil, with a permanent Bruce Dennis, editor of the LaGrande Observer, a former Kansan is not proud of the late Jess WiUard, of r iiiii iic i iriuoi no. r mai u uaiio iium ivaiL5..s, iiic numc i.u untion need accept a mandate of Gene Ware, Preston B. Plumb, John J. Ingalls and a score or more of other national characters, but the name ot Willard will never be engraved in gold in the state house nor will there be any monuments erected to his memory." Now lets hear from that other illustrious Kansan, Editor Ingalls of the Corvallis Gazette-Times! The enemies that Postmaster General Burleson has made ought to entitle him to the gratitude of the Ameri can people. He is the strongest man in the present nation al administration and has taken without flinching the abuse that has been directed against him by those who desired to use his department to the detriment of the pub lic welfare. Hindenburg and the rest of thse Prussian leaders who want to be tried in the kaiser's place probablv figure that notoriety and even possible punishment is preferable to the abyss of oblivion that is yawning for them. Financially at least Mr. Jess Willard has not been knocked out. He is said to possess a big cattle ranch, a flowing oil well and a few hundreds of thousands in cash. Columbia is to get $25,000,000 without an anologv. Most anybody would be willing to forego an apology for twenty-five million dollars. Hunting a Husbana By MARY DONGLAS TATE CLEARS THE WAV. rilAl'TKU IX. Why lmd I " thoughl lessly declnred that 1 nils n L'iniliiute of .1 oiiveut in 1'rancef If I had g. but I do not spenk Trench. I hnv been in France. nleas it pleases, but if it does so it accepts the trust tinder tlic conditions pre .scribed by the Leugue. The whole plan marks a EreRt step forwnrd in thy ree ognition of the common responsibility of civilized nations for the weaker peo ples of the earth; in contrast with the principle of exploitation for the nation' ul benefit of those who can succeed in conquering and owning thein, or who can by purchase, bargain or force of arms obtain a transfer of th" m from their formermasters. To establish the principle, to provide for Inspection and publicity is a long advance, Mid may be expected to have its effect upon the government of all natives races whether under the control of the League or not. International Responsibilities. Arhiele XXIII carries the conception of le (i.ot.Mbi it v, iiiettud ot' exploits Hon, still farther, applying it to the conditions of labor, the treatment of all native races, the white slavo !rnde, the traffic in opium und other danger ous drugs, the trade in arms 111 disorder ly regions, fair commercial oppprtuaity, and the prevention of disease, ivery one familiar with the difficulty of leg uliiliug these things properiy juder the pressure of competition will appreciate the Importance of concerted .."'.ion. In such mutters the work of the League must be consultative and advisory, be cause over the legislation and adminis tration of its members in il.eir own' cinmtiics it has 110 control. Hut tne meiiibeis themselves covenant to do these things, and i .1. the disc of labor to endeavor to maintain fuii and hit inline conditions not only ill their own country, but also ia all other to which Iheir commercial and industrial rela tion extend. They agree further to ma 1 11 1 ui 11 for that purpose tuo i.t'tesiary interim! ionul organizations. The pub licity which will result cannot fail to be of great value, and the tutu! iffict ninv be expected to be large anu highly i 1 LADD & BUSH BANKERS Established 1SG8 General Banking Business Commencing June lGth Banking Hours will be from 10 a.m. till H p.m. "And what do you dot" I n.li.'d. "1 am ti e governess 0f Millie Merle' tiny sister. I speak French. Oh ves.! bcneficiul but I knew vim, a Parisian, would know! Matters of Common Intctcst. I'rench.ten soon." Article XXIV deals with international ::. ds - Khe slopped. "Tell," I said ear- bm cans for the administration of mat- never nest ly, "of course I won't tell. I kuotf'tcrs of coiuiuou interest. Few person And now, I wwi to pay, how hard it must be." At th. lute of have anv conception how niniiv of these well for my lie! Here before the eyes , sympathy in my voice aim went en. '"exist. The best known is the universul of my hostess I should be expcivd. Hie told me of her life alono In this postal union, but there are many other Mademoiselle was presented. A sober strange land. Of her intenso loneliness. relating to telegraphs, wireless, agrt dud figure with sad eyes. I ll. ought Iif the terrible fear that obesiiej Iter culture, railroads, river nigatiou, iu caught a look of fright In tho.e brown) day and night when she could tiud no dusti ial und literary property, lauita eyes. Or was it merely the reflection work. tioii, crime, scientific subjects, and oth- uf in v own, I "I would wsh. I would eli.iu. Put er things. Koine of them 1111 I tide all We threaded our way to a comer of I have not the strength. 1 knew that civilied countries, some ouly those the 100111. We wink do 11 upon a daven j way tneiiiit sickness. I fell my self! neighbors directly concerned. There pott. At least 1 did. I notiiid Mdlle. , lost. " , nr0 Hso a number of comniiions of Vetin sut erect, her feet dose together. I Poll Merle was coining towards lis. , She rolled and unrolled a tiny wad ofj"U-t u sck Knglish, Mdlle erin,"l handkerchief. I sat mute- fea, ful. 'said hurriedly, "just as a favor to me.",' n-tnittru txrr. Should 1 throw mvself on her .u.Tcv,!ur hostess was with us. Mdlle spoke in i T0 B J; confess my slip, or- (English. "It has n.eaut muvb to iuM, FRESHEN UP QUICKLY .Mademoiselle spoke. It was in l!ng-1 M.lHe. Lane," then bowing lo uu she .is,,. "1 would ask a favor ,f you," left the room ( , ldJ, V. she paused, and I noticed I ho 0e.1t Heat j I leaned my head against a cushion. ,,, ,, exha,;stim ,1SV0 Clim. of n little pulse in her throat, "oure Saved! It was ad I could think at ,,, to take awaT ,,,,, frMhnem and kind you are young your a.e b. auti-j first. Hv lucky chttnee I w.is Mved. U!11,ll ,,, fkin t0' wrinkle and sag or ful -(I, beautiful, not by the largest ' Hut 1 was resolved. Never again ihonld , nf.r a tedious or frettul day indoors stretch of imagination) and she ended 1 lie. No matter w liar my predicament j one often has urgent need 'for some " vou are woman. I am not 1'rencli! ",l shall be utterly truthful. quick rciut inator. Mavlte there's a Then to th startled question that ( tomorrow The Jiae No, 110, 1 urn not s-lOnwe.) sprnog to my eve. tiermiin spy. ' She s.ke fast. Almost incoherently she told me of herself. She was a Her man giil, who without friends in this t utility, was dependent On iierst If for bread. ' "Thev wish me to Work when thev .earn 'hat I am of tiermsnv. I would starve. Points of the 'dance on for the evening, or Some oth !er social event. How in the world can - 'one make h"-re!f presentable, looking washes out the as she doef It's quite easr. helps i .lust get an ounce of powdered saxn- !liit and a half pint witch ha.el at the 1 nearest drug store, mix the two and (Vols the stomach bowels, drives out impurities, tne nvcr 11 s llonisler js Hocky .Mniin itain Tea. Take it once a week durinr :tiot weather and see how hamv and loithe tb face in the solution for two 3.V. Tea or Tal lor I ltro minute. Then look into your mirr.ir and belioiil the won.Urful trans- forn-.atinn! Wrinkles have vanished, loose, tired muscles have been rested A tear slipied down .Odltlii 5 d UUOu l.t.CC 10 llduv and "firmed ut." nisrks of fstimie 1 say I ;.m l'reiich.i ,h:e flown, and vou look so much On orphan, which I am. At once I have VHprl C 9 l.flrtn PiTfa fft TreJa brigh'er r.n l Tnunger vou can har llr , iconteiited vnn'il be. do net like me, they do not 1 ... n r " p Her voice broke. !i.r cheek. " S( iSalera's a Good Place to Trad WHITE- McSUISE WEDDING Ira W. White and brid of Portland risited over Sunday at the home of the latter' parents. Mr. and Mrs. tirant T. McOuire, of this cilv. Mr. White, stm of .Mr. and" Mrs. W. L. White of near aurora, and Miss Ktta Meiiure, dnuhgter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant U. McXtuire, were married in rortlantt Sunday, June 22, at the home of the groom's sister, Mrs. Carl Nunen- camp. The wedding was a quiet affair, only a few immediate relatives heinir present. The bride is a lovely girl and a native of Wood'burn. where she was raised and hasia large circle of friends. The gruoni is n fine young man who was on the Maxiean border and recent ly returned from service in France with the ir2d infantry band. They spent their honeymoon at Seaside and will make their home in I'ortlnnd. where Mr. White has a position in the post office. 'Woodburn independent. oust Knlcin, has ibeen the nurse ia charge. Mrs. Crawford Moore and little daughter of Portland came up to spent the 4th with friends in Salem. Rev. and Mrs. E. 0. Kantou am lit tle ones came home Friday from Far go where Mr. Runton bad been assist ing in revival meetings for a couple ol week. Captain Albert Wolcott of Company A, Portland, and wife were Thursday and Friday .guests at the home of hi sister, Mrs. E. O. Ronton. Xantasket (Reach, Mass. Francis Klny nrl his family motored here ts enjoy the bathing and were stripped. Home one stole their car, the entire fnniily wardrobe, Klay'g watch and $0 Pes Moines. Iowa When Lizo Lee shimmies she wants to let the town is on it. Cops pimrhed her on a ilowntows corner when the shimmy was at Its The Story of the Growth of the Salem Bank of Commerce As shown by a comparative statement of our resources: June no, 1910 .$67,920.57 June :10, 1911 iii siqqi v. June :;0, 1912 $222,124.:2 June :I0, 1913 $241,302.07 June 30, 1914 $287,273.76 June 30, 1915 $213,020.81 June :50' 1916 $293,928.00 June "0' 1917 $327,319.15 Jum 30, 1918 $429,937.37 June 30, 1919 $625,295 9S 7" w Salem Bank of Commerce OF SALEM, OREGON Report of Condition, June 30, 1919. RESOURCES. Loans $262,128.63 Bonds and warrants 198,091,35 Banking House 24,500.00 Overdrafts 1,166.81 Fixtures 2,900.00 Cash and due from banks 136,509.19 $625,295.98 LIBILITIES. Capital $ 50,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 9,220.37 Deposits 566,075.61 wii-k f.ieiuis sympathy. A!., you cannot le crue to me. You will not i Salem's a Good Place to Trade ' U'lieve vour eves. No one need he'.tatf to tiy th lite .etn i, the ;trh lissel ami nxo so perfectly hsrmlcss. $625,295.98 OFFICERS. B. L. STEEVES President S. B. ELLIOTT Vice President H. V. COMPTON Cashier A. W. Smithers Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS. B. L. Steeves, S.B.Elliott H.O.White W. W. Moore H. V. Compton Geo.F.Vick J.C.Perr- WE INVITE YOUR PATRONAGE ON THE BASIS OF l.N 1 hLLluhNT, HELPFUL AND AGREEABLE SERVICE