Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 07, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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By Gertrude Bobison
r '&i'c&kiin.j im wl 1
The unusually delicious, flaky pie crust made with
Mazda is astonishing. Perfect digestibility follows
every time even with those who complain of deli
cate stomachs that cannot digest animal fats.
Put Mazola to the Test with this Recipe for Really
Delicious Pie Crust
2 cups Flour Pinch of Suit
Yl cup Mazola Ice Water
Work Mazola well into the flour and salt, add enough ice water to hold together,
about one fourth of a cupj roll crust out at once.
P. 0. Box 161, New Trk
A book worth
while writing for.
The new Cora
Products Cook
Book contains 68
pagei of practic
al and teited re
cipes. Handsome
ly ilUttratcd.
Free write u
today for ft.
Henrr rHaley or Bcotta Aims u
born in Pittsburg, Pa., May 1, 184J. At
the age of 17 years lie joined tit Union
forces under General Grant, company 0,
'iftti regiment, heavy artillery. Mnr-
For Skin Tortures
Dont worry about eczema or other
akin troubles. You can have a clear,
healthy akin by using Zemo, obtained
at any drug atort for 35c, or extra large
bottle at $1.00.
Zemo generally removes pimple,
Mackheada, blotches, ecxema and ring
worm and makea the akin clear and
healthy. Zemo ia a clean, penetrating,
antiseptic liquid, neither sticky nor
greasy and stains nothing. It ia easily
applied and costs a mere trifle for each
application. It Is always dependable,
Ttv n" n r'vland. 0.
ried Muy C. Beat October 8, 1!73. At
the close of the war ho devoted his life
to meeahuical trades and was for inany
years chief engineer of Mississippi
er steamboats. He came aa b pioneer
to Oregon, October 10, 1889. Ike great
er part of his life he was a member of
the M. K. church in good standing. He
ia survived by a widow, three sons and
two daughters. Hurry I). Stalry nf Oak
land, Calif., Mrs. 11. M. liurrlek of
Ureshsm, Oregon, Charles O. Ht'.iley of
l'ortlund, J. Vincent Btttley uf Scotts
Mills and Mrs. liuth Kichard of Oak
hind, Calif. His age was 74 yearn, 1
month and 28 days.
(Continued from page one)
tion than aa a material point in the
Mim Leaser's mother, several other
Safe Luggage And a Comfy Sweater
For Lady's Trip
Our Hand Bag3 and Suit Cases are not expensive.
The pleasure budget need not be robbed before the
start of the trip. We are showing medium priced
luggage w good assortment. Luggage that will an
swer every purose with safety and dignity. Also the
cheaper, short jaunt and picnic variety for as little
m - $1.23
The better ones up to .. $12.93
The Bead Resorlers Delist
These Wool Slipon Sweaters with sleeves are in high
favor this season. The are smart in designminus
all bunglesome effects cheery, warm in the ocean
breeze, the mountain air, the auto or stage trip or
even on the train where drafts are inevitable, it's the
most apprciatcd garment the vacationist can take
with her.
relatives and numerous friends, refuse
to believe New 'a story aa to th j girl 'a
condition, some saying they hive posi
tive knowledge that she was In normal
health two weeks ago.
Gear your skin -
a business asset
That kln-trooble may be more than
a source of suffering and embarrassment
it may be holding you back in the
business world, keeping you aut of a
better job (or which a good appearance
ia required. Why "takeacance"when
Ointment heals skin-eniptions so easily 1
Unfit Itm. Dtpi 4-R, RwimI. tkliiam. Ml
The following account of tke recital
given by Miss Jdinnetta Magers in the
Opera house recently, appeared in the
Sunday issua of the Portland Oregon
ian and will be of interest to Salem
"Miss Stinnetts Magors of this city
and Salem presented advanced vocal
students in concert recital at the
Grand theater, Balem, June 27. People
fame to attend this concert from Al
bany, Independence .and other cities
and so large was the crowd that it is
estimated that more than 200 people
were turned away for lack of seating
accommodation. The event was an in
vitational one, and one of the most
notable held ia Salem for a long time.
"Students presents by Miss Magers
included MarguerU j Flow? Olinger,
Hilda Amsler, Miitfiie Schaller, Flor
ence H. Harlan and Joanna James, so
pranos, and William Harris baritone
They all sang well and won much cred
it to themselves and their instructor.
"Assisting soloists were Eene Louis
Becker, pianist, and Miss Lucie Marie
Itoeker violinist of this city, whose bril
uant musicianship won many warm,
sincere eomplimont.i Miss Becker play
ed "Ballade and Polonaise" (Vieui-
temps) and 'variations' (Tartani-Kj-eialer,)
and Mr. Becker playod these
piano Rem from Chopin: "Two Pre
ludm,' '.Nocturne, Y sisrp,' 'Impromp
tu, A flat and 'Posthumous waltz.'
"Miss Margaret Lanffhton, flute so
loist played one charming flute cbB
gato. Miss Knth Bedford, piano accom
panist, a Teeent graduate of the Salem
high school, is an excellent pianist, and
eontritmted much to the success of the
WITII the pausing af the Fourth
orf Jnly holidays the city has
tt its gala appearance and
has denied down to the regular rou
tine of summer work and p'ay. C'!ub
work has eeased altogether and social
meetings ef nearly every description
have ecn postioaed nntil the early
fall. Families are leaving, singly or !
in groups, tor the teach and mountain
resorts and ahnost the only kind of so
cial pas times indulged ia are motor!
triita and ntentc nut. no
Country club artivitica are pcrEaps
the meg popular at present, the drive
being ideal and the cool ilhhre club
bouse as mvitiug a spot as can be
Although a few dances are still be
ing sponsored by the younger sets the
trend of the social world is, as a rule,
turned to out door sports and enjoy
ments, and with canoeing? aid picnick
ing iu the lime light, the dancing and
party senses is practically closed for !
the summer. j
Mrs. C. P. Bishop ha as her guests
Mrs. C. P. Roberts and sob and iatij;h
ter, farlyle and Imegene, of Hood Kiv
er, who are here fir a week's visit.
Mr. and Mr J P. Kunrorn of Inde
pendence are beiny showered with mes
sages of felicitations, unoa the birth
of a son, Sunday, June 6th. The little !
new arrival ha been named Iiobert' !
Harry. Mrs. Runcorn was licfore her j
marriage Miss l.iicielle McPeeh, daugh
ter of Mi and Mrs. Claries McPeek of j
awnt for tho (Southern Pacific com
pany at Independence, is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Runcorn of Salem.
Mack Hofer and family motored to
Newport last week and will pend the
summer vacation at their Agate beach
Some of the prettiest numbers on the
program af the recent commencement
exercises of the Albany eoilege were
those given by the faculty of the con
servatory of uuiflSe.. Among them were
tne wtutmu viona selections of Miss
Klizafeetb. Levy af d the vocal solos by
am iuiuiue Xiennarr.
Ia the Ontenary Methodist Episco
pal church in Portland last Sunday
night the special tiered musie recital
was attended bv a large eontrresation
and the music rendered was satisfac
tory in every particular. Two out of
town soloists who assisted were' Miss
Joanna James and J. W. Todd of Sa
lem. Mr. Todd, sonductor of the local
Apollo club, was heard to advantage
n the solo "My Task" (Ashford.l
Miaa James, one of the most rxifular
young soloists ia the- eity sang "The
Lara ia JUT Shepherd" (lad'lle.)
Miss Teresa Devereaox ef Parkers-
ourg. wao is attending tie summer
curi as Monmouta, wit a otUem vis
itor over the weefc said.
Summer TEie Needs Can Best Be ScppHed
At This Helpful Slore
For dress wearvacation wear or for the
berry ranch you will find what you desire
at just what you'll be pleased to pay.
Rain proofed, in a full line of wanted colors
$3.98 to $12.50
Women's and Misses sizes in sets or single gar
mentsa choice selection
$1.43, $2.9S up to $9.73
Tub skirts of good quality pre-shrunk
materials, well made
$1.00, $1.98 up to $7.50
Women's and Misses khaki unionalls full range of.,
sizes good quality
$2.98 -
For Women and Misses wear good quality khaki
bib front and back. Priced al r
Materials are percale, gingham, and novelty
wash materials, standard makes.
79c, 98c, $1.98
Tha Y. W. ?. A. board will hold their
regular meeting at ton thirty tomor
row morning. All members are request
ed t be preseat.
Silver Creek Pulls was the grens of a
merry pieni yesterday when a group
of the yoangsr set of ttt. Joseph 's par
ish motored to the falls to spend the
day. Dinner and luncheon were served
at the grounds of the South Falls and
in the afternoon the north and upper
falls were visited. Various out door
game filled the evening hours until
time for departure. About thirty young
persona composed the party.
Mrs. Samuel Reeney is spending a
two weeks outing as the gnest of M.
and Mrs. 8. H. Rooney of Portland at
their 8e Crest cottage at Newport.
Mrs. Minnie Uarcy Bates, wife of
Reverend Alfred Bates, is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Marry fct
57,? Nehalcm avenue in l'ortlund.
On account of the death of Sister
Kitty Moore the social afternooa of the
Kastern Star has been postponed one
(Continued from page one)
ton ,and Is unofficially reported to htv
decided upon the basic $i a day as elec
trical workers' wage and $12 to (19 a
week, the maximum reached ia four
years, for telephone operators, with
rctroactivo pay since January I.
Coast union representatives aro ready
they report to reject the compromise if
it does not provide for retroactive pay
and simultaneous cxpiratio n of the
agreements with both operators and
electrical workers.
Albany Operators Quit.
Albany, Of., July 7. All except twe
of the 29 telephone operators in Albany
joined the coast-wide strike today.
Only the chief operator and one cen
tral are left at the plant of th6 Pacitv
Telephone & Telegraph company and
all "hello girls" of the Home coJipanj
walked out, according to strike leaders.
iTry Salem first Ia Bayiir
t Torquoi.se and Peacock Blue, Salmon aid Tan
: 5625 to $7.45
They are just the thing to wear RIGHT NOW. Why not
take advantage of These SPECIAL PRICES.
Stetson's Black Kid Oxford, Corndodger Last $1.,.50
Stetson's Brown Kid Oxford, Straight Last - $14.50
(Only a few pairs left in this style)
Stetson's Brown Calf Oxford, English Last $14.00
Brennan Brown Russia Calf English Last $10.50
Brennan Gun Metal Oxford, Combination Last $ 8.50
Brown Side Calf Oxford, English Last $ 8.50
$ 9.25
$ 7.00
$ 7.25
All Stetson Shoes
Reduced. Below
Season's Prices.
at Prices f-
r Last dQj.OOf)
Work Shoes of All Kinds
$2.65 to $8.00
FLY SWATTERS FREE We hve a few hundreds of swatters to give away to help banish the Res.