Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 07, 1919, Image 1

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    I 5250 CIRCULATION :
Only Circulation ia Sbm Guar-
1 aulecd by the Audit Uurwa of
I Weaker Report J
Oregon: TniM fair ; Tt.,v
1. J mjI wmpnwV -St
'S ASfsyt aorthwcrterly wind
fl fl Off? 1 A
ill II II i I I 1 1 rt till 1 U i! 11 51 11
mm v n
r . f-fi'i JrJ r,ir if w ' f
Dirigible R-34, Descends
Mineola 108 Hours After
Starting; Flies 3,200
Miles In All
By V. R. Hargraves
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
Mineola, L. I., July 7. The British dirigible R-34,
which completed a trans-Atlantic flight yesterday, will
start on her return trip at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, if
conditions are favorable.
Tin- work of overhauling umi refuel
ing the airship was rushed during tlie
mulit mid ah still in picgrvi. tl.il
morning. The belief prevailed that If
tlii, Mm k acre voiuplcted lute this aft
n mm I lie i it . r ri flight might In .tart
fl i:t iinri', providing vmiiI In r n.iiili
ti inj were fuvorublt. One of the offi
cers on duty during the night admitted
tin- possibility (if starting la to today In
i.: rnii uf v. :i i 1 1 1. y until an hour before
lii.iui tuiiiiirrtiw, liut luild thut fr.nl de-
i t willi .Major (1. II. Kvott, tfuiiiiicnd
Mure than aim li 1 1' ii aisitded in -ibllng
tin' K 31 In effect a binding ye.ctvi-duy
Nii'l tiny remained on duty uli i.ight, In
ii'lava nl' 'I'M. This system will con
3200 Miles Covered.
Tin- li.il completed jta hiding at
ll'iiwi'Vi'lt I'ii'ld ut W:3f) yestrrdny li.orii
init. following ft flight officially net tt
ul.iw milts, in IDS hour and 12 min
utes. Major Scott citiiiiutcd, jinn'ttver,
.tli.it licrniiw f tin" ilrv imii ci iirse ful
lnwi'd ulic lovcrcd fully 3ii,0 ntUi-M,
iimkinj; h,.r uvoraxtt nped Ji knot,,
mi hour,
TlieNiiu niiilii airlvi'd hc;t' iindvr
l"T own ,i,i'r, liirijoly tliriuKli n Im ky
fl'il't in Hit' direction of tlu wind. Klio
iiiouiil,.,,.,! stiff u.a,i i,,, nn(j f
iii'ilniiil storm over the Hay t.f I'undy
hid' Hiitimlay and was rui'itiinc hnrt
f find. Major K'.itt dwlilcd to run for
i.nsioii on, mi,,., it nitptl
' to m ild aid.
Kiirly ymtcrdiiy, however, tin. wind
-ol.lonly Hhifted liile the rrr.ft nt
'""II, of CM,e Cod and Major N.ott de-"l-d
to nili.n,,t to umko Mnnliuk, L.
! He sent a wii-flei iimnsiinc lo tlyit
'H'e't iiml iiieeliaMle, Wl.l0 ms,,,, tn
M-'iilmik from lovclt Vudd. The
" :: fii'lied Montnuk ut 7 a. i.i., but
"' iml still held Kood uud tliero wr.H
Unknown Men In Gray Car
w wigntwatcnman With
out Warning.
W-Mianvlll,,, Or., July 7.-J,ff Hark,
";'"". of this city, was nhot
.th.oKl, the city by aut0. Tli(iy w ,
'""r,"n8 by unidentified men tmvclliio
''"-'Kh the c.iy bv uto. They were in
.'k-at-eolcod automobile and l,a,l .top.
P"' under the trees ,e tho vitv haM.
s,o(1 0rt tll0 wa,k lhr(,e
re In the automobile.
A in a nearby reside!-.'. hwrU
Km d,,h,,"",n M "d
told the,,, and ther
Ci ;,yI.t?ld fcim hoi' p
,1 1 U-'1 the mm, on the
f he u rk rKa ,a ,h direction
f'! t"Jll,'""'uJ 12 "thereof, were
"any i,n. S B c ""i nd
hal ntl0,1,,din wall of the city
red ti n, "V x. , rou"d ,0 bady 8,'t
h be ' 1 "," h0 did th" "lootinR
'd'"i3s,,wi ort 811,1 dw
fliSrioP of n TA MX oisi
ton t ",e ,,r,JW leading to Day-
drunk . J U,np,10n ' thnt t'1
liquor. , P(,rlmp" "re tran,portinR
I m To,?!? fri"R '.!. Tho city
e lciil"'g to conviction.
ll! I r nni inr
(uitiifCli petrol to aurc a aafo lu Kiting
at MiihhiIi, o Keott kept on.
Couuuauder Dcucenda Tixi.'
Tim It .14 arrived over Roosevelt
Field at S:4 . Wie circled uboi.t at a i
ultitude of 2(10(1 feet until i.ftt r 9
o'clock, her officers Mudyinj; the jen.
erul rontuur of the rouiid. Wire!
coiiunuuicatiou rMt:Lblinhe,l tin. fact that
Mujor Hugh Fuller, who linn been in
ckMi'f uf aritttiKeiueiitd for landing, bud
(,'one ta ItuKton when the first !S. O. K
enlU were wit out by the II .U
Major John K. M. IVitehurd, cxeeu
tiv,. iifti.er of the H 84 dewrnded in
a p!ir:iehii!e to take chnrj-e of tho laud
iiii in the i;l .seiice of .Mujor l'ui'er.
W hen everythini; wan read, the K 34
wn.i br.iulit into ponitiun, a Rival (jiiau
tity of ia in! Hhot out from Hit rear of
her riii bnK, her Hern tilled upwnrd
and che slowly ank to the giouad. A
dru( toH wan thrown overboard lille
he u uW'it 2d0 feet up. This wan
leeured to one of the eoucretr a-iehor-age
piii. Other ropes followed end in
a few minute alio was tafely anchored.
May Fly to Washington.
The officers and men aboard the K 34
thirty in all, were tired, dirty and him-
jty. After nxehatiKiuK Krev!iiii,',, pin
ing for pictures and tulkiu to the
iiewspajiermeu, they ate, bathed, t'l.ivcd
and rested. Lieutenant Cou.inunder
mhiiry Laiifnlonne of Clrnnd it'ij.ids,
Win., the Aiiieriuuu observer aboard,
miid be hud obtained valuable informa
tion regiirding ueriul navij-utioii eondt
tio over tm Atlantic, nliuh would
be innde available to the niivy depurt
iiient. iMaj.ir Scolt, his fellow officer niid
A 1 1 1 1 i i i a 1 1 nuvnl ieprei'iit:iliv'ti, nl a
conference today were to determine
whether the proponed flight to V'nsn
1 n ii t on s ! i ) u : il ,c made. In mse this
trip were Hindu the dirigible wool 1 fly
over New York City, lliiludciphia pnd
Big Annual Merchandsing
Event To Be Held Here
Next Saturday.
Next Saturday, July 12, in now tho
date deei led upon for tho third nnnual
llurxain day in Snlctu.
W ith 2" or more of the leading stores
in the eity offering special for the
one day, it will be almost impossible
for one to doiUe bargains.
Tn fact, in every leadiii( store In the
eity, there is to e presented specials
at a time when the market price on
all lines of merchandise Is advancing.
And not only advancing and costing
"more, but hard to find in the whole
miln markets.
The traveling man Is sort of nn in
dependent man now a-days. He feels he
is almost d'dng a store a favor by ac
cepting an order from the business man
who is doing his bet to keep his stocks
up. Uoodi are scarce.
And yet the wide awake business
men of the city have established Bar
gain ltay as an annual event and next
Hiitiirrtwv there, will be some nretty
Ibncn rivalry among merchants in of-
).Mtn .i.anriLlna itint nra (rpllllllIC tUOn-
ey avers. ifttiirdfly is to 4e a day of
cciierative .bargain giving.
With eotlon selling at .14 cents o
pound, wool at 5S, shoes going higher,
hardware and groceries looking upward
for higher price, and the High Cost of
Living sitting firm in the saddle, there
is to 'be given those wlio come ,a cu
lem next Saturday a elianee lo evem
I up a little. Tho opportunity to go into
27 or 30 stores and find bargains on
the same day is for next Saturday on-
The following regressive merchants
Senate Alone To Receive Mes-
sa?e: Hot Summer Ses-
a w
ska Looms.
WasldDgtom. Jul y 7. (Jiuted
Preaa.) President WlUon will pre.
ent the league or niUona core
cant and tie peace treaty to an
open aeasioa of the ienat alone at
12:15 p. in. Thursday, It was an
nounced today at the White House.
. - There had been some talk of him
addressing a joint session of tie
house and senate, but this will not
be done. The senate and not the
house has the power to ritily the
By L. C. Martin
(Fnlted I'res Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, July 7. After a Fourth
of July lull, Washington begau to liven
up today with return of many congress
men for resumption of work tomorrow,
and the waking of final preparations
for President Wilson ' arrival tomor
row night.
Congress is about to plunge into what
is expected to be one of the luoM stren
uous summer sessions ever knOun.
In the house wets and drys Will clash
in a sharp but probably short rtruggle
over prohibition enforcement legisla
tion. In the eenato the first half of
tho week wilt see skirmishing preiimi
nark to the battle" which begins Thurs
day with presentation of tho pcaco trea
ty and league of nntions covenant by
President Wilson.
Xeague Issue Llvest
Tho greateHt activity was dixuluyed
today by league advocates and oppo
nents alike. .Senator Holiim-on and
Senator Fletcher, democrats, declared
attacks on the league misguided. Rob
inson said American sovereignty is not
threatened in any way. Fletcher de
clared the covenant should be udopted
unamended. Article) ten in particular
(Continued on page throe)
M 111 IfMi
Todd Shipyards Run With Half
Crew And Close Gates
On OOiers.
Tacoma, Wash., July 7. Tho f.rst
big demonstration! in the Mooney strike
in Tacoma came at 7 o'clock wis -Horning
when 3000 shipyard woilcers cm
ployed in tho Todd steel shipyards re
fused to go) to work on the fust A'ork
day since tho strike was called.
The workers, all carrying .their l'inch
pails, go as far as Klevenlh tnd .A
street, where the municipal cars leave
for the yards and then stopped after
the Tacoma Mooney Defense committee
had started a demonstration.
Workers who braved the cioJ and
went to work were hooted.
The Todd yards at 9 o'clock reported
thnt r0 per cent of the workers wore
on tne jou onu inni m guu- ci-n
closed to the remainder.
There, was much grumbling among
many of the workers. The report went
broadcast that as the result of the
strike action the Todd Construction &
Drvdock company would close down the
big plant for 00 days and alter insi re
open on mi "open shop" basm.
500,000 Claimed Out
Ban Frit'itco, July 7. Half a mil
lion worki-.rs are on striiie throughout
the nation today in protest 'for a retrial
for Thomas Alooney, according to the
iuternaLioual Workers Defense fceagiw.
(Continued on page three)
Band Concert Program For
Tuesday Evejung Annouced
The following is the program for the
Cherrian "lion. I concert for Tuesday eve
ning, July 8, at Willson park, begin
ning at 8 o'clock:
March, Merry American Wheeler
Selection, Lady Luxury .... Schroeder
Waft., Jo")' Fellows ' Vollstodt
A Maiden's Osprlcc RoHinson,
Overture, io!dea(' Dragon King
Intermezzo, .Russe Frauke
Lussiis Trombone Fillmore
Overture, OJden Sceptre ..Lsurendeau
The Liberty Bell March Sousa
Star Spangled ilanner
mm to save
iuivi uiu UMUIIII
Defense Witness.
Wilhelm SaM To Be Usfistcrb.
ed Over Prospect Of For
mal Trial.
London, July 7 JVId Marshal Von
Hindenburg may be brought to London
to testify in defene of the former kais
er, the Daily Sketch reported today.
It also was said that a aumocr or
U-boat captains and the slayers of
Kdith Cavell and Captaia Fryatt were
expected' to arrivo at the Tower of
Loudon In a few days.
The former kaiser nrofewsedlr was
undisturbed Sunday over the decision
to bring him to trial. According to the
I'uiiv aiau s correspondent at Ameron-
gen he spent the dnr with, tho kaiser in
reading periodicals in the castle grounds
wuneim uawt wood
On Saturday he sawed his six thou
sandth tree, striving to roalisc his sm-
iiitioti of 10,000 before fa'.I.
Guards at the ensile grounds were
busy today keeping off visitors.
King (leorge has not yet received the
alleged offer of Surrender from Wil
helm 's sons to be tried in their fath
er's stead.
The Rotterdam correspondent of the
Daily News declared today that the
Dutch hope for American aurmnrt If
'they refuse! extraction of the ex-kaise
on the ground of traditional asylum
for exiles.
The Dutch prince consort, visiting at
Ijerno, was interviewed by tho Daily
News correspondent. H wa (ruo,ted ai
German Bequest Waited
"Wo have given our hospitality and
cannot meddle in these things. Ger
many hns signed an undejtalung to de
liver the former emperor. If Germany
inal.es demands on us wo will bo oblig
ed to yield."
It was expected today that the gov
ernment would be bombarded with
questions in the house of commons this
afternoon with regard to the trial of
the ex-emperor. 'Reports from French
and American sources, indientin? that
Premier Lloyd-Oeorjo'a annaunc.-ment
was a complete surpriw, have stirred
up both parliament and puAlie. I
In the meantime, a warm controver
sy was developing over the expediency !
or ttie trial. ir llenrr Dalaiel announc
ed todav he would ask whither com
munications had passed vet bc'.wcen
Holland and the nllies with regard to.
extradition. If thev hod he said, he
wanted to know the results.
Dutch Remain Silent
The Hague, July ".The Dutch gov
ernment flatty rofiuM-a to iiwue a state
ment on its position in tha event the
allies demand extradition of tho .form
er kaiser. The press and public do not
beliem such n demand is to ibe expect-
(Continued ou page three)
Terms Of Settlement Are Ex
pected From Washington
Portland, Or., July 7; The report was
circulated at telephone stnl'.e head
quarters here today that a ettlomeat
of both the operators and electrical
workers strikes is practical!) awtured.
The report was based oa news which
is suiil to have been received from Baa
Francisco, coast headquarters for the
Pacific Telephone Telegraph com
pany. 8aa Francisco, July 7. Confident
that a rettlement will be reached tomorrow-
in tho coast-wide telephone
workers' strike, the central otriki com
mittee is today expecting momentarily
from Washington terms of tin settle
ment as aproved by the postoff.ee de
partment. These will be submitted to
the strikers at mass meetings tomorrow
for acceptance or rejection. j
The compromise follows a considers-;
tion of the offers here on the const by
a committee representing the Union's
international officers, tho postofi'ico de-i
pnrtment nnd telephone company brads.
This conference was held in W'pshing-
(Continued on page two)
7, 1919.
I An ItlATflltA V A K 1 1
Ifcrry New AfcHs He Killed
(Si Because She Refus
ed Hxa.
' Los Angeles, CaL, July 7. IUrry 8.
Xew, confidently expecting United
Ststes Harry 8. New of Indianapolis,
whom he claims is his father, to come
to his assistance, pleaded with the po
lice today to be allowed to sec tho dead
body of Misa Frieda Lesser, tue pretty
girl whom he admits killing in dark
Topango canyon Friday night twenty
four hours before tbey were to be mar
He will be permitted to view the re
mains of his dead sweetheart as oon
as the inquest, which is scheduled for
tomorrow, is over, the police said.
Increasing nervousness eharwiterizcfl
N'ew's attitude in the last 24 hours and
fears are entertained by the poli :e that
he might attempt suicide. For that
reas'ra a gnard is being held in his cell
night and day. Reports that he had it
tempted to beat out his brain Against
the bars of the fell yesterday were de
nied by the police, who were vith him
throughout the day.
One change, which may have ttnklng
influence oa the outcome of tho .
wns made by New yesterday in his
story. Detectives after a half hour's
closo questioning of New, am.ounccd
thnt Xew said he shot Miss Lesser, not
because she was about to become a mo
ther and proposed to undergo nu lllenl
operation, but because she had refused
to marry him.
0 His signed statement, made Saturday
morning, however, still gives the motive
of the murder the alleged desire to pre
vent the strain of such an operation in
the name of the girl whom he intended
to marry.
If Nw persists in the elimination of
the firnt motive for the crime, the ques
tion of the girl's condition, police sny,
will be determined more to satisfy tela-
(Continued on pago two)
mars mcil
Absentees And Vacancies
Make Session Impossible
Although tho city's nffuro uro at
tended to by one mayor und 1 lommil
men, they are a pretty senrec article in
town just now. Ko much so that the
regular meeting for this evening has
bees postponed.
Fred J. Hmith of the first ward has
bis resignation in his pocket, us he is
no longer a resident of tho w.;rd. Dr.
F. L. Utter of the second wvd ia at
tending a dentists' convention, in Port
land. The third word has no repre
sentative as Otto J. Wilson is now
mayor and J. S. Austin is in Califor
nia. The fifth ward is short One alderman
since the resignation of C. M. Roberts.
The sixth ward has but one alderman
iu town as J. 8. McCTleland is absent.
The seventh ward has but one nlJerman
since the resignation of Ralph Thomp
Walter F. Buckncr will probably bo
elected a'dermnn for the first ward,
succeeding Fred J. Smith as roon as
eight aldermen and one mayor can as
semble. Gerald Volk, a retired nows
pnper mirti, formerly owner of the
Dnllna Observer will be presenttd as al-
dermaa en the recommendation of Ed
ward Schuske.
For the seventh word, two names will
come before the council, Oeorge F. Hal
vomeu, recently elected school director,
and Elmer Daue. As soon as the eight
aldermen and mnyor can get together.
this week, alt vacancies for aldermen
will be filled. Just at present tho tity
is getting along with the following al
dermen ia town: Hcott, Johnson, a!;ncr
al, Moore 8chunke, Wiest and Vinder
New Yark, July 7. Liberty
8V a ).; second s wj.bs; nrm.
4,4 95-OS; second 4ft 's 94.24; tmro
44'e r,.06; fourth 414 's M,!4; victory
3-4 ' 109.10; 4 3-4 't 99.9.
Dirigible Brings Copy of In
terview With Howard Cof
fin Declaring Feasibility
of Air Mail Route. .
London, June 30. (By Airship across the Atlantic).
The "copy and pictures in this envelope are the first reg
ular news matter ever sent across the Atlantic by air
Through the courtesy of the United States navy and
the British air ministry, they were placed aboard the
a few hours before it cut loose from Scotland.
Lieutenant Commander Zachary Lans
downe, U. S. N., the only American
aboard the British air dreadnaught, per
sonally took charge of the package. A
United Press representative carried it
from the London bureau of the L"a;ted
Press and handed it to Commander
Insdowne at the British cir station.
The incident forecasts a new epoch In
practical journalism. It represents the
first application of a new method of
news dissemmination, which in tt few
year wil be one of the accepted prac
tices of newspaperdom en both side of
the Atlantic.
The importance of this in future jour
nalistic possibilities is patent. It proves
the feasibility of promptly supplying a
reader on the other side of the ocean
not ouly with bare facts, but with pho
tographs assisting him to visualize whnt
he is reading. Pressed tightly in the
envelope against the sheets of an interview-with
Howard E. Coffin, is a pic
ture of Coffin, with tho American tviu
tion of picture and story is an old do
tion commission in London. Coordina
vicc in local fields of journalii-n. This
is the first time it has been applied to
the foreign field while retaining speed
in transmission.
By Edwin Hulllnger
(United Press Staff Correspondent )
London, June 30. (By airship across
tho Atlantic.) "An, aerial nmil from
England to America., which, I believn,
within tw0 or three years, will grow in
to a frequent and ueponouoie irans
ocoan traffic begun with the voyage of
the R34 to Long Island," Howard E.
Coffin, council of national defence mem
ber of the asintion commission, declared
to the United Press here todnv.
Iu r.n -interview which has the dis
tinct ion of being the first regular news
story ever carried across tiio Atlantic
by aireruiser, Coffin forecast that peace
Radical Movement, Result
Steadily Increased Prices
Spreading Fast Over Italy
By CamUlo Clanfarra
Rome, July 7. Aa radical movement
was spreading in Italy today. Accord
ing to the latest advices, organizations
of socialists, syndicalists, anurcnisrs
nnd labor and political agitators here
wore leadincr the movement and were
inviting other towns to join.
The Italian government, in au offi
cial communique, has warned tho poo-
nln neaiiist the work of ciements
"which are endeavoring to transform
the economic agitation into a political
Such action would deprive Italy of
the fruits of victory, stated the com
munique declaring political agitation
would be severely repressed.
Cabinet Considers Action,
At the same time, it was announced
that the government had grautcd fuil
power to the provincial and municipal
authorities to enforce maximum prices.
The cabinet met yesterday for fur
ther consideration of the situstion.
Following the cabinet meeting, the
government announced a determined
and vigorous policy destined to influ
ence immediately the cost of living.
Profitteers and hoarders, it was assert
cd, would be punished severely.
The government will supervise direct
ly the rogulntion of prices and distri
bution of necessities. It also w-is de
cided to intensify importations lrom
abroad. A national association com
posed of experts will be formed to car
ry on dtsirbution under governnieut su-
Soecinl civilian organizations In many
towns had begun today to usurp the
power of the municipalities nd were
CENTS ctantw ms cs-vra
will speedily bring tremendous achieve
ments in this new art of transports tins,
so oniquely a product of the war. -
"The United States in a like period
will be crossed and cms crossed by tS
transcontinental air limited," be pre
dicted. "In five years, perhaps less ahonld
see a great intercontinental r.ir thor
oughfare between North and South.
World To Be Linked.
"All the continncnts will be connect
ed by crowded air routes during the
next decade. What this involves in in
ternational comradeship and prevention
of wars is obvious. For the ajstnry of
civilization's advance is largely a-history
of the progress of transportation.
"The air era is already at hand.
"This is the practical sigDificbnca
of the third crossing of the Atlantis
within a month.".
Coffin, a national authority oa navi
gution, was one of the first big auto
mobile manufacturers to offer his teiv
ices to the government in 1917. The
American aviation' commission arriyei
in England recently on its research toar
through the allied countries of Europe.
"Several year perhaps two or tnrre
should suffice to place cross Atlantic
flying on a commercial ba;," said
-"I believe ft lnrge volnroe of pas
senger traffic will be released into tM
At'antic. air channels the moment air
travel is demonstrated to be bafo.
Tickets $700 to $1000.
"Convinced they are not risking tnerr
lives snv more than in ordinary sur
face passage, a large number of ousi
ncs men on both sides will erwvd nto
the new world speeders. I would tlilnk .
the first fares would be about 70O to
(Continued en page three)
fixing prices and issuing orders rent
ing to commercial life.
Stores Are Pillaged.
Arrests of rioters were made at FW
enee, according to the correspondent of
(Continued on Pnge Mm.)
Tinky Kerr has landed a job a a
meter reader since th state wert dry.
Fv-en $1 excursions hsve gene p t'
lV 07vlft7'A t '.
3 t m
(Continued on page three)