Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 05, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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veif Njoij were
our you can
,3o -this -time
Of f iccr "Cfievroleiat
- 'vf!'. 1 le-t
runs $0 mce and etoy-U
V.. WW?-.1 I .
X aTi. u
Prize figtt Fans Say Deinpsey
Actually Won Battle la
First Round.
By H. C. fUniiltoi
( Cnited Press Staff Correspondent.)
t.,i.i., ni in Jnlr 5. Champion Jack
Demiisev's first move will b. on
vaudeville or burlesque stag'
friends here today.
Jess Willard, Riant, from whom he
wrested the world's heavyaeigfc: title
iu one of the most onesided loirs ot"
history, rested. hi guard up against
those who would pry into happen
ed to him iu the ring.
There were rumors all night wa; that
Joss had suffered a broken jaw, but he
sent roundaboht word to ht Cn.ted
Press that this was a mistake. He did
not udinit that he lost any i eih. but
Dempsey said he saw him spii three on
the canvas of the riug.
Criticism was directed at just one
feature of the bout. The tiun r, it was
declared, was not the experienced nan
he should have been. Other " is?, te
TU I11iUii. lust about to make a c;.. .. u. .,.,,.;.... llv 5 Belief from I iun ,.t tIi md nf the first round would
Sioux Kalis, S. P., July 3. (United, linj;.iJ) iaj fu,P to within i'J ftvt nf (lt) telephone strike is expected short-1 have been heard plainly. A whist'e was
Fresj --Seven bodies have been re-1 1 110 ground when the cable bicke. Ten!jv following the receipt of telegram j proviilod hiin, but this was after the
moved rarlv today from Lake .Madison, 'seconds later it wus floating rapidly ht-rt yestei day from J. P. .Xoouan, pros ild fil.st ,,. n1j been fooght.
.,1 gl ! uver me arena. iiiousaiiu icn up. mem 01 rue 1 :un ..,...... ..w.w ..j iH,U,vc iiempsev won iiie cnara-
' ' I m of Eeltcrical Worknrs. L1.....1.
IhiiucI. during a fireworks uli-V .ate. OJ I..J Noons... who is conferring at , , cham.,ion. ..0,H,
The launch .truck a meg! mree JUUCU Mill lington with Assistant l'ostmasier wen-1 - . . ..
corner after he had counted him out,
but also lifted Jack's hand in the air.
Of course, I reached the conclusion that
demands of striking telephone operat- the fight was over and tried to hustle
ors bo sent him Immediately.
.Simultaneously with this request
Bill Spivens Takes a trip to Portland and nearly gets in bad.
Seven Bodies Taken
erator, was rescued by one of a hundred iTpjejjjjg Strike MaV
launcnes mm sianvii iu -- 1 .
ietuea oon
b&h and Dn
-A Palm Beach Honey-
M Jolmson & Co.
The one act comedy
"Mr. l haperone
Bab Brown
Lights and Sh;vlows of
"ALICE JOYCE" in "Even's Girl'V
Srl9V BLIGH 1 H&A 1
a J - -zr-r-rrrrr?ri
jinn 1 1 j I, 1 -
P" .'JZ. rrrr.
Tea Kound Drw.
dr.. ju;y j.
(lot 'ia'l
and iff Bronson boxed ten rounds to ;
a draw hero yesterday aiternoo...
l 1
Powell Martin. Uiiltmmie
I f.r.it Homer 1... Canon l-s.
,1,.hn P.. Mowca.pie. 1.1.
From Lake Ma&onlla'T 1 tor ",r
TL Ail I J'eral Koons and U. . AlcJ-arlane na
lnree Utners injured lorm-e pini.ury, roprewntative of
line rft'inc icieinojie aim iHrisp
Da..hi.i" dl- company reciuested tluit the full wage
following the overturning of a
1m ii m h du
hi nitflit
and immediate tank. Spectators today
said proUbly a score wcut down with
the lwat. I
ill there were at ".east I Keattle, wash., July
3t in the li.ui.ch and declared it was'rectly in front of an Everett Intcrur
.w..r.H..H The .rcsuur the oecu-! ban far Inst nieht, three n.en wire
pants as they were hurled into the. killed anil two otners prouaoiy ii.-nny , . ollll0r, prBsident of the
ter broimht motor lnunchei from n injured whea tlieir automouiie was, t l l,. oua oj.atiir, division of the
....... l' .1. ..1 . l. ; .... i... ,i.a i.i.v ii.iiii ...
parts of thn lalt to tne rescue, it is noi cruim-u iu uiuui.n j mv u.s run.
known now many were tnaen out or tn;car,
water alive.
Authorities continued to drsfl the
lake todar.
argeant Joseph Marquette
Drowned In Lake Erie
Toledo, Ohio, July 3. A United
States balloon Is scouting over l.l ko Krlo
fur Herfjeant Joseph Maruuctto, Iml.oon
pilot, believed drowned when a enptivo
bulhioii iu which lie was oH'iutin ovor
Day View arenn, scene of the Willard
11'nipiey battle, broke its cable and
floated over the lnko.
The balloon fell two miles out. Fred
Pelevan, New York moving put ire op-
brotherhuod, was called to Wasuinston,
where it ts believed sho will partici
pate iu the conference.
The dead are:
Kd Jones, seaman.
Pred W. Cristofferson, lons'ionM.un
A. N. Anderson.
The Injured:
H. Swason and 11 any Siiniiier, long
The auto was traveling i.t u liili
I I l... !... 1...
nh'iii niiruitcniiii; me niii-i ui nil a uaenn. , . .. , . ,L . -m ,- j, :M-
, . , ,. , . , ., A inniortty of the mills auu ioKinj
Jones is believed to have seen the car . ..:,:, e n. ,.ih
3 III UN IU llin .II1IIII.T t ......u. ......
Pour fine tiuckse were received by
the Lewis county conmiissioiicis last
week froiii Chicago. They were assigned
to the county to b used iu loud con-Ktruction.
; 1 1 .... Art iM 1
KUled In Action, rreviu7 ..- ,
': Died. .
iv Poiirr, Prajroon Arm
Kekml llaynrr, IWmita l
Willie McKnight, Ihie Wwt 8 C
Henry C Smith. Cleveland
Maud Stevens, Chicago
pete Hermn Wiais. .
.. t..t. Julv i liiintam;
run ..v..., - . , i
Champion Pete Herman
fended his title in an opci. ... . -----bout
with "Little Puk" ntj.,
last night. Griffin earned the URM
to the ehampiou all the way and had
only one bad round, the sixth, wnea ilor
J ,i.. v: itk n smn-'Ssui'i Ot
man tocncu -hooks
to the jaw.
rhimolon Hakes Good.
Canto. Ohio. July S.-Chadiyiun Jr.ck
Britton successfully defended tho wol
terweight title in fifteen rot nd bout
with Johnny Griffith, of Akiou, here
yesterday. Britton won thirteen rounds,
the third" aud eighth being even.
aont Saved Burns.
Oakland, Cal., July 5.Tur gong rob
bed Frankie Hums of a kntxkout .'ast
ui..l,t when ho battered Jimmy Putty
down in the second round. Duffy came
back strong but the decision was hind
ed to Burns.
Joe Coffey lost to Young Vitira.
! f II. J in ctin - 5
Corporal f accident and other cause.. 7
McMann. Arthur Ik Brownsville. Seb.j IT
AV..unded aeverely - '
Blakemsn Pre.1 Xt Lexington, hv. Wmm.U .I. l. gree uiulfteni.ir.ed .... ttt
k-... t.kita. Hartford, Conn. -.1.i..,i ,l,..htl -
Wirhenlisiim. William, inuag".
North lud
MeKeou, Warren A., newcasui-
i..o.;,.t I'vrus. t olumnia, ia
Mulligan, Kobert II.. Wausau
h.,1tu llcniainin II.
stein, Va.
Kt..ven Vinril A. Poss, t'kla.
Thornton. Kriink A. Seattle Wah.
Willoughby, Charlie, F.lmmgton, a
. .... Hi
have closed fur a week
to allow the wuiknien to cclelnale the
... i.... ... n iu :.. i.
iu liii,', loi until niiiinn in I ill iiiiii .'ill,,.,... i
i , . .1., ! . i hllillU employes
the street show thut he applied his1. ., ' .
brakes vigorously.
Parts of the machine nnd bi longings
of its occupants were found ha,f a Llock M U,M of
from crash. l( M Yun.
m in I 'o"ver. It i said thi.t more then 2000
Iry oalem hrst In. Buying iu,i' win uiunmtoiy be employed by
I this "I'W ilnlilstl'v.
' NX
i .......".. Mtt.r . y- -vsTV ', !
- ' . , i - -r. . i
i , ,..,, . - , a i . ,
t . . . rr : t r $ .' - - ? , ' j. H s . ?l
ii i , ,
Eight Weeks in Los
Angeles; Two Woeki in
Seattle; Oue SVook In
Portland; Tluee Days
in Salem.
The following casualties are reported
commanding general oi
irv forces:
Jack out of the ring.
Toledo had quieted today. Moot tu
those who came here to attend the big
bout had gone away. The town was
getting back to normal condition in
slow fushion, but on sheet lornera
groups of men could bo still seen argu
ing over the round in which Jess Will
nnl. flnnreil fur the first time bv a
.... . j .i r ...... T-..1. hr the commanding g1
puncn, weni nuwn si limes i.uiu -- - . .. . : ,.,..
nLv'. blow.. American rxiH-ditionary fin..
Pempsey probably will leave Tcedo jBJd ja
tomorrow night. His eyes aro set on a! accident and other causes..
fat theatrical contract and one y,ood of
offer has come from ( inciiina... 'H' I Womided severelv
so expects to touch iu Pitlsimrg nrt, vs'ounded (degree umletermine)
other big cities on his way tu New j Wl)Umll,,i slightly
'k. i. Missing in action
It is quite probable that Pempsey j
will meet Georges Carpenlici in his Total
next bout. Offers have been made fm'i
this go, both in this country aad aliMad. ! Total number of casualties to
Kciirns declared some time ugo thut ef-,late, including those reported
forts would be Hindi to get tarpentier labove:
to consent to a battle. Killed in action (including oSi
W'illwd plans to gn to Xcw York be-;nt sea)
. 2:i
. TS
Died of wounds
Died of disease
Died of accident mid
A flTl!
causes .. "'
Wounded in action (over Ho
per cent returned to duty) "OS ti!U
o .... shnllu cnifwyp cmfwyp pp p
Missing iu nction (not includ
inij nrisoners released and re-
. o 1
1 1 1
Total to date
Have Seen It.
Happier Because You
Tlut Will Mat-'e You
Tears A Sotmu Play
Full of Laugurer and
"Tlhe Turn In The Road"
A PKRHOXAt. (iPAHAXTKK - For nm-c we , , .,, ,a v,)u, .
te dioa to famon, stars. Nor are we goin t call vr attenlion 1. u' famou,
story or a lav-h production. We do. however, snv that The Turn ia lh
Koad" i, the ,,M human pi,,,,,, vu have s,e inman-r a dsv. It is a ,try
hat now ami the. bring . . (0 lhp tTint ,..,;.. t
Uugh and that teem, in ,h, 10,,,.rfu ,,,,,1,,,,,,,. of r- , ov j
over . , , lj,.,,;Vl., 0, lllwrliv W ,,, vlM-J
utter and complete sti.?jrtia.
FHAXK I). lll.ICH, ,t. Ye Liberty T'.eatr,.
Sunday Monday Tuesday
Biiiirham Knimett Smith Hill,
Seuiilon, Patrick New York.
Troiitnuui, John II., New Castle
Newman, Hussel M Pannettsburg
fore going back to Kausns.
Eickard Is Sore.
Toledo, Ohio, July 4. Tex Rickard,
promoter of the Willard Pempsey iieavy
weight chanipiouship battle ii'ie. was
bitter today in his criticism of the I'ni
ted Stales Railroad ndmif.'citr.itioii,
which he said, kept 20,0cm) pernor: from
the huge aicm: he had built iu Bay
View park.
Kickard declared he received rip-, rts
lull day yesterday from towns near To
jledo, giving him word that many lain
I dreds were bcintf kept from the fiijit
j because the government was refusing to
I place enough coaches at the uisposul of
; the fight fans.
! "1 was told thr.t there wvs plenty
uf available rolling stock," he said,
"but that persons in charge n fixed to
give the orders to put it ia use for
those who wanted to see the bout.
"I figure I lost 20,000 patrons be
cause of this stupid occurrence.1'
Official figures on attendance '.'lid
receipts, it was expected would not be
available until Ir.te today, but Kickard
I made a rough guess at the crwd and
'placed it between 4.",000 and .50,000. ITe
said he had not lost money, but would
i come out with a nice profit.
The blow that fell yesterday from
action of the railway adiniustrf-tion
was tho second thut struck the pro
I nioter. Early in the preparations it
was stated special trains would not be
provided and efforts to get this o-dcr
' knocked out occurred some days ago.
Several trains probr.bly were withheld
i by prospective lessors because of the
' order.
Record books will show laat Dcmp-
,ey became champion of the world, Die4 pr0tn Accident And Other Causes
through a knockout of Jess Villard inj Captain
j three rounds, the fourth round not hav-i Kruger, Frederick Henry, San Fran
inn started when the Willard sponge hit ciseo, Calif.
,'' ring. I I'erwnnts
' W'uppermnnn Carlos siegert. Hast-
Jack Dempsey Punch. lings on Hudson, X. Y.
Toledo, Ohio, July 3. Tho Jick' Mode, Willard E Rosebnrg, Oregon
I Dempsey punch is now on sale. You! Pendergraff Lloyd, Clarindn, Iowa.
can act it at anr Toledo druz store Nurses.
the efficient employes of wh:ea make Dalton, Ella Toronto, Canada.
it witli some loganberry juice, s.)tne
seltzer, a bit of yrup and some cracked
ice. The drink carries no kneckout.
Died of Wounds Previously Kcpowa
Payne, Michael Thomas, r.ric, I a.
Riehwine Clair, (iardners. Pa.
Viles, Alson Leon, Muscoluh Kans.
Killed in Action Previously Keportea
Mining in Action.
Millea, Herbert L. Burlington, Vt.
Shearman, William H. Chicago HI.
Anderson, Martin L. Womlesdoif, Pa.
Adelson, Willinni New York
Alsleben Hubert A. New Auburn,
Bnven, Frank. Wnbeno, Wis
Bowman, Dewey Horsi'ien, Va.
Bradley, Luther Morrilton, Ark.
Bray, Albertus Wabash 1 ml.
Btirch, Corbet t J. Mnlley villi. Ky.
Burkes, John Trenton X J
('riddle, Elmer .1. Furmitigtoti, Ft ah.
(iubriel, Frank ,1. Sacramento t'nl.
(irift'in Joe D. Aransas Pass, Tex.
Hammer- William L. New York, X.
Died of Womids
William N Perry, Woodsville N II
.lames W Hoibuck, (Vllinville, Okla
v,.l Sluitlev. Saltviile Va
Died from Accident and Otbr Caasw
I.t Kav A Martin. Aiin Ar
Pri rates
John H Murray, Plymouth Va
Joe K WiMid, Sheridan Wy
Harrv J Young. Brooklyn
Died cf Diseasw
pit Houston Sumnieis, Haywell Ky
Beiitz, Newton C Hustings, I'la.
Wilfong. Oliver F. Parsons, V. Va.
J'raser, Rosser C. Monndridge Kans.
Jones, Lee A. Paulding, Miss.
Leneau Joseph William t'nion, Mn.
Lutowski, Teofli, Gub Minsk, Russia
Powers, Bernard W. North Benning
ton, Mo.
Smorgol, Stefan. Kvnnston, III.
Stilwell Newt., Stillwell.Okla.
Williams, Alonzo Carl Middebrook.
Died of Wounds.
Masemore, Charles H. Baltiinure, Mil
Jackson. James M., Mason City, III,
Jackson, Jay ., Ijcolyn. l'u.
Sehettler. (iliver St. Louis, Mo.
Swan Frnucis (!., Hartford Conn.
Trentini, Charles Barro, Vt.
Trihey, John D. Rochester X. Y.
Died, Previously Reported Missing
in Action.
Kendall, Oliver J., Napeiville III.
Bissett (ieorge M. Amenia, X. D.
lilnekmnn Fdward S. Providence H.I.
Peters, Leslie L. Leavenworth Kans.
Fulluii'r, Elmo, lini nesvllle, (In.
(iiUiland, Frank K. Tumwater, Wash,
lligginbotliiin, Kihmril M., Sentinel
Ilnltennnn Anthony J. Kansas City,
K t ii in , linbert, West. Iowa.
Koiiiee.ka, Doiiiiiiie, lluiutraniek
Leach, William 0. Fnioii Grove, Ala.
l.iiihart, Anton Bee, Nebr.
Mnddrell, Jesse II. South Wavne, Wis
Marsh Claude A. Williston,' X. Dak,
MiddJilim, John F. Saskuleliewaii.
Phillips, Tlieinlore. firidb'V Kans.
Roberts, I.inekiii, Mitidcn, La.
Sehnld, Carl A. Jamestown N. Y.
Simmons, George M. Alexandria, La.
Wooton George T. Birmingham, Ala.
Killed in nction .
Died fro m wounds 2
Died of accident and other causes.... 21
Died of disease 7
Wounded severely :!
Wounded, degree undetermined .... 77
Wounded slightly ij'j
Missing in action 9
Died from Accident and Oliver Causes
Nurse Florence B Orahnm, N Y
Bernard Bucy.kowsKi. Mic I a
John W Sherman, Toledo Jll
Died of Diseaa
Mhj Ernest V U'vering. U Kayetta
(apt Harry M Lnvelle, ISttjiburf
Lt John K Lnwson, liallipttlia O
St William C Seott, Pawtuckrt H 1
Corp George Milliner, Suivhury P
Ben Fgslesti'n, Swim l.nle Misa
Daniel 1cwis, Adicesi i.le Ala
Frank C Lewis, Gary hid
Ernest W McMillon C:eenbiir Pa
Alvin J Mintzlaff, Thieusvilln Wis
John (rinmundseii. Billing Mont
Earl E Ross, Jsctt Pa
Charles Shuet'a. Racine Wis
",hur E Whit'i.i, Siimt City I
A len It Willi! I'ageley Me
Horace G Win;iirii. Cedortowu (Kt,
Moonlit Caverns!
Buried Treasure!
Palmer. Saratoga
Mrs. Willard Olad.
T..l...l, t.:.. t..i e t . . ......
..,,., v.uiu,j uiv j. ucm viiiarj s,
wife was with him today, waiting fori
her big husband to give the word that
will start them back home to live as
citizens. She is glad her hu.bind no!
longer nas the title, but she w..s shock
Hagadorn. Alice
County N. Y.
Drabek, Joseph J., Chicago., HI.
Bagnell, Clitford E. New Brighton,
Craft, Raymond, Lock No. 4 Pn.
Kain, Charles E., Jr., York, Pa.
Miller, Harry P. Biidgewater, Pa.
Moore Samuel G, Shawnee, Okla.
ed to watch the work of Jack Dempsev.
'It wns the second boxing match I
she said.
It's Perfectly Legal
San Francisco. July Thei "ie sell
ing the "Willard "puach'' :it ex bar
rooms here today. It carries n knockout.
Died of Disease
j Holman, Phelps R. Salt UVt City,
t , 1. in,
j Sergeant
Billups, James B. Newton. Ark.
I Sandwick, Christ O. Duluth, Minn.
Marshfleld Bout
Marshfield, Or., July 5.-Ch.-.r!ie Cori
rsd of Marshfeld threw un th
t the end of the ninth rnnnj iv.l
scaedule ten bo-it bout with Jaiv w.-.!
ner of Portland here vesterCar afier-noon.
burg, C
Bonztud, Sam C. Orangehi
1 rivntes.
Wockle Ralph W., Havana. Kans
Burks, Henry, Brooklyn N Y
Duchateau. Henry (ireen Bay Wis
McCune, Mahlon, Daisvtown' Pa
Murphy. Edward R., Pittsburgh 'pa
Isrser, Vernie R.. Copan. Okla
Killed in Action
Elmer Jensen, Fluxion X D
Carl I Johnson, Xew York
James Reilly, Xew York
1'harley M Thoiims, Yuba City Cal
James B Willetts. Geiim.i, ,v v
Died from Accident and Other Causes
Daniel ii MeClellan, Marionvilk Pa
..nines j .-scuilon, Cleveland
William Clark, Chicago
Charles W Griffin, Sevniour Conn
John Harlmnm, Somerville o
Lewis Heit7., Sparta Mich
James M Triplet t, Melville ,
Died of Wounds
Albert Adair, Adair Okla
Roy A Beaeh. 1t-,v, xr r
Died from Accident and Other Cause,
Nurse Claire A Ledden Wi.i "
Ntt Frank Bernier. Kankakee II
!7rc VJ l!l,r"h- vinglon Ky
Karl "r '" ' gner. Wilder
fcarlc, E Benett. Springe,,, ,
Wi M,nPrn nah
William B Curtis, Blackson Md
(eorj(e B Eversun, Prouia S I)
rnr ,;ulll". Ntvannah On
Bonnie J Oswald, Ti,in,lat"
;'"h.n' w'iams. Pittsbur
( hns F Witty, ITiaumoiit Kv
Died of Disease '
t Privates
J-me, R BrePding, Sprar Ore
Picture them in your
mind's eye and you
may get a faint idea
of the plot of that
roaring story of the
Spanish Main
of Eight
Come, get aboard the
Maggie Darling and
sail with us across tho
scarce-awakened sea
to the West Indies
where is buried the
gold of Spanish buc
caneers. You will en
joy every moment of it.
Watch for and read
the first installment
of cur new serial
Running in
Journal ,