Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 05, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    v::: Tvro
By Gertrude Bobiaoa
the fn:''i
i u ,,-iM
SALEX dressed ' " , T .ri. Yin lutein v.
,t, yesterday, steed at tet o . ; a b K-, wk
far Vfew moment, a the f.V-'nt, h V' . fcome of their aunt
br and thou trow
' . . . I. Mr Mr-'. VI
i . . war. and SlK'S in,l uncir, -
j hit rw Vu - v, xi, KVhcrts has recent y
vY. Mocre.
ui!in'.',l !rem
la na reccm .
raere b front Bta
rounded tr"njr th" lar"'r
... - - tints
,f ti te.e- oversow
even nr .nci'ii v.
phone strike could damp, the T'"''j - u, ami his siter
:. .!.. and with the aignt cf weeks of tt ar- ,., , ...
the liv. tntom ',1'lh!:'rLV'v,r(! ,HJo. Tlu-v.,ll
overseas caps, always "j""- , wfvk Sale t the
m.i u mii orimt
HERE is road ruauing out of the j,, tinted clouds produce'rose s
OUT. smooth and Wvel. lilts a
grey ribbon, between pleasant
fields and ladfn orchard, A little past
tke Kaircr school house it stops run
u and slows down to a brisk walk, a
few lengths farther on becomes a are
tint it has reused walking sud has
d pted a shameless ramble. Also that
it has lust its resemblance to a rilibon
d is no longer smooth. Impertinent
kollows and saucy knolls streleh braa
enly in the tenter of the roadbed, in
eahn defiance of man-made la a ami
June elections. Almost uiieonscioiisiT
outirruy, aud until ,....,. ..,. v
.....J 1 11C H J'Uimv va, "
flowers, I'm afraid the riding would
be a trifle lonely. Verr eonvenient and
Carson oa
seene of
lViirviiw avenue was
auiet home weiltliiiff liifC Wednesday,
whi-n at 9 p. m. Olaud Le Koy tarsoa
X!?.- :';:XZU4 Mis, MVry. Ethel lvey were un
t r . m i mi
of the Kimball N ttoui or ineoioK.r. im
house was beautifully decorated with
ferus and. roses, the color schema of
pink and white bein? carritnl out in
i -i :...l...i:- L I oh.k
ever, luran iiKiutiiii ic nvm iv
under whieh the bride and groom stood
ilnrin r th eeremonv. The bride was
duintilr attired in a mjwn of white or
,1, . . , , , . , I in ehanje. other menroers of wbien are
the motorist, slow, down and Vri. Ufig. Mrs. I,h -Miles. Mr
with thn road. There are nave hiuh- ... . . .. .. ... .. ... .
"ways wher one can swed if o;u
desires and has not yet learned that I
the fear of the "top'' is the bejjin-l
" ' ut mn xvp is mo uiiii- i ... .
aim. of road wiadoin. H. r,.. wiih tt. Mrs. I K. Pae, who is visiting with
fold end erimson sunset flaring over : f",ndl ta Urrolls, Washinsten, la be
the hiils and a silver eresent satimK;"' extensively entertained (luring her
above the tree tops, one is quite eon- absence from home. In a recent issue
ten. in frip,,,.. ik. J, f the S.mi W'eeklv Kelsonian the fol-
IhnMuhfares, and rest fer a while. .''") item nppears in the social eol
&ti i .i.. . . . . . unin
ioi,) uie wav me roaa is oor-
.?.... .t ..lit. u:ll . i.i i
.nic.r mm miu ruse uiooni ana me! . , . .
air is sweot with its poipiunt frajr-l ,lhu"S '' ot her
r.,... I',.. . l ...i .v.. .1?.. .truest, Mra. 1. K. liii;e of Snlem, Ore-
..... . nun. K hn im visirmtr r. I.i ..i- l.ip a
jshort lime. During the afternoon cards
were pmyen. me invited guests were
the use ia having a road if you r go
ing to fly over it f
n. . fi.,..,.u.M ilia V'.ialAra
A f o.m icti 'ti niwn v
Star will hvU at'Xt Tuos-lay at tho
Mami Tenrjvlo. Aa intereitiiig pro
vmi hut keen arrainri1;! anil rofrosh-
int wtJl w KPrviMl. Mm Milton 1.
... ... riitnnriiv hicitpii iii
Meyers is chairman of the ct.n.mtte andie- antl carried a bouque of white
in eharjje, other members of which are, Jri(1(, -g rowi Misj iinee r Sherwood
sang "1 Love Vou Truly." After the
eeremoi.y a delicious two course lunch
eon was served to the following guests
Xlr. and Mrs. John W. Carson, Dr. and
Mrs. KJin Sherwood. Miss (Irnee Slier
M-mi.l M ami Mr .tlmiia Tirii'A Slid
their two sons, Hugh and James t'nrico.
Tho hriili. has Hiei'n a teaeher for a
niimfi.ti ft t i-ifira lint li.ia Yii'lil IPnuini.
ble positions both in Iowa and Oregon
The groom is a prosperous farmer and
the young couple will make their home
On his ranch near Liberty.
t harles Lytic, Mrs. William Steusloff
and Mrs. Elizabeth Keeder.
verseas raps. i;i .
as impossible to be anything but hap
v. Music and parades, dancing and
reworks, all served to HJ me
ith pleasure ajid keep one's spirits at
icir highest pitch.
The prettiest and most elaborate fa
re of the entire relebralion was of
luiii :
"iTrs. Page Dilley of Carrolls gave
bloom gives place to tall trees, where
atrange birds call their last good night
Hi'., auu inrouiin wnun one eateries
Mrs. M. 11. Towne, Mrs. Elbert Towne.
filling with white and goldla stars. J U 7 . ,RP,,"l'l"n.
The! the briar i.loo again, and the "J ?"" '"V5 ,rS M:
pleasant fields, and back from thelf: iIrl R" M' chel Mrs. Arthur
road a tiny house, perched on a smooth l,,,,l'kM,1n "J"-''' er Maxine of Ka-
- . i.i I III ma all 1. ii il a .J,. ... , L s t .. I .... 1
I Itr o nf u.-i..inui nine ami
kilim k like a grey moth on a strip of
j'lusa. rrcm iae group of figures o
tho porch there cornea the sound of
aingiiig and one catches the word, only
beiause one known the tune so well
"All summer long there was one lit
tle butterfly
Jiving alioad of me,
"Wings rod and yellow, a pretty little
Flying ahead of me."
tm into the trees again, where
hoped to be a'ble to keep Mrs.
permanently in their midst
Tho wonirn's niixilinrv to tho Snnn-
uih War Veterans which has been in
session here has elei-ted the following
state officers: Ilawl J. Hofirnn, Mc
Minnville, president; Grace I'eterson,
Salem senior vice president; Mayme
Ixive, Portland, hinior vice "President:
farad rtodley, J'ortland chaplain; tier-1. . j
(rude Wilson, Salem, judge advocate; ' t f
Miiruaret ltecker. I'nrtlniol historian
Vnurse. the floral tiarade. Aud the
choicest bit of that was the wonder
..i ri...ri.n rt.ioi itli its arrar of
lovely girls and body guard of uni
formed fherrians. A pretty girl is rret-
tv. anvwhere. And seated Draiml a
bine cloud of star-flecked gauw. dress
ed in robes of state, with a silver laur
el wreath in her hair she is well, as
Bill Hart would say very easy to look
at. Miss Margaret White, as the t-oa-
dess of Libert, was quite capable of
making the fair lady in New York
harbor look to her honors, if that wor
thy could have seen the little western
miss impersonating her. And through
all the glad celebrations there shone
the glint of gold and silver stripes on
the sleeves of tlio-e for whom the fes
tivities were lieini? starred, and with
out whom the 'Fourth would have been
nothing' but a rather drear remem
brance of waving flags and marching
One of the prettiest weddings of the
iunimer was that of Miss Lillie Louise
Boehmke to Ernest Alva of Port
land on Sunday, June 2!'th at 2 p. m.
at tne home of the bride s mother, Mrs.
r.rneshne Koehmke. lli.i Mnnon street
Rev. Koehler of the Lutheran church
read the imnrpMivu rinT fprvmonv h.
fore an assemblage of twenty relatives
Moore residence.
Mr and Mrs. Lesrs Mitfii"
taineil a cotene of fr-ends at an mfor
mal dinner testetihy, en the ivt.y
lawn of the Mishler residence. The ta
ble was arftstrcuily ceutered with ferns
and rose, and a ;mtr.olic note was car
ried out in the pretty decorations. Cov
ers were laid for Mr. and .Mis. I. C.
lVlano. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McUvam.
Mr. aud Mrs. Burton A. Myrs, Miss
t'vnthi;. Ihdano imd Mr. and Mr?, lcw
.s MLshler.
, - ..- nfaiii, niicri? mC
drowny tranches nod and nod and a lit-
no (ireeso la beginning to whimper 'I1 "r""" "" lnv'e(i. rive Hundred
afraid of the coming dark. And iiist'T" 'l1,v,", 'Kn cores were won
one turns a slow torner ia the lair lb-r Mr D- Miller."
. , '". , ,, Anna Tolninn, Salem, patnofce instruc-
AJater ,ssue carried the following ,or, K'uinrow, Salem, conductor;
"Mr. and Mrs. Page Dillev of Car-
rolls asked a few of tlioir frinn.ls I..
spend the evening at enrds and meet
their house irucst. Mrs. Lumm Klmluill
Pnge last evening. Dr. and Mrs. L. M.
-.ims, air. ana airs. 11 l. .Miller of Ka-
'ivni, air. ana Mrs. .lames comer and
dauuhter Doris, and J. f Avros of
(arrollg were invited. Vive hundred
B " ' jiibi
one turns a slow eorncr ia the lair
.... t .a., i.. ...
mo uun note or tne old 'long
eome clenrljr through the eool, still air
"One little butterfly one little but
terfly What can iU mesaage be!
All summer long there was one little
Flying ahead of me."
There'i . day fnnring, no doubt,
when everyone will take (heir business
trips and honeymoon in an airplane.
INo matter how incredulous you are nat
ral!y, rou'U have to admit that. It
win e porreetjy wonderful of course
(we have Oovetnor tllcott 'i word for
it) and I Mill imagine anything more
pleasant that loaning over the edge of
Mrs. I'nire will return tn Snlom off,.
spending the Fourth at Columbia Beach
Washington, and a fW ,inr in
land and with Donald friends.
tme of the most successful floats In
tho parade resterdav was ttin. ,lo.,,,i
hr the iNorth Salem Women's club
The club flower, tho Shasta daisy, and
the official enlors, yellow and white.
were used in ilmnHno 1 1, a ,
bile. Clouds of yellow maline and long
chains of Nhasta daisies on which were
perched whi'to and yellow butterflies
floated or hung in graceful loops about,
the car, prettily offset by huge bou
quota of the flowers, Tho executive of
ficers who rodo in tho float, were Mm
ttt flan, .d a,;hi;r;. ,:,:T,: If: Too.l,ere, Mrs. W. F. Fnr5o.
oots hair with vhiek to enilirni.l... Ir?"-, "-vine and Mrs, Merle
Uble rnnnera; or filling my pockots'r. , " .."".T. - Rn,h ,,rov- r1,r
with eloud eotlon with Chieh 1, fl 'ij1'!' J"-"1". Adulyn and Kvalyn SlnVMs
. . ..., jivrno rox, dressed
... prmiv rroeas anil carrying baskets
of marguerites perched daintily on the
car and tossed flowers to the cheering
growds. It was, -without doubt, one of
,l ariuueaiiy conceived floats in
the entire parade.
Ilarvey J. West of PI P.n t
arrived in Snlem yeaterduy morning
and is the guest of his parents, Mr
and Mrs. ft West, 2515 Maple avenue,
tie will visit other rnlat
. . ....... , unit
.....nerou. wends in the eitr. bfnr.
ofa cushions. But until thero ig creat-
Wash th. flWtd
KirtK with boos,
bold ammonia or
warm salt wsUr; thtn apply
YijIid nnriVrtianKN . tr
Ixilita Dnvis, Salem, assistant conduct
or; Mabel Garrison, McMinnville,
guard; .Mabel Hansen, Portland, assist
ant guard.
Much welcomed visitors in H. -;tv
are Mr. aud Mrs. Roy Wesley Burton
(.na Jtosenquest) who arrived Thurs
day ereninir and nrn nnw tho diuoI. a.
Mrs. Burton's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Prank E. liinennmHi. VTr u..
Burton are on their wsr from Dltla.
hnma to Portland where thev .-ill
side in the future. Mrs IWtnn .n- ...
of Salem's most popular member of
me younger set before her wedding,
and has a host of friends in tho city.
A nrettv home wpflilini. m
ed Sunday, when Mrs. Elva ArmitnirB
became the brido of Orval Tiiyne. The
ceremony took place at tho homo of
uiu onue a motner, Mrs. J. Lne, Bcv
erend Leland W. Porter officiating.
TL I i . . .....
mo nonio nna been beautifully ilecorat
ed with a wealth of roses. Th l.rl,t
wore a beautiful dress of taupe crepe
ie enine ana carried a bouquet of
bride's rosea. Immediately foliowinn the
ceremony, at which only immediate
relatives were present, the young eouplo
or j oriiana wni.ro fnrv . i
After a brief visit at tho T. r
anaugh residence, Mr. and Mrs, ft R.
"iggina of Portland and Mrs. Emma
Brown of San Vr;Mn v ...
ed to I'ortlnnd, Mm WigKJna is the
-mugii er or air. and .Mrs. Cavanaugh
and Mrs. Brown is Mrs. Cavanaughl
sister. 6
Mr. and Mrs. R. n TUm
Wli I sj-
Turn toinorrnw fmm . .-.: i
V . ,v" uir TlBil It
v -aauuii i ime is oere
We have a complete line of Tents, Ham
mocks, Cots, Seats, etc. Let us outfit
you. We always sell for less.
The bride Vflt .1refUl in n I.tvelv
gown of white silk mescaline, with sil
ver Jace Jrinbiings. da'borated with
pearl beads, and she also wore a veil
of tulle, haniriinr En smeeful folds
from a coronet of orange blossoms.
Her bouquet was a" shower of brides
roses and sweet peas with greenery.
.miss TTanecg Uregg was maid of hon
or. Her gown was of vellow chiffon.
trimmed with beads nn.l unihrniilnrt.
She carried a bouquet of Cecil Brunner
ones anu sweet peas.
Cieorgo B. Lea of Portland. hrotW
of the groom, acted as best man.
As tho bridal party marched down
MID BlaR IU... IlirIO V 11 A Hnnk.b. . .
j vi'oiiiinri OUT
ter of the bride anS rnnhol (Wkou Jntn.
tiJy dressed in sheer white frocks,
strewed rose .petals in their path. Miss
Joy turner presiding at the piano,
played the wedding march from Lohen
grin. The eeremonv wn h,f.
archway beautifully decorated with
pink Caroline Testout roses, ocean
spray, wild orange blossoms and green
ery. In the dining room a general eiTor
scheme of pink and white was carried
out. garlands of iink nnd whim .in-.
era swung from tho four corners of
mo room and met and were fastened to
the chandeliers.-
In the reception hall, red rambler
roses and Oregon grape were effective
ly combined. The r)vnrniin ... j
, . . hi uuue
under the supervision of Misseg Tran-
lr T-'retfjr. ana J0T l urner.
Following the
lou wedding dinner was served and
nna urowa and Grace Shields
assisted in serving.
The bride is a' mo.t nik.i: i
and has only recently come to this city,
..-.!, rrom Aioerdeen, South Dakota.
.via ii an iwn tMia . m ul. i
.ii . . . "s ""o music
ally gifted, being a talented student of
IDA Vlnht,
Mir. Ijpfl was tiaut,i.n.J 1 .v .
few,'w'", K "d is a promis-
-h 1 . .. , sn r Portland
wnere he is well anI c,..i.i i
l!,!?' Vr- Mrs. Lee will
mo, -u' WUh th" "ride's
mother, Mrs. Ernestine Boehmke, 1052
Marion strMt ...... i '
home to their friends.
Mas. Or., July X tSpeeialJ-Ar-thur
1 Hayes of this city and Miss
Josephine W. Lnehke were united in
marriage Tuesday at the home of the
bride's pawnts, Mr. and Mrs. M. Liteb
ke, in Eugene. The ceremony was per
formed in the presence of only the
near relatives and a few friend".
Mis? Luebke has been for many
years past a teacher in the lhilias puo-
He schools, flavin; gmniinieii irom iu
Pallae high school with the fust class
es leaving that institution. Mr. Jia,vc
is u son of Mr. and Mrs. lluh Hayes
e this city and but. recently returned
r..,t, In,n B'hur,. 1.. cl.' lrvi,a.
with the Hi2d iiifantry. After a short
hiinevmoon trip to Hie hea.'h reports
the couple will return to Dallas.
Among the Dallas people who attend
ed the wedding were Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Hnyes. Mis Dora Hayes and
Miss Myrtle Hayes.
The University of Oregon woman's
building will be benefited by the use
ful little milk bottles which have been
stationed for so long throughout the
state for the Belgian relief fund, now
that the latter work ha. been rliscnntin
ued. Permission to use the bottles in all i
parts of Oregon outside of Portland
was granted yesterday by the stnte
board of the committee for relief of
Belgium and France, of which Mrs.
W. B, Ayer is president.
More than hnlf thn amount in ,hn
raised by the women of the' state to
match, tho $100,(100 appropriation from
the state fund ha been raised hv Vm
George T. Gcrlinger and her faithful
workers. Tho elub women turoughnut
the starts havn taken .n 4nl
nui, i, lur
building ami are still giving benefit
teas and entnrtninmnl. tn ..ll .,
On Tnewlav of tni. D,.nL r.. n i
Coffee invited few of her friends to
bring their work and spend the after
noon with Mrs. Lucien Kimball Page
from Salem, who the house guest of
Mrs. Pa-sre Dillev .f Carrnll. Wo.i,;.,.
ton. The rooms were nrotilir dwnmtn.i
with larce haet. of nnrirnnpiln. ii.J
r -- - -..,,ii5 IICII
with bows of pink ribbon. The guests 1
invited worn W.. i-.u... ru.i. ' I
...,t .... , , ni imr urKpninn
Mrs. II. T. Viiw r ..... u
U M. Sims, Mr. J1. O. Olson nf tf.l
Vfvai ii lit 'II' I
r. rv. rmniM of Vancoiivpr. U
1 KC A11 IP V Or ITlrrrafla If T IV
, v ... . nun .urn. U, J.
rnnjco of ralem. Mrs. Arthur Dickenson
daughter of thn hostess, assisted in
rmennimng and serving of refresh-
"'Mn. nai&ma Bulletin.
Last Tun Qfl u ,v. , , -
a- . . in uie i yinian
asters entertained with a delightfully
. p. u3unic nan
in nonnr or ih ni
. .... ,,j, ,,,,,, aH,u mfm
oers or the nrrief Tl V.i.i..-
- nii;iiia or
Jylhias were also guests at the affair,
- pipunrnoie evening was spent in
social ennvoreo n,;.. j .
m.. , . oaneing.
The chairmen of tho committees in
t i ?he """tiinment were Mrs.
.h? ' ftn'' M"' T- W- J)vie
and they were nssisted bv the Misses
VTvw TS?' ';e'"'vicv arbour and
Myrt;lle f-hipp.
Summer Time Needs Can Best Be Supplied
At This Helpful Store
For dress wear vacation wear or for the
berry ranch you will find what you desire
at just what you'll be pleased to pay.
Rain proofed, in a full line of wanted colors
$3.08 to $12.30
Women's and Misses sizes in sets or single gar
mentsa choice selection
$1.48, $2.98 up to $(..73
Tub skirts of Rood quality pro-shrunk
materials, well made
$1.00, $1.98 up to
Women's and Misses khaki unionalls full range of
sizes good quality
For Women and Misses wear good quality khaki
bib front and back. Priced at
Materials are percale, gingham, and novelty
wash materials, standard makes.
, 79c, 98c, $1.98
1. ($. ljtpli?t (En.
4 Stores
Friends nf f r P-ns '11 4 .
4 , . "? win rp Hnrrv
hprself with tl. v u ii. . .
:lr:r', IX
i. riiy. imrtnfr h. .
ir,. d . " n-Miience nore
Mrs. Ryan has h..M ; .
ition thtU JL' TZ1 r
ters. B,Hll. ' 'j " "Pr """S"
A number of pretty social ,.0n!pli
ments are he n ' .-. 1 .
... . i-..M,i-., m nonor of
Mis, Dr,hy ,.a(M(((,k of s " nf
a guest nt. (n Willi . ' wno
Henee or No LT Tr Jfy-
I.i.i.l ;. . '"cot. .Miss
Mr. and Mrs. 1iorle I. Martin, who
havo heen spending a brief visit with
Mrs. Martin's parents, Mr. and Mr.
E. A. Bennett, have returned home.
Homer Kgan, who has lately return
ed from active service, is a mirst at
the E. Hofer residence during the
Fourth of July festivities.
A special conference has been plan
unxler tho ausn ee. nt v nr
The conference will be held 'at Cannon"
Beach, July 15 to 23. Mis, Eleanor Hoi
Kate, recreational loa,t. . ,i.. v ...
v.. A. Wl ha ii,. ... . ...
, ... one will
..a.r asaociated with U . , . .
m i accretaries and other
, l"e 1- w- C. A. interested m
o,A Mm man,r Poi"ts 01 viw.
T t V ' ,wIud" nationnl "!
A. secretnrioa i..,i
creational lead.., , 7 . " . "J , . .
cian. A counselor will be provided for
every ten a rl. 1
The prooram ... a L?Z " i " i iW.ul circles
to do. Mi;. : : K1 ' love
cam,, irn 7;. " "' R""Ulc' M?- : u.rtt was selected hJ '
dition , l'lZ, 0 " "TV. on the 1 my way thro
.-nt.k . c r"la W1" "c tL'0, or mental hviene in m.,L
"nirn will tiny for room 1 j . , inir a hv
Miss Flora f'ase. eitv lihrar'mn is
spending a three weeks vacation rI
1 achats, having left yesterday.
Mrs. I). E. Waters has as tier ou. sls
over tne week end her dnuohter imd
son-in-lnw, Mr. and Mrs. AV. C. Knigh
ton of I'ortlnnd.
Mis. Rov Shields and eh: mien lire
spending the week end at t"he Henrv
i atty home in Am it v.
Arthur Heattie. a nrominrni nitor
ney of Oregon rjty who has been visit
ing at the w. W. Moore resi.l. k.
ri-iuinen to ins nonie.
Mis Gtscc Townsend mntoreit n
I'ortlnnd this ninining with Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Huttnn. She will remain
until .Sunday evening after which he
will go to The Dalles to take charge of
tlie nunmerv shop nf Mrs. L. M J,nvl
iii ii.. r ii ... ' J i
um i ue ihii season opens.
Hut the long, long hours marching 'by;
toward dawning
Marching so ceaselessly
Ileal thro' the night and the smooth
dark fawning-
Counting my dead for mc!
I ''e scareelv a tivintr i,t m
At. my neighbor's star of bluo
And the sight of a child or a half
grown lad
Has ccsied to pierce me Ihrouflh;
And my breath doesn't cuMi nt it
l;ri n0 ii,. i....k
mi in mi- mien
Or the sound of a .ten on the iri-uaa.
I could barn to pray and sing thro
the Jay
If only the nights would pass.
Oil the 2rrat ilizy stars mrl n I n a on
toward morning -Swinging
so endlessly!
White stars snd blue stars and gii'i
ones aJborning--'
.muting my dead for ml
j registration fee.
M.s, n,el Blake, who ha, boon viv
. tmg for , . ,lst 1I10I1,h jn -
.i m :f r.,,"n hnm next week
or v' K"t of her
.number ,nP "
N'or that the thing is done wilh
l ean look at a flag again
With hnrelv a null nt mv h..f.r. .i...
And hardly a twiuiie of
And the sicht of n in, I .;c
, Ullll'lllll
Is as sweet n it I . .. i...
the Imh.H,
.... . ' !' "
f i no day
If the nights would be kind to me.
Beautiful Women
ol Society, during the past
seventy years nave reuca
UDOII it far thvlr AUHn.
vfiulshed appearance. Th
y soit, reiitied, pearly
wnuc compiexMn It
renders Instantly, Ii
always the source ol
flattering comment
' sister,
Ides! a
Charles A.
nend " L J. " rn;n.r to
.... .TII'U
H,.i, . it. "Pend the wi.nl. n. ,0
-""-Ul, 'ney took w h
ih'ach and nth .... ". "' ""'8 -pn... -"s'een guests at the
...... , resorts. -uoaie lor .h i
, . , l- ween.
Mr. fln.l m , . - I IP .
I " 'or ine roiirth.
4 Stores
An attractive d
. 1 T7 .
LU..?Jf'T!,'iy 1. SlrV R . V Mr. and . w t J '"P
- ... i menu, ..,...... . ... lone stnl. .., . - ! Mar
rent. f. . . . s. , r...,... . n"'"l S'"kes
..... ,.m(t emr1
ROmA r.t 1 . "
win Oriff . ,a'l",S' Mt- ' Mr,. Ir-
Miaa Helen ir. ..,....
!tin friend i 0 ZT "
acquaintance, r v nml r"z
Mr. and MY T r n..
mn to - . v.,;.-;.. ,V "re plan
ture to in
oour" for h aB"' Earr Uar-
, ior nc summer.
returned from -
ho eastern
Mr- and Mrs Wiir.... .
lhei, fr, .; " 'ne-T wi" visit In will
"u,uc, iirauts ras.
'"'lire and Mr. n.,
as thoi, ,. ' " ' V'K" "'irnrtt ha
"rseh of Portlaad. Mr, H
.....irriy rfsil(, -
torge numhrr f ."pm
""ring her presci ' ""m?
"f Br. RoVrtson. 'PKan,,. cons,,,
w" rwit L . .. B'i 'h time siin
i 1 I
as ( -. ' , , I mi
''" cut-
& --i hi,' j