Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 05, 1919, Image 1

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(23,01)0 READKK8 DAILY)
Only Circulation in hUm (iur
anteed by the Audit Bureau of
j j A o ft
MM lil
A Ml
r i
Orr-gon: Tonight and Sunday
fi.ir west, fair and eook-i cast
portion; moderate southwesterly
M Jl M I i i i s i i 15 I I
Late Reports, However, Sight
ed Airship Over Pdrrsboro
Still Going Strong.
the nacy Ioiartnirnt to tlic N "l-J ut
8:10 p. ai.
. rauii leu Cross Inland, Maine,
l-MU p. in. to ttH.fit you. Two ('os'.rey
era leavu.it Boston. Will communicate
who. yuu."
The commandant of the fint navav
utsirid tout to the navy dcpntUm-nt
J"iiuwing messagn nt p. v ,t
1 tilln lift Iron ManJ
ror Naoaiaa, Muno, 2:.10 i. m. in a.
I uit.. .... . . . L . ti .1 . . . .. .
('oiitiiiue. on page thiec)
vYiishiiiKtoii, July 5. (United Fre)
- encountering hctul wind over Nova
Scotia ami with t lie Jf'trol MUluy rap
idly becoming exhausted, the huge Bri
tish diiiglblo it :il tudny wircloravd tho
my ili-jmi tmiMil fur help. Tiie navy
immediately responded by ordering the
Falilla, 11 fust steam yacht ill gm-rn-iiii-it
service, r.ml two destroyers to
uisli In tin: assistance of the unship.
Tin- l II ni'ji.'ii r to huve U'i'u ao ae-
verely Imfl'ctrd ly unctprcti'4 K"i
lli.it sit., linn iii'rii hiiuIjK' to unkp the
)iruijri.ii (.jptitiMl and wilu the f;nito
line tlniii'riii.lv low, was li'liod In
jmtiI uf lwiiiini:ij prar.ticnliy u drtclict
uf tin- nir, lit tin mi'rcy of tin' wind.
TI10 first fry of dmtrewi from tlie
i(:;i h pi.kcii up liy the otivv Mil-
linns. It suid that flyiiiK ttcron Nov
Hcotiit the uir itri'iidiiaunlit I1111I I'licoun
t.'rt'd Mriing hi'iid indi. mid that tlie
pitml a ruiinini; llirt. Fivt inililitcN
luK'i iinulhcr incsn:;,' wtia tctfivi'd d
ilrcsscd tu (hf navy mid Milit'u by Lieu
ti'iiiint Ciiiiiiiiandir l.iibdir,viii', an
Atn.'rii-an on tlit dirij,'ildo.
'this im-jMii u.k,m hi'thii a di.
Hti.iyfr iniiltl pn;c..d, if rc(juii,.d, to l ho
wmtlii'iii 1 mi i,f tliw Hav of J'umlv to
tnkf thf l 34 in tow.
A tltn.l iiiilku frum flu- l!Jt re
ii'ivi'd ut tin- nnvy ulioitly ailor 2 p.!
mi. showed her to be ttboi'it ;.!) niilea!
ii'iHlii'iist of Cmn Idund, .M.tiiH'. uiidi At oitftinif of th OrouDii Orow
n-ld'd if di-Htroycm ,.re , hn vny.;cr'' oop-rative association liidd this
"" i''""i(!c cud; afti'iiioim in the Coiiinifrciiil cluh rooms,
"Position 4i d.'uriTK, a niiuutcn JircftorM wcri i-iiTtLd an follows: V
'"Mill, in ii.gri'i'it w,t. Ciiur.ic nuntli-! " John, county lommusuiiior of
;'-t tine. Idiiiiuiij; out f fllt ,,ft(,rj Doticln., niuiity; H. A. Iltisoiilmik of
JiiKhl finin Uritnin. IMcrni- l-ll ii!P if . Kowdmrg, lieori-c ZiiuiiH'riniiii uf um
il.siio.Vfu are eominir." 'hill, Kinmth Miller of NhiriihiM, II,
Ulu. position Riven would u.entc tliol,ju,,s Dtillaa, W. M. Elliott of Dul
..i over Hie iin, mri. f M1111, ny, ,B w " K iK "f Polk cminlv, E. W
a arm of h Bay ,f I'uudy, about oi '" of Amity, Inane ilulit, vke
ent 01 faiMhoro, 1(lf t!l(,( nn -nidetit of tin. Ladd & Tiltoti i.niik
H:.u.il..y .pai-r,. uiipla ip wax f, reed in ' Portland; Ered (iroener of Jlii'Mioro, E
l 'Mill V. A. Klll1.. lit F,lf,.ul IlliiV,, Hrvn.o...
nt :'i 0111 ''""'" eaker of the bouse of repie
Hentatives; Allan Hellumer ol Hett'
Mills and Frank (lilmon. H. (, Pnnlus
jttiul VV. I. Stuley of 8nl ; W. 8. John-
mm of Myrtle Creek, ,1. (). Holt of E11
Irene, M. If. Ifaibiw of Eugene, roiintv
conniiiNioner of Lane count. : E. L.
Kleiini. of Alvadore, Prof, t", I. Lew
1 chief diviKiou of Iiorlicnlti.re (). A.
., and H. V. Jolinwia of Mount
All diieetor were pienent Ihis! lift
eriiiton ntol all will serve mil, I January
1, 1120. Earl Penrev of KoKiditiri; wan
elected assitit::iit (teeretni y nail will
have liin lieiidipiliiter in Kulcr...
TIki ornanizalioti of the Oregon Oinw
vr Cooperativp nsMoeiatioii was
hi-oiijLt about by a eenoru! 'bwire on
Directors Were Elected Al
Meetiiig Held In Commer
cial Club Rooms. .
Official Address To Senate
Fill Be la Nature Of Ex
bustiye Report Coremi
reace tosference.
'I'ie f..lh,wiilg iii,.,ik,. was mi
Juice Concern Would Compel
E. E. Roberts To Deliver
Under Contract.
Aii"lh,,r it or
.""ii,ies ,,r 1 ..I
in Hip I
wnt son-Min was writ-' '"ll t ul 'u'' "", f-1"' ,H'rr.y
eoiiipnnv filed anil "JI'"W0,'S ,,!,,,' "'.v' 1"'"'
E, Hiyberi. fur what 14 proper market for Ore'. 'in prod
ucts but to have them nationally i.dver
tiaeil. It in well known that 7." pel- cent of
Oregon fruita, as Well an other product,
"IHy atfaiiist E
of r, mil , .nr a ""H'lent view
1, '"ter modified.
- nlh-zvi that th(, North
. ar .Mr- it.,hvm
tij; ' ' n.'onl?et.T,,,,e jt, Vm, tor
i'hm i,i.,.u,: ' ""'M-Hn' loanber
! - h .... a lliree liei,. tract near
v- ..... .i,t,a,.t covered ,M.ri(,J
!( ' the r;lt(. ut v.Jtvnt.
I"11"'! I fir Ihw lulu 1 . , . .
ra .j ,,, , .' "ernes mn lr
. '"JJ llle I.nee i -.1 . ,. '
Hrn,,,!.,,.,,! . TI eeiU8, It wa
II,.' i I '"' """'l'lf'it ttll.-Kea that
lain dciivJ!. .i . !'".""J " for
l,:,tcd. '
'Hi fiitii'i'lv I'linii-
""em . tt".!' ""I1 jl'" t,hnt in
f"r the i,li,i,l, , '!' 1( '"'i'OfHible
"""So, f llu n V)
tu uf h rrr'? ,ukotl", f
B make ,l..t; . 'r,mi- should be fail
'"""'l-aheJt; V:"' "mt ,,U'
"f i ail.. i m u' ,,,""f"i"y !""
-lit U, ' ' "ill '"' liraclic-
fail I, , "x r' Hoberta should
.... ..i-rrien Ull.ler Kaill
Corernor Arrives la Airplane
wier opeakmg At tugese
Salem aviatioa field, ju,t aouth of
tlie state fair ground la now known
"....iiB'ijr a uicutt 1elJ, aa il ai 0f.
ficiaUy dedicated ye.trrday ttWtLottn
wIiob Governor Olcott and lieutenant
Crull arrived by tlie airplaue lout fiom
Ideutenaut Crull wm the avktur for
tie Fourth at EuKae, but tbe iror.,inor
aud t few otbera high, iu autuonty pre
vailed upuu the Euwrue fr.lk-.. f ..-
the aviat.,r f,)r a few noma iu order
that be miifht fir with th lf(lf itrnm .i
Sulem and awist iu official! ,i.-,li,..i;,,
Olcott Field.
The fir.ft mesnaifrt of asst. ....., t...
the -Overuor and the aviator were bu
their way from Eiurena in. in .
sUti"K they hud atarted overlie, fm'
r.u((..iie at aoout 3 o'clock. LU it
a coupie hour lutor before tlit wailiiit
ouei at the state fair ground were re
warded ror their patience by having the
pleasure of aeeinu liiente,,-, , .-...n
with the L'.ivernor uaaiionm.r. rfn ihl
t . n " - aav
lauioui iinmorinan twmt, loop tho Joop,
tail apiu, fHinif leaf and I
roll immediately over the aviatioa finl.l
before effectiujf landing.
The official dedication of ihe field
included nu addreta by Millou ft. Kleo-
per of I'ortlnnd, iireiidoiit of the Aero
ul of Portland, who waa iutradueed
by T. E. McCrokey, uiaimur of the
Salem Commercial club. For it has been'
tnroue,!! the effoitji of Mr. JioCroskey
and the Salem Commercial club that
Salem has tho aoeoaj best avii.tinn field
in the atate.
Stumliii-r on the gasoline tunk, tog
Se, out as a real aviator, Govirnor Ol
cott rpfilMriiil In ...,11a t,L .... ...II-.....,
lie predietod great thingH for uviuion,'- 1 .reB, Pr he tour,
and having done fo,,,i,te,ubiv air fly if1""1""8 eoun,ry ,n Mt ot
from the people that h.e muuU will be
forced by public opinion to ratify the
treaty, including the league.
President Will Open Campaign
Immediately Upon Arrival
In New York Tuesday.
Wr.ahington, July 6.-Plan.. for the
league of nationa campaign, fxpeeted to
rival in bittcrneaa the atate's riebta and
free silver debatea of '61 an.l "Bo, were
being carefully drawn under cover to'-
dny each aide camouflaging it strat
egy to have the advantage of surpiise
at the lust minute.
President Wilson will ariTvu at Ho-
boken nt 2:30 Tuesday, it wa announ
ced at the White House today. II0 will
KU by ferry to Xew York and 'nuke a
short speech at Carnegie HJi, leaving
for Washington about 4:0. Ho U ex
pected tu present the treaty of peace,
including tne league of nations cove
mint, to tlie senate on Tbursdav. Short
ing during the past few' week;., related
uiut or iiia neiMiiai exnerit i.ees ami
fittold Of tho Joys of tiaveliiiL- from
town to town without having to ol.serve
any traffic rules, or wutch out for the
speed pop.
Murderer Says He Is Son Of
senator New Of In&ma
And Confesses Crime.
' Aagelea, Cal., July 5. Bringing
wtih him the body of Mis 'rirda J.
Iaer of Loe Angeles, whom he said be
had murdered at a lonely spot in To-
panga eiryon near Burbank, whin she
rejected his proffers of marria- e. Hirrr
H. New drove to the central pjlice sta
tion early today and aaked that he be
Ia killed her." he nervun.. hut
quietly told the police who nut New in
his little aedan as it atonrjed in front
of police headquarters.
?ew told the police that he is the son
of United States Senator Hairv 8. New
of Indiana, by a divorced wife, now
Mrs. Lulu Burger. He has been livinir
with his mother and bis sister, Edna
Clancy New, at Olcndalc. Cal. He uid
his mother was divorced from Senator
New 15 years ago and now is visiting
uuiaoapons aixi staying at ;h Hotel
Unden, thtt eity.
Detectives peered into the rear eo'm-
paitment of his natty closed car anrf
there, beneath a robe, lay the body of
Misa Leser. A big bullet hole through
tho right temple had caused Ler de.ith.
"Thia ia the gun," New half sobbed
as the police carried tho body from the
car. ne nanaea over a .38 Colt atrv-nutic.
Inside the police station New tnM
detectives that he and Miss Leser had
left last ni,ght for a ride through To-
pango canyon. At a spot wher the
road was darkest he stopped tho car
and soon asked Miss Leser tu becmnn
bii wife. Bhe refused.
An argument followed, New said, and
in c fit of temper ho told the police he
shot the girl whom ho sought to make
his wife. She died instantly. .
Realizing that he bad Jti'led his
sweetheart, New said he moved the
o.1y from the scut beside ui in where
she hud died, placed it in the back of
Economic Interest of France
and National Aims of Po
land Cause of Request
By Cail D. Groat
Berlin, July 5. State Commissarr
Hoer&inger of Sileaia appealed to Amer
ica today, through the United Press to
Bend troops to Upper Silesia.
Tbe troops were needed for technics.!
reasons, he said, because the eeonomiej
aims or i ranee and the national inter
ests of Poland rendered their troops
Berlin 's railroad workers declared to
day that if their lot was not ix.pioved
further a general strike would be call
ed. Government offiaals said they
doubted if additional concessions could
be granted to the railroad men in view
of the plan to lower the eost of food.
The government announced that the'
soviet forces today were cipuctinj a
attack from the Hungaraa wiiita army
in the south, where 30,000 troops art Ms
ported to be massed under eonmaiid f
Colonel Sehgawar, formerly on tho gea
eral staff of the Austrian army.
The red army continued today ita re
treat to the lines fixed by Clcn.uncca '
The exchange of Czech and Hungar
ian prisoners of war is being fcetUed by
commissions named by both aider.
Austrian Treaty.
Paris, July 5. (United rresa. Th
aliicd committee in charge of draftio-j
the Austrian treaty was instructed tf
day to have the remainder of I he docit
ment ready for presentation to the Ana-
supply service had been improved lnltrian deW-ite. iht TWhW r -,
leading lines and that all the bug dia- nesdhy. The Austrian will be jrlen 13
tance trains were running except in the
vicinity of Frankfort -on-Main. Subur
ban traffic has been partially resumed.
days in which to answer.
Tumulty said the best information ha
had now was that the president woild
Gustave Noske, minister of defense.' arrive nt Hnhnkon ln.,i i-an n
increased tho government guarth today.! Tuesday. A delegation of Hobokea
In many parts of Berlin trucks loaded achool "children will meet him at tha
reatest Crowd Ever Gather
ed la City Oa Similar Oc
casion Was Here.
Salem's greatest Fuuith of July ..ele-
biation came tu a close lute List even
ing with the display of fuowoiks, fol
low inn the bin, contort given bv the
'heiriaa musicians and the folk dan-
lug miller the dirertion of Mis. Kalph
And after tin. greatest paiade ever
witnessed in S:ibiu, with nlnfli.sf a thou-
and men in n 'ifoini in the parade, the
l:.te fil'tcrno.tii program wii.i cm hnleil
at Marion Square with adii'.a,es and
signing, and with most people a desire
tu just sit in the cool of the .ti.,m and
st a bit. For the weather man warm-
.1 Ihiuys tiji considerably and every-
Not a hint of tho DresidenL'a ..-hefl. : ,!'c.car. carefully covered it witt a robe
ule of speeches throughout tbe nutiou a,n , r"ve w,th aU BPced ,dowu ',,e nlil'
linn Im-iii rwrnii( itA ti tnalr ati.i f-
of dark road .through flittinir shadow
oo:uns it is dirulirerl the 1 t -r- t ib I from tlie nioonlight, to Ixs Ancele.
opposition to the league are expect, d to j lhore M Rave himself up to trio police.
put tlie finishing touches on their own ' . 1 amuon just be-
nliins bv inni.i.imr nt ... I for daylicht.
tour that may cull for opposition ora- J' Ll'SPr wns a b1'8"'"' 1 urnette,
tors both to precede and follow tho WI,n ',"rl0'J'' ark hrown hair. Bhe
president through the country, pjint
ing out the dangers they ,,. in the
covenant a"d in other provisioas of the
Joseph T. Tumulty was ia New York
today ready to meet and po.-ib'y ad
vise the president as to the ptostwit
state of public opinion regarding the
league. It is possible he will submit
for his appr.ial r. tentative iti.ieiai v. I
Wilsan's Xew York speech, aeonrdin"
tu belief here, will be the ojeniaj of
his U'liguo offensive, but it will be
niched on the general term's so as not
to betrny in advance to the covenant
opponents the principal arguments the
president will use on his tout.
The president's official addn-sa to
was aged 20. She resided at Firtr laird
and Oriffin avenue, Eos Angncs.
New declared to police and newspa
permen that he had planned to marry
Mis. Leser tonight and had made ail
arrangements for a wedding trip to
Fresno, Cat.
Last night, he said, Miss Leser con
fided to him that she could not marry
him now on r.ecount of her condition
wtin machine guns and baibcd wire
were frequently seen. Marinc and sol
diers hero 'have volunteered to aid in
the transport of food. Food riots in
Hortmund and Horde, Prussian cities,
were reported today.-
BoTleta Expect Attacn.
Budapest, July 3. (Delayed. 'The
pier and accompany him oa tho West
Twenty third afreet ferry to New York.
On this side the president will be greet
ed by the mayor's committee of wel
come, which includes Governor Smith
and Mayor Hylan. He will motor acroaa
Twenty third streetto Broadway, then,
np Broadway to VarneguxJIaJl, wher
he will make a brief address.
Perched Oa Railings And
tlingmg To Ropes Soldiers
Cheer Wildly.
., , . ....,,, ,M)jv jduit,.,! tired and the I;..; cream
cone man mid the lemonade venders did
'on tract
''''"h 'telll1'. c""W'l"t that Mr
a'l that h "'triK't ill 1!US
' " Chin df vi -
'"""'d-. anl ti . .'""''vered 211
" nonne.i the Phez
""lid sell to others.
l m i. ... " "otierlH is esiiinaled
!TT,yi ih"n a,k' of
r"s"iiiin.. ,r, ,f'"!,al" a tcir,j(.fiirr
fionrMi'i '' 1r'.'SIf"in"'K Mr. I!ob
'' i.ti , ,, ' If ,us 'ft"s to anyone
tcii;o, , ,,mil'a.v,-nnd that
""'it an.l w' ".r "', ''
t.i , lr. Ki'lierl
1 'Ollll. v .. ",Tl
. "in ..... ....:..
-p. . .... , .'i.ii... ,
it is e.iiinMy well known thai Hie finest
pears, prunes and in fact most of Ore
gon products are canned and labeled
and sol, to the custom consult, er 'in.ler
California labels.
tth thousands of acres i f young
fruits coming on, it will be the work
of the association to not only put ihetii
on the imirlu-t us Oregon pro.', litis but
to also carry out n system of national
advertising, thnt Oregon's finest limy
be known as grown in Oregon ms-tet:d of
in California.
Nebraska's Wheat Crop'
f ' n n i
lurmn mi roeny
Lincoln, Neh. Julv 5 More or less
of .Nebraska's wheal sc. pis. lo he a
disappointment, nccor.lin'.r to investiga-
lon ami reports received bv slat.' and
federal crop agents here. Many fields
promising large yields, judged by the
straw, may not show more than IT or
20 bushels to the acre, reports indicate
several reasons may be attributed,
among thorn shrinkage due to loo rapid
Five hundred persons nt tended tin, ft'
nual ienie of the Yakima Pio.ieer .is
social ion, which wns held at Iig?e Rock
iu the upper Naches valley S:im'a.
a rushing business.
By 7:M o'clock iu the evening, auto
mobiles lined solid all sides of t.-isoi
I'nrk, then on both sides ui Hummer
and Winter streets and then all the wav
down into the business district of the
city until parking space was almost at
a premium even o l side streets.
The folk dancers danced to one of
the largest crowds ever assemble in
Willsou Park and the baud Lived to
by far lite greatest audience th.it over
attempted t' get into or around the
i.nrk. For thv came bv the t.snr-ands
from nil parts of Polk and Maiou coun
ties to Ci'.ll it a glorious day by parsing
the closing hours ia the cap.tal i.ity
And the weather man its., gratious
again a following the extienic beat of
the afternoon there -arose u roost re
freshing breeze with the W'Hi.:g of the
By all it is agreed that yesterdi,y
was a most nloiimis Fourth.
'an.l that she was going to undergo an
New declared the operation would
have been a reflection on the honor of
the girl he loved and that he could not
tolerate it. Rather, he said, "ne would
see her dead and he shot her.
For several years, New sivi.l, he and
the senate will be in the nature of an ' " . "V""' n0W JMr8' Lulu M' U-'rZeT
exhaustive report on the proceedings! sls,,'r nnvr ,wn llvinS at Ulcndate,
of the peace conference. It is expected al'' a""ort um f"",' ,ui m0heT
to be the longest speech he has rver' ,,r ''' ftom R"tor New 15 years
made at the capitol. But whii- he will ,K".' h an,, '", ,lst,,r hnd '-M'i'0t?l
give reasons for every action taken at 1 "muwT-
Versnilles, and muko an appeal for rati- . ,.,.
ficntion. it is considered nR,h.l.! he' Denawr wlu 1,01 I
Will reserve .nn.o hi. .I,.. shiltgt Oil, Jlllv 5. ' ' I CUiinot dls-
itionta for tho nation-wide tour.
League supporters in the senate, aft
er Wilson's address, will try to force
11 l.llii-k ati.it nf ,1.. I, !,to Thc tl,.i .......
!i.4 , .... ...(. - ... i.a.r. r.. e.v
President Wilson Speaks to 3000
Returning Soldiers on High Seas
Many Merchants Of City Have
Decided To Offer Special
Bargains For Bayers.
By Lowell Mellett
(United Press Staff Corrcspoudoi.t.)
Aboard U. 8. 8. George Wa-liington,
July 4. (By Wireless.) President Wil
son this afternoon made a Fcurth of
July speech to 3000 soldiers and Hiiiors
on tho George Washington. Hijt en
thusiastic audience, perched p.ecarious
ly on cross ropes, clung to the tinging
almost to the crow's nest and massed
I on the deck. ;
The patchwork of khaki and blue!
mndo a wonderful picture against the j
deep blue of the sea, flocked hers and i
there with whte foam
The asuual Burgitin Hay for all pro-
"We must continue to put America ! grcssive merchants in the eity is now
nt the service of mankind," Pre.-.ident announced as next Saturday July 22,
Wilson declared in his speech delivered j and it is on this date there will be
ft.A .1 .... 1. nf il.n M...l.i ...
n.,a- n,. n,oK, " s.f,.K ii... a .. ' eoncer ed effort on tfi t rf nf t, l;u
New of Indiana, declared today wheni , , n ... .. 'merchants of
flke,1 whr he Vn.w nf !, ie presmeni s spcecn, consuiunng a
..... .j....:.. xuiiio uiai
... , . , . . . '" tu i-.i-iii.-iiiB uuwii.iiu .i.iier-,
Tt.... . t resieu ia i.u At ye es ior itti.r.ier CIV- . . . . ,. - . . , . lo-
I a US the Pies- . . . ! tea a return to a nobev nf iumatel n. lei.
i tin, iinni,, ll.,w S3 TKTW " ' - ....
" '"-. : j ... ..1 x .... .
the city to offer bar-
will be worth coming af-
(t'ontimied on page three)
name of Ilarrv fs.
leh.iming to be the senator's son.
be ordered
Clr.Vt.in P. Strain, a cratiiir.'e of the
Oregon Agricultural college in ll'l", is
now ma'iasrer of a creamery oi.pr..ted'
(by the Ifenuiston irrigation disfrier.
WashiritoH, July .".-Weekly
weal her t'oreesat:
Pacific states: Generally fair
and iinraial teiiiperaturcs.
A state of siege was proclaimed at
iBrealatt Saturday night and government
troops occupied the railway st: lion.
-1- : J.
1 wy ,
Kansas Farmers Pay
Dollar Hour For Hands
Kansas City, Mo., July 3. -with
.practically one half of the
22."),0iM),O0O bushel Kansas
wheat crop cut, the belief grew
today that the entire crop will
be harvested in time to save the
The shortage of hands, how
ever, is atill acute, according
to reports and farmers in some
central counties were offering
$li and $Ii a day for workers
Ordinary wages range from
sixty to eighty five cents an
hour and in some cases l an
tutnalism, was reaarded as forecasting' "Anythinn that is offered at a snec-
ithe keynote of the twunpnign he is to '"1 price is naw a bnrpsin," a prom
'make in support of the lcr.gue of na- merchant said tnis morning,
jtlons. i ' Everything is going up and in many
lines the average merchant is Ineky to
i Messace to President. .get the goods. Many of us thought the
Washington, Julv 5. The" following 'f.ak of. ,18'' be-Jn
message was received by President Wil-1 ''ls 1?'.r!n!i' H,lt "? wla
son late yestcrdav from King Albe.t of " vna " 19
Parrsboro, N. S., July .'.The H in.lley-
l'aige airplane which left Harbor tintcc
yesterday afternoon for Long Island,
landed at the rc-k track beie today.
The machine developed engim trouble,
tmki.ig continuation of Iter flight lm-
1 The l.lnne circled over tbe ti. in kev-
Another drawback t bein' a s.ptfire oral times before descending. She made
head is tryin' f wear a straw hut. It a bad lauding, damaging the n.olor an.l
seems like th' very folks thai ht-.vc H- one wtug. Both occupants wcro .mln-
censes t' be stuck up don't use 'cni. jured.
I l..U'l(htqn.l,n n.nv1...f A..i::
"I caimot let the Fourth of July pass!,, 7 , , u 7
. . there will be a real genuine ba.gr.in dar
without conveying to yoi.r excellency, . Satlir(,!iv in lpn, ,, thM
my warmest wishes for tho welfare of ,takp advantage of it will in most i-
your magnificent country and the pros-: stances be able to buv at the first
pertty of the Lmted States." manufacturer's cent.
The president replied: " j An arti.-le may cost a merchant a
"Your Fourth of July message is certain sum today, but he stands
most warmly appreciated and I beg on chance of paying mor0 next week. But
this anniversary of the independence of the merchant of the city have agreed
the United States to convey to you not, that there ohoul.l be one general great
only my cordial personal good wishes, j Bargain day wheu the people every
but also the hope thnt a new tra of in-wnore within trading distance of tha
dependence and lasting prosperity has (it." y be assured of sccuil prices,
opei'jed for Belgium." jnot in m,e ,if" '""'. but in every line
m f merchandise.
LOYAL LEGION CELEBEATE3 I The wide awake merchants who ara
j offering specials for next .Saturday
Eugene, O., July 5. Thousands of 'arc as follows:
membes of the L.'L. L. L. are today! The Price Bhoe Co.. Kafonry Rrfs.,
celebrating the srs-ond duv of the two The Bootery, People's (Sash Ktora
day celubrntion being held here. Tho'P-nrnes Cash Store, J. C. Penny Co.
loggers and their families thronged to ; V. W. Woolwortlt Co., I'. G. Shiplny,
Eugene yesterday and a huge crowd Bay L. Farmer Hardware Co., Balem
filied the streets' the entire day. (Hardware Co., Portland Cloak & Suit
Boxing, races, airplane stunts, danc- Co., W. W. Moore Gale A Co., Basielt
ing, band concerts and carnival fea- & Bon Scotch Woolen Mills Store,
tares were events of today while danc- Rostein & Greenhsitm, Huffman Bros.,
ing and fireworks were staged, in the Wnt. Neimeyer, Ih-ugs, Hattser Bros.,
evening. A full program is scheduled No-Vary Grocers Ruth Grocery Co.,
for today. .The Wiley B. Alien Co. , .j