Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 02, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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(Continurd frea paje ae)
18 cents a package
Cunt It are told ovrywhtro ia scmlbto.
tatltd ptcktfo of 20 ciffrottot; or
Imn ptcktf (200 ci jarsltss) in a ts
ino-ppr-eovrod carton. Wo tlrongty
rtcommtnd thit carton for tht homo or
office tupply, or whtn you trava.
Wiirt-3l. N. C.
CAMELS' expert blend of choice
Turkish and choice Domestic
tobaccos answers every cigarette
desire you ever had ! Camels give
such universal delight,such unusual
enjoyment and satisfaction you'll
call them a cigarette revelation !
If you'd like a cigarette that does
not leave any unpleasant cigaretty
aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty
odor, smoke Camels! If you
hunger for a rich, mellow-mild
cigarette that has all that desirable
cigarette "body" well, you get
some Camels as quickly as you can!
Camels' expert blend makes all this
delightful quality possible. Your
personal test will prove that Camel
Cigarettes are the only cigarettes
you ever smoked that just seem
made to meet your taste ! You will
prefer them to either kind of to
bacco smoked straight !
Compare Camels for quality and
satisfaction with any cigarette in
the world at any price !
gaube-rics bta m reached nine rcn.i. 111S with 8.1 of its growers lo market
Hence in order tliut the Kiltti) Fruit'"' berries, ud tliut the glowers bgrocd
I'ljiou may have Ingans to oYlivei to 0 deliver nil their logans at VtJ cents
tlie I'her. company, the three ! ockhold- j pound.
era have aptcnrcd bofoio Judgo HiiiJ-j T,,t wy H' SaVin
hum, uskiug tliut an injuiictiou be is-! ' t t'nion refused to umke dcllveilos
sued t;iiiiiNt the Hiilein Fiuit Uniou or '" the M"' compuny and tbet it ad-
leriug thii Cniuii to compel duliveriuai vl!W,d the 88 growers to inuko Wo do-
(Continued from pse one)
iniuo uiilt'Ht the iiiemlierH of the I'nion
were forced to deliver to Hie ,;vio.l.
The Injunction was not again! gfotv
r but oguinst the Hulcm Fruit L'jion
only. This left the growon win) are to it of the loganberries mown by its' Hvttrjr In 19111,
members of tli Huleni Fruit t'nion tho ! SH member who signed the 1918 eon-! It ia further alleged by the three
nptiim to deliver or nut to deliver, and ! (farts. itockholdera, that the directors of the
" v -...... r, i, , , com iiuini mo tnree mock now- , , r- - ... .... .. ... . ;in.ih . jc
three cents, the grower, are not deliver- ers. I.suis Whtuund. J. II. Mm, and'"' aw,,r dl'livur h '" to 1 . " ' ,T J 'IT,"
. i.... 1 I....... -..I i .1...:. i.. . . i In in. t . - - . 1.1 l J- Him
"Hi mir iin-n ruieaseu 01 meir con-in, ni. f.mlicott allege that let) Hulem 1 """.' ' ' uuiu no u-
fraeln. The okh market today for lo- Fruit Union entered into a contract ln"M'"'1 ,0 Pbf "mVr-
i nut uoiwiiiixtanaing iU aullionty to
I)eniiy kaa finished kit worj. He
will shadow box today aid ptoKibly da
a little bag pusrkiat. Tt.-.-ir k
will rest all day.
Betting on Ike auteaaie ef ti atruf
glr renni iraetiallr atatioaary. Odda
ou Millurd are btiaf quated at 10 t
8, with little money kaving been (.tared
o far. Many freak beta r cfteted.
Several betting men kere effer to let
the fan writ bia owa tieiet if he fee
lierea ke ran pif k the rot) ad tot kxtk
ouv One to five ia being baked far a
wager that Willard fails to respond far
the bell in the sixth.
Crowxla Overflow Tawa.
Toledo is beginning to tighten Of far
the struggle with the amy of aejt.t
he Will hava Ju 4 Hotlm Au. '
flowing .now, with healthy prices ketaf '
nargel in hotels and rooming hoaaea.
A large vacant building on a downtown
street corner baa been loaded with araiy
rota and v eatin houae opened next
door to tnke care of the overflow.
Tents have made their appeamtr.-6 la
the oiitikirtn, rnr the arena. VLsiiora
in aoine instances brought tneoi in au
Jack Kearns is said to have cKced
tlS.000 of his own t, d Dempsc-y's nioa-
ev that Jack will win by a knockout.
These wagers have been plticed in vari-
oua sections of the country through' coin
It hus become prtu-ticnllr 1'iposs.bl
place a bet in Toledo, due to th
fact that local boxing fans have planus!
nil the money they want to and aJsa
due to the popularity of the chiJJenger.
even those who believe nillaid will be
returned victor arc so partiul to lentat
sey because of his good naturo that
mey are reluctant to Det against hi
One bet of $10,000 at even niomy was
saul to have been made. This is tka
largest single wager reported here.
Millard Termed Beady.
Willard spurred yesterday, stopping
lively through six rounds. Ho announ
ced he would go through about tie tame
program today, but would tapir oil' ia
other work, lie ia atired of training
and would liketo atop.
Denipsov's t mi ilium has reached such
a point that many experts have ex '
pressed a fear that he may go stale.
Jimmy DeForeat and Jack Reams have
scoffed at this and declnred it impossi
ble, but it is a fnct that Peinpicv wo
on edge two weeks ago and lia. worked
hard every day since.
The examination mnde by Dr. Josopk
Sweeuey on the 'Willard anatomy hus
impressed ninny persona with the
chances of the champion. They con
tend that so long as Willard it in eoiy
three brands
sealed in air-tight
packages. Easy to find
-it is on sale
Look for, ask for.
be sure to set
The Greatest Name
In Goody-Land.
Safe WMmmitdimMm
A ru sai
'II f i
and Substitute
rwlnfamaJnvalUtandOrowlngChlldfsn I Rich mllk.maltsd irraln extract
Th Original Food-Drink for All AgeaNo Cooking - Nourishinf Dlge.tibl
Willurd himself is brimming full
of confidence. He la making plnns fot
his" after the bout activities, and he wus
willing to fight again if he wins.
If H
1 lLA J
as;: ' hl I'll
f i 1.11
; si "4
Save Your Time
And Vitality!
Why drudge with 'a
broom when you Can
clean in one-third the
time without effurt with
lr. ,..,.... L
Electric Suction Cleaner
ffnndreds of local house
wives thank us for call
ins: this remarkable elec
trical servant to the at
tention. It enables most
unexpected economies
in time, labor and clean
ing costs.
Arrange with us for a
In your own Home
You'll never know how
much help the APEX
Will be in YOUR home
Until Vnn'vo trim! it Ami
j a trial costs you noth
J ino;! Ask us to send one
out, try it to your
heart's content. THEN
decide !
Telephone 29, or Tall at Our Store-
'HO Court Street
wsre which Mr. Spencer claimed that
llorufelilt & Co. shipped KTm tut ac
eonlingto orders. Before Jus'ice I'n
ruh's court, Mr. Spencer was awarded
t208 ilnmnges, but as he owed the Dorg
feldt company $1(18, the net amuui.t was
placed nt $1(10. From this judgment the
Dorgfeldt company appealed to the cir
cuit court.
"by Phone Company Promises
eoinpnl delivery, the dlrectois of the
1'iiioii are advising and eoniwling its
members not to delivnr their 'ogaua to
I he I'liion. That although tho direttors
und manager have been asked to com
pel its members to delivor luguns and
to take the iiweessaiy legal urcoeed'iics
tu compel delivery, they are n.shinsr no
effort to do so.
It Is further alleged by tho tiiree
stockholders, l.achmund . Linn and Kn-!
dieotl, Hint the present market piica of
mgaiiijcrrica is eiglil cenls and tiiat
not delivering Juu trtus lo th.) I'hea n 1 i P CI P
company, said company would be ,lnm. WtMXt XQT OlOW OerVlCe
aged to the extent of $10H,0ti0, e'iisid , ,
eriug the difference in the linen cents ( Ban Francisco, Julv 2. (I'nited
und tho present eight cents uurket ; Press.) Montdily bills "were received
l,rlc, Itodny by subscribers from the Pae.fie
That the total auels of ihe rslem Telephone k Telegraph company c:;l!ing
rruit Umiioii is 47,()OU. Tlmt in cna for payment In full.
I suit is brought fur the non delivery of I The bills bore printed notes ying a
berries to the 1'he company, the en-', roduction would be later made to cover
tire asset of the Kuleni Fru.t ri,ion,the interruption of service, due to tht
i might be dissipnted ami that the stock utrike of electrical workers nnVl tcle-
of the three stockholders would l,c made phone operators.
valueless. 1 1
llenee they ask Judge Rmm--, for'Tr" Sm Plfcf frj Rlivinl
n writ of mniiilsmus directed to tlm I i
ilirectors of the Salem Fruit in Ion and
Itubeit O. I'aulus, manager, order'ng
the directors and mnnnger to bring suit
ngnlnst the 8H growers to eor. p,l them
to deliver to the Union, thei; 19U lo
unnlierries. The heariug was before Jmlt-e Ding
hum Tuesday evening at fi o'clock. Ue
liss issued a summons for n hisring
Miltvday morning at 10 o'clock. r
Arconling to the generally accepted
lesl opinion, the injunctioa granted
lust Saturday against the Salem ruit
I'uion had nothing whatever to do with
the growers, leavi -g them at liberty to'
dispose of their berries. The isjujeion
ss only ausiiist tke Union. Now tho'
three stockholders ask that the officers'
of the Union take action to compel da-'
liveries On S linnlraul Mk!..l. U .... 1..
- - . " .... u it it uiiui-r-
stoml Ims alreadv Iwen cancelled.
Tfrin'-T-' .1 . ... ; - jm 9
1 .1
The art th snoea or
triilJrsn that fiv satis
faction wa: lava sold a
great many pairs and" can
rccommcaJ tkm.
Court House Notes
Louis Siebert, executor or the isiste of I
KsroMne Siebert, has been autuoiisedj
,l.y ihe county court to sell eight wres
;if the estate liH-sted in lli.rki.mai
county and 30.M acres in Mai ion roua
tv. ' In the matter of the estate of Fiita
I Welter, the executor Jos J. Kcler of
( Mt. Anel 1ms been authurixid by the
'ourtlo sell i0 acres included in the e
i In the suit of Oeorge V, Berfet t
;V ng.-tini.t F. W, Sp. nc-r an spiejl has
been filed by the plaintiff ni;t!n the
jjiiilgmeut renJeied ill the Cuart of Jus
jtioe lilen Viiruh, wherein judgment wna
'stiven Mr. Spencer fur H0. TIk suit
1 originally arose over a di-iafi ea.ent as
to certain hi-! of Stransky etismel-
TL. nature shape lasts,
tVi lest leather obtain
able and sewed through
out with aa xtra strong
thread males them worth,
nor and last longer
try them next.
Tho house immigration committee heard at this time. This is the quiet
voted unanimously Monday to report hour of the 4th and every person
the hill providing for deportation erf i0"' be, i'lin to jin Je U'e
mothers nt Marion square where the
sweetest songs and music will be ren
dered. ! If you live in" another city and can't
.some any other time plan to be here!
i for this one feature.
I Folk Dancing
Mrs. White and her talented dancers
will entertain with folk dnnces and no
matter whether you have seen these
dnnces a thousand times you will want
to see them again. This fcatitre of the
undesirable aliens.
(Continued from pngo one)
ed by the War Community act-vice.
Come! Come! Come!
Goddess of Liberty
The Goddess of Liberty attended by
her maids of honor will appear en a
specially designed float leading th
parades on the afternoon of the 4th,
Union Labor
and enter this parade. 1
The Industrial parade will include
floats from Portland nnir other com
munities. Tho priz.es for this parade
are very good and tt will be well worth evening of the 4th is planned for the
seeing. The Cherriau float is worth com visitors and "The Boys'' and every
ing 100 miles to see. lone is invited 4n be on hand.
Tho automobile parade will be a long I Tha War Mothers
one and many distinct feature cars' Kvery War Mother is tnking part in
will be seen in this parade. Ithe preparations for the receptions
The military parade will include and banquets which will be held on
some seven hundred and fifty men with the 3d and 5th. Kvery soldier, sailor
full accoutrements and is the strong jand marine will he notified when he
feature of tho parnde. , registers about what has been planned.
All parades except the banr parade, me greatest nonnr for tnts great cele
will be held at 1:30 p. m. the afternoon
of the 4th.
Bicycle Races
The committee in charge of the bi-
rrclo races arc putting on some of the.
.most unique features ever seen in this
n : - t i t:.,!.. ,.1.1 !
utTunii, in i, nirii, mill ut-l i win i
wheels and new ones long, short,
thick and thin riders have entered and
there will be manv breathless situs
ition4 during this time on the program.
Watch the wheels and you will soon
ikaow where the races are to be held
'on tho day of the 4th.
The Carnival
I The best Carnival eoinpaay ia the
I west will be here for the thr days.
,Some of the attractions are already on
.the ground and ready to entertain you
You can amuse yourself a whole day
jamnnj the many attractions connected
jwith.the carnival part of the celebra
tion. Community Sing
j Jthn W. Todd will have charge of
jthe ciiinmiuiily singing in the mom
;ing of the three days. The main sins'ng
will he on" th morning of the 4th. The
ht talent of the city will be heerd
in chorus.
Tired Mothers Sinf
Dr. Epler is making great prepara
tions for this event. Between the hours
of four thirtv and six p. m. in Marion
isitsre. Don't forget the time and come
and bri'ij; your friends. Mrs. Dnrdall.
jM; Miller" and Mr. Ted I and others
will render solos appropriate to the
I occasion. It will be worth 5 of any
one's mosev lo hear this program. The
Terr best talent of the citr will be
brat ion and home coming is due the
War Mothers who arc being ably assist-
The labor unions of Salem will par
ticipate in the parades. Don't forget
that this part of the industrial parade
will be a feature and worthy of your
attention. Those desiring a place ia
this soction should call. '
Y. W. O. A. and T. M. 0. A.
The ladies who come to .alem with
soldier friends are to be entertained
at the Y. W. C. A. during this celebra
tion. The Y. M. C. A. is open to all
soldiers, sailors nnd marines.
Salvation Army
The Salvation army will serve all
soldiers, sailors and marines free.
Elk's1 Headquarters
If vou haven't subscribed to tho
Klks Salvation army drive, call at 121
Houth Commercial "stredt and leav
your donation.
Mothers - fsrj&zr '
The open published formula appears on every bottle of
, The Infanta' and Children' Regulator
tfwtr. efficient v
ubk cathartic.
$ Sum CHrstswsq effective rests.
Uior al th bnwrte-nsrri
OI!nt1v Stirh (Vh. irarnliM.1.
RbaWW-s rvjuvenslor of d rts bv lwntt v-tn-s in trealiaf
Uv action. cohc and diarrhoea.
S BlwWf f tiigtitr valuable in trestinf
svvfj s S4au utdiaesoon in chiiiirea.
03 of Anise. Fennel, Caraway. Coriander, Glycerine, Sugar
Syrupy ail of which help to make this formula the very bestthat
medical skill can drvfse. If it were possible to Improve this for
mula it would be don regardless of the fact that a bottle of
Mrs. Wtnsiow'i Syrup now crts twice as much to make as any
other similar preparation. Yet it costs you no more than ordi
nary baby laxatives.
At mtt Dngr't'i
ANGLO-AMERICAN DRUG CO, 215 21? Fultoe. Stresrt, N.Y.
enteral snifrt Hrf4 f. (V. bt. Km Tk T
J. C. rerry!