Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 02, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    PAGE 6i:z
tit ' J ' f ' k f " - if-?
'House Agrees To Conference
Report; Bill Carries
cjf thi
ofwttt, ccant-usA cvticL
iL mat.
Every grocer everywhere
sells Kellogg's everyday
Washington, Julv 2. The iioiao ha
'agreed to the conference rcpo:t on tlie
'Mimlrrr civil appropriation bii!, euay
jink tW,0otyou. Late tins afternoon
lit adopted the conference rejiort tor the
( District of Columbia bill.
This leaves the army and uefieiency
bills to be acted on.
It was announced by army bill ton
! ferees that they had agreed to increase
the provision fur par of the trmy f:om
$I9,IHK),WU to 1 3,000,000 and strike
out the disputed 1 100,000,000 item. This
removes the principal objection.
Items still in dispute included avia
tion and private claims. An Aviation
compromise wan understood to bo on the
b:is of 1:10,000,000 instead of the 53,
000,00(1 voted by the senate ai.d the
l,000,(tiio In the house bill.
The sundry civil bill as finally rjrecd
on carried the following Un;o tested
Mhippinjj board '! j6,no,OnO.
Kmploymcnt service 1200,100.
War risk Insurance 48,O0O,Cu0.
Housing corporation 2,Ut8,07 ).
Importation and enforcement of laws
against alien anarchists $2,453,000.
federal boerd for vocational educa
f 4n 0,000,000.
Editor Of Butte Bulletin British Diriinble Will
Seattle Enters On Third
Day Of Telephone Strike
With Service At Low Ebb
Heat tie, Wash., July 1. With tele
phone service almost completely cup-
pled by the strike of operators, lnif.iien,
wiremeu and electricians, Scat tin en
tered the third dav of the tieui loiiay.
Holli the conipnny and tlie union eluefs
are confident of victory, i lie company
declared service is being strcithened,
I- r..4lJ tit CJ:i:nJ A- T: !I7J.....J..wlle union headquarters announced
Id VUIIVIUCU VI OCUiUUU Oiail VII Hip HCUiieaUdJf 'l,,, number of phone fiirls who work
"l 1 ed yesterday have joined the sinkers
Helena, Mont., July 1. B. H. Smith, ' East Fortune, Scotland, July ls ''I The electricians were reported planning
Jiiaiiuirliiff editor of tho Butte Daily Bui- 1,111 virtually sure of starting tor Aner- to extend their striko in sympathy vith
Jetin, who was convicted Haturdac on a."'? ?'clo,,k ",m,orr7 I the prl ouprators. Neither side ahow
,, . .. . ,," . i -Major Scott, rounnnnder of the British, ed siiins of relentiiitx.
'' ' "' "" " idinblo K 34, told tho United l'rejl cot- Both tho workers mid the company
iay by J E. Leo Word. respondent at 5 o'clock this aftcrujon. have taken the stand that there would
Umith was chnrtred with writi",' a' s-: "The wind is a little stiff tit ihia be no attempt at negotiations here, but
ditious editorial which questioned the '"""''tf" sid Major Scott, "but H la ' that if nnv settleinent should occur, the
motives of the members of the slate ! xMn ,0 K" aown during tho tiit;hti We , San Ktnnciseo wnjro eoiifeiemv would
rouncil of defense. Ho was released ,"t":(',, "fs W"d t th 4 bo the most likely agency of peace.
today on ti000 bonds, pondintf an ai- otJuy- , , . , I Af,.or " ,'"','f"1 ,,H,iml,to t,nJr
peal of tlie case, I "he aim was shiiuiif; today, kcuttctiog eve of the .first day of the stcihe Miss
' Hie clouds. I May Duffy, business aeut of the local,
FaL'ure Of Brakes Causes
Rear-End Wreck Of Pas
senger Trains.
Pu-kiik. X. Y, July i.--(tulted
1'resti.) Kight persons were kiiled uni
I'i injured early toiluy in a it-t-r nd
collision of two New York t'oi.tri.1 imis
senocr trains is the Dunkirk Union.
The injured were takea to Dunkirk
hospitals. It was feared thai aoine of
them ere fatally hurt.
Train No. 11 was staudiag in the
Dunkirk' station where it had been de
layed by a hot box. Hoik were ea
route to Chicago.
A flagman endeavored to stop raiu
No. 7, which was following. Tho air
brakes oa the second train appt.re.itly
fail to hold. The flagman huiiod his
lantern at the engine cab as the loco
motive dr.shed by.
With a crash that was heard through
out the fit? No. 7 plmiKiied into tho
rear coach of the standing train. Al
most instantly the boiler of the li.!Oiuo
time on train No. 7 exploded.
Washington, July 1. Closing of tho
angle cock in the airbrake between the
locomotive and the first car cf New
York Central train No. 7 made the
brakes fail and caused the rear-end
collision, iu which ten persons Wire re
ported killed, according to advice to
the railroad administration todi.y. Aft-
t tho wreck the body of a trnmu was
found between the locomotive and the
first car of No. 7. It wks believed this
man might have accidentally closed the
angle cock, so the brakes appl'nd tnly
on the locomotive. An investigation has
been ordered.
,y J4JLU. Lrffflto lP T,
?sTl i J i VMM irXAAi it
S I. it
1 Hf S ; 1 II A 'J 11
Pimples and Skin Eruptions " .
Danger Signs of Bad Blood
I It My Mean Edema, Scrofula
; Th First Sign of Inher
i (tad Blood Disease.
i rimples, icaly itching skin, rashes,
ibttrninf sjeniations and Scrofula de
note with unfailing certainty a de
bilitated, weakened and impure state
of tlie blood. The trouble may have
beta la your blood from birth, but
no matter how you were Infected, you
must treat It through the blood. It
Ii a blood disease. You must use
S. S. S., the standard blood tonic
forJJO years, If you expect certain re
lict. For purifying the system, nothing
Is equal to it. The action of S. S. S.
Is to cleanse the blood. It soaks
through the system direct to the scat
of the trouble acting as an antidote'
to neutralize the blood poisons. It
revitalizes the red blood corpuscles, h
creases the flow so that the blood cart
properly perform its physical work.'
The dull sluggish, feeling leaves you
the complexion clears up. Even lone;
standing cases respond promptly. But
you punt take S. 55. S. Drugs n:J
substitutes won't do. Get S. S. S. '
Irom your druggist. If yours Is a
sncciil case and vou need expert ad-
rii to Aieaicai siavistr, hi i
Biiniiiinecil that there were d& girU oat
on strike. K. V. Fuller, chairman of
the strike committee of the electucal
workers, suid tbut -00 eleetrii ia.is, line
men and wiieineu hud joined the walk
vice, writ to Medical Adviss
Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga,
Have ken very largely due to ignorance and neg
ligence; ignorance of the principles of Constructive
business methods, and Negligence in the application
of knowledge possessed of these principles.
We can point out Your Errors of the Past,
Show you how to Avoid them in the Future, and help
you Attain Success.
Auditors & Business Analysts
Chamber of Commerce Cldg. Portland, Ore.
Railroad Operators Send
Commercial Wires Again
St. l.ou'm, Mo., July 1. linilroail tele
graphers throughout the country tidny
began to handle the business of the
Western Vnion and Postal Til.'graph
companies again.
Orders calling- if the ".itiike"
against the two telegraph roi.i panics
were issued by K. .1. Mainu, ('resilient
of the Order of Hallway Teh gr-iphers.
The order became effective imii edinte
Iv. The strike against the telegraph com-
. . ... .i.ii.:
iwnics worked an unjust. unruMiip upon
the railroad administration, Menion
said today iu expnliuiiig withdrawal of
the order.
Peanut Oil
has an Individual
flavor and "life." due
to the fact that it ia
made by the cold
pressed process and
not subjected to chem
ical treatment of any
The food oil with
the nut flavor
(CI x v - x I i
in M
-5 t '
The American relief administration
announces that elioiiKli food to provis
ion the people of the liberated i'ouii
tries of Kucope until their own crops
are harvested this full will be iu tran
sit by July 1.
lium run
Prominent Baker
Women who are losing
weight and energy who
look pale and feel languid
need the healthful effects of
trit Sal of An Mdicin tn h Wwlsi
kU vsrvwlir. In kosM. lOM
iSalem's a Good Place to Trade
Salem's only First Class Vaudeville and Picture Show
Special Program for Juy 4th and 5th
Sign of Good Shows,
Where Everybody Goes
Port laud. Or.. June 1 1, 1!H9.
lr. K. (. Stone: :
t'nclosed please (find 57 cents' in j
stamjis for which phase send me an ;
other box of your Stomach l'owdirs 4V;
nines Uelief. l'lcase send at early date j
as convenient. Also find my record-i
mend which I am only too jjlad to ive, !
truly hopinjr it is satintactory and not j
to long' 1 could write a small new? -j
paper of the wonderful relief it has
(jiven me. I would be only too i!ad to!
talk to the suffeiinif ones in person
about voiir wonderful stomach I'mvlrn'
& Blues Belief. Thankinjr you in ail-1
vance for a quick response, I
Truly, j
till' Williams Ave., Portland, nr.
Portland, Dr.. .Tune H. IH'.i. !
To Whom it May Concern' '.
I have been a constant sufferer of j
stomach troubles for the past six years, j
Have siittered untold axony mil !i!is
erv and soent hioik v doctoring; with
Businessman Died
them that- 1 had nli-."s. cine .1:0 .1
hrroiMh in the slomiul. 'live trie I si
Julv 2. Kdward Purke. ' inanv kiuds of pa' 'i!t nov'.i n c am'
eiecilies which helped i.thers. . , .'it
C 1B1B. Mmhr a To,, Int.
Seven Big Joyous Days
A solid week of the best music, entertainment and
lectures that the country affords Ellison-White
quality. A bigger and better program than ever this
year and the whole week is yours for the price of a
season ticket.
Program Booklets and Chautauqua Talk to be Dis
tributed soon. Watch for them
W Attractions26
Famous writer and humorist. Worth the price of a
season ticket to hear his "Two Years In Hell
and Back With a Smile"
Noted coloratura soprano of New York appears on
the fourth evening assisted by her com
pany of Recail Artists
Five musicians known throughout the Chautauqua
world. One of the big musicalattractions of
the platform for the last decade.
Jaroslav Cimera brings his famous Czecho-Slovak
band for two full concerts on the fifth day.
Madame Helen Caferelli, Soloist.
Edwin M. Whitney, America's foremost interpreter
of plays, presents in monologue form the metro
politan success, "Turn to the Right".
Member of American Food Mission to Europe, for
mer assistant to Hoover in Food Administra-
tion work. Great lecture on' Reconstruction
Season Ticket Prices: Adults $2.50, Students $1.50,
Children $1.00; War tax not included.
Salem, July 2026
Paker. Or
prominent citizen and merchant of Pak
er, died at his home in this city at l
o'clock Tuesday afternoon, afti r au ill
ness which confined him to his ued
since Saturday. He was born on a
farm iu Hennepin county, .Minnesota,
May u20, 1870, ad eame to Oi;rjon in
1873, his parents locatt.ig in Powdet
river valley near Haines.
In 1S! he. associated hinuelf with
Robert Donald and purchased the cU th
iui; business of J. 1L. Donaid, the firm
inline beinir Donald ft lturkc. In M09'mv stomach At i n
he w as married tn Chrvsti:wt Th(.mnon '' f' :'tlv despondent t
(iit. lost hi v iui'tite lirokc ..vn i
i.-.y nerves, oonltln t eir d"-n! "r -'e"t'
n a minute of pea --was a ivn-eu '.:
Ifn. t all over. I fi i;i I.' lost in nt.h!
tr.'ii 1(10 ;onii(ls to . .ant l.'i r ".'" I
li.ee and existed on io'.T, !ri"ili. j'uet
ilk to which the ilo.or irleied ne to
add one tonspoonnil of multe I milk :u
Klass of niilk l drfik. I -ut fiicd i.o
one knows but inv.elf th- i"l;m vn in
' lrd misery w-ilh '.is! rou-Mnt inj;
iiijj, burning, throii'e u i f Misalom !n
I H lilM U M'"-
1 .;iriM".t!.v pray niuiroxiuiatelv
St. Paul, Jfian., July 2'. (Vaited
Press.) Oscar Keller, indi .eiiiiuit la
bor candidate for congress to .uccecd
the late C. C. VanPyke as couresiiman
from St. Paul, was elected by a mrjor
ity of :i,(iiiii, aci'or'liiiit to fiui'ia on the
special election compiled today.
finis To Be Written On
Winnipeg Jtrike Friday
Wiunipejr, Man., July 1. (I'niteil
Press) Pollowinjr definito announce
ment that nremliers of the building
trades union would return to work
Wednesday and that the remainder of
railway shop meu return on Friday,
finis was written to the six weeks'
Winnipeg (renernl Ntrike today. Thise
men have been negotiatinz for rein-
of Woodburn. Or., the fruits of that un- to die. So over n year nro I titii.!
ioa beinK two tons, Edward, aged 9, )r- s",m' '"" ''"""''T
.a ii ..... f .Hlitca Helicf ami thouiiut 1 i i n.
..... V..M.., V U 1 .1 1- ..... I V.
Besidea his widow and children, ho it ' '.....-" . ';
survived by hla father, P. Buike, tad ". y lather . ,l,d . ,. ..s Pr-n .d m
i r t t i o -i . relief and help ami 1 t. -In--. o .ere. I
sistr, Mrs. L B. Itowen Sr., residents . , , 1 ,.,!,, , . f . ,., . ,, ,
of this elty. Funeral arrangementi kvs nllJ ,.ravo , allv .ti,(.." a i sac it is
Tt been completed. Uvor one year a but I cot..:. -.i t! .- seep
hhe tinwders in houw mil n h a !
Iirl a PSn r Srw m
Wilson Ur latt rrososed , i'rr 1 1, TL,T:7. ,.1 TL
To Fill New Cabinet Berth ll
'can't recmiiinend it t mi '.Uv,
Milwaukee, Wis., Julv V'oOiPow .., t ..... i,v rithe nil in: 1
Wilson or W. H. Taft would be ccoipt ,kno and niolei -tsiii' ili i"!i -f
able to the Xationtl Kducation sssocin- itivi-n iu f'om sef'-ri r'' n'll'ild
tion for secretary of education, if that rind I ny to each and c.cri' '. who s
new cabinet position is created. These suf'erinir with in'Vu"sii.n mil '";"-!
liauics led all others in diM-i.js.oi tcdav'ach trouble this poeil r i v -rih ils,
iinnni. ,t.d.. ,..l... in Ih. v i! weight in Bold. Am only nr p'sd to!
vention, stronglr iirsing tiie cabinet
San Francisco. Julv 2. rr.SM.3n of
the $IU,Oiin,0(H) state highwnv bon;l is- ''"teineat since the formal calling off
sue br u overwhelming ina"ior;lv was ! of J.nr,",r.ik" la8t Thursday.
imlicLted earlv toniirht wiier. w.vtiaH 1 "'"'ling spirits in the strike, who
returns were received from every tee-
i! .. .1...
ill. ii in ill.: I.I.IH-. tut nil: nils rim-I i . . , ....
:,. ,..' I'i'ir inui nan nor oeen ser
1 "ll I" V"V III lll'UI I 1.-.UA l.thn..
oi ine issue.
UP- l
The leading
were arrested on eharsri's of sedition
on bail and the
leading i
conspiracy, are out
fnirs on the same
i jail awaiting hear-charge.
one o. .
i a or
n iif '.
vc I. I
i. ither '
ie Mii
it has'
' 50c
ither ntfireM what r.'iM'v ! me,
n.l truilifullr Whcv mill rtvevr 1
. .. s I ill-ill.
AJ .Ml ntlliams .i.e., luriuuiti, . r
. LIBERTY BOND QUOTATIONS !Dr. Stone s )tnms,.h Powd
and Pines Relief
J'or indigestinn, liver complaint.
Utomsih tmiible, Idocs. depondener
Vew York. July 2. l.ib.rtv bond. and "pnn in the nmnth,"
quotations: 3'4's, !i."8; fi:st 4's, P4.P6
Sicond 4 "a, 9-1.84; first Vi't, ! .lt: oc-i "
ond 4'i's. W.!Ht; third 1','r, PLM;
fourth 94.10; (HM; i'n
99.91 '
r!ii;ii V.iMey Fruit union ha b
u i cons'i n. tiuH wmk on a eoncrer
and hollow tik fireproof ruckicj? hn
in Ktwkbura. (itlu. tn rnt ,l'',(niO.
-'Try Salea First la Baying
(Stone's Dreg Store)
til North OoemiMetal Stnct,
Sales, Orfo
Fhoc S&.
Consultation an4 Aivic Fr
and all
kinds of
Royal Ann Cherries 8c lb.
Bings, Lamberts 8c lb.
Other Varieties 5c lb.
Strawberries 12c lb.
Red Raspberries 12c lb.
Black Cap Raspberries . 10c lb.
Blackberries (Lawtons)..8c lb.
Loganberries 8c lb.
Evergreen Blackberries..6c lb.
Bartlett Pears. . . .$60 per ton
We furnish boxes and crates. Slrnw
lerry crates for sale.
Come and e us before you sell.
WarehouseHigh and Ferry Sts.
Office 512 State St. Salem, Oregon