lre;: Torrg'it ar.d TUu.'- iav fii.r. gentle wo?Teriv wlaji. 5250 CIRCULATION - (23,000 KEADIXJ DAILY) Only Circulation in Salens Gw- anleed by th Audit Pure a of Circulations. t FULL LEASED WIRE - DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VALLEY NEWS 6 EE VICE FORTY- SECOND YEAR NO. 156-TEN PAGES. SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1819. PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS AND X9 rSrANDS FIV1S Ci-VTS 4 fi ' 31 (fit 1f r yl I ri f Hi. n . t i r 1 ' j its i ill III P I j THDPF riA I I IILL-lA SERVICE MEN OPENS THURSDAY Committee Emends OfficialM H Will Invitation TC People of Valley To Celebrate Fourth Here. r. . By J. F. Hutchason Are YOU coming to Salem for the celebration and welcome to "The Boys". ' Of course you are going to be here for one day at least. July 3, 4 and 5 are the official days and you are not only invited, but if you live in Mar ion County, YOU are expected to be here to help entertain and make this event one long to be remembered by those who fought your battles. To "Tha Boys' Every soldier, sailor aud marine in Marion and Polk counties is iuvitcd to attond this home earning. Wear your yiform and come on the morning of the third if possible. Go immedatcly to the Salem Coiurnereitil club and reg ister. The War Camp community er vice will attend to tho registration and Ithis department, which is under the di rection of John W. Todd, is very de sirous of having every "man register. When yon call at the Commercial club a program which providea for a free pass to all entertainment and gives full detail of all that ia going on in tho city, will bo handed you. You will know where you are to room; have a Jiass to the shows, dnuces, receptions and 'banquots and your meals will be (provided for. Everything possible is attended to and you will bo en tertained to the best of onr ability. Suleui welcomes you home. He mire aiid come. If you don't come until the Fourth be sure and register before 2 p. in. You can tnke a lady friend to the reception and dances bring one along. To the People Thi home coming. and official wel come for "The Hu't belongs to the people living lu (he ritinity of Salem. Everyone from Marion and' Polk coun ties are invited to eome to this cele bration. Come at least for a part of each day. Plan to be seen here at least one whole day. Remember that you can come to this celebration niuT nieet the defender of your homes make them lad that they went to war and at the oiune time glad that they were spared come home. Jinuemjhcf that the world is now at peace ami this is vour kanee to celebrate. "If" you are pro German don't atteud this celebration. 'Everything has been done for your en tertainment while here. You can pick ifrom the many attractions listed. Read over the list and then when you eome you will find more attractions that were Hot listed. The Flying Machine The flying machine ia an assured fact for the. three days. A new, but tried and tested machine will be here the morning of the third and if you want to take a trip in the air turn in your name to Mr. MK.Wkey at the Aslem Commercial club. The air trips will start at Salem and those who fly will havo a trip over Salem, Srlverto'n nd Dallas. The field at Salem ( in fine shape and all flight will start and end at Balem in order not to take chances ia lauding where the field is not in prop r shape. Stunts will be over Willson ipnrk in the heart of Salem. This fea ture alone ia worth your time. The Par sue The baby parade will bo held at 10 a. m. the morning of the 4th. The priz es are very liberal. Drew up the baby (Continued oa page eight) sTamngroomonly" and it at a premium FOR NEWS CF BIG MIX "C'mon Ton Willard!" 4 "At 'la boy, Dempseyr' These r.d a few more are 4" only a small prt of the trange noise which will eminatc from scores of hrnky throats a Vol 4r Capital Journal tells the rouid- by ronnd story of the big fi?tie 4 battle in Toledo for Salem fight fans on the afternoon of the 4i Fourth. 4t And over the dh of the root- rs will go bellowing the red hot new of the scrap, blow by Mow and step by step. On a direct wire from the biz arena, TV.t Journal United Press op."Htor will catch the movements of the fighters almost' as rapid!? ns they hsnpen. As fast as he gi !s them, via the megaphone route. It a big, wide street In front of The Jour al office, but there won't be anv room to play marbles there Friday afternoon. Arid it 'a a big voice thnt 11 be liehind that megaphone from 1 o'rloek until the "big thing" is over. But it's "K R. O." so shake a leg. rPI PDDATIAM IP O I LLLLUSnilUIN I Ull WAR BABIES TO HAVE PLACE.HG PARADE New Section Created And Prizes Provided By Committee. The war babies are to have a chance fur a prize in the -big baby paiade of the morning of the Fourth. The com mittee ia charge happened to notice that the all-important wur babies had Wen over looked. Hence a new de partment was organized aiid for the best decorated vehicle carrying a rail war baby, there are prizes of " and f !. Now if any mother or aunt or sister has boon too busy to register for the baoy para. le, the committee is willing to -help out by now offering the privi lege of registering and entering the bby on the mominif of the Fourth. This must be done at the .hand ataud in Willson purk. Those who- cannot .take the time to come to the -Commercial club to regis ter, may telephone Mrs. O. C. Locke, Phone 2r, aud the entry will be made. In deciding points for prizes, the judges will fuvor real ilowcis instead of paper flowers. As this ia a real flower country the genuine article will wore several points over the manufac tured article. After having the baby properly reg istered, those who are to tnke.pait in Ihe parade ara to foim on Court street opposite the state house. The lino of march will then be west to Cottage street, south on Cottage to State, thence ('Continued on page three) FRUIT UNION STOCK HOLDERS HLE SUIT fiction Commenced To Com pel Growers To DeJiyer Loganberries. m-Kiun uiej icareu wreir tun iu ; provide, for an trerage army of 123, the Salem Fruit Union might be made 000 men during the fiscal cur which valueless, should tho PUez coinptny br suit at any time nguinjt the union, three stockholders, Louis Lach- mund, J. R. Linn and S. M. Kndicott have brought suit aguinst tile hoard director of the Union and liobert C. ' Paulus as manager, to compel them to force member of the Union to deliver loganberries to the Union The di....r of ie Nr,!em Fruit Union against whom the suit u directed ;are Frank Gibson, W. I. HI n ley, Hoy V.I lOkmitl (V ft Mil... V T. btol and C. Paulus aa !j. J. McDonald, with R ..,.., s... , T The injitiction granted lat Saturday , by Judge Gorge G. Bingham in which j 'the 8u!em Fruit Union was dineted to i I deliver its lojran to the' Phex coMpany I jdid not relieve the situation rs far as' Tithe Phei eoinny is concerned for the1 j reason that the Kalem Fruit Union h ino berries to deliver, and could hav' ! : i j (Coatinued on page eight) j 1 1 Chicago Hog Prices Touch 1 J New Record Price Of $22 i i Chicago. July 2. (United Press.) 4rlHog price climbed to a new record of, H-r hundred pound here today. i The opening of the market found a 4c rosh of buyers and prices jumped 2.3 mansgnr !to 31 cents above the geneiU mumet ajt-oi esierfl..v. neverai oi iuc iiigpaca - er dropid out of the market, - 4tient thit a reactiftii would fo.low. I ajt'l fTiin f-itnres (soared in t mpathyj with hog prices. They .atii.d a'i thi 4t Wi f,-jui tj 3 cents. ! SRI FOE MOONEY First Of Four-Day Demonstra- boss To Start Friday, Report Sua Francisco, July 2. (United Press.) Oae uiilliou men will quit work Friday for four days ia the first demonstration in behalf of Thuuia Moone-y, Belig Sehulberg, of tho Inter national Workers Dcfeuse League, told the United Press today. Tin., Lumber represent all organised trades, and will affect practically every city ai.d t'.wn iu the United State. "The approximate union vote cast on the demonstration was 128,000 to 22, 000," said Sehulberg. "ousidering that uniJa meetings usually diaw SO per cent of their attendance, and thitt this does not include a- number of heavy radical labor organisations not affili ate with the A. F. of I the number of workers affected ia at least 1,j00,0OO. "A tally of the vote shows tho best response to bo likely fu Detroit, Minne apolis, Chicago, Iiutte, Seattle and Ta coma, (ireat Falls, Moat., aid Torre Haute, Iud. Tho biggest single craft ready to walk nut is the United Mine Workers, with a heavy membership in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and mid dle west and far west." The cigi;nnakers' orgnniration of which Saurpel liourpers is a!er voted to strike in New York, Ronton, (.'ontiuued on pagn two) WILSON TO PRESENT TREATY ON TUESDAY President To Ask Ratification Of Senate Early Next Week. Washington, July 2. Prcude at Wil sou, it was expected by many uremuers of congress today will appear before lire senate next Tuesday to present the treuty of peace for ratification. Meanwhile both house aud senate were in recess. All appropriation bills were finished and the vs-catio.-. ws vot ed last midnight. Congress nil! meet agai i July 8. Following the president's add.o::t the senate is expected to stnrt debate, on the treaty and covenant while tho h)us iiets to work on prohibition eufjrce merit legislation In am attempt to pnt teeth into the war time prohibition act. The measure driven to liui.I passage in the fourteen hours sessiou yesttrJay were: The army bill carrying i"5,C00,444. The sundry civil hill carrying t'jOS, 000,000. The District of Columbia budget car rying $15.0). A deficiency measure carrying a num ber of small item totalling $.22,000,000 The artny bill as finally ag.ovJ upon, (()untinuel oa page three) DO 4 I. I,rir... D! 'J Dirigible: Measures 534 Feet From Stem To Stern The R 34 is the largeM ri-ij dirigible in the world. From nose to stern she measure K34 feet, her greatest drnrneli,r is li.t feet. Froin the bottom of her gondolas, amidships to the high est point of tfie ship is a dis tance of WJ feet. The ship carries three boat below the ga bag. Hei total gas capacity is 12,O00,0Oli cubic feet. The craft is equipped with a wireless system as puweiful as that of the great ocean !iuoM. The R 34'a weisyd is thirty ton and she can carry a useful loud of 21.21 tons. Her power is sup plied by five fiunbeani Mjoii engine of 1M aorsr-power, each driving four pusher propeller. Her maximum speed is r;.i..j nau tical mile an hour. Under of Major 0, H. Scott, the B 34 f arrie a total erew of thirty. ' 4 4 1 i Lieutenant Commari'h-r Zeih- ; rv I.ansdown, who is makiiia .li ia; trip i representative o: tie , United State risvr, hes bief. staff comuiCnder of the Aaicr.' raa naval air forces in i'laiec. AV :PORTLANDEIL BEUEYED DEMENTED, KILLS WIFE AND SON; BURNS HOUSE Portland, Or.r July At- tacking wth a hatchet, K. W. Stafford, Jr., killed hi one year old son late yesterday oftcr- noon, fatally injured hi wife, wounded his five year old son, set fire to his home and tsea : committed suicide. Mrs. Staf- j ford died this morning. ' Stafford is believed t a- $ been temporarily insane. Ha came here with his family thre 4c months ago from Matowa, Miun. to become superintendent of the plant of the Kterling Food Prod ucta company. Stafford ia an eieaptai f the Minesota state guard bud son of a prominent business maa. k of Barnum, Miua. 4t 4c4c44 41 jjt' se DIRIGIBLE B-34S1EADS OVERSEAS Big British Airsiiip Puts Off From East Fortune, Scotland For America Early Today. OFFICERS EXPECT TO COMPLETE TRIP FRIDAY Wireless Late This Afternoon Says All Well And Reports Average Speed Of 49 Miles An Hour. Washington, July 2. The British dir igible E 34, aa route to tins country, will land at noon July 4th, official ad vices from the British air mlajioa to the army air terries stated today. I.oudon, July 2. (United Press..), The great British airship H oi, the first LAN B DOWN E SENDS "ft CRD Fast Fortune, Hcotla id, .'uly !. Jut before he eli.nbed uboard the R 34 this morning, Lieutenant Commander Zaciiery I nnsdowne, V. B. N., who is making the flight to An.e:ica with the British dirigible, gave the following message to the United Press to be delivered to his four year old son, KaUU.ul, at Orand Rapids, Wis.! "I expect to arrive in tha United Htates in an airship by the end of the week, I will boo you aoon. Cheerio. Dad.'' 41. dirigible ever to attept a traasAtlaatic -e,;.,?, ... son mile, out at aaoa at George Carj-erUier, Luroaa v. .:. .,,, .j (Greenwich time) today, tea noma aa x (Continued on page three) ABE KAETIK l Pinky Kerr, who ii jent b:Kk from S band contest says that playin a t'iba horn is worse' havin' your wife with you. Mrs. Tijiton Bud's nephew in Ohio is a ncrlxois wre-k. He secats liquor but can't locate it. Kings Products Company Sues Growers To Enforce Observance of Contracts SSI Claiming that its market price for ktt price should be paid, that the grow loganberriea ia 54 eenta a pound, and era did sign the contracts, for this res so it should ot pay more! The growers claim that the Witten- ,thaa this price, the 8alem Kings Prod-; burg-King Products company instead ucta company has brought suit agtust!of attachiug slip to the contract Brace Oina-ingham, & V. Baurp, lintt j agreeing to pay the market price, as Aspinwall, C. H. Dencer, O. L. Pencer ,'they had promised the growerj, attach- Clyde Harrin, August Lenta, J. W. La- ed a printed slip"as follows: "If the follettc, L. H. liurdick, llowa'd Kump Salem Kings Products company raise sad A. E. Harris. The uit is in the form of a.sirins the 1 court lo issue an injunction to p.tveut' these growers from disposing of their) ' logaa n the market, but to tell them (to the Strlcm Kings Products couipany The growers, through their attorney,! elaira that the Witteuburg K'.n r.od-jkct acta company m July of ltK ngreedj with them to pay four cents a pound s the minimum prices for logaus, with the addtiional agreement that the open market price should be pa-id at all times during the life of the ten year lon tiaet. Growers gay "Trick.." That at the time the contract was signed, the Wittenburg King Products company agreed to attach a s i( to the usual printed form of contract, proud iug thnt the growers should at ull times be paid the market price. Tl under this agreement thut Iho opit; i;iar-l DRY LAW VIOLATORS ARE CLOSELY WATCHED Attorney General's Office Keening Tab On Ye UuuvlO Of "Hard" Drinks. Washington, July 2. (United Press.) The attorney general's offioo today closely watched the entire United .States for iflslrruci4 of violation of "the war time prohibition law. It wai un derstood that arrests would be mudc in a number of rases where 8.75 per cent heer was 'being sold, to provides court tests on the validity of tho test at ap-' plied to beer of that strength. This' will probably Ire the only step taken1 uuti the United Btatoa upremi court, meeting ae October decide whether 2.75 per cent beer is, or r - unless congress passes nn enforcement act specifically forbidding sale of. 1 drinks containing more than one-half of u:ic per cent alcohol. "The department of jutico will .alto HteiM to nee that these saloons am closed, if newspaper accounts of condi tions re correct," said W. L. Vrierton, nsvistant attorney general. The most flagrant instance of open violation of the law reported to the attorney general ' office wa in Atlan tic City, where aalion were said to be selling "hard liquot" and lgnori'ng the statute. Report were also received of some offeri:tjr whiskey for sale in beer and wine hottlea. These iristniinck wr Iso lated, however, and for the mout r-art urohibitioa appeared to be effective. fCarpcntier Will Tour America Early In 1920 I.ondot, July 2. (I'nitoil Prow.) 1 - ft 4 - , It ,.1.1 A 1a.I.w heavvwerght champion, will tour Ainer. ilea the first four months of UM. MacDouald, who will bundle Carpen tier during the tour, said there would be no ehnai-e of his man Inectiiig Jack Icii.i-r, Mike Gibbons or Mike O'Dowd before April. Jack Johnson Training Mexican Generals -Now I.o Aagelea, Cab, Julv 2. Ja .'k John son, farmer hevyweight champioi of ( the world, is in Mexico City, acting as. athletic trwaer for a party of noted Mexican generals, according to I. N. i Hnyder, IO Angele contractor, who has just rrtvrned from a ix wombs' tour of Mexico. Knydcr say. Johnson i a idol of Mexico City. Dying Vfcds Relieve Fire Danger In Michigan Woods Sault Ste Marie, Mich., July J Dying winds early today gave, some hoH! here that the forest file which threntc-ed villages for forty n.iles est of here bve abated and can (h- check cd. No lews of life has been reported far. Karlr today an effort wa to t r, 1. , rt -m. g-, which were reported in mincer ls,t eizht. but all effort, were nns..!! - i. Whether wire, had been deroved a. ot eertala. . i ! their buying price to other glowers in I 1918 0r thereafter, this eoatract auto- maticnlly calls for the market puce. ' Company Faying 5'tC Tho Salem Kings Products efltupany, successor to the Wittenburg-King Prod pet company, claims to be paying it other growers 5Vi cents while .hi. n:ar- price ia nine cents. ThM aa their market price is cents, notwitm tnnd tag conditions, the growers surd should sell nt 54 cents. The grower claim the Salim King Products company practiced fiaud ia attaching to the contract the a-g.'eeimnt to pay "their" price, instead of the market price. In asking the injunction Xom Judge George O. Bingham, the Halcm Ki.igs Product company allege a follows: That on July 30, 1D17, a contract was U,aile with 11 F. Bump of Brooks to sell (Continued on page two) AIL TELEGRAPHERS BACK OIIJOSS TODAY Konenkamp Says Union Not Strong Enough To Wage ' Double Fight. Chicago, July 2. (United Procs.) S, J. Konenkamp, president of tha Com mercial Telegrapher Union of America, at noon declared th striking telegr pliers of the Western Union and IVstnl Telegraph companies will go haci to work this afternoon. Tim utrilr., wu. JnolnreH nff hepiiliss w are not strong enough to fight the government, as well as the compuni"S," Koneukamp said. Konenkamp issued a statement in which Postmaster General Burleson was takon to task for "marshalling tho gov- ernmont agenwie to tight against th 1 J L!. woraers, uni bi. pan " (Continued on page two) Hun Governmet Prepares For New Counter Revolt : . will Ire viilueiesa. me irraiH-s wmuii" London, Julv 2.-A1 KxchnnRe Tele- j several articles practically ideu.ical rr graph dispatch from Copennagcn re-, provide that the treaty ,, iteeliv0. ported toduv that Germany Is Uneaten-: regards (iermany .-anvii.g out Ure mi.i ed with a new revolution. Ury trn.s of the treaty of I ans. .hi Covemnient forces have occupied the .means that America and Great Britain principal buildings iu Berlin. Troops' will be equally Interested w.lJ, Traaco with machine guns are on guntd MJ la the demolition of the .ortifi- l,l',..r. are t,atrol ina the streets. Traffic is hampered. Many factories are closed down today as s result cf the disorder. Principals In Big Scrap End Training; Both Ripe For Fast Go, Say Backers BETTING IS BLOW Toledo, Ohio, July' 2. Tactic of would be bettor on the cham pionship boxing bout here July 4th are holding down betting 'o Adherents of Dempeey ai de manding odds. Willard' sup porter arc refusing to supply them, although most bet have been made at odd of 10 to 8, with the ehampion tho favorite. The wise money is sttruging with Dempsey, but the holdn- of it are not willing to put it down at evens. Texas 1 reported to be send ing several hundreds of lv-ou sa'xl of oil dollar here to be bet on Willard. By H. 0. Hamilton (United Press Staff Correspoudi nt ) Toledo. Ohio. July Je Willa today planned to wind np training for today planned to wma np irainina ----- . hi. July 4 bout with Jack Demtsey. Iters, appeared the tl Hi. roinds were oa hi. program of. cigar knowa as U " I . i ee t'mt ,pamng wnn a n; -1 .probably means ne wunase .,; 1 nto the country in hi. .uto.nobile. (CoutinnsJ oa paf eight) trail! OF PACT l in ma KM J-iy laKCS U3 iTCL'Cni M. M. M a ff ws 11 Of Selecting Cos'iteeTo Afeinister Terns Of Pcsce Treaty. TURK TROOPS OPERATE IN DEFIANCE OF TRUCE Agreements Of America ArJ England To Air France Against Germany Frame! Practically As One. , By Fred S. Ferguson (United Press Staff Conespoi.deut.) -Paris, July 2. -The big f.v o wos scheduled todav to appoint the commit tee which will direct execution of tha peace treaty, This body, which new consists of Secretary Lansing, Foreign Becrctary ttaliour, Foreign Minister l'icl'oa, For eign Minister Tittoiii and Luroa 14k kino, was also expected to consider thet personnel of tho permanent npuraiious committee and the committee ou Uul gwrian bonndnriea, , Foiuier Kusaiun '" Ambassador Mnla keff and a 'Rumanian. reprcaealaiiv) were to be heard on the houiaiuau DessniubiHn boundary. Hcports from Turkey imluate that three separate bodies pf troops are crating in Asia Minor In opptntiou ta ullied octnpiition. Their leaders, it was said havo refused to recognir.e the u" thortiy of the present govcrniotnt at 'ronstantinori. Turk Uprising reared. A general uprising is fcar.'d whon tha Turkish peace terms are made publia and toniderable difficulty Is jiiticipaUd in enforcing them. , i-ne treaties whereby America and ,. ...... 11.,.. ..'.J T- . . urvat Britain aro piougcu vo 4k.. ......... n itnnrnvfikntl nfrrrreojliail Ibv Germany are so interlocking tNa Ifajlure to ratify one will nuulify tho ' other, it wn learned today, if tha senate does not accept the IMtish pt-ct. wus wild, the American itoeuaisnt ications aim u. , military requiiemeni It was suggested (Continued on paje font) , FAKE TICKETS FOR DIG ; BATTLE AT TOLEDO ARE BEING PEDDLED, REPORT By H. C. HamlUoa ( United I'ress Wtnff Correspondent.) Todelo, Ohio, July I. Fuke tickets have made their appearaueo ia different Part of the eountty, acecid- ing to fompluint made to Tored peuleo this morning by Frank Flooruer, Te !Rickurd'a partner in promoting tha Willard Dempney battle here ou Juh 4. Yesterday a Cincianati man exhibited 'to Floiirner a ticket wh he caid he !had purchased in Cincinnati ftr 40. !This ticket, while not elactiy li'so thos I ued by the promoters, was aiarked lwilk the test nrrmlM-r tmd rMWliun, an4 ' carried the title " Willard Dempsey" fight printed across it. Stamped in .! acroi tnc luce or me urn bj..-. the price tor the irest seals ioi If.i'j arena - )'). The Cincinnati man thoiht e wt Willarrtibuying the ticket at a fi ilrs.oui.. li..l,v ,.! numkr. la fi:i ei Flournev a-tr.i tne .o.e..... - - . . try to be oa the lookout tm , cou i,t nc. ''""'S 'hB Ui lets.