THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1919. PAGE 6IX PECORD SEES KO fiEED I jus. called voiftib Governor. Vsav-ftri TO) i it f rn r ou tod better order more license' Bill Spivens has a chat with Governor Olcott, telling him how many Chevrolets the Salem Automobile Company is Selling. : SOCIETY. J ' (Continued from Tage .) OiM'Htn at the P. O. Holt home last week wore Mrs. K. P. Roberts and Mrs. W. II. Hmall of Independence. Mis Constance Cart wrijjnt fca gone to Herkeloy 1 attend the summer whitul course. Misses Josephine ami Ienta Banm gai.tner are viaiting at the H. R. 8t pic ton residence in liomdturg. i izzm Mim Oenevicve Endieott i the guest of ifxiend near Cervallis for a few days. Miss Cora Bloaspr ws the guest, duriirg Hie -week of lira. Waili. Uun ton. She returned to her itr-me in J'ort land 1'riduy. The Wednesday recital given y the tti.pil of Minn Hholton, agisted hy Minn Herlha 4Turk wliK'tlcr; William Har ris, bnriton'o, end Miss Ruth liedford, accompanist, was a complete success la every nensa of the word. Mi (lark who in always in heartily welcomed by Salem audiences, gave some wonderful whietllng numbers. She lis been study ing under Alis Ague Woodward, dl roelor of the m Angeles School of Artiiytie Whistling. Her Idid imitation were marvellous and her pretty encore "Annie Laurie" moat enjoy-alde. The double ii:mo work) wan especial ly pleasing; thn qunrlvt "(lalop do Concert," by llorths Viek, Helen Pol loek, Mora Kli!elier nd Kdua Alms lei, which opened the Wednesday con cert, and thn duo "Polonaise" by flor 1 1 it i It. Aldrirh nnd lioin Nye, meeting with exceptional favor. The duo waa nn commonly good, the youth of the two museians adding til the merit of the flue rendition. The girl 'a churns un dr the direeilioti of Mis .Lena Helle Tartar ikMrvfa spec in I mention and re re'.ved the liniilv iplniiKit of all pre en. Mr. Ifnrris proved to be a fnvor i!c, tuo, li in k nu "Where My Caravan ha Heated," b.-ini greatly applauded. I 'alit' i u for hula recitals weie Minuet Ocnevicie Yannka, Hanlieit, tlretehen Hrown and Gertrude I.njun. m mmm i HittiitiiiiimtMi)ainiiiniMutiiuiiii 1 (ur every pi -ofatoti nl ad i iM-iformed In a itifai'torr manner. Our experi enced methuda and ithe jiiitnea of our 1iu'tteaa conduct f tt tivi eritieiam. :vTiI3IFI3Xn3I3jID H. ... ij t fc- la I J 1 I l T 1 i W T T rfr - t ' I T T The program: !a)op tie on'(nt i&filde Bemha Viek, tnora Fletcher, Helen I'ollock, Klva Ainitler I'aa dc-4 Ainphnre. Chaniinade Winifred Kinehart An Old Love Htory Virgil Ruth Pnge Sj.gikish Dance Atherlon Klva Amsler, Maxine Aibat Valae- Myrienim - Wollenhaupt Camp Bunk- Mokre.ia Itertha Vick May Moruing IVnza irirl'a I'liorun; Oriltehen Blown piano Kauatde Uounod (r'antaie)..ruvut!ger Cecil Deacon The Swallows Oodard I'rophet Hird Schumann To the Mea Mae Dowcll Lois Nye Toi'ikey'a Song '. 1H Kovcn Where My t-'aravan haa Rented ...Lohr Air. Harris Slii-pheriU all and Mmdcna Fuir. Nevin A Shepherd a Tale .Nevm Helen I'ollock Humoreaipie Portor lluaaian Dance . Friml Klva Amlcr Polonniie lllcaaner (iirlrude Aliliiih, Loia Nye Hird Jtapturea Schneider At Dawning Cadman Jk'rtha Clark After a three week visit at the John H. Furrar home, Mr. lH'o t'arrar and hoii lit for their home in Sun Francis co yMcribi)'. Mias Mildred Hrunk, hnrlotte Horn ing, Kugenia Savage and Kthelwynuo Kelly wera preaented in rivital at the hnim- of Mr. Walter Dcutou Thurs day evening. It wni a moitt meritorious rncitnl, each of the young girl die playing niuii'inuahip and apleudid In terpretation. Huth F.thelwynne Kelly and I'higenia Suvnge were a revela tion to their friendn, and give piom iae Hf a great, future. Minn Kelly's ren dition of the Chopin t,' Sharp minor waa riMimrltnble. for ita fine shading, phrasing and it transparent tone. At the reiuet ofjier frienda tins little miat who in a equally ifted in dra matic talent, ave two refldinga for the audience. Kogcnia Havnge ilisplny ed akill and are in her work, each mini her being perfectly given. Her Indi viduality in very noticeable. The "Hustle of Spring'' and "March Fun taatiqiie" showed her ranje of expres sion. Mildred Hrunk was moat effective in her "Spring Wong" and "Vilchen Diiih c.'' She ii an accoiuplllii'd mimi I'ilui. tkn i Chiiilnlte llniniug whoa" heaviest number was "l.a Hone" and variations, a difficult piece requiring kil! and tudy. Until young Indies do serve credit for their xjdendid work. Mm i no (Hover and Henita Kd wards were flower girls for the evening. Tlu program: Value iitinert M.iv.kowski Mildred Hrunk Hunting Sung M iidelssohn The Viol terer Schnininade Humoresiiue Dvorak Kuienis Snviigc Indian Love Song Lieurnuce VaUe Fautntiiue lllanchnrd Charlotte Horning Ttinia Wely Kthelwynne Kelly Spting Ring Hensel Wili'lies Dance Mcthiwell Mildred Hrunk Lb Ruse and varia lluuten Charlotte Horning Va!e op. (It .No. 2 Clmpin I'tlielujiine Kelly Hustle of Spring finding Kugenia Savage f.a Papillon Lavallee Chnrlotie Horning . IV r.ii'.iliim GiMlard I ( llnMi'i flv dnnre jMiwic B it Lield.h I Kihelwvnne Kelly I ltivvil!,.'t;on of Home Mills M.ldred Humk March Vaatartiqne Wilsoa Smith KujMiia Savage Little Kthelwynne Kelly -will appear on th program to tie given a Marion i)uare in the afternoon July Fourth. All (talent will hr delighted to hear this tulented young arrint who has be come famous as a public. epeaJ.or aud reader of dramatic art. TREATY NECOTIAOIONS (Continued from page one) tioua to the treaty. When Clomcnccau led the French didutrntion forward to the treaty table he displayed "boy-like ginger.' Crowd Wild With Joy. The ceremony waa closed by Cleinon ceau at 3:50. Two minutes later the (lermana left the hall, the allied dole-, gntea retaining their scats until they had passed out the . door. As the allied commiasionera stepped out onto the terrace they were jroeted with the bombing of guns. 1 he foun tains in the park surrounding tac pal ueo began to play, sending tliuu.indj of sparkling pets into the air. Hi vera thousand civilian, delirious with joy groke into cheers. A portion of the crowd swept over the (Kiliee barriers and pelted the dele gates with flowers. The allied offi cials, temporarily 4 uied, ataited to turn back toward the palace. The rowd surged again, however, pinning the delegates the full length of the terrace. The troops opened up a way for them and escorted them to their waiting automobiles. The streets aud courtyards outside the palace were brilliant with llugs in long rows flapping in the wind, Mid with long ranks of soldiers bdnnd whom were was of happy, smiling fuces as thousands crowded to welcome the return of peace. In the hall of mirrors, the table where the treaty was signed stood with in a few yards of the spot whuc Will iam was crowned (JeriuMi empeie.' nnd the (lei man empire was proclaimed. At the Hotel Dei Reservoirs the Ger mans eongregated in the court) aid, sol emn, hut iliruring they must now moa to the future. Mueller waa of a tall aud hUuui.j, typ --he looks like a diplomat. Hell is middle aged, with glume and a blue mas tache and an excited manner -a radi cut tvpe of politician. As the hour of signing npproadied crowds full ly stormed the gates of the puluce. Wer.lthy Frenchmen were re ported offering ,,t,00 piece fui tick ets of admission. By H. C. Hamilton Toledo, Ohio, June !. OHie fecerd, selected referee for the bout her, be tween Jew WUlard and Jack IfeKaey, sws no reason why there should be n duo excitement over what nhadt o aha 5 not be done in the ring by the boxers, "Rules of the Tolede Boxing Com mission will govern the boot," a aai4 today. " The boxers will be allowed te fight in the dutches so long iu one arm is free, but they must break at the word of the referee. I will pro tect them coming out ef the elinohee. They need not worry about that. Other wise, straight Marquis of Queonsbary rules will be followed. l'eeord said he had heart that both boxers have used the kidney punch ta some extent in their training. Ikii, he pointed out, is barred by the commie- sion rules and will not be tolerates!. He was asked regarding the "rabbit punch" a blow delivered on the bachW of the neck while boxers are m a el.aca. He said there was no rule against it and it would be permitted, but he an nounced himself as opposed to it. "If the men tare to meet me before the bout, I will be clad to go to their eamps and talk over the fight," bo said "but I se no rcssoa for it. We ess have our argument in the tiug tcfore the scrap starts." Tiaiuinwork of boxers woa expect ed to slow up somewhat today. Demp soy boxed only three rounds yesteiduy owing to the fact that Bill Tate wn taking a layoff. Tate 'a ribs have been pounded so consistently by lienipaey that he beggsd for a respite, lie ae- clared he would have to leave If he was not given a rest. Jamaica Kid and Jock Malouc fur nished the targets for yes terday. Jamaica went two rounds, or rather a round nnd a hslf, for Dinip sey smashed him into eeuii conscious ness in, the second round. Denipsey did no hard work with Malono, merely blocking. AV'illard'a work was very siotf. He well satisriea wiin nis tonai- tion, but old time boxers who have aw him work declare he cannot possibly get in ahape to defend the tttlo wita the work he la getting. other thnn the Tnion; and from taking part in or encouraging the foinintion or any pool, association or combination having lib view the sale or delivery or such berries to any other tuan tne iitaintiff. to the extent of 1-00 toils. We are of the ouiuion that a MoO bond would amply cover any damage that could be anticipated might accrue to the defendnnt Salem Fruit tn:ion In the event that the plaintiff should ulti mately fall in the prosecution of this suit.' WILSON WILL LEAVE (Continued from Tsge 1.) V A TTSA tfOMly, I i rrs y , m We still have some of the Spencer Hdw. Co. paint at $2.90 Varnishes at c A L C I m I N E CALCIMINE i2hc Ih. Salem Hardware Co. i 110 rocommendation asto its settle-'card to the most sensitive point of all. ment." This clause inserted for that ' that of immigration, if England were to seem to cover, vote that it was not under donicstie scions of more than one affectionate friendship formed, nnd ptofoundly grateful for the unstinted hopitnllty and countless kinrtnesaes whicn, nave made m feel welcome and at fon.e. "I take the liberty of bidding Fiance Godspeed n well as good bye ii.d of expressing once more my abiding inter est and entire confidence in hrr fu ture." THIEVES ROB SOORE (Continued from Tage 1.) favorite elected wauts to coino ncrosa promptly r.nd generouslv, for the vot- mg cioaea ivionuay n guv ui a '-!,.x,,rcKI purl,(,se would restrictions of nny kind in this election , the Poillt completely. Neverthelcs it j control, it might breakup the U.gue, everybody votes. The only requibite is is objected that the council may timer j but, in view or the reeling in (. a iaau. a copper cent with each vote, wuh aji opinion from tho United Stutes and,0",n. Ainea ana Ausirano, h wonm feeling of appreciation lor ttose mat th leirlslative riuhta mar bo re- come in big blocks. The winner will . . . . , . . . . . for three big days reign supreme in ' tho local realm, and object of are two answers. In the first pla,-e the Filmirutimi in tho eves of thou- desire of other countries to presorv. Bands, and she will look particularly their internal independence is as strong lr definite, Its object-is pcrfeclly nn god to the man who helped to plate her j as our own. It Is inconceivable that thei JorMood; and if we can trust none of on the throne. miner siaies represeiweu on mo cumicui nie oiner principal memners bi me should unanimously Ucculo that the tar- League to act honestly, fairly and reav iff, or nny other internal mat'er that aonnbly let ui make uo League witht we cluim to regulate for ourselves, is them, and leave the world in the stats certainlv disrupt the British Empire. The second answer is that one cannot make a contract nnd insist that the in terpretation of it shall always be is one's own hands. Tho elause is perfect- COVENANTEER LEOTERS (Continued from page foiu) 1 W;!-r,f m 3 rlMu T!!E01.Nf 1KAT IIVLSWAEOX Here's a Battery With More Power More Punch For Your Car Its an "Exide" Tho ri'fincd con struction of "EXIDE" plates and the space saving assembly en ables you to get greater power more "punch" and more "pep" from the "Giant that lives in a box". Clemencesn's Speech. Versailles, June L'S-llere is the brief speech with which Premier Chmemeaa toilny Invited the Oerman delegates to sign the peace treaty: "The session la open. The miiiM and associated powers on one side the (lerman reich oa the other side linve come to an agreement on the conditions f pence. "The text has been completed, diaft ed aud the president of the eonlerenea has Mated in writing thnt the text that is a bout to be signed now is Identical with the two hundred copies have been delivered to the Herman delega tion. "The signatures will be given now and they amount to a solemn irule.ti.k iug, faithfully and l,vnlly, to exoeuh" the conditions embodied by this titatv nf peace. "I now Invite the delegnti , of the Oeruina reich to siirn the treaty." FRUIT UNION CANNOT (Continued from page toe) thick and it must have taken the strength ef two men working with the jimmy to force the doors open enough to permit tho steol bar being swung back. An iron bar used in 'he operation was found on Die ground. Having forc ed the outer doors, it was a simple mat ter to cut out a big section of the glass of the inner door, spring the night lovk and walk 'in. That the burtlars were adept in their line waa evident from the Kusiness like manner in which they owned the riiitinn cabinet containing the .true tmk out just what they wanted and left everything rise undisturbed. Aoiwrentlv Ihev had made a prelimin ary survey of the store beforehand, for th'ev had opened a certain drawer con taining tools with which to pry open the iircscriiitiiin case. lrobabry one of the men served as B lookout on the nutsiile ihile the other made the clean up. which Mr. Sehnef f-r estimates will amount to at least $:100. That the drug case was the only ob jective of the thieves is shown by the fsct that thev made o attempt to m- cine auv other gooas nor urn meddle with the cash register. As the first part of the store was illuminated by a bright night light, they probablv did not enter the front room at all, but worked at the rear with a flash light. The only clue left behind by the thieves was several cigarette stubs scattered about the floor of the back iroom, the iron bar used on the bsca kloor and a good bicycle presumably stolen somewhere else and ridden to tha jwene and there abandoned (n mak ing the discovery Fatrolmnn Marr at I once sprung his histle, which was im mediately reiniieil io ny .-iv." and it U only .effectivo judg- the council shall so report and make ment against us could be given. Iu re- not a domestic affair; - I unanimously that an uf mutual suspicion, distrust and sup pressed hostility that is a discredit t civilization a:id a curse to mankind. curing the new contracts the t'nion and the plaintiff have been linn V if to ngree oa the terms of a new contract between themselves. Plainly the court cannot take up the business at the pr ent point where the t'nion ami the P'Hintiii nave Keen nname n agree.! There being nothing in the reran to 10(r), yhite and Victor, but there was no show the revocation of this li-ttr con B f .ij.jmu characters to be trs.i, it nptM-ars tn the court thai the found on the streets, and 't Is siippoa- t'nion had it in its power to to,npel ,.,i that the )ir made a quick getaway; delivery irwler this contract. The plain-(as soon ss the job waa done. It is the: tiff is not a patty or privy to trial eOn-j belief of Mr. Nhaeffer t:it since the; tr-ci, and cannot enforce it. but the: lid as shut down so ligris on uruj f. ...... ... Tk. .,, t..l i'.l ik.'lher has lu'.n an oritsnifed CS"J at I'.iioo at-I the pluintiff ca-.i.ot agree)"' to secure supplies by any means j . ... .i ... .i. nnu! i i a Iher. is a eti in.r iw uij n"n n nr" ' j.iat f- . i f the firt contract ill not r. tie-. P it " : -'liil I THE UNIVERSAL CAR I he Ford Factory Has not yet reached its normal production. We are receiving a fair allotmenttwo carload this week with one more carload rolling which will arrive the first of the week. We solicit your order now be cause production is limited, and we must make it the rule First come first served. . PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR A FORD CAR TODAY. Bear in Mind We carry a very complete line of auto accessories. Goodyear Tires Complete stock of Fabric and Cord tires. Heavy turist ajul regular tubes. II D. BARTON, 171 S. Commercial St. fr 'iu forman. e as far as it is n;p to nwike deliieiy. "We are of the opinion r.s to the Snlem Vrnit Unio'i, the tt'KrM.ary in jtm. tion should t allowed, enjoining the t'nion from diverting the lr.n- 'berries eVl'vered to it, to any other pet son or firm, or from aititig cr la any , ,wny enceipaging the growers mention j ca m ine list aTriTC.i in tae ister pen- itrsc frnm miking a deliery to any : 1:- !. 1 mouey in the trsttic wiin mw dov' fiends and oriental dens in the larger ritie. GODDESS OF LIBERTY (Coalinncd from page one) lak.r. Ione Ponhau., 140; Kl.c Wilwn, 1400. Otilr three davs remain foe 1'ii con test, and the man nho wants to at hi 1 1 Y T7 rr i WJ2) II I I VftUULJL V i o. SALES AND SERVICE i:n: r mm in i high st. FORMERLY i- - 0pp0SITE VICK BROS. . .. CITY HALL v.