THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 23. 1919. PAGE FIVE. j THE JOURNAL'S NEW TODAY JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT 15 THE BEST SELLING MEDIULI IN MARION COUNTY-TRY TIIBI FOR RESULTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING KATES: Kate per word New Today: ach insertion . 1 . 5e 17e One week (6 insertions) One month (-6 insertious)- . The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible, for more than one insertion, foi errort is 01aified Advertise "Ms Bead jour ftdvertiteirciit the first day it appears and notify us iuiuiedi&lely if error occurs. Minimum charge, 15c diOOSTERS for sale. Phone 403 B. 7-4 TUE Miller, rooms and apartment. 633 Ferry St. 1 20 CALVES; I want 3 or 4 duy-oid calves C. C. Bussoll, phono 3F3. tf WANTED All kinds of chickens. Will pay top price. Phono 1339J. tf. FOR SALE Ford chassis $21)0. Phone a35. A. Daue 4 Sons. 7-1 KURNISHBP housekeeping rooms for lent. 1510 State. 6 2S W A NT EI Boarders nnd roomers nt 112a Center, Ilioue 1074. 7-1 EXPERIENCED chambermaid wanted, Capital hotel, Phono 6:10. 7-1 BUG'S cleaned 40c per rug. Phono 16. L. L. Buokner. 7-4 COW for sale, 1303 N. 1572J. Kith. Phone 71 FOR 8ALE- -Dodge cur. Phone 64F13. 7-2 JA. LYONS practical painter. Thone 704. tf W. BEAVER, well driller, phoue 827J. 1105 N. 19th St., Salem, Or. 7-7 SNAP NW four passenger Apperson late model, fine llmpe. Phone 34 F 15. . . 7.1 FOR flATiH 9 room lious: burn and lots. Writw owner 783 caro Journal. 7-1 FOR R.RNT 6 room house partly furn ished $8 per month. Phone 1936M. 6 28 VOR SAliB Late 1917 light Overland car, eorapletnly overhauled. A snan. W care J.wirnal. 6 30 TIMESUdlNO outfit for sale, 18 fc. ,p. . engino: can be bought separate. AiV dress 37 -J care. Journal .. 6 30 FOR SALE Horse, buggy, harness, tools, ehtckesn, household goods, etc. Balem. Jrt. 6, ibox 51. tf WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll onward. Burcn 1 luruiturc Store. 179 Comniorcial. tf FOR SALE 5 room house, two rots, good garden, all kinds fruit, $900. No incumbrauce. Phone owner 13J3. 6-i9 FOR SALE 1 Diiin all Bteel, power hay Ibale.r, also 1 7 h. p. llercu'uj gas engine and wood saw. Phono 10JF21. 7-1 WANT To rent soon, strictly modern 7 or 8 room house, well located. Call at 305 fitate street, near Commercial. Phone 239. tf I INCREASE vour worth, fine little 5 ! acre tract "to, sale few mile, from Salem l..,r ,v,.ll ..-,l., .,r,.u,;"1"t''' 1,.. .J.i 1, .'. in ! berrie 11 o, "VKo. tl.. llna,i,. l.,,l. .Ill K .r.1,1 care Journal FOB BALE 22 acres of enoiceal land Bireet car line ud tock rwa. in. a i a an ? crop also .cherries apples, prunes and, berries. Good modern t-roon lioii:-e win , so, in mu .r. ?"? '"terested in good buy phone tiL - . i j i a 2505W2. WESTERN JITNTC SALVAGE COMPANY. se We buy all kinds of junk, bard ware, furniture, tools, machia t ery. There is hardl) an item we do not buy. Phone 70S 402 N. Cornl. We buy and sell notes, mort gages and all kinds of bonds. HAWKINS ROBERTS 314 Masonic Building Salem, Oregon 8 w-FARM WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL I LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON I THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. I WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. 1 HAWKINS & ROBERTS 51 314 Mason B!dg. li FOR SALE By owner, three good lots 1300 each. No agents. Phone 11S4J. 71 BHD and white currant delivered to sit part of the city. Pkone 2501U2. 6-28 WANTED 8 loganberry pickers, S per box, free transportatio from end of car lino. Thone s fc"3. tf FOUND Between St. Louis and Wa conda a speedometer gear, call at Wa- eonia blacksmith shop. 6 30 FOR SALE Jersey cow, the kind you j like. J. A. Jefferson 1375 N. Com'l St. 627 WANTED Loganberry pickers one half milo end of Salem Heights ear line, Phoue 112F4. B. T. Gordon. 6 30 wkj Ji1 Tor sale uiiuer regular price i- j ordered at once. Phone 254, or 622 i after of.'ico hours. tf WANTED Lady for alterations and j pressing. Society Cleaners, 1272 State St. b-' FOK SALE Cu'od 4 room- house and half of land on paved street, price !NR). I'hone 10UOM. 7-2 IF you want to buy a saw mill write Bigclow l'osne Lumber Oo., Naskvillo Oregon. 6 28 WHAT have you to trade for a first class homestead relinquishment! Ad dress 6S0 N. 20th St. 6-30 TYPEWRITER Tarty leaving city will tnke 50 liberty bond for vis ible Remington. 143 N. High St. 6 27 WANTED Ch or ry pickers, Urge orch ard, good aecommoKlations. I'hone 1390K. Miller Hros. - tf WANTED Oood prune orchard, for cash. So agents. Write dntails to N W C, P. O. box 250, Salem. tf WANTED A modern six room house nnd two lots or more, with fruit trees cash buyer. Phone 894. 7-1 WHEN you think of Insurance think of Laf'lar t Son. Wo write any kind. , 6-28 TWO fine lots in Fairmount park, fine view, sell or trade for good car. Laf lar ft Son, 406 Hirbbard bldg. 6 28 FOR SALE Victrola without cabinet, also records. Bargain if taken at once. 254 N. Liberty. 6-30 FOR SALE 4 year old trottSng bred home, weight 1200. Dr. Mott, Bank of Commerce. 7-1 STRAYED or stolen from slaughter house on Turner road, one Duroc pig from 90 to 100 lbs. Midget Market. 6-28 FOR SALE iBy owner, modern 6 room bungalow, built in china closet, book cases, desks; cement walks, full base ment. Phono 159SM. tf FOR SALE One of tho finest homes nt this beautiful summer resort. In uuire of 11. F. Jones Newport, Ore lion. 7-4 NOTICE OF SALE OP GOVERN MENT TIMBER. General Land Oi fine Washington, D. C. May 16, 1919. Notice 11 ncreuy given mar suojeci to me con dritio" i,II,,,tjcn' f, k A of J"0 - 1916- ( tut., 218), and the Interior of September 15, 1917, the tim iJulv 16, 191!;, at 10:30 o'clock a. m., nFr r r-,-. I rnuu uiiico at, j ui uniiu, wirjiUf tu iug i highest bidder at not less thaa the ap- v- av " f b' f the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. The pur- w!(h an maditioj.I sum Of fif. f . th(.reo, be. ling commissions allowed, must be de- pisite4 at time of sale money to be 1 returnoil it aula m tint TMlrnvol nltinv- wise patent will issue for the timber which must be removed within ten years. Bids will be received from cit izens of tho United States, Associations of such citizens nnd corporations or ganized under tho laws of the nited Stntes or any state, territory or dis triet thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any Kga! subdivision will be offored senaratelv before beirm Included in snr offer of a birder unit. T. 1 S., R. 5 E., See. 9, 8W 8WU red fir, 1900 H., mit to be told for less than II W per M. T. i S., B. 5 E., bee. 31, SW'l'i SWVi, red fir, 650 M. not to be sold for less than 1.25 per M. CLAY TALLMAN, Commissioner, General Land Office. 712 LOANS-6 Salem, Oregon WE make the best power prone dippers. Salem M:g Co., 1396 X. Front St. tf LCST LadU black leather purse". Cull S10J for reward. 6 2S FOR SALE lLdsteia bull Is aionths old. Phooe 5S!F2. 6 30 t BOOM furnished house for rent, close in. Phone 881. , 6 30 ROOFS cleaned, painted, patched and tarred. Phone C. C. Kays at 1648. 7 27 G1K.L or lady wanted for housework. Call 6Sti Center St. 7-3 WANTED Boom with bath, in pri vate home, bv gentleman. Phone 202 6 28 WANTED Second hand reund auto mobile gas tank. Address Geo. 11 Graves, Salem. 6-30 A NEW blue serge coat, size 30, co-d $23. for $2.."0. Society Tailors. 1272 State. Phone lu'Sl. 0 30 YOUNG ladies light summer coat $5. Society Tailors, 1272 State St. I'hone 16S4. (KiO AX MINSTER rn 9x12, only used 6 montns, cost oo, for quick monev $25. 1272Vi State St. Phone ltkS4 6 30 PEKORATO sanitary wall tint, best made; beautiful new colors. Burcns IVm'l St. tf WANT to trade excellent good lot in North Bend, Or., for good furniture. Address J-23 caro Journal. 6 30 LOGAN pickers may regisiter at 333 .Mission St. if more convenient than at the Simpson place. M. E.: Getter. 6 29 LADY'S size 39, blno serge dress worth 40, worn in Calif, only short time. Bargain at $15. Society Tailors, 1272 tBie St. 6 30 FOR SALE 5 passenger Overland good order, top, two new tires, or trauo for conl. Browne, Tur ner, Or. Rt. 3, box 715. 6 2S WANTED At onco sn up to dato 5 room bungalow right up to dute, I navo ttie cash. Address 1'. O. box 353 Salem. 6 2S 5 ACRES, fine house and barn, just 1 mile from Salem; snnp if sold quick, can show this Sunday. Laflar & Son, 400 Hubbard bldg. 6-28 FOR SALE Barcnin if taken at once. 100 acres 9 miloa east of Slem, crop or wneat and oats goes with sale Phone 624M. .28 FOR EXOHANOE Residence in Engle wood addition and 13 acre tract for - modern house close in. Kt. 5, box 142 Salem, Or. ((.30 FOR SALE Cheap, or will trade for jora car in good condition, ttwo good muiuing iois, pavea street and side walk in. See Jones at 162 N. Com'l street. 7.2 LACII ANGE Modern 8 room bunga iuw, auir acre clear, for 8 room mod ern residence in Salem. Address) Geo, Jensen, o7 Beach St. Ashland Or, 72 )0 I'llhHItY nickers wnnfe.l B P. Kiiubail, 1 mile north of west end of steel 'bridge. Will Tav 2c a couml to thise wlii) can handle own ladders, tf LOGANBERRY pickers wanted; 15 aere; transportation from Sa lem nnd wood free; tents can bo sup plied; close to Blorc with free de livery; will pay 2c. Picking will start July 1st. Phone 10SF4. 7-1 FARM BARGAIN loo acres all in cu! tivation, block from higlrwnv, twlf mile cast Monmouth, l'a mile west Independence. Good buildings. Good buy on ensy terms, l'hono 104 Mon mouth. N. G. Hefflcy, owner. 6 2S FOR SALE Out liny In shock, fifteen noiiara per ton. .Begin cutting about Juno twentieth. Near Mac.leay. a H. Litelifield, Et. 5, Salem, Or. tf OIJOTS AUTO EXOIANGF 349 N. COM. Y. M. C. A. EWl'K USED CARS BOUGHT POP. CASH OR SOLD ON COMMISSION. 1U14 5 passenger Overland, A-l condition, $425 1914 Ford $285 1914 Ford, with '16 body, paper hood $325 1914 Overland, czy terms, $150 191C Ford, first class condition, $375 5 passenger 6 cylinder Saxon $050 1915 Overland $500 2 1917 Fords, good buys t-ton lumber truck at a barcain. We wreck autos for their parts, this- enauies you to get old car parte st a bargain. Cash price paid for Junk ears. -tnn Ford truck, thoroughly over hauled, $475. 6 passenger Studebaker, $180. We soil oils, grease, old auto parts and accessories. PHONE 666 SALP aiito pychaNGE" GEO. 8PICER. Mgr. 229 State Street We buy your csr or sell on commission SPECIALS 1919 Maxwell, run 950 mile, $923. 1917 Ford $37.7 IMfi ChevroM $.'0 Stud'-bakcr $123 Overland roadster $?50 1915 Studebaker Six perfect !50 Fine Little roadster eh"n. Maxwell, food new. "50. T.iiM de'irerr ear. t?riO. TWENTY OTHERS TO PTHC FEOM Bring your repair work ir. Expert we chsfiic In chsro. per lb. on the 3t W.VNTEP To rent teat. Not smaller thaa 12il4. Cull 137K. its WANTEP Lai?.- ifsh wAtJier, ;oh1 Com! 6 30 wage 223 A'. SEE Miss L. E. Goodhue at 251 S. 17th St. for subseriptio-s to all aiaasiucs Phone 741M. IXXiANBEllRY pickers wanted, shady ramp ground, wood and good water. Phone &SF3. 7-2 FOA BENT Uoiuekeeping apartments and wpne rooms at 045 Ferry St. Phon 1S06W. 6 28 3PIRELLA corsets sold by Alice A Miles, 1106 Leslie St. Measures tak en, fit guaranteed. Home Thura. af ternoons. Phone 1425R. RANCH WANTED Wanted to hear 'from ewner of good ranch for sale. Stmt cash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis Minn. 1R SAli A very fine piano, used very little, just use new; oeautitui t case and sweet tone, easy terms, fail at &l Court bt. i a D. H. MOSHER DOES HIGH CLASS LADIES TAILORING TOU need not be without tls real r tide. Make la your own home, the same as the brewer or distiller can. Eigbt valuable formulas, $1. North- fjril X'lBl, vv., luiuui ni', BARGAIN for quick sale, 5 room house. aud 3 big fine lots, on corner, fine garden, fruit, on South lalerty St, close in. $1350. Laflar & Son, 406 Hubbard bldg. WANTED Dining room help at the Oregon state tuberculosis hospital, pay $40 per month with board, room and laundry furnished, l'hono 433. 71 FOR SALE Or trade, 100 aero farm lear Molalla; 30 acres in cultivation, good timber, mill near by. Will take residence property in exchange up to $2000. R. D. Boyles, Silverton, Or. 6-28 WANTED Two experienced saleela diee for dry goods and fancy goods, must be A-l saleslady and good stock keeper; good salary and steady position. D. M. iNavberger, McMinn viille, Or. 6-30 MARBT IF LONELY For resulta, try me; beat and most successful "Home Mais;" hundreds rich wish mar riage seen; strictly confidential and resVsble; years oif experience; de scrigtiea free. "The Successful Club," Box 556, Oakland, Calif. WHiY attempt to do the family laun dry at homo when you can got all the washing and nearly all the iron ing done for 6e per pound Laundry closed all day July 4th. Get your or der in early. Salem Laundry eompany 136 8. Liberty. 7-1 SAVE agents commission. Large 6 room modern bungalow, nearly now, full basement, furnace, built in features, etc., paved street, close to cnrline, store, school and churches; an ideal home' nt 2 3 of its value. Furniture also for sale. Box 222, Salem, Or. 6 30 !0 WHITE Leghorn year .old hens, heavy laying striin, $27.50 for tho flock; $1.50 each for less number, A good buy for t'lose who foiled to se cure chicks. Ven 3'4 months old White lenhirn cockerels sneeinily selected from flock of 120 at, $1.50 each. One O. A. ('. Horrid Rock cock er. d $1.50. Phono SFt. 0 28 WANTED Loganberry pickers :for 43 acres of berries Vi niilo from csr lino at Salem Heights. Free wood, straw and moving from Hcilem. Pric of picking Vjf per cup with a bonus of :c per cup to -those who stay the season through, licking will sturt about the 2:id. B. tinninguam, Rt. 3, box 121. I'hone 211"2. 6 28 FEDHRAL FARM LOANS Farmers intending to apply for federal loans for fall needs s'lould file their appli catiens now. The fedeial bank ap praiser will be here in a few days Write for booklet of information. Oregon 'National Farm Lon awia tion (largest in the northwest.) A. ('. Bnhrnetedt, secretary-treasurer, 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Or. 7-1 0 ACRES All in cultivation, 50 acres of bump er erop grain on HoweJl Prairie; the best land ia the county. Closing off estate reason of sale. No improve ments; the crop will net $49 per acre. Bur this property at $160 per acre before harvest, 13 ACEJCfl Country home just out of city limits in high state of cultivation and first elans improvements, will sell cheap if ' sold soon. All kinds sf fruit and ber ries. 9 AGEE BNAP Now bungalow, 7 tveres in erop, good orchard, a real place with horse, cow. chickens, rabbits and some farm tools good gasoline pumping outfit, just outside of city limits. You'll nave to hurrv, $1000 on (rood terms. John it. wxrrr realty co, 404 Hubbard tldg. WELCH ELECTRIC CO FOB ELECTRIC IRONS ELECTRIC TOAgTEBi ELECTRIC PERCOLATORS Phone 053 379 8UU 8t STRAWBERRIES N: vine. Phone 9oF5. Stat? Laid Schemed . Commission Stalls Work Upon Independence Farm Oregon Agrieu lural Co;l?e, Coriil lis, June 28. The first spade of dirt;- has Wen turned prejaratory to lae con strurtion of buildings for the first i-il farm of the Oregoa Ijind'!.ent comniissioB, three miles southwest of Iudependence. The farm;ftrad eoift:,ns Zi acrea MILKER wanted. Meadow Lawa dairy Sa'om. 6 30 WANT to crrhaiige Oitiforuia land for Orejn land; will eeider stump ed off laud. I'hone 37FI4. T 4 HOME twnldcrs Unuis and loans on Sa lem city property wi'l be made promptly. No delays. Apply now. A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401 Masinic Temple, Sak-iii, Or. 7 1 FOR SALE 10 acres nearly all un der cultivation, good bunt-alow not ail completed; 5 acre in fruit, logan berries and peaches; 5 miles from Sa lem. Price .fl.SiK). W. II. Gral-enhors' k Co., 275 State street. 6 28 FOR SALE 160 acre farm, about 30 acres under cultivation, bairtnre tim ber and pasture, buildings, located cloB.? to Pacific hiuhwav. 1'ricc f, 500. W. H. Grabenhorsti ft Co., 275 State street. 6 28 FOR H.VLjK 'ood 5 room house with modern conveniences on large lot, abundance of fruit, o'n paved street. 6 room house, ma!l barn and 2 fine lo's with Hbundanre of fruit, mil)" 2 block from paved ulreet and srhool. $1200. Square Deal Realty Co.' tf jWANTKJ) Cherry pickers Monday morning sr. i nomas orcnaru, situat ed on Salem Heights carline, one eighth mile south of Odd Fellows cemetery. Good crop. Two cents pound paid to thes? who slay thru out picking. 0 28 FOR SALE 10 acres of good land all cultivated. Rood 5 room plastered bungalow, good barn, chicken house, 5 acres of four yewr old prunes, 2 acres of loganberries, family orchard some strawberries; 4 miles south of Salem. Price $1000. W. II. Grabea hurst & Co., 275 tttate street. 6 28 FOR SALE 6 room modern bungalow, located at 930 8. 13th strwt. Price $1350. $rfi0 down, balance to suit at 6 percent, flood 8 room modern house in South 8:vlem, paved street, corner lot Price $2500. W. II. Grabenhoint t Co., 275 Mate street. 6 28 FOR BALE Or trado. 100 acres bot tom land; 135 acres in cultivation, 25 acres in timber and pasture, good barn; located 4 miles northwest of Junction City, rice $11,500. Address G r caro Journal er phone 121AW. 628 WANTED An errportnnlty to learn tho mercantile business Is open for two young men, who may have a commercial lif m'bitioa. Applicants may address: in their own hand writ ing giving name, age, residence, ex perience if any, and reference as to character and standing. Address Mer chant, box 75, City. , 6 28 HOUSE BARGAINS If taken soon $3000, one halt cash, will purchase 8 room residence and lurfc lot on paved street near school md raxline. Several of those splendid bsrgnins that we have Ibeen advertising have Vet mid. Get busy if you arc inter tt eil in this one. We only advertise bargains. JOHN II. StnTT .REALTY CO. 411 1 Hubbnrd lildg. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS If you want a rial bargain in a well niproved 10 lu-re trm1!, 4 miles enst of qnlem in a (rood neighborhood and wilh in a few hundred yards of station on tho Goer brunch for $'!5im), one, half ti.-Ji, with coveiaL'e. F'om ll to 28 acres of stump land piled rijjht, get busy nt once, it will surely be sold o'ni; good building, fruit, and crop goes. JOirN II. H "!TT REALTY CO. 404 Hubbard Illdg. FO'R SALE A neat litt'e house and f nc lot, good loca:ioTi. Nor:h Front street. $550. A fine 1C0 acre form Howell prairie, $125 pr acre. Nice six room hoime Mouth Commercial street. $25fi0, 40 air's fine prune or loj'isiiberry hind 8 miles from Sulem, $H0 per acre. Srnsll ho'ie a d lot oi Mill street clime in, $liii0. ( hoice ten a re tract on SilvurUs road mar fair ground', A good s;x rO"m eet- laje and two lots eait Salem, $2050. 15 seres nearly all in tiosring fruit good hiiiies, e!oao in, $1500. F, K Wood. 6 28 GOOD BUYS 40 sen s of wod prune and berry laid nil cultivated land. Price $4000, $."k)0 down, balance terms ut 8 percent interest. !l8 acre farm located 7 miles eait of Silim, hou?. barn, on main Silverton road. Prieo $12,500. IS acm tract of told 'nnd a'l ur d r cultivation running atr. I'm 1 d I 10 acre trier, 5 acre of biaring prunTs. balancn cleared land, wisll house. Price $VXA. 5 room ct'rgn lcated just outside city limi'S smth of Hab-m. Price $1000 tHO down. 154 ac-e riwer bottom farm. 100 seres in cultivation, bt.U-ce tniilxr, kuosc nnd birn. Price $110 per acre. 4.80 ai re tract, 1 acre bt-aring logan berries, 1 acre set (out last jr ir; small house. Price $I8'8J. We'I improved 3 acre t'ct clo in, e nd hois', fruits of all kinds. Price $.v:oo. 44 acre fa-m end fruit, hoo, tarn. 2 acrs loinns, 1 acres of jrunrs 12 ncres in -rrain. Pri ll'KWI. Ml s aiera l July 3, 4 and 5 The "Official Welcome" home to "Our Boys", who put the crimp in Imperialism and guaranteed the FREEDOM and SAFETY of AMERICANISM. Ycu must decorate and make this the greatest celebra- X tion in the history of our wonderful city. Flags - Bunting - Banners We have them in all sizes and quality. Purchase early t while our stock is complete t Monday Is Nemo Corset Day t T i No , S 326 TTIZP I Nemo Corsets Have No Superior You Can Always Do Better At 4 4444"4-444 and will have tho farm houke, barn,. to their green timber at the head ol machine shed, poultry and hog licasrs, Silver Creek. The Silverton Lnmber with an ample home vegetable garden company Iii;i an cxccllciit body of tim and family orchard. The farm coin-1 her which the report says will be tap prises 60 aeres of gentle, rolling iaajl"'d by building this stretch ol road, the majority of which has a north and It is uudotstoud that the railioud will east slop and Is well drained. It Js'l've the Corvallis k Eastern some the filan to have this a well diversified where iu the vicinity ef Lyons on the farm that one man and family can , . . - .... handle. II. P. Scudder, chief in farm manage ment nt tim colli'im and nirrieultoral ad visor of tho commiiMiion. assisted Clair Wilkes and Palmer l'atton of the department of farm management, spent sovornl days at the farm going over all details of his prepared plans of the lay out. May Build Railroad To Timber Holdings - Rc poit.-i have it Unit the Silvorton Lumber company of this city i.-t to soon hei-in the CMiistruction of ruilmiij; in- w iome Needs some one of the kies and collapsibles we i i r - j - --j " - ' y J I Our carriages are the good old Sturges make. The kind that &t?y good and are always on the job. The prices and styles you win find are just what you I have been looking for and and le. C. 2. Hamilton Home Furnisher Salem, Oregon. s X eleb rates TELECRAFIIIC ORDERS I From the factory are to the effect that on Tuesday, July 1st the price of NEMO COR SETS will advance 50c to n.oo. One more day to buy on the old price. We shall have extra help in our corset de lartment Monday to prompt ly care for heavy business we shall do under the old prices. 4 4-444-v- 111..,; j ... I, naiiiinui snu win vaioiiu live uiova iiiiir the rompuny's timber holdings. In or der that this road may be completed it will be necessary to bridge the bnn- byitium. Tho right of way for the road bss noes in the possession or tno com. pany for more than a year. Whether the building of this road will mean when it is completed llial the Silertnn Lumber company will ship tho logs around to this point or tr.itsfer their mill to somo point more aecessaldo to tlicir timber holdings wo are iiii'.bl to lenrn. Home splendid mill sitM and wuter flos are easily obtained along (the. Sniitiein in the Immediate vicinity j timber holdings. Silvertou Ap (j Know Mothers many styles in go-carts, sul- are showing this summer. Give the babies the benefit of the warm sunshine. It puts th bloom of health in their cheeks, makes them sleep well at night and allows the mothers to get their much needed rest. cur terms are always fair tsa'Falom's a Cm) Vt fn T"?f!a ' 275 State street M4-r44-4-44-4-4-44-4-4-44444444-4-444-