Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 28, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    wxtxx:; its
'he Cami
Editor cad J?ublikr
June 2S, 1919
;-km-ck -r-v-tv-T-x-n-n -rrrxicr ; . i .s i? axi
Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon, j of despotic militarism- The issue was squarely between
.Hie pi uuripies ui uueiai government, generally siyieu
democracy, and the autocracy cf strong centralized and
despotic powerand democracy won.
AJJren All Communicationa To
(The 3atlD.0Mal uracil
13S S. t'ommereial St.
D.1!t. hr Carrier, cer tear $3.00 Per Month..
Daily by Mail, per year..
Ter Month-
W. D. Ward, New York, Tribuna Building.
W. II. btockwell, Chicago, People'i Gu Building
Back east they are discussing the entrance of women
i5t into politics because of the assured ratification of the
35c constitutional amendment granting national suffrage.
jOut here women voting and taking an interest in public
anairs ana pontics are no longer novelties.
The recent discussion of the subject by Former
Secretary McAdoo, however, lose? little of interest on
this coast because we have had a chance to see for our-
The Torn Mooney 4th cf July strike has apparently
fizzled. The result of Bolshevik revolts at Seattle, Win
nipeg and other places is no doubt having the effect of
causing the better element in the labor unions to repud
iate the leadership of the anarchists who are attempting!
to russianize tne United States,
The Germans preferred signing the treaty 10 taking
another licking.
With the exception of a few United States senators,
everybody is glad the war is over.
Vi Daily Capital Journui earner ooya ar insirucit-u 10 yui m imywm 'i i, , ,, ,, . , , , ,
ruck, it esrHer de$ not do this, mine you, or neglect, jetting the pper t-t'it wr.at tne ellect nas been on local and state govern-
uyon on time, kmdiy pton. the eircuution mtoyr, , uii u on.y w.j ment Decause or tne voting of women. Indeed it is es-
en determine whether or not the enrrierg are following metructione. 1 hone ; . b ' A"tcu la co
i bfor 7:30 o'ciork nd a paper win be ent you by ipeciai merger if the pccuuiy interesting to compare the theoretical views ex-i
earner hai misled you. pressed by a prominent statesman with the actual results1
(as we interpret them according to personal observation! cmaT
and viewpoint. . ,.A lovolv n" .ndi
McAdoo asserts that women will exert a wonderful 1 thought i mse.
influence over the political destinies of the future- He
goes further, and asserts that women will not adhere tolled
Hunting a Husband
h J. ' j 5
I '
.:! f
, . :;.;
la the only newsptper in Balem whose eirrulation U guiranteed by the
Audit Bureau Of Circulation!
Five vears aero todav r ranees rerdinanu, crovvi
a man with admiring eyes, who fiatters
him with every touo of her voicu, lu
short who lives for men.
1 saw the look ihc gave me hold
aurprisee in it. She had exneitcii to see
For one year I sliull live. I am using a plain uninteresting person. Hut I
the five hundred dollars that I have know I havo chanced alk'htlv.
eareiunv lor tno lust rive 1 mu rot. loin a Ihimimcss ik wuninn.
party lines when great issues are at stake, but will vote 'tar-for my purpose to mint a ..utunniiy, at least.
i Diuuiru aiuaiuir cu remit v.
c cnauge to uakC. it graeetul way she sat. Her How move- Mro ,. orn'n,rmf nt
i 1
iAii-jr AAAiv.o vixitii iuai loouta we ai Muac, UUL Vlil VUIU " J
boldly for the public good, without reference to the party i "J havi a Krn
n promulgating it. If this should prove true it will be the '! j'seif. r,
Do you tax your eyes dur
ing business hours so that
you find yourself unable to
really enjoy an evening with
book or paperyour eyes
Now being too tired.
Properly fitted reading
The glasses will enable you to m-
t'or asuin I hear Tom's meats. Her soft glanco at Tom.
nf AiiKtvin-Hnncrfirv. and his wife were killed bv.very thing which the greatest founders of the sffr.ureiwo.,: ""' 10 b.usiw Sa ry d,i"s i infioe- reading, and your e.ticiency
Iawvw v " c" j r " r'i i i w o- noTiuny lnvsionous aDout you! "
an assassin, beroia was cnargea wnn responsn-nuy iui .iuuvcihuih, uueti w &ti
ihc murder nnd shortlv after its occurrance Austria-Hun-1 In refutation of Ih
crarv sent an ultimatum to that kingdom threatening war. formation that the women of at least one state are being ii i.
irs ii Serbia iaiieu 10 suiurgainmi oy ineir leauers aiong distinct party lines, state, i'".
McAdoo's theory comes the in-!at 1,er!"'lf ?.t'the Cl
n f l !- vtr.V different
within a certain number of hou
mit to severe specified indignities which virtually admit
t.pd puilt of the murder of the Austrian prince. Evident
ly this action was taken at Germany's suggestion in or
der to make the murder a plausible excuse for plunging
Europe into war that she might extend territorial bound
aries and power of the central empires. Russia encourag
ed Serbia to refuse the Austrian demands, and France, in
defensive alliance with Russia, prepared to resist impend
ing German invasion as the war clouds gathered rapidly.
The greatest war in the history of the world broke in all
its fury within a few days after the world at 'arge re
ceived the first hint that it impended. Germany, fully
prepared, struck quickly at France by invading neutral
Belgium against the protest of Great Britain whose gov
ernment answered by taking up arms in behalf of France.
Russia and Serbia. Italy, in course of time, joined the
entente alliance and Turkey and Bulgaria sided with the
central empires. The entrance of the United States into
the conflict, coupled with declaration of war against Ger
many by several smaller powers which took little or no
part in the actual fighting, broadened the conflict into
virtually a world war. This in brief covers the tragic
events of the past five years.
It is a very different Sura who looke
nd of tlio first week
outside Sara. For
have allowed the brushed back hair
fall softly over my foreheid. My
countv. town and ward have thei lonrWa anrl nlitinnl !'mi'8 nro i"k unl fuin"y 8llil'e
J - -- --w - V. V X J (tllU IJVH WVrtAA
en a ne is the type of girl who Jo'kg at
turns. No wonder Tom was eliiil.ned! of wnrlr
nnen mey leu x went surriv to my
room, and do not luueh at me. I l.rm--
ticed. Hlowly I sank into a low ennir. 'store in Salem
1 elapsed my hands loosely in my lap.
1 did the tinv tilings that Jeanne hail
The only exclusive optical
305 State Street
Mv tin ha Am T wh a lonifiinir nrwatil. Tnv
i - j - j -- B
' ..t.. :... a..m i i . j i.
iai'ty propaganda IS tO be extended IS WldelV haveaivon way to dress of Ions fiowOiad ,W.o) the tinkle of the teltuhone
as POSSUlle. and alone the Same lines AS those followed hv X ""'-nd my chin is lifted. jbell aroused me.
mon Tliio la ii'Knf fVin nnlitUnnn l , i , J And now ct the very end of a day I It was Tom's voice, "I have some- .
Tf !i V . " POlltlCianS Hoped tO See. alu not tired, but waiting and eager to thine to ask vou, Snra, nn.v 1 iomo failed to complv would be very rare.
If the hope Of Winning the WOman VOte leads tO high-'"'8 To,n "wondorful girl." right over." j mpre tht xeeommendation is not
tr meais, Detter measures in each of the great parties , ' t 0 , 7, A.uiueanue, 0i ; j
.v. j. .,, , , ,, . V. . 1 . ' IP" 8nrn," was Tom i way of mlroduc-, " No, about you, goodbv! " lie rang
this party division wall be a good thing. If it simply i us. ;ff.
broadens the old style partv politics bv the addition of 1 k,u'w nrr aft6r look- M fiv0 1 m tnnR tied.
Aiicnn nf ..rnm,, t ' Z. i.t yo " business are not wasted. What can it bof
inuuouiiuo ui vYuiucii vuu vuic lur measures noi oecausevje
ol their soundness but because of the party which intro
duces them, politics will stay exactly where they were
when the first woman voted. j
Mr. McAdoo's view is the ideal one. Whether he is!
right or wrong the experience of the Pacific coast states'
may serve to answer but not all political observers agree j
on the subject even out here where they ought to know
better than anywhere else. I
lduy "A IIouso Party.")
It is agreed in financial circles that the signing of the
German peace treaty will be the starting signal for Ameri-
. . can business. Great numbers of new or reconstructive
Today's anniversary marks also the signing of the enterprises will be launched. Industries now oTw.nfinrr
treaty of peace in which the central empires, defoated and .under handicap of financial uncertainty and limited de
broken, face the future with only dreams of former great- wand will get up steam and order full steam ahead. '
Less and glory to console them, lne luture (Uric and; I he financial relief will be immediate. It will be
1 '1 !! 1 ... 1 1 1 t f.l 1 IK 1 ,1 ...... . ...
juoomy as it is, win, uowever, ue reguriu-u umv a.- a in-;sen-eviaent mat capital is to he released in large volume
ting punishment for the people who stood back of their for purposes of private enterprise. A market will de
rulers when they sought to subject the world to the rule'velop at once for corporation purposes. Business institu
tions will thus be able to get bank loans more freely and
j to float loans for reconstruction and expansion.
! Buying of all sorts of commodities, especially build
ing materials and standard manufactured articles, will be
jgreatlv accelerated. Congress, it is hoped, will take the
formal ending of the war as its cue to provide promptly
jthe legislation necessary to unshackle business end help
'along peace-time readjustments.
discussion of the League of Nations Covenant, article by article,
written by William IL Tift, ex-president of the United KULes,
Ocorge W. Wlckersham, formerly United States attorney general,
A. Lawrence Lowell; president of Harvard University, and Henry
W. Tart, of the New York bar.
Court of titernational Justice.
The council is directed by Aiticle
-XIV to formulate plans for u perma
nent court of international justice.
Those who are fulniliiir with lie de
butes on this subject at the Haue con
ferences, and tho difficulties encoun
tered there in reconciling the ih.ims oi
the lariie and small nations, will under-
will be ; stand w hv no attempt was made to
. unanimous the danger is greater. In
; effect no judgment lias been rendered;
Jail, the states represented on the cojncil
j may publish their opinions; ar.d the
members of the League reserve th
right to take such action as they think
'right. In short tho efforts of the
Iengue to adjust tho dispute havo fail
ed. But again wo must rememi'Ci that
even in such 8 rase war or great in
justice is improbable. Time will have
been given for culm consideration, and
the efforts of all the countries not di
rectly involved will be exerted to avoid
; war, influences that are powerful for
! peace.
j When the dispute is referred to t
'assembly the same rules npply, except
' that a recommendation is effective if
l supported by the representatives of til
jthe states with seats upon the council
I and a majority of the rest.
Domestic Affairs,
Only One other provision of this Arti-
By Walt Mason
express agreement not to go to war
with any party which complies wiih it.
Even after a unanimous recommenda
tion wnr is not absolutely prevented,
for the nation acainst which it is made
nmv refuse to complv with it, a.id there "',ll," to be considered. To obvi
, . . . . ute the fears of nianv Americans that
may be resort to arms. War in iikA h nlHprs lmmifiraticn and tar.
;; case is not, as some people havo as- j iff, Tiilit, as subjects of dispute, be
scrted. authorized, but it is not Biii.ject-j l,r.)iielit before the council and the au-
l to penalty, in less the nation arelthoritv of the nation Over them ba im-
cluiise was inserted, tnat if
present they are not, the prevention of , either pnrtv claims, and the e.-nnrll
war ca i hardly be carried farther. fnt fi,lSl that the matter in dispute is one
ir tuny be observed that after a uiiniii- j . . wiu-h bv International law is solely
iiioiis report, which would undoubtedly , within tho jurisdiction of that party,
he siipi'in'tcil by the public opinion ui I ,
tho world, the casee in which a nation (Continued on page six.)
time and beef and brawn, for
taste, since Ludendorff is gone.
I hllJ thfMV Will lt nvmiui rmicn fni vnimniniv it Vinn
Now ttillards in his training camp acquiring skill lhe f.milans put their signatures to this historic docu
r,nd vim, to put a ring round Pompsoy s lamp, or rend mcnt( quite asi(lo from the predominant human interest
mm nmo irom inno. u seems to me a siiamemi waste oi;. ,f r,,0 0,.orif Th tv,;nrr f ,nw : ? ,..;u;i
, t . j v niv vtviib iitctili llUiif VIA. aC lO tliM V IV VY 111 1
ti -' l. '1 i i 1 1 imark the cnd of the Woodshed and guarantee safe return
llllS lllai'd ShOllKl IiaVe.tn thnir Vifimovi nf nil tlm cnlrlioi-o cf ill enmninirir fwarcans
finer aims, a nobler path should tread; for there are morejIt is pk,lsant to reall on tP of all that it wm mean
uplifting ganics than punching lVmppcya head Andith(1 definitc ginning of the good times anticipated.
Dempscy might be teaching school, or running a hotel;!
for people say he is no fool; his head's upholstered well.
I'd rather earn twelve bones a week, as salesman 'in a
ftore, than have some ft
. , ,
leuows spin my cneeK ana draw a, wu w. a . o t.
ot of gore, e'en though I drew mighty cheek for letting'- a " .tir th T ' . K
other fvnv win tpnt-po. irmmA mv rrr- -n-! m t 1S a nui-'stion that can never be answered, Uwuv so many
L Ihl So VA i; f- H-'itttn if i, 'u V?-i S'of lhe fat'U)1's lhat int(1 the problem of war sac
S ?ril!'ihr fn f ; , n i -nl u T S 1 " lifi incommensurable-they cannot be expressed in
lhux, si,.. Vanhee had thirty-six children, twenty-two sons
i vo v 1 r T'ZZJ ZTZ 1 . : . all Wxi when the war broke out which
... . ...r.fcV u - ..v ...v ... ,v Huuo a ui. ., ram v whose d mens ons a one an remnrka e.
t t TTt
Consult us about your eyes
Jewelers and Opticians
Woithwesl Corner of State and Liberty Streets
and pushing in the human face achieves no worthy end
Established 18G8
General Banking Business
Commencing June 16th Banking Hours will be
from 10 a.m. till
pecially in France
Thirteen sons were killed in battle. Three were tlis-
! charged with grave injuries, one losing both lens, another
oeing remiereu onna anil ueai ana tne third suiiering a
severe skull wound requiring trepanning. One daughter
was killed by a German shell. The father himself and
another daughter were both shot without trial by the
Germans for going innocently into Lille to celebrate the
hundredth birthday of a relative.
Father, thirteen sons and two . daughters killed and
three sons maimed for life what family in all the world
has, in Lincoln s noble words, "laid so cost
upon the altar of freedom?"
stly a sacrifice
If the country ever comes to take the senate seriously
that body might cause some real trouble.
worn uiu u cuuipii'ia jiinii ami t ni.iu.i; i prepii red to enforce compliance, nnd nt ! ,,iml
it in Hie leveiiiint. uesoi t io n;ik court
is not nude oblijiatory. It i to bo
eiliililislidl iia a tribunal to wh;h dla
puti s of it jiislii ialjle clniructc:' ca i bo
submitted for decision W con.ici'.t ol
both uirtieM. It has also another elg-!
nil ii:ii-,t t'uiMtion, fur it consi."1s of u'
bmly of jurists wh')e opinion 1.111 be j
MUijilit by tho council or tho ui uibly '
uh uu nshinta w-o in mutters that como j
before them. !
Alilioiiyh the ini'iiibem of the League
do not ny;ree to mihmit dispii:en 1 hat j
may urine between them to tlni conn
or to arliitrntors, they mut Mibiuit
them to mnue orpin of tho Le.igue.
They np;ree not only to ubwtuiu from 1
war without ueh a sulniiiii-ion, on, jm- j
itivelv nifo to suntiut any uisnuro line-1
to lend to n rupture to inquiry bf
the council or assembly, if it is .lot mill-
iiiitted by. consent to arbitrutiou; and
cillier party to the dispute may demand
the iiiipiiry. The matter stands thngi
For arbitration (eoiiipiiiiuce with the ;
award bcinji involved), the fice cou-;
eiit of both parliei i required; for.
i iiiry the demand of either; t.tt at
the ropiest of either party the case is
laid before the asemlilv instei.d of the
council. The assembly thus Hands in
the position of a jury at coiumou law.
Neither party to the dispute enn refuse,
the impiiiv, but either can el. urn this
for.n of trial.
Mediation First Resort.
When a dispute is referred lo the
count il it beKiua it work not in a ju
dicial capacity, but m a mediator.
welis, not to decide the dispute, but to
effect a settlement which will eften in
volve a compromise. In contradistinc
tion tr a strictly judicial puee.nire,
la more Ukiiv to te iiiccessitii u ino
i!rti9 do not commit theui.eivi pub- ,
li.ly. It is often essier to bnn, the
disputants to an accord if the nti;otia
tiona r. ro private; and if an amicable
settlement is reached it i not alwaya
neewsary to make public tho t o.ices-
sioua by which it was attained. In
sura a esse, therefore, the eruiiea U
1,'iMMi dis'rction to publish what it may
deeru appropriate.
Next Come ArbitraUoP.
If the dispute is not art tied by con
sent of the parties the function of the
council is charged. It becomes sa ar
biter intend ef a mediator, aid pub
lishes a report with recommendtiona
statin what it dsrmt the just and
proper artioa for the priic to take. If
;hc conn, il is unanimous (excert for the
i.srti.' C'iiccfflcill the recommendation ! M
hss a binding effect to this fit
that while there is bo obligation
the covcLii.t to carry it out
Did you ever hear that expression It means
having something "handed to you" as the
saying goes. And that more truly defines
mail-order-buying than anything we know of.
One can't see the goods, waits a long time to
get it, has express as well as first cost to pay,
and last but not least, is sending his money '
out of his home community.
extent,' fjl
I l il il III
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1 .-
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