PAGE THREE. PERSHING AND DOZEN OFFICERS GET MEDALS O New Price SS7 Swim Out THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1919. SO F. O. B. FACTORY FARM TRACTORS Power Farm- v Come Tft XrvX Ask The Man Who Owns One Let a FORDSON Do Your Farming The success of the Ford Tractor like all other Ford products has been phe nomenalin one year they have sold over 50,000 Fordson tractors, and their un paralleled success has enabled them to pursue their established policy of reducing their price when increased production justified doing so. How Can You Afford to Farm Without a Fordson at this Remarkably Low Price? Consider The present price of Hay, Grain and Labor. Now is the time to consider power farmingdispose of your horses when there is sale for them and place your or der for a Fordson. We have received notice of our allotment and we know they will not last long. Get Busy and Place Your Order Today IT'S A PLAIN CASB OF FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. Washington, Jane Geaeiai Per shing has awarded the distinguished service nietkl to twelve of funs and former officers eof the A. E. I'. for ex ceptionally nierttious service in the war, the war department announced today. I Officers who received the medal were: Brigadier General T. Q. Donaluson, for services as inspector general uf the A. E. F. Colonel John H.- Hughes, a member of the, Inspector general's department. Major General C. D. Rhodes, for marked ability in commanding his ar tillery brigade in support of the 82nd division in the St. Alihiel drive. Brigadier Gtsuernl William Mitchell, commander of the air service in France. Colonel John D. Parker, who wider great difficulties obtained material for conducting the army machine guu school at Langrea. Colonel M. C. Hele ibc-r ger, oscistcait chief of staff of organisation, Third army corps, in the Argomio-Meuse drive. Major General William H. Hays, com mander of the 28th division. Major General Robert I. Ilowsee, commander of the Third division. Brigadier General W. W. Harts, com inaiuler of the Paris district. Colonel C. 8. Bcbeork, post eoniniund unt at general headquarters. Colonel James 8. Reeves, commander of the 503rd infantry. Colonel Robert II. Allen, commander of the 3."6th infantry. f4 ...3r-,!W. thority to settle the clr.iin for a lump sum, but thnt it should huve awarded the widow a pension of !() a month. C. I. Leavengood of Lebanon who sued 8am F. Oliles for a commission on sale of farm personal property, filed mi objection to the costs tuxed agulnst him, the case having been decided for the defendant. Ho especially objects to paying (12 for the witness vV. T. Meltenberger as the witness was not culled to the stand to testify. Hilma Ell;.ra Ahlgren hns been ap pointed administratrix, of tlio estate of John Frederick Ahlgren, who died Dec. 10, 1918. His parents live in Finland. The estate of Willis-m Young, de ceased, hns been apprnised at 15825.52. i Tho appraisers were Snip Coo.y, Tom Davis and Clem Lewis. Included ln the I total appraisement was $4260.52 on de posit in one of the Salem bunkj. - j And meet your opportunitybut first purchase your Bathing Suit at Bishop's as they have the finest to be found. The colorings are so beautiful and decidedly blended, they create the de sire to purchase one. They are made of the best materials and are perfectly knitted. BLUE and GOLD PURPLE and WHITE PURPLE and GOLD BLUE and WHITE GREEN and WHITE 1 y&lhy Motor Co. Truck and Tractor Department State Street, Corner Front Street COURT HOUSE NEWS load was shipped February 2J, 1019,' non-suit was brought by the attorney mid that ut the time of shipment the for the plaintiffs, price at Brooks was four cents a pound i ; f. o. b. That the ear arrived in Sac-1 In the cane of C. W. Fenn against the ramento, that it was sold by the I nited . industrial accident commission, t lie de- Brokers Co. not for tho going price I fendnnt demurs to the complaint on the J. W. Colli:. and A. M. Boiler of 0f that day it arrived, but for $i.50 a j grounds that writ does not stnto facts Brooks have brought suit against the hundred. That tho United Brokers did sufficient to constitute a cause of action United Browers company for fcl'11.56., not sell on the market, but did sell tOjTMs is the now fnmous ense in which They allc'e that on Dec. 1, 1911), they a firm with which they had an old con-suit was brought against the industrial contracted with the United Brokers Co. tract to fill. Tho real value of the , accident commission for paying $1000 to jhip a carload of onions to the Sao-' carload was 11268.40 in SacrariontOj in a lump sum to a Portland womun ramento market, and that they were to and that thev received from the bickers whose husband was killed in the lirant- be sold at the going price for the day j only 200. The case was brought to Smith Porter yards. The plaintiff n which they arrived. That the car- trial during this term of court but acluims that the commission had no au- XX XX XX The color combinations are so ar delicately blended, they create the de "different" from the average suit, that Vou notice at the bathing beaches Why do without one, when they bring you so much enjoyment and such healthy pleasure. They are absolutely a necessary ar ticle in your wardrobe- Priced from $1.00 to J6.50 h i IT 'f The First Films of a Mole Battle mm This is Your Big Chance to see Real Fighting--The Gruesome Scenes Cut out N. Y. American says: "Unquestionably most remarkable ever filmed it's authenticity is self evident." Offi Government Picture 2 Days Only SUNDAY MONDAY Usual Prices r pa fc, li , ' a -- - urn : d. L A - ' .U - . 'C i .1 si A by? i f i I. r In the matter of the estate of Fred Carl, the report of the executors hns been approved and allowed by the coun ty court and the exocutors relieved from further liability. MARRIED IN PORTLAND Miss Bessie Mnrie Bundvold of Hil verton was married Saturday nooa to Gilbert I'ndcrhal of Portland. Tht cere mony was performed by Rev. George Henriksen at the Trinity Lutheran church and tho wedding dinner was! served at the home of the bride 'j par ents. They will reside in Poi'Juml. Silverton Appeal. DALLAS NEWS. (Capital Journal Hpeciul Service.) Dnllas, Or., June 2H. Attorney Oscar Iluyter was a business visitol in the Cnpitnl City Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. KJ. Dun nnd family huve returned from Tillamook where they were called by the death of Mrs. Dun's mother. Circuit Judge Harry H. Belt ij hold ing court In Portls'nd this week in the absence of one of the judges of that (lis trict. Hum Burk was a business visilor in Falls City, Wednesday afternoon. T. C. Stockwell transacted business matters in fiulein the first of tlio week. Mrs. J. C. Uglow and children are guests of relatives in Portlnnd for a few weeks. Attorney L. D. Brown was a busi ness visitor in McMinnville, Turdny afternoon. Hon. J. K. Hubbard of Falls City was a Dullas business visitor this Week. Every Family in Marion and Polk Counties a Patron. Salem WOOlSSl Mils Store - ---...-. - 4. shoe space wus a small tublo topped with brown leather, on which rested tht treaty. One chair stood beforo this table, to bo used by the delegates In signing. Au ancient and vnluablo brown tapes try carpet was on the floor, and tho delegates sat at brown tapestry eov ervd tablet. At the eastern end of the hall weie salons the Union Do Pnix and the Ba ton De Uuerre. The halon lc Vu'it was reserved for distinguished visitors, seating about 300. The ISulou De Uuer- coiigrntulutions on the completion of your great work. The American people wilt be ever proud of what you did as their repreienlativo for tho peace of the world." President Wilson will lcavo Pans to night nad sail from Brest tomoirow morning on the George Wap'.iington, (Secretary nTumulty officially announ ced. Tho president will land In New lork. Pirns for his tour of tho natiju prob ably will not be mndo public until the president hits had tune to consult with re was for the press, and had seals for , ' , .. ., ,, n ' . nn .....!,. r.ii M-iiwl. nil l',k in T . ."' 1' """" . ,v . i ft 'he Uctuils of the trip. It is probable Italians 25 Japanese, S Germans, 70 ; int hfl wi w,hi how. from small powers and 20 from neutral , cw wiUlin t w(1(.k h nations, In this salon apeciul American teio plionc and telegraph lines were Instal led, over wliich news of the ciguing could bo flashed to tho cable office. Court Blaze of Splendor. Prominent seats In tho visitora sec tion were reserved for Mrs. Wilson nnd for Miss Margaret Wilson. The courtyard was a bla7.e of military splendor, detachments of all the Allied armies, with fli;gs unfurled, coming sharply to attention as the deli'ntcs arrived F;i automobiles. Hiss address on tho pence treaty to congress will bo delivered the (iny aft er he arrives in Washington, if picsent pluim are carried out. from Tuesday. China Refuses to Sign. There was a tense atmosphere ut the stute department as officiuls waited, word thnt the treaty bad been signed. Tko minutes rlnpsed between the state department's flash that the German hail affixed their signatures an! the flash thnt Wilson had signed, Then tho strain seemed broken. At lli2fl the state depurtment received a elde sny ing all t lie plenlnteiitnries had aignerf and ( lemenceau had declared the ses sion closed. Ai China refusedto participate, 2(5 allied nations were represented Ht ttie historic, conference. They were: Serbin, Japan, I'nlted Ktutes, Liberia, Haiti, The Median, France, Portugal, Panama, llinz i, lieu ilmns, F'ern, Belgium, Italy, ('tibn, Barring accidents the president: ,:",""n. "otivia, Poland, On at Uri- u a week 1 ' " m , .Mcunuiiin, r.cuiiclor, stioulll lie lifli'k In Wn.liimrtnn I Kuiiianin, Creeho Hlovnkia and Vrn- HUN DELEGATES (Continued from page one) Germans' Fear Trick. Tho Germans expressed feur t'c tree- COUCLUSIOfl OF PEACE (Continued from Pago 1.) ig j nussia, me oiner nny, niyoiinT'! jc pence with Gerniany in March, J018. afr I Henatnr Hitehcm k, who received a sc I copy of the president's ntinn, 4c 1 rend it to tho senate. Though tht rend 4 ing was tiintamotiirt to ofifciul not if i- cation to congress that the war w:it sJofer, there was no demonstration. WHEN IN SALEM, OREUON, stop at BLIQH HOTEL "A Home Away from Home." Strictly Modern (I Per Day 100 Room of Solid Comfort Only Hotel In Business District tutes a new order, under which liai k ward nations populations whiih havo not yet coiueto political consciousness a d peoples who are ready lot iiine pendence tint not yet quite preps,cd to dispense with protection and guibnes no motit be siiliji-cteii to the domination und exploitation of - strong er nation, but shall lie put umler the friendly direction and af fir. lei the ty to be signed might contain vaiiauonsj ndpfni glance of goven.ments from the original, it was learned today. L !,(,. undertake to be responsible to necreiury uuiosia or ine con-1 tie 0),;Jtiotl 0f ,,,akiiid in the tieeulion : ference thereupon delivered t -0f their task bv accepting the diii.elimi , tnry Von Hanicl of the German ileleg.i()f th, ,,.,, 'f nn(jnn, . tion a letter sig 'ed by permier Mem-1 Guarantee for All. enceau, guaranteeing the copv signed! iit the in.-.lienable rights today would not vary from the text 0f mHionaliti. s; the right of l.'inorities handed to Count Brwkdorff ll:.ntzau,!(llld ,,, w,n,.ity f r(.jgiu, beliefs and! former herd of the German commit :' ,,r,r, It lavs the basis fo,- ci ;iven-1 tion. tion which shall free the comnurcltl German threats not to live u,i to the ;.,.., ,,f the world from unmst treaty stipulations regarding the east-ja,1(i VMnti r.strictions and for ev ern boundary have been met by the big j,.,y ,,rt ot h.teri.stioiiiil eo-oper-tion tnree witn mstruciions io ine supreme , tl!lt m,rvr t0 ej,.as8 the life of wsr council to take up consideration of , the. world anl facilitate its ac the problem of gettine munitions and wilh Iw.nefieieut service of every war materials to the Polish ari"y. Ikind. I olonel House, i)r,i an nr, nr .loan, ..i, f,.,,,;,!,,.. an:irnuiP, ,m.u wre i 4 SUNDAY ft MIPPODROME A UfWDEUIlLE itrninmiississ nwn ma 1 1 . TRACY, PALMER & TRACY Singing, Dancing, Eccentricities -inion, Rignor Teresjd snd Viscount i never given or even contemplated lie- fhinda have been appointed a speei:,! flltr ln ,,, f;lir treatment of a.l who committee t0 draw up model mn.idator )lll(ir ,t ,,, (XMy tVt f ,,,e Bl,r(1, IC lit la fur tliis rt-UMfit tiikt I have klx.kcn ! - - - - - , - 1 ESTELE RAMSEY Gifted i Pianolopuist ZOLA GUO Comedy Pantomine Acrobatics y The qnestioi of Austrian reparations has leea completed and the remainder of the Austrian treaty is ex pet ted to be presented ct Pt. Germain on Moiiday. j Every Race Represented. In the hall of mirrors at the r.i!ace i there were places for represent at i vet ! of nearly every race and creed in the j world. i The bi horseshoe table wss on a platform elevated about a foot above the floor. Id the center of the horse- . - . . ... ot it us a ureni runner ir ie-w y.ier j of affairs. "There is ground here for (Hep tatis faction, universal reassurance and con fident hope." Acting Heeretary of f'tste Polk en bled the fol'owitig mesage of congiatu lati'ins to the preside t when lit re ceived the news of th signing. Loaves Parts Tonight "Peniiit me to offer my Lcurtfctt FEATURE PICTURES TOO Bligh Theatre i j