Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 28, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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THBKE art: lot mi I lot of persons
is the world (you'v heard them
expressing their opinion, more
than mice, in a horrid stage whisper,
Iwbiud you at a picture theater) who
take all tli romaiue out of the prov
erb that the whole world, loves a lor
i i. Hut breath "a then' a uuu with soul
1 nil who nivtr to himse'if hail ad
mitted that all the world is wild about
a hand of cre free, fnu loving, happy
So lu. tr Klks? (The It. P. O. E. kind,
ot the. irort with horns and things).
1 f auch there die, it 's dollars to a al
vation army doughnut that he is men
tally afflicted. A close study of the
history of hi ancestry would no douol
disclose tho fact that tome distant
forbear was a stone age bobhvi v or
fui bearer to an ancient lord of the
Hohcns dlern dynasty. Because only a
family skeleton su k u.i thnt, would lie
responsible for u utoroc a di -'position,
'i'iicre in mi tiling ti'iont an KIk that
ia dinerem:. c-.u-h a wholesale amount
of sheer good fe'luw-hip such n total
ixciue of anything iu tho least rela
tive to gloom, that an unfortunate nut-s-der
inn not help hut notiee it. The
iiiit.' ni iht of mi KIk 1 1 i ri on a man's
coat spells ' frit inlsliip ' ' and only to
peat the comforta'de club house, with
iia inevitable row of waiting autoino
l"i'o and a fiicndly group or two loit
ering en the. wide reramla Ml one
with an "it's always good weather"
Always, in their clulw, tho service,
flax are Ion and wid', erowiled to
the ciunsou borders with blue and
j!Mei; atnr. M i.vfie it is for'tho nko
of His- whom the Sims represent, iiuil
iu memory of a friendly a nile and ser
vices cheeifullr rendered to their lib-
cut comrades niter long day und hor
ror filled iiht in tli trenches or in
fected woods und wheal fields, t tin t the
F.lhs are Hponsoring the ftilvntion ar
my drive. Or perhaps it in only their
admiral ion, not s-n inueli l or a geml
deed in a naughty world, lis for a kind
rhvd in a lonely one, that prom pled
them to do it. 'Mo mutter what the mc
tive, the fuel remains Hint they have
volunteered to dike the bunion "off the
ahtulilers of the ilirnve little hand of
workers, and have guaranteed to inul.e
h drive a success.
"We're bnekiig the Snlvntoii urine
drive," nay the thousands of Klks
liver the roiiinrv. "What are you go
ing lo do ii'mui) it " And vim 'look at,
tho little bud ;c of pHi fellowship oil
th' eoiil of lli solicitor and Ben a pic,,
tuie of a do; tii.il doughboy and a
meek tired jjirt handing out to him n
cup of hot coffee mid Homo real Am
rr.snn d uighm,!, And 'being u hiiiiiun
!) ing with a heart ni t wholly mluiimiit
yo'i dig down into your pocket as fiir
as Vimi did iu those, dark days of ter
rifying h.'tid'iii s and lengthy casualty
lists. ' '
I Hey are carrying on thine
arty mil on with Die hiuh h
curt nnd
Oil ll urn, II.,, I l. 1
them. Th ire is no aniiftiinoninu, obieel
. I.;.. I Ik..:. , J
" "M-t-iFiiiij a OHrr or
,,.;r Hiisiiuieii generosity
win you Mini tin-in
the ultimate
r anr at wwn
The Joy Of A W
Perfect Skin H
Vy Know the joy and n
& hanninrsfl that mm
to one ihril poswuini H
V aLtn nl ..up,)., uh.I m
" u.. n . r.
haiiiv F1.- u,ft .;.BI
tinffuLshed anrvjrflnctf il
enilcrs briniis out your H
natural beauty to Its lull- Q
. Ini
r 70 vr
1 h
By Gertrude Bibioa
aim is accomplished, standing iu a mod
ernized Diogenes attitude with a lixht
ed lantern above their heads guying
iuto the looking glass! Th'ir object is
not notoriety or a love, of public opin:
ion. They have atmplv developed the
happv trait of remetinxT.iri ffiBjsj re-
inetubering those who do out scruple
to ro into the lowly places and bring
to those who are lout iu the valley, the
words of cheer from the luountaia tops
Lest auld acquaintance tie forgot,
and bow acquaintance be neg'ecimd!
The eswuce of good fellowship. '
Miss Lyra MiJs arrived, in Palom
Tuesday from ('oluiubia university,
New York, where ho has Ikm' I ntt-nd-
ing achool. ilis Mill a has b e l
pointed h-d of the Knitlish
ment of laeifii; collere at .i-iierg for
the coming rear. Mie is a g-adnnte of
the esJ!le' and beiiib-s her ha-helor
deerec which lu received a'. f 'olnn.bia
tuiivertv tins ycur, she holds one
fr-'in Wi'lainctte university al-o.
The friends of .Miss JJ:lea are busy
welcoming both her aud her sister.
Misu Km Milm, who hat recently re
turned from I'aeific colli gt".
The lunie of Mrs. John Shipp, 110
I.afelle si rent, w as throw n open to the
members of tlio Woman' Itelief Corps
Aid swiety Tliurmltiy nlternoon, when '
about fifty ix women nu-t lo speed
a pleasant afternoon. The house was I
liit'ouiingly deciirnted with an iibnnd
ttltce uf led, white und I'lllO flowers'
and after a Ink f business no etiii' a so
cial hour was enjnyel ii'id delicious!
rcfies'iinenls w re served. The om-st of i
hiiiiur a.' the. y-itheriitg wan Mrs.
Sliipp's sis'er, Mrs. May Mctroa of
S;n iiirt ieli Missouri, A-sistant hos!
esa-s were Mis. Alice Caldwell, .Mrs.
Illnoehe lnvis. Mrs. Mnrv Davis. Mrs,
rah Diiv.er, Mis. Ilf ! ie' ruiilap, Mis.
Sarah lais, Mis. Alice havus immI
Mrs. Julia l'av;s.
Huge baskets of pink rosei and dain
ty Canlei'liiiry bells in pastel similes
formed pretty floral di cointiiuis for
'lie s'lver tea eiven bv the Sa'cm Wo
men's club for the benefit of the wo
man 'a building nr Kngene on the afale
hoit.iie ,s;reiiiiils yeslenlny nfieriionn
from .1 to li. The committee in charge
It' the ul'l'air win composed of Mrs.
Uten Oleott, M.s. Y. A. Kllintt, Mrs.
W. K. Ander-.nn, Mis. 1'Vnnk Spuus.
'Mrs. f 'il ill no SmilH, Mrs. I!. H. Ihiwn
ing, Mrs. Willinm Waltnn und Mrs.
H'oiinell Dyer. Miss Maeyl Hunter wits
Moist for the Afternoon, timl a quar
tet, Miss Lona Bello Tartar, Miss Mnr
tin ret Hodge, Mrs. Arthur lli'lin and
Miss Dorothy I'earce, ilelighled the
iriii" ! n with S' ve.'il Ibenutiful aoloe
t:ons. Mrs. lieu Olenll, Mrs. .Iiihn H.
i.Mliert, Mi's. V. K. Kirk and Mrs.
Iticliurd t'nrtwriglit poured while n
nuniiier of the
VOilnirefi soeoil bet m
..i. .i:..,- :. r.t ... .
en Jiose, Jfiss Kdim Ai-kertunn, Miss
fllurriett Griffith and Dorolhy 1'iitter
son assisted in serving. A sum of forty
dollars was realized from the affair
U'" nny, .uiss Jil l
a.id this amount will he turned over 1m
ineilintely to the building fund.
Captain nnd Mrs. Alfred H, Byars
motored ifrom Man Diego lat wwk and
were vnests t the homo of their pnr
eiiitu, (leneriii' nnd Mrs. V. II. U yum,
till."! .ortli C mnierrial street. During
Iheir sojourn in the nnrth n party con
siaing of Captain nnd Mrs. llvars.
tleneral Him I Mrs. Hyaraand Mia Vera
j llice motoreil over the Colmnbia high
wnv to (lolili'ndnle, Washington, where
they spent several days ns the guests
of W. Jtyara ami family. Cuptain
Pynia wns enjoyiing a month leave of
alis'iiee no he a'nrted south the first
of the week nnd from Snn I'ieio will
to Camp Knoj, Ktmituekv. where
is iitutioiied at prineut.
. L. i
Geo. C. Will
The post week ha been crowded
with uiusiea'ei aud the Ioiag recitals
of the various minie teacher ia the
city. One of the moat important of
thcte took jita'e rast evening at the
tirand opora hulls? whin .Miss Minnet-
;ta ilttg'rs pnteut"d a number of pupils
in a voeal recital, u-s;sled ty some ol
the aldest talent obiainalue. 8aleni
music lovara were delighted to tee the
name of Jlarueri'e Koer Oliuger on
tho ppTnm. Aaiunx (lie assi i ants,
Luc:e Adelo Beeker and her brother,
Hvne Becker, both famous 1 reach tnu
.cins, were the most iropirtant. SiKak
me of Mr. Meeker the rortland Ure
gonian of May lsth says:
"JJeno Louii BKer is an educated.
l accomplished musician nnd is a C-adu-
ito ot the Slj-a-.boinsr. A!:ue France
icenseri atory of mu-:r. More than -0
iof his orgs 8 and ihioi composilions
are in print, with various American
and Hum; cur. publinTiiig housis aud
aro favorites iu Amer-i.-ati church 'r
vices and also iu rccita's. Mr. liock
er arrived in this eonntiy, from Ku
Mpe, in 1IK)I, aud lias made hi home
in St. Louis, Mo., lielleville and Alton,
and other cities in the east. In
IIU'i, ho married, in St. Louis, Miss
Angela Landzettel, n talented piaui-lt,
who is his faithful, fearless nunic crit
ic, one wha consistent ly watcTies the
improvement in her distinguished bus
band's music interjirctations. "
enslern iuumc cri'.ie says oif Mr,
r'a muse: "It is fre-h, vigorous,
in every movement, unpedautic.
.Mr. lio ker h niitsie
'a music genius u-evrts it-
self in modeling nnd presenting present
cl-.'incnts. He conti Unite u ilecided
iniietMS to pipe orgnu conip'sit ions
tltnitigh his genuine iiieludiuiwt'ess in
the ti'uull works witinss the gnyety
of 'Clirinson in: tinu'e ' or til" quiet
beauty of its companion 'Chanson dil
s.iir' andf hi pure inusieiif iceling and
f .A'd :u iu siinnia form. His melodies
are u'unys siei.alile mid lieaulit'ul and
his earnest neas and Herioiieuess as
shown iu his simaias is equaled only
! nv li-d iri-e il I'liiiiinanit nf i-tiv-ttiniie
t real ment. ' '
The intermediate and advanced pu
pil of Mrs. Walter Denton were pre
sentedTlnirsiln y iil'lernoon in nn enjoy
iilile s'uilio reeitul. As is usual with
Mr Den tun's reeita's. the attair was
beautifully nrraneed nch number
a delight in il elf. Tie jirogrum was:
Puttf, Toet and JVasnnt Overture....
Von ISiippo
' I'.Iliert I.u lielle, Donald
DniiHo ilongroiso
Helen Cory
A lrenni ,
A Hi sou
I'hyllis Walker
Martha Flotn -Smith
V'ernn Kinnke
A Lc'end Licdorajelil
.lunette Jones
Kusiinn Hong
Florence Klgiu
A Polish Dnnse 8
Vnlw in 1 ,Klnt
Krnnces Hedge
Fn Hose and Vnii
.. t'hopin
Chnilotte Horning
Serenado do Oounod Huvitu
Klorence Klgin
Rustles of Wpring
Kii'ieuia H:ivnge
Hpnnish Dunce ..
Iji I'npilliiu
T'onnld Allison
Bthelwynno Kelly
Pra Iiavalo
... Smiling
K'brt Lnchelle
Kecollivtions of Home Mills
Mildred Hrunk
A much webrinied viwitor in the
capital city is Mnr. Oeorge Mover of
Snn Francisco, who is the giiest of Mrs.
Murk Skiff.
Tuelay afterneon and evening the,tsi fc Bianner would betray as iaa-
First Baptist church and tuudjy achool' pa'iciire or nerviiusres-s, He is d.rect, '
enjoyvd il anaajl eutirsi at the fair j calm, kiadly. Eu dark, 'euetrattng
gruuada. "Ufle day km imal aud user cjos look stra gat at you hen he
two hundred1 persons of aH ages fisna siH'aks. He has the reputation of fee
the beginners ia the primary dpart- iug able to tara of aa eno
ment to the members of the aduli e!f- J amount of werk ia aa incredibly shurt '
ea, were nrewua. ;Ther were iptaixe, j time.
ana eontevts for al! whua were en
tered into heantiiy. A delirious picnic
upper was served by a comma tew of
women of which' Mrs. C, R. liregg was
chairman. The Htiti'lav eool addeJ a1
treat of i cream. The sports were un-
der the direction of the young men's
class, Arthur Smither, president. One
or ma moat exciting features was a
game of indoor bas-ball brtweem -the
u.arnea men ana tne single men, wrnics
mo lormer won nv tne narrow taritH tou that ho has install, .1 a bird
.Tin m.. ....... Tl,. K . . ... V-
s'- jr mt
married men was Fred Hroer iiitcher
and caot Vail catcher, for the auricle
men, Kalph We'born idtcher and lilean
uregg caicner. it tooK two umpires tr
se Ike game through. E. A. Miller!
and Theodore Both. The picnie was
voted by all presmt as being one of
the most enjoyable that have been held
.Master Jean KantuT, coloratura so -
prano, will appear iu concert this eve-
n-ng at the First Congregational church
He will be assisted by Clifford W.
Kantner, basso rahtan'e, and I ho choir
of the church whose members, are Miss
Alice Judd, soprano; Mrs. John J. Hub
erts, alto; William MeCilchriat, Sr.,
tenor, and Albeit H. Oillc, basso. The
nccoinpai.i.sts re Miss llemico Clark
and Clifford V. Kantner. Vainnesses
for"the concert lire M-s. John J. Hub
erts, Mrs. it. J. Hendricks, Mrs. Clif
ford Brown, Mrs. Fred Stewart, Mis.
"hop, Mrs. (leorg.
II R.irm.tt
Mrs. T.
A. Liveslcv and
Mrs. 1). W.
The program is:
Angels Bright and Fair Handel
To a Wild Hose MacDowell
Jean Kant'icr
Prologue (Op J'ajliac -iJ-Lcoti C'avalla
Mr. Kantner
Villunelle (French) Del' Acqua
Jean Kantner
Keening Hymn (selling of Whittiera
poem) Kantner
The Sky and You Kantner
A Beggar' Love Sung (words lV
N. L. Kauliier)
Mr. K ii n t ii or
Pretty Maids (op Kigoletto)
Jean Kantner
I.vrie (or'inn nnd iimio) ....
Mr. Kantner, Miss (Mark
Peerless Otegoa
The Horn
ilr. Kantner
Sarnr Hose" (Italian)
... liilli
r.veuing Bells ....
Jena Kantmr
As Pants the Hart (from tho Cruci
fixion) J?pohr
Joan Kantner and choir
One of tiie ureitiist features of the
(lig victirv- e.-U'liraUon which the Sn
llem War Mothers are putting on, will
be the dunce by the little pupils of
Mrs. liiilph While's juvenile class, in
Willsiin park nt T;.!U on the evening
of July Fourth, Some of the dunces,
which niu i lirtieu Iiit favorites with
everyone lire, "The Coming of
Spring," "Wood'siid Sprites" "But
terfly Dance," "Pipes of Pan," High
land' Fling." "Sword Dance," tire
eian Dance," "lied Ooks dance, " Vic
tory dance," Liberty dance,''' ''Sjmn
ish Flirtation." "American Oavutte"
:uut "Dawn," nnd "The Dance of the
Miss Millie N.'iswander becamo the
bildo of Oliver I rost mt 9:110 o'clock
June 15th, Sandnr morning, at the M,
K. church in Pendleton, the Kev. K. E.
tlornaJl, pastor of the church, reading
the) biupresMivo ling ceremony.
The bride looked beautiful and fair
in a dress of ,'wliito satin combined
with white georgette crepe and old
lace, carrying 'bouquet of tiridea
rVllowing the ceremony a brdial par
ty of slight was erved an elaborate
breakfast at the Quelle.
Tho (iride is the eldest dnughter of
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. INeiswander, rciee.nt
ly from Portland and is a very attract
ive young lady, taking an active part
ia church work. The gmom is a young
iu a n uf sterling qualities and a former
I resident of Oregon City,
j Mr. and Mrs. Frost will make their
I horn in Walla Walla. Washington.
Miws Alta I'nttersoii of .3alem aud
i Roy Jt Vinard of Waeonda plighted
I their troth at high noon Thursday at
the home of Miss .Patterson' parents,
.Mr. and Mm. C. il Patterson, 2315
South t'ottnge street. Only the immdt
ate relnitives of the couple witnessed
the ceremony. The liride, who was un-
ten. led waa beautiful In a gown of
white erepn do ehinc over satin and
carried a pr-tty bouquet of fink sweet
pea and white roses. After a wedding
trip to Alaska the young couple) will
make their home in Portland.
In the July number of the "Sunset"
magazine there appears an Interesting
ariieiu Ii v (proline nasson 1 nomason,
under the title " latereirting Western
ers. It is a short character eketrh
and shorter biography of Governor
eott, and reading it ha the same ef
feet upon one a l.s'cnuig to a prima
ilonna aing ".My own I mted 8tatt
of America. " The fact that one Is from
Oregon is always a source of greatest
pride to an regonian, just as tourist
re-niae tlifll an utatl.ir Iimw In un is
in patriotism while living in the s'ates'and while wws used in the lovely deco-
the moment one 'ts foot on foreign ration r tarolva Testout rfsw' and
soil np gne the star and strip!
Mis Thoniason, the author of the ar
ticle is well known locally. She is a
particuUir friend of the F F. Carle
ton's and ha spent many visit in the
capital city as their guest, rihe ia also
acquainted with Mr. and Mr. R. Mon
ros Oilbert and their beautiful mm-
th.m once extended its hoitalitv to
the author. Among th internet ing
truths that ahe le'ls the readers of the
Sunset ia her article are the follow -
ing two paragraph, clipped al ran-
dom from the writing:
(Kivemor Okolt is not the old type
of public official who aits importan'ty
at a big desk formally receiving viit-
ors whu have waited luag and auxieir-
ly in the outer effiee, then are made
to feel a governor's time is cxcecil-
ingiv limited and the few minute at-
b'ted bv h;iw a cftndecens'oe. Were he
to cat.h a train within fifteea nia-
As jroverner, Clcett's ptdicy i jro
greive and constructive. The enconr
a.'eai -nt of iadusfry to the fullest ei
tiat, and its eorolla-y, harmony te- j
tween employer and employe, perhaps
s uud the leading note of this policv.
The liul lesiJatur. kiirhl i.a,.d.'il
'him for his waaag'-meat'of the state
' buildings and th bjautifol .mn.il.
j To give aainsi;ht into the human in-'
; terest side of the new governor I must
.." .. .... i
ut oeiween me atale hou and the
' ennrrme court r,y,l,!n 9nrl tkni V.
v.-rr fond f ,,im.l. k,n lif ;.
' ideal ami Oinr. r; i:,.i. :
Oleott boys.
Last Hundav eveninir in the form f
an informal supper, Mi-a Teresa Fowle I
entertained for her brother, Dean, who 1
jlett TuesthiT .for New York city. The
! rmuw wen. "iircltilv l..,.lic.l ;ik ru.
j fa .bouquets of gaVden flowe-s and the
la'ter part of the cveniug was spent
with music. Those enjoying the hospi
tality of the hostess were, Musics Fre-j
da Hpitrfmrt, Ksther Kpit.burt Kuby i
"Uson, Mrs. W. r. iowle, Mr, aud
Mrs. Lawrence Pinion, Leo fpit.bart,
Dean Fowle nnd Lvle Itige.
Two beatitiiful recitals wrre held in
ti.p. Kirt 'omrr(t'a'ionnl church last
lion day and Wednesday when Miss
j Beatrice Shelton pre -ent. d her. advanc-
en Inuns in reci t nl. the cliUreh. was
beautifully deconitcd with 'Jtorotliy
Perkins rumblcis and pink Canterbury
bells, Miss (irflce Fawk having charge
of that important part of Jhc affair.
A s ante on 'he Monday piognim
were jl'a Ada ilii'.er, s piano; Mrs.
A. A. S hratnm, piano; Profes or T. S.
Ileib-rts, crg-in, and A. A. Schramm,
tenor. A particularly beautiful, number
wis th. AruJiinn mg cycle "The
Heart -of Fararda" hy M.-Milhin. in
which Mis Miller won new lauiels
and gnve additional proof f her ex
traoritiiiarv ta'ent mid genius. Mix
Bedford, h iiccoinpnni-t, was esn dai
ly giod. Her aptitude along this line
is something execpiienal. It is the npin
imi of Salem niiiKteul critii s that noth
ing m ire nrtistie than this song cycle
has ever been present "d in Salem.
Professor Huberts was as usual, u
favorite with the audience, and Air.
and Mrs. X lira in in were both verv on-
: ''ill
isfunlly received. AH the
i oers iu wnicli the pupils took part were
'will rendered and showed a great deal
or ninny, ine program fellows:
II Trovatore do Veidi Albert!
Until lied ford, Kobej-t llawsou
Kwyawiak (2d Mnxurka)....W
(Iretchen R owii
leniiet J'
Du use al' An', ico
Joanna Juniei
Vuleik .-.
i lil'iwski
Stent Saens
organ, Mr.
The Swan
.Piano, tiladvs Harbert
K. ib Hts ' '
i no nenn ot j"arn.ia Atnhian otig
cycle) McMillan
The OueiWon ' '
Hefore hit minor,
In the ros' garden
At the mosque
The citv to Azrnil
Miss Miller
Huth Bedford, piano
Poloiinim Op. 4, (i No. 1 hopin
Hubert Rnwfon
Hond CapricrioBii Mendelssohn
tlladyis H'irbert, Ruth H.'dford
A word picture alV'foi icnlly repre
senting this composition, (lently draw
ing ihehind him the nft violet curtains
of hi night pavilion, the sun gives
place to the twilight and the dancing
clve who make) mfrry. Their pranks
grow more unrestrained until the cl"se,
when the fresh chill wind of night
!wesps the tre; tops. v
Value do Coweot Dennee
Scaramouehe Thome
tiencvieve Yannke
Kamennoi Ostraw Kubenstein
Andaoti from (Svii'otlc) Ia'arhetixk j
lliino, Ruth Bedford; organ, Mr.
The Inv is Done Lohr
Miss Miller. Mi. Schramm
Piano, Mr Schramm; organ, Mr.
Tho West Ceutra! fVircle of the First
M. E. church were delght fully enter
tained at the home' ef Mrs. Roy Shields,
MtW North Fifth street Friday after
noon. The afternoon was spent 'with
conversation and a social hour, follow
ed tiy a bttsinees session. Thi being the
hwt meeting until fall, the election of
oincers was neirj ann the rollowinir
ladies elected: Mn K. V. Rvder. nres-
t Silent; Mrs. B. K "Vsret. viee 'president;
Mra. Walter Winslew, ' secretary and
Mrs. E. A. Kurlx, treasurer. IWiurpiets
of sweet peas, roT lilies and maiden
i hair fern nario the rooms attractive,
j Ihiring the refreshment hour Mrs. Wal-
j ter Window as"ed the hos css in
serving. About fourten Isdie, wre
j pres 'lit , to enjoy the hospitality of the
i Mhietdw home.
M'i w Isobel M liar and Mis Nellio
Prum r were joint hi stosn at. an in
formal evening. Momlar. at the home
of Miss Mil'ar on .Vorih Summer
i street. The affair sswsi ia the form of
I a misWlsiwmi shimer for Mr. and
Mra. W. If. Mills; Mrunl,. HintonV
1 whose weikbnr was a recent June
M-ani k -trt nl. ..t
omnge I'lkssom and further carried out
in Hie dainty refrishmonts. The eve-
nini was giilv Tent with music, and
dnming. (lict for the occasion were
the yenng women from the auditing
department of the Jndustrinl Accident
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Merer left last
Mnn ttir for a motor trir in California
Thry will visit ia some nf the largest
j cites ef (he southern state and slop
j at mosr tif th p-in's of interest bv
th" wr. Thw trip will prbb!v cover
' a period of two weeks,
' Mr. aid Mrs. Walter -M aulding wie -
lo-ej to .ewlierg during tha week and
wvre the s-o-s ef Mr. and Mrs. tlif -
ford Spanldinir. Thev were arco.x;aa-
ied by Misa Aila M Her.
Fry Mm First In Eiiying
Ii 1 U4iwU lliil III LuiU.Z
Summer Fashions
For Every Wear
The joy of 4 summer's outiiig or vacation is
more than half in the knowledge that one is prettily
and fashionably attired and here are all of the sea
son's most desirable modes in suits, coats, dresses,
blouses, gloves, hosiery, muslin and silk underwear
and other summer wearables, ready for your selec
tion at usual popular prices for quality merchandise.
Individually Styled
You will appreciate the comfort as well as the at
tractiveness of these bathing costumes selected for
the perfection in modes.
Smartly styled, some washable, all in the newest sum
mer fashions and the prices are extremely reason
able.' . .
There is a blouse here for every wouiani.for, in this
wide variety of models and materials every type of
feminine beauty will find'a pleasing style.
6. ltijjlrg (0.
Where Stopping Is a Pleasure
With the house a perfect bower of
,r,-eefnl i.iuk and white Canterbury
hells. Mrs. Walter Denton presented a
number of her little pupils in recital
Wednesday night. Nothing is more
pleasing than the quaint unaffected
way iu which children perform any giv
en task, and the milliner in which the
little musician went about it showed
how much of a pleasure their music
was to tin ni. Everyone, from the young
est to the oldest was a stnr number
and played with a musical understand
ing that was really remai knlde. Some
of those who showed more than ordi
ilarv progress were Naiicy Thielsen,
Margaret Steiuer, Helen Ashlitra and
Bennett, Edwards. Franees Martin in
her Indian dance and t'ance of Spring
was exceptionally good. As usual, Mux
ine Mover was very clever in her num
bers, and little Arthur Fisher who clos
ed tho program with "America" re
ceived a silver medal for progress-. Rev
erend fstover of the Central Congrega
tonal church spoke briefly to the chil
dren on tho unmistakable influence of
music ia their lives. Mrs. E. E. Fisher,
shaking for the parents, cxprewed
their appreciation of Mrs. Denton's
work and presented her with an a'buin
filled will! the pictures of her little
pupils. The little uues, standing in the
flower decked music room meUing
the congratulations of
made a prettv picture
their friends
and formed
happy ending to the evenings enter
tainment. The program follows:
The Merrv go Round fiaynor
Frances -Manin, Arthur Finhpr
, rt'tj V . I Mini- i. wi'K'iii iu ininm nil- .icnn-
Little Hunters March Riddcrhof Ros(, ftiva alld after the fcstiviti
Henry Thielw'ii ! spfnt B f(w. in Vmv,ian Pnll,l)r
Pond Lilly Polka Spanlding , nsiting friends.' From there Mr. Bus
Jolly Kuindrnps S(iau!ding selle returned to falifnrnia and Mrs.
Helen Williamson Busselle came to Salem. Hh will re-
The Cricket and the Bumblebee
; ; Chadwich
Mildred lilliert
The Little Orenndier Hophirk
Virginia Berger
Marching Through Oeorgia
Arthur Fisher
The Little Toe Dancer Hopkirk
Halloween Pranks Leadmaa
Kathryn Klgin
MoAinz Itird Zeiler
A Merry Hornpipe Fletcher!
Helen Asliliman
r. j:.. rv.. r;.i,
ii J k,;7 " vs.n.lxoilgors residence on Court street
t ranees
The Village Pance
The Iancing tiirl
.vauey linemen
Th" Pi Hies Tiidiug nrscbnck Brown
t'nrle Remus Sekaefer
Harold Oiingcr
The Shepherdess Thinking of Heme
Rovena Fyre
'lasing the Butti-rflies l.ilmcrj
Margaret Stciner
Pixies March Brown
i Tlonnld Allison. Ronald Craven
I tles of Yesterday for L II Davies
! Marjolaine Sartorio
i B-neitta Ldwards
i Ciavntte Piquant
Kovens Kvre
j Phantoms - Met'a'fe
Konaid raven j
i Caprice Kilersberg
'The Merrv Brooklet Virgil!
Msxine Clover
"Th Trae Haer'erto Portland to attend a performance
, L f'apdlon .. Ibnnce of i!w Jul iaa Kitinge company at the
j Pie.a!d A!b"n illcii theater.
iTitania - Wf
Kthelwynne Kelly
, prl IMaroli .". Anbcr fsmith
1 F.llierl J.aehclle
i America .. .
l Artlinr Fihcr
j Ooodnight song, by Helen Ah!imaa
I and Mxine glover.
Try Silen First h Baying!
! UJiii 1 il.il U UUjU.'il
Uevereud mid Mis.
St. )'aul ' Ki'.si-n:-
l haries Powell of
church iiiteriaii -.'
i ed th
members of the choir nt n dt
lightfutly iiii'ni'imil party Monday eve
ning at th'j rectyry. rink und green
were used us ih'coiativc colors aud the
evening w:n pleasantly spent with
games und uiuc. riiliuinatin.it w.i1li
the serving Of d.'licious refreshments.
About fifteen ytn'sls were pieaent.'
I hif I elf.
Ronald Mover has returned to
after an absence of ten din
which she visited ill The.
Mrs. (Hover-'was tho first del
egate to.the oW'omun 's .Relief ViirpsY
conventic( lielip in The Dalles June
17th, lKth, 'nnd Uih. She was accom
panied hy her ar-dor, Mn. J. S. Duu
lnp. . , . i .
Before reluming severnf days were
spent in tioldeiidiile, Washington, at
the home of their 'brother, W. S. llvars
and family.
Monday evening found a merry
crowd motoring to Spoil gs. landing
when" a delirious picnie supper wasi
.icrvcd after which the ti ne waj apcut
in singing and conversation n round the
pl"nsant camp fire. Sponsors for the
affair were the .Misses eda and Es
ther Sptti.hart and those invited were
Lvle I'age, hn Siiit.i ait, Ileinian Vi-
I esko and Mr. l owle.
Mrs. ,1. S. lhiulnp is entertaining as
her guest, her gist .T in law, Mrs. .1.
i H. iiii - 'lie of Oakliind, California. Mrs.
IBuiwdle, accompanied by hor husband.
I n... . n ......... A .V
! maia about a week.
For 'the purpose of enjoying a va
cation and taking a eompkne real,
,,-8. Viola Vender Holman, of San
Francisco, has come to Salem to spend
the eiiiuiiier with her parents, Mr. and
Mis. Andrew Vercler. Mrs. Holman
was formerly n resident of Salem and
is a violinist of reeogniz-d ability and
xtraoTdinarsr talent.
Mrs. Oeorge Hoitgers nd daughter
Mis Margaret, have gone to Astoria
after a week' atay at the beautiful
Kodgers has just returned from Va-
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jenks aro enjoy
ing a lniltor trip in Washington. Their
nil in, ale iw stination m Waterville,
which they will reach by way of Seat
tie. They expect to be gone for everaJ
Miss There" Dcvcrrwin of Parkers-
hurg, who lias teen visiting friends ia
lim for a. short -while went to Jlon
moaih during the week to attend the
ummer achool there.
Friends of Mrs. William MeOilchrver
fr., are grieved to b-arn of her illneiw
ai'I are shoneriiig her with flower aad
messages of evmpathv.
j '
I Flowers and messages ef svmimtliT
' from her numerous friends are finding
their way tn the hospital where Mrs.
Curtis B. Cross ia ill.
Mr. and Mr. Fred Lamport motored
Mrs. arl Boney I, ft yesteiday for
.mnntis, Unin, f.if an extended vieit
relative and friewds. i
Mrs. A. W. Jrtb-tt of Oak C.rove
was the guest of Miss Corseba Marvia
lat Ve.iiie.lay. Mrs. P.artiett wf for
merly a hbrari3E is Irwa.
fCoutitiued en m