THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 28. 1919. PAGE FIFTEEN CCISSIDNES COURT (Continued from Tig 1.) 1'oole, O A Uo iwi. x w do Kiugwald, M K do 3'uouui. J W do Willis. I'll il M do iligjins. C 8 ii I'rten :an, O O do ltarknian. John V da Yersen Mary A do sprier, Kr! 0 da Moore. Frieda do . Marty, I! E do vlvr, i harhs du 'va",s Harrv 1 do IV! Uf. A K do Veller, E K da tMscho, Ed do tfo.ta. Sela.s do Mwrs, Mrs Lou A do , Myers, tr I do ... .Wephsen, Jlrs L K do Kirk, Josephine H do Tim tor, J L do Aur' lei heide, Ered do Bond "iViii A do Mi"arr!l, Win do .'. Welch. Monh, do .. wnly, J K do .. Held, Hcttn do .. Whipple, (ieo -M do fNiiitu, Jl.utde li do Ma hour, AI W do ....... I'arker". S F do luilah, Mary, do .... Marthaler, Mcllie J do Moses. Uraee do ....hnson, F O do Clark, T J do Van. Cleave L M do Worden. Knljih do l'ul.isou, Ruth, do 'Weeks, W II do I'raruiiup, W U do d'anuine, I, 1 do Weeks. I. K do Kiekniun, Win do Ssiegiiiuud, A K do Kleiie, John H do iMoisan, ilrs U J do f-toveiis, 1'earl do Hegmiind, Minnie do .Moisan, C. J do Wiield-, K E do i J dinson. Kdw M do ..... Jk'niing, Otto do S'.egimind, 1. K do Keppinger, Jug V do Wills, ,lli ii do Marshall. Mrs K S do KuVus, Al do iu-pplnger. Mr Ceorgie 1, do Ruii.ens, Joseph do (lensnn, Jj 1' do ,. l-Vrrehweiler, . .) do Willi, Wm do Manning. John E do Cei.ige, Jt T do llay w :ii il, Mrs Kiihy do V...'. H t . I . l!ane I V do Munio, ilrs Kara It E do JM'lirroll, I) 8 do Hughes, A B W do 1 auderlui !, John H do 1 ti 1 1 i i f 1 1 1 . Edward Jr do (Mtawav, tieo H do HiSrt." W do 1 tinman, Kdw Nr do in i . .i.. 'unignii, Mnnrii'o do , Tweed, .lolni do Htevens, Ellis du Walt mini, ,f K do Van Trump, 11 do Od.lie, Florence do WitMiert Lena do ... Johnston, Jo do I'imirk, .1 A do Weaver, Frances K io KesU r, Eona do Ooleinnn Mary K do Kisler, M ll" do I'iniii-k, II K do .. Bojo, H ,lo falnier, V B do I'.-tlnur. Kit rl do ('albert. ,1 L do Coyle, Ella tlo ran. tor, Edith-do Melvin, Minnie ilo llovemleii, Kilna do Hi Shane, lj : do "Mack, II V do Urn n, W I do Kruiiiling, M B do eHioll, I, M ilo ilumplirev, O W do J.ih'hr, A . C do MittiiiNker, A J do l.laeknell. Maud do klninpe, Mettie do Kolniid. .1 H ilo WraeM. K K do Allen. F W tlo Joty, J K do "MeKce, 4Muis do ro-thera. .1 V. iln Cti re nnd, R D do .. Stpvenwn Henry do V.-. K.I I on do '. TVeelon. Thou J do Tonei, W A io . Ma-tin Mvrtle do King, R O do I'ntton. A .T do r.nfidell, Alice do Pierson, H W do . Morrnw, J V do Hum -11, 0 W do Vf.l.ins. V H do Foiith, ,T L do 'Itainimn, Ntoplien do "Becker, Anthonv do ISonney, John M W do Saudi is T L d.i Becker, E.lw A do Kietfmniid, K ( do "nta-d, Clara do "". 'lnP K fa, Bnrdicl;, Lizzie do ;. tshatrip, linnio do , Mn'U. v, Wm V do Jle ker, .To do TVrinjfer. (I K do Kin F I) T'.f, 1. .Tno W tlo Tavlor. A J .In Tavlur, C.race do M-t.ti, Jennie E do ll'ivnes, Snr.p do MaeMaster Psnv An . Wel!,orn. C 8 do' BiJtin. Frank X da Wel'mrn, (n'oruia do Mnta'l. 11 M do '.Ivans. He'cn E I. do ''"o. J T do fiv, F R do Jc!;, J L do . Ilnshes, A E di Whit. J R do Fitrer, ,T W do IWining. Herrr do Keber, A'ol do Aanen, Marg d. Barmsn John T do l-ch trulv, Fri'd do "5a!d. AJfred do - EW.-. J VV do . 6.60 ill .1 II .1. A 0;fc I May, Geo Jo 6.00 I ituuli, Henry do 3.00 . :Ki!ht, tier! i side d.i 3.(H iM t'Saalfold. Hei-rv do 3 t Smith. Marxai.t K do 3.00 ''"" Smith, i' S do Xch e W(S aa;. John do' 3.00 'H' IVrrhtol.t, J;f.'i j tlo S.00 fi-'-w II. wk, Urville do , 3.00 :!- Kueliier, Henry ii du 3.00 30" : uvid-ou, T I." do 6.60 3.M i'.ter L W do 6.00 3 00 Moll. "Mav do 6.00 3-U0 Bewer.s.' L do . 6.00 3.00 lUvd, Kiith 1 do 6.00 3 l.itk, y M do 6.00 300 I'ennv. U A do . 6.00 7 0 , Farlane. J C do 7.40 3 W I:eat, K M do . 6.00 6-00 lionets, E L tlo 6.00 " OO Mae atthv. O V do 8.00 6 W Cauthorn, il K do 6.00 i--V0 Cauthorn, Kva do 6.00 6.00 r...ii,.r A It .1.. .:o 3.00 (Jroves, Madse, do 6.W) 3.00 Vv, W E do 7.40 3.00 1 :,;..r lad,;e do 6.00 S OD .lJt;;i'lirWl. Jas du 0.00 3 00 Trick, T It tlo 60)0 3.00 DcHft-r, Kntina L do ti.00 3.0't i Fuestinan, Mia Effie do 3.00 3 .0 '('ooley. W du 3.00 3.01 Booisma, Mrs Florence do 3.01) 3.00 fhemmth. Mrs tirace .i do 3.00 6-00 Kane, Mi, Kiith tlo 8.00 W.00 Veatfh. A W do 3.20 6.00 McDonald, C C do , 3.00 6.00 Knonland. Ada do 3.00 6.00 Traglo, -Ida C do 3.00 3.00 l'i,.ree, 1. li M tlo 3.00 :'. Ciaig, It W do 3.00 3-00 'jionuell, Ida M do 3.00 3-00 .S:eniiitiiid Jnez J. tio 3.00 ;i-mi ; Kof f, CraVo do 3.00 3-10 Kloepping, Laura M do 3.00 Davis, Menitt ly a.20 3.00 ' DPi,B,,r fVll u Jo 3 00 3.00 ; otu&vr, l.ucn'tia do ' 3.00 3.IHI .wi5( Vivian C do 3.00 3-00 S;iluiriii Susan t: do 3.00 3."0 Skai'lo J B do 3.1)0 5.80 Keene, .Sophie do 3.U0 jJ-" Richard.un, Maude L ill 3.U0 u.OO Cameron, Jla.lie F no 3.00 3-0'J, White, .Nona tlo 3.00 3-00 Kellv. Vernon F do 3.00 3.00 K reus, T J tlo 3.00 3 -00 lliehuidsoii, W V do 3.20 3.00 ; Banla, Fntncia X do 3.00 3-00 ; l.avidson, Mary ,X do 3.1KI 3-0" j Liston. W A "do 3.00 ;;,'. J W do 3.00 3.00 Cnry, Lizzie do 3.00 3-00 Vance, Violet i tlo 3.00 3.''0 i Qui it ii, Anna il do 3.00 f' W j Martwell, Charles V do 3.20 3'60lVuntiH, W W do 3.00 3-'M I Turner, .Mahelle tlo 3.00 3-00 j Hulscv, Emilia du 3.00 I '-'iO , lluntley, 1) J l(.()0 0.00 Eyre, (i W do 3.00 6-00 j I'll, ten, Alex do 3.00 'j'OO ,.1,1,1.1. .Mite M do 3.00 6.00 i shields, Emina d0 3.yo 3.of i Ashby, J I) ,1 3.00 'H 1 1'iiiounasiiin, Cleinina C do 3.00 :; 0() AikUts'k A W do 3.20 ;'-00 jT'iiid'e, 'Mil.lied do 3.00 3-00 i li.chter, Lois .M do 3.00 (iill.ert, F ,H do 3.00 3.(,( j Wi-loter, Daniel do 3.00 3.00 j Nelson, Jnliu9 ,) ;j.0U jLntliy Annie do . 3.00 3-00 , How. and. Nina IS ., 3.00 l.iteht'ri'l.l, .Sesie A do 8.00 "00 iivinun.l. W M do 3.20 J!-1'1 1 Hayes. ( K do , 3.00 ,0.00 KJahls.lorf, Wm do 3.00 t.,00 ;-.:vnli u ,i0 3 0n 3-"" jBr.iwnson, J A do 3.00 3-(H) Aiiiistion, Jj V ,n 3.0(1 3-"11 EnKlil,, F A do r 3.00 3.00 I Uiu .,l,l .( rf ! im 3-UO l!ss. Carrie II do 3.00 '"' Ash, Ethel Mav tlo 3.00 3" .Smith, Jos X do 3 00 I'M Herman, .Toha B do 3.20 3 "0 jjioxi,., r,,Ilp ,i0 3 00 '.no j Aiiiistroi..;, Eva V ilo 3.00 3.00 ismart, Deilha do 3.00 ;;-on Icill.spie, .1 .1 do 3.00 3.00 j B .,..,.!, C F do 3.00 3."" Fiu.ier, Annie E do 3.tK) ''0" jliucft'mv, Enna M do 3.00 'W Uridht, ' Alia L do 3.00 I Kuril, Adam do 3.00 '"'l'uulus, Otto K do 3.20 Crawfeid, E .' d.i 3 00 '.00 I ivrr.v i; (i .lo ( 3.00 3.00 Viirttli, Lee Jl do 3.00' fi"s0 McDaniel, Opal ilo 3.00 3.00 Harritt, J W do 3.00 3-0 Chapiitun, Oda L do 3.00 3-OOMcDaniel, Ida V do 3.00 3-00 Roy, Lou A do 3.00 3.00 I Dntson, F S do 3.20 3 00 Meirinii, H do 3.00 3.00 I l.v,., (I I. ,1,, 3.1K 3 0 iVurtfo. W F do 3.00 7.00 Spiizhart. Chas do 3.00 6"0 Kice, O do 3.00 i(0 Davis, ,V H do 3.00 fi.W IXilca, I. la L do 3.00 6-00 Alhrieh, Bertha . do 3.00 COO Head Elizahetli du 3.00 6 00 (l,.,.r,' L (' do 3.20 7.00 Hoover, If X do 3.00 6 00; n(,P, Oortrude J M do 3.00 6.00 Hreitzke, Miirtha (i do .... , 3.00 90 : Kiijr.-troin, Louella I do '3.00 COO Litchfield. (Jen p tlo 3.00 0f. I Moore, A X do 3.00 (5.00 Boeschen, Man- ilo 3.00 C.OO Downing. Lnvin do S.oO .") Talkiiutoti, Cora Ti do 3 00 (UMVItwninsr. R r. do 3.00 10.00 Cora E do S.ou fi.00 , Ki.j,l,.n, L i!a E di 3.00 COO Retnien, Ruhr V do 3.00 3 00 Waters, Margaret M do 3.00 3.00 .fcaaer A .1 do 3.00 3.00 Brant' "Ruth A do 3.00 3.00 Cmdit. Ada L .lo 3.00 S.OO Holt, Mm !' (i ,io 3.00 RfiO B,.attv, Mat tie F do 3,00 3.00 Moore, A II do 3.20 3.00 (iciw-r, V W do 3.00 3.00 Martin, Ivan V, do 3.00 3.00 'Hazard, Edith C do 3.00 7.00 Shank. Mav do 3.00 3.00 Reeves, Winnifred E do 3.00 ll.i'O ; ! h ten, K.l-ue V d 1 3.00 7,00 Vied-o. Florence do 3.00 3.00 'Diniiek, Ora M do 3.00 3 00 Johnson, Eva ' .lo 3.00 3.00 Dttman, Unlit li do 3.00 3.00 IHiniola A J do 3.20 11.0.1 Stanton, Xettie ilo 3.00 3.00 (Jialiani. Emma I do .- 3.00 11.00 Dnnisnn, Helen M do 3.00 6 09 Diiulan, .1 P do 3.00 6.00 C,W?n. Hat 1 do 3 00 6.00 Clevo'an.1, Mary II tlo 3.W fi.OO ' KlSm. 7 iiicne" ilo 3.00 3."0 , Dicker, Liter A d. 3.00 3..W Fle-in.' H W do 3.20 3.00 (laniard, J X do 3.00 3.00 Ihmlap. -T F do 3 00 3.fH) Frinee, Jesi do 3.00 3.00 ( lark, Blanehf do 3.00 3.W Bal.eo.-k, Ida M do , 3.00 Mwrcs, ilarr S da Jertt.HH Ix'la d t ... H'oen.', Althe do j'Wkite, Xollu 1 & Uas'y, tirade l du (ilover, U C do . i lluckesteiu, Wilia do ,i..i..n .t .1., ; ( hittetiden Mane do S Helen, Irene do Hauuijiartuer. J ds iThoaipsou. Ann B do ! Oaury, .Mollie O do Altman, Fthlind do "lhtucy, W 11 do llerren, V do Conner, H i tlo lloluinn, John W do m Iverr.!i Julia do Hughes, J F do Muriows, Ida K do CaUioek, Koso W do l'ais, Mary K do . l'aviy. Villa A do ..- ; Cht rrmtun, W M du ..lohiisi'n, Leona (.! ik . Vtiio, Lvle J do Kahn, M J do M;nto. Jeanelte B do l.infoot, W J do Diaiier. W F do Johnsuii, Boruiee do Atpke, Lama do . aVss, ,lue.i.lui:e II do ; Elliott. X Jj do .. ! Arpke. C A do Seheilhei'. 11 do I Inrey, J t .lo Siiaw, (.leu E do i Matton, E L" do ! lien aids, do do . j Aut'rane, E A do Brtsler, 11 (' do I Maaec, Lillie ilo M ill's B .1 do I Mohney, W 1 do Cnlvtsr. Mrs S Z do .IimNui, Lewis E do j Kit z, ! .1 ' I'ahl.t in Nellie (1 do !.luison, Leonaid B do j I 'isiiop Hazel J do Kuntz, A'liaii.'.u M do i Mullen, C S do 'lloodiii'' J X do ' MyUonuld, .Mary tlo j Davidson, John do I.rentano John do Cook, J L do 1 BuVM'rie, I F tlo ,liotidinj, J II do I Merten, tftephaii .1 do Coleman, Roswald do j Scnllard, Wm do I Vincent, Elsie do I .VlcCoriitick, Gertrude do I Scollard, Nora do 'Miller, Ceo (i do ; Wells. E y do I Mc'ori,iick, Chaa 1' tlo j MeCorniiek,, J A do j Proctor, Friink F .lo Set iiard, .1 ' do j'Wliitlock, F 1' tlo 1. Myers, (1 W do i Smith, Zella ' tlo I Harper, Clara do llaitman, Josie do . Hurt man, ! 1) do lAVhitloek. C do !HK, W T do j Schieiller, rrank do j Sanders, ) A .lo Keene, H A do I'etersnn Emesit W 'i'litmtin, (i I do 1 ChuiirlN'rlain, Tan T , llowd, Wm H do .-iinipRon, ..Nellit 11 do To.ld, E do inlay, Mrft (ieiirude do .. Meier, t'liarlea do , I'arnett, Frnnk, do Ilullt, Jessie do Xeal. Eiiirenie do j Xeal, Kmhia do j'Hiowii, J'ercy H do ! I'razer, Frank do . i lluhart, A F du 'Hartley H A do I Leo, E O do : itflirciidH, Bonnie H do ... j Miller, J W do j Bowt n, (1 D do j Kiiig, (.'hast H tin Ilauiie, Edwin 1' do ! Ilaillev, J, O do il.-e, t K do I Thompson, Ci II do , Bowers-, Frank H do 'Kiss'il., W J ,1, Dnhl, Otto A do Krun, Fre.l ,)r do Moser, J H do Brow ne, f! .lo Parson uMatule A do steelliammer, Letty tlo Welch, Anna L do Kerr, I) O ,) .'. 'Benlson, Ku.ld do Ames. Xorris II d-.. j Ames, Lora do iScrvic.', May M tlo jCusiter, Ueorjje do iBIatkei'l.y, Sophia M do .. j Aim, Julius, do Palmer, I'earl do j Wilson, Minnie do 'Xtair, J H do j Amleiaoiir Knn tlo I Eastmmi, Myrtle do . Andrews. Amanda do . . Met all, Edna J do ! Keech, (leore do .Spaniol, (jeorxe do I'ollis, ni E do iTIioinns, Eva JJ do jK.c.h. Louisa do I Tat", Lee do I earns, J T tlo IFisher, Joseph do 'Muakers, Bertram W do . jl'enn.'tt, J r; j j Downing, E A do (iehlen, A J do ; Heiderer Antoino do Bnner, 'Edna do 'Mlsslr-r. Lilly- do lllewett, W J d iSaiolci,, T L do 1 (inner, (' F do Il.irhy, C A do i' W ,1,. j McLaughlin, J K Howard, ;. do Hammer, J R do I Howard, Mvrtle do . . iWnlker, Lid'a L do j Burrows, A P do Zinimerniaii, F A do .. Dilt-r A do Sentt. Myrtle M do iDownini' XMfi M An iDarst, : t do i'Etzel, I'ttcr J do ... (Bell. Geo H ,L, j scott, n I) iio !Ta e. W E do fiirardin, John do 1 liunsali.r. Ir W do .Small. I. M do . I'Witzel, R O do . Has-ier, P P do do do"" do i;!Him NEWS ITEMS, (Capital Journal bpeeial Sotviie.) Mehanis, Or, Juae 2T. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Si.ldtiU have sold their fatm to 3.00 3.1M s.00 3.00 3.00 3.2. 3.W j tak iKsesski at nc. m2jor ftwiir.iili Eick From France After Hard Service lU.uige Joluisou Kil Lt liaaeti, ao will The SiddaU'a I Mair Lina W. Xesinith, mho has'' JsH-n 14 months of hard servW ia j France with the 23d rrrnr.efrs, arrived in the citr this moraine from Boston, where h arrival with th remnaitt , but ithe rp on th 9th of June. His work i 011 the eonstrartutn vf ro and orul- : es took him into win tf the hotttiit ; seetots of the French front including . the St. Miliiel and Meuse-Arsonne, and ; while the corps was frequently undVr , fire, he. turn through without an in-! IjurT. He is one of manr Americans ht saw nothing Freeh (hat looked' I .mile 9 In him a the &nn.e Oiini. . j I. A. Dixon ,a brother-in law of R. O. in Ametiea. and this inrlude the j Lee aad proprietor of the ilehama ho- jViemca climate and Hie French ifirls. 3.00 t-l, haa vurehased the homestead ofj ;h him was his neighbor , 3.00 Charles Peters, now deceased, the plate land t'huiu John Bitreh, and along with , 3.20 ; has a fair sized prune orchard and is a this poos au iiit.Test.ntr story. The 3.00 I fine piere of land. I grandfathers of these two fcovs -S-n-1 3.00 j J'rupertv set'ins to be chunking hands 'ator 'a!'- w- -SeSTtiith and Judire . T. ! . coirsideraidv and the man with the pes-' Kiireh took up donation claims aide' '!-Ui, simistie view of the Rrowth and future ib" si,l,, "Par liil krt'i'u i ll4:t ! prosjxt. of our little totvn will find he 1"'! ,ho'r 1'veyhe. Th, fathvt. of ; 3.00 ; . . . . . . .. . Ithe two bovs . 0. enith and T. 1 S. Bureli were rid on the aame ad ; 3 (lP,tl.e toitiiiig of the railrtutd looks favor- ,ilMil,r, srew u1 t0jjt,th,.T 0R tho farl,is, , 3,,,) 'a de. I Quired bovhood's ims and aaiitlea j.uu ...... ,,!.,., vus-, lowtner t'lihsted 111 reiii- metit on the sune dav went through' 1 : . . 1 v..u t . . ... . L 1 3 OXi 1 ru un wr t.n.- pevs taitr rwi I S.lKMand we regie! their goin awav 3.00j wish them success wherever they may 3.0-J , 1 1 3 00 : j R. O. L'C, who came from Iktroit, j Mich., about six months ago, Las pur- 3.0u chased the farm Udonginj to O. L, 3 (Ml 3 tHl ! Morril' ,wr",f' imt north of Mehania 3 iHI labtmt a mile and a half. 3.00 3.00 3 00 ' .... a i.-j.v. ... .j v now mat s.irveyois are on inc ,'rouua, ana the coming ,.f the railroad looks favor- ' able. j Mr. and Mrs. Harry parsons are cos- 3.00 ily domiciled in the t . A. Mulkey bun 3.00 'guluw in the western part of tov.n. Mr. 3.20 j Parsons is boss of a surveying crew , 7.00 sent out by the Lumbering F.i,ymccr- 1 W ill) , iug company. 0 00 j m;ss Anua Slout is exH'ctcd home in a few davs from Fossil. Ore., whera she was called about two weeks ago onj account of the serious illness of her aunt, who was stricken with pneumonia., Mrs. Jessie .Stephens, sister of Missj Stout, left Wednesday night for net j aunt's bedside and will remain until! she is ableto return with her hero. 1 Airs. J. A. Siddull left Wednesday ; 3.00 morning for Astoria,, having been call-,1"1'11 r Disease ... 3.00 ed to the home of nor counsin, Mark Wounded Severely 3.00 ' SiiMu.ll, formerly of Salem, who is ill Wounded (degree 3.00 'with, scarlet fever. His son 3.00 3.00 ti.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 the ar tug.i her, received their dis charge" at the same time and enme home together. , ROLL OF HONOR ! 1 1 The following easunltiea lire teporteil ,, t, '1 i i LJ ''. y .) 1 1 1 r 1 hbij. Is t r H i .3 I 1 if 2 1 s - V V- ' ' Is J lUQOiKllLi . Ji" J i.y tne coniiiiun.liiig general oi American Expeditionary Forces: Killed iu Action Hied from Wounds Died iu Aeroplane Acci.l.nt Died of Accident and Other Causes 1.40 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 C.40 3.00 3.00 umlcrtemiaed).. Honier, I V",,l""H'd Slightly uge 14, is critically ill with tlto Buuij)l1"g Action jninlnily and it is feared he will not re- , ! cover. Mark Siddull moved to Astoria Tottil nbout a year ago and owns a large store jtliem. Ho is a great sportsman, i Mis. II. B. Early left . again Tues 'day morning for Roseburg to give her small son medical attention. I . Oscar Bitlard has returned to Bakef It 11, 40 8 121 1 ; 223 ! TODAY'S BASEBALL SCORE FRIDAY'S GAME National New York-Boston postpone gl'Olllllls, ) wot ('iiicinnal i Pit tillin g Fitilier 11111I and Schmidt. St. Louis Ciiirii.'o Bnlilen and Win" . . K. 5 2 Otulson, II. K. 13 0 (I i Mnvor 3.001' "' urc' utter a week s vuit witn 3.00 Ms parents, Mr. 11111I Mrs. F. A. 3.00 I Mrs. R. H. Champ and four children, 3.00Alta, Elilon, Byron and Dale will leave 3.00 1 Monday morning, the 30th for Cornlle, 0.00 1 Huh., t,, visit th, formers parents, o w M,.. Rd Mrs. L. C. im relatives. I Mrs. Lucy Anderson and daughter of' gjjjj ; yiiiualiy lire visiting at the home off jj'yyiMr. and Mrs. O. L. Morris. 1 S.OO 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 8.40 ti.00 11.00 H.00 ti.Ofl 0.00 (i.OI) li.00 0.00 Jl.HO 11.00 0.00 (1.00 .00 li.00 (1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 turn 0.00 fi.00 0.00 0.00 woo 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Killed in Action. Jerome J Jamiesoii, Seattle 'W itsn. Thomas E Johnson, Oldhnms Va. Joseph JurcwioK, Chicngo II'. Morton Xickell, Cnniiel City Ky. Julius L Reynolds, 111 Reno Oklit. Ernest Siminons, Sidney Mont. Alviu Vincent, Xeillsville Wis. Dl?d of Wounds. Alfonzo Saliirnr, Arroyo Seco, X Mex. Hugh C Smith, Midilletewn Ohio. II it wm th and otherlDisd. from Accident and Other Causes. Charles S Hint, Luncaster X II. Louis Instead, Bergen Norway. John A Lnndiiii8t, Amy Colo, Emilio Mendozn, New York N T. Michael Miklos, Biivonne N J. Walter A Smith, Milerstown I'll. John M Toliins, Hope Hull Ala. Charles E Wagoner, Unld Knob Ark. Died of Disease, (leorge L Allen, Oibbousvillo Idaho. Connie o July 3, 4 and 5 Every person in Marion and Polk counties and the state is invited to attend Take A Trip in the Clouds Call up .02 and leave your name with Mr. McCros key at Salem Commercial club, before July , 1919. The list is filling up fast. The bird man will take you to Silverton and return for a small charge. Snvde 2 Douglass and O'Fnrrell. (Eight innings) So others scheduled American Boston Xew York postponed, lain Wash ington-Fhi hi. lelph in rain. postponed, Cleveland "D.itroit Bug'oy and O Nc and A instil if h. II, 1 (i Thomas; 0 i fi 0 Duuss Chic.'no St. Louis Cieotte and Severeid. (six S dial It; innings) 1 3 Weilninn and President W?soa Will Be First To Sijn Peace Pact Paris, June 27. President Wilson will 'be the first to sign the peace treaty at Versailles tomorrow, it was 3.00 learned from an official source today. 3.00 j Following Premier Cleiueuceau 's am 3.00 I nouiieenieiit that the wwion is opened, "20 I a seertftnrv will carry the document 3.00 (from the center of the, horse shoe tnbls to the French lender, according to pres ent plans. Clemii.'.-nu will then pass it to "Wilson, and pn to Premier Llovd -(leorge, bfi'ore sinning it him self. The other delegates must walk to iilic small table it!iu the horse shoe table to affix thir signatures. 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 '3.00 jVetT., H K do -W i'M-.ller, M T do 3.00 j llunsaker K 1 do 3.00 ! lionet, A' L do 300 McKay, (i A do 3.00 King. H E do 1.00 Docrl'ler, Melviim do .... 3.00 Jones, Amelia do 3.00 (;a.5(in, Mathew Jo 3.00 Humphrevti. ) W do 3.00 i'alnn.r, E M do 3.00 Savage, J C do 3.00 Hall, C M do 3.00 Patterson, liav do fi.xo :., Waid do B.oo j Hall, Fred H do A. 00 Simmons, "al. b A do 6.00 iOoulet (ili'im A do 00 i IVscit,' (ieo do 1.00 I ( oe, li L do 3.00 jnitner, L M tlo 3.00 j Feller, Frances do 3.00Hepp. L O do 3.00 Htanard, E J do 3 00 IVnnel.aker, W I" do 8.40 ; i 1 1 . Corinne B do 3.00 Whitman, C F do 3.00 S'oilard, S F do 3.00 Chapman, Lvdia d S.'Wild.lings, J 6 do . 3.(Kjp.efk, Oe N do 3.00 j Moore, J W do 3.00,Shorev Lrman If do .... 3.00 Hunt,' Jno P do 3.00 Antin, H M do 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 D.00 fi.00 fi.00 fi.00 fi.00 o.oo 8.00 fl.OO fi.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 S.OO 3.00 fi.CO 3.00 3.00 3.00 3. on 3.00 3.00 3.00 3. 00 3.00 3.00 6.50 3.00 3.00 3.0 CURRENT CASUALTIES Died In Aeroplane Accident. Jinnes A Donnghv, Philadelphia Pn. Died from Accident and Other Causes. Henry lily, Topt ka Kan. Hubert W Hand, Staples Minn. C.illvcrt J OW'eil, Clevelt'.rrd Ohio. Died of Disease. Lieut Jefferson A Snyder, Pail An tonio Tax. Edward A Hawkins, Hoboken N Y. Med Brooks, Netherlands Mo. Ignatius J Cnllitnu, Philadelphia Fa. John B Del.oiil, Walnut v.ioui Ky. Charles (1 Dewees, l'liilndelpliiu Pa. Joseph Hi Hnnto, Xew York N Y. Hubert Johnson, Hnniden Ohio. Wi bur I'arruiuore, Taaley I'a. Robert Sullivan, Rutland Va. P011TXAND LABOR COUNCIL I REJECTS STRIKE PROPOSAL Portland, Or., June "7. The eciiirill labor council at its meeting night defeuted a resolution pledging support to the proposed strike of street rnilway earmrn July 4 in svmptitny Willi tue Money strike movement. Just three we ks from the time be was drowned in the l.exehutej river, 3 miles below Bend, the hotly of 17 year old Heriiian H. White was recovered Monday by his stepfather. Try Salem First In Buying Soldiers, Sailors, Marines elcome Home The War Mothers and War Camp Community Ser vice are doing all in their power to make this Home Coming the most enjoyable event of your lives. Reg ister at Commercial Club for Free Passes to all en tertainment, movies, etc. Community Singing Community Singing at 4 and 6 p. m. July 4, at Will son Park. Be sure and attend this event. J. F. IIUTCIIASON, Chairman, 4th July Advertising Committee. If You Can't Buy It Ia Salem Yoa Dent Need It There Is A Store Ia Salem For Your Every Need. One Reason Why Y. M. C.A. Gives Away , i 25 Tons of Writing Paper Every Week r- t s i ' (. ! I ! I! i r i r r 111 i .t 4 f- 4. S it. i i . Ten million sheet of paper and 10,000,000 envelopes are used every week by doughboys and sailors writing In T. M.C.A. huts. This means that when the Aaieri. an aol dier and "gob" take their pons In hand to drop a few lines, they drop not less than a dozen tons of words Into the mall boxss every stvea days. It Is actually much more, for this takes Into aceount only tba serrlea which tba "Y" furnishes tha tha Army and Navy, througb "Y" huts are the favorite writing rooms for the boys everywhere. This photograph t.hows a group ef them, with the 8. R. O er.nttngslit la the background, watting to g chnet the tablna. . M