Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 28, 1919, Page PAGE ELEVEN, Image 11

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' 4
f 1
You can earn from
$3.00 to $5.00
Per Day
Picking cherries and berries if you owned a
KDn 8 FOOTWEAR By New State Licensing Law
Robbers Cf Store At Sflverton
Take Shoes All Of Same
It brings the farms close to you, for you can ride out
early in the morning, and back to town in the after
noon. You can make the wheel pay for itself in a few
weeks time.
Come in and let us explain how you can buy a
airy W.Scott
Distributors for Harley-Davidson Bicycles
and Motorcycles
147 S. Commercial St. ' Phone 68
Bicycle Races July 4th Ask for Particulars
The thief or thieves who bioke into
the store of Julius Aim of Silvcrton
Wednesday uight were partial to men's
shoes number 8 as all of the eight pairs
jof shoes stolen were of this number, ex
eoptiug oue pair of tun laec English
'shoes and this one pair was number
' Being somewhat familiar with eondi
tions, after helping themselves to eight
pairs of shoos, the thieves broke a wood
on partition botwen the Alms store
and thet grocery store of Byrings k
: Ranks and instead of going after mer
chandise, devoted their time to U.e safe
where the valuables were kept.
Hero again the robbers went at
things r a familiar way as it stems
in dosing the sr.fc for that evening,
the proprietors had taken the trouble
to onlv turn tho combination ono way
but not throw off the whole eoniblna J tltitt ami third-class certificates
accordingto what lint of work a man is
to follow.
The examinations, which arc now in
course of preparation, will be classified
so asto accommodate the various class
es of automobile specialists. As the
Through Benton County!
way, sixteen feet wide of hard sur
face javin looks mighty good and
ridus liko city paving, it is built on a
hiirh trradfl and lonnm nn likn th runt
rin. g,T7,Prin8rnh?f t"e hot stuff a day now, and
Corvalk. to. completed from the c.ty;tll9 entire tM mile, of rad
W. to a pout about two mJc, north,! hed r i(,ly toward c0 letion
ZtLfllr trr,: 9 'T0''1'0' Huber.-Vorvalli. UazcUe
cutting thrugb. to the Albany road. In Times
about two weeks it will be completed; , , ,
to the Southern Pacific railroad cross-'
ii.2. and once there work will he .ton. " BAUUSKS AUBFTJSD
lH'd and continued this wmv fmm fh MEDICAL CAMOUFLAGE i
Polk county 'line. It is the intent to
run tho roadwav west of the Southern
Pacific line and thus cut out the two
tion. All the thieves bad to do to get
into the safe was to turn back the
'combination and the safe opened.
From the safe they helped themselves
to $100 worth of liberty bonds, $95
i worth of war saving stamps in the
'name of J. F. Bunks, 130 in checks on
i Silvcrton banks, $130 in currency and
$20 in small change.
In the Aim store, they pried open the
cash register but found only 30 pennies
which they deemed not worth taking.
The thieves entered the Aim stoto by
clinibini two trees, getting o:ito the
roof and down through the skylight
Thev went out the sunie wny. Wieiiff
Xccuhnm requests any one having of
fers of merchandise or liberty bonds
that might have come from either More
to notify the sheriff's office at Salcin.
(La Grande Observer)
A certain "1). V. " who may bo a
bad crossings. The work on this stretch doctor of divinity but is probubly a
can be (lone to better advantage later, do0,or ot denistry, bearing the appro-
benco the failure to continue paving ; llrll"u nn,o or aionier, writes an iuum-
straight through. The completed road-
FHuDblnK and Wator Systems Installed
by GBAEE3 BROS, 141 South Liberty
8t, Phone 650. Also agont for Fair-banks-Morse
Qas Engine.
inatiug letter to ono of the papers in
regard to professional terminology.
"I have noticed," he says, "hat a
medical man's practico broadens with
his scope of vocabulary; also that it is
fur earner to command a largo fco for
exodoutia than for itooth-yanking,
though both terms mean the same
Ho suggests, therefore, applying the
same principle in barber shops. Thus:
"Instead of treating a man's scalp for
dandruff, operate on hi in fur seborrhea
sicca; instead of a haircut, perform a
cnpillisectomy; instead of applying
tonic, call it cnpilliculturej and lastly,
instead of tho massage, practice a little
Try Salem First In Buw
Thermeid Brown Inner Tubes
Thermoid brown inner tubes have been perfect
ed by the same accurate, scientific methods that
made Thermoid casings possible.
In their manufacture, only selected up-river
fine Para is used, combined with the smallest per
centage of other ingredients necessary to touchen
and strengthen the stock, to allow vulcanization and t
to prevent blooming and the deterioration natural to
pure gums.
Thermoid brown inner ubes will not become bag
gy, wrinkled or pinched, but return to their original
shape and dimensions after inflation- They can be
repaired over and over again and be as serviceable t
as when new.
By the Thermoid method of compounding crude
rubber the fibre or grain of the rubber is not de
stroyed. This produces a tube which will resist to the
utmost the stress and strain all inner tubes must
bear in service.
The stock used in Thermoid' brown tubes has a
specific gravity of $.987, shows a tensile strength
of approximately 2000 pounds to the square inch, i
and will stretch over WO per cent. V hen stretched
to four times its length a tube will return to within
three per cent of is original lengh.
This tube is of extremely heavy construction.
The stock is calendered and must gauge within .00:
of an inch 'or it is rejected. The time allowed in
curing, and the pressure and temperature must be
Automatic temperature and time controllers in
sure this and they are installed on all heaters in
which Thermoid brown inner ubes are vulcanized.
This means that the product must be of uniform
strength and toughness.
The splices are most carefully fitted and the
valves are applied accurately, a method of cure for
the valve base being used which makes separation
Thermoid Brown Tubes MUST make good, or
we will.
f Phone
Sheriff Finds County Ja3 Bars
Nearly Severed With
Hack Saw.
Ned McKhorry, who has been staying
in the county jail at the court house
for several days, under a rharge of Is
suing checks on banks wherein he had
;o funds, iiiudu at attempt at jail de
livery Inst evening.
While making his usual evening In
spection of tho jail, Sheriff W. I. iNeed
1mm discovered that all of the iron bars
of the cell in which McShorry is placed
at night, and also the iron bars of the
corridor, where prisoners arc kept in
the dnr time, had been almost complete
ly sawed through.
The sheriff found in Mc81icrry's cell
three steel liRck saws, each about three
inches long and half an inch wide, an
wtih them n tin handle about four inch
es lme. Inserting the saws in the
handle, it was but a question of time
and patience to saw through the iron
bars of tin- cell and corridor.
It seems that McShcrry had both and
that he had devoted nil his leisure mo
mentsto sawing almost through ail the
iron bars that stood between him and
McHherry professed to know nothing
whatever about the steel saws found in
his ceil, although he is the only inmate
of the coutny jail and the five bi.rs
that had been sawed off showed signs
of recent work.
It Is customary to give county pris
oners the liberty of the corridor ot the
jail in the basement of t,le court house
during the daytimo and to lock them
up in cells at night. McShcrry had
not only sawed through the bars of his
cell, but bad shout completed the job
of sawing through the cars of the corri
dor. He is now in solitary confinement
aiwl will probably remain theie until
his rase is disponed of by the grand
Begular instruction began Monday
morning in the reserve officers' train
ing corps camp at the Presidio. Near
ly 0 Oregon men are in attendance. J
5000 Auto Mechanics Effected
It is estimated that there are about ; the state ,and is also placing them with
3000 auto mechanics in the state of . the county clerks. They may j.h be
Oregon. They may be divided iuto five obtained direct from the auto inechen
gcneial classes efficient, mediocre, .ics examination board by applying to
oao, worse ana xaiai. 11 is apparent at Box oi, i'ortlaud.
To carry out the work systematically,
a glence Jhat the high graders are in
the minority; and it waa because of this
fact that the last legislature provided
by statute for the board of examiners
for auto mechanics. This board eoni-
the board will start about July 5 on a
tour of the state, stopping at some
convenient points in each eountv to
.hold examinations. With regard to
pleted organization recently by the i these Mr. Uranning says:
election of E. E. Boggess, of IoiUand,! "The examination given will cover
aa president; H. B. . Puncher, of The the various specialized artivties of the
Dalles, vice-president; Prof. II. L. , auto trades, such as general mechanics,
Grnnning, of Corvallis, secretary. shop men, tire men, starting, lighting
These men have been "thrcjgh the and ignition specialists, battery men,
mill" and rank high as authorities on, auto sheet metr.1 workers, radiator men.
mechanical science, and will be able to "It is the intention of the board to
recognize incompetence under any sort offer at least forma of examination,
of camouflage. Early in July they will j namely: Written, oral and manual,
begin on a- long series of examinations . these to be put up in a manner that can
that will give tho overall squad a 1 1 understood by an mechanic. Tue ap
chance to show how much it knows plicant niav take examination in any or
about automobile construction and re
juvenation. ' Every man who works for
hire on autombiles must take this ex
amination and then procure a license
before pursuig his vocation further. The
work will be so graded t to provide
ford car is the most numerous, an ex
clusive Kord examination will be pre
pared for mechanics who aro voufincd
to Ford stations. Good results aio ex
pected from this low and its operation
will be watched with interest by other
Mr. Grauning announces that he is
ow distributing tho required blanks
to all garages and dealers throughout
all of the subjects for which, in his own
opinion, he is qualified. I'pon comple
tion of tho examination, applicants will
be rated according to their ability iuto
at least three classes.
Practical Examination Aim.
"The board will not conduct a theo
rcticr.l examination, as this would not
be fair to the many excellent mechan
ics who have had no theoretical train
ing, but will confine itsoli to a prae
tirul examination. The classification of
auto mechanics is intended to serve a
dual purpose: First, to give credit
hcro due, cud second to act as an in
centive to other mechanics to inc.-ense
their knowledge and efficiency along
craft lines, and to improve their posi
tions. This will undoubtedly result in
a few yeurs in making Oregon auto me
chanics the best workmen of their (in ft
to be found anywhere. The car owner
will ba one of those most bem filed."
Clews Says Reserve System
Not Functioning Properly
Xew Tork, June 21, 1919.
The situation at Puris and Weimar
and the question whether tho German
representatives will or will not sign the
peace treaty in the slightly amended
form which has been offered to tiicin
still constitutes the central and over
never before become the key to the
stock market.
Are Stocks Too High?
In view of the evident anxiety Unit Is
being exhibited with respect to tho use
of reserve funds, resulting as already
shadowing question of international , m'en ln 'K" money rates, the question
business and finance. Eventually the '8 fllirlv a!iKC(1 whether stocks are too
Germans must accept the terms which hlJ!hf Th cour8 ot events during the
are offered to them, even though there
may be an interval of hesitation or re
fusal before the inevitable is leached.
Meantime this protracting of tho dis
cussion is naturally a source of some
anxiety is regurded only temporary is,
however, indiluted by tho active efforts
now on foot for arranging the peaceful
financing of our export trado upon a
grand scale,
foreign financial conditions have thus
become tho dominant factor in our se
pnat week does not indicate that the
country thinks so, great power of recov
ery being shown ou Tuesday and Wed
nesday, fio ono can safely bo a pro
phet in tho present circumstances, yet
the indication would seem to bo clear
that Blocks are not as yet due for any
prolonged decline, while tho money sit
uation will probubly prevent them from
showing any sensational or dangerous
advance. This would seem to mean that
that tho stock market is in a mole or
curities ninrket. How to finance ourjls (for it) stable situation likely, of
export trndo on some sound basis Is course, to suffer tips and down, while
much more than an export problem. It K'ven stocks may still afford good spee
involves the question how much money lulalive possibilities. Pur tho present
shall be allotted to domestic financing;" ' not ns likely as heretoforo to nn
and to the support ot speculative oper-! lergo marked chungea In cither diree
ations at home. This situation came toMion or will undego them when they oc
a point lust week with the establish- !r only temporarily. Whether stocks
mcnt of a rate for call money which too high in the earnings bcusc must
at one time reached 13 per cent, and I remain to bo demonstrated as tho eoun
with the recognition on the part of both 'try works further through the crop sea
federal officials and local bankers thai "on. At present agricultural conditions
the time hnd come for some action jecm to be of the very best, while the
which would be conclusive. Thia feel- diittinrt improvement in the iiou and
ing hus given riscto the cstublismiieut ; teel trade has encouraged business men
of committees and the calling of eon- "d manufacturers, topper Is moving
feiences designed to produce some defi
nite result within a comparatively short
time. The result, whatever it may be,
will exert the utmost influence upon
general market conditions. It is to be
expected that we shall not succeed in
financing the export trado upon tho
very high and abnormal level now ex
isting, but it is also to bo expected that
we shall show both tho good sense and
consideration for tho needs of European
industry which will provide for reason
able accommodations to foreigners.
Hooey and Stocks.
The stork market has nut fully tin
lerstood the peculiar new conditions to
which it is subji-ct under tho federal
reserve system. There was a deficit of
reserves at the close of lnt week and
this deficit could most easily bo mado
up by larger discounting at federal re
serve banks for the purpose of estab
lishing greater reserve credits on the
books of the banks. In apitn of this' financing. As already intimated, the
call money promptly bounded upward j need of soiun positive action is already
as in the old days when a deficit of re- j admitted by those who are studying
serves meant a necessary curtailment of 0r export relationship. It is also con
loans. The fact is that the federal re-! ,,.,in,i, however, that such action must
Catherine 11. fcweaucy, defendant. Sun-1 serve system could supply very much involve the real absorption of securities
, - 1
J , V 1
f '
If yon have wood to cut or wish to operate light machinery around
tho farm you need one of these machines.
Ask your dealer for information rr write the
473 East Main St, Portland, Oregon
v-- i j
Let Our Experts Repair
Your Tires
Don't neglect the tread cuts, the stone bruises
and other tire troubles. A stitch in time saves nine.
We can make your tires go 20 per cent further
if you use our Repair Service
No charge for a thorough inspection. We will
tell you the exact cost of any needed repaire before
we tackle the job. If your tires cannot be success
fully repaired, WE'LL TELL YOU.
Our Tire Saving Department is saving a lot of
money and mileage for car owners.
Try our Tire Saving Service.
Call us by phoneWe'll get your tires and de
liver them again, in good order.
Oswald & Savage
178 South' Commercial Street
Phone 094 ' Salem, Oregon.
Of the State of Oregon for Mario1
County, Department No. 2
Edward I). Sweeney, plaintiff, vs.
more freely and nt better values, and
priics are certainly high enoughs and
rifing both nt home and abroad. Darr
ing some unfavorable European develop
incut, it would appear that nothing ex
cept somo tinforseen interference of
Providence could prevent prosperity j
from continuing to increase during the1
present season. With financial condl-j
tions as well "stabilized" as they now,
are, even in the face of heavy govern
ment demands and undoubtedly dlffl-i
cult problems to be met in some biftnch-
es of the export truile, stocks should
be in a anfe position for a good while
to come.
New Securities Offerings.
The new securities offerings originat
ing with domestic enterprises art al-j
ready unprecedented, but they are like-1
ly to be followed by offerings of a
new kind those growing out of foreign
to a hazard.
Gold and Prices.
The desirability of providing mod
uralely for tho financing of our export
iiide, and ut the sumo time of absorb
ing some very attractive securities by
tlu (Xercisu of n little thrift ought. to
be obvious to Investors who lime becu
as well trained as ours have been dur
ing the course of tho wur. Wo do not
want commodity prices to go niiuh high
er tlinn they are nt present, yet tucy
will certainly do so if we continuo to
spend our savings in making a demand
for goods which Europe In at the same
time trying to buy. l'nrticulnily will1
this bo true if wo insist on getting paid!
in gold for the baluncc that is due us.
Si ii co the gold embargo was taken off, j
we hnve lost lome yellow metal, al-j
thoueh hardly enouirh to offset our re
cent gains from domestic production I
and importations. Prices are rising
both here and in England us tho curieut'
index i.umbcrg show, and the need inr
saving is again emphasized both by
hi'.h tales for money and good retnrns
on investments, unusunl values for
slocks and real estate and demands for
fundi fnr fnrciirn finncincr All infill-
i lies seem to combine to urge upon the
individual tho desirability ot tlirilt and
fie (Kief ui investment of his funds in
some of the forms now so numerous thut
lannot help pacing him good returns.
One Killed Two Wounded
in Attempted Hold Up
flienton, III., June 27. One
i.nmlit was killed, three em
ployes were shot and 41,0l)(
stolen early this morning when
the Middlo Fork mine., two
miles from Benton, was rob
bed. Th robbers escaped in an
automobile. A poe of 2U0 cit
izens' is fololwing them.
Tn an a'-'empt to avoid striking a
woman R. Y. Wiley, deputy sheriff at
Vnncoiiver, was thrown Ifrom a motor
cycle, receiving injuries which render
ed him unconscious for two hours.
4 imons.
To, Catherine H. Bweaney, defend
'ant: In the name of the state of Oregon:
Yon are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled court on or be
fure the 28th day of July, 191 W, and it
jyou fail So to appear and answer for
want thereor, trie plai'itiff will apply
to the court for the whoi? of the relief
demanded in his complaint, towit:
That the marring existing betwern
yon and the plaintiff be dissolved and
held for naught.
Ton are hereby notified thst triia
summons is served upon you by pub
lication in the Daily Cepitsl Journal,
a dailv newspaper of general circulat
ion, pri ted and published at flulem,
Oregon. The date of the first publica
tion or this summons Is June 4li
larger reserves through the rcdist ount by the American public. The securities
process, if it chose to do so, and tlujin,,y ,P 0f a kind issued by foreign en
funds thus provided if once obtained tcrpriscs and resold here, or they may
by the member banks could be used in foe tne result of local financing in
any way that the bsnks might see fit, which American bsnks will participate
whether for aeculation or fur snme oth- go that the American banks wiil par
er purpose. The member banks have rc- t-cipate so that the Americsn invcitoT
discounted heavily on the strength of g,.it the benefit of a guarantee fur
lilierty bonds and certificates of o-. niflhtd by domestic Institutions which
debtedncss as collateral, and It is in c knows. However the value of the l
this way that a good deal of the recent ,w, mny be safeguarded, the point Is
upward movement in the stoca market thgj t),ey must be absorbed and paid
has been financed. But the warnings fur out of savincs. This is no time for!
sent out by the fcileral reserve board recurrence of extravagance, but it is
and its call for information a to the 'already. apparent that such a tendency
use of rediscount proceeds necessarily j exists, and that it will make itself iniin- j
have caused tome anxiety to banwera jf,.,t unless checked. The reason for'
who were already carrying large lines j checking it is that the banks of tho I
and who would naturally hesitate to put country cannot be Xwted to carry the1
themselves into any position that might load of European S'lpeort pei.dn.g the)
invoke legitimate criticism. The re-'time when European business men eet
1919. and the date of the last cubll- i serre system has not functioned as tt into position to take rare of theb Ives.
cation is July !th, 1919. (was expected to in this particular. It Undoubtedly whatever plan U adopted
Too are further notified that this has reasons to how for it peculiar p-! will therefore give rise to some very at-
nmirnris is served upon veil by pub- sition regarding speculation in that it . tractive offerings of securities. The
'cation pursusnt to an order of the
TTornmMe George fj. Fineham, judge
of tlie above entitled eon't, made nn
the 11h daT of June. 1P19. renniring
mar inn summons be PUMihel once a
J. B. Hileman
291 N. Commercial St. I WMk tnt ,ix - in snid!n,ie upon will in no small measuie reg
had been called upon to finance the investor who has a little money to spare
treasury so largely snd at low and sta-1 will be able to dn better for himself
bio rates, fit, II the fct remains that .than for a good while past. Now that
u is me greai ih"ht ui m-iyij i, .,..,. mucn or Trie crewm dss own ssinimea
and that the policies that it may deter-
7 25 Attorney for plaintiff.
ulaie those of the actual lending banks,
la short the money situation baa aa
off from stocks, it may eai!y be that
the market for bonds or notes will offer
the next best opening to the prudent
man with money who prefers certain!
and all
lands of
....8c lb.
...8c lb.
5c lb.
...12c lb.
...12c lb.
Royal Ann Cherries
Bings, Lamberts ..
Other Varieties ...
Red Raspberries
Black Cap Raspberries .lOc lb.
Blackberries (Lawtons)..8c lb.
Loganberries 8c lb.
Evergreen Blackberries..6c lb.
Bartlett Pears.... $60 per ton
We furnish boxes and crates. 8tra-
berry crates for sale.
Cone a-d see us before you sell.
WarehouseHigh and Ferry Sts.
Office 512 State St. Salem, Oregon