Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 27, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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I "
ome 11
July 3,4 and5
Every person in Marion and Polk counties and the
state is invited to attend
Take A Trip in the Clouds
Call up 302 and leave your name with Mr. McCros
key at Salem Commercial club, before July 3, 1919.
SThe list is filling up fast. The bird man will take
l fvt j. j a. r it . i
you 10 auveriun ana return lor a small cnarge.
Soldiers, Sailors, Marines
Welcome Home
The War Mothers and War Camp Community Ser
vice are doing all in their power to make this Home
Coming the most enjoyable event of your lives. Reg
ister at Commercial Club for Free Passes to all en
tertainment, movies, etc.
Community Singing
Community Singing at 4 and 6 p. m. July 4, at Will
son Park. Be sure and attend this event.
J. F. HUTCHASON, Chairman,
4th July Advertising Committee.
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Munraotita, Juo 27. sVmk is pro
gressing nicely on the iMWt ruad be
Iwtfii Monmouth aid Independence.
The e rasrd rock is being spread and
hr the mi. tile of nest wpek the pac
ing will have Wgiia. Just bow the road
is eioed to traffic nwssitatinsr. a de
tour of albout two mile for the baa,
which meets the K P. train and car
ries the mail, and for all o-thtr traffic
earning to Monmouth from the direc
tion of Independence.
At the annual buwaea meeting of
school district Mo. 13, held "Monday
sight, who'll Ukx ia Monmouth and
vu-irtity, two directors and eeerrtary
and treasurer were elected. Kor direc
tor. Ira C". Powell was reelected. Mr.
Mina t'orenius was also reelwtcd aee-retary-treasurer
by unanimous vote.
To fill the vacancy lrft by the resigna
tioa erf Jacob (Smith, A. It. JHorlaa was
i'ho'n. The finaikoiaJ report disclosed
the fact that there ia the district 254
children of school age, about equally
divided as to set. bighty eight were
enrolled in the high school. Kight teach
ers are employed for the high and
grade schools at the average salary of
At the regular meeting of Agate
Kifl)tkh loili,e last Thursday night,
Sirs. K. M. J-Jlilbert was given the de
gree, after which rofrwhtnents of ice
cream and cake wore served and a
good sonial time enjoyed by all.
II. ('. tfcrtnin who has been in the
" Y " service in Prance for over a year
returned to Monmouth Saturday eve
ning, lie will resume his .place as head
of 'the department of mathematics In
the :Nrm:U school.
A load otf concrete tile to be used In
Hie eonstnirtion of the Monmouth-Independence
potf road, arrived Mon
day hy trailer hitched to Willamette
Valley Transfer truck.
Mi-u 'Daphne Owtrom came up from
I 'or tin mi for a week end visit with
i home folks.
Monmouth is at present without a
shoe repair "hop, since Kverett Kvans
closed doors aud left for the harvest
field of eastern (h-cgon lait week.
Mitvt Domia Mitson is planning to at
tend the t'apitul Jtusiness college in
Salem this summer.
Mii-s Mildred Oldmsa and mother of
Kings Valley are occupying the Sam"
Morrin itilace south of town, for the
summer school season, while Miss Mil
dred attends.
Robert Minkle hud tha misfortune
to 4reak his arm recently while erank
iug a Cord belonging to Mr. McCaldj.
Hoveral off our wide awake duirvmon
attended the Jersey cattle sale at -'arI-
ton tuHt week and showed their faith
in the future of the dairy ibusiness by
mnking -several important purchases of
the t arey stock, f rank Loughary paid
'J1D0 for a ten day old calf; Uuy Hew
ett of the liuckiamute bought a four
year old cow for IIMO; 1. ). l'owell
six year old cow for fbsO, bmmet
Htuats 3Mkit $1100 for a seven months
old bull and John Palmer a bull calf
for IM.
David OampbeU of Monmouth and
Mrs, Margaret lKweh-Joselyn of. Port
land wore married Thursday Juue 19,.
in Portland.
V. V. Willsey and family and Carl
Dickson, wife and small son motored
over from Halem Humfcay for a visit
with the Ostroms at Huiinhiini Farm,
Mr. WiHscy is a brother of Mrs. Out rem
In a letter from . If. IVvine, see-n-tarr
A, B. H. M. society, to Rev. E.
H. Psce, Iwal 'ltnptiist minister, Mr.
leviiie says, "We have scheduled
Monmouth for a $1(1,000 investment."
I. nlcr the foLlowlug telegram was re
ceived from the same source, "New
Vork, June 12. Buy the Maples prop
erty. Hoard will act Monday. Will work
out plan of rooperntion and report by
letter." Itev. Pace is "modern"
minUter, very liberal and fully alive
to the need of "modern" people and
it is believed that thru his influence
a modern social center will be erected
in Monmouth. We await developments.
t Deals In Real Estate ?
Prune Orchard Co. to Hcrfbt. Pa ulna,
Leonard Orasly to Christian tlrasly,
DiS.'.'tl aeres in Peter 11cleiue claim
Leo Mcintosh to W. M. Sargent, lots
i and fl, lilock 77, N. Salem.
K II. Prnthers to K. Horton, lots US
and 34; flrabenhorst f ruit farm.
nun- 'ri-umii a. m num. iiiiiui, land 4; tlraoentiorst f ruit rarm.
7t.t,'l acres in Kd Himiiions elnlm 25- I W. T. Coleinun to A. ,R. Coleman,
) 3 W. 11.11 acres in A. Chamberlain claim 4,H-
4 2 W.
.Iiw(ih Tilianski to Aug (liriMensen,
K half of iSK iiiarter and W half of
r. quarter set'tinu -4 n 2 K.
I.uelln Kijirlvall to Kimball school,
part of block 7.1, lN. Walem,
A. W. W'illboard to Wm. Anderson,
lot .1, llurwts (larden tracta.
Klia R. Heisa to Kegel ts, lot 4(1,
Hmiths 'rnit farm No. 2.
The Hood River Canning company is
f.ving a h'lior ill irtage fScoret of wo
nitr. are needed f'.r hiilUng fruit. Tne
concern's payroll for last week exceed-
ed iooo.
I ' 15 S ' ' fTv.?iiia
The breakfast that
never keeps him waiting
You are smiling and unhurried, and breakfast is
ready on the dot when it's Aunt Jemima Pan
cakes! For it takes but a jiffy to beat up the
batter before you know you've started you are
taking the hot brown cakes from the griddle;
and everything's ready as soon as the coffee is!
All the ingredients come ready mixed in Aunt
Jemima Pancake Flour specially ground cereah,
baking powder, even sweet milk so you add .
nothing but water. And oh, how those pancakes t
do taste! They're America's favorite breakfast!
Ask your grocer for a package today. Try it for
muffins, too.
- 'IF -
'I'se in town, Honey!"
Cnerrlfht !!. AnUm:m UUU Ohm.it. k j.Kned. nin-iri
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Lyons, June 27. Mrs R. Trask has
returned home after spendiug some
time in Portland.
Miss Leta Bckleson is the assistant
oiwrator at the telephone office for a
few days.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J, Hiatt motored
to Htnyton Tuesday alftornoon.
Miss Alta Brown is in Salera attend
ing Mummer school.
Ray J. For is reshingling his resi
dence. Miss Kirtma Lyons has returned home
after visiting relatives.
Roy Wiley spent tho week end at
his home in Iyons.
Kd Jackson has purchased the WU
liams property down the railroad track
whero he expects to niako his home.
Charles Hiatt motored to Oregon
City Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. William Edler spent
Sunday in Albany.
Miss Anna Kinhen is assisting in
the Jioarding houe at lloreb.
Ralph Trask is now working kt As
toria. 8ol Urown is .still logging a little.
There are several , of the farmers
busv with their hav now adays.
Libbys Pork and Beans No. 2....18c
Borax Chips, per pkg 33c
Snow Flake Sodas, large pkg 33c
Sweetheart Toilet soap, :i bars 23c
Crystal White soap, 5 bars 23c
Citrus Washing Powder, pkg 23c
Dill Pickles, large can 23c
Elastic Starch, pkg 13c
Golden West coffee, 2 1-2 pound
can $1.23
Saratoga Chips, 2 pkgs 23c
1000 Isle Dressing 13c
Mount Hood Blecghing Soap,
4 for 23c
Powdered Sugar, 2 lbs for 23c
New Potatoes, per lb 5c
Post Toasties, 2 for 23c
White Pears, 3 lbs 23c
Mexican Red Beans, 4 lbs 23c
Folgers Shasta Tea, 1-2 lb 25c
Mason Jar Tops, dozen .27c
Peanut Butter, lb 16c
(Capital .lournnl Special Service)
Mtnyton, June 27.--ti. R. Thomas is
here from Mill City, and is busy put
ting new shingles on the roof of the
home of W. II. tlobson.
Mrs. M.iv l,erg'uin of, Portland is
visitinjr at the home of her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. T. 4'. Crftbtree, and with
other relatives and friends.
Adam Kchlies, who lives in T.inn conn
ty, a couple of miles west of Stayton,
has put in a new irrigation plant, tak
mk his water from the Santiam river
with a pump run by a pisoline engine.
Ho has forty acres that he expects to
Two men are at Mehnma, making
tho hotel there their headquarters, and
are putting in their time doing work
preparatory to the extension of the rail
road that runs up the Abiqtia river
from Silvcrton. It ia stated that the
road will cross tho divide somewhere
ahovo Meliama.
Nick GcymcT and daughter, Miss
Xettie, of Milwaukie, Or., were in
town aeveral days this week. Mrs.
(Jeymer remained at home to take care
of 'affair .there. Their son Ifenry is
now in Alaska, going up to try his
hand at. working tit the salmon can
neries for a season.
Miss I'roadu Allis and Joseph Span
iel, two well known young people of
this place, were married Tuesday morn
ing in the Catholic church toy Uev.
Lainck. Quite a number of friends and
relatives were out to witness the cere
mony. The ihride lis a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs.' W. B. AJUs, and the groom
ia a son of Oeo. Upaniol. Both have
many friends who will join your cor
respondent in congratulations. They
will make their home in a house in the
west part of town, where the groom
will foe near his work.
Charles A. Frank returned the first
(If the week from serviee in the army.
Ho was one of the first to leave here,
Wt did not git across, 'being most of
the time in one of the enmps in the
Mr. and Mrs. Ben (rehlen were iu
Salem several days this week, Mrs
tlehlen being taken there for an oper
ation for nppendieitis.
The city; hall and fire house is tak
ing nn some needed repairs.
John A. Clark and family left Wed
nesday for Castle Rock, Wah.( where
be will toe employed. Mr. Clark was
employed in the woolen mill here for
some time.
The funeral of Mrs. Michael Streflf
na held in the Catholic church Wed
nesday morning, conducted Iby Rev.
Lainrk. There was a very large at
tendance of friends audi neighbors. In
terment was made in the Stayton Cath
olic cemetery. Besides her husband she
leaves five sons and five daughters
Matt of Ft. Dodge, Iowa, Mrs. Petw
Areuil of H. Dakota, Joe and Hick of
No-Vary Grocer
Geraldine Farrar in
You will see her fight
and whip the bold
.-of the western plains
Galore in this Stirring
drama Miss Farrar's
greatest triumph.
Ye Liberty
Ft., Dodge, Iowa, Charles of Mill City,
fMr. John Braun of Seio, Mrs. Jacob
Hpaniol, Mrs. Herman Marking, Misa
Emma and Leo of Stayton. Bhe was 73
years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Armid and
Matt Streltf came from the east to ba
present at the funera.1.
Jos Hammau will close his ham the
first of tho mouth and devele all hi
time to his auto stag?.
Tho Brown -Petrel C'o. will begin
driving logs down the river from tha
arriiigton place in a few days.
Don't Experiment with Catarrh; :
It Often Leads ta Dread Ccnsiinpticn.
Yon WIQ Never Be Cored With
Sprays and Douche.
Catarrh ii a condition of the blood
and can not b cured by local appli
cations of tprayi and douches; this
' has been proven by the thousands who
have vainly resorted to this method
of treatment.
Catarrh should not be neglected or
' experimented with. The wrong treat
ment it valuable time lost, during
I which the disease is getting a firmer
hold upon its victim, and making it
more difficult for even the proper
treatment to accomplish results.
(Though Catarrh makes its first ap
pearance in the nostrils, throat and
air passage, the disease becomes more
and more aggravated anil finally!
reaches down into the lungs, and
everyoiiw iciuhiiizcb uic i. g
dition that results when the lungs are!
affected. Thus Catarrh may be the:
forerunner of that most dreaded and
hopeless of all diseases, consumption.!
No local treatment affords perma
nent relief. Experience has taught1
attacks the disease at its source, the
blood, and produces satisfactory re-'
suits in even tha worst cases. Catarrh ;
sufferers are urged to give S. S. S.;
a thorough trial. It is sold by all',
druggists. You are invited to write to'
the Medical Department for expert
advice as to how to treat your own!
rase. Address Swift Specific Co, 251.
Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. f
Granite Ware
Beautiful dishes and dinner sets in white and gold also the plain white and blue
bird design. Moderately priced along with the excellent quality makes them
an attractive purchase. ) : :
Just Received
A shipment of granite ware in the maltese finish, triple plated, with heavy
steel base will wear a life time- Try our new scientific glass baking utensils.
No more soft crusts in pies or cakes burned on the bottom. Get a complete
outfit today.
Remember the can
ning season is here.
Buy your jars and
cans now.
wHIW ft"AirlT.Y..t
Lets go over the top
with the Salvation
Armj . Don't wait for
them to see you. Beat
'em to it
"The Quality Store"
m Corn! Street
Thone 400
Try Sakm First Ia Bajfag